Phase 1 Follow Along

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Learn how to practice your golf swing productively and follow along with a pro in this practice session. You'll learn how to enter your scores into our AI ScoreTracker so the system can guide your progress.

Welcome to the first follow along video for phase one in the C4 program. What this is all about is teaching you how to practice effectively and efficiently. Because the worst thing you can do is practice wrong because not only do you ingrain bad habits, but you literally go backwards. So you want to make sure that you're practicing the correct way. And that's what this is all about. You're gonna follow along with me exactly the way that you should practice.

So I've got my seven iron here and what you're gonna do first is to break up your practice sessions into sets of 10. And that's how you'll enter your scores on the site as you'll see in just a moment. But what you're gonna do is just take outta your pile of balls that you're gonna hit for the day. Take 10 balls.

This is my focal point. I'm not worried about the rest of those piles of balls. It's not quantity it's quality. In fact, you'll see, as you enter your scores in the score tracker on the site, that there's actually a limit to how many shots you can enter per day, because practice needs to be productive and going out there and pounding a thousand balls mindlessly, without focusing on what you're doing, is completely counterproductive. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna cordon everything off into, into sets of 10 so that we can focus on what we're trying to do. And in phase one, it's all about learning how to hit the ball dead straight. To do that, we're hitting our five checkpoints that I covered in the phase one view. So I'm not gonna go over that here. We're just gonna start going through and getting some practice reps in before we actually start hitting balls and checking our checkpoints.

We know all the checkpoints by now, flat wrist, shoulders, square hips, open, left leg straight, right foot rolled in. And we're gonna just kind of hold off that follow through right now in phase one, to make sure that we've got the clubface square, becuase if we stop, we can see, well, is the club phase open? Is it shut? So this is this trick to learning how to hit the ball very straight is learning how to control these impact conditions.

So then as you go to start hitting balls, these are gonna be very, very short at first. And the great thing about phase one is you can do this in your backyard with whiffle balls or foam balls. You don't have to be hitting real balls at first, if you don't have a chance to make it out to the course. Of course we want you hitting balls so that you get over that little white devil phobia that we all have after we're doing our drills. So this is important to move up to real balls when you can, when you can get out to the range.

So now I've done some practice SWS reps here and just working on getting that same feeling, that same position over and over again. And then I'm gonna hit one. One last thing before I start two questions that you guys ask me all the time, uh, one, where do these balls go? Don't worry. They're going on our land. They go down to the racetrack and we pick 'em up with our lovely labradoodle, Briar. And the second thing is no, that's not a green screen. Those are the lovely San Juan mountains of Colorado. So now they've got those two things outta the way. Let's go ahead and hit a couple here. And as I'm doing this, I'm gonna talk you through practicing, what you need to be thinking about what you need to focus on and don't expect to hit every shot. Perfect. The goal is to get you to hitting 8 out of 10, consistently straight hitting it into our little grouping pattern, getting the ball to start on the same line over and over again so that we get used to getting into those impact conditions. So as we're going through this, I'll talk you through the mistakes that I make, the things I do, right. And we'll go from there.

Okay. So now all I'm doing, I'm checking my checkpoints, looking where the club face is. Obviously, if I go past the impact position, if I don't stop right at impact, cuz I have a little bit too much momentum. The club face should be starting to close a little bit. My left wrist is still flat, elbow down the line here. My shoulders are square. Hips are open weights on this lead leg. I can pretty much lift my right foot up and the ball happened to fly where I wanted it to. So that's a good thing.

Now of course, this is, this is a little bit shorter. You're gonna be hitting these balls 10, 15 yards. Um, so they're gonna go a little bit longer. This isn't long enough off this tee box here to see where the ball stopped, but you wanna see them all flying of the same direction, same trajectory, same line and ending up in a grouping, a couple yards on either side of your starting line there. No more than that. So that's 1 out of 10. We're going for here.

