Golf Swing Sequence - How the Lower Body Works

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Struggle with coming over the top or don't know how to use your lower body in the golf swing? This video explains the golf swing sequence and the sequencing of the lower body while giving you two key drills to teach you exactly how to build a powerful lower body movement.

  • Proper golf swing sequencing is what builds effortless power in the golf swing
  • The hips fire first in the downswing, and simply carry the arms, shoulders & club along at first
  • As the hips decelerate, the shoulders speed up - momentum is passed from hips to shoulders to arms & finally the club
  • We see some of the same movement and weight shift in a baseball throw
  • Golf Swing Drill: Stride & stomp the left leg during the downswing
  • Once you master the stride/stomp, just lift the left heel & stomp it down without taking a step
  • Make the motion smaller and smaller to integrate it into your normal swing
  • The stomping motion activates the left glute & gets you loaded properly onto the left side

Golf Swing Sequence

How to sequence the golf swing is one of the most misunderstood aspects of the golf swing by most golfers. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most important. The golf swing sequence must follow a very specific progression or you will lose power in your golf swing and likely be off plane.

How the Golf Swing Sequence Effects Swing Plane

In general, the swing plane is one of the most common areas that amateur golfers struggle with when it comes to sequencing their golf swings incorrectly. The "red" segment in the video representing the shoulders is often the first part of the body that golfers will fire from the top of backswing. This leads to an "over the top" golf swing. Many golfers struggle for years doing all sorts of funny looking reroutes of the arms and club in a futile effort to fix a symptom that is caused by nothing more than a sequencing issue.

Yep, you read that right. At, we focus on fixing the CAUSE not addressing just the SYMPTOMS. So, rather than giving you an aspirin for a headache, we will go in and cut out the tumor causing the headache for a PERMANENT fix rather than a band-aid typed approach to golf instruction. So, to fix your over the top golf swing, we simply teach you how to sequence your golf swing correctly and all of a sudden, no more over the top!

The golf swing sequence in the downswing is extremely important, so make sure you focus on the drills in this golf instruction video to get your body working correctly and start hitting the ball better than ever today!

