Sequencing the Downswing - Dump Truck and Drag Racer

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Sequencing the downswing is the HARDEST overall part of the golf swing - and also the MOST important. In this video, RST Founder Chuck Quinton walks you through a visualization you've NEVER heard before that will finally help you understand why you've struggled to build that effortless power in your downswing. You'll finally understand how the Tour Pros build so much speed in their swings while looking like they're moving so slow and smooth. Recommended Videos: How Lower Body Works

  • Shifting the lower body to start the downswing will help pull the shoulders and arms down. 
  • Try to keep your back to the target while you are sitting into the lead side. 
  • Once you have cleared your lead hip, your hands will have been pulled into the release point of the swing. 


In the first 3 videos of the "Keys to RST" series, we discuss how important simple physics are to the RST principles. We also discuss how you can work on getting into a controlled tour quality impact position and then how to speed it up.

Now that you have worked on impact and release, we are now going to work back up to the top of the golf swing and get you even more speed with proper sequencing of the body.

What do I mean by that? Well, there is a specific order in which your body must fire to start the downswing so that you can produce a ton of efficient speed. Most amatuer golfers struggle with this concept becuase they like to start the downswing with the arms and shoulders. This can cause numerous swing faults and really make it hard to get any sort of real clubhead speed.

Here is a REALLY important concept to a powerful downswing.

Kinematic Sequence = Swinging from the ground up in the golf swing.

How do we do it? Let's find out!

Disclaimer: Make sure you have shifted your weight properly to load up your trail side and made a good full turn to the top of the swing. Can't put the cart before the horse right?

If you just think lower body movements, you will be in great shape. All of the movements that you make with the lower body will dictate what the upper half of the body does in the downswing. We are looking to make a big shift into the lead side as shown in several RST videos:

Since the lower body is shifting and unwinding, you are creating torso rotation at the same time. This very dynamic movement of the lower body is pulling your arms down and unwinding the shoulders and continues to do so until you are posting up in the lead side and releasing the heck out if the club.

The big key is to actually trust that your lower body can do all of the heavy lifting. Amateur golfers are all wanting to generate a lot of power from the shoulders and arms because it just feels right to do so in the swing. I mean we can really bash the golf ball with our arms and shoulders right? Sure, you can hit the ball a reasonable way by doing that, but you are giving up a ton of speed and control.

Making a commitment to do nothing with the upper body in the downswing can be a tough pill to swallow and is probably going to make you feel like you are not going to hit the ball with any sort of speed. Don't worry, speed will be there when you release the club with more lag than you ever thought you could even get in your swing.

Let's recap and look at the golf downswing sequence...

1. Hips shift and unwind to the lead side.

2. Torso rotation unwinds the shoulders and pulls the arms down.

3. Post up in the lead side by pushing the heel into the ground and pulling the lead hip away from the target.

4. Release the arms and feel the speed at impact.

Check out a  great premium video called How the lower body works. In this video you will learn a drill called the "stride and stomp drill" and see a great way to learn how to sequence your golf swing properly.

Hi, I'm Chuck Quinton, founder of Rotary Swing Golf. If you looked at the previous three videos in this series I've talked a lot about the physics of the gold swing and how they help you understand how to properly swing a club and look like a tour player at impact instead of the typical amateur scooping and flipping. One of the critical concepts that we haven't discussed yet is the sequencing of the golf swing. Apart from the physics of it, the sequencing is critical for the physics to work.      

                So when we talk about creating lag, and we understand the importance of lag now if you've watched these videos and releasing the lag if you watched the last bonus video, what we have to do is sequence the golf swing correctly in order for us to have, to create, and to maintain lag and release it at the proper time. A simple way to do that is I call it the dump truck and the drag racer.

                It may sound a little strange, but it's going to make sense in a second. When you go to the top of your swing, what most amateurs want to do, again we've talked about pushing from the right side and casting the club and it will help all the detrimental things that the right side causes from the top of the swing.

                What we actually want to do is use our lower body first, our big muscles in our hips or our gluts, our core to sequence the swing first as we start down. We don't want to throw from the top with our arms. We want to use our weight shift in our lower body to help bring our arms down and to impact so let me show you just a quick sequence. What if I just use my lower body shifting my weight and turning my hips.