Another good one. Now I Dropkick that one, just the tiniest bit and you might have caught that on camera. And this is something I want to talk about here real quickly when you're doing these follow alongs and you're starting to hit these balls with the little nine to three swing or really nine to six, as we're stopping at impact, you're not gonna have time to make a full weight shift. You don't have all the momentum you don't have all the time. So it's okay when you're doing this to either preset your weight a little bit more on the lead leg and not quite shift so far back in your back swing, or just be a little bit more aggressive with your weight shift. But the truth is you just don't really have a lot of time for a weight shift. So the weight shift's gonna be pretty small, pretty minimal during this phase.

But if you find yourself hitting it fat, and of course, when we go to our scores in a moment, I'll show you know, you can select that you're hitting it fat and then the system will recommend videos based on your trends of how you're striking the ball, whether or not, uh, what you need to focus on. But the first thing that you're gonna pay attention to just getting starting with that pressure a little bit more on the lead side, or just being a little bit more aggressive with your pressure shift back to the lead side.

Here we go. That one was better. So I've got 3 out of 10 so far here that are acceptable. Another good one. So I'm just repeating it. I'm checking my checkpoints each time. Now I'm gonna go through this really quickly in my head because I know what these checkpoints are, but I just start feeling like okay, as my foot rolled in, are my hips open is my pressure on my lead side, that I have the face square as the ball, which is now starting to be my guide. If I did this right, the ball should be coming out very much on the same line every time. Now I'm gonna do a couple incorrectly so that I can start to show you the tendencies that you're gonna see happen. So you've seen, uh, the first five have been, you know, pretty much right on the same line.

Now I'm gonna do one incorrectly. Now, what did you see there? So you can see that the ball went a little bit, right? And from the face on view, the club face was a little bit open. And then as I got, as it carried past the impact position a little bit, it wasn't closed a little bit. It was actually still a little open or even square. That's showing you that you're not letting the club face get down to a square position. And when we get into the release phase in phase two, that you would be holding off the release and that's what creates those dreaded slice balls. So to fix that, we gotta go back and just do a couple practice swings and make sure you've get that club phase squared up at impact and check it. If you've got an impact bag, use the impact bag to stop yourself right at impact. And you can always back it down a little bit. So I'll hit this one even shorter. This is the tricky part. When you're trying to hit these really short and you don't have enough weight shift or enough time to get the weight shift. So I'm gonna put a little bit more weight on the lead side of it. Address and make a short swing again. There we go. So I'm just checking as I can stop it closer to impact whether or not that face is square. Once I've got that down, I'm gonna go back, make a little bit longer swing. There we go.

So each time I'm just going through my checkpoints. Did the ball come out straight? Did I hit it clean? Did I hit it in the center of the face? If I hit one off the toe, which I'll do here, watch what happenes. So now I hit that one off the toe. I get a rebate on that one. And what happened there? If I held my follow through, you'll see that my shoulders were open. You'll remember the video, moving the fulcrum on the site, that if you're trying to rotate your shoulders to hit the ball, you'll start wiping it off the toe. So those types of things are what you wanna start paying attention to. If you're hitting it off the toe, put that when you're entering your score in the system so that you can see the system can see, oh, you keep continuing to do the same thing. Here's how you fix that issue.

If you're hitting it off the heel, I'll hit one off the heel here, the old dreaded shank, what did I do? My right heel popped up my knee, moved into the ball. My heel moved into the ball, which moves my pelvis into the ball, causing me to lose my posture, my elbow and the arms don't have room to bring the club down. So of course the club is gonna work out toward the ball.

So again, when you're making these mistakes, hitting it off the toe fat, thin, whatever, hitting it too high. If I start to flip my wrist, enter that in your scores, which we're gonna do now. So let's take a look at how you enter your scores. You can do it right on the range, right from your phone. Let's take a look at that.

