GOAT Power Sequence

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As you progress through your wedge shots, we need to begin to add power to your swing and that is all down to sequencing.

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This looks so similar to a tennis swing - almost down to the mechanics and form. Great video, will try it out!
March 23, 2025
Chuck, I am having trouble reconciling two things: keeping the goat arm supinated and extend it all the way through the strike (as you talk about in this video), and the other idea of the "throw" and suppleness of the wrists...these two things appear to be contrary and have very different feels, i.e. the right wrist being fully extended versus going into full flexion. Can you please demystify this for me?
March 16, 2025
The wrist is extended because the body is driving it forward not because you are trying to hold it in extension
March 17, 2025
After watching this lesson, I noticed I was rotating too quickly on the downswing. That is, not moving laterally first, then rotating. So thought I’d focus on the lateral shift first and see if I’m in the proper sequence you showed in the video. Thoughts on my swing with respect to weight shift and elbow pit positions? It felt much better thinking of one thought…lateral shift first on the downswing. I was hitting a 9-iron.

March 8, 2025
Hi Jeff, I need you to fix that right grip before anything else!
March 9, 2025
Funny…I’ve been trying but not on that clip!
March 9, 2025
Next attempt after rewatching this (a few times) and other previous lessons. I think I’m progressing with the grip but noticed my trail thumb is not quite in the correct position. Been focusing on the sequencing to fix old habits. My club face in backswing is still a little inside my hands…but not as flat. Comments? Thanks.

March 15, 2025
At ~ 7:00 you talk about some players that have a hard time getting to the lead side bc they arm upper body dominate, and "that is a whole different set of issues"... I'm wondering if you have a video or some direction to point me, as I believe this could my issue.
March 4, 2025
check out the goat drill video
March 5, 2025
Is it possible to use the core (lead side) too early? I feel like the club wants to come down very quickly (passively) when pulling with the core during transition or near after transition. In other words, do you have to full be on your lead side before using your core to pull yourself through.
February 15, 2025
You can definitely do it too early and be out of sequence and will lose power efficiency
February 16, 2025
Oh My God. I had one short warm-up session on the range, thinking only about the elbow pit facing forward for as long as possible, and then went out to play. I have NEVER hit my woods and irons straighter and more consistently in my life...and I've been playing 53 years. My drives were all 260-280 yards, effortless, and to where I was aiming....every time. I was repeatedly shocked when I'd look up and see the ball soaring straight or with a draw. No more hoping and praying. This lesson was a true game changer for me at age 66. Even with a bunch of missed putts, I still shot 79. So many thanks, Chuck! (I did have a hard time with the right hand putting through tees module!)
February 8, 2025
that’s fantastic. Great job! The putting drill takes time so stick with it. It will help you have a great sense of feel over time
February 9, 2025
“ELBOW PIT IS THE CHEST ESSENTIALLY” The only swing thought recently. You could not have said that more perfectly.
January 28, 2025
Hey Chuck, I've just started the 3-9... I'm comparing this video to the Goat 3-9 Video...I'm either reading too much into this or missing the point. The 3 -9 (to me) implies all this weight shift happens naturally by rotating the core and the legs and chest are a bi-product. . This video is about lateral and then rotation.. I'm just a bit confused. Thanks,
January 23, 2025
Take a look at the 80 yard shots face on video where I give you a shadow view of how the hips work
January 24, 2025
I will have to say that holding off the pronation of the trail arm and keeping the pit of my elbow facing out as long as possible has cleaned up A LOT of my current swing issues. Obviously I'm still going to work on everything the video series, but the way I hit today was very different and encouraging. This was a great video for me.
January 21, 2025
Awesome John! Keep at it!
January 21, 2025
When in the backswing do you step to left/lead foot?
January 8, 2025
Pressure moves to the lead foot very early in the back swing long before it is completed, but this should happen completely as a result of how the body is loading and not something you are ever trying to time
January 9, 2025
Great vid Chuck! This one is a has a better description of what my last question had to deal with on the release of the hand for speed. So holding off the release of the hand here is the key to club face control and accuracy and the feel of keeping the hand from rotating? Where does the club head speed ultimately come from?
December 28, 2024
You're never trying to hold anything off. The late release happens as a result of proper sequencing. I'm starting my acceleration immediately from the top and never letting off the gas. The speed comes from hand speed- how fast you can release the hands.
December 28, 2024
Chuck, what exactly are you accelerating? you said that you are pulling from your core after you get onto your lead side. Are you just trying to keep the GDP in position as you pull from the core? or are you accelerating the arms down as well.
February 13, 2025
The simplest answer is everything. I'm accelerating my hands, more core, my feet, knees and hips
February 14, 2025
Isn't all the side bend on this (which I get why it's necessary in this swing and why it's so accurate) causing back issues? The swing you touted a few years ago with little side bend and the shoulders square at impact seemed to be amazing on the back. Am I missing something?
December 18, 2024
Side bend with rotation is what i said will herniate a disc. Side bend by itself is totally fine for the back
December 18, 2024
Hi Chuck. Brilliant! You are not mentioning the trail hamstring in this video. I feel it plays an important role in sequencing as it contributes to both pressure shift and rotation, and it sets a posture making it easier for the core to drive the GDP position through. This is covered in the squeeze the bug instruction. Is it a more advanced move since it’s not covered here?
December 14, 2024
Thanks Atle. I didnt cover it here to avoid repeating myself too much. Trying to keep each video a bit more concise
December 14, 2024
Hi Chuck, I am learning so much from you. One thing I am finding so difficult to change is that my lead arm (left) wants to break during and after impact. Anything I can focus on to change this muscle memory or is there a wrong muscle I am using to swing. Maybe I have been hitting the golf ball instead of swinging......
November 17, 2024
You are pushing the trail arm through instead of rotating the core. Watch the new goat drill video to understand this further
November 17, 2024
Would the rotary connect still be applicable with these new movements?
November 12, 2024
It can definitely still help with the arms and keeping them in sync with the body
November 12, 2024
I'm cheating a little bit by looking forward in the videos. I am back at the 20 and 40 yd wedge shot. You make the comment about the elbow pit pointing outwards, but isn't that also true in the chipping, pitching and wedge shots? I've been practicing all those believing that is where my elbow pit should be pointing.
November 11, 2024
Yes absolutely, the trail elbow pit needs to face out and avoid pronation as long as possible
November 12, 2024
How are your triggering the lateral shift? Is it a gentle push off the right heel or is it due to core movement when the shoulder drops? I can do the shift in a practice swing but things tend to lock up on a full swing. I get the what am I doing here and what do I do next sensation. No flow.
November 1, 2024
Hi Mark im working on a follow up video specifically to on this and how to do the tiger squat. But the short answer is you drive pretty aggressively off the trail glute laterally.
November 3, 2024
This all is truly coming together!!! Baby steps are getting us there! Once you have it all wrapped up into the final drill that encompasses everything (Setup, hand throw, Pressure shifts and release) it is going to truly bring it all together! Great work my friend!!!
October 19, 2024
Very close now, putting the final pieces together each day.
October 20, 2024
This all makes great sense - but how do you reconcile the ‘fall into GDP’ with the ‘throw aggressively from the top’ Live Lesson emailed out today? Those seem in conflict but I'm probably missing something.
October 18, 2024
The throw is just with the hands, not the arms
October 19, 2024

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