Flip vs. Release in Golf

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What is the difference between a proper golf club release and a flip in the golf swing? To learn the perfect golf swing release, step by step, watch this video.

Many golfers are very confused by the concept of whether they flip the golf club or release the club properly.  Ideally you want to release the golf club properly obviously, but if you don't know how that is done, then you will struggle with the flip your whole life.  So let's first look at what a golf club flip really is.  First of all, it causes you to add loft to the club at impact dynamically and this causes the ball to fly a shorter distance, fly higher, and have more spin.  When you have a proper golf impact position combined with a proper release, the ball tends to fly on a much more penetrating trajectory which leads to more consistency and allows the golf ball to bore through the wind and hold its line easier.

Because the vast majority of golfers are flippers or those who have their left wrist breakdown at impact, most golfers struggle with consistent iron play and solid ballstriking.  The reason for this goes back to my many videos on the physics of the golf swing and the pushing versus pulling. If you are pushing from the right side of your body, specifically the right hand, the left wrist will always break down into a cupped position.  And this is what we refer to as a flip.  

This is an amateur flip because there's also a "pro flip" of the golf club.  And that is when somebody tries to square the club face up aggressively using their hands and wrists to rotate the club face closed during the hitting area.  This also is often actually caused by a push from the right side but from a different part of the body.  It's caused when you push too hard from the right leg which causes the golf club to drop under the swing plane and get stuck. If the golfer doesn't flip their hands over quickly through the hitting area in a futile effort to square the club face the ball will tend to be a big block out to the right or heaven for bid if the club face is open a block slides or a "blice" as I like to call it.  So, the golfer tries to flip the club face aggressively over with the right-hand to get the club face closed and this leads to quick snap hook. 

In order to square the club face consistently, you must allow the club face to release naturally and that is the key.  Even Ben Hogan, who was a very right side dominant golfer, came to the conclusion that there's no way that you should be trying to consciously and actively square the club face through the hitting area.  He decided this was a devilish thing to control and he was right.  

With the Rotary Golf Swing, we allow the club to release naturally in what we term a passive release.  What this means is your hands and arms are going to rotate over naturally following the lead of the rotation of the toe of the golf club.  This is due to physics because the golf club is being swung on an inclined plane and the clubshaft is in the heel of the golf club, making the toe naturally want to rotate over.  If you start swing a golf club back-and-forth nice and easy with very soft wrists and hands you'll start to feel how this naturally wants to occur.  The softer you keep your hands, the more the to the club face wants to rotate over naturally.

However, most golfers tended death grip the golf club and hold onto it way too tightly in a futile effort to feel like they have more control over the club face through the hitting area.  This actually leads to less control of the golf club, believe it or not.  This goes back to that old adage of give up control to gain control.  As you become more relaxed and rely less on your arms and shoulders to control the club face and start letting physics and Sir Isaac Newton swing the club for you, you'll find that the golf club will start to release and rotate very effortlessly and your arms will naturally rotate over as they follow the release of the golf club. 

Note that I said, the wrists rotate over, and that is the key.  When you're pushing from the right-hand instead of rotating your forearm bones, your scooping the golf ball at impact, and this leads to that week high ball flight I spoke about earlier.  Instead your left wrist is going to stay stay flat and is going to rotate over in a counterclockwise motion, following the toe of the golf club.  Again, this is not something that you actively try and do as you keep your arms soft this will tend to naturally want to happen.  

At first, if you're used to scooping it you're going to need to take time to train your hands to rotate over through the hitting area, because you've been doing the opposite for so long.  So you'll want to follow my 5 Minutes to the Perfect Golf Club Release video that will walk you through this sequence step-by-step in five easy steps and teach you how to rotate and release the golf club just like every tour pro on the planet.

Once you follow that five minutes to the perfect golf club release video releasing the golf club will become second nature to you and a very natural and effortless motion and you'll have the side benefit of learning how to get into a nice flat left wrist impact position.