When you are entering your scores in shot tracker, you will see your previous shots here, your tendency and the membership average over time. You'll see, hopefully over time. As you do more sets that your tendency, your scores will improve. And of course you can track your history with all your notes here, but let's add a shot real quick. So let's just say that I got 8 out of 10 there and 10 to hang back and hit some fat shots. So I'll put a couple notes in there. I'm also gonna enter some positive notes. Golf beats us up enough as it is. So I want to reflect on the stuff that I'm doing really well. Uh, and which is everything else is really solid. Um, you know, I'm con my shot shots are coming out straight and

I have a solid impact position. So give myself a little bit of reinforcement there. And then my tendency though, when the shots that I do miss tended to be fat, I tended to hang back a little bit, uh, no bonus challenge, no bonus challenge in, in phase one. So we just select no there and hit submit. And so, as I do that, it'll say shots were added. I'll see that in real time that my history was updated here. And then I will see that my progress through phase one will be updated here. And in real time, my shot tracker will be updated as well. So that's how you enter shots in there. And as you enter these shots, it updates the entire system. And as you enter enough shots and the system learns enough about your tendencies, you'll start getting recommended videos based on those tendencies.

All right. So now that you know how to use the system to enter your scores, the system can start tracking your trends and start recommending the right videos, that the perfect time for you with what you're struggling with right now. Now I'm just gonna go through a normal practice routine where I'm not gonna talk through it so much, but you can kind of get into the rhythm and flow. I'll still talk through the faults and mistakes that I make if I make any, but this is what you want to be doing. When you're practicing, you're gonna be focused on what you're doing. You're gonna be concentrating on what you're doing, and that's why we break it up into a set of 10 balls. So you don't have to think, oh God, I'm gonna hit a thousand balls here and just rattle through them. We wanna be really focused on each set of 10. And that's again, of course, how the system is gonna score you is on each set of 10. So now I'm gonna focus on what I'm doing and have a normal little practice session here.

Okay? Chunk that one a little bit. I was late with my pressure shift. My hands felt a little tense, totally normal. So I'm just gonna practice getting that out of there. Put a little bit more pressure on the lead side, as I'm doing these drills. There we go. Kept my head down. Pressure shift was better there. You could hear the quality of the strike was a lot better. We got one outta two. Another chunky one. So I'm laid on my pressure shift. And again, this is gonna be one of the most common things that you're gonna struggle with when making these little swings, because we don't have all that time to make a normal pressure shift. So again, just gotta remind myself to put a little bit more pressure on the lead side to start out, and then we get a good strike.

Here we go. These are all coming out the same line, same trajectory you see, they're gonna fly very low. You'll notice as kind of part of my practice routine. As I set up, I'm setting up my normal setup, and then I'm just kind of moving a little bit more weight into the lead side, helps ensure that cleaner strike. Still checking my checkpoints. I know that my shoulders are nice and square. The ball's coming out nice and straight pressure shift. I'm getting that right foot to roll in. Making short little back swings.

Perfect. So I got 8 outta 10. I botched a couple early on. So I'm just gonna go and enter my scores. 8 outta 10. My tendency was to hit it a little fat, which again is gonna be common. I'm gonna give you some recommended videos. The system's gonna recommend videos based on the shot tendencies that you have. And if you're hitting it great, don't worry about you don't have to select anything. You're just, you're hitting pure every time. That's awesome. But that's what we wanna see. We wanna have a very focused practice session, 10 set, 10 balls at a time. That's a set. Now you can go back, enter your scores after each set. So you don't forget what your score was. And then go back, rake over another set of 10 and whatever you were struggling with. Try and practice that.

So like I mentioned, I was hitting a little bit chunky. If you're hitting it off the toe and turning your shoulders, you wanna practice kind of keeping your, your shoulders. Once you turn 'em back a little bit, keep them pointing back back here at the camera, in my case, as you're doing these shots, if you're hitting it off the heel and you're, you know, losing your posture, you're gonna work on keeping that those hips getting deeper as you come through and keeping that foot, that heel rolled in, down on the ground. But the system will recommend the videos for you based on your tendency. So it's important. You enter your scores every time, and this will help you hit the ball very, very straight, very consistently, very, very quickly.

