Fix Your Over the Top Swing by Fixing Your Hand Path

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Learn how to fix your over the top golf swing by simply being able to read a clock. If you can tell time, you can stop slicing and start hitting a baby draw. As an added bonus, I hit an awesome shank at the end of this video so make sure you watch the whole thing!

Here is the link to the AXIOM video I mentioned in this clip.

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The premise behind this is so simple it’s hard to believe it can be so effective. Any over the toppers out there might want to try this. I went to the range today with a 23 degree 4 hybrid and video camera and in about 10 minutes I was hitting 200 yard carry baby draws into a fairly tight dispersion. For me that’s about a 15 yard increase in distance and much better dispersion results. First time in my life my club head was coming into the ball from the inside. I think if I continue drilling this it’s only going to get better. Thanks Rotary Swing!
May 1, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Ron! When you start shallowing out the club from an over the top move. Game becomes much more fun.
May 1, 2023
Craig, I forgot mention that it was 42 degrees when I was hitting balls with a consistent 10 mph wind blowing directly into my face. I have to believe I can get more distance with this club on a decent day. Very exciting for me
May 2, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. Pretty solid for weather conditions. Tough to get me out there if below 70. Ha
May 2, 2023
Hi Chuck and Craig - I felt the need to post something about this drill because it has borderline revolutionized my ball striking. I am a 3 handicap but have always had an over the top move and have tried to fix it off and on for 20 years to no avail. I muscle the ball out there and swing pretty hard and only get about 250 yards out of it with a driver. I had a lesson with Chuck online about 2 months ago and he had me working on the throw the ball drill....which did help...and it's still a work in progress and will take time I'm sure. But this drill immediately helped me. On the range it's great....still working on getting it to the course. My hit instinct wants to take over still and I'm not quite trusting it yet. But there's a great reduction in effort and the ball is jumping. I get done golfing now and am not nearly as tired and I feel like I could play another 18. I need to videotape it and send it in b/c I have no idea how it looks. But the ball flight results....I feel like I'm just in awe....watching the ball fly with what feels like little effort. I just need to let the club release and not try to muscle it and it goes and goes. Thank you Chuck and Craig for the great work! Really excited about my golf game going forward!
July 9, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That’s awesome Troy! Thanks for the update!
July 10, 2022
Hi Chuck and Craig I am interested in why going counterclockwise is so deeply ingrained in the neural pathways. I know this and if I remain conscious of it, I am kind of ok. Especially on the driving range. But when I go on the course, and try to relax without any swing thoughts, it just seems to come back automatically. When I was younger I was a baseball player, so clockwise should be ingrained in me. Why isnt it? And yes, I have done my reps. Thousands of them. Hopefully one day it is going to kick in. Right now I am using your idea of getting to a place where it is a feeling. Like in driving a stick shift car. You always have to have hope. Right?
June 26, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The reason is quite simple actually. It has to do with the one main driving force in your swing that overrides everything else in your mind and body. POWER. everything in the golf swing is its subject. If you dont have the right power sources you will always be overruled by a faulty movement working to create power in the swing. Until you fix your power source you cant fix anything else.
June 26, 2022
When you hit the balls straight...where do they land? Is there a net or an area...
June 25, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. Go to Phase 1 Follow Along Video (timestamp 2:30). Chuck will give you the answers you seek .
June 26, 2022

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