Learn to Move Your Hips Like the GOATs - Pt 1

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Did golf's greats move their hips in any special way? They definitely moved them differently than most recreational golfers. To feel effortless power in your golf swing and become a consistent ball striker, you must learn how to move your body correctly. Without this nothing will sequence correctly. In this first video, we start with getting your hips to load correctly and dynamically so that you can get your pressure back to the lead side earlier in the downswing than you likely do right now.

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May 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The head stays behind the ball, the center of the chest is slightly in front, that is the feeling of covering the ball
May 8, 2024
See 3 reply’s but didn’t come through?
May 8, 2024
Right e-Mail but reply not coming
May 8, 2024
Hey Chuck. For the first time, I finally understand the hip turn in the backswing. The "turning into the hip/internal rotation" instead of rotating the hips is a subtle difference, but also huge. After practicing, it almost feels more like tilting the hips rather than turning. I've been doing it wrong for so long and now it makes complete sense. It also, for me anyway, sets up the move back to the lead side which then (finally) allows me to get the hips out of the way, stop standing up and flipping at impact. Your detailed descriptions of the bodies movement is unique and very helpful. I also completely identify with your two wheeled activities an injuries. Gravity is... unforgiving.
February 9, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Rob, yes subtle but huge is a great way to describe. I agree that it feels more like the hips tilt in the swings of the GOATs for sure. And yep, gravity, it's a... well, you know!
February 9, 2024
Chuck This section is for me the next big challenge. Having got the club shallowing out, and now understanding the backswing sequence more fully, I need to focus on learning to shift back to the lead side early enough. Yesterday at the range I think I managed to move earlier a few times and the ball certainly flew further. So I need to get the thoracic extension and falling back feeling built in. How does this fit with the Axiom feeling? Axiom focuses on trail foot, but to get back to the lead side quicker we need to 'unweight' the trail foot. Is that really just a case of doing Axiom move much faster?
February 2, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
In a way yes. I think once you get to the goat code content a lot of these mechanical things will start to fade into a distant memory
February 2, 2024
Your description of the legs being relaxed in Ph 1 indicates or implies that you should have relaxed legs but then instantly you need to tighten your glutes and rotate to getcthe crease in tge right side . How do you manage the legs, thighs, hamstrings, and calves to be relaxed. My body is too tight I think.
January 20, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Your hips and legs will move much more quickly when they are relaxed. When the muscles fire dont think of it line you’re doing a squat think of it like you are jumping or sprinting
January 20, 2024
light bulb moment... I redid the dead drill - I was getting very sloppy and not feeling the load in the right thigh and right butt cheek... i did it in front of a mirror and spot on.... it feels so different and it really feels like I am ina great position to start the downswing.
January 14, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great David! Correct you will start to notice is you revisit some older drills that trail leg/glute has been getting sloppy in some players and how vital it is to load/coil correctly going back.
January 16, 2024
This is great. You have previously talked about the acceleration caused by flicking a towel - a reversal by the hand and arm of what the towel is doing. Here it's a reversal by the body of what the club is doing - ie as the club goes back the body goes forward, same as you describe as the club comes down, the body goes up (the post-up). It's actually all about centrifugal force causing acceleration.
January 13, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Good way to put the movement in perspective to correlate to other components of the swing
January 16, 2024
I've been looking at these Goat videos the last couple of weeks, but I suddently got lost. I'm sure I saw a video where Chuck pointed out the difference between an average amateur and the best players at impact having a red ellipse going from the right foot up the leg and to the left shoulder. The good players had their head well behind this ellipse - not so with most other golfers. My problem now is that I can't find which video this is from. I can't find it. Is almost like I have just dreamt this up. So please tell me where I can find this again before my blood pressure goes thru the roof...
January 13, 2024
Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsIvbciHrjY I don't quite understand why some of the videos show up on youtube and not on the main site where it also should belong.
January 13, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Half of the video is to introduce new people to the concept while the instruction is all on the site.
January 13, 2024
Hi Chuck, I was feeling quite proud of myself that I could move my hip back 70 degrees using an alignment stick, but realise now that's because I'm doing it wrong. When moving correctly into my right leg what should I feel to help understanding. In pushing into the leg differently it feels to me a much more restricted rotation with tightness in right thigh and hamsting. The leg definitely feels more braced. Is that correct?
January 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It should feel relatively restrictive. That's not my favorite word in the world as it's easy to overdo it, but the pros in general rotate their hips about 20 degrees less than most recreational golfers. You need something to help keep from making a big overswing and this helps to create a much more compact feel with the lower body. As long as you're not trying to restrict the hips and they are just naturally being restricted because you're not just trying to turn your hips, you're on the right track.
January 12, 2024
Thank you chuck.
January 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You're welcome!
January 12, 2024
Great work as always boys! Been along for this journey since 2018, so I’ve been a bit of a Ginny pig. I’ve seen similar improvements, set backs and had revelations like many members! I have to agree that marrying all of your years of work together through this project seems to really be the culmination we have all been looking for! I have always been a “FEEL” Player, so this is really hitting home! Starting with the dead drill and 1000’s upon 1000’s of reps to ingrain proper movements gave me a base for what the swing should be, Axiom helped to feel how it should feel and the Axiom power program really hit home! The one area that always made so much sense to me was that the swing goes from (wide to narrow to wide) But I definitely always viewed the swing as a load to the right and a transfer to the left! (RH Golfer) The 4 phases of loading makes so much sense! The one area I’d really love to see incorporated into all of this is getting the flat lead wrist at the top! I feel a lot of the members, myself included struggled with that over the years and as a result had club face control issues. Through all of the years of Rotary Swing training there was a heavy