Effortless Power Webinar (RSA)

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RSA webinar on how to produce effortless power in the golf swing. I cover three core topics: how to sequence the entire golf swing with 1 simple drill, how your grip could be costing your free club head speed, and finally how to post up and release all that stored up energy.

Guys we're five minutes early, just going to let everybody start to register. So we'll wait for everybody to start signing in with. We got one there. We've got a couple hundred people registered for this webinar tonight. So we're going to give everybody five minutes to get signed in. Then we can get started. Meantime, loosen up here a little bit. Okay. I am hitting a seminar in here for those of you that are going to be asking questions. I'm sure. So this is all about effortless power tonight and her Navy six yard seven iron will get the job done. Go to the chat section here. Just so you guys know I'm going to type a message in here. Now

You guys can post in the chat section.

Okay. So happens when you scan going off the toe and you're tight, still a little better. You got questions. Don't be afraid to post them in the chat section. I'm going to explain how all this is going to work. Just a moment you should see on the right side of your screen. You should see a little chat box. Hey there, Kenny. Welcome. Okay. I got 52 people registered so far. A couple more minutes to get everybody in. That's that's a big seminar in there. I'm moose loses a goose. We're ready. Hi, chip. Welcome to ah, there's some effortless powered boys running two miles an hour to seven on how bad for an old guy. Thank you, David. We've been working on this for awhile. We're excited to get the new studio up and rocking. Rolling. Gives us the ability to set up these clinics, like the webinars like this. So super awesome for all the rotors and academy members. So we can sort of get a lot more interactive stuff. Hopefully some of you guys out there have got webcams and want to jump on here. Hi Mike. Welcome Arthur. I don't

Know about guru, maybe goop,

But a welcome. Hi Brian. Thank you, Malcolm. Welcome. Hi Richard. Welcome everybody. A couple more minutes and we're going to get rocking and rolling here. Okay. Oh, I didn't pick it up when I wailed on that one. Not as good as the one before, but it will work. Hi Graham chip you're showing show direction. No it doesn't. Unfortunately it is just distance spin rate club, head speed, launch angle smash factor. But it does not show direction at all. Hi Bruce. Thank you. I will try not to hurt myself, Barry. The weather's perfect out here.

It is a 70 degrees right now or so. All right. So if we got we go

In here at six o'clock on my clock. Hi Bob Graham, Bonnie. Welcome. All right, so let's get rocking and rolling. I'm excited. So first of all, if you don't have a club with you, if you can grab one, if you've got room to swing it, if not, don't worry about it. But I would like for you to be able to do a lot of these rules along with me, this is the whole point of this stuff for rotor. Spring academy members is to be interactive, to be doing a lot of stuff together and doing it with me as we work on it. So three topics we're going to cover tonight. The first one sequencing sequencing is the name of the game. It is the golf swing. Getting all these parts to move correctly together is incredibly simple. When you follow the rotary swing to her five step system, I'm going to show you just how simple it is tonight, and we're going to make it super easy.

And I want you to be able to get up, move around with me. Do these drills with me. The second thing is we're going to talk about the grit. It seems kind of strange talking about the grip and we're talking about effortless power, but the grip is a huge part of the golf swing. The grip is just as important as race car tires. If you've watched days of thunder and you've listened to Harry, you know, tires, winning races, it's all about the connection with the club. That is the final transfer of energy from your body. All the stuff we've been building up to is all going to be done, transfer through the grip. So having a proper grip, and we talk about a part of the grip that you've probably never heard about today. That's going to explain where you can gain a lot of power with no effort whatsoever.

And then the third thing we talk about is the post-up move. So that release happens automatically. So these three things are huge for producing power in the golf swing now, and we go through each one step by step. But the first thing I want you to understand is that there's just one of me. I can see some questions on the screen, but my eyes aren't that good. And this 10 feet away is I could only kind of see it. So I won't be able to stop in the middle while I'm doing stuff. So please try and maintain a hold on your questions until I get done with this, with each section, and then I'm going to open it up to Q and a, and then I'm going to take questions that are pertinent to the topic. Come back up here in front of the camera and discuss, but I have to go back to the screen to read the question.

So I won't be able to answer questions in the middle because I just won't feel to stop. So I'm going to go through my presentation and my little discussion, get you up, moving around and do the drills with me. And then I'm going to answer questions. So without further ado, let me just see if there's any questions that are important. All right, we're ready to get rocking and rolling. So first things first get up. I want you to start doing this stuff with me because the sequencing part that we're going to discuss first is the entire ball swing. If you can do what I'm going to show you next, right? The rest of the stuff is a piece of cake. Stop worrying about your position at the top and your left pinky here and this and that. Don't worry about nonsense. This stuff I'm going to show you right now is the most important part of the golf swing when it comes to producing power and consistency.

But since the topic tonight is all about effortless power, that's what I'm going to focus on. So from based on the most important thing you've got to understand is that the golf swing is really only about that big there's so little movement when you're doing the rotary swing five step system, that it doesn't really require any special flexibility or any special movement. How simple is this movement? Well, you're going to do it with me. So I'm not going to get into all the details about setup and access to it. I'm going to assume you already know how to do that stuff because there's tons of videos on it, on the site. So I'm just going to dive right in and talk about how to get everything to sequence correctly. So the first thing that you have to do when you're trying to work on your swing and trying to produce power is you have to rotate.

It's called rotary swing. For reason, the body is rotating around the spine. The spine is everything in the swing. It is the central point at which we're moving around. All of our muscles are tying into all of this stuff in one way or another. And so we have to learn how to rotate correctly. And it's super simple. This is how simple it is. So from a proper setup, all I need to do is that as the entire backswing, if you can do what I just did, you just mastered the back half of the swing. So all we have to do from there is get down. We're going to talk about a couple of details where people tend to get off and they're swinging because what happened nine times out of 10 and the online lessons that we do, I just saw today. We did, we've done over 70,000 online golf swing, rupees crazy, but, and out of those 70,000 that we've done in the past 15 years, I would say 90% of the people do the exact same mistakes over and over again.