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Sean quinn
My 3 to 9 swings are coming off the heel of the club- any fixes for this ?
July 24, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sean. Check to see that you aren't losing your tush line.
July 24, 2024
Hello , new member here. I have a net return practice area set up in my back yard so it will be hard for me to measure distance and direction. I do have a PRGR radar that I use to check ( smash factor, and ball distance) but I cannot run to a range to practice everyday like some others. Is this drill OK if hitting into a net in the back yard? How to judge success vs no good shots? Thank you.
June 2, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. You can certainly use the net/backyard. Since you can't tell distance/shot too much. You need to rely on the camera (go through the checkpoints) and try to gauge the feel of a compressed strike. Be very meticulous that you are hitting all the markers laid out by Chuck in the video.
June 3, 2024
I find my ball path is correct but not sure how much trajectory there should be on the ball flight. In other word how much trajectory is too much ?
April 10, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. These should error on the lower side. If you are seeing a lot of lift or high launch. Check lead wrist impact position and weight transfer.
April 10, 2024
in these short shots to impact i notice that my left hand has a slight cup in it at impact is this correct as i am not releasing my wrists at this stage right ?
April 9, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Ideally, the lead wrist should be flat. There is a caveat to this though if you have a really strong grip. If you don't have a really strong grip we may need to take a peak at the movement. Feel free to post in the community or submit swing review.
April 10, 2024
where is the ball position in this drill. also should my hips be moving on the backswing?
April 7, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Lead ear, or logo on your shirt. You will need a little hip motion but the goal isn't a big lateral movement from back to front.
April 7, 2024
Should I focus on inside/out swing when doing this phase?
April 4, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Syriean. The plane/path should be pretty neutral. You don't need a big inside/out movement.
April 4, 2024
Greetings! On the takeaway, are we looking for the clubhead to move back as a result of the straight left and right arms connected to the body, i.e., not being concerned with manipulating the club with the arms or hands? If I guessed right on the above, the club head should go back on somewhat of a circular path, as opposed to straight back, correct?
March 11, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vincent. It will feel as if it is going straight back but will be on a slight arc. Correct that you don't need to manipulate much with arms and hands. There is a touch of wrist set/elevation from the arms, but primary is rotation. Take a look at the Pencil Tee Drill and 5 Minutes to the Perfect Takeaway for further information.
March 12, 2024
Good morning, very excited about this great program. And the very detailed instruction being an engineer I completely resonate with this. Thank you, here's my question: For this Phase One drill, we are basically going from 9 o'clock to 6 o'clock. On the downswing, should we be initiating it with the hips, hands or both? thank you!
February 29, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vincent. Great . Initiate the downswing with the movement of the legs/body back to the lead side.
February 29, 2024
Are the "reps" on this menu line to be tracked AFTER the various Phases are completed successfully? Tks!
February 27, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vincent. Click the Dashboard button and add your reps to the shot tracker. It will be in sections of 10. You will track good and bad reps.
February 27, 2024
Hello, Craig, let me rephrase my question. This screen allows reps to be tracked individually. In addition, the AI system allows reps to be tracked in quantities of 10. The reps tab on this screen is not part of the Sets of 10 reps. Are reps on both of these screens to be tracked simultaneously?
February 27, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vincent. The one in this tab is the older rep tracker previously associated with DEAD Drill, etc. For C4 the preferred is the AI tracker and that is the only one you need to record. If you want to use this one in the tab simultaneously then the reps counted would only be correct ones
February 27, 2024
You statecounting a good shot in phase 1 is hitting it straight and approx distance consistent. Craig in his videos only are counting success if he hits all the checkpoints and he hit straight at the approx distance. What should we be shooting for in ph 1? Thanks
February 25, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eric. I am a little harsh on myself. The goal is to hit the required distance/plus dispersion laid out but be mindful of your checkpoints. If you are hitting the required shot but notice for ex (trail foot overly lifted/shoulders wide open) it would be advantageous to go ahead and drill those errors out of the swing. This way as you advance those problems wont be so troublesome.