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Chuck. I don't remember exactly which video but you stated the lead elbow needs to point at target. I was struggling until I started to do this. My flip disappeared and contact was excellent. I feel this swing thought kept my over active right hand out of the downswing. Thoughts?
June 10, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Left Elbow Position at Impact Video. Sounds great to me. Proper lead arm/elbow position is crucial to stop the flip. Happy to read you are releasing it better.
June 12, 2023
When should the turning over of hands start (at the start of downswing?) and where should the release happen ( in front of right thigh?). When I do the release as in these videos, I flush the ball, but I start left and also hook. I am thinking it is because of yeh club face closed at impact and hence the questions as to where should the ‘turn of hands’ and where this should happen to avoid club face closing Thanks for your help
February 5, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sunil. The club face is always rotating but the vast majority of the release will happen as your hands enter the trail thigh. If you are struggling with the left shot you may be overly active trying to force the release vs letting it happen.
February 6, 2023
Hi. Thanks for your time. I have major flip after impact. i have done all drills for 7 months. I have improved on all aspects of my swing takeaway, lag weight shift. But I just cannot shake the nasty cupping of left wrist after impact. Any suggestions, as I am very frustrated....regards. Mike
March 1, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. Have you posted a video, or sent in a review? Happy to look. Make sure the release is passive and not trail hand involvement. Take a look at Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 weeks 2 of 6 Video to get out the tension. Also, How to Get Perfect Shaft Lean Video to know what impact should feel like.
March 1, 2021
Is flipping the hands and forearms through impact the “cracking of the whip” in the golf swing? Is this where the effortless part of the swing comes in?
January 28, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. Take a look at You Throw the Club Head at the Golf Ball. Yes. Allowing the forearms to rotate, body stall and club to whip through.
January 29, 2021
So is pulling the lead hip back at post up causing the arms to go forward and whip the club through impact, not the shoulders at all? Then the faster you can post up, the faster your club head speed?
January 29, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. The shoulders you don't want to whip through (Arms vs Body Release and How Swing Speed Affects Compression). The more dynamic you can be with the leg work and posting the more potential energy to transfer.
January 29, 2021
Lead arm parallel in the downswing per the comment below - wondering if I should try and start releasing earlier / more gradual from the top to get more of my upper body left so my head moves like Chucks?
November 5, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. You have a lot of lag which is a good thing. With that tension you tend to over throw the trail hand. You can try releasing earlier. But, I believe you would start manipulating the face even more.
November 6, 2020
Hi Craig - I was looking at some video of my release vs. chuck. At lead arm parallel in the downswing I have a sharper lag angle than Chuck I noticed. One other thing in the release is my left arm is closer to my chest and instead of getting flung off the the chest which I assume means I moved the fulcrum too much. Those were a few of my main takeaways. The thin pull has been more of my consistent miss than a block lately - curious if you see anything else from this face on view
November 5, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Think about it this way. You don't do this error lead arm/hand only. So, the hands. More specifically trail hand gets over active when doing a full move. You need to do way more like our live lesson and then add the finger tips of trail to keep the excessive hand correction out.
November 6, 2020
I feel that my swing has improved significantly. I am now hitting draws and seldom did before Rotary Swing. However, on the release, I am hitting a lot of hard straight shots to the right of my target, 20 yards or more offline with my driver, in particular, but also with medium irons and hybrids.
September 10, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Glenn. The longer the club players tend to stop releasing and add more shoulder spin delaying the club face from squaring up. Make sure the chest is square at impact. Take a look at Keep Your Rear Shoulder Back Video.
September 11, 2020
Hi, my left wrist keeps breaking down, I feel like my left shoulder doesn’t turn and i get stuck. What’s the best drill to correct this?
July 7, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello RIchard. If the left wrist is breaking down more than likely trail hand push. Take a look at Fix Your Release and Moving the Fulcrum Videos.
July 7, 2020
It appears that the release is happing after the ball has already been hit or are you trying to release at impact, which would require perfect timing?
