How to Fix the 3 Most Common Backswing Faults

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Learn how to fix the 3 most common backswing fatal flaws with one simple feel from the greatest golfers of all time!

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This is super helpful Chuck. Keeping those shoulders relax at the top is something I’ve been missing. Generally in the past regardless of path in the backswing at the top, I would pull my shoulders, my arms down. Which caused all kinds of angles and other issues that are extremely hard to recover from in the downswing and through impact. it is much easier for me to feel at the top throwing the club then it would if I was pulling the Club down. It’s a lot of easier on my back and spine as well. I’m not 20 anymore.
June 17, 2024
Thanks Cale, the next video I've just completed on the body covers this a bit more as well.
June 18, 2024
Chuck: what is admirable about you and your business model is the amount of effort you have put in to ensure that we understand what we do. The platform and attention to detail especially for those of us who started this sport after college or grad school (later in life) is commendable. This is an example of how to operate a business with the consumer in mind. I have dumped so many golf teachers after 1-2 lessons because it was clear they had no clue how to impart the knowledge. All I can say is congratulations!!!
May 26, 2024
Thank you Melanie!
May 27, 2024
Chuck, merry Memorial Day. Noticed on the young tiger his flying elbow. I always had problems with my hands getting too deep (elbow necessarily flares). Hard to tell but do I want to keep my rear arm “connected” to the side of my chest? So in essence my rear arm is just moving up and down.
May 24, 2024
The upper part of the arm will be connected if you turn and don't move the arms much. When the arms get too deep it's because they are swinging a lot. Not that that's a bad thing per se', it depends on how you want to swing and release the club. Tiger drives more off the right leg and gets a lot of his speed that way, so his arms don't have to swing as much.
May 24, 2024
So on a biomechanical level, how much torso rotation is happening vs the protraction and retraction of the shoulders?
March 10, 2024
I don't think anyone has ever measured that and it would be difficult to do so.
March 11, 2024
Hi Chuck The explanation and application of protraction and retraction is interesting, and new. I've always struggled to get a full shoulder turn, and have certainly got too tight in the thoracic at times trying to get there. I need to actively use this technique to get more freedom of movement in the backswing and that flowing, effortless movement to the top. Again I think that at times I've managed to do this to a degree and hit a good shot, but haven't understood what I was actually doing - so again this specific cueing is very helpful.
February 2, 2024
Just wait until you get to the GOAT Code content!
February 2, 2024
Looking forward to the Goat downswing....
January 11, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. Working around the clock right now on it
January 11, 2024
Hi Chuck. I can get the club to all the way back but hands remain upright. Also can’t transfer the weight to front and hit about 2/3 inches behind the ball. Suggestions on weight transfer and drills. Thanks
January 9, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loveneet. I would have to know a little more data about your movement. But, from the notes I would gather you aren't coiling into the trail hip enough early which is leading you to lack getting the weight back on the sooner side to alleviate the fat shot. I would go back and tackle the 4 Pressure Shifts with your body movements.
January 11, 2024
Hey Chuck, When I try the medicine ball toss with both hands it's very curious what happens. My backswing pivot is different, the left shoulder goes down pretty much immediately and it feels more pivot driven. And I'm in a different more centred position at the top. The downswing is also covering the ball more. Is this drill also going to make left arm moves you are talking about as well? Feels that way. When I go to swing with a club after this I'm actually feeling more left shoulder down, right hip back rather than pushing the left arm back. Does that do the same thing we are looking for in this video?
January 8, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. Sounds good to me. The core plays a vital role in the swing. I like that you are feeling more centered with the steeper shoulder plane and pivot with the hips. The lead shoulder should be getting proper protraction. The medicine ball is simplifying the feel for you.
January 11, 2024
Cheers Craig. I gave this drill to my Dad as well, he's a major leg driver right shoulder dipper on the downswing with a drop kick high wang of a draw. This drill has revolutionised his play! He's getting on top of the ball and hitting it so solid and straight, he's hitting almost every green and the ones he's missing is just because he's 71 and doesn't have the power in it yet. I'll show him a speed drill version of this and see if he can also add another 20 yards back into his game.
January 11, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
That's awesome Brain. Huge win for pops! Thanks for sharing. If we get both of yall on the straight and narrow you won't be seeing my team play against you two in best ball format .
