Alton Lesson Part 2

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Part 2

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Found the video helpful. Spring is coming. So I’m looking to try it out. Emphasis on hip turning, engaging right glute. I found these most useful. Around 17 minute point, the stress twist on right foot. 30-31 minutes down on the floor right knee flexed, and pushing heel into floor raising up. Probably my big problem, I’ve never really ever felt my glute. Plus it’s very weak, I can hardly rise up, I’m only 74 and can’t come close to the 89 year old. That was the hip I had replaced 17 years ago, and it was bad for 8-10 years prior so I probably have 25 years of atrophy! I noticed in the video summary at the end face on, you had a lot (almost) 90deg lag angle at the impact bag. Looking forward to reviewing how to allow that to release with a real ball! The setup pelvis tilt, with pushing the butt back, belt towards the ground is quite tough to master. Unfortunately, probably need a few specific stretch/strengthing exercises to work on tilt and glute strength. Any old videos on that you suggest appreciated.
March 4, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Ronald, if you search for "glute" on the site you will see some exercises that can you help strengthen and re-engage these muscles
March 5, 2024
Looks like you actually said "you didn't turn your shoulders". My bad and my apologies.
February 10, 2024
76 year old Marine Corps veteran and this two part video finally made sense. I can't help but remember prior videos in which you make it clear the arms elevate only. This is consistent with the first video in the "GOAT CODE" series below this group of videos which emphasizes a much more vertical takeaway. I realize when I turn my hips and only elevate my arms my takeaway is significantly more vertical. I couldn't help but notice while paying close attention to what you are saying that at 17:21 you said to him you just turned your shoulders when you meant to say "you just turned your hips". Please tell me that was simply a misspeak, I'm confident you meant to say hips. I can see his at impact his shoulders remained relatively closed to his hip turn. Thank you for your extensive work in the GOAT swing series.
February 10, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Jack looks like you figured it out! Let me know if you have any other questions
February 10, 2024
I'm 72 years old. 10 handicap. I've been with Rotary Swing for over four years and it has had a tremendous impact on my golf game and how I understand the fundamentals of what a golf swing is. Although I understand many of the basics and have been able to incorporate much (especially the pull vs push concept), when it comes to moving the proper sequence with any speed I'm still flipping at impact, arms firing, etc.. I'm currently recovering from foot surgery but want to say that, for an older guy, this may be the most helpful video I've seen in years. It answers a number of questions, especially "How can an older guy with less flexibility get my torso loaded and released properly?" I have a real vision now by watching an 89 year old man of how to get my hips firing with speed in order to give the proper sequence a real chance to happen. As soon as I can become weight-bearing I'm going to drill this video until the cows come home, then get a swing review. This is a "lightbulb" lesson and I wanted to say thanks for posting these two parts of one lesson.
December 6, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome Ted! Glad you found it helpful!
December 7, 2023
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Very nice, all sound is back Chuck! Thanks for that. It is a fantastic video that shows that every, basicly fit, person, no matter his/her age can learn to make a really good swing. Your patience to guide this golfer through the process, step by step, is a great example for all golf coaches. You fix the swing building it up from the fundamentals and using feedback with the golfer to keep on working. Also great respect for the golfer, the way he was dedicated to the lesson and with his exeptional fysieke for his age! Did I understand it correct that you worked with him fore 2 or 3 days, each day 1 hour or more hours?
November 24, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
He is a role model for all. I worked with him for two hours for two days then 1 hour the final day in this video. He then would hit balls by himself for another couple hours then be down there in the evening working again and then be in there early before our lessons started! He is a true inspiration for everyone and one of the hardest workers I’ve ever seen.
November 24, 2023

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