And the one thing that we see all the time is people don't rotate going back. They just swing their arms and then their arms are doing everything. And that's why you need to practice doing the drills without your arms. That's why the core rotation stuff in step two, the five step system is arms across your chest, no arms. And just pull that right shoulder back behind your head. If you can do this, you have the potential to hit a seven iron 196 yards is nothing more special than what I'm doing on my back swing than what I just did there. All I'm doing rotating back. That's the key. Of course, we shift all that stuff. Again, discussed in the videos on the site. I'm not going to go into detail about it. The whole key here is just to get those shoulders turning, get your rib cage rotating around your spine.

Now for the payoff. How do we get at the other way? Well, again, how do we, 70,000 lessons, everybody throws the cleft from the top with their arms pushes from the right side and so on. So this is the key to sequencing. We're going to do this step-by-step together. So I want you to pay close attention to what we're going to do here. Rotate back weights on the right side. Obviously. Now we're going to break this into chunks. First thing I want you to take your left knee and move it over your left ankle. Not out past your left ankle, not inside your left ankle, not forward, not back. Just take it and move it over your left ankle. I noticed my right leg. Didn't do anything yet. If I can just move this knee is the first move. The simplest way to think about this is like a pitcher or a football player.

Anybody throwing something. The first move is external rotation. That gets everything starting to rotate forward in the golf swing. It's the same thing. We just don't get the benefit of that step. So as you're going back, the first thing you want to do to break this into chunks, take that left knee and move it out over your foot. It doesn't, it can't move forward. If it's moving forward, it's too much. It's a small movement. Now, the second thing I'm going to do is essentially sit into that left side. So you'll notice I've moved my left knee and I'm going to kind of sit almost like a squat move to get into that left side. And this is what's going to start to bring my hips back to square. I'm starting to sit and rotate a little bit to get my belt buckle back. So watch me closely here, left knee.

Sit, notice that my left knee doesn't move any further forward. Once I've got it over the ankle, it's done. It's back in a neutral sitting into the left side, and now I'm going to use this muscle, this loaded up my left leg. And I'm going to start to stand up and push off of it. Let's do this one more time. So rotate back. Nothing special here. This is simple. Everybody can make a full shoulder turn right, left me. Sit into it, post up that I'm going do this all together in one step. Turn left knee. Sit post up. Now, if you look at me from face log, that's a perfect golf swing. I am in a perfect impact position. This looks just like tiger woods or any other great ball striker. This is all I'm trying to do. That is the entire golf swing. This entire sequence, right shoulder back left knee.

Sit post done notice. As I post my hips open up a little bit. What did I do with my right leg? Nada? I'm not going to talk about the right side. That's when you start really trying to whale on stuff. We don't need to worry about that right side right now. We're going to focus on just getting the left to sequencing. The key to sequencing is the left side. Now let's do this from down the line so you can see it again. From this perspective, turning back, just opening up my chest to keep my shoulders back. I want to see the logo on my shirt. I've made a full shoulder turn here, there left knee. Sit post up, done. Look where my shoulders are, are dead squares perpendicular to the screen years straight down my target line, turning back, left me, sit post the entire golf swing.

The entire sequence. The stuff that you have to do right was right there. Everything else is just details. The arm movement is nothing compared to this. If you can do what I just did. You literally mastered 90% of a tour, caliber golf swing. And it's that simple. It's critical that you get these keys, right shoulder back, left knee, sit post into your golf swing. And if you can't do that right, don't do anything else. I don't care how you look at the top. I don't care if your club face is shot. I don't care. What's going away inside. That's all armed stuff. And none of that will work correctly unless your body is moving correctly. So once you think what your body's doing, the rest of the stuff is a piece of cake. So now we'll open up to some questions. I'm sure you've got some questions about some of the sequencing there. So I'm looking at the screen now, go ahead and type them into the chat box. If you've got questions, I will try to get to as many of them as I can. So go ahead with your questions. I'm looking at the screen or you guys are gonna, and you feel really good if you don't ask any questions, because that just means I explained everything perfectly clearly. I don't see any questions. Any comments? Does it make sense?

All right, Steve, good question. Role of the left shoulder in the back. Sweet. It doesn't do anything. It's being turned. It's being moved. You don't do anything with your left shoulder. In fact, that's one of the greatest ways to mess up your swings by pushing across the left side. Think about the golf swing happening from right here, down from here up. Don't do anything with it. How much do you sit without long? So I'm going to try to get to all of these. Does the head drop during the squat? It certainly can. In most cases it does. The more you squat, the more muscle fiber you're recruiting, but you don't want to make this some crazy move because then it's hard to recover from. So a little tiny squat head depth is fine. How do you sit without moving laterally? Well, very simple. I'm not moving my head.

When I'm sitting, I'm doing my hips. Notice that my head doesn't move. My hips do move laterally. They have to posting up, raises the head. No, that's a good question. Okay. So I'm squatting down, but as I'm posting up, it's my hips that are moving, not my upper body. So when I'm posting that my hips are moving up in my head, staying exactly the same place. You can do this or feel this by putting your head against a wall and making this entire sequence. And you'll see that your head doesn't have to move at all. Oh gosh. Lots of questions. Come in. I'm trying to get to all of them here. Left knee hurts when posting up. First of all, you may be, you may have some issues with your knees, so you gotta check that out first. But most of the time, if your left knee hurts, it's because you're hyperextending. You don't need to slop this knee out. You're posting up as if you're standing here talking to me, that's the same amount of tension that you're going to have. It doesn't need to be all saran, broad, straight, and locked out where you're going to tear your meniscus. Let's see.

