Golf Impact - Part 2 of 7

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In part 2 of this new 7 part video series, I'll discuss one of the most important parts the golf swing...impact. Learning how to get into a proper impact position is one of the key factors that separates amateurs and pros. Following up from the simple physics lesson that I covered in video 1, I'll show you the first step to getting a perfect impact position, giving you better compression and explosive distance!

  • Understand the causes of flipping or early casting of the golf club. 
  • Train your lead arm to control the clubface.
  • Work on 5 minutes to a perfect release over and over. 

Pushing vs pulling in the golf swing is an important concept to understand if you want to master the golf swing and get into a tour quality impact position. In the first video of the "Keys to RST" series, I showed you a simple physics lesson that showed how pushing can negatively effect your golf swing. In part 2 of this series, I am going to show you why you may be struggling with flipping the club or even battling the dreaded chicken wing. 
If you watch golf on TV, chances are you have noticed a ton of different ways to swing the club. However, most all professional golfers share one really important part of the swing in common...impact. A flat left wrist and shaft leaning towards the target is pretty much the exact opposite among amateur golfers. Getting into a tour quality impact position will increase your compression and distance immensely...but how do you do it? Well let's look at a couple of critical questions that you have probably not asked yourself in the past, to help you understand.
 Think about these 2 questions for a moment. If we play play right handed and we are right hand dominant, why would we wear the glove on the opposite hand? Why are golf grips tapered the way that they are? Why would we want to have the fattest part of the club in our smallest, less coordinated finger? Wouldn't we just want it to be skinnier at the top of the grip so it is easier to grip?

Well here is simple answer to all of the questions above and probably why you have struggled with getting into a perfect impact position...

Golf is controlled by your left side! (assuming you are a right handed golfer of course)

Amateur golfers want to use their dominant side at all times, not knowing that this is the side of the body that is causing them to throw the club from the top, lose lag and get into that weak-flipped impact position. Your trailing arm is the only arm that is in a position to push the club causing you all of these poor impact conditions. 

To correct it, you need to train your lead wrist the proper way to control the club so that you can swing the club freely with control, speed and accuracy. You must see a perfect video that will walk you through 5 critical steps that will teach you how to get into the impact position you have always dreamed of...5 minutes to a perfect release 

