How to Increase Hand Speed - J Release

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Hand speed is the secret to effortless power in the golf swing. In this video, I teach you how to produce it instantly to feel what a pro swing feels like.

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Chuck how the RIT right inward throw release presented by Jim McLean differ from the GOAT release/swing program? Thanks
September 12, 2024
no clue, never paid any attn to Mclean
September 12, 2024
Hello, enjoying the videos and content. But I’m a bit confused. How do I do the J motion in the backswing if I’m also supposed to maintain the left wrist extension as u some in other videos . and Hack motion says that the pros maintain the left wrist extension all the way to the top longer I believe. But then the right and left hand would be doing opposing motions. Maybe I’m confused and have it wrong. Thank you for the clarification.
September 12, 2024
You will still have some extension, you needn't overhinge the trail wrist, if you do you will lose too much extension. But keep in mind you're starting with some flexion in the trail hand so it has to hinge quite a bit in order to get set properly.
September 12, 2024
Chuck your link to the medicine ball smallest weight is 8lbs.
September 5, 2024
they must've ran out of stock of the 6 pound
September 5, 2024
How do u throw the club at the top of the backswing and keep your trail wrist extended at impact?
August 18, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. Supination in the trail arm/wrist is vital to shallowing out the club but also helping keep the necessary extension in the trail wrist. If you throw from the top by spinning shoulders or trying to power it with the trail arm you will lose the supination/extension too soon.
August 19, 2024
Craig. Chuck said that you can’t release the club to soon as Jack said as long as he’s moving left. Chuck said throw from the top. I don’t mean spinning the shoulders. He says in the J RELEASE VIDEO . My point is how to release from the top and have wrist extension at impact?
August 19, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. You are answering the question. The extension is different than the deviation of the wrist. The throw is the angle between the club/wrist/forearm. If you start rotating the clubface/releasing/squaring that will delete extension. Supination with throw (deviation) won't hurt the extension necessary for the impact position.
August 19, 2024
Don’t know what u mean
August 19, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
See below.

August 19, 2024
Thx and I guess u time the release when lead hand is over lead thigh?
August 19, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes. The release mainly happens from GDP position at trail thigh to lead thigh. Very small movement required to get the face square with this method.
August 19, 2024
Today was my first attempt at the release. Wow. It felt powerful. Craig has left this video in my reviews more than once. It is a completely different feeling. I deadened my hips. They still moved. I did not have to move them at all. I tried the J swing and please define what my club head should look at top of the back swing. I kept my hands really loose just feeling the right hand (those two fingers) lightly and tried to move the club quickly. It felt easy. Actually it felt easier if I swung quicker. Day 1 trying this. A completely new feel. So with this feel just keeping body still how do you move pressure toward the target during this dynamic move?
August 9, 2024
Hi Marianne, if you load into the trail leg in the backswing, you will naturally shift pressure back to the lead side, so you shouldn't need to try and do it. Let the ground push you back
August 11, 2024
Hey Chuck, 1) When looking at examples of pros that you’ve often showed ie Nicholas it looks like there’s full extension of both arms following impact. In your demonstration of this trail side technique it looks like very soon after impact both elbows are bending and club coming fairly straight up. Is there truely less of that full extension or partly the appearance in the demonstration. 2) you mention that with throwing technique there’s no initial forward shift movement, that body is secondarily reacting to the throw. That seems counter to all the prior instruction of how to throw or hit anything where there’s always the step first then throw/hit…
August 5, 2024
Hi Steven, the arms will get pulled straight by the club when swinging at normal speed. As for the second question, for someone who knows how to throw, they won't be trying to shift forward, it would be unnatural to do so. However, many people don't know how to throw properly so I try to cover all my bases
August 5, 2024
I tried this at the range and added about 10 yards to my 7 iron. Do you get a slightly cupped lead wrist at the top of the back swing when doing this? Mine cupped, but when I threw the clubhead at the top with my trail hand/fingers it flattened out. It also gave me more of a clockwise axiom feel. Thanks!
July 27, 2024
That's great Ronald! If you look at the hackmotion data, you'll see that many pros keep the lead wrist slightly cupped throughout the entire backswing and that helps keep the clubface very stable.
July 29, 2024
Hey Chuck, Would you recommend initiating the backswing with the trail hand as well? I tried the J-move on the range today and felt that I could only initiate the J-downswing if I felt the backswing was trail hand dominated. It is almost a one-handed swing, with the lead hand going for the ride.
July 23, 2024
In a truly trail side dominant swing that's exactly what you feel. Many of the old school GOATs like Hogan and Jones and Trevino advocated for more lead side during the takeaway and that creates a more hybrid approach. But you can take it to the extreme on either side and be anywhere in between.
