Should You Switch to Swing Like Tiger Woods?

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The #1 question I've gotten: Should I switch to swing like Tiger and why did you switch? The answer to both is in this video.

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I am right hand dominant. Want to start learning goat theory and using my right hand dominant swing. What videos should I watch and in what order?
February 2, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Watch the GOAT Code new series of videos directly beneath GOAT Theory
February 2, 2024
12.45 "Your hands have to slow down - the club will speed up".I'm not sure I understand this. An actively right hand release is a quick motion - a "swat". How can the hands slow down and perform a swat at the same time? Or maybe it's the arms that slow down, not the hands per se? The R wrist is part of the R hand - is it not? That's where the release happens?
January 28, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. The vast majority of hand speed will actually happen in the beginning of the downswing. Even with the active swat the hand will slow down as the release happens. You may be actively throwing but once the leverage is gone in the wrist the club will speed up as the hand decelerates.
January 28, 2024
Chuck you are right in your comments. I did watch the more recent videos you have done and found they explained in an advanced way th e modern pro golfer swing and with background many previous instruction videos you explained now how to replicate the athletic swing while advancing the basic swing principals taught in the various instruction schools.
December 2, 2023
You have confused me over the the years. I have been through the University, the Dead Drill, The Axion and the C4 level 2. Now the Goat. What do you suggest to bring it all together? I remember Chris telling me I would benefit from the Axion because of its right foot emphasis but it had taken the C4 to get me to weight shift and complete the figure 8 foot and hips movement ie. Swing with the core. As I said in my previous note I naturally add the right arm and hand at the release point and that combo release produces a smooth movement through the ball when I get it all right and it feels great. It sounds like I could benefit from the goat stuff but with my natural tendency to sidearm through the ball on release, I am confused by potential improvement. If I can now blend it all together but only have to think about moving with and off the right side in the downswing it would be terrific. Please explain the intention of the training for swinger like me. Also note too dominant a left side focus on hip turn hurts my hip when I over swing.
November 26, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Take a look at the video I am publishing today and see if that doesn't glue it all together for you.
November 28, 2023
November 26, 2023
Okay Chuck I was a right side dominant swinger with all the faults that lack o proper weight shift brings. Been working with your videos and getting help with online coaching from your swing coach’s for years. For the last year have been going through #2 of the current approach on the website along with Craig’s comeback videos and his online help. Am about to graduate to #3 level where you add power to the 9 to 3 swing. I think in those videos you will instruct to throw the ball. Since I was a picture in high schools I naturally add the right arm sidearm throw at the release point, however the training in the 9-5 drill has gotten me shift weight properly and lead with the left arm and create a proper release point. I have not yet gone through the goat lesson videos yet here is my question: do we cover the right arm move you are talking about in the goat videos sufficiently in the level 3 and 4 series in the current training program or have you got something else in mind? I am about to graduate from level 2 and begin level 3 rep routine.Will now send Craig a new video for review in combination with that move to make sure my 9-3 swing is ready for the move up.
November 26, 2023
Chuck, I am a 67 year-old man who is naturally left-handed but plays golf right-handed. I played college golf at Georgia Tech (a very long time ago) and maintained a +2 handicap index through my adult life until about 8 years ago when I started having serious back problems (I blame bad genes, but all the golf swings over the years probably haven't helped). At this point, my entire lumbar region is fused and I lost a ton of swing speed with the last fusion 2 years ago. I have always had a lead side dominant swing but after watching your GOAT Theory videos am thinking that I could maybe recapture some swing speed (and possibly have a swing that is much easier on my body) by trying switching to a right-side dominant swing. Do you have any thoughts on my situation?
November 1, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi John, yes, if you take out body speed which will be necessary with your fusion you have to replace it with something else and the most logical place is all the leverage you can access in the right arm to make up for the slower body rotation.
November 3, 2023

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