                Look how far my hands have been brought down. I didn't try to do anything with my hands. I have this nice lag angle now that I just need to release, and that's the drag racer. The hands can move really quick. The wrist can move really quick. The arms can move really quick. The lower body stuff is the dump truck. It has a lot of torque. It can move a lot of weight. It just can't do it very fast, so what typically happens in most amateur swings is they want to build speed really quickly, and they throw the club from the top, and as they do that they lose all their speed. They follow the drag racer too soon, and by the time he gets down here, he's out of fuel. He doesn't have anything left to hit with.

                The dump truck on the other hand can move all of this mass back to the left and pull the arms down into impact so then the drag racer can fire at the last second and get all the extra speed. To understand how to sequence the swing correctly, I've got some great drills that are going to help you work on this, and help you understand how the lower body works. I can give you a drill called the stride and stomp drill that's going to teach you how to sequence these things from step one to step three going through transferring your weight and turning your hips and getting them to a proper impact position. So click the link for how the lower body works, and take a look at this video.

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Can someone describe where the right (trail) elbow should be in this sequencing? Should I try to keep the right hip back so the elbow drops in front of it as the club approaches impact? It appears to me that if the elbow gets in front of the hip, golfers will have a tough time releasing the club fast enough to square the face.
June 14, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joe. Take a look at the Throw the Ball Drill. If the hips race you will get stuck. But, the arm must work in front of the body.
June 15, 2020
I have been working on shifting my weight and posting up from the top of the backswing. However, I feel a sufficient club drop under the plane when I shift my weight. Should I start pulling my hands down as I shift my weight?
March 6, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. You are using a blend of gravity and pull from the weight shift/core. You need to allow the weight shift and core movement to pull the arms in front of the torso.
March 7, 2019
I feel like the more I let my weight shift move my club down, the more the club will come from the inside and end up being a block or hook
March 7, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. If you allow weight shift to move the club down. You should be good. If you are stuck in the downswing. I would make sure you aren't deep at the top and/or pushing the arms behind you in the transition.
March 7, 2019
What do you mean by my arms being deep at the top of the backswing
March 7, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. The arms/hands getting too far behind the body at the top. Take a look at the 4 Square Drill for further explanation.
March 8, 2019
At the start of the downswing how do i stop the upper body going at the same time as the lower body and getting ahead of the ball. Thanks.
January 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You need to make sure you pull your lower half correctly while keeping the trail shoulder back. Use a combination of Which Muscles to Feel During Golf Swing Transition and Keep the Rear Shoulder Back Video.
January 11, 2019
Craig, still working on this. I am getting better at the first half of the downswing but sometimes i get halfway down and the upper body still wants to take over and i get a low left hooking/drawing ball flight which is very destructive to the scorecard. How can i resist the last minute urge to get a bit more distance and keep the upper body out of it when i have managed to get into the "slot" Thanks and thanks to you guys, the handicap has dropped 4 shots in the past year with hopefully a lot more to come if i can keep the triples off the scorecard.
February 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Awesome to hear about handicap. You have to learn to let it go. Keep the Rear Shoulder Back and Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks 4 of 6 Video will be helpful.
February 21, 2019
Purchased rotary swing three days ago, was struggling with downswing, mostly with driver, been shooting around 80, listened to the legs hit the balls, revelation. started hitting ball much better and straighter. Shot 68 two days in a row. Thanks
September 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome Robert. Thanks for the positive post!
September 18, 2017
I can't find a video labeled "downcock drill"
August 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Use the search bar: Downcock Pump Lag Drill.
August 22, 2017
I watched this important video on swing sequencing. Then, I just paid to get access to Rotary Golf. The video above says there will be "recommended videos" to the right of the video player, and the video also references the "how the lower body works" video. However, I see no recommended videos next to the video player, and I cannot find anything on the site (e.g., on video menu, search bar) about "how the lower body works." If this is not fixed right away, I will dispute the Rotary Golf charge, and demand a refund. This is really poor form to advertise two things in a video -- which are no where to be found.
August 15, 2017