July 23, 2024
This technique is amazing. I’ve never hit the ball so pure. Smashing it!! One question, does anything change when hitting out of deep rough? Thanks, Nelson P.S. haven’t wheat to the course yet to see my distance but the sound of my hitting mat is something I’ve never heard before!!!
July 16, 2024
Awesome Nelson! In deep rough it wouldn't change other than the fact you're probably going to hold on tighter to keep the club face from shutting down in the rough
July 17, 2024
I’m at the range 4 times a week. My game goes from 90 to 81 and back. Compressing with a square face is intermittent. So frustrating. Do you have any suggestions to back up and do reps?
June 30, 2024
Charles, you need a swing review before you waste any more time at the range. There is something major going on that you're not realizing.
July 1, 2024
Hey Chuck. Quick update from my on-going journey. I reviewed the release video a few times before my round yesterday. I was not very comfortable with the release, felt as if I was releasing a half second too late to generate power and kept losing distance. The hard work and what this video taught me was incredible! If you remember, my drives before our journey started at 220 yards. Made progress to 240 with some initial work with the Goat theory. The day you and I played we maxed out at 272 or so and was largely inconsistent. Yesterday post video study, I averaged 270 with 2 drives of 290+ and a max of 298!!!!!!! I had a wedge to the second longest par 4 and knocked it in for a birdie. The wedge in typical rounds would have been a 6 iron in on a good drive!!! Game changer. Thanks Chuck - you are an absolute genius. I never ever imagined a 298 yard drive at 58 years old!!!! Absolutely pumped. Oh BTW, index down to 7 and easily breaking 80 almost every time…..
June 29, 2024
AWESOME MAN! CONGRATS! Welcome back to the back tees brother!
July 1, 2024
Brother, this is a magical secret man! I can hit a 7 iron 170. The driver feels are awesome too. Absolute genius!!!
July 17, 2024
Just to clarify, I use a trail side dominant release and went from an anemic 145-150 to a consistent 170 with the 7 iron..Truly graduation stuff…
July 17, 2024
Wow! You're flushing it!
July 18, 2024
I understand ulnar deviation and do you pronate your leed hand at impact to square the club?
June 25, 2024
You would pronate the trail hand to square the face
June 26, 2024
Chuck. Working hard on the release. Thanks to you my scores going down but distance about the same. Something is missing. I keep spraining my left (lead side) index finger. Is due to over-rotating? Am I failing to travel more upward? It seems the more I try to rotate my hands the worse I pull the ball left. What is the feeling of the swing after impact? Thanks and I can’t wait for your next video.
June 22, 2024
Hi Jack, the index finger is very strange, would love to see what you're doing on video. You don't try and rotate the hands, it's the force of the club that rotates them after the throw has been initiated, after that, it's mostly up to physics everything that happens from there as you shouldn't be trying to control the club at that point, especially after impact. If you can, it means you're pushing the club through
June 24, 2024
I started off as a lead side dominant player by training with the videos on this site. I dropped my scores from mid 90s to mid 80s with lead side. As I am an experimenter by nature, I switched to learning the trail side dominant swing. Now I'm back to mid 90s This doesn't concern me overly as I play socially for fun, and the trail side is much newer to me. I would like to get to mid 80s trail side as I can with lead side dominant. Then choose which I want to use. My problem is getting the club face square during the "snap" of the wrists with the trail side. If I "snap" too early the ball goes way left as the impact is with a left facing club face. If I "snap" too late the ball goes way right as the club face is open. Mentally it seems very hard for me to "time the snap of the wrist" so the ball goes straight. I do hit the ball further with trail side and I like what I am experiencing so far, EXCEPT for the right/left shots. Suggestions???
June 21, 2024
Hi Bernie, this happens when the body isn't moving correctly. The core must be the primary mover of the hips and shoulders. Some do this instinctively when throwing and so they pick up the trail side very quickly, but if you dont' feel your core engage to rotate in the downswing, the shoulders will take over and lead to the shots you're hitting.
June 21, 2024
Hey Chuck. Did you remove your recent videos on torque or are they on RSA?
June 20, 2024
I did, I'm going to redo them after seeing some questions from members so I can make it more clear
June 21, 2024
Hi guys, what is the Best Drill or Drills to practice or due for the perfect Goat swing. I am using too much shoulder/arm, I think. Thanks M. Santoni
June 18, 2024
Hi Mark, you're in the right place, the release is the most important part of the swing so focusing on this is key. But you can go through the first 4 videos of the GOAT Code in sequence that starts with the lead hand release to work through things in a series of simplified steps
June 19, 2024
I have noticed with my irons this works really works well, my 3 wood is my go to fairway finder. But when it comes to the driver, I’m still having a hard time squaring the club face impact due to the length of the club itself. Is there a video that specifically talks about timing the released (wrist, dexterity, and flexibility ) with a trailside race with clubs that have longer shafts?