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The lower body drill finally makes since to me on how to post up. I can see now the speed and power I will have in my golf swing. It is truly like throwing a baseball but in the golf swing. I can see now if posting up correctly I will not be spinning my hips. One of your best videos RST...Dave/Guntersville, AL
October 7, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Thanks much! Glad you're learning some great info.
October 7, 2019
GREAT to see you guys working together!! I am a member of Top Speed Golf too, so it validates your approach to have Clay on your team.
September 2, 2019
Clay is NOT on our team, he worked with us many years ago and does NOT teach RotarySwing at all.
September 3, 2019
When I sit into my left side my right hip feels like it moves forward (toward the ball); I'am assuming I don't want that right hip movement? Any ideas on how to keep it back?
April 13, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Albert. The hips have to rotate in downswing during the shift. Rotation of the hips is different than trail side push. Work on the Maintain the Tush Line - Chair Drill. This will help you decipher if you are pushing the trail hip versus it getting pulled into position.
April 13, 2019
I struggle advancing from weight shift and rotation drills that don’t incorporate the arms (backswing). Any tips on maintaining tension in the appropriate place (core/box) while keeping arms and shoulders (rectangle) tension free while achieving proper position in the backswing?
December 1, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donlee. I would focus on Step 3 and Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing to help find the proper tension.
December 1, 2017
can i just ask, prior to watching this i was trying to do the 'squat to square' before using lead hip rotation to power the downswing. but now by just focusing on this mini stomp move it seems to do all of this for me kind of. would you say that this is all i need to do now? or is this just a next step evolution in a better move into the downswing and release? if so, what would be the next step after this to look into? Which video to progress after grooving in this stomp? thanks so much in advance!
July 15, 2017
thanks for this video guys. it really helped clarify for me how to 'post up'. i was definitely spinning out. and i couldnt figure out why sometimes i would get good powerful impact and release and sometimes a weak squirt and couldnt figure out what was different. the stomp or step really reinforced what a solid left side was and so much more power and stability through release! thanks a million!
July 15, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Glad you enjoyed the video Benson!
July 18, 2017
I bought a Zepp 2 swing analyzer and it is calculating that on the backswing my hips are generally rotating right around 45 degrees but at impact I am at 8 to 12 degrees. I think that I have focused so much on weight shift without rotation and squat to square that I may not be opening my hips enough at impact. Do you have students with that problem after you teach them not to over rotate and then you have to get them to open back up a little? Is there a video you suggest I watch?
July 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. This does happen sometimes. Not all too common, but I have seen it before. You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs and Step 2 - Core Rotation to help.
July 5, 2017
I will rewatch and focus on those. Thanks.
July 6, 2017
Hi guys, trying to really getting my lower body sequence and loading improved. As I shift my weight to my left should my left glute load on its own or is through a conscious loading? I have only really been able to feel it fully load on my left by contracting it on my own.
February 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steven. You will have to sit into the lead side for it to load. While shifting or pulling you may not feel it too much, but when sitting (Sitting Into the Left Side). You should feel it fire. You should feel contraction after placement.
February 25, 2017
T David
Love this video and love your site. I especially Ike the performance rating where we can monitor our progress and note the priority points to work on. Very excellent. So, question on the hip position at impact... I am a bit confused here. In this video, it appears that the hips are slightly open at impact, where in the belt buckle drill it appears that the hips should be square. Which is correct? I realize that the shoulders should be square at impact, but I thought the hips should be slightly open. Thanks much for your clarification.
October 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. The hips will be 35-45 degrees open at impact. The Belt Buckle Drill helps players that overly use the hips and spin too much. The feeling of the Belt Buckle Drill is to slow the hips. Not, to stop using them once and for all.
October 3, 2016
T David
Thanks for the clarification, Craig. Yes, I was beginning to think that there should be a braking action as we post up at impact. I know that I tend to over-cook my hips through impact and end up with a big fade/slice.
October 3, 2016
Hi Craig. I have a suggestion that may have been raised already, but I'm not sure. When you guys refer to videos for us to watch, you should reference the videos with a hyperlink so we can click on the link and go straight to the video. Sometimes the words in your reference don't exactly match the actual video title and the video can be a bit hard to find. Just a suggestion. Thanks!
May 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lewis. I understand the complications. We are working on the search tool to make it more advantageous to our members. Is there a particular video you are looking for right now?
May 3, 2016
Hi Craig Is it possible to describe the pulling movement that rotates the hips properly on the downswing? I am feeling that I am pulling the muscles just above the left hip to fire everything to the lead side keeping my back to the target as long as I can. I guess I am thinking of a description of muscle movement similar to the shoulder blade glide movement in the takeaway that eliminates unnecessary moves.
