Lag and Speed Drills

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To get more distance in golf, you've got to get maximum speed from your arms and not let your body overpower them. This video has the drills to amp up your speed!

  • Review the Throw the Ball Drill
  • Set up to one ball & hold another in your right hand; turn back, shift weight to center of left foot, then throw the ball at the ground
  • Make sure your chest still points at the ball after you throw, and that your shoulders stay level
  • Review the 9 to 3 Lag Building Drill
  • Make small swings into an impact bag, focusing on building lag by throwing the right arm and keeping the wrist soft
  • Build up to larger swings as you become comfortable

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"We are hitting the ball with a check/checked(?) swing." What does that mean?
February 21, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. That is an American Baseball reference. Stalling out too soon not finishing the leg work and arm extending.
February 21, 2023
Craig, the other day when i was drilling i got a completely new sensation. Dont know if you've ever played around with a gyroball but as I transitioned that was the feeling i got from the club, or you could also compare it to dragging the club under water. Pretty high resistance and I felt like I wouldn't be able to change the path the club was set on, just ride along. Looking back at my liveview footage that club was traveling perfect on plane. Haven't been able to replicate that feeling and havent gotten the club to shallow the same way again either. But is that the sensation a really good ballstriker would get or was u doing something weird that just happened to work. Curious cuz I wonder if this sensation is something I should chase .
January 16, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jens. The feel will be different for everyone. But, yes it can almost feel like it is being dragged and no other option but to travel on the path it is set on. Kinda how mine feels.
January 16, 2021
What is best training device on market to add speed into your swing?
February 17, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Definitely the Orange whip. You can check it out in RST store for golf training aids
February 18, 2019
Isn’t the orange whip more for lag than speed? I know they go hand in hand - but what about training aid that helps your body move faster in correct sequence?
February 18, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hip Speed vs. Hand speed video
February 19, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
There are three aspects to generating speed in the golf swing. Rotation, Elevation and Leverage. Rotation is the facet of the golf swing that you're focusing on. While it is a large part of what we do in the golf swing and does add speed to the golf swing, the body moves slowly in comparison to what the wrists can do in the swing. Spinning your hips faster isn't always a guarantee of club head speed either. It escapes my memory and if I find it, I will post it here, but Chuck shares his experiences of being a golfer while he was developing RST and he went to Taylormade's performance center. They told him that his hips spun much faster than the average tour pro. However, this wasn't translating into him having significantly more club head speed than tour pros. Your body is only going to move a certain speed naturally. The best way to improve that speed is to get into better physical condition and there is an entire golf fitness section on the website to help with that, however, trying, at any point, to exceed your body's ability to generate rotational speed would be equivalent to trying to lift weights that you're not strong enough for. You're going to have sloppy form and ultimately get weaker. Focus on the proper sequence, as that is most important for the body movements. When it comes to overall club head speed, lag (leverage) is king. That is why, when it comes to specifically golf training aids in relation to club head speed, the orange whip is the best way to go. The orange whip not only trains you to build lag, but also to release it, which is just as important as building the lag.
February 19, 2019
Good stuff - thanks RJ!
February 20, 2019
Aaron: I have no trouble doing these drills alone but cannot do them with the rotary connect without losing speed. Any suggestions or tips? Thanks.
May 9, 2018
Aaron (Certified RST Instructor)
Can you give me some more details? Just by the sound of it I would think without the RC in a half swing situation you may be able to muster some more speed but maybe from some faulty moves. Could you send in a swing review with the drill, perhaps with both the RC and without. That would be the best way to help you. Thanks -Aaron
May 9, 2018
Can I assume that these drills are the same for all clubs particularly the driver. It is clear from the video that my hands have always been far too tight.
May 7, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Yes and tension is one of the number one golf swing killers.
May 7, 2018
A good proper rotation of the hips - that should avoid early extension?
January 11, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. Proper movement of the lead side weight and pull of the hip will keep you away from early extension.
January 11, 2018
1. At impact (and just before) - hip rotates and obliques pull the left hand while we must try to slow down or almost keep still the right shoulder? 2. Hip rotation - the lead hip needs to rotate and almost goes backwards given it is a rotation movement otherwise NJA would be broken?
