The Shocking Simplicity of Tiger Woods 2000 Swing

You think Tiger Woods golf swing is an anomaly? Too complex and athletic for the mere mortal? I think the exact opposite. It's so incredibly simple that it's almost hard to believe. But give it a try for yourself, as I always say, the proof is in the pudding.

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I’m not able to access dead drill step 2 and on I paid $47 for dead drill all steps please help
October 22, 2024
Hi Douglas, To access login and click on the Menu in the upper right hand corner. From there click on Member Tools/My Purchases and then click on DEAD Drill Course. I just logged in as you to make sure all was well and had no problem accessing these videos. Please let us know if you continue to have trouble.
October 23, 2024
Hey guys, I've been working successfully with your trail side swing concepts. How does this fit in with TGM hitting pattern? Both power the swing with the right side. Chuck seems to emphasis the wrist while TGM hitters keep the wrists firm and rely on the right arm for power. Paul
October 19, 2024
I don't use the right arm at all, that's a pushing motion which is very slow and not what Tiger does in any way, nor do other sports like tennis or baseball. The right arm is inert.
October 20, 2024
I hope you do not mind me asking questions. They keep poping into my mind as I move along with Golf. I really appreciate all your help. - My goal is to grow to my full potential. What would kind of training routine would you suggest on the course. What kind of mixture between playing holes, the driving range, chipping green would you suggest? - I have recently added calisthenics to golf. Could you speak from any kind of experience that this workout would compliment my game? Ultimately I want to gain explosive power. Many thanks.
September 27, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jayden. Chuck is very busy right now as we are about to launch the new website. So, I am helping him get caught up on some forum questions. As far as training regimen I would take a look at Should You Play Golf While Learning Your New Swing? Video. This will talk to you about the process of learning a new movement pattern and how you should mix play into the mixture. The course can be a useful tool but rushing out too quickly when you haven't spent enough time/reps can make the swing change cycle longer. You can never send too much time on short game because of how the mechanics mimic the rest of your swing mechanics. I can't tell you a perfect split because sometimes you may need more work in one area versus another, but use common sense. If you are getting 100-300 perfect reps on full swing and short game daily. You will see quick growth in your swing journey. If you are a RSA Member you can see the GOAT Code Power Program which will teach you some useful fitness drills to increase awareness. That being said learning how to hit it hard is better mastered with the club. As Charlie Woods was a child Tiger said he didn't care about the quality of mechanics at first he wanted him to just hit it hard and learn how to create speed. That they would clean it up later. That is important to think about when changing your swing is don't lose the innate movements and feels the body needs to understand in search of perfect mechanics.
September 27, 2024
Hi Chuck, I am currently training five minutes to the perfect backswing every day and working on my explosive power, becuase I want to have a better functioning swing. So instead of going Golfing on the corse I am working on my technique and fitness. And I am not going to compete in any turnaments for 3 years. What is your opinion on my Idea?
September 26, 2024
If you want to play competitive, then you need to compete as often as you can. I wouldn't recommend taking 3 years off, you'll be losing out on so much irreplaceable experience.
September 27, 2024
Chuck, When I watch this video I see the one main thing I can't do and it drives me crazy. It is his and your right elbow. Mine always gets behind me and I feel Like I have tried everything to stop this. You see Tiger when hew five years old he did have that flying right elbow. At some point he got rid of it. What drill or technique can you offer that might be in your system to get this right elbow in from of your body and how hard is it to get rid of? Thanks
September 15, 2024
Check out the new TW GOAT Code program starting here
September 15, 2024
That was a big help. Not perfect but I made big progress. Great stuff. Thanks The next thing I need is best way to get on plane in my back swing
September 15, 2024
The best way to do that is to work through each of those steps beneath that video. Swing plane is directly addressed
September 15, 2024
I have one more question that came to my mind . is the RST Level 1 Certification Manual the same as Instrucktor sertification, Level 1, Second Edition?
August 8, 2024
Yes it is, the second edition just has updates in it
August 8, 2024
Hi Chuck, You wrote books about golf, made a huge learning plattform and play amazing golf. In general your knowledge about golf is above every standart. So I wanted to ask you; do you think you have found out everithing in golf there is to be found out?
August 8, 2024
Jayden, I literally learn something new every single day. Been teaching for 29 years and every day I discover something new and interesting.
August 8, 2024
Hello Chuck, I am really excited about this program and amazed of how much time you must have invested building it.
August 6, 2024
Welcome Jayden, it's been a life long obsession!