Okay. Oh gosh. So many questions. Sorry. Okay. How do you keep from rushing this week? Well, if you're doing it with your body, it's virtually impossible to rush the downswing. If you're doing it with your arms, you're going to rush it right away. Cause your arms and hands can move very quickly. But your trunk can't move that fast. So you're not got to worry about rushing your swing when you're moving from the right parts of your body. Let's see, when you squat, how much do your hips rotate before you start the post up? Good question. So once I squat, there's a video on the site called squat to square. So basically what we're doing is we're essentially squatting back to square to the target and then we start posting up. So you're basically squatting back to square. Rich, your knee always moves outside the ankle.

Well get in front of a mirror rich and make yourself move your knee. The right amount is not that much movement. If it's moving further than that, you're pushing off the right side. What is the weight distribution when you squat to the left? I like to think about it. I'm 80% on the right when I'm squatting back, I get 50 50, and then I continue moving into the left side. Let's see. Do you use opposing force on takeaway and initiating transition opposing forces in the ground? I think I understand what you're talking about, but I'm not sure. So if you can maybe explain that a little bit differently. I can hopefully answer that. Let's see Patrick. I can really feel my right glutes activate. Is it good to overemphasize the squat to square until I feel the left glute the same as I can on the right side, you should feel way more on the left side, the right side.

Doesn't need to be loaded up that much. The right side being loaded up is more about being able to make a quick and powerful turn going back. So this side needs to be stable, but if it's really, really tight, then you're just kind of overdoing sitting into the right side, going back, let's see the over swinging with too much, right. Elbow flection at the top. Does this mean not enough with on the back screen? That has nothing to do. We're talking about right now. We're talking about the body. I don't care about your arms right now. 90% of the people that we see in the lessons do not move their body anywhere near like what we just did and the entire golf swing revolves around this. So if you move this correctly, then we can worry about the arms later. But for today, we're not worried about that stuff.

Can you show what happens to the posted right leg look like once you've squat? So that initial squat move again, it's all being driven by the left. So you guys can see it this way, left knee. So the right needs is kind of following along. It's being moved because my pelvis is turning, being moved by the left. So the right knee is, is kind of moving in slightly. If I see this right knee kicked in like this, which we see in all of our lessons, just about people heal coming up in the air, tilt your pelvis, tilt your spine. And that's where we start seeing a lot of problems. Let's see, very, when you move the left knee initiate, doesn't write me. You have to move also. Absolutely not. Why would my left bragging? You have to do anything left. Knee is doing all the initiation of that move. Dennis, as you're shifting right to left, should the inside of your right foot be pressing down?


That's actually kind of a trick question because when you start putting all of this stuff together really well and really quickly, then yes, you actually can push it on the right side, torque on the foot and get some more power out of it. That's a little bit overkill for what we're talking about today. If you squat at the same time as using the knee is the bad. I don't know what that means. Arthur, doesn't the squat blow your posture. Lowers a club like living in the dirt. No. Why would you squat too much? It's not like you're doing this.

That's all of my head's moving. That's it? And then it's going, my pelvis is moving up. So people who think that they're changing all these positions and stuff, it's a way over exaggeration. This squat move is really subtle. You're just trying to activate load, stretch these muscles. It doesn't need to be this massive squat move. It's not a workout. Let's see my pushing opposite direction of the ground relative to the direction you want the club to go. You aren't doing that with the left side, for sure. You're pushing up and back. So yes, that is correct.

Gary, regarding the squat and post, how quickly should that move happen? As fast as you can make it happen. As long as it's done correctly, there are must be limits here. So this is a whole trip to the swing. When you want to swing fast, the body is what needs to move fast and the arms are going to learn to keep up. But typically you will do the exact opposite. The arms move fast. The body doesn't move at all. If it doesn't move very, very slowly and just in response to what the arms are doing and we want the opposite, your body. As long as it's doing everything correctly, we just talked about these simple little moves, right shoulder back, left knee squat posts. Then it can do that as fast as humanly possible. Let's see. Try to get to a couple more here before we move on.

Where do you feel loaded to initiate? The downswing is a whole video on that. What muscles you should feel in the downswing. So look for that on the site. If you just search for muscle, it'll pop right up. Where should the shoulder stay? When do you move knee, then sit. They don't worry about shoulder. Don't move. Don't worry about anything from here up. If you're worrying about that stuff, you're going to be off track. Worry about what's happening from here down in the shoulders will go exactly where they're supposed to. You don't have to move your shoulders. The shoulders get moved because they're attached to your pelvis via your spine or a bunch of connective tissue in a bunch of muscles and so on and so forth. So don't worry about what that's happening. Worried about everything happening from here down. All right, so bunch of questions are there.

Good questions. So again, to reiterate the whole golf swing, getting the sequencing right is incredibly simple, but here's the catch. I can tell that most people don't worry about it. They don't work on it. And all of these lessons that we see all the time, it's all club movement, our movement, this and that. I don't care where that club goes. If this stuff isn't doing exactly what I just showed you to do. So if you get this working correctly, then we start worrying about that other stuff. So a couple more questions I'll try to get to my hips, tend to move toward the ball. I assume the button needs to stay back. Yep. Just means you're pushing off the right side. There's a whole video on early extension on the site, the weeds, how are you going to do the squat move? I make myself sit in the left heel while engaged in the left quad.

It seems to help posting up rotate. And this is exactly what it was. Yep. This is it. This is the whole golf swing. If you can do this stuff, right? This stuff is super simple. The rest of the golf swing is gonna fall into place for you. If you take the time to master this, now the trick is this part, getting this to be your focus is the challenge for most people because they want to go out and play golf. They want to go out and hit balls. They want to go out and start swinging, swinging full speed right away. And I'm all for that. As long as this is done correctly, the reality is we just typically can't do that. Our brain needs time to learn this movement, even though this movement is incredibly simple. It's no more complicated than what I just showed you.

But if you over-challenge your brain and give it too much information too much stimulus, well, then it's just like anything else in life you've learned too much information is going to lead to paralysis. So you've got to make things really simple. Those are the more that you've practiced just doing this body movement by itself and then slowly introduce the arms. And then the club exactly the way the five step system is we add the left arm first. So if you were going to stack this drill and start building upon it. So again, we've got this left knee squat post, and I would just say, all right, step three. Guess what it is left arm squat, excuse me, left knee squat post. But from my left arm is came right down where we're supposed to. Then I would stack that may take me a day to get to that point.