June 15, 2024
It's the exact same, the issue is likely you are trying to power the driver with the shoulders.
June 16, 2024
I think the main take away is that I have to unlearn and let go of these ideas that if I swing harder it’ll go further. Easier said than done thank you Chuck.
June 17, 2024
100%, the body feels powerful but delays the release
June 18, 2024
Thank you for the video. I look forward to seeing how this transitions to the short game. My issue is hosel rockets. Sh**ks. I’ve always been a draw, guarding against the snap hook player. Now I’ve got the opposites! I think I may be bi-polar!
June 14, 2024
Regarding the slight wrist turn at the end of the "J", is this turn the same as the turn that naturally happens when you do the sequence described in the "perfect back swing" video where you put your arms out in front of you and then grab you thumb....?". My "feeling" when I finish making the "J" is that the club is being flattened out just a tad in preparation for the downswing. Is my "feeling" on the right track?
June 13, 2024
Yep, exact same motion
June 13, 2024
I just bought a HackMotion and it has not shipped yet. I’m wondering do I need it if I can master this throw/release swing and motion. Thanks and I really love the simplicity of this method.
June 12, 2024
There is so much more that you'll learn about your swing with the Hackmotion than just the release. I think most would say it was very eye opening the first time they used it
June 13, 2024
Hey Chuck, you had mentioned that you see a lot of your students "move their body first” before the throw or unwinding the J, as opposed to letting the throwing motion cause the body to move (weight shift etc.). I recall something you said when quoting (in a prior GOAT video) Jack Nicklaus concerning as long as he was moving laterally he (Jack) could use his right hand aggressively. I had interpreted that to mean, one should be moving back to the lead side before initiating the throw. Should I be initiating the throw before I move laterally? Please clarify this for me.
June 12, 2024
Next video series is up on the body:
June 19, 2024
Hi Jeff, ya this is part of what I'm covering in my next video on the body, but to answer your question, yes, the body is moving first but not in a way that you are trying to rotate to create power, it's simply shifting back to the lead side as Jack was saying. What I'm referring to is golfers who try and rotate their bodies to move the hands to create power instead of getting the body to listen to what the hands need to do to create speed.
June 13, 2024
Where and when does the J Move actually happen. I think I am missing it.
June 11, 2024
It's happening gradually throughout the backswing
June 11, 2024
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Chuck! This morning I worked with my Saterday morning group for 90 minutes on the J-move. What J(oy) to do, not only for me but for whole group. It was great to see how quick they picked up this drill and how surprised they were to see the results! I learned some things also like: If you do the horizontal J-drill with lead/ rear arm only then, for older and female students it works better to use a club upside down, with club in normal position it is often to heavy for them and muscles tighten quick. Second when at the end of the lesson you start hitting balls with J- move the most common mistake most make is that their body is to active and they "forget" to let the club pull them to finish position, in most cases hips and/or shoulders are already to open before impact, baals going left or right. When you make them aware of that they can easy go back to right J-move and hit great balls again. So much fun to do! Marcel
June 8, 2024
It's awesome to see how quickly people can get speed and control with something so simple, thanks for sharing!
June 10, 2024
How are you able to hold the club tightly if the wrists are supple/soft?
June 7, 2024
Tight is relative. When Tiger said he holds the club "very tight" it was in comparison to the "old timers" who felt the club was about to fall out of their hands. Hold it tight enough to control but not so tight to lock up the wrists.
June 10, 2024
Hey Chuck, as always, very interesting stuff. I'm confused about what type of release your advocating. Around the 10 min and 12 min marks and when talking about the Mike Austin release, you're demonstrating what's typically referred to as a slap or hinge release (the extension and flexion of the right wrist). In other parts of the video, like the helicopter drill, it's more ulnar deviation follwed by a quick wrist roll at the end of deviation, which is typically called a roll release. These are two very different types of releases, wrist movements and feels. Which one are you advocating or am I missing something? Thanks a ton!
June 7, 2024
Paul, you can't have one without the other. Austin's hands rolled as much as anyones, what you are describing as a roll release is not a real release at all, no one playing at any high level rolls their hands in that way. The bulk of the rotation happens as much after impact, but there is never a ton before as some people like to think of in a roll release. Mark OMeara might have been one of the last guys to kind of do that and he was a very short hitter as a result.