August 6, 2024
Hi Chuck, i have recently joined Rotary, and now want to dive into rebuilding my swing. Is this pattern easier to learn than the left side pattern? My biggest issue has always been path, never speed. My driver swing speeds approx 115mph, but my flaw is using my shoulders / hands to come over top. Am i better in your mind to learn the goat code, or C4 to get my path and mechanics right? I understand GOAT promotes more speed, but i need to hit the fairway not further! Thank you! Thank you!
July 24, 2024
Hi David, if your trail hand is naturally your dominant hand then the GOAT Code makes it much faster to learn using that hand.
July 24, 2024
Some two months ago I started using the GOAT trail side dominant approach and can only say I wish I had used this from the outset! The full swing feels more comfortable with better distance and accuracy, so I am staying with it. Now I would appreciate your guidance on one aspect of the GOAT approach and that is distance control. How should I make the “feel” changes to fine tune distance when full swing is clearly too long? Thanks in advance, and thanks for redirecting my approach to golf! Gordon.
June 28, 2024
Hi Gordon, it has mostly to do with how much you load your trail leg in the backswing, new video coming out next week will go help you to feel this
July 1, 2024
Hi Chuck, has the new video been released yet? Gordon
July 10, 2024
Yes, went out Monday here's the first part if you didn't get the email (check your spam folder)
July 10, 2024
Many thanks Chuck, that helps! How do I switch on notification about new videos? I have checked my spam file and there are no emails about new postings there. Gordon.
July 11, 2024
Hi Gordon I show that you are on the correct list and were sent the email, so if you didn't receive it must've gone to spam but if you checked and didn't see it that's very weird!
July 11, 2024
Hello, I am new and am excited to bring the joy back to my golf game! I am having trouble feeling the throwing motion at the top. I have watched the videos multiple times but have had a terrible over the top move a long time. Also how do I feel the left hand without using the thumb to throw the club and the 3 fingers on the right hand? Any and all detail led info to help me understand and get a feel would be more than welcomed!
June 19, 2024
If you are over the top, it's because you're turning your shoulders to power the downswing and the lower body isn't moving. The left hand isn't working that hard to throw, it's more in the right, that's why you don't need the thumb
June 20, 2024
Thank you ! So when I throw with my right wrist I should feel pressure in my middle 3 fingers? Also is the left thumb slightly to the side of the shaft at the top? I’m super excited and want to make sure I understand so I can practice correctly!!
June 20, 2024
Yes, thumb is to the side and you feel pressure really in the middle 2 fingers and the first pressure point of the index finger
June 21, 2024
Can you address tigers back and knee injuries relative to the GOAT golf swing you advocate. I love the concepts but Tigers injuries are scary to me.
May 14, 2024
Sean Foley.
May 14, 2024
June 22, 2024
Hi Chuck, how do you get the clubshaft in such a good angle at the top of the backswing?
May 1, 2024
Check out the release video i just did talking about starting in gdp and going up from there
May 1, 2024
Hi Chuck, any other tips for getting into a good position from P3 and up?
May 2, 2024
Check out the latest lesson that was posted.
May 5, 2024
Hey Chuck, I'm curious why you focus on Tigers swing of 2000 and not the current one. This because his body is now more fragile so his current swing should be simpler and should put less stress on his body than the 2000 swing.
April 18, 2024
I love his 2019-2020 swing before he had his ankle fused, I use it as a reference a lot. The reason I use his early 2000s swing is his body was totally fine then as well, and the swing pattern is very basic and simple. It also happens to be the most dominant swing in history with his run from 2000-2004 being unprecedented.
April 18, 2024
Hey Chuck, been getting great results from the GOAT Code. What's your thoughts on combing Erika Larkin's true swing sequence and where the hands are largely passive (ie not trying to get them into position). I'm very guilt of having way to many swing thoughts, and check points in the swing. I found using Erika's true swing sequence has the effect of reducing these thoughts and being more relaxed through the swing. Cheers
April 15, 2024
Sorry no idea who or what that is
April 15, 2024
here's a link appreciate your thoughts
April 15, 2024
It seems to be very similar to Chuck's original One Plane Swing, which was before RST. Focused on body rotation with passive arms.
May 14, 2024
How can the Goat Code be used on shots inside 100 yards. Are there any videos on this or any coming out?
April 5, 2024
Hi Dennis, the movement and feels are the same for shorter wedge shots, just with less speed.
April 5, 2024
I find the “wide to wide” video to be perfect for the short game.
