How the GOATs Start and Sequence the Entire Golf Swing

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Do you need a simple yet powerful way to trigger the start of the golf swing? Do you struggle with sequencing the swing in the right order? Do you not feel any power or fluidity in your golf swing? This is how to get all that and much more.

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M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Chuck, great knowledge tranfer again! As you often mention, there are many way to swing the club and play decent golf but, for me, you are the only one on the road to the "Holy Grail"! Amazing how you every time are able to make a step forward in this journey. Hope you keep going! Friendly greetings, Marcel
August 24, 2024
Hi Chuck, great video as always. Clarification please. When drawing the line down the sacrum, on the backswing my glutes do what they should and go towards the target. However, when I transition to the lead side, both my pressure AND mass go in front of the sacrum line making it impossible for me to get my glutes behind the line and open up. Is this a pressure/mass issue or am I missing something. Thanks in advance for your response.
June 28, 2024
That is covered in this next video that will come out right after the holiday, it will make sense then,
July 1, 2024
Hey Chuck, I'm sorry if I missed this point, but what is the best way to practice these new movements and sequence? The movement now is all about speed and I totally get where you are going,but its really tough to get this sequence right at full speed. So what is the right/best practice method? Great stuff here Chuck!!
April 13, 2024
Hi Mike, watch the GOAT Code series of videos, they walk you through it.
April 15, 2024
This is a good one Chuck. Where was this 10 years ago? ; )
March 16, 2024
Still learning every day!
March 16, 2024
I believe that. And you do it with a wonderful combination of intelligence and enthusiasm. Thanks!
March 16, 2024
Thank you!
March 17, 2024
Hey Chuck, wondering exactly which part shallows the club i feel as if I come over the top.
March 3, 2024
Hi Katherine, if you're coming over the top there are really only two common causes - you are pushing hard with the trail arm or you're trying to turn your shoulders to start the downswing. If you remove those two things it's very tough to come over the top still.
March 3, 2024
Thank you Chuck, could you define pushing with the trail arm?
March 3, 2024
Trying to extend the trail arm too soon using the tricep muscle. Also trying to push the arm with the shoulder. These cause you to swing over the top
March 4, 2024
Hi Chuck So much new teaching! I've watched all the new stuff and am trying to build it in to my swing systematically. Very cold and wet here so only just getting out on the course properly this week. However the two nuggets in this video are really helpful - I'm adding the little lead foot pressure shift to trigger the swing and it's helping. The extension at the top really does facilitate shallowing - something I've never managed. I posted a driver swing recently and Craig can see the improvement. I've struggled with the Driver for the past year, but last two matches the Driver has worked really well so I think I'm getting there.
February 2, 2024
Yes lots of new stuff to digest with more to come. This will help you more easily make the lateral back to the lead side which is a big component of shallowing the club
February 2, 2024
I remember Nicklaus saying years ago that he felt like his upper body (hips up) were moving back at impact. This is something I thought was right, but I had no idea how to do it. I think I get it now, go left, right, left, extend. As someone who has had hip and back problems, I’m thinking more right arm dominance will help me from getting too much side bend. Make sense to you?
November 30, 2023
As you add more right arm, it will extend earlier in the downswing and that will keep you from producing as much side bend, so yes, makes perfect sense. I do the same thing to avoid side bend because of my back issues.
November 30, 2023
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Chuck, I like this focus on sequence and how this is done by the best players. This weight shift as a trigger to start the swing for sure helps to keep an empty head during the swing. I had to play the video a few times trying to understand it the right way. As a non-English speaker I had feeling you needed more words to get message accros then in most other video's. For me the fear is that if I have to explain this to my average/senior golfers they might get lost f.i. feel and reel might be hard to understand for them. In my mind I already try to find an easier way to teach but, so far, all I can think of is going from easy to complex ( no arms/club/ ball) in steps and from slow to speed, but with this I doubt because you say in video the sequence is difficult to do in low speed! Maybe you can help us to boil it down into a more simple drill! Thanks again for all your hard work.
November 28, 2023
check out the new video being posted later today!
November 28, 2023
You often reference new videos being posted. Where are these to be found? Your YouTube channel?
February 29, 2024
Look under The GOAT Code in the menu
March 1, 2024
Great video!! I have wanted to get this "fall move" working in my swing and your approach with a focus on pressure shift really helped. The move now feels much more natural as you focus on pressure shifting left, right, left. It's so easy to get really mechanical when making swing changes, like how the focus here is on a dynamic move.
November 28, 2023
Thanks David! I think you'll really love the next video I'm posting later today then!
November 28, 2023
19.40 Here you say you are going into flexion, what you earlier have warned against. Did you mean extension? If not, why is flexion ok after all?
November 28, 2023
Yep, sorry meant extension.
November 28, 2023
Chuck The spine turning the hips vs the opposite seems like the shoulders won't be square at contact but rather open.. which sounds different from dead drill or Axiom, however the focus of the dynamic part of the swing seems like it will have smaller learning curve. Ive been doing the drills for the consistency to watch for my 5 check points.. for I am a notorious "over the top" golfer, should I instead focus on this drill of feeling the dynamic part of the swing and speeding up the sequence shift, shift, extend?
November 27, 2023
Hi Nick, check out my next video being posted later today that covers this topic.
November 28, 2023
A really great video Chuck. It's a great eye opener for me. Thanks for all your research so far. Mike
November 27, 2023
You're welcome! Thanks for saying thanks! Keeps me going...
November 27, 2023