It might take me a week. It might take me a month. It doesn't matter. You're learning a proper swing. So it's going to take however long it takes for you. So then I would add the club knows I've got flipped upside down, cause I don't want all that momentum on their left knee squat posts. The growth hand is all that I have and try to maintain, lag, and try to do anything with my hands and arms. At this point that post-it move is what would release the club. And I would flip it around and so on and so forth. That is the sequence that you learn. The golf swing. At least as far as rotary swing is concerned. Body first left arm club, then the right arm. So, all right, one more question is a right arm. Stay straight while doing this. We're not talking about the right arm yet Ultem because we got to make sure you're doing your body movement correctly.

First, the right arm is the very last thing that you need to worry about in the swing. And most people are nowhere near, at least from the lessons we've seen at the point where they need to worry about what this right arm is doing. It's going to be told what to do by the body and the left arm, the right arm. Obviously I whole going back and it has to release coming down, but that's going to happen automatically when your body is moving correctly. All right, so now I want to talk about the grip. First of all, I'm not going to get into the nuts and bolts of the position of the grip. There's a whole video on that and it gets into great detail about where the grip should be in the lines and all of that stuff. What I want to talk about, it's something I see quite a bit, and that is the spacing of your hands on the club.

So we'll move close to the camera so you can see my hands here now, a lot of times I see, and there's actually a lot of old school way of thinking about the golf swing is that they teach you to kind of have this little trigger finger weigh you down the shaft here, and then your hand ends up spread way down the shaft. And you can see, I can get that set up there. You can see a lot of left thumb here in terms of the size. You can kind of see this. So this, when you have your hands, this far down the shaft where you're, you know, maybe an inch and a half away from the steel, that is way, way, way to separate. Now, why does that even matter? Well, again, you've seen videos on the site that talk about this pendulum motion of the swing, the left arm acting as a pivot point and so on.

And this left hand just needs to be a passive hinge, passive clamp on the club. And that's how the club's going to release automatically. You never try and flip the face over your post-up move. And all of the momentum of the club is going to allow this to happen. However, you can slow this down or even stop it by having your hands down the shaft too far. And it's going to cost you a ton of speed for no reason. Think about remember happy Gilmore when he was putting right happy, good, more putting stroke. Maybe I should have practiced putting lines that it might've been better for me. This obviously doesn't feel like you're going to move the club very fast. Your whole body's got to try and move to get this thing to go. Now, this is an extreme exaggeration of this example, but the same principle is true when your hands are a little bit down the shaft too far.

And that's why I hate this trigger finger idea. One of the reasons I hate, I also obviously encouraged you to push against the shaft, but as your hands are this far down the shaft and spread apart, the hands now get to work independently and you're really going to want to push against the chef. So how do you get the proper feeling of the release and the grip working together? Here's what I want you to do. So if you've got a club, this is the time I want you to step up, get up and grab it. And we're going to start working through this. So the first thing you're going to do is you're going to go just left arm only. And I don't even worry about post-op move or impact position or set up position, just stand up and swing the club back and forth with just your left hand and your last three fingers only take your forefinger and your thumb completely off the golf club and swing it back and forth.

And what do you feel? Well, you should feel as you're letting your risks, just swing the club back and forth and your wrist very soft. The club naturally wants to unhinge it uncaught on the way down and release and turn out. And it happens very fast. I'm not putting any effort into this whatsoever. This is the key. Once you start rotating your body correctly and you post up correctly, we want to allow that club to release. You never, ever try and flip the club over. We never try and release the club. In fact, if you have a proper grip, you don't even have to try and square the club face that happens automatically. It's way too hard to try and square the club face manually with your right hand, which is exactly what you're trying to do. When you slide your hand down the shaft, even if it's just a half inch, that alone makes a huge difference in speed.

And I'm going to show you how to feel. So go back and forth. Just do this a few times. No thumb, no forefinger swinging back and forth. Don't don't even think about having turn right now. We're just focusing on the wrist and the release. Now put your right hand on and I want you to put your right hand, right on top of your left. It's not going to be touching the shaft at all and forefinger still off the club and do the same thing you were asking Alton earlier about what's the right arm, do the right arm right now. It's just following along with what the left arm is doing. I'm not trying to do anything with it. I'm not trying to put it in a certain position. I'm turning my body just like we did at the beginning. Now, of course I've advanced adding the club, cause we're trying to talk about the risks here.

So turning my body left knee, sit, post up and release. So let me just do this back and forth while my right hand is just on top of my left. Now you should feel that that club of really that a lot is it to it and you're not doing anything. You're just trying to hold on again. Your hands are passive clamp on the club. When you think about that, that way, all of a sudden, the consistencies that you're struggling with in your swing are going to start to go away because you are no longer in the driver's seat. You're putting sir Isaac Newton in the driver's seat and you're putting his physics to the test. That club naturally wants to rotate and release due to the momentum and inertia that we have built up with our bodies during the swing. Now you see that free flowing swing. There's a lot of release speed here and get my right here. And it's just on the left. Following along. Now, do that same drill. I want you to put your right hand separated by about an inch and a half on the shaft and do the exact same thing.

And then if you can, if you feel comfortable, you can even put it down here on the steel and you'll feel it's kind of yanking around. Of course your hands are separated a little bit. This is an exaggeration, but you can feel how now everything kind of wants to work a little bit separately. My hands have to release at a different point. They're working differently. They're working independent. I no longer have the feeling of all the way to the club head, which when you take your left thumb and forefinger off the club and just hold onto the club with your last three fingers, you don't have any choice. There's the clubs just too heavy and it's swinging too fast for you're trying to control it. So all of a sudden you get this free-wheeling release. As soon as you put the right hand down here, down in the club.

