Putting Alignment

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With your new putter setup, alignment is simple but critical to get right.

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If a person sets up conventionally, does a person need axis tilt too, for putting???
July 12, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. The trail hand will still be lower on the club so you will see the slightest hint tilt. But, you will not require hip bump/tilt in conventional stroke.
July 12, 2021
Do you recommend a putter that's face balanced or has toe hand with this putting method? I'm asking because I am looking to buy a new putter and want one that works best with this method. Thank you!
March 4, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Lead hand low works best with face balanced. Conventional for toe weighted.
March 4, 2021
Hello, I've watched all the left hand under videos and still having a problem with direction and power. On direction, clearly the shoulders are still not square naturally so somehow I have to compensate. I like the low impact feel and like Spieth, I can look at my ball going in BUT I'm missing a lot of shots because I'm not on my line. Any ideas? On the power issue, I can't really master the shoulder blade thing so I'm just trying to rock (for example as you suggest in the club under your arms video). What are your thoughts here?
October 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stuart. Club under to get the rock is fine because you are still rotating the shoulders. Do you tend to pull, push, etc? What happens with the strike?
October 20, 2020
I'm probably pulling because suddenly all my putts are long, well probably the right distance now since I'm comfortably going past the hole rather than being short. I do feel like the ball is faster and more solid, as I use the left arm. That said, I'm also overly sensitive to the idea of pulling because Chuck talks about it a lot from the full swing as well. I'm sold on the concept but wonder if I shouldn't be accompanying the ball more but don't know how to that. I also have a hard time deciding how to hold my hands, from a kind of claw to slightly open hands to perfectly aligned thumbs. I know Chuck talks about getting the right hand out of the equation and putting with the shoulders, but I struggle with the hands because I can't seem to be able to see the line the same as when I was right-hand under.
October 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stuart. Take a look at Left Hand Grip for Perfect Putting Stroke Video. I understand the issue with the pull and not seeing the line as well when you work on lead hand low. Both methods are very good for rolling the rock. But, if you have a tendency to just not feel comfortable. See how that technique works.
October 21, 2020
I looked at the video you referenced. It doesn't really tell you anything other than make sure your forearms are aligned and alludes to turn your left out more (but doesn't really show you anything in detail). I'm still left with my questions: - how do I make sure that I'm not pulling it left? - how do I grip the club, thumbs down the grip or open left and/or right hand? - how do I align my shoulders because they are still tilted? BTW, Chuck is putting right hand low on this video? Has Chuck ignored his own advice and switched hands
October 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stuart. The shoulders should barely be tilted. Without using alignment rods, or camera it would be tough to tell about the pull unless you eye the putt. Have you sent in a putting review? At his stage it would be much simpler to help diagnose the issue. Chuck isn't ignoring the lead hand low. Still matches up with physics. But, some players are just having a really hard time adopting it so we created an optional version.
October 21, 2020
Hi, I didn't see anything about using the line mark on the ball to align to the line you're visualising. Is this implied or do you not do this?
September 26, 2020
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Stuart, you can definitely use the line on the ball and then set yourself with the face square behind the ball and then align your body as outlined in this video. Very common method used for sure.
September 26, 2020
Pulling my left shoulder blade and square alignment has definitely helped me from hitting the ball left of target (I'm right handed) as much as I was. I've been using the Pelz putting tutor to check if I'm starting the ball on-line. Wish I had a SAM but...Using the narrowest setting on the tutor I'm only about 80% successful thru the marbles. As best I can measure, just hitting the marbles represents a face that is open or closed by 1.0 deg. I think, but do not know, that my 80% rate is poor for a 3 handicap. On the course my strokes gained putting is a negative 1.5 versus a scratch player. I believe most of the 1.5 is not starting the ball on-line. Any advice?
August 12, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Seeing the motion would help us analyze the issue better. Do you know if the stroke is tending to miss more open by a degree, or more? Closed?
August 13, 2020
Unfortunately I miss both ways. I have a tendency to miss the same way back to back. In other words when I pull one I tend to pull the next one and vica versa. I usually do 50 putts and keep track of how many I miss. I'm trying to get a 90% make rate but I don't even know what is good. I'm guessing a Tour player would be better than 95%. I think a tour pro strives to have the face angle plus or minus 0.5 deg at impact. I read that somewhere. I work with Chris Tyler maybe I'll send him a video. You and I met once in Orlando. Missing by one degree is so hard to see as Chuck's recent videos on putting talk about. I have a blast golf device that gives some of the data of a SAM. It does give face angle at impact vs starting position and how much I opened the face on the backswing. Unfortunately I get data that says the face was open at impact but the ball hits the left marble! I guess that could happen if I hit the ball on the heel. Also my data is hardly better when I use a putting arc where the path is constant. Sorry I was a research engineer. I'm recovering from Covid so I have time on my hands as I'm recovering.
August 13, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Good luck recovering from Covid. My father is just over two weeks clean from the bug. I remember you Tom. No worries . I would send Chris a video. We need to dial getting that face angle under control. I'm sure he has looked at the stroke before, but when we are trying to dial in whats going on sadly video/eyes are the only thing to confirm.
August 14, 2020
Thanks Craig, glad to hear about your dad doing well. Covid is a SOB. I'm about 3 weeks into it and feeling ok except I have real bad constipation. If I can get by that I'm good. I've texted Chris about videoing again. He actually sent me some chicken soup when I was feeling really bad with covid. Great friend.
August 14, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Chris is a great dude! My Dad said that chemo was way worse than Covid, but it was just exhausting. Get healthy soon, so we can fix that putting.
August 14, 2020
Damm I don't want Chemo!