February 26, 2024
Hi, I just started a few days ago and phase 1 gave me a swing review. Am I suppose to take a normal swing or a “phase 1” swing? Also, how do you progress to phase 2?
February 7, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello George. You can post either versions for your first review. It may be best to post a normal full swing so your instructor can get a basis of your current movements. Also, to graduate to Phase 2 you have to plug in your data with the rep tracker and the AI will tell you when to progress.
February 7, 2024
should the upper and lower body move together or are you starting the downswing with the hips?
December 21, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. Start with the hips/legs!
December 21, 2023
Chuck, I am at about 50% through Phase 1 according to the AI. But I am in the Toronto area and outdoor golf is coming to a close. I will keep going as long as there is daylight and it is not too cold but soon will have to shut it down until April. Would I just start Phase 1 again at that point? I do plan on doing the indoor training as much as possible during the winter.
October 12, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. You can perform the drills indoor with foam balls. But, hard to track the flight to input the data. Work on your body drills and what you can until you can add back the ball. Lots of good work can be done simply with a mirror indoors while it's cold outside.
October 12, 2023
When doing these really short phase 1 shots should I be playing the ball off my lead side ear? In the video it looks like Chuck is playing the ball about middle of stance but that may be the camera angle making it appear that way. I’ve been playing the ball off my ear but hitting a lot of fat shots especially when combined with the hip bump. When I take a little more full shot it’s not near as much a problem but these really short ones are tough off the ear.
October 8, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. I prefer to go lead ear/logo to mimic actual swing. You can see with Chuck he preset a little weight on the lead side because you don't need a big movement in this swing which is affecting his ball position. If you are hitting it fat. Check your weight transfer.
October 9, 2023
Okay thanks for the reply. I’ll keep playing off the ear then and preset more weight on my lead leg too. And you’re right I’m pretty sure it’s a weight transfer issue. I played around with that last night and hit the ball much better after watching some of the weight transfer videos.
October 9, 2023
Are you really hitting those new white balls into that rock? ????.. is that a real background or a photo?
August 2, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sharon. The background is as real as it gets. Unintentionally hitting the rock right in front .
August 3, 2023
That’s funny.. maybe put a net up?
August 3, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Can't ruin the view . The dog loves to go a find where they bounce to.
August 5, 2023
Chuck, I noticed in the instructional video you weren't too concerned with trajectory but more with direction. Then It seemed in the follow along video you were mentioning the trajectory as a part of the goal. Should it be part of our evaluation to determine a good shot?
December 10, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. Phase 1 should be on the lower spectrum. If the ball is shooting higher you are probably adding a cupping motion to the lead wrist. I would take lower flighted shot into account when performing Phase 1.
December 12, 2022
Doesn’t the ball flight depend more on where the ball is in the stance? If I have the ball off my trail toe or instep.. it’s got a flight out low and roll long (chip); if I have the ball forward, it’s going to flight high and stop faster on the green. In both cases my hands leading through impact. If the hands get behind the clubface, you have more tendency to blade the ball, and it shoots out straight, or Rolls out straight without any height.
August 2, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sharon. For such a small shot you shouldn't see much variation from the ball position in terms of flight. Your lead wrist has more control over the clubface angle which will dictate the flight more.
August 3, 2023
Chuck..a revision to software program would be to allow editing of practice history. Also would like to know what the bar graph to the right of phase 1 dashboard means. It never changes . My major problem in the practice sessions is consistency which was always my problem on the golf course. This discipline should help to cure that issue as intended. I am converting a shoulders arm dominant swing to legs and lead side , and it seems to be working as I practice. Hard though to transition consistently from the old to new swing.
August 30, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Revision to the reps you have entered, or the notes? The bar graph you will see increase much more as you graduate from Phase 1. It is representing the distance. Phase 1 you are focused on impact and not much on yardage.