January 11, 2024
What you're saying makes sense but seems to be contrary to previous videos talking about initiating the swing by moving the right shoulder blade and NOT pushing with the left side. How do you reconcile this inconsistency?
December 30, 2023
Please read the other comments where i have answered this
December 30, 2023
Chuck, great video, indeed! Following up on Venkatesh's inquiry, I also have been working hard to pull the right shoulder back to start the backswing which seemed to be a mainstay of the RST swing several years ago (i.e. push/left side versus pullback/right side for the right-handed golfer). I realize your methodology has changed over the years with new information. Based on this new video, are you telling us to start the backswing by pushing/protracting the left side? Just double (even triple) checking. Thanks, Rob
December 28, 2023
hi Rob and thanks for the question. To me they are really one in the same. You cant push with the left without the right side retracting and vice versa. But I like the idea of being consistent with how the greats felt their swings. As long as you feel pushing correctly as I demonstrate here it accomplishes the same goal. The issue for some when they push is they turn flat but the same can happen when they pull. If you get that lead shoulder working more down either way we are in business
December 28, 2023
Holy game-changer! Finally... this video is the link for me to be able to use Axiom. I haven't been able to hit anything but low, clanky draws when trying the Axiom movements, and I think it's because when I think of immediately moving my pressure out to 5 or 6 o'clock, it's making me turn flat, my clubhead goes inside, my head moves way over and I can't get off the merry-go-round fast enough. It has been so frustrating because I love the idea of the single clockwise movement of the swing, but haven't been able to do it cleanly. So when I tried the first move you describe in this video (I'll submit a swing review shortly), it completely changed all of that. Everything sets correctly in the takeaway and I get off the merry-go-round way faster because I'm no longer so far to my trail side. I mostly focus on the clockwise arm movement and the result is just straight smashing of the ball. If you could do a video that relates this initial movement with the Axiom principles, it would be awesome!
December 22, 2023
Awesome! Yes im working on tying everything together. The dead drill, axiom, the goats - all of it into one simple package from the release back as i think that is the clearest way to understand a proper golf swing.
December 23, 2023
Fantastic! Can’t wait. Happy holidays, Chuck.
December 23, 2023
Really liked this content, has finally sorted out in my head how I get my shoulders to 90 degrees without continuing to turn shoulders/body into tension. I could do with a little more explanation of exactly how the wrists react at end of takeaway to get me to the top of backswing. I’ve spent a lot of time watching your face on & down the line 7 iron but still can’t quite get it!! Also when can we expect the downswing video???
December 22, 2023
The wrists and overall arm feel are really directly linked to the downswing sequence and you cant really fully understand why one without the other. Im working on the downswing sequence of Tiger as we speak and plan to have that next vid up right around the first of the year.
December 22, 2023
20,37 "the club will never go outside my hands". Do you by any chance mean inside...?
December 22, 2023
Yes sorry about that!
December 22, 2023
Chuck, this is SO good. You have a way of articulating your thoughts that is simply outstanding. For me, the feeling of using my body to float my arms to the top is priceless. I had never realized until this video the reason why my sequencing wasn't as fluid was because of the tension in my arms and shoulders. With these tips I just completely annihilated a few balls into my backyard net. I've always rushed my downswing and this is helpful to let it happen naturally like throwing a ball. Is there a FEELING of when i know the backswing is complete? I know to start the pressure to the left way before i finish the backswing, but is there a feel of when i know the backswing is enough? Thanks, you are the best instructor on the planet. Jim
December 20, 2023
Thank you Jim!!! The downswing video I'm working on now will help you understand this fully. The issue with not knowing when to stop the backswing stems from not fully understanding what you’re trying to do in the downswing and there are so many ways to “do it”. What i have been working on is the exact sequence and feel of the greats and hogan and woods use a very similar pattern. This is what i will be covering in the next video
December 21, 2023
This is awesome Chuck!! I’ve always struggled with overturning and not knowing when I should feel my downswing starts. So are you saying that the ribcage rotation is not as much of a primary move as it’s been interpreted before? Cant wait for the downswing video? This series is your best yet!
December 23, 2023
Thanks RJ! Yes i think the greats didnt coil themselves into pretzels. They looked loaded but relaxed and I think this is a simpler way of thinking about achieving the same result with less tension and stress on the body.
