Hackmotion Extension/Flexion

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Save $50 off the Hackmotion Pro: https://hackmotion.com/rotaryswing. The Hackmotion device is the first training aid I can honestly say is worth it over a decade. It has already dramatically changed my ball striking for the better and as you learn how to use it and interpret the data, you'll likely have the experience.

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So maintain left wrist extension at the top? But there are many other videos where you say that at the top the left wrist loses extension as it moves slightly into a flat position, no?
July 23, 2024
It can and does lose some depending on how much lead arm is involved in the swing. Those who maintain more extension are more trail arm dominant, but of course, most golfers fall somewhere in between and the more lead arm dominant you are the more the wrist will want to bow.
July 23, 2024
Chuck, at address, using the recommended "Knuckles-down release," the only way I am able to achieve getting into the proper (+15 extension, which is at the edge of too much extension) extension is to have forward shaft lean. I calibrated the hack motion correctly (double, triple check it). I am using my normal grip, which is the same as what you show in the grip video. My setup, ball position (off the lead ear/logo of shirt) and club shaft (in line with the ball) are all IAW RST fundamentals. I have checked to make sure my lead arm is relaxed and not internally or externally rotated as was with the case of Larry in your building a full swing video. Any advice on what is causing this? I showed this to Craig (my instructor for the past year) and unfortunately, he wasn't able to help me solve the issue. Hopefully you'll ('The One") be able to provide an answer/solution to this.
April 26, 2024
That's an interesting one, I'd need to see it to tell for sure, but it sounds like a small setup issue like being too far onto the lead foot and the lead shoulder too far forward. If you feel you have more axis tilt and your trail shoulder hanging back more of your trail foot does that change it?
April 26, 2024
Can I show you my setup in a video on the community blog so you can check it out and give a shout out to you when it's posted. I'll check the things that you mentioned that might be the issue on setup. I normally use cameras and monitors for both the FO & DTL view simultaneously. Maybe the lead shoulder too far forward..??? I'll check on it and let you know. Thanks for all you do for the community Chuck and kudos to Craig. He has been an amazing instructor for me.
April 26, 2024
For sure, let me know when you posted it up there.
April 26, 2024
Hey Chuck, I posted up the video. I had to make 2 post in order to get a FO and a DTL. The videos have audio so you are able to hear the sound when I have the correct extension.
April 26, 2024
Chuck, What are the recommended flexion/extension ranges for the Hackmotion? I'm not sure the pattern a is a good match for the Goat swing. Thanks!
April 20, 2024
You can use the same as Olesen's in the app
April 22, 2024
Hi Chuck Please, how do I get a discount on the hack motion device purchase, as a member of rotary swing? Thanks Stefano, from Italy
March 25, 2024
Go to https://hackmotion.com/rotaryswing and it will be automatically applied.
March 25, 2024
Chuck, I ordered the HackMotion Core (thanks for recommending this and getting us a discount!) and I am > 95% accurate at the top of my backswing but am averaging around 15 degrees of EXTENSION at impact. Per the graph of a flip presented in HackMotion, it does not appear that I am aggressively flipping but I am not sure. Do you have any suggestions on how to get more flexion at impact? Do I need to upgrade my HackMotion software to the Plus or Pro? Thanks again for all of your great work on this website! Chris.
March 15, 2024
Hi Christopher and thanks! I'm working on a video right now that covers ulnar/radial deviation as they go hand and hand with extension/flexion. But if you don't want to go for the upgrade to the Pro version to get that data, realize that the most common cause of the flip when looking at the data is trying to bow the wrist too much too early and then you run out of anywhere to go as I discuss in the video or you are cocking the wrist too much (too much radial deviation on the Hackmotion) and this cups the wrist (too much extension) and makes it hard to get rid of the extension in time before impact.
March 15, 2024
Chuck, the HackMotion videos are fascinating and a wonderful insight into understanding wrist angles during the swing. This might not be the best place for my question, though it is related. I joined RotarySwing to learn a swing that requires less swing thoughts and I am delighted with my progress so far. Tell me, why don't you address the ball with the strike wrist flexion then maintain that angle throughout the whole swing? That would reduce swing thoughts, I think.