August 31, 2022
Either one.
September 4, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Ok. I will talk to the team about it and see what we come up with.
September 6, 2022
perhaps this has already been asked, but why isn't there an option for push and pull shots?
August 13, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. You will see those options under Phase 2. Most of the Phase 1 protocols deal with the face contact since such a short distance.
August 14, 2022
The we are only looking at face angle after impact to record correct reps? You didn’t count drop kicks or open shoulders in your phase 1.
September 4, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. The face angle is important in the Phase 1. However, you are supposed to check the shoulders (square). You can see that in the Description Notes under the Phase 1 Video. If you dropped kicked you shouldn't experience the quality of strike. These are supposed to be solid/compressed.
September 6, 2022
I’ve typed in reps twice, but when I go back to check my reps, the system keeps showing “0”. Why?
August 6, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. This should be corrected now. Glitch in the Matrix. Our apologies.
August 7, 2022
Hi, if I go to the range and do the phase 1 drill (5 sets), is it ok to do some full swings or would that potentially "unlearn" what I am trying to master in the phase 1 drills ?
August 3, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dustin. Ideally you would stick to the drills until you can perform without thought/error. But, if you are going to play I can understand testing the waters. Take a look at Should You Play While Learning Your New Swing Video. You want to shy away from undoing your hard work.
August 4, 2022
Hi Chuk, Can I have multiple 10-ball sessions in one visit to the driving range?
July 28, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Raymond. Absolutely. I usually do 10 x 10 for 100.
July 28, 2022
Chuck, does the system tell one when one can move to phase 2? Do you enter all sets of ten into system. I think you said yes in this video on how to practice and enter your scores into system
July 22, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. The system will decide when you are ready to move onto Phase 2. You will enter all of your sets of ten so the AI can gauge progress and when to stack newer components.
July 23, 2022
Am I supposed to do 3000 reps of each part of the "dead drill" before starting "phase 1"? It seems like this "Phase 1" is slightly more simple than the dead drill.... Thanks!
July 20, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. The goal of the DEAD Drill is 3000-5000 of the complete system. Not each Step. If you already have the body movements down from the DEAD Drill you will be ahead of the curve when starting Phase 1.
July 20, 2022
I started with the "Phase 1" of the C4 program since that's the part that had the "control panel" and that was the first video it started on when I started the trial. Now that I purchased the full program I see the dead drill within the "intro" section. Do you recommend that I go back and do 5K dead drill reps before starting Phase 1 of C4? Thanks for clarifying!
July 21, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Depends. The DEAD Drill will help you overhaul the swing, but will limit ball interaction in the beginning. Most players like to start focusing on how to improve with the ball now which C4 provides. I can tell you most of my players I teach I use DEAD Drill first if there is some major body work to get corrected and then hit the ground running with C4.
July 21, 2022
Today was my first day of starting my reps and I found my biggest tendency was to lift my back foot heel instead of rolling on the instep. I don’t see the solution to that under the fix it videos. Thank you
July 15, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vincent. Take a look at Role of the Right Foot Video.
July 15, 2022
Where is that video? It’s not under faults and fixes.
July 17, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vincent. It will be in later categories. For now, use the search tool. Type "Role" and it will be the first one to populate.
July 17, 2022
Thanks. I highly suggest putting it in faults and fixes since it’s one of the five things to check while doing this part of the program.
July 17, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vincent. Glad you found it and thanks for the suggestion.
July 18, 2022
Hi, I'm a new member and working my way through phase 1 and also trying to introduce axium too. All makes sense but one thing I am not 100% on is when hips open up at impact you say shoulders to remain square but with arms at impact and looking down the line it looks like shoulders are open too? Is it a feel or rather than opening them they are sloped because of right side bend? Thanks in advance.
July 7, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robbie. The shoulders will be square at impact. Because both hands are on the club and a little bit of the momentum through they will have to open a touch after strike.