June 22, 2024
Very impressive information. I would like to continue to pursue the Goat Theory series method and my question is which other videos should I watch and which ones should I avoid so as I don't confuse myself with the new and the old way you have taught.
April 5, 2024
Welcome Dennis! Just focus on the top two tabs of goat theory and the goat code and you’ll be in hog heaven!
April 5, 2024
Love the swing, Chuck! Is there a chance you could post a face on swing as well?
February 28, 2024
Yes, working on this as we speak
February 29, 2024
Michael I was thinking of getting the Hack Motion training aid. I saw a comment that you might be able to offer members a discount. Pls advise. Thx m
February 28, 2024
Hi Michael, yes I was able to get 5% off ($50 for the Pro unit). I'm working on a set of videos for this as we speak that explain how to use it with the GOAT Code, why, etc. But if you want a jump on it you can use this link to buy to save: I am using the Pro unit in the video because it includes rotation and deviation which are critical to understanding the release. The base unit only does flexion/extension which is great but all the videos I'm doing focus more on the rotation which is only available in the top level Pro software.
February 28, 2024
Chuck The “Goat Code” proves your the Oracle of golf instruction! It takes a lot of repetition to let the mechanics” be superseded by the “feel” in the golf swing, especially if you’re in your mid 60’s. I’m taking it out to the course tomorrow and hopefully I can keep the feeling in place where it counts on the gc. I would love to see some videos on how this translates in to the driver swing as well. MANY thx michael
February 26, 2024
Thanks Michael! The swings are the same, although the wrist movement will be slightly different at impact. I'm working on a new video detailing this as we speak
February 27, 2024
What do you think of Jake in relation the Goat code ?
February 25, 2024
In what regard? I've not looked at his swing closely in any way but at a surface glance he's matching up well except he adds a lot more wrist cock than Tiger did. I'm going to be doing a wrist video next that will talk more about this using the Hackmotion device as I've been very impressed with it
February 25, 2024
Boris (Certified RST Instructor)
One of the reasons that I signed up for RST, was because you introduced a concept of a swing that was safe and would allow you to swing powerfully, efficiently, and without injury. This was brought home to me as I recently viewed a YouTube video that was airing the 1991 US Open which Payne Stewart won. I love Panye’s powerful swing, but he had back issues because of it. At the 57:16 mark, Jack Whitaker begins a monologue that is specifically about the back problems of golfers. He talks about Greg Norman’s withdrawal on Friday because of an aching back, and how Payne Stewart had missed 10 Weeks prior to the start of the of this US OPEN because of back problems. Later in his monologue he says “An aching back which comes to all of us sooner or latter is the occupational hazard of a golfer…” He goes on to say much more to include comparing the back of a golfer to the knees of a football player or the rotator cuff of a pitcher. He even quips that the back is the golfer’s Achilles Heel. I wish that everyone could listen to this video clip to see the prevailing thought in the early 90’s and what you have striven to teach at RST.
February 19, 2024
That's one of the things I like so much about Tiger's 2000s swing. There was no stress on his body hitting a stock shot. We could play swinging like this forever and never even get sore.
February 21, 2024
Chuck. First of all, thanks. Yes, your methods have changed, but that is the evolution of every golf swing. I like this teaching series. I struggled with my turn, pushing off trail leg, flipping, fat and thin shots etc. This methodology seems to sequence much better, without a lot of thought. On the backswing, you speak of a lateral movement. What I feel is the base of my spine has moved over my trail hip socket. This feeling also starts my move tipping, transition, towards the lead side early on. I must keep reminding myself to get my left side, shoulder, hip and knees, below my right side. A slight cast at the top, and the rest of the swing happens naturally. Do I understand your GOAT code correctly?
February 18, 2024
Hmmm, I don't fully understand what you mean by your spine moving over your trail hip socket. Do you mean where it was at address? Either way, the movement is not that significant, but may feel that way. If you study Tiger's 2000 swing that I posted you can see his head moves more than his hips.
February 18, 2024
This feel is like getting permission to do something long thought to be taboo. I’ve struggled for years with the transition. I would pull down hard with the right arm and couldn’t recover. I had lots of lag, yes, but I was steep and narrow and stuck as a result. I had to early extend, stop the body rotation, and flip to hit the ball at the target. If I didn’t, I’d hit a massive block (when teed up) or hit it really fat. By focusing on keeping the right arm wide and starting down with just a slight cast to get the club moving, everything else frees up. The transition feeling for me is shifting the body to the target while feeling like I push the club away from the target but with a little cast to get it unwinding. Then the body just turns on its own to get me to a good impact position.