emphasis on the lead arm, which makes a lot of sense however I really feel there was the missing piece to get the hands into a great top position. I have on my own incorporated feels like the “motorcycle move” which helped some… I on my own had found that feeling the “right wrist” bend into extension once the club reached parallel in the takeaway, this put me into a fairly good spot at the top, cured a lot of my early extension but it still was inconsistent! When you put together the Axiom power program and the trial with Vankatesh, My impact position improved and it all started to really click! This was the feel I’d been missing I had the ah ha moment ???? after years of playing baseball I finally realized that I was fighting my natural movements by focusing on the left side so much. So my question is, with this GOAT Series, will training like the the Axiom power program still be incorporated? Is the Squat to Square movement still the correct move to the left? Do we still focus on posting up or are we transitioning more towards continuous hip rotation? How is the release tied into all of this? I am very excited about this direction as you really seem to be decoding the secrets of the pros! there seems there are a lot fewer moving pieces and this is very feel driven which hits home! I am really ramping up the offseason training and want to get it right, just feel there is a lot of missing information still… I realize this is not a finished or polished product and can only imagine the time it takes to decipher all of the data and analyze video upon video and culminate this all! This truly will be Incredible!!! Thanks again! Steve B
January 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Steve, great questions! The amount of brain power I've expended into this is truly absurd. I'm certain I could've solved most of the world's problems by now, instead I'm figuring out what the greats really did to hit a ball with a stick! But seriously, the next video will answer all of these questions and so much more. It's what I've been working toward my entire life - what did the GOATs really feel in their swings. I hope to have this done next week to finally answer the question of how the greats really swung the club. And I believe many will be shocked at how simple it really is.
January 12, 2024
Hey Chuck, Thanks so much for the reply! That is Fantastic that the video will be ready soon! It’s funny, I say that all the time too… I spent this much time on this game… Imagine if I’d put this much time and effort into something else! ???? That being said I truly feel it’s not for nothing! I am down to a 10 handicap with big goals for the year ahead! More importantly, I have actually taken all that I have learned and have been teaching my son Austin. “Those that can’t do teach” right? lol… He is 16 and started golfing at 12. He is a 1 handicap and has shot under par a few times, won some junior tournaments, hits the ball over 300 yards and truly has some incredible skill! I started him with Rotary Swing from day 1, doing reps and going through the bootcamps with me and all the rest! It’s truly been a special journey with him! For some crazy reason I have been able to really see what’s going on in his swing, recommend changes and it’s clicked! A true testament to what you teach and what I’ve learned! He always says, Dad… You just need to do the same thing lol… One issue he has developed over the past year is moving towards the ball in transition which sometimes leads to him getting stuck! He has such quick hips that he manages to compensate most of the time but it’s definitely a fault. I have only seen this in a few pros (Think Joaquin Niemann, but not as crazy of a side bend) Jordan Spieth has a bit of the head moving towards the ball as does Finau… But that’s it. He really had nailed the squat to square move in the beginning but lost it… We have been working on getting that back and creating more space for his arms! I had a few local pros look at it and they didn’t seem to see what I was seeing but I’m convinced it’s the source of his issues! I do t have a force plate, but through video analysis I can see the weight movements in his feet! (Best I can describe it is, he has a great takeaway, but near the end he starts moving into the toes, then more in transition, before a real quick shift into the lead heel with a big hip turn, arms almost remain tucked through impact, but still releasing!) If he sets up off the toe, he’d still hit off the heel! Point being, I really feel this new series of movements you are building could be the key ???? to his development! I should really get you to look at his swing! Keep up the great work! Who knows, you may be helping to build a tour player here! ????
January 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Wow a 1 already! That's awesome! Yes, the hip movement in younger players is typical when they lack upper body and core strength, as well as not understanding what exactly to do with the upper body in the swing. This is exactly what I'm working on as we speak, writing down my notes right now.
January 12, 2024
I know Right… He works hard and is dedicated! It’s fun to watch! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!!! Try to really enjoy this moment! When you really nail this thing it’s gonna change golf instruction as we know it! I absolutely love watching this evolve! There’s been a few times I’ve thought holy S#%t, you read my mind… Both Austin and I really relate to RS. Truly excited for this next chapter! ????
January 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
This has been mostly hell, if I'm honest! I'm finally making the turn but only after having tried every single possible thing that didn't work first!
January 12, 2024
We appreciate your efforts! I completely understand how Hellish it must have been! But when it works… It will all be worth it! You may be able to start liking golf again!
January 12, 2024
I just rejoined your site and viewed the part 1 of the GOAT video but I don't see where to go from here. Where is part 2?
January 11, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Welcome back! Part 2 is what I'm working on right now and plan to drop it next week.
January 12, 2024
Great video Chuck. Thanks. So, I did a bit of shadow practice in front of the mirror with the focus on opening the hips or but cheeks turned at contact. It is a whole different look and feel. This combined with the backswing video “How to fix the 3 most Common Swing Faults” helps frame the entire swing. I will try the downswing and this drill on the range today and report back!!!
January 11, 2024
I tried this out with a very conscious effort to get the butt behind at the time of contact. It took a good 6-10 swings to get used to it - misses were thin shots. On the 10th or 12th swing I got the first feel for compression! It is absolutely enormous amount of ball compression and shaft lean. The sound off the mat is also waaay different. Thump Thump instead of tik tik. My Rapsodo read 162 with an 8 iron. WOW - not sure if I can believe this yet. It does take a bit but I believe that the muscle memory will make it a whole lot easier in the long run. Next is to try this on the range.
January 11, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Wow thats amazing! Were you able to feel the dynamic stretch?
January 11, 2024
Yes! It took a bit to get there but once I started moving toward the target you could feel the stretch. The ball rockets when you get the right feel. There is so much power and compression that bits of the ball stuck to my net and my club!!!
January 13, 2024

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