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The Magic Box - How to Check Your Lower Body in the Transition
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The "Magic Box" is a term created by Chuck Quinton to help golfers learn the proper transition of the lower body in the golf swing.
All right, guys. I want to share with you a concept today that I'm going to be showing you in my own swing, as I'm still in lockdown, just like everybody else and showing you how the lower body works in the swing and let this play for a second. As I'm talking here for just a brief moment, because I want to help you understand something that this concept that I call the magic box that I'm going to show you in. Just a moment is one of the things that actually in my opinion is probably the biggest thing that separates the tour pros from the handicap high handicap golfers, the great golfers from, or the great ball strikers from the poor ball strikers, the powerful ones against the weak ones. It's all coming down to this. And as you guys know my opinion that the lower body movement is what really matters most. In fact, it's the first thing I look at in my students, swings and tiger woods has always been a great example of how to move the core and the trunk, the lower body. And so I'm going to use him as an example today. It's very easy to see that I'm going to show you in my own swing in an upcoming video, how I'm working on this, how you can work on it, how it applies to the dead drill and how you can add power
To your dead drill. So what I want you to understand is that
If the lower body movement is not correct, then I don't care how anything else looks to the top of your backswing. It's really easy to fake looking decent at the top. It's easy to look like the clubs in the right spot, but if it could all fall apart in the downswing, if your lower body doesn't move correctly, the muscles at that point, that's where you can't fake it anymore. The sequencing of the swing, what muscles are loaded in what order, how they're loaded, how they unload and unwind in the downswing. That's what separates the great ball strikers from the crappy ones. And that's what I'm going to share with you today is this one simple concept. That again, I call the magic box and again, there's nothing magic about it. Really. It's just something that if you start getting your lower body to move correctly, using the simple little check, the magic box, I'm going to share with you.
Then it's going to make it so easy for you to understand when your swing starts falling off and getting out of the wrong right sequence. So here's how you do it. So obviously you guys indoors practicing right now. So your video and your swings, and you're posting them up on the Facebook group. That's awesome. And I want you to do the same thing, but I want you to do it with the magic box. So now here's how you do it. I want you to take a vertical line and draw it on the outside of your lead knee at the top of your back swing, then draw
One more vertical line on the inside of your trail, leg, knee at the top of your back swing. And then if you want to make it a box, this
Is your magic box. Now what this represents, this is maximum range at the top. This is how far your left knee is going to move forward. You'll see. In Tiger's case, it moves out over the toes of his, uh, left shoe here. Don't get too caught up on exactly where it is. That is a great checkpoint there, but I don't want you to worry so much about that right now. It's more about what's happening after this in the downswing, as we start down is what matters. So what happens next now, as you guys know in the dead real sequence, there's three core videos we do. The backswing is one step. The transition has another step and the post-op move as the third step. And if those body movements are correct, then we start stacking on the arms and club and so on. So in this case, we're really gonna focus on, it's just getting that transition, move the squat to square move. You guys have heard me talk about so much. What you'll notice as soon as tiger starts his squat to square move. Now, what is just as a checkpoint?
Are you, what is the checkpoint
At the end of the transition? Well, it's when the left arm and Lee trail lead arm is about parallel to the ground, right? At that point,
Where should your hips be? Just testing you guys here, where should the hips should be? They should be
About back to square. Now tiger demonstrates this as well as anybody he's done the squat to square. Movie's obviously increased knee flexi, squatted down more is loaded up his glutes. This is super important for power in the swing, but as he's done this squat to square and got his lead arm back to parallel, where are his knees notice that both knees are back in line and the right
In the center of the magic box.
And that's what I want you to check. Now, if you look at your own swing right now, you'll probably find that your knee is both. Knees are nowhere near this point, unless you're doing the squat to square move correctly and to do it correctly, it involves several key components that I'm going to share with you in an upcoming video here soon in my own swing, showing you how I'm practicing and working on this stuff in the gym. Because again, you don't need to be outdoors doing this. And we're going to talk about that counter torque move that I've talked about on the right foot and when we're adding power to the swing. And I know for a lot of you understanding this concept of when you can push and when you can pull pushing, adds power to the swing, think about if you, if you get a car stuck on the side of the road, you go back behind it and you start pushing it, right?
You don't go to the front bumper, start trying to pull it. It's not as powerful for the body in the sequence. That the way that our muscles and joints can align and move. So the same thing is true in the swing. Pushing can add power to the swing, as long as the lead side's moving correctly, which in Tiger's case, of course you can see sitting into that left side, left knee, initiated it. And then he's posting up on that left side. He's using the right side to add power and speed to that. And as long as you do it correctly, and you check during the transition move step to the dead drill that your knees are back in the middle of that magic box, then you are golden. This is a simple checkpoint. That's going to help you understand how your lower body is moving correctly.
And now in the upcoming video that I'm going to share with you showing me inside, I'm going to talk about the exact movement of the weight, how it moves in a figure eight pattern in the downswing, how that right ankle moves in toward the left eye. We can zoom in on tiger here just as a quick precursor to the upcoming video, you can watch very clearly as the weight moves and the downswing was over the left ball of foot, then backward or left ankle, and then the right foot, it's going over to the right ball of the foot. And you'll see, as he begins to push off, that moves that right foot into, towards left. And so now it's very easy to see that his left foot has now moved in this direction. And we're going to talk about all that stuff in this upcoming video, but for now, I want you to just post your swings in the Facebook group, or you can do this.
If you're getting a swing review, an online lesson with this and start checking whether or not your lower body's moving correctly, if your lower body moves correctly, magic will happen. That's why it's called the magic box. Your upper body will be falling into sequence. Your arms will be moving into sequence. Swing. Plane will take care of itself. Path will take care of itself, but if your lower body's off and I promise you, when you guys start looking at your swing and looking at where your knees are during the into step two and the transition, you'll be shocked to see that they're probably nowhere near the middle of that magic box, but that's going to be the first thing that I want you to begin to check. It's the first thing I look at, my students swings. If they're lower body and core, isn't moving correctly.
I don't give a where that club is at the top of the swing. It's easy to fake this. Anybody in seconds can be manipulated into a position that looks good at the top, but how you unwind and how your lower body moves in the muscles, the way that they're loaded, the way that you're moving in the right sequence is what separates a great ball striker from a cruddy ball striker, and it all starts with the magic box. So post your swings up in the Facebook group. Let us take a look. We're going to keep helping you guys in there. And then your online reviews, your, your swing reviews. And then in a couple of days, I'm going to share with you this next video, where I'm going to talk about how to use your body, how to do that counter torque move with the right foot to add, pushing for power. And for those of you that are not enrolled in the bootcamp yet, we still have a few more spots left in there. I'm going to close off registration here shortly. So make sure you click the link down the description. If you want to get into bootcamp. And if you like this video, please click the like button and subscribe down below.
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Manny (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)