Hang in there, Rod. Chuck and his folks are constantly working on making the site more facile. You may have cought 'em in mid-change. I've been studying the game since I was ten years old. I'm seventy-mumf now. No one has ever presented the mechanics--and the physics--of the golf swing with such clarity. Almost more important, Clay frequently gets a wild hair up his whatssits, and seems to change direction. He hasn't. He's just tripped over a newer, and often more definitive means to make his point--and to make your understanding of the swing more complete. I'll make you a bet. If you're serious about understanding why you should do what you should do, and if you're serious about improving your play, watch Ballard et al for 2 months. Don't get mad, don't get frustrated, and don't quit. If you think the Rotary guys, and the Top Speed guys are taking you for a ride, I will pay the membership fee that you want back today. (When, oh when, has happened before (for real) on the Net? to Rod: Peter Kennedy M.D. 1734 Lorain Rd. San Marino, CA for Rotary: Peter S. K.
August 24, 2017
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Rod, first welcome to RotarySwing! We've been doing a LOT of improvements to the site and one was completely changing the navigation of the site to make it work inline with the new RST 5 Step process. In doing so, we removed the recommended tab and you've pointed out that we still have some older videos that reference this. I apologize for the confusion and I've added a link in the description of this video to the video referenced here. BTW, try out the search function. For instance, if you just type "lower" this video will popup.
August 17, 2017
I sometimes find that as i shift my lower half forward my top half falls back and i hit behind the ball with an open clubface exposing the leading edge. What drill should i focus on?
August 5, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi David, watch the fixing your weight transfer video to learn how to use your lead leg to pull your entire body over the lead side properly. Let me know if that doesn't help and we will help you further.
August 6, 2017
Could you please give me some swing thought advice regarding my backswing ? I understand the RST principle core rotation and shoulder glide round , in and down towards my spine but, similar to having the putting "yips " , I almost invariably am unable to complete my backswing and anxiously hit at the ball with my shoulder and right - side which obviously results in abject inconsistency and often shanking. When I complete my backswing ,trying to keep my back to the target for as long as possible and " wait for the shot I have a good impact position and strike the ball very well . 25 years ago my handicap was 4 but is now 20 and the swing problems I have described are frustrating me such that I am totally demoralised about a game I adore . I hope you might be able to suggest something to assist !! Thanks in advance . Kind Regards, Donald.
May 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. I wish I had a good cure for your yip. My only suggestions would be to spend a lot of time on the Core RSA Video to really retrain a new motor pattern of movement to reach the top. I will leave link below my post. Also, remembering that you only get one speed burst in the golf swing. You don't want to give that up at the top. You have to wait on it for ultimate power. Finally, if you would like for an instructor to take a look to see if there is another culprit. We would be happy to check.
May 22, 2017
Help please - I can't find the Stride and Stomp Drill video. :0)
May 16, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Wayne. The stride drill is located in the How the Lower Body Works Video.
May 16, 2017
Are there different drills other than "the stride and stomp" that show how to better sequence the downswing that will help create more lag by having the lower body move first. I can't seem to find other videos showing some of these drills
February 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. If you take a look at the Perfecting Impact Series. Part 2-4 will deal with weight shift and sequencing from the ground up to help increase lag angle. Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag Video. Start the Downswing Before Completing the Backswing Video. Wide Narrow Wide Video.
February 20, 2016
Hi Chuck, I've been practicing the dump truck, race car swing and when I do it correctly, the ball flies more than ever. When I pull it off correctly.... My question is: should the race car be only the arms speeding forward at the bottom of the arc or do the back muscles, shoulders and trunk fire at a faster rate( again, late, close to the bottom of the arc), in order to facilitate the arms speeding up? Thanks
November 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Grant. Take a look at the Acceleration Profile Sequence Video. The body will not speed up again closer to the bottom arc.
November 27, 2015
I have a question. Can failure to shift your weight before swinging arms lead to going over the top and a pull? I said it does but had an argument with a golfer who was low handicapper that disagreed
November 14, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Cameron- It can but it depends on the golfer as well. Typically when the golfer doesn't shift his or her weight to the lead side they tend to use the upper body a lot to drive the downswing which can lead to an over the top swing. Shifting the weight shallows out the plane and helps bring the arms down during the transition in the downswing.
November 14, 2015
And really interested in the video notes where he says while you are sitting into your Leaside wonder if you could just expand on that for me please or point me to another video thanks Greg
October 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. For weight shift into the lead side here are a few videos. Sitting Into the Left Side, Perfecting Lower Body Stability. RST Tempo Drill and the How to Swing from the Ground Up.
October 8, 2015
Thank you so much Craig
October 8, 2015
hi Craig, Hope you can help me. I'm a typical over the topper. This movie explains much... If I can't move my weight first in my case my shoulder starts to turn and from there my ball will go the left or with the longer clubs to the right. Always the same result. It's the only really steady thing in my swing. I looked at the stride and stomp dril and step drill but when I get on the course I lose that feeling. So is there a way to engrain this with a drill in a normal golf posture without steps or jumps and stuf.. Hope you can help me