October 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. The release begins before impact. The club is designed to rotate and you are trying not to inhibit that motion. Take a look at 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release and Fix Your Release. A properly released club is actually less timing dependent because you are trying to steer the face on your own.
October 15, 2019
in the 9 to 3 drill after impact at the 3 o clock position is the lead arm still in tight with the pectoralis muscle
August 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. The arms will still be in front of the chest. With extension it would be hard for the lead arm to be pressed as you describe. Take a look at Arms vs Body Release and 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release Video.
August 30, 2019
During the release, is the lead arm tight against the body or should it disconnect from the pectoralis muscle
August 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. The lead arm shouldn't be glued to the pectoral. You may notice some touching, or connection. But, not forced and pressed against.
August 30, 2019
Photo for comment below
July 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. I posted below.
July 23, 2019
I am a little confused with this move and how I turn my logo / knuckles down (video). I feel like this video focuses on forearm rotation but the "turn the knuckles down" focuses on a hand move. Do I need to incorporate both moves together? Attached a photo from the range of my release if that helps
July 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. You can see that you overused your forearms/hands too early mimicking more of a pro flip. You need to work on getting stacked and practice smaller released shots. I would focus on the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release and 9 to 3 Drill. If you can't do it correctly in the smaller drill at first you need to graduate slowly. Yes, the knuckles down will be a bowing of the lead wrist and turning of the forearm.
July 23, 2019
Thanks Craig. I worked 9-3 drills at the range last night - after rehearsing the movements of course. I was hitting blocks and shots off the toe at first until I realized I needed to stall / square my chest more and release after my weight shift. After I did that I started crushing it with a small draw! After watching the level shoulders video and a few others just wanted some clarification on when the left shoulder should start to work up and out - I think the release is what will pull me out and through based on the videos but wanted to confirm?
July 24, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Take a look at the Moving the Fulcrum Video. The lead shoulder should be quiet at impact and as you release the club. The momentum of the club will pull you through to a full finish. Nice to hear you were able to clean up the shots understanding the shoulders were getting out of control.
July 24, 2019
I am brand new to RS golf and want to make sure I proceed through the program correctly. I am on weight shift, step one, and have watched several videos but haven't come to any drills yet? Am I missing something? Jane
June 9, 2019
Hello Jane. Have you checked out the DashBoard? All the videos are listed there and there are videos called "Drill Only". Here is Drill Only video for step 1: https://rotaryswing.com/golf-instruction-videos/full-swing-basics/rotary-swing-5-step-golf-swing-system/weight-shift-golf-swing-drills . It is also beneficial to send your current swing for a review in order to asses what are the main areas you should be working on. Anyway the 5 step series is a great one to follow. Hope that helps.
June 9, 2019
I just sent my swing, front and down the line
June 9, 2019
having a hard time taking a divot. I always pick the ball clean. I am a 8 handicap but my instructor would love me to take a divot for a more penetrating ball flight. Please help, I've been fighting this for a long time. Is lag the issue? or something else
May 31, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. Take a look at the Taking a Divot Video. Could be a lag issue, or scooping/flipping at impact.
May 31, 2019
I am having major issues with flipping. So much so, I can't hit the ball. One of your videos says slow the body down so the club can catch up. I feel it is impossible not to flip if my left shoulder stalls. It's impossible to get my left wrist flat through impact. Even when I take off my right hand. Chuck implies you don't release the body, you release the club. If the left shoulder is the swing center, should it be rotating up and back during the release? It would be helpful if you could please tell me at what angles should my shoulders be at during release and should my left shoulder stop or rotate through?
April 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Take a look at Moving the Fulcrum Video. Your lead shoulder should be staying very quiet. If you are flipping even without the trail hand on the club. You need to go back a train the release separately and very small movements/reps. Take a look at 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release and Fix Your Release. You need to train how to create an anatomically flat, or even bowed lead wrist at impact. Lead arm only first.