March 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. You are pulling with the lead oblique. Think of the love handle area (if you have them) you can borrow mine if need be. Take a look at the Increasing Swing Speed by Hip Deceleration Video. The drill can help you feel the muscle I am referring too.
March 30, 2016
Hi, I find when I try this I hit a lot of blocks, what do you think might be causing this?
January 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. It seems you might be spinning a little too much and not releasing. Take a look at the Rotating Body vs Releasing Video and make sure you get that face squared up (Vijay Release Drill).
January 18, 2016
Hi, I like the concept of using your glute to drive your lead heel into the ground. It keeps me stable and helps me at impact, but the problem is it keeps me from making a complete follow through. I have a lot of lead hip and knee pain after impact. When I use my heel I can't face the target because I can't turn anymore just like they say at 19:00-19:40 in the video. I have experimented with getting lazy and letting my ankle roll over, but then I tend to slide more and don't have the same consistent impact position. I have also experimented using the ball of my foot to push off the ground, this eliminates a lot of the pain but I understand it's not correct and inconsistent. Any advice?
December 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donnie. The momentum with a proper release should allow you to easily finish the swing. Try a few videos for me. Straight Left Leg at Impact, Perfecting Lower Body Stability and Should You Splay Your Feet.
December 8, 2015
Hi so you don't have to sit into the left side if you stomp the left heel James B
October 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. The stomp of the left heel will help you shift and sit into the left glute properly.
October 12, 2015
sequentially when do the arms get "pulled back in front"? My impression is the arms should always stay in front of the upper body to prevent getting stuck. So after the abduction into the heel, the arms should have already fallen in front yeah? Or, after the abduction (I'd say immediately after considering how quickly the downswing is from beginning to impact), do we pull with the obliques then the lats which brings the arms in front? To make sure the impact and followthrough have the arms in front, we should use the lats and arms to finish the job?
August 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rob. In the downswing, you will want to pull the weight over, pull with the lead oblique, and then use the lead lat to pull the arms back in front of the body. Yes, you will use the lead lat and release of the lead wrist to keep the arms in front as go through the strike.
August 27, 2015
Would you please detail the sequence of the downswing after the transition : Transition, hip bump or heel stomp, I can do it either way right? > spin hip, do I still have to spin hip, now I'm a hip spinner and I know it's wrong because it's the first thing I do on the downswing > pull left arm, or will it auto fire Thanks
August 14, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Aiya. The lead knee will externally rotate over the lead ankle to get stacked. Followed by lead hip abduction to start pulling the weight and planting the heel into the ground. The lead oblique will start to pull the hips open as you pull from the lead lat to get the arms back in front.
August 14, 2015
August 15, 2015
During the sit into the left side move, is there any push at all from the loaded right glute? How does the weight get to the left side without some sort of push from the right? If there is no push from the right, what happens to the loaded right glute?
July 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Once you master the lead side work. You can start to add a touch of push from the trail side for power. However, to transfer the weight you don't have to push from the right. You pull yourself over with left hip abduction. If you were standing straight up and down in a golf stance width. 50/50 weight distribution. If you put all your weight on your left leg. Would you have to push from your right? Or, just settle on the weight on the left? It would be the latter. If you pushed from your right you would sway laterally too much and outside NJA. The loaded right glute will help with leverage from the ground, but also helps stabilize the hip so you don't lose the tush line or fire too soon from the top.
July 27, 2015
If I were standing straight up and down, I would not be at the top of the backswing with my right glute loaded, would I? Also if I were standing in a golf posture and picked up one of my feet, I would fall in that direction.
July 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. I was just trying to use a simple analogy as to why you don't have to push from the trail side to shift the weight. Let's use the same premise as you described. Hinge from the hips and put all your weight on your right leg with glute engaged. If you rock into your left side from there. Do you feel like you had to push to get to your left? Or, just rocked into the left side? All we are trying to do is shift the weight. It is a very short move. Only 3 Inches back into the lead side from a proper positioning in the backswing. When you were discussing picking up the foot. You would fall in that direction opposite of the picked up foot. Not push with the picked up foot to lunge your weight over. Take a look at the 5 Minutes to a Perfect Weight Shift in the Weight Transfer Section.
July 27, 2015
If I were standing straight up and down, I would not be at the top of the backswing with my right glute loaded, would I?
July 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. I answered above. I think the system copied the question twice.
July 27, 2015
Jack Nicklaus used to say you should hit the ball against a firm left side. Is this what you are trying to say in this video?
July 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edward. Yes, you need to post up into a firm left side to get the kinetic chain working properly.
July 12, 2015