September 14, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hans. I would take a look at the How to Swing from the Ground Up and the Over the Top Stick Drill. These will help with the lower half starting the sequence (without having to lift foot completely off the ground or change posture) and the trail shoulder push through the ball.
September 14, 2015
A recent lesson told me that I need to stabilise my legs more as I have some sloppy legs which are resulting in loss of power and consistency of impact. I was also told to fire my hips independently of my upper body at the beginning of the downswing. Just clarifying the swing sequence : commence the downswing with weight shift to left, keep back to the target, allow hips to begin rotating independently without going too far (spinning out) then stop hips and release club? Any tips for keeping a firmer base throughout the swing. With regards to the comment about the hips, I'm searching for the feel I want in the hips during the downswing. It makes sense to me to need to fire the hips a little at the start of the downswing to convert the torque to speed. I'm assuming that it's more than just shifting onto left heel and activating glute. Thanks for your advice.
August 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joel. Your sequencing is correct. Take a look at Perfecting Lower Body Stability. It should help you train the lower half better.
August 31, 2015
I think I had heard the term 'pull with the oblique' before but now I'm finally understanding. We need to pull with the oblique to bring your upper body to square versus, in my case, pulling with the left shoulder. Pulling with the left shoulder causes me to lose lag I think, and it casts the club early. Do I have that right? If my arms/wrists/hands are passive, the club should fall in front of me with some nice lag when I pull to square with my left oblique. Then I release (with the left hand hopefully). Question: When do we start pulling with the oblique for the sequence? Well after we sit/shift into the left side?
August 19, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. You can pull with the lead shoulder and still maintain lag. But, if you are ripping it open and not staying in the shot that would be bad. I still think with the description for your swing that you are on the right track. You will shift left and pull the weight over, pull with the lead oblique to open the hips and some lead lat pull will help bring the arms in front of the body for the strike. You can see the same sequencing in the How to Swing from the Ground Up Video.
August 20, 2015
I play with a "shut" clubface similar to Dustin Johnson (bowed left wrist at top) not on purpose, but it's just something I seem to do naturally. Additionally I have had a number of hand surgeries which probably adds to the issue. My question is in light of the fact that I do have a shut face at the top, does the "dump truck" analogy (left side leading etc) still apply? I have found when I try to get the clubface more square on the takeway, I have a lot of mishits, thin shots, coming over the top etc.
July 31, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ken. Especially with a shut clubface you will want to lead with the lower body and the lead side. Famous players Dustin Johnson - Duval - Zach Johnson definitely have good lead side work with lower half.
July 31, 2015
Sorry for my English, but I don't understand the so called "dump truck and drag racer". Do you mean something about the truck racing? Could you explain more to me, as a person who English is not first language. Thank you, Ian.
July 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ian. Chuck is just referring to the Lower Body as the "Dump Truck" (Tractor Trailer, Big Rig, Garbage Truck, Bulldozer). And the hands/arms/wrist as the "Drag Racer" (Ferrari, Porsche, Pagani). A Dump truck is big and has tons of torque ideal for moving weight. The Drag Racer is light/fast and ideal for explosive quick speed. Just a metaphor for the two.
July 8, 2015
Thank you Craig. Could I have one more question: what I learn from the video is I have to move the ''truck" first, then the ''racer''. So, to move the truck, what I have to focus into, is it the left glute by sitting down motion? How to squat and pull the arms at the same time while the core still uncoil?
July 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ian. Yes, you need to focus on the weight shift and squat. (Sitting Into the Left Side Video - Downswing Section) And, how to pull the arms in front (5 Minutes to the Perfect Downswing - Downswing Section). I would also advise Swinging from the Ground Up in the Introduction Advanced Section.
July 9, 2015
I would definately try. Thank you Craig!
July 9, 2015
Help! I am trying to find the Stride and Stomp Drill. do not see the How the Lower Body Works video to see it. Please let me know how to find it. Thanks, Larry
June 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Larry. It is located in the Recommended Videos Tab to the Top Right of this page. And/or Downswing Section.
June 27, 2015
help needed asap!!! been working with rst for about a year now and from my last swing review i been working thru the re shape your swing for lag drills and perfect release drills in order to try to shut off my trail side push with the right shoulder rotating hard at the beginning of the transition.. at this point i dont no what else i can do to at least get a feel of what is right ..things are so bad at this point im hitting a block slice at least 70% off the tee and a pull hook the other 30%.. ive watched about every downswing sequencing video on here im just stuck and feel like things are getting work versus see some improvement with trying to change my movement pattern.(p.s. i even have a few shanks showing up once in a while ) Help!!lol