April 21, 2019
At what point should my forearms begin to roll over in the downswing
April 13, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The club is always rotating and there will be a little bit coming down into the trail thigh. But, the vast majority will begin when the club starts to enter the trail thigh. Take a look at Rotary Golf Downswing Overview.
April 13, 2019
at the 3 o'clock position should my left wrist mirror what the position of my right wrist is at the 9 o'clock position? my former instructor wanted me to maintain the hinge in my right wrist well past impact and to turn my body so I never felt a true release of the clubhead....
April 10, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. At the 3 O'clock position (unless trying to hit it very high). Both wrist should be flat when released properly.
April 10, 2019
i can see left wrist being flat at impact, but as club moves up to 3 o'clock both can't remain flat. If left wrist is flat at 3 o'clock I have to rotate my upper body which we are not trying to do at RST. in watching the video Chuck shows extension of the right arm through impact which looks to me that left arm and wrist fold the same way the right arm on the backswing. is this not correct? thank you for your input
April 12, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard Take a look at Fix Your Release and 9 Days to Amazing Ball Striking Day 1 Impact. You will get some visuals for this position. The lead wrist will start to re-hinge after the 3 O'clock positon. But, as the lead wrist should me anatomically flat, or bowed at impact. It shouldn't cup/re-hinge that fast between impact and 3 O'clock unless it isn't a standard shot
April 12, 2019
thank you Craig. I will review the videos. is hinging up and down movement of the wrist or side to side? just wanted to make sure I am describing the movement properly
April 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Hinge is more side to side. Cock, or set is up and down. Take a look at Wrist Cock vs Wrist Hinge and Using the Wrists in the Golf Swing.
April 15, 2019
Perfect. thank you Craig. I watched the videos as well as the 5 minutes to Perfect Release. I just submitted a couple of videos. not sure if you review them, but if so you can see where I was a month ago.
April 15, 2019
During release of the golf club am I right to understand that the release occurs when you r posting up and that your right heel is still on the ground
February 7, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kirk. Yes, the post up will trigger the release and the trail foot will roll slightly onto the instep.
February 8, 2019
Thanks for me this interaction is invaluable
February 8, 2019
So the “knuckles and logo down” concept should happen naturally like this video suggests? What about trying to deloft the club to hit low shots? Is that just a passive release as well?
January 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nolan. Yes. You will have a little awareness, but you don't need to exaggerate a massive bow. To de-loft the club to more extreme. Take a look at the 9 Days to Amazing Ball Striking Section Day 2: Hitting the Ball Low.
January 11, 2019
Thanks - will do!!!
November 20, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. Sure thing.
November 20, 2018
Thanks Craig!!!
November 14, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. No problem. Let's get the rest of the release worked out!
November 14, 2018
Hi,, Craig. Question - I find that despite a neutral grip, keeping the right shoulder back, etc, I have to work hard to avoid having the clubface really closed at impact. To avoid this problem, I almost have to have the clubface open at address. That's true even when I don't use the recommended "turning the face down before impact" move. My positions seem correct - toe up at 9 o'clock backswing; clubface facing forward (not toward the sky) and at at same angle as my left wrist at the top; toe up or a little closed at 9 o'clock in down swing. I don't think the club is moving in my hands. I will say that a previous teacher years ago commented that my arms' natural relaxed position is with my palms facing behind me. Thus, my arms resist a neutral grip - they want to turn the club open. Any ideas? You have been totally helpful!
November 14, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. Take a look at the Gorilla Grip with the palms issue. You may have an issue genetics wise, but shouldn't be too excessive. You need to let the club take care of the rotation. Still sounds like you are speeding up the hands. Take a look at Left Hand Power Release Drill. Start letting the club freely rotate on its own.
November 14, 2018
Hi, Craig. I'm working on the release videos. Technical question: when my release is starting from my trail thigh and my hands are moving to my lead thigh, have my hips already reached 45 degrees open and stopped moving BEFORE this hand/arm movement occurs? Or are my hips turning from square to 45 degrees open - and thus powering the hands/arms to move from trail thigh to lead thigh - during the release? In the "Train Your Release" video, there is not a lot of mention of the hips turning. Thanks!