Now all of a sudden you've got to do something with your arm to try and help release the club. And you're losing all of that effortless free speed by using your hands as a passive Clint. So as you keep working on this, this is a great drill to do anytime. Just putting your right hand on there on top of your right or on top of your left and letting the club swing back and forth, and then just slowly keep working it down. Some golfers. I believe Jim Furich actually does a double overlap grip where his pinky and his ring fingers, right hand actually double overlap on his left hand. This is a good way to force yourself to have this nice free-wheeling release here in your actual swing. It's a great way to practice. You don't have to do that. The right hand can sit on the clip totally normal, but you want that right hand slip up the shaft covering up that left thumb, not down here where you can see the left thumb sticking out here. Cause again, that's my hands working independent. So any questions on that grip and grab a drink of water. Your wife, sir, should the right time be on the top side, top or side of the club that's covered in a grip video. It sits just to the side of center.

Did anybody get a feeling of that boost to speed without any effort? When you had just your left hand and forefinger off the club and you put your right hand on top of your left and you might get that feeling of the club, kind of zipping through impact without you having to do anything. This is all about effortless speed, right? So hopefully you guys got to got that feeling. It's a great drill to practice. No questions on this. Yes, Doug. All right, cool. He fought. He felt the release there. This is the beauty of the swing is getting your hands soft. You don't want to be trying to steer the club, square the face with your hands. Nobody can do that consistently, unless you slow way down. I want a ton of speed where I can hit a a hundred ninety six, two hundred yard seminar without having to work for it. That's the whole key. It was just like a graze as the carpet zips through. It's exactly right. You should never ever be trying to take a divot in the golf swing that may sound kind of counterintuitive. Like most stuff you hear from rotary swing tend to go against the grain a little bit. If you're trying to push the club down, that's your right hand, taking the club and pushing it on a tangent path down instead of letting the club release, okay.

She usually closes too much to control and to feel that I'm holding it off. Is that correct? No, absolutely not. If your club is closing too much, there's something else going on. You're flipping it over. You're coming too far from the inside. There's some other swing plane or path issue that's causing the club to flip over the club's going to release automatically this way. Everything in the rotor swings is a system. You can't look at one thing isolated by itself and say, oh, well this is happening. So I need to change this. That's how you start changing or chasing bandaid fixes in your golf swing. There's something else, fundamentally wrong. That's causing that. Let's see. Can you use interlock grip? Sure. No problem. I overlapped more of a preference thing. There are some biomechanical fundamentals into it, but I don't want to make too big of a deal out of it.

I do think that's a little bit easier for your hands to release when the right piggy is not locked into the hands, but it's not a huge deal. How do you stop the shoulders from moving with the knees and Scott moving from the left side. If you move from the left side, your shoulders will not move. I'm standing here. Like I can move my left knee completely without my left shoulder. It's not my shoulders moving at all, but let's focus just on the grip stuff. Now, can you show a placing both thumbs on the club, the proper grip. I don't want to get too much into details on stuff that's already covered in great detail on the site. There's a video on the site with closeups of the proper grip, but that should show you pretty much what we're looking at. Should the right pad totally cover the left thumb.

That's a good question. Again, covered in the grip video on the site that basically covers the vast majority of it. Yes. Let me see if I can scroll up. I saw a couple of questions go through that. I didn't catch well, let's see, Don, my lead hand feels like it's working hard doing this drill. It will at, you've got to learn to create momentum with your body turn and everything else. So the left hand can be light, but if you're not used to using your left hand, it may take some training to get comfortable with that. Let's see the top of the backswing. Should the thumb and forefinger beyond the club. Yes, absolutely. When you're doing the drill, it's perfectly okay for it to be off. We're actually telling you to keep it off. Let's see. Arthur, huge momentum. That's great. That's what we want to feel.

All right. I think that's all the questions I see on the grip stuff. So if you put just these two things to get the sequencing of the body and your right hand, no longer trying to be down the shaft and pushing against the shaft and causing it to work independent of the left consistency and effort, the speed is going to be the by-product of body is the star of the show, the arms and hands follow along. Remember the RST mantra, the backswing mantra, big body turn tiny little arm, swing your arms. Don't have to do that much when your body is moving correctly. So now let's get to the moneymaker. This is the most important one because we can make this beautiful back swing. This great turn, get loaded up properly, have a proper grip or our hands are further up the shaft. We're going to make that shaft effectively.

As long as we can remember for every half inch of shaft link that you have, it's about two miles, an hour of club head speed. That's why your six iron swings faster than your seminar. So when your hands are further down the chef, you're just basically taking that seminar and then making it into a nine nine, get your hands up near the top. That's why your glove grips are tapered. I talked about that in the video too, about the left pinky and how that works. But the key, again, you want to have this thing with as much leverage as you can possibly create, because leverage is effortless power. Again, if my hands are down here, I've got to start adding a lot of effort to try and get that club to release. My hands are way up the chef. You can feel the club zipping through without you having to do a thing, but how do we get that release with that?

With our hands being up on high, on the shaft and our risk being soft. How do we get that to happen automatically? That's what we're talking about in our third and final topic of tonight, which is the post-it move. So how do we get everything's released totally automatically. It happens from the left side. So when we started out, we did this little left knee sit. And when I'm talking about the sit, we're just basically finished pushing our weight, transfer, sitting into it and getting our left hip in line with our left knee. And over our left ankle, that's a neutral joint alignment. This is critical because that's going to be the most powerful and stable and safe position for our left hip and knee and ankle to be in. And that's going to allow us it didn't drive up off of it. Remember, you always want to move in the opposite direction.

The clubs go, what direction is the club going in the downswing? Well, it's going both out away from me, right? Cause the ball is out there in the clubs coming from back here somewhere. So the clubs are moving out, which means I need to be moving this way. If the clubs go in that way, the clubs also going now because the balls on the dirt. So I need to be moving up. That's how you get the club to release automatically. If your hands are soft, they're high upon the shaft and your left side is leading. The only thing that we've got to do and the critical part of the post up and again, the stuff that I see done wrong all the time and all these online lessons we're doing is getting that left leg straight. It's critical that you get it up and stop moving.