January 11, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. Yes, as you post your feeling will be the trail shoulder staying back and not rotating aggressively through. Also, the lead hip will move back and away as you described in the second question.
January 11, 2018
so what is my next step to watch to get the full swing correctly. Or is there a series I can watch to help me with your video.
January 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bradford. The video above is more of a specialized drill. I would focus on the RST 5 Step Series and the 4 Step Lag Builder.
January 11, 2018
is this the exact name Reshaping Your Swing for Lag Drills to look up the video and is there more than one video.
January 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bradford. Reshaping Your Golf Swing for Lag. "Golf" was thrown into the title. Awhile ago it wasn't there. Apologize.
January 10, 2018
This is a good drill but then how do you take this to a full swing. Do you have the same loose break at the top of a full swing.
January 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bradford. I would combine the Reshaping Your Swing for Lag Drills to help get the motion in sync. You will have sense of starting down before completing the backswing. But, you don't want to create too much of a break or separation.
January 10, 2018
Like your drill ,does this go against the left arm only thoughts ?
January 1, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Not at all. Both arms have a role in the swing. Glad you liked the video.
January 2, 2018
Hi! Very interesting video it is. I have one question. When doing this kind of exercise I never have this amount of lag without the extension of my left hand. The maximum angle is 90 degrees between my left arm and the club if my hand (wrist) is straight or slightly bowed. I think this anglee is much smaller on this video. Is it possible that I am not flexible enough for that?
December 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Konstantin. Sometimes flexibility can be an issue. But, I would check to make sure you aren't hindering too much with your thumb.
December 26, 2017
Aaron— Can you do a video showing the lag in this video on a full swing? Paul
December 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. I will certainly ask for you.
December 23, 2017
This was the most important golf video I have ever seen. I was having trouble holding lag because I was pausing at the top and I would get my arms tense in the process even though my grip and wrists were loose. I was only striking my irons pure about 50 percent of the time in a real game, so the 9 to 3 lag drill cured that. Also the throw the ball drill proves that I was straighting my right arm too late in the swing (It was my misinterpretation of TSG’s “Power L” video. The motion of the right arm is DOWN with the shift and the chest still somewhat closed. I am just killing my 6 iron today at the range. Because of the video linking key concepts, I plan on sticking with RST. —Paul B. P.s. —keep linking concepts in new videos
December 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Awesome! Love hearing it. Sounds like you are on the right path. We will continually update more content. Much appreciative on the post!
December 14, 2017
Hi there, Nice to see you on video. What a great explanation of the fast downswing, it all make sense. Thanks for a great tip.
December 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Thanks for the post. Glad you enjoyed the presentation.
December 14, 2017
Hi Aaron good to see you on video. I love that little release of the left foot as you swing back. I have tried this and found it made my swing a lot more fluid and easier to get the lag going. As the drill is only for a 9 to 3 swing I am able to do this as I had a little accident last week bruising the lower rib cage in the right kidney area in my back, so currently not able to make a full swing. Hence the delay in getting my next review up.
December 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Thanks for the post and I know Aaron is looking forward to helping you continue your progress. Take care of Rib Cage. It can easily inhibit full swinging motions as you stated.
December 14, 2017
You say we should keep the upper body steady and not turn the shoulders too much and too early. However in the video showing you down the line in slow mo it looks like you are pretty open at impact. How does this go together?
December 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lars. Take a look at the Face On. You want the shoulders to not turn prematurely, or to be open at impact.
December 14, 2017
Arron, your explaination of the 9 to 3 drill-----using the momentum of the club and stopping hands at 3 position to start the weight shift , was a eye awaking. Thanks Bruce.
December 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bruce. Great. Glad you liked the video.
December 14, 2017
I like the way this video uses the momentum of the club at top of the backswing to start the transition. I notice that Aaron lifts and plants his foot in transition, do you recommend doing this in the swing for people struggling with lower body movement ?
December 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Lifting the foot to help transition and shifting weight is fine for drilling. Ideally, the more you start to correct your movements you don't want to