November 5, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. The post up is bringing you arms into impact. Very similar to the Step 3 - Add the Lead Arm Video. Take a look at Squat to Square. Once you reach that position you start to clear the hips to trigger the release and bring them into the strike.
November 5, 2018
Hi, Craig. When I deleted my photos I must have deleted your reply with the listed videos. Could you list them again? Thanks so much!
October 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. Vijay Release, Fix Your Release, and Day 1: Impact Control.
October 31, 2018
Thanks so much Craig. I’ll get right on it!!!
October 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. You're welcome. Get to work and report back.
October 30, 2018
Hi, Craig. I'll remove the pics after your reply. I am getting into a good position at impact (see pic below - I'm hitting a yellow foam ball) but then my post-impact position is very flippy. (see pic below). Nothing I seem to do changes it - letting the club turn over, trying all the drills in the videos, etc. Anything you can suggest? Frustrating!!
October 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. I replied below.
October 30, 2018
Thanks. Actually, on video my club is ALWAYS parallel to the ground when my hands each my trail thigh. But the idea you suggested still makes sense and it helps get my hands more easily over to my lead thigh, something I struggle with (I often release from my trail thigh but then make contact before my hands get to my lead thigh). So should I still try it?
October 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. If that is something you struggle with in the parentheses. I definitely would try.
October 9, 2018
Hi, Craig. I watched those videos you recommended. They emphasize practicing the impact position. This made me wonder if my problem is that I was releasing my wrists at my trail thigh instead of holding off until I get into the impact position and then releasing. On video, this looks a lot better. Thoughts?
October 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. The release starts at the trail thigh. However, the vast majority of golfers release early. Therefore, the delayed feeling for you right now maybe exactly what you need. The Golf Swing Transition Drill is for players that tend to release lag too soon. We will tell you to exaggerate and almost feel like the butt end of the club enters the lead thigh before letting it go.
October 9, 2018
Thanks Craig! You’re a terrific resource!
October 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. Thank you very much.
October 5, 2018
I can now get to an impact position with good release, forward shaft lean and flat left wrist facing the target. But a few camera frames after impact, my right hand bends forward causing my left hand to cup. Any videos to watch? Thanks!
October 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. Take a look at Knuckles Down and Fix Your Release. These will help you work on a bowed release and not letting the trail hand takeover.
October 4, 2018
Chuck says we should feel the club pulling us through the hitting area,I am confused about the point we should feel this precisely.before impact, soon after,or at three o clock?
October 1, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. After impact and into the follow through the momentum of releasing the club will pull you through.
October 1, 2018
PS - The video you recommended, “keep the right shoulder back” helped a lot.
September 17, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. Great. That is a good drill.
September 17, 2018
Thanks. Actually, words will do. When I swing without the ball, looks perfect. With the ball, my hands don’t make it to my lead thigh at release and after the ball is struck, my left wrist really breaks down and flips. I know this is a common problem. But my efforts to fix it haven’t worked. Any videos to watch? Thanks!
September 17, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. Try the 2 Ball Drill in the Perfect Practice Makes Perfect Video.
September 17, 2018
I have a question. Is it okay to attach a still photo or two of my swing to explain? Or should I just describe?
September 16, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. You may attach a still photo. But, a multitude of positions should be sent in a swing review.
September 17, 2018
Despite watching all these videos I'm still not clear what you folks are saying about squaring up the club head.....is it with the left hand rotation coming down or is it the effect of a loose right hand and the effects of the release. If its the right hand release , that works automatically with a loose grip , if its the rotation of the left hand that takes more focus, practice etc. Also I would assume that is a bit different between hitting irons down and a driver swinging up....never heard any discussion of the left hand rotation on the driver swing....many thanks.