June 7, 2024
Thanks Chuck, much appreciated! Sounds like it's more of the slap/hinge release that is the goal of the video. It's definitely a powerful and natural feeling similar to throwing a baseball, skipping a stone, shooting a jump shot, etc.
June 7, 2024
Another brilliant video and lesson Chuck. You’re Axiom and now Goat Code presentations are very SPECIAL productions. At least in my world. The Axiom revealed to me the proper physical swing motion sequences but I lacked release skills. Once I began to follow you’re Goat Code productions, I ultimately changed my right hand grip position and pressures as instructed and WOW. I have never pured shots or hit the ball further my entire life as I do today. We are a lucky bunch of students. Thanks pal.
June 6, 2024
That's awesome David! Thanks for the feedback!
June 7, 2024
Chuck great video. Sounds like the helicopter and J drill should be part of your series for our wives someday.
June 6, 2024
I'm getting closer to giving her the first lesson! Working on the hip movement video and once I have that wrapped up I think we're good to go!
June 6, 2024
Like the most of us, I am a trail arm dominant - hitter - and not swinger. When trying to just use my wrist to get the swing started I find my first move is to use the trail shoulder to get started then engage the wrist causing all fat shots. I'm guessing it's just a matter of practice, but wondering if anyone is having this issue like this and if so how did you overcome it?
June 4, 2024
That sounds like you're not driving off the trail hip enough and just using all arm
June 5, 2024
Chuck you have been flipping my light switch for awhile with the goat code. While I tried to work the Axiom it just didn't click for me. I got it but couldn’t t put it into action. Today after watching this video you flipped the switch and the light finally came on. The ‘J” move was the difference. I went out and played nine not really keeping score. First drive boom much further than I expected. Then hit 7 iron planing on it going 160 but it was 10 yards too long. Next hole par 3 playing to a red flag playing 145 8 iron and boom over green. This carried on through the nine holes they weren’t all great shots but I felt like I understood what you have been talking about. Everything was longer particularly the irons and they just felt effortless. Play tomorrow with my group see if I can put into play. Thanks! ????
June 4, 2024
Awesome! Thanks for the feedback
June 5, 2024
Chuck what about grip pressure? You look like you have very light pressure.
June 4, 2024
I would say I'm about a 4
June 5, 2024
Hey Chuck, how does this J motion fit with hackman data, it sounds & feels like this is using a fair amount of wrist action whereas when you were commenting on hackmotion feels you say the GOATS do very little with their wrists in the backswing. Also after playing around with different grips I find the release much easier to feel when using the baseball grip.
June 4, 2024
This J motion is fairly subtle, I'm just exaggerating here to make it obvious as to what I'm trying to describe.
June 5, 2024
Thanks Chuck! Slightly after ball impact and releasing the club (before the club is back to a parallel to the ground position), do the top of your wrists on both hands feel like they touch each other (almost like a stretched X")? Is that the right feeling?
June 4, 2024
They do get close but definitely don't touch, that might be a little too flippy
June 5, 2024
Great video, but when I do the throwing motion it causes me to take the club back way inside any advice you have to fix this.
June 3, 2024
Sounds like you're rolling your hands way more than necessary
June 5, 2024
When working on/playing the goat code way I’ve flared up my trail side golfer’s elbow( medial epicondylitis). What could I be doing wrong to flare this up?
June 3, 2024
You are throwing way too hard with the right arm. The speed really comes from the wrist.
June 3, 2024
I am left hand/lead side dominant playing right handed, this feels very weak, and difficult to achieve stability or control - should I really be trying to learn this move ?
June 3, 2024
Both hands have to work together to create maximum power, but if you can release the lead wrist correctly as I showed in the intro video you can create much the same effect.
June 3, 2024
Hi Chuck, This was the last piece of the jigsaw for me. Played a really difficult long course today - I had 2 blow out holes 15 & 18 - (possibly nerves as I reckoned I was in with a chance) and also had 3 silly three putts - but still had 39 points. My blow out holes were snap hooks left OB - any thoughts as to what might be the cause - I reckon it might have been trying to "steer" the ball. I also noted that when it swung "with intent" as in looking to hit the ball hard - I had better results than when I tried to cosy a shot. Would really appreciate any feedback. So thrilled with the results. If ever you make it over across the pond - be sure to let me know - would love to take you out to some of our hidden gems. Paul
June 3, 2024
Hi Paul, there could be a bunch of reasons for snap hooks, I'd have to see your swing to see what's happening. Could be getting deep going back, spinning hips coming down, flipping hands, spine too upright, etc.