August 14, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Let's try to shy away from that one
August 14, 2020
Love the putting with lead hand low on the club. It is so natural feeling. Question I have is the set up stance. Not where the ball is in the stance but rather distance from the ball, hinging from the hips and knee bend. Would it be the same as in our regular stance?
March 27, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. You may need a little more hip hinge depending on the length of your putter. Same knee bend. Balanced over the ankle joint. Eyes just inside ball. Will help with proper distance.
March 27, 2020
I've always had trouble with my putting line, even on flat putts. I've tried using one eye only and both eyes together with my head tilted at various angles to try to read the line but nothing has helped consistently and each method gives me a very different read of the line. Any tips based on either science or experience? Thanks!
May 9, 2018
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Check out this video and see if it helps you... https://rotaryswing.com/golf-instruction-videos/short-game-advanced/putting/the-secret-to-becoming-a-great-putter
May 10, 2018
I putted well for a long time left hand low and even chipped for nearly a year from just off the green that way. I finally went back to chipping "regular" because I didn't want to look odd but not I'm rethinking that. I've been an outstanding putter in the past but I let my hands hang and the putter (only 30" long) hang as well (think toe pointing down ala Steve Stricker) with my hands locked into a comfortably opposed grip ALONG the shaft as opposed to right angles to take out any wrist play. I do acknowledge though that it takes continued effort to monitor everything to make sure the hands are passive and also that i'm bent over enough (I don't know why but that has been critical to my success). I'd like to try left hand low again. My question is: will a heel shafted half moon putter like an Odyssey #9 work for this?
April 15, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Too my knowledge, the #9 isn't a face balanced putter. It will still work with your intended stroke. But, there is less chance for error with a face balanced putter due to less face rotation in a lead hand low stroke.
April 15, 2018
I have a center-shaft putter that I really like, but I know it's designed to go straight back and straight through. If I use the method you describe, will that putter cause any issues for me?
January 18, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Justin. For lead hand low a face balanced putter is perfectly fine since there won't be a lot of face rotation.
January 19, 2018
Awesome - thanks for the quick response.
January 19, 2018
In a left hand low setup, do you recommend a tuck of the trail elbow against the side of your body? Thx
April 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. That is one way to go about the motion. Ideally, we wouldn't prefer gluing or pinching the trail arm to the body.
April 25, 2017
Robert James
I have the same question as Marc, do you stand more upright or more bent over, or Is it more a function of the putter length? Does the amount of arc in the swing change in either case?
March 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. It will be a function of putter length and getting the lead arm setup properly. However, the more you hinge forward the less arc will happen in the stroke.
March 15, 2017
H Chuck i I have been putting left hand low for years now after trying pretty much everything and your videos just confirmed what I intuitively I had sensed. I have 3 questions knowing that they are all somehow linked 1) How low should I grip the club with the left hand? As I understand the left hand should be straight but not locked just comfortably hanging but I can also bring the left shoulder down a bit and grab the club lower 2) what should be the set up angle (in one video you say you will talk about this later but I did not see anything on the topic) and should the shoulders be on the same line? If I am more upright the path will be more rotational if I am more bent the path will be straighter. Clearly the line of the shoulders will be influenced by how low I grab the club. Some say they should be on the same line in the set up. I see that your left shoulder is still higher than the right even though you grab the club lower with the left hand. What would you recommend for a taller player as I am 6'2" tall 3) Can you explain what you mean by the left shoulder going through. I totally get the right shoulder going back and I can see that if I try to bring the left shoulder back I end pulling the putts. How should the left shoulder behave? I look forward to hearing from you and great series of videos on left hand low putting as not many people address this. Best, Marc
February 5, 2017
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Marc, I like to grip the left hand low enough that my arm is comfortably straight. As for setup angle, are you referring to alignment? If so, generally square to slightly open is ideal. The left shoulder blade should pull the club through as it moves back toward the spine.
February 7, 2017
Thanks Charles, by angle I did not mean alignment but inclination of the upper body. Should I stand more upright or have a more rounded posture?
February 7, 2017
Do you recommend putting a line on your ball for alignment?
November 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. The line can be somewhat personal. Some get too focused on the ball versus the movements. However, if you like using a line and can get it properly tuned. No problem at all using it.
November 21, 2016
How about ball position Chuck?
November 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Matt. See below
November 20, 2016
Thanks for a great series! I have a question regarding the ball's position at address. Should it be in the middle or slightly to left?
November 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carl. It will be in front of the sternum about the logo of the shirt. The goal is getting the ball placed to allow for the straighter lead arm position.
November 20, 2016
Good afternoon guys. Are we supposed to release the putter or simply let our left side pull the putter head straight through? I don't see anything about this in the new putting section. thanks in advance, Kev
August 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. The putter head will do a little releasing of it's own. You will continue to allow the putter to rotate slightly and continue to pull with the lead shoulder. You don't need to add a big manual release. You aren't trying to hold the face square to the target.
August 3, 2017
OK, so we do not need to feel like we stop our shoulders which in turn will stop our arms, then hands to release the club. Simply continue pulling with that lead shoulder. Thank you for the quick reply!
August 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Correct. If you stop the shoulders at impact the hands will want to release. This motion is trying to make the move simpler with less moving variables. More focus on the bigger muscles and shoulders rocking.
August 3, 2017

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