July 16, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stan. The club is designed to rotate. You want the lead in control in the downswing and for it to allow the face to square. Some players have manually held the face through impact for so long they have to train proper lead hand motion (5 Minutes to the Perfect Release, Fix Your Release, Vijay Release, etc). The goal is for the face to rotate and your forearms/wrists to not inhibit it. The trail hand shouldn't be controlling the squaring of the face. The lead rotates the same with driver and irons. The setup is adjusted for the different dynamics you are looking for at impact. The release will happen on its own if you hit the proper body positions and the wrist is loose enough to get out of the club's way (Arms vs Body Release).
July 16, 2018
Hello! I am finally gettin what Chick is teaching in this video...years ago I played to a +1 and I had no idea what the release was and have never heard of the term "post-up". pretty crazy... What seems to be in my way is the right index finger as the club gets nearer the ball...I feel the push with this finger just before impact, and I know that might not be right, because my awful shots are either topped or hit is off the hosel (understanding of course, that there is probably more going wrong than just this). What should I feel or be doing with this right index finger? Thanks!! Bob
July 8, 2018
Ideally you're truly releasing the club with the right hand just like throwing a ball, so through the hitting area the right hand can literally come off the club to a degree, ie like what I discuss in the Vijay Release Video. Practice this move by working through the 5 minutes to the perfect release video
July 9, 2018
Thanks Chuck!
July 9, 2018
I hardly ever feel the club head pulling at the bottom of my downswing. What causes this? I feel like i am sequencing correctly. Rarely when I do feel the club head at that point I hit the ball very well. How can I repeat that feel. Don
July 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. Take a look at Throw the Club Head at the Golf Ball.
July 13, 2017
Is there a drill I can do to help with this? I am a scooper and I would love to be able to get at least some shaft lean. Scooping is a very hard habit to get rid of. Thanks
June 29, 2017
Never mind. My bad and I found it. It's called 5 minutes to the perfect release.....
June 29, 2017
Hi, I'm confuse when you mentioned the pro flip in other videos you state snap the release (paraphrasing). What's the difference? When I do this as I'm posting up my swing speed is reaching 115MPH. My left hand or forearm is doing all the work during this release. Regards, Joe
June 2, 2017
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph, The snap referred to is the release of lag through the impact zone. A flip is where the arm-wrist-hand doesn't rotate as in the same motion as you would turning a key in a lock, but instead, where the wrist folds up towards the fore arm without rotating as previously mentioned.
June 4, 2017
Ms Terry
Good Afternoon My current index is 10.8. I for sure flip and do everything in this video. I can't stop pulling my arms in instead of extending them and releasing them. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions on why I am pulling my arms in. Terry
June 1, 2017
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry, This could be for a couple reasons. 1. you could be standing too close to the ball at setup causing a jam up at impact. 2. too much trail side pushing which will cause your lead side to release too early forcing you to attempt saving a fat shot by pulling inwards ( watch the Cure Chicken Wing video) 3. Too much squatting and or hinging at the hips on the down swing. If none of these seem to help, try gripping up on the club which will force your arms to have more extension.
June 4, 2017
Ms Terry
Thank you
June 4, 2017
I play to a 9 and still have trouble getting the full and passive release. I can do all the drills successfully but when i put both hands on the club the release always feel restricted.
May 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dean. The trail hand will slow some of the release. You might feel more restriction when the trail hand is on. But, work to keep him relaxed. Try the Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks Video 4 of 6 to help. Slowly keep the trail hand on.
May 3, 2017
So the right wrist pain I've developed from trying to hit harder would be symptomatic of trying to gain clubhead speed by a dominant right hand I presume? What video could help me fix it? Thanks...still the best instructional site on the web!
February 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Warren. Thanks for the compliments of our site. Vijay Release Drill. You need to turn off the dominance of the trail hand. It can easily lead to wrist pain.
February 23, 2017
I don't know why but my release it is not natural , I have to force it !!! Only when I try to rotate my forearm at the start of the downswing I feel that I can release the left forearm . Any thoughts that can help me ?
February 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hector. Do you tend to be over plane or under plane coming down?
