Tiger Woods Tee Drill

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The Tiger Woods Tee Drill has not only helped Tiger win over 80 tournaments, it will help you learn key fundamentals that will build up to your full swing. You can buy the Roll the Rock Putting Mat here!

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February 17, 2025
Hi Chuck, was hoping to get a quick progress check. I’ve got a few hours in. Just moved onto chipping but want to verify putting is where it needs to be before going too far. Thanks!

February 17, 2025
Stroke is looking really good. I would narrow the feet quite a bit so your balance is better and this will reduce upper body movement
February 18, 2025
Can you advise on the putting drill with a mallet putter? Is the release still possible or do you advise the use of a blade & toe balanced putter?
February 11, 2025
a face balanced putter works fine with this drill. It doesn’t have to have toe drop
February 12, 2025
It seems the grip is slightly different from the grip you taught at grip chapter? This one the thumb is more at 12 o'clock, whereas in the grip chapter the thumb is more to the 11 o'clock position?
February 3, 2025
Its a littler weaker with the putter due to the shape of the grip
February 4, 2025
Hello, what about if I am using a very big grip for putting, will this still work?
February 1, 2025
They are not ideal because it is trying to take your hands completely out of the stroke
February 1, 2025
Hi I know you only like a few training aids But What’s your thoughts of the Pelz putting tutor - I was using this for my indoor practice, as it gives feedback as to whether I am starting the putting on line or not. Thanks.
January 28, 2025
I’m not familiar with it but the putting mirror that we offer in the store does everything that you want is simple cheap and small so it can fit in your bag
January 28, 2025
It’s similar design but, it’s not a mirror. You place two small ballbearings approx 8 inches in front of the ball (3 different widths) on either side of the path/line. With the goal of putting through the gap. Gives instant feedback if you were successful or not. The narrowest gap has next to no room for error. I will check out the mirror.
January 28, 2025
Love this and hate it at the same time!

January 8, 2025
Need more set and less arm swing. Hand shouldnt mover very far on that short of a putt
January 8, 2025
Trying to figure out what the optimal gap to be left between the inside of the tees and the putter head. I found things become more challenging for me (started today) when the gap is 3mm or smaller. Half of the time the club head would brush the inside of a tee. The ball still goes into the club most of the time when this happens, but it's difficult to completely avoid the brush. Any suggestion? Should I keep it at around 3mm for now?
January 6, 2025
With a bit more practice I figured that if I keep my head in absolute stillness, the putter will not touch the tees when it passes through. Question - is a completely still head desired in this drill? I watched some follow up videos which talked about head moving forward or back due to the dynamic of the swing, I wanted to make sure I am not building a wrong foundation in this phase. Thanks!
January 6, 2025
With such a small stroke as the putting stroke the head should move a minimal amount
January 7, 2025
I've always noticed that Tiger, as well as other great putters like Cam Smith and Ben Crenshaw, have a significantly shorter follow thru. Cam Smith says "hit the ball with your backswing". Any thoughts for or against longer backswing, shorter thru swing?
January 6, 2025
a shorter follow-through is possible when you hit the ball with your right hand and allow a little bit of wrist set. Whereas someone who tends to swing the putter head back-and-forth with softer hands will tend to have a longer follow through
January 7, 2025
Hi Chuck, I am a left hand low putter now for a long time and do not want to change. Should I make any adjustment in practicing this drill?
December 11, 2024
Nope just move onto chipping
December 12, 2024
so do I make 500 swings right hand only, then the 500 Tiger drill, then 500 add lead hand etc and all the way up until full swing?
December 4, 2024
You dont have to do that many at each step if you feel you have a good grasp on the drill
December 6, 2024
Hi Chuck, I am still working on the Trail Hand Putting Drill. Should I combine the video with the Tiger Woods Tee Drill or should I continue with a focus on the Trail Hand Putting Drill? Also as you mentioned in the webinars, Craig has a Training Group to progress faster threw the GOAT code program, are there any free places left? Best wishes, Jayden.
November 19, 2024
You can definitely combine the tee drill with any of the putting drills. As for the groups, there aren't any free places, Craig was just offering half off the first month.
November 19, 2024
Chuck , should there be a constant feeling of togetherness between the trail bicep and chest at setup and during the stroke ?
October 3, 2024
You needn't over do this, but a light connection will be a good thing
October 3, 2024
Chuck , how much load should you feel for a 4 ft putt and should the release feel after impact ? Thanks , your site really is the best ..
September 19, 2024
Thanks John! on a 4 footer it's pretty subtle, obviously depending on the speed of the green. Mine rolls at a 11-12 and I don't feel that much load or release, but it is there.
September 19, 2024
I plan to start on this after the right hand drill. Years ago I did a Dave Pelz putting and chipping clinic and got pretty good. The stuff about eyes above the ball, was taught using the nose as the drop point. Mostly that was also about where the hands go on the putter grip. The standard putter is 34”, fits nicely in the golf bag, isn’t always best for the golfer. I ended up getting my putter shortened to 32”, so I did not have to grip down so far. Consistent center contact was a key point. My main game is going to be on the shelf awhile until I can get a new hip. So I’m focusing on the Putting and chipping. The core exercises will be useful. I really don’t have a good core or for that matter glutes feel. We have an upper body curl machine at the club that can help with training that bending over movement. What I really, look ???? forward to is training the right hand to be ready when I can get back to a full golf game. I’ve generally in putting felt most in control, when I have the back of my lead hand pretty square to the putting line. I’ll see how working with only the right plays out Meanwhile making a few thousand putts will be awesome!
September 17, 2024
You'll actually end up ahead of the curve Ronald because avoiding the temptation to pound balls will help you to take the time needed to develop control in that trail hand. So enjoy the journey and watch how much better you come out on the other side!
September 18, 2024
Just for a bit of fun I do this drill on my patio with the tee pegs turned upside down. 80 per cent success rate straight from the start
September 13, 2024
That’s a great idea and a simple way to be able to practice anywhere! 80% you’re off to a great start man!
September 13, 2024
And watching Robert MacIntyre's ritual before he putts of placing his lead arm's hand across his chest to connect with the trail arm above his elbow it occurred to me it was his way of taking Tiger's method to the course and putting it into practice. Noticed it in today's Irish Open
September 13, 2024
Hi Chuck, Not sure I have understood correctly (I am not American): 1. in this drill, should weight to be towards the ball of your feet at setup? 2. to help arching your back, should the shoulder be protracted or normal? Thanks, Stefano
September 13, 2024
Hi Chuck, Done about 40 five reps on this drill. My impression is that trying the forward press, I’m moving my head too much…what do you think, please? Thanks