June 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
It's hard to tell what is the exact problem for the two way miss, but still seems trail push related. Have you tried the Sledgehammer Video in the Advanced Downswing Section? You need to turn off the spin to allow for the club head to release and square up properly.
June 15, 2015
Hi Can't fine the STRIDE and STOMP drill.....entered into search term but nothing matches? Thanks
May 26, 2015
stride and stomp drill
July 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. The How the Lower Body Works Video (stomp drill) is located in the Downswing Section and/or the Recommended Videos Tab at the top right of this page.
May 26, 2015
Juan Eduardo
Hello Chuck I have been training on the different aspects of the swing that Rotary Swing teaches. I can have a very nice swing if I concentrate, doing most of the things and getting out to the positions that are suppose to be effective, like this excellent video of the proper sequence in the downswing. My problem, and I assume that many may have the same, is that when I go from my practice with cameras, very happy with the results, to the course, I can't play my normal golf, particularly due to a significant drop in distance when I do the Rotary swing. My question is , how should we take the new swing from the driving range , to the actual course when our body still doesn't have the ability to power the golf ball with the same speed as with our older swing, that it may be inefficient , but still hits much longer than the "new" one. How many hours or days of practice takes to get to the same power? Do you have any advice to play real golf during the transition? . At the third hole I usually start doing my old habits in order to get my normal distance and I know that is not good.... Thanks!
May 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Juan. The more comfortable you get with Rotary the power will start to come back through efficiency. I understand the concern and/or frustration. When I was working on my RST move with Chuck I didn't lose power with my irons, but saw a loss with the Driver. It was for the same reason. I knew how to hit it far with my old move, but wasn't comfortable giving the "go to" with the new one. I can tell you from experience I'm glad I stuck with it. Hitting it long and "straight!" was worth the effort. It's not about the hours to get the power back, but learning how to power more through leverage and release versus spin. Once you get comfortable of letting the ball get in the way versus the feeling you have to muscle it the speed will come back. When playing real golf you need to set aside too many swing mechanics. Just play. The range and home are for swing work. Allow some of the new things you've trained to take place and don't force it.
May 27, 2015
Juan Eduardo
Thank you Craig!
May 27, 2015
In this video you talk about the lower body which brings the hands and arms down to the trail thigh and then the release of the hands and arms through the ball. My question is what does the upper body do in the downswing or do I forget about the upper body in the downswing and just concentrate on the lower body and release (hands, wrist and arms) and concentrate on the upper body only in the back swing. Thanks
May 22, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. The upper body does have a job. However, the majority of players way over use it. If you can shift to the lead side, pull with lead oblique and allow the arms to fall as the shoulders stay passive. You will be able to get into a great impact position. They will have to rotate. Try not to force them to with excessive trail shoulder push.
May 22, 2015
Thank Craig, that helps a lot. One follow up question, when do the arms start to work independently from the body.
May 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Anthony. At the release when the body stalls out. Roughly, the trail thigh position.
May 23, 2015
See the "STRIDE AND STOMP DRILL" in "how the lower body works".
May 22, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
May 22, 2015
Tom ask the right question. I never find the video that Quentin suggests? Kim
May 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Byron. The How the Lower Body Works Video is located in the Downswing Section and/or the Recommended Videos Tab at the top right of this page.
May 21, 2015
Chuck - I've been following your program for the past year and have made some solid improvements to my swing based on your theories and drills. Initially my issues were maintaining spine angle and keeping the right hip stable in the takeaway. I'm making progress on both of these faults but in sequencing the downswing I find that I'm still dropping the club below plane in my initial move to the lead side. This is causing me to get too flat, shallow and to come through the hitting area too far inside. What is the most common fault in that initial transition move that causes this fault?
May 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edward. Take a look at the Trace the Plane Line Video in the Downswing Advanced Section. You are getting too much vertical drop and not zeroing out the plane enough.
May 21, 2015
Don't see a video to the right that is titled "how the lower body works"
May 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. It is located in the Downswing Section and/or the Recommended Videos Tab at the top right of this page.
May 21, 2015
Hi Chuck, Hi Chuck, I've been following the method of Paul Wilson and find it effective. . .in the back swing tightly coiling the upper body with tension-free arms and loose wrists and in the down swing firing the trail hip and leg to generate club head speed. Is there any practical difference between his method and yours? Peter
May 21, 2015
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
A lot. Seriously, way too many to list. As you study more videos here they will become very obvious.
May 21, 2015

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