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on the downswing how much force should my right hand use when throwing the ball (hand) at the golf ball.
May 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Think of the trail arm as a passive conduit of power. You don't need to exert a lot of force from the trail arm. The vast majority of golfers overuse the throwing motion.
May 4, 2019
so where does the power and club head speed come from?
May 4, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Leverage, width and rotation. Power comes from your lag, width of your swing arc, legs, and release. You can't rely solely on the trail arm for power. Take a look at How to Maintain Clubhead Speed as You Get Older Video.
May 4, 2019
I am so right side dominant that sometimes I almost "dispair". Maybe the question is absurd, but: do you anyone or would it make sense to play like I was lefthanded? That way the right side of the body dominating would be good...
September 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joao. Some players have considered switching sides of the ball. However, it can be a really daunting task. I would for the meantime continue focusing on making yourself lead arm dominant.
September 4, 2016
I can't find your "five minutes to a perfect release video" on the site?
September 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kurt. Use the search bar at the top, or use the link below.
September 4, 2016
Phil Craig: I seem to hit most of my shots near the toe of the irons and I stand pretty close to the ball. Can you help?
May 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Phil. Typically, the toe shots come from over rotating face or steep. Make sure you shallow the plane (Over the Top Stick Drill). Or, that you have a good consistent rotation in the release (Curing Elbow Pain Video).
May 6, 2016
I finally understand what flipping vs rolling the hands through impact means ... I'm trying to work on it be getting the feeling of having the back of my left wrist face the ground at impact, I've noticed my left thumb pad getting sore and a blister forming. This tells me I'm still not getting it right and my thumbs are casting / squaring the club , make sense ? An interesting drill I found somewhere else was to hit half to 3/4 shots without my thumbs on the grip, I assume it's impossible to cast without the thumbs ? When I get it right, I feel some nice compression and actually land up hitting the ball as far as I normally would... Thoughts on this and my sore left thumb pad ?
June 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
It is hard to cast without the thumbs on the club, but it seems that when the thumb is there that you push against the shaft. Take a look at Left Thumb Pain in the Advanced Downswing Section.
June 15, 2015
Where is the 5 point video on the impact position? I cannot locate it... thanks. JJH
May 16, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release in the Downswing Section. Also, the Face On Impact Alignment Video for just impact in the Downswing Section.
May 16, 2015
This is a very good website with a lot of information (maybe too much!). One thing I was hoping to get is a bit of clarity on what the real swing triggers are and what really drives the swings that separates the professionals from the rest of us, because I can never settle on one swing type in my own swing. But I must admit, I'm a little confused, because in the video "Throw for a more natural swing", it shows the right arm is the power source and there is no power in the left, and in this video, it shows that all the power is in the left arm and it's release of the club and that using the body is not needed and causes problems. But in a lot of other videos, the body is the main power source, hence the "rotary" in RST. There appears to be a lot of conflicting information here, which makes me more confused than ever. Where do I go to sort out my confusion?
May 15, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Daryl, I can certainly understand your confusion. It seems like a lot of information all at one time, but if you work through the program in order, it will make the process easier. Once you begin to understand the big picture more, it will all come together for you. That's what we are here for. We instructors are here to guide you through the page to assist you in your journey to golf greatness. I don't know if you're a car guy, but I have an analogy for you here that might help with how to view certain parts of the body as it relates to the swing. Your feet are the frame of your swing. It's the beginning point for your balance. Your glutes are the suspension. It helps support the forces of the body as we rotate. The muscles in your torso (abs, obliques, lats, rhomboids, hip flexors) are the engine. This is the driving force that sets up the body that allows the other parts of the swing to be successful in generating speed. The left hand is the steering wheel. It will control the direction and loft of the club face. The right arm is the gas pedal. Releasing the leverage created by the right arm at the right time will generate a tremendous amount of speed. The hips/weight shift to the lead leg is the transmission. It puts in gear to get things started in the downswing. If we slam on the gas before the steering wheel is straightened up, we'll spin out of control. I apologize for the length of the message, but I hope it helps clear things up for you. R.J.
May 15, 2015
From the top off the backswing coming down, should I feel like a I am aiming to the left towards the target slightly. Is it a vertical drop or slightly slanted angle descend?
May 14, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
It will feel like a vertical descent then pulling towards the target.
May 15, 2015
How do I find part 1?
May 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jamie. Part 1 is Located in the Introduction Advanced Section.
May 9, 2015
Where do I find the Impact - Parts 3 thru 7 videos??
May 8, 2015
james (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Fred, As this is a new series parts 3 through 7 will be released in the very near future so stay tuned and enjoy your golf!
May 9, 2015
Perfect. Looking forward to them. Thx!
May 9, 2015
I tend to be right hand dominant so this video made a lot of sense. I went to the "5 min to perfect release video" and started hitting maybe 20 yard shots with left hand only. Results were very good and I was very accurate. Problem is when I put my right hand back on the club my results got worse. Not sure what to do with the right hand other than have it do a passive ride-along. Tips or other videos on what might be causing my issues, and what to do with that right hand? Sometimes Chuck talks about using it to increase speed, but I'm not sure how to do that with out ruining the accuracy that comes with pulling the left.
May 7, 2015
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You just answered your own question! If the results get worse when you add the right hand, keep it off and keep it as a passenger and slowly add it as your skill increases. If you can't control the club yet with the left hand, you needn't worry about adding speed. Control first, speed second.
May 8, 2015
I have been looking at the Hogan body release,what type of release are you promoting?
May 7, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. We promote more of an arms and hands (cross over) release versus the push body release. Take a look at the Left Hand Release Drill in the Downswing Section and/or the Vijay Release Drill in the Downswing Advanced Section.
May 8, 2015
I am so glad you are producing this new series of videos. For me, it's like an injection of new blood. Even though the new videos refer back to older ones, it's just nice to hear fresh stuff directly from the boss. Part 2 of 7 aligns perfectly with what I'm working on again, so good timing.
May 7, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Glad you are enjoying the series Ken. Lots of good stuff from the "boss" to come
May 7, 2015

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