June 3, 2024
Great video! The one issue I have that I have not been able to solve is at GDP (face on view), my hands are not in front of my right leg (or close enough to that GDP position). This results in me unable to get my hands in front of the ball at impact (no shaft lean / ball compression), with the club being very lofted resulting in shorter distances - even though my swing speed is so much higher than before. No matter how fast I try to move my hands, I cant get them to be in front of my right leg at GDP. I've studied the GDP videos many many times but still cant get to that position - hands are still too far behind. Any ideas why this would be the case? Which videos should I look at again? Appreciate any suggestions!
June 3, 2024
Hi David, this has to do with not getting your pressure back to the lead side with enough lateral shift and correct rotation of the hips. This is the next video I've been working on for a while and hope to have it up soon as this is a complex subject
June 3, 2024
Has this video been created Chuck? Which one is it please? Thank you!
July 24, 2024
There are 7 in total, if you search for "baseball" is where the first 3 start, and then search for "head" and those 4 will popup.
July 24, 2024
This is the exact same thing I am seeing! What used to feel like a natural transition back to the lead side has disappeared with the trail side approach! I think we were all under the impression that we weren’t supposed to actively try and get back to the lead side… That it happened as a result of the throwing motion! I am seeing some results, the move is feeling more natural but definitely a big loss in distance here as well! Wedges just go super high and there’s not the penetration I had! Other than driver!?!? I’m absolutely smashing it like never before! Lol… I know I need to keep working on release as it’s so slow, there’s so much more in there! But lower body feels lost for sure! This next video could truly be the final piece! Really looking forward to it! Thanks Chuck!
June 4, 2024
Chuck, this is sick! Within the first 10 swings tying this I was carrying my 7 iron 180 yards with a tiny draw. And this is with a very stiff back from trying to use so much body to create speed all week. This was the effortless speed feel. The keys for me were to finish the J curve (not just the straight part), and make sure I had shifted weight forward so I could the feel like I would snap the grip back without causing a hook. Awesome stuff! Any adjustments to use this feel with driver?
June 1, 2024
Awesome Bob! Feeling is the same with the driver
June 3, 2024
Hi Chuck, this video made me realise that I've only been using wrist extension, without any ulnar deviation (if I've described that correctly), so was excited to try this move. The results were: most of the shots going right with a slight fade, sometimes a slice (I'm used to hitting a draw). For some history, I've been a hip spinner, with a late release and strong in/out path. So I've been working on an old hip spinner video recommended via swing review, plus working on the trail side release, focusing on getting the right elbow down in front of my hip, and aiming to feel the right palm face behind me after impact. With the J movement suggested here, I must admit to feeling disorientated with the club probably a bit across the line rather than laid off - so I struggled to feel the club shallow. So perhaps I'm not sure, after introducing a new ulnar deviation move on the backswing, how to reverse that movement on the downswing... Grateful for your advice
May 30, 2024
Sounds like you're just way overdoing the rotation part, it doesn't need to be very much
June 1, 2024
Chuck, it is exciting to get to the end of the GOAT code series. Since total shoulder replacement, I have been searching for something. Every piece of the the code as added a bit more to realizing my potential. I turned 72 in March and have now shot or bettered my age 9 times. The latest were Sunday and Monday. My ball striking has gone through the roof. I wish I could say that my distance has jumped, but only slightly .. but with this piece, I hope to hit those numbers you mentioned in the intro video to this final part. I had tried the "J" move before as it is similar to the Austin era spin the pizza box but I never got the important part of undoing what you put in. The biggest thing I have realized in my recent play, is hanging on or dragging the handle only gets you in trouble so it becomes easy to use the hands to square the club. Your instruction has helped my golf as much as the Taurine has done for my old body. I wish you had had the same results. Many thanks, David in Arizona
May 28, 2024
That's fantastic! Let me know how this works for you! BTW, I'm still taking the taurine, but my physical issues may be too "industrial strength" for it!
May 29, 2024
This is great instruction. I think the hard part about this for most people is that we must give up control with the body…in order to gain control. Conventionally speaking, the golf swing is all about getting-in and hitting certain positions. I feel like this is opposite…but you have to trust it. I’m sure the feeling is opposite for some people, but to me, this literally feels like you just throw the club, and then allow your body to catch it. You don’t manipulate theclub head through body positions, the club head moves you…into the correct position.
May 28, 2024
Richard Donald
If you give the grip a little squeeze with your middle and or ring finger it flicks your wrist even faster. It works with the trail or lead hand. It's like a trigger for a speed burst. Try it and let me know what you think.
May 27, 2024

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