September 17, 2024
Do you want your weight pretty much in the middle of your feet here because we don’t need to move so you don’t want to be too far out toward the balls of your feet, and your right shoulder will feel a bit retracted in the left shoulder can be a little bit protracted, to accommodate the position of the right arm Because it’ll feel more comfortable to keep it supinated with that left arm slightly protracted
September 13, 2024
Another great video Chuck! I am just not sure how it will work with ‘left hand low’, pencil grip, gator grip, etc,? But I will give it a try.
September 5, 2024
The thing about those grips is they teach you how to not use your right hand, but you can always focus just on the chipping and pitching, but you will be losing a lot of the benefit of training, the fine motor skill and correct movement of the right wrist and hand together
September 13, 2024
Hi Chuck, I thought I'd share some feedback on this. I was a bit skeptical with using my trail hand at first because I totally trained the lead hand to hit most of my putts for the longest time but there was still a lot of inconsistency. I'm amazed at how much I was able to progress after several hours of drilling this to trust the trail hand to do a majority of the work! This drill seemed foreign to me on the surface but it's actually an amazing exercise in concentration and discipline. I've found the more my posture is correct, the easier it gets to miss the tees consistently and hit it "flush" in the center of the face; something I've never really felt before in my putting stroke. It feels like I'll eventually be deadly within 5 feet of the hole now! Great stuff and keep up the awesome work!!
September 4, 2024
Thanks for the feedback Gerry! It is a shockingly powerful drill and most have reported the same thing that it took them 2-3 hours for things to click, and then once it did, watch out! You become a very serious putter very quickly!
September 5, 2024
Chuck, I just brought one of those mirror putting aide pad, one thing it states is have your eyes over the ball looking over it. Is that a good tool to add?
September 3, 2024
Yep, we used to offer those on the site, very helpful.
September 4, 2024
Hey, My back gets pretty sore really quickly like 10 minutes. Should I try to flatten my back out or keep the arch in it? Not sure whether to tilt pelvis up to flatten or to arch downward tiny bit.
August 30, 2024
Yep, exactly. Tiger can practice like this for hours for this very reason. Round your lower back slightly by pulling your stomach and feeling like you're doing a little sit up, tuck the hips under slightly and you'll be able to practice pain free.
August 30, 2024
Doing this drill on and off today, averaging about 70% of success. I noticed when my core was not activated that is when the miss hits happened. When I put the left hand back on and hit a few putts I had a feeling of control with the right and the left was just there for the ride. I will continue this drill along with the right hand medicine ball drill Craig has RXd still having issues getting right shoulder down with the hips clearing simultaneously.
August 24, 2024
70% is a great start, I've seen most in person students struggle mightily with this at first.
August 25, 2024

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