February 14, 2017
Over plane I think !!! Over the top
February 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hector. Over the plane is typically the trail arm over powering the lead coming down. More or less keeping the lead arm in a less dominant position and a natural release not to occur. If your club isn't shallowing properly or retaining any angle a proper release will be hard to come by.
February 14, 2017
Please let me know what n what video (s) they present the rotation of the arms going down. Thanks
January 16, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brad. 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release, LADD, Left Hand Release, Vijay Release, Fix Your Release, Arms vs. Body Release, Cure Chicken Wing, Throw the Club Head at the Ball, and Step 4 - Add the Golf Club.
January 17, 2017
I bought the impact snap device a few weeks ago. Since working with it I can say it is an outstanding training aid to ingrain and feel the proper impact position with forward shaft lean and a flat left wrist. This combined with a focus on pulling with the lead arm has significantly improve my ball striking and accuracy. I would highly recommend the RST staff take a look at it for their assessment.
November 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Thanks for the post. I will relay to the team it might be a training aid worth looking into.
November 2, 2016
Has anybody from RST tried out the impact snap golf release trainer on the market? Does it have any benefit for this program??
October 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sean. I haven't tried it. But, maybe one of the members might have a answer for you.
October 11, 2016
Ideally, after the release of the lag and club, there should be no deliberate effort on the player's entire body correct? No anticipation, correct? Any tips on how not to manipulate the left arm after impact on the golf ball?
September 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loran. Reaching a good finish position isn't through effort. But, more of momentum carrying through due to a proper release. The 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release will help teach you the lead hand control necessary to not over steer the club through impact. Also, the Cure Chicken Wing will help with a less push before and after impact.
September 23, 2016
With your irons at setup should you have forward shaft lean before u take the club away.
September 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shane. Ideally, the club will be vertical at setup. You do not need forward shaft lean.
September 10, 2016
Paul, As a hard core believer of the RST system, perhaps you may do what I have done in the past to conquer the 'pro flip' as Chuck talked about. Change your focus from the 'flip/release' aspect of the club at impact to another aspect (possibly about the post up of your left side) Your so concerned about the release at impact to increase distance that you have cemented the trigger of that move in your brain, so when you get ready to make your downswing at the ball, your body goes into 'auto-pilot' and you Flip. Chuck is 100% correct about 100 swings minimum to start a new neuro-pathway for the correct movement, however most folks don't understand if you don't do the 'minimum' those other triggers associated with the incorrect swing, will still want to do what they have already been trained to do for years, which includes what our thoughts are during the downswing. (shouldn't really have any, but many people do) So start with the thought process of pulling vs. pushing with your lead side and focus on your 'post-up' through the impact zone. It may stop the auto-triggers of the flip you have and allow your body and mind to develop the proper release Chuck is teaching us.
September 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tracy. Very well said! Thank you for the post.
September 10, 2016
Hi, Chuck. Count me in as one of those long time flippers. My biggest challenge is that when I relax my grip so I can "feel the clubhead" I tend to cup my wrist in the backswing. Hence I am always fighting the latter and end up not releasing the club naturally. Also, an added challenge is that my clubheads (Titleist AP's) are very light, supposedly for greater clubhead speed, and it is more difficult to feel the clubhead. Any suggestions?
September 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donal. Use the Winter Golf Training Program Backswing Video to help with the lead wrist cupping going back.
September 9, 2016
Hi Chuck. This video addresses what I have been working on for a long time. My issue is that I have the "pro release" as you referred to which causes my misses to be lef, often hooking. Would appreciate a follow up video that shows some drills. Making the hands passive as you said seems impossible for me as my brain wants to rotate my arms and hands into impact. Also, if the result is left miss/hook, the brain then wants to hold onto the club and not release. It's a constant struggle....
September 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Glad you liked the video. Take a look at Throw the Club Head at the Ball and You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs Video.
September 8, 2016
Really like the new beta version, much easier to find videos Thanks
September 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the compliments Warren.
September 6, 2016

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