December 25, 2023
Might it also be a good move to gently push the hands down in the takeaway? This might further help that gentle pressure, always pressing away from your centre or head. I've always found this type of extension really good for chipping and the low spinner shot to focus on this pressure back and through to really squeeze the ball into the low spinning shot.
December 20, 2023
I like the feeling of keeping the club and shallow on short game shots but have to experimented much with that feeling on full swings
December 21, 2023
Yea, it might be something to look at. It really helps me to do the low spinner to feel extension down and away on the the backswing and down and wide extension on the follow through. It might help on the full swing as well to get those zeroed no divots flush shots Tiger can do.
December 21, 2023
Great stuff Chuck. I've been feeling good things with the right elbow move, however I think this video is the missing link for me on consistency. I've always felt that on my bad swings there's a disconnect in the takeaway, almost like my left arm disconnects and I'm all hands, arms and at the top my left arm hasn't got the necessary adduction. I've also always struggled with a slight reverse hip tilt, not quite enough right hip depth and left shoulder bend at the top. So maybe this is ALL caused by being right arm dominant at the start of the backswing and yanking it back instead of using the left hand or arm feeling to correctly sequence the pivot. Is it a good feel to also continue to push the left hand not just away from your head, but also away from the ball (deeper) as you get closer to the top of the backswing?
December 20, 2023
Tiger described his backswing in a very similar way. In my mind comes down to exactly how you are powering the downswing and the greats, especially tiger was very powerful in his legs and created a ton of shoulder rotational speed and this dictates exactly what you would want to feel at the top of the backswing as there are a lot of ways one could power the downswing.
December 21, 2023
The local pro said I squat in the start of the downswing more than any other player he's had in his swing room. It wasn't a criticism as he put up Rory on the monitor to compare. So I have quite a lot of lower body ground force and resulting vertical. I just need to make sure my arms are enough behind me so I can rotate and this video you've made might just be exactly what I'm looking for to do that. I basically make very good swings when ever my left arm is adducted enough and in the downswing continues to feel pinned back against my body and getting pulled through by the pivot. That's when I hit a push draw, which is the shot I want to hit. I've not understood it properly until now (thank you), but I remember that when I did the dead drill left arm only I used to get more of this feeling and it would translate into my full swing. Then I'd go back to drilling both arms and lose it. It was confusing but now I think I'll be able to translate it to using both arms as I know what's going on. Does it sound like I will also need to be focusing on the left arm in the downswing as well? I've a very strong right arm and it might be problematic if it's driver of things.
December 21, 2023
Using the push of the left arm and the retraction of the trail shoulder you can feel like your right arm “folds” going back and is being folded by the left. Then it’s already in the position to throw as much as you prefer. The problem comes when we use too much right shoulder activation to lift the arm too much and then it wants to fire just a hair too early in the downswing
December 21, 2023
Okay, great, will work on that, thanks. I guess it’s similar to what you used to say about the takeaway that the hands are in a cast to stop them firing out of sequence. That was something I never worked on hard enough, now I know it’s importance.
December 22, 2023
Hey bud think of it a bit like hogan used to describe it - as a two handed side basketball pass. I like the medicine ball toss as well. The goal in golf is to get everything to feel like it’s working together. Because you have to downforce feel working use it to feel like you’re hucking a heavy medicine ball at the target by turning your shoulders and arms together. Then you wont fight arm dominance you will feel them in sync with your shoulder rotation and ground leverage.
December 21, 2023
Great, will try that move in the downswing.
December 22, 2023
Great video Chuck! The best one for the backswing for sure! Love the feel of lead shoulder protraction. The takeaway and the wrist cupping makes sense. I am working on the pressure shift at the beginning part of the backswing, it feels like i can do the pressure shift as well as the hip bump at the same time. Will do a range session and keep us posted…
December 20, 2023
Thank you! Big downswing video is next!
December 21, 2023
Hi Chuck! Love the backswing thought of keeping the crease in left wrist. I have been working on that! With that being said I don't quite get the left arm/left shoulder protraction part. From everything I've read on the site, push with the left will make the right arm bend early and get the club inside. I have really been trying to hard to pull with the right side. I'm just a little confused. My backswing needs work here in the off season and I want to get that shaped up before I start working on hitting balls.
December 20, 2023
The trail shoulder is retracting while the lead shoulder is protracting and that’s why it doesnt have to bend early
December 20, 2023
Pure gold. One of your best videos imo
December 20, 2023
Thank you john!
December 20, 2023

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