July 7, 2022
Thank you.
July 8, 2022
Chuck, I notice that when you start your positioning to address the ball, you first place the club face just behind the ball, then you bring the club toward you away from the ball, tap the ground a few times, then place the club back behind the ball, and start your takeaway. Regarding the part where you bring the club back toward you with your hands close to your thighs and tap the ground..., are you doing that to calibrate your distance from the ball?
July 2, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Perhaps subconsciously but to be honest I had no idea I was doing anything you just said. It’s definitely not something I am doing consciously for any reason. My mind goes pretty blank as I address the ball. I imagine I am doing it just to avoid tension and stay fluid and relaxed as much as anything.
July 2, 2022
I found myself in the woods during a recent round of golf after having done many Phase 1 reps. Normally I would have chipped out sideways in order to return to the fairway but this time I saw a gap, maybe two yards wide and about 20 yards ahead, that would get me much further up the fairway. Easy, I told myself, this is a Phase 1 shot and i think I have the confidence and consistency to pull it off… Sure enough, the ball flew through the gap, and ended far enough down the fairway to reach the green on my next shot. Stroke saved and confidence boosted by another notch, thanks guys! Now to figure out why I was in the trees in the first place, but that is for a later Phase ☺️
June 29, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Love it! Every shot saved matters! Way to use what you learned in a real world circumstance.
June 29, 2022
Is it possible to do these drills into a practice net if so what is the best way to check it's coming out straight? As I an only get to the range one or two nights a week
June 29, 2022
Anthony (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Tim, I practice into a net as well. Create a target, maybe use some tape to create an area on the net, or use a fixed point behind the net to focus your aim.
June 29, 2022
I forgot to add this to my earlier post. It appears that the shot tendency portion only allows you to choose one type of error. During a set of 10 I can experience more than one error type. Was it your plan to limit the types of errors chosen during any one set_
June 22, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Items may expand in the future. For V1 of the AI choose the most common type of error in those 10 shots.
June 22, 2022
Seems like a key to progressing in Phase 1 is to NOT add power to the shot. Is this right?
June 22, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Proper mechanics and checkpoints. Not high on power, or distance. Very small controlled shots.
June 22, 2022
Hey Team, I ḏid 15 sets yesterday with an average of 9/10. I feel I’m ready to start phase with my practice sessions. How do you move to phase 2 with entering in my reps ? Also if my right instep is not completely rolled in do I need more weight shift into my lead side. It’s rolled a tad but not like Chuck. Is that an issue? Thanks. Loving everything about it. I’m excited to practice every day
June 20, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. You can certainly move on to Phase 2 if you want. However, the AI decides when to move on to the next step. So, the reps would have to be entered before the AI would update your next goal with Phase 2. If you are stacked on the lead side. You should be fine. But, lack of trail foot roll onto the instep can be an indicator of lack of weight, or lack of hip turn.
June 20, 2022
Hey Craig, Thanks for that. Makes perfect sense. I'll work on that thank you.
June 21, 2022
Hello, I think there might be an error with the input system for the AI. I’m out in my yard, doing reps for C1 and it says I’ve reached my “daily limit of 20 sets” when I’ve only done 20 sets total, spread out across 3 days. I’ve only done 5 sets today. How can I fix this issue?
June 19, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Did you choose a different day when entering the sets? The system allows 20 sets per calendar day
June 20, 2022
Yeah I just got this error aswell
June 20, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
We made an adjustment to the algo so should be good now
June 20, 2022
Amazing thanks Chuck
June 21, 2022
Thanks Chuck!
June 20, 2022
Chuck, Craig, This looks great. I started Phase 1 Follow along reps today at the range. How many sets of 10 do you recommend each day?
June 13, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. The new AI will help determine your progress. (Launching this week). However, 100 reps is a good number to use as a baseline.
June 14, 2022
Wait a minute,what race track!
June 12, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joey. The one down below
June 12, 2022
Hey Chuck, Craig, when tracking shots and looking at my grouping in Phase 1, how much should distance matter? Say the range for a group of 10 shots is 8-15 yards for example, but 8 were on my hitting line, should I be working to get that distance tighter?