Great video Chuck. I was initially confused because I felt like focus in the other GOAT videos was to throw and release. I think this video is to explain the sequencing just prior to the release? Thanks again, longtime subscriber and student. Jim PS I went on a temporary track down a rat hole with, let's just say a large golf instruction company based out of your home state ... they are obsessed with wrist angles and making me feel like I'm holding off the release so the club face squares using your body and not your wrist. They might say in the GOAT videos you are having to rely on timing to square the face, any comment on that? Thanks again, you're awesome.
November 27, 2023
Hi James, thanks for supporting us for all these years! And you're not wrong, my initial thoughts on Tiger's swing was about throw and release. After spending weeks on testing this pattern in every conceivable way, there was no way to match his move without taking a broader look at the overall swing dynamics like I'm discussing here. The swing simply happens way too fast with too many intricate but critical movements that can only happen when there is a certain "chemistry" of swing dynamics that happen at speed. I'll be discussing more about this in an upcoming video. As for the other instructors you're referring to, we're probably doing more of the same thing than not, but those who believe the wrists don't release at all are simply delusional. Every single great player ever released the wrists. I know there are some people who are saying just keep turning and hold the face, but why would you not let them release when that's where almost all the speed comes from in EVERY great player. Your body needs to rotate quick, but it simply can't out run the wrists. They're living in fantasy land and like I always say, the proof is in the pudding. For the proof, go to my instagram account and look at the shot tracers I posted from my trip to Arizona last week and tell me if you think I struggle with timing since I hit every shot laser straight!
November 27, 2023
LOL. No your shot tracers are not boring! Love it. Thanks for the quick reply and keep up the great work. Jim
November 27, 2023
Any tips for keeping grip, arms, shoulder loose at the end of the backswing. I am all relaxed till the very end. I am breaking with my lead foot and the club keeps traveling back. The feeling I have is that I need to tighten to stop the club or it will go way back (like John Daly.. it’s the feeling). So rather than have my hip turn (post brake) reverse the club direction, I am introducing tension with my hands/arms etc. Does this make sense?
November 27, 2023
I would be interested to see your swing actually, but the simple trick is that the transition back to the left is what stops the club from being able to travel back any farther so this video is exactly what you should focus on. The pressure shift happens early and quick.
November 27, 2023
When I do the right hand drill with a club shaft or alignment rod, I feel like the squat with the lead foot is what stops the shaft and then the hip rotation brings it back. When I use a regular club (especially driver), I can replicate this with a slower backswing. If I have a fast backswing, I feel the only way to stop the club (without gripping tightly) is to do a deeper squat. Faster the backswing, deeper the squat. Is this correct?
November 27, 2023
I wouldn't call it a deeper squat as that will really overload the right glute and will lead to internal rotation too early in the downswing. This leads to early extension. I believe your 3rd shift is late (back to the left) and you're probably not getting your spine in extension at the top. Does your head move off the ball?
November 27, 2023
Moving the pressure in our feet - in contrast to just standing there like a statue, could we incorporate axis tilt in the last little pressure shift to the left foot before we start the backswing/the real swing?
November 27, 2023
For sure! But don't think just the feet per se' your body is moving and that is shifting pressure. It's important for the entire body to not be rigid.
November 27, 2023
How does the feeling of spine extension at the top of the backswing and falling back left reconcile with the movement promoted with axis tilt and the necktie drill?
November 27, 2023
The movement is dynamic. You have axis tilt at address and this changes to extension during the backswing. The necktie drill is a feeling for those who reverse pivot. Also keep in mind this is happening extremely quickly and the extension is there for only a split second. So, if you reverse pivot, you will feel like you're more leaning away at the top. If you're in flexion like a lot of golfers I see these days you will feel like you're reverse pivoting
November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023
You seem to have changed your message. Before it was the post up that opened the hips and brought the arms down to the release with shoulders square to target line. You’re now saying both hips and torso rotate through and the hips get opened by your rotating torso? I think I understand shift, shift, fall with the fall being the start of squat to square? Is that correct? Confused!
November 27, 2023
Hi Harry, sorry for the confusion! Both ways of thinking about accomplish the same thing but my focus is on getting the avg golfer to move better and that requires getting things to happen as naturally as possible. If you load up your torso in the backswing and release that energy through rotation, your hips will rotate open and you will post up naturally. The swing happens so fast and I keep seeing golfers getting "stuck" trying to group together too many things in sequence that must happen much too quickly to think through. This is my way of getting you to feel the movement instead of thinking the movement
November 27, 2023
I think what you are trying to show us may be the answer to what I have been trying to implement and master in my swing for the last six months; shifting weight to the left side before the right side fires. I've tried several of your ideas to master this move...which at times seems unnatural. I even try to hold the right side "firing" a bit, until I have made the left weight shift...but I forget to do this many times in the middle of a competitive round of golf. Easy to practice, but harder to make habit. Maybe I haven't hit the 7000 repetitions yet? Anyway, this "shifting" may just be the ticket for me to get the weight-shift right AND while feeling more natural in the process. I'll begin the 7000 reps today! Continued thanks for showing us different concepts to learn a more consistent powerful swing.
November 27, 2023
Yes, that's the part of the purpose of this video Jesse for sure. On a broader scale, it's about what I would call golf swing dynamics. I see golfers all the time working hard on their swings and being super stiff and static and moving too slow. There's a zero percent chance of getting the swing to unfold correctly like this. What I'm working towards is getting a golfer to move quickly and dynamically and having the "positions" in the swing happen organically rather than trying to learn the individual positions and then trying to figure out how to glue them together as that's always where I see the disconnect.
November 27, 2023

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