February 6, 2024
Yep! You can see pros who have a ton of lag late and they too often have steep angles of attack (Sergio, for example) and they either hit it low, or learn to make a compensation to get the ball flight up.
February 6, 2024
David Stephensen
Great video. I resonate with the idea that you shouldn't overthink it, but it feels a bit contradictory to all your previous videos about maintaining lag, and especially in the dead drill videos, where you state that it's very important to get the body movement right, and the club will shallow out and release properly. Not downplaying any of the methods, but they just seem like to completely different schools of learning. Any thoughts?
February 6, 2024
There are many ways to hit a golf ball. Sergio Garcia maintains lag very late in the swing. Tiger has always been wide. They both work, just two different ways to skin a cat. This GOAT study revolved around how Tiger swings the club primarily, as well as many other greats.
February 6, 2024
David Stephensen
What's your stance today on the DEAD drill and the other more technical/mechnical drills? Also, what made you want to do try to adopt this "feel" swing? It looks like you already had a solid swing that you could easily re-produce.
February 6, 2024
Hi David, have a video coming out this week on this exact topic so stay tuned! I talk about all of this and more. But the simplest answer as to "why" is because Tiger's swing, in my opinion, from 2000 was the simplest, most effective golf swing ever. The fewest moving parts without sacrificing any power. And when you see how simple his backswing was with this new video, I think you will agree!
February 6, 2024
Hi Chuck, I've just returned to golf after 20+ years. I never really established a consistent swing when i was younger. Now a bit older and wiser, and the explosion of golf content on the internet, I'm working on establishing this consistency. I only recently came across to and really like your approach by adopting learning theory and breakdown the components of the swing and the importance of having fluency in each of these components. I had just begun phase 1 of your program, and then you released the GOAT CODE videos. I'm now a little confused as to how to proceed. Can you give any guidance on how to approach both? Cheers Stu PS I've got the golf bug really bad...
February 2, 2024
Hi Stuart. Give the GOAT Code a try and see if you dont make faster progress
February 2, 2024
Cheers Chuck, just been practicing with the GOAT code video's and I think i just found that feeling! Wow.... Feel like I've just jumped many levels in in my learning and feel of the swing in one dedicated session.. Great timing to become a member of your website.
February 3, 2024
Hi Stuart, yes, exactly! With the right feeling you can make a quantum leap in your mechanics. This is exactly what I was trying to figure out and this is why.
February 3, 2024
I owe you big time! Thanks for your dedication and devotion to golf and working it out!
February 3, 2024
Made me think of this clip - Tiger and JT watching Max Homa and TIger commenting on Max’s “little cast” and liking it.
January 31, 2024
Using this clip in the video tomorrow Drew, so thank you for sharing it!
February 1, 2024
Very cool. Max had a great response (of course) when he saw the clip. Something like “I like your swing too, Tiger.” It would have been Payne Stewart’s 67th birthday a couple of days ago. He was my favorite player growing up. Anyway, someone posted some of his swings and he also has a little cast to start the club down. I think I’m going to see it everywhere now.
February 1, 2024
Totally! It’s like getting a new car and then you realize everyone has one lol
February 2, 2024
Great catch! He totally casts it from the top!
January 31, 2024
Chuck, I pretty much had given up golf a few months ago due to inconsistent results and frustration in my game. I have always felt like what you teach was easy to understand but was so hard for me to master. I began to feel like my golf days had passed me by. When I saw this series of videos last night ( I was up late watching and my wife kept asking me what in the world I was doing ) I went out this afternoon and put it to the test. I was shocked at the ease at which I was able to swing and make for the most part solid contact. I have always been a fan of Tiger and the ease at which he swings, you nailed it with all your research. I still have lots of work to do but you have given me hope!
January 30, 2024
Exactly Ron. I know that soooo many golfers feel the exact same way. The golf swing had to have a simple answer. There just was no way that it couldn't given how the greats "figured it out". Now, I feel like we have the "feel" that they had and it makes all these things I've said about the mechanics happen naturally.
January 31, 2024
Simply AWESOME! Can't wait to dive in!!!
January 29, 2024
Let me know what you think!
January 29, 2024
Thank you Chuck for all your hard work. The goat theory has been an eye opener for me and I feel like I'm finally posting up correctly after learning how to properly shift the pressure in my golf swing. The goat code looks like a game changer and I can't wait to try it out. I have access to a simulator at work and I hope to see a big improvement!
January 29, 2024
It will all be out tonight! I hope you love it! Almost done uploading….
January 29, 2024

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