June 7, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rich. As long as you aren't powering the shot. The ball jumps a tad further because of compression, etc. Ii don't see any worries. But, try to keep the yardage as consistent as possible.
June 8, 2022
I understand the concept to build proper ,effective golf shots. How do you build this into a practice , warm up session before you actually play? Do you just do phase one or do you work full swings into the session? Etc
June 4, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. This is for training purposes. Once, you can complete a lot of the phases successfully. You can build them into a quick program from small to full swings to get ready for your round.
June 5, 2022
Chuck, I am finding it really instructive, having played for over seventy years! You manage to combine in a relatively short instruction session the reasons for poor strikes. Thank you!
June 4, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Richard, that was the goal!
June 4, 2022
Great program Chuck! I have a tendency to shank irons. I saw your explanation of potential causes, and some of them apply to me. I know one of the main causes for me is my right hand/arm sometimes takes over and right before impact to "HIT" the ball harder. Even though I am aware of this, I still do it too often. Could the root cause of this be one the items you already mentioned?
June 3, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Charles. That's one possible cause, but typically when you take over with the right hand it doesn't shove the club that far off line to put the hosel in play. I'd lean more toward a setup issue first and then body movement second
June 3, 2022
Another revolutionary approach! Chuck you just don’t stop. From your push vs pull theory through this step building approach with ball striking. Awesome from the start and this I might be the best program yet. Just one question… Am I missing a link or is the actual shot tracking page still not live? Looking forward to entering Step 1 results to see if I’m good to go for Step 2!
June 3, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Dennis! I try hard! Yes, I mentioned in the email (I think!) that the AI portion is a couple weeks away from launching, so we're getting very close!
June 3, 2022
I think the follow-up videos will be a huge help to us. Now when one of our strikes is unacceptable we know immediately what was the problem and have an immediate solution rather than having to review a long video in hopes that we correctly understood what error we were making. I am looking forward to seeing this type of video for the other phases. On another topic, are the notes we enter under a video public or are they just shown to whoever entered the note? Kind regards, Tom
June 3, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Notes are private for your personal use only.
June 3, 2022
Hi Chuck, I'm confused. In this vídeo you keep your hands squared after hitting the ball. But I thought that in the downswing you come rolling your wrists toward the ball, and keep rolling your wrists right after the shot in the follow through until finish the swing. Is it possible to clarify my doubt? Regards. Beno
June 2, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Beno. In a full, or 9 to 3 swing the rotation of the forearms will be present through the shot. But, in Phase 1 you are focusing solely on impact. If you go back to the Phase 1 (first video). You should be maintaining the impact position. Very small shot.
June 3, 2022
All looks good. My question is whether the shot tracker will say when it is time to move on to phase 2.
June 2, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. Yes. The AI will determine how you should proceed.
June 3, 2022
Hey Chuck. First of all, this is truly amazing. Not really sure "amazing" is even close to describing C4, but it’s the best I can come up with. I love to practice, and now with so much feedback and follow-up information available, I can feel more confident that my practice reps will be good reps. Seriously can't wait to get home and start working on Phase 1. I did have a question regarding the RS-AI Shot Tracker. Am I correct that it isn't ready at this point? I assumed that, but wanted to make sure it wasn't somewhere I wasn't looking. I also wanted to say thank you for continually refining and retooling. Your system, IMO, has always been heads and tails above anything else out there, but as we all learn differently, not everyone has been able to implement your teaching into their swing. it is so refreshing to see you stay consistent with your message but continue to evolve how that message is delivered. I, for whatever reason, have struggled with implementing what you've had available, but I really feel that C4 will get me to where I think I can be. So, thank you again.
June 2, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks so much for the kind words I will definitely work hard to keep trying to help everyone play this game we all love at a higher level. You are correct the AI system will be ready for you to start entering reps within the next two weeks
June 2, 2022

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