GOAT Code Secret to Effortless Power - Pt 1 of 4

Are you trying to keep your head still in the golf swing? If you like being the shortest hitter in your group, keep at it. But, if you want effortless power, you need to think about the head in a completely different way.

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Hey Chuck, I was just about to jump on to cancel my membership after being with you for over 6 years I believe. But then the GOAT code caught my eye. I've tried all of your systems, from RST, to the Dead drill and Axiom, But I just don't have consistency. I hit the ball far. If I crush my Driver, I'm hitting over 300 yards, but my problem is it could go snap hook left or big slice right. I just don't have the time to put into 2000+ swings etc to engrain a new change. Can you help?
August 27, 2024
You betcha! Check out the new section under trail side Called the TW GOAT Code (Testing Phase) and begin working through this series of videos. This is what I've been testing with the RSA guys and 100% of them have said their consistency has improved.
August 27, 2024
Thanks Chuck, I'll check them out for sure.......I played this morning and off the tee is just way too inconsistent. I'm hitting the ball all over the place, so hopefully this will help
August 27, 2024
My Main goal to consistency. My second goal is distance, current driver distance is 200-225 yards when I hit it the best, 7 Iron is 135 yards. I have started this change about 4 weeks ago and now I am seeing some really nice benefits. I went from shooting 102-104 to 93, I am looking forward to be able to shoot in the 80's.
July 19, 2024
Hi Andrew, the first thing we have to do is get distance first, consistency comes as a result of proper mechanics that create distance. Nicklaus always believed you should learn to hit the ball as hard as possible at first and learn to straighten it out later because without distance you can't really play the game. The good thing is that they are intrinsically linked. If you have distance the correct way, consistency will be a result.
July 19, 2024
I really love these videos!!, Thanks Chuck.
July 19, 2024
i want to hit shots consistently; i accept my distance restrictions for now
July 18, 2024
Im going to get you both
July 18, 2024
I am ready: lets learn and do this
July 18, 2024
Challenge accepted. Can you post a quick clip of your swing and we will get this party started
July 18, 2024
Will do on Saturday when I can get out this week thank you
July 18, 2024
I have a video from my I phone; how can I send that to you; the format is i.mov ?
July 20, 2024

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