Hi guys, This is an very interesting video. Let me suggests to draw the stance line on the white board to more quickly understand the shoulder and hips positions. Michel
June 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the suggestion Michel.
June 30, 2015
I have found that I can hit the ball better with a slowing down or pausing of my hips and shoulders but I thought I was swinging improper because I have never heard of anybody teaching this until I join this site. Very good information and I have improved my golf very much, I do like to push off my right foot though, As long as I keep my right heel down I am ok right?
June 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerald. The push of the right foot is usually reserved for a player that way under uses their hips. Try not to push off the right foot too much and allow it to get pulled up from proper lead side usage. Glad you are enjoying the site. Appreciate the compliments.
June 15, 2015
The stomp effect...which is more forceful and powerful? The squat or the stomp?
May 29, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. Both happen in the golf swing. "Stomp" - weight shift and glute loading. Squat - glute loading. They stomp will seem a little more forced to get the glute to fire. But, both are trying to achieve the same thing. Glute engagement on the downswing.
May 29, 2015
Just picking up on what Fred has said below.... I am a bit of a hip spinner. I read Ben Hogan's Five Lessons many times. The image of the elastic band pulling the hips was what got me going down the "hip spinner" blind alley. Like Fred I find that if i have my axis tilt, all I have to do to start my downswing is straighten my left leg first. That automatically, moves my hips to an open position without the risk of "hip spinning". It does not work so well if I do not have the proper axis tilt at address. This idea of straightening the left leg first has also helped me with another aspect of initiating the downswing. I have seen the video where Chuck mentions NEVER to push with the right leg to start the downswing as that will get the left side out of neutral joint alignment. So how do I do that? My left foot isn't anchored to the ground like on a snowboard. One swing thought that has helped me visualize the correct movement is just to straighten the left leg. By doing this, my hips turn automatically, my weight moves from my right foot to my left heel and I get a nice sequencing and release of the club. I have found it is key to straighten the left leg and to be properly balanced so that the pressure is on the left heel. If my weight is towards the ball of my left foot, it leads to inconsistency and loss of power. My two cents. Thanks.
May 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rick. The only time you would need push from the trail side is if you didn't use the hips enough. Discussed in the Throw the Ball Drill Part 2 and How to Use the Hips in the Downswing and Downswing Advanced Section. I understand where you feel is coming from with the lead leg. However, some players do snap it too quickly and spin the hip. Also, leading to some knee issues down the road. I.E. Tiger
May 28, 2015
For some reason, this part of the downswing has been the most difficult to coordinate. But practicing it has really helped. One thing I have noticed is that one of my problems has been hitting behind the ball or, usually by overcompensating, topping the ball. When I practice the "firing the left glute", I end of straightening my left leg. This allows me to "give" myself permission to follow through with my left arm with little fear of hitting the ball "fat". In fact, if my left leg is straight, and the left glute tight, I couldn't hit the ball fat if I tried. Therefore, I don't feel the need to pull up my shoulder and subsequently top the ball. I hope that this makes sense and is what you are trying to demonstrate in the video. Thx!
May 21, 2015
I am going to try this. I'm guessing that the feeling of straightening the left leg requires that your weight remains on it.
July 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Fred. Makes sense. The sequencing with the lead side is crucial to getting impact correct.
May 21, 2015
What does the right foot do, compared to the left "stomping foot?" My guess is not to push off the right foot, right?
May 4, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Loan, correct, you wouldn't want to push off with the right foot because that will cause you to push out past neutral joint alignment in your left leg, which causes injuries, balance issues and changes the point where your swing arc bottoms out in relation to the ball. What you want to do is roll the ankle of the right foot inwards, without lifting the heel off the ground. This will act as a breaking mechanism for the hips to make sure they don't over rotate. Check out the "Role of the Right Foot in the Downswing" video in the downswing section of the site. R.J.
May 5, 2015
How the lower body works was really great and chuck did a wonderful job explaining the proper sequence, im so happy I found you guys. still trying to find best way to post up on left side I guess after you shift weight to left hell and get a little lower you straighten that left leg in the follow
February 13, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Phil. I'm happy to hear you are enjoying the videos and the site. Your sequence is correct. If you are struggling with the straightening aspect. Please take a look at the Straight Left Leg at Impact Video in the Advanced Downswing Section.
February 13, 2015
Hi. I find the concept of the lower body moving forward while the upper body is still finishing the backswing problematic. It would help to have a clear explanation of exactly which muscles are being used for the two separate motions. Regards. Remington Normanq
December 21, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Remington. The sequence of events will be pushing the lead heel into the ground activating the lead glute. As you perform this move there will be some lead hip abduction to pull the weight over. Take a look at the Starting the Downswing Before Completing the Backswing in the Advanced Weight Shift Section.