It's locked into place. You're now again, you shouldn't hyperextend your knee. You're not straightening it to the point that you're hurting your knee. That's way, way, way too much. But again, think about like you're standing here talking to somebody. That's how straight it has to be. But the critical thing is that your hips have to post up. If I post up, that means stop moving. We're done. Once we get here, everything else is done. It's not moving anymore. So what happens is this hip, the lower body, the pelvis is doing all of the movement and the downswing and it stops moving. Then what's going to happen to the club. Well, it's not gonna magically stop, right? There's all this momentum. That's bringing the club down. So as soon as you post up and stop and get locked into place, that's when the club really zips through.

And you can see even just making these tiny little swings, I can get a lot of speed by posting up and slamming on the brakes, fully engaging my left, glute straightening, my left leg. Again, not hyperextending. As long as it's a neutral, we're in a safe position where we can be assertive with it. And the harder you're trying to hit the ball, the more aggressive you're going to be with this bid on their normal shot. You don't have to be crazy. Like you're trying to jump off the ground. You do that with a driver when you're really wailing on one, but what you really want to feel here is just getting it straightened up and stop it. That's key. The other important part of the stopping is it has to happen long before impact. So if we're going to go back to our sequencing, drill with the body and we add the arms to it, left knee, sit post up.

By the time my hands are here, my hips should basically be done moving and all I'm going to have happen. Here is my hands are soft. They're going to release. And that is the entire swing. If I can put those things together, turning back left knee, sit, post up soft hands. And as long as I stop moving with my hips, the club's got to release. It has to pick up speed because energy is going to be transferred up my hips, stop moving. Everything else is still going good club rips through. And that is the key to effortless power. And I'm going to talk about just for a moment, what I see nine times out of 10, and that is that people are pushing off the right side. And so as they come into impact, their hips are still turning or their left knees boat out.

Because again, they're pushing off the right side. And so then the club just gets dragged through the hitting area and the shoulders keep turning. And that is a death move for the swing. And that you're never going to hit a 200 yard, seven higher, like continuing to rotate through. You have to post up. And the beauty of it is once you post up and stop moving, it's pretty speed. The hands and everything already set in emotion. And so this is going to be the key to getting effortless power out of your swing. So, so a couple of questions come through. So let's talk about some questions about getting post up Doug, and one of the roadshow videos you were trying to get a gentlemen to post up sooner, how students who the students occur. Hopefully I just answered that, that I like to drill it.

The timing and sequence of this at speed can be slightly different, but when you're drilling the sequencing left knee or squat post up, I want the hands to be about in front of the thigh. Because from here, there's nothing else to do, but for the wrist release. So when you're practicing it, drill, getting your hands to hear the club shafts, to still be parallel to the ground, and then the clubs just going to release from there. Let's see, David, why Rory's hips in the stop? And the body would continue. David is a great example. Rory's hips actually move backwards and then continue moving forward. So yes, it's exactly what he's doing. He's just doing it so extreme that he's actually reversing. The movement is called torque. And that's, what's really aggressive with his release. Don't need to go that quite crazy, but that is the idea.

How do you stay down while posting? I tend to raise up and hit them. Steve, if you're raising up, you're using your arms. I guarantee it. Your body is not driving the downswing. When you start throwing the club from the top, your body senses, this, your proprioception takes over and it freaks out and everything stands up. You lose your posture to keep from digging the club into the dirt. Do it again. Where should the clubs and hands be when initiating the post? Okay. So I do the whole thing left knee sitting on the left side, starting to post up the grip. My hands are right in front of my thigh club shot, parallel the ground in the real swing. The club would keep moving, but my body is done. Let's see. Can you move your left knee without weight shift? Is it hip rotation that moves the left knee?

No, it's the left knee that moves living. Technically it's external rotation from the pelvis. It's moving the left knee and you're starting that way shift during that time. But then the way shift is really gonna start to happen. As you start to sit more into that left side, how do you stop raising the upper body of post you're using your arms? Steve, as I mentioned before, and that's why I don't hit it turn from right. Is it okay to start the move left before the back swing is completely finished in the real world? That's exactly what it does. Tap in. Brian's a great question. So we checked a break things into chunks because most golfers can't learn it all in the dynamic sequence and speed. Well, nobody can, right? If we can't learn everything at full speed, when we're doing it for the first time, our brains just can't do it.

Nobody can. So when you're going back in the real world, my hands would probably be about right here and still going, well maybe a little bit ago, maybe 10 o'clock, 10 30, and then still going back while this left knee is starting to initiate everything back. So yes, your hands will still be going back while your body starts to get everything going back to the left. So that's a really dynamic sequence. And once you get the movements down, we don't have to think through the mechanical. You don't have to think through them at a conscious level of thought where you're going to tell yourself, okay, turn back. And then now left me. Okay. Now she said, sit and then post up, it's going to start to happen, fluidly, dynamically. And that's when you start getting the real speed. What causes swaying versus turning? You were pushing.

There's a ton of videos on the side about this. If you're swaying, you're moving, you're pushing from one side and pushing from the other. So go look at those videos. There's a whole video on the wall, drill on how to stop swaying. If you, if you're at that point where you're, we're standing up out of your posture and swaying your whole golf swing, I promise you is happening from here up. And nothing is happening from here down the way that we needed to. So swaying is almost always caused from pushing. Instead of pulling you pull your right shoulder back, your head's not gonna go anywhere.

Any other questions on the post-up move? We've covered the entire golf swing in 46 minutes, actually 40 minutes. Cause we started a five minutes or so. The whole thing, turning back sequencing the lower body. First that has to be your focus. Hands on the proper position on the shaft, post up move. It's all going to happen. Same movement for all clubs. Come on my gal. Come on guys. Can you please answer this question for Miguel? Don't make me answer something like this. Anybody, anybody can help Miguel out? No one Bueller. Thank you, Patrick. Why would it change? When you pick up a different club, your body didn't change your pelvis with didn't change your muscles. Didn't change your attachment points. Didn't change. It's the same for every single club in the bag. Ball position is the same posture is the same. Obviously your posture is gonna change a little bit because the length, the shaft, but your body movements from the segments is the whole point of looking at the swing of objectively. The body is the whole key to the golf swing. The body's going to tell the club what to do, not the other way around. Let's see Steve, you did not mention starting the down swing before finishing the backstory. I actually did just talk about it.

Please do more of these RC bonus. This was the whole goal. It took me a while to get the studio together, but yes, the whole point of rotary swing academies to be much more interactive and doing a lot more stuff interactive with you guys so that we can get questions done in real time, get feedback and questions answered and stuff that we see all the time and you know, things that are pertinent. So yes, I definitely find to do more of the these RSA webinars. So for sure that is the goal. Any other questions on anything that we've covered? We literally, if you can do just what we did and nothing else, you are going to hit the ball like that, the arms are just going to follow along. It's not that hard to move correctly. The golf swing is impossible though, when you're trying to learn it with just your arms and hands.

So you're welcome, Dennis. Thank you so much. Any other questions before we go? Thank you, Steve. Very kind. What is the max distance back in the left knee can move laterally. Ah, good question, David. So I will answer that one. So there wouldn't say that there's a max distance per se understand this. The more that the left knee moves in the backswing, the more that it has to move in the downswing. And there's so little time to make all this stuff happen that you want to move it as little as relatively possible. Don't block it in place, but as long as you make that full shoulder turn, that's our goal. And you've got to turn your hips. However far, you've got to turn your hips to allow that to happen depending on your flexibility, but it shouldn't be much your left knee might move in and enter to any more than that.

And we're really gonna start putting ourselves in a position where we've got a really spin the hips out, coming down, and it's hard to time all that. Awesome. Thank you so much, Doug. The release of the hands happen at the left shoulder. The release is happening right? Actually happening. Once those hands get here, the hands are starting to release. They've got to, if you're holding your hands to here and the club's way too late in the club face, do they're going to be wide open coming to impact or it's going to be digging a trench. You're going to be digging squirrel graves. Can you face, oops, sorry. I saw a couple more questions there. I'm going to try to get to all of them. Give me just a second.

You're welcome.

What is the intensity of the post? I just mentioned that Steve, so hopefully you're watching this replay and you will listen. You'll get that point again. Showing the vision of the club on the down the line. Yeah, it didn't do that. So that's a good, good one. So we've always at the top now left knee sitting into the left side, starting to post up the club should work right down my right forearm, right line with my hands. And then out on top of the plane, into the ball, hopefully that answers that. Try to get to a couple more here. You're welcome. I thought of the webinar jam pat. So I will give myself a cookie just for you guys. So, you know, I am a huge chips, a boy chocolate chip fan, the original chips away. Not that soft crap. What the real deal like I had when I was a kid. Let's see. Can I just train with three fingers? And left-hand absolutely. We do that on drills all the time.


Chip at the range today, who's involved, left from only great problems creeping with adding the right hand, doing it too soon. You've got to do the sequence to where you're just lightly. You don't even touch the club with the right hand and then you mirror and then you lightly touch it. Just like I do in the five step system. It's critical that you don't add that right hand fully onto the club too soon. When does the right foot come up and rotate? It comes up with, pulled up by the left side.

Can you do that with left side to camera? I'm not sure what you mean by that. 

What causes the hands to separate the top?

I don't

No. What you're talking about, Steve, unless you got a really funky grip and a lot of sloppy wrist movement in your hands might come apart left foot flare up to best achieve these moves. That's discussed in the video on, should you flare your left foot at address? So there's a video on that. Dennis, maybe talk briefly about what percent of weight on each side as you're moving. As I mentioned, Dennis we'll come back in front of the camera for that one for a second. So weight shift on the back swing is going to be 70 to eight. I actually go 85% of the right. So 70 to 85% of the ride is pretty much normal for most two or fries. And then you get, and you go back to kind of the squat to square. You're 50, 50, more or less me feel more pressure on the left, but you're going to keep transferring that weight as your pelvis. The see once I'm over. And I do the squat to square, my pelvis is still transferring weight and that's when I get to 80, 90% on the left side. Is that impact right before I release the club. Very kind of you, Bob. Thank you.

Let's see, who offered me a Moscow mule? I saw that somewhere. I don't want to miss that. Thank you. Very, very kind. All right. Copper mug. My man. That's what I'm talking about. Can you show us a squat move with left side facing the camera? Richard, I may be retarded, but I, you mean this? So if this is correct, I'll I'll do the whole thing is a good, good idea though, to put it all together and seeing it from up the line. Although most people don't video this, but if you have a mirror, you can at least see what's going on here. So here, let me sit post up or my hands in front of my thigh and I would just release from there that's money they ever spent. Thank you, William. Very kind, very kind guys. Thank you for all the compliments. I appreciate it.

Our arms come low and inciting with a good takeaway. Steve, you need to focus on your body and get a swing review immediately because the questions that you've asked, asked show me that you have, you're lacking understanding of the core fundamentals of RST. So please get a swing review up as soon as possible. So we can get to go on the right track. What causes the shoulders to be closed after posting up would be not enough hip rotation. What caused me to hit right as a left-hander Jim, that is there's a million things that go on there. So please focus on the core RSD five step system, go through the fundamentals, right? Don't worry about ball flight yet, because if you are you, once you learn the five step system answers for everybody real quick, ball flight is a result of what you did with everything else, right?

Once you start boiling the swing down to something stupidly simple, like I just showed you just this that's the whole freaking golf swing has everything diagnosing every single miss we'll come right back to this because if this is the core, and if this is working correctly, the arms have no choice, but to go more or less where we want them to, as soon as the arms start taking over the body movement, then you're going to have every miss under the sun. You're getting fat, thin junky left, right? Et cetera. So focus on the body movements first. And then the ball flight stuff is really simple to diagnose. Let's see all the certified instructors that we have are listed on the site. If you go under the instruction tab, we have everybody listed there. In, I fill up my left three fingers is taking the ride to the club.

Yeah, absolutely. You should feel, this is one of that video. I just put out the other day about the two clubs drill the stuff we just did tonight. You can do the same stuff with two clubs is harder, of course, but then you really get the feeling that the momentum of the club taking over your hands and giving you this free boost of speed and your hands. The last three fingers are just along for the ride. Please. Thank you so much. Appreciate the kind words. All right. Any other questions guys? We're wrapping has been about an hour. Hopefully you got a lot out of this. There's a lot of material in here and there's going to be a replay available so you can watch this again. You should get an email on it with the replay link pretty much right after this. So hopefully there's a lot of stuff I covered on a short period of time, but any other questions? Great. Thank you. Thank you guys. All right, guys. Thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed it. And if you've got any other questions post on the site and we will see you soon, take care.

Must be Premium Member to Comment

Hi, I’m interested in some kind of device that is going to check the core swing statistics that are helpful and relevant. What is that device Chuck is using here? And do you have any recommendations that are under 1000? I’d love to know my clubhead speed, ball speed, smash factor, carry/roll distance and any other relevant stats that RST views as useful. Thank you!
August 22, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeremy. Unfortunately, the more expensive ones provide the most accurate data. The one Chuck is using we sell on the site. ES14 Launch Monitor. He also uses a GCQuad as well.
August 22, 2023
Thanks Craig, I also meant to ask do you have any recommendations on hitting mats that are good for joints? I’m currently looking at the Simturf EZ Tee Hybrid.
August 23, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeremy. Some players I know use that one and are satisfied. (Other than price). I will ask some review students that hit indoor what they use.
August 25, 2023
Kyaw Thet
Hi Craig, Thanks for your comments on my videos uploaded on facebook group (my facebook name is "Jiv" in case you got confused ) Can I use the right hand grip that Chuck showed here for my actual games?
November 26, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jiv. Absolutely if you are going to be a lead side swinger. The only issue in a real game you will lose a little support in the backswing if going at a strong pace.
November 26, 2020
Kyaw Thet
Thanks Craig; I haven't played on the course for around 7 months since I joined RST. Keep working on the DEAD Drill to achieve my focus on the body movement. May be I will send you a swing review once I play in the course. Now I am trying to get comfortable hitting full swing with lead arm only. Is that OK?
November 26, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
I would recommend that when you go full swing add some trail support. No need to hit full lead arm only shots. Yes. Once, you get out. Film the move so we have an idea for adjustments.
November 26, 2020
Kyaw Thet
Thanks Craig, Happy Thanksgiving!
November 26, 2020
Once i externally rotate my lead leg. Am i assuming right that the sitting into the left side is squatting and pulling my left oblique, so the opening of the hips is done the same way in the transition as in the post up, just that i squat instead of posting?
November 17, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jens. Yes. The shift/squat/oblique to help sit and square the hips. Similar to the post, but the lead leg won't be straightening and the glutes won't fire to full engagement/contraction.
November 17, 2019
I feel that i get a better awareness of my left leg if i first squat slightly and then externally rotate my left leg and then pull from my left side. Does this mess the sequence up or is it ok to do it in this order to feel the muscles that need to fire?
November 17, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jens. You have to start shifting the weight first. What I would be afraid of is that you will lack initial transfer, or the hip socket will start getting out ahead of the knee joint too much.
November 17, 2019
I found this one cuz i remembered seeing it existing at some point when i was a premium member. It doesnt show up under my RSA folder however. Noticed the other videos in the playlist arent there either. Are there other series i should be aware of that i can search for now that i am an RSA member?
November 17, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jens. Everything should be under your RSA Academy. I can't think of any that aren't listed there. I will update this post if I find more.
November 17, 2019
Might just be my phone browser then. Will check from computer!
November 17, 2019
Trying to get the post up move right in the Boot Camp drills! In order to maintain spine angle and axis tilt during the post up move, does the left hip move from square after “squat to square” to moving behind and back during the post up move, thus opening the hips and bringing the arms down to the right thigh?
September 22, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kim. Exactly. The hip not only moves up, but must move back.
September 22, 2019
A technical request - I think it would be very helpful for Chuck to also face like he was going to hit a ball at the camera when he is demonstrating proper movements so that we could see what we would see in the mirror when we are working on our reps. Even better if he could show, perhaps at the end through the magic of technology, reversed views so we could see the image exactly how a right-handed player will see themselves in the mirror while practicing.
July 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. I will make sure your request is viewed by Chuck.
July 23, 2019
41:00 to 41:17 ----> RST in 17 seconds! Excellent instruction delivered in a clear manner. Thank you
July 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Exactly. Thanks for the post. Keep it simple.
July 16, 2019
Mario manuelito
Good day I am A subscriber of RotarySwing through the internet and it has helped me a lot. Am I not eligible to access the latest webinar? Thanks Mario coronel
July 12, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mario. The webinar is for the RSA Membership only. Not the normal Premium RST Membership. I apologize. If you are a RSA Member. Please Contact Customer Service.
July 12, 2019
Mario manuelito
Thanks Craig for the fast response. Sorry I misunderstood. Watching the videos as a normal premium RST member has helped my golf game a lot and has brought back the joy in playing golf. It’s sad though that I can not access the latest Webinar . Thanks a lot again and more power to the RST team. Have a great day .
July 12, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mario. My pleasure. Thank you for the compliments. The RSA Membership basically gives you the clinic experience without having to travel to one of our clinics. That's why we have to have a separate deal.
July 12, 2019
Hi Craig. Just letting you know I’m still working on things and will get some video to you next week.
July 13, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. Great. No worries. I have been out of town and won't return until Monday. Let's get to it!
July 13, 2019
This was worth the entire cost of joining the program. Thanks
July 11, 2019
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You're welcome! Had fun doing it!
July 12, 2019

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