March 13, 2024
The golf swing is too dynamic. As much as it logically makes sense to take this approach, there's a reason you almost never see a good player doing it. You must give the body areas to move THROUGH the swing. Just trying to hold it static doesn't work as it restricts movement too much and in this case, actually most often leads to the exact opposite desired result - a flip.
March 14, 2024
Chuck, I have to admit that my head is spinning. The GOAT Code and GOAT Theory videos have been eye-opening and exciting. My swing feels more free and athletic than ever. I have swing feels instead of swing thoughts and it’s been fun to be a part of your deep dive into what the GOATS really did in your swing. But I find myself on the range not knowing what feel should I work on. The side arm throw with a weight shift? The wide-glide-wide drill emulating Tiger circa 2000? Or trying to get into the GDP and working on getting my wrists to copy Thorbjorn Olesen? Or do I have to do all of these things to swing it my best? Is there a hierarchy to all of this? Is there a framework in which to categorize all of this new GOAT info? I’m still topping out at 105mph with my driver so I think I have to be missing some pieces.
March 12, 2024
Focus on the main core videos until you have the basic motion down, then simply use GDP as a checkpoint and the refining videos to dial things in. If you can hit the ball well with wide glide wide then you are well on your way.
March 14, 2024
Thanks for the reply Chuck. Swing is feeling good as I quiet the body and “throw from the top”. Contact has been great and I’m picking up speed for sure. Club Path has zeroed nicely, but club face can be a little open, a little shut or square. So misses are right and left. I’m trying to bow the left wrist as I throw from the top while moving the hands fast. Any tips on how to keep the face more stable in the downswing and through impact?
March 16, 2024
You may be getting too much deviation (wrist cock) which opens the face and then you are struggling to square it back up. Could also be too much rotation, but I would start with deviation.
March 17, 2024
Thanks Chuck. Radial deviation correct?
March 17, 2024
Yes, exactly
March 18, 2024
Hey Chuck , Are you still thinking the club is ‘thrown’ from the top with this new wrist data ?
March 10, 2024
Yes, you can see that in the data in Olesen's swing. I've had this asked a few times so I will probably do a video on it soon
March 10, 2024
Chuck, it's great to see these videos with HackMotion. I've been using HackMotion for about a year, working with Craig on changing my swing. I agree with you, absolutely the best training aid I have ever used. One questions regarding when to bow. When I'm doing a Lead Arm Parallel drill, the time from the top of my backswing to GDP is 0.23 seconds and the time from GDP to impact is 0.07 seconds and this is with a shot that only goes 100 yards or so. When do you "think" about starting to bow? Is there a trigger point in your swing when you do it or is it, as you say in the video, only by drilling more slowly? Thanks, Neil. BTW, whatever you pay Craig, it isn't enough, he is fantastic!
March 9, 2024
Hi Neil, great question. As you can imagine, it's impossible to "think" the timing of this as it happens much too fast. But, if you move into GDP, the wrist will naturally start to bow. When it starts to flip is when we aren't moving through GDP correctly. The momentum and weight of the clubhead when the trail arm is in GDP leaves little choice but for it to bow naturally.
March 9, 2024
Thanks Chuck, this is exactly what I needed to see! Got my Hackmotion sensor (thanks for discount!) on Monday and was practicing with it. My initial thought was that I needed to bow my wrist at the top of the backswing, and exactly like you say, it was showing me flipping at impact. Now I know better. BTW, for rest of members you can start with the base Core model at $280 and then choose later to upgrade to Plus or Pro, which is a software update you pay for. The hardware is exactly the same for all 3 versions. Thanks again!
March 6, 2024
It's an amazing device once you know what to do with the info, total game changer!
March 7, 2024
Chuck, thank you for the simple explanation of a very difficult process. I can't wait to calm the wrists and hands and post some great results. This is absolutely AWESOME content! This is simply another Homerun in the GOAT series! Keep it coming! This information is finally giving us the simplification of what needs to be done to be a great ball striker. AMAZING STUFF! Keep pouring it on. Thanks again. You're Da Man or should I say Da Decoder of the Golf Swing! Unbelievable!
March 6, 2024
hahaha, thanks David, I'll keep chipping away at the mysteries of the swing for us all!
March 7, 2024

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