December 23, 2014
What about the commonly seen drill of using a pool noodle or something similar to stand on while hitting golf balls? Is this more of a gimmick or does it work in RST philosophy?
October 24, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Anthony, I would imagine that it's a gimmick. I cannot see any benefit to standing on top of a pool noodle when it comes to RST fundamentals or any other golf related instruction. We want to be grounded and stabilized in our golf swing. Standing on top of something, especially as thick as a pool noodle, would prevent us from doing that. The RST swing model is about moving your body into the proper positions at the proper times. R.J.
October 24, 2014
Chuck & Clay thanks so much, can't tell you how much this one helped. I diligently started with RST @ six months ago and have been a crazy student of the swing for going on five years. Starting late in life, it was that much more difficult to overcome bad muscle memory (I practice@ 5 days/week & try to play 100+ rounds/year - yup hooked ) this was one thing I didn't consistently get or didn't give it enough importance. My game has always come and gone...mostly gone of late and could not figure out how a science nerd like me (I actually am a Scientist) couldn't figure it out! I did start fixing little bits from your swing reviews & videos, but this one seemed to help the major things fall into place for me. - Cheers Guys...promote this video more & go Science!!
September 11, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lowell. Love the enthusiasm. Happy to see you enjoyed the video. Everything will take some time, but get that lower body working well through science!
September 11, 2014
Slight confusion re sequence. After I shift(a la stomp drill) do I fire obliques or swing arms next. Video suggests swing arms but other videos suggest arms follow I assume after engage left oblique.
August 26, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Frank. The shift will be followed by pulling with the lead oblique and then the lead lat to aid in working the arms back in front of the body.
August 26, 2014
Thanks for the clarification.Makes sense to me
August 27, 2014
Do you turn your hips to the left as you are shifting to the left or shift to the left then hips.
July 20, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Sheldon. It will tend to feel more shift then rotation. There is slight turning as you pull the weight over. Just not active turning from the trail side. Think about it like a car. Reverse (Backswing), Neutral (Shift), Drive (Downswing). You can't go from reverse to drive or you will drop the transmission.
July 20, 2014
Think about it like a car. Reverse (Backswing), Neutral (Shift), Drive (Downswing). You can't go from reverse to drive or you will drop the transmission. What an amazing and perfect analogy! Love it. Thank you for that Craig.
August 2, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great. Thanks Robert.
August 3, 2014
This is great for slowing the Hips down. Can you please offer some advice on how to decelerate the shoulders.
July 14, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The shoulders open as a product of turning the torso efficiently. Take a Look at the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release in the Downswing Section to learn the proper sequence of the shoulders staying passive and letting the club release. You can also use the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Downswing in the same section to train the order of events and make sure the lead side pulls the shoulders to square at impact.
July 14, 2014
It always looks to me that pros are using their hips much faster then good golfers. I also feel watching my golf on the range the hips are much faster on the course especially with my irons. how much force are you feeling when coming down
June 16, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Many tour pros actively use their hips a lot on the downswing. That doesn't mean its the most efficient though. They have trained and hit millions of balls to coordinate their timing. Driving hard with the hips doesn't always equate efficient speed. Take a look at the Hip and Hand Speed Video in the Downswing Advanced Section. Typically the hips for a Rotary Swinger will feel very passive. More speed in the load and release.
June 16, 2014
I'm wondering if Jack Nicklaus raised and stomped his left heel for this very reason? Thanks, Jeff
June 9, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Early on Jack Grout (Nicklaus's Instructor) taught him to roll his left foot inwards and to plant his left foot into the ground on the downswing. He was very concerned about his footwork. Good observation. Now, lets work on this a get you 18 majors too!
June 9, 2014
I have my goals, perhaps the senior majors!
June 9, 2014
in the previous video you talked about sitting on the left side. Naturally the hips rotate slightly as a result. So, when do we think about rotating the hips? In the previous video you also mention too many high handicappers over rotate their hips. What is the optimal rotation? Thanks
June 2, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
At impact the hips will be between 30 to 40 degrees open. We don't want to actively think about ripping the hips through or opening them too much because the weight shift to the left and continuing pulling of the left side obliques will guide them to the proper position.
June 3, 2014
How far over should you pull your weight when performing the left hip pull with the hip adductor muscles to start the transition? I try to concentrate on pulling my left knee until it can't move over any further to the left (i.e. its over the centre of my left foot). I also concentrate on pulling down with the hip adductor muscles into my left heel. Is this correct?
April 9, 2014
René (Certified RST Instructor)
You should pull your left hip socket (also your shoulder) above your ankle joint in NJA (Neutral Joint Alignment) See the video Impact Alignments Face On.
April 11, 2014
I like the new web site. The video layout is very easy to use and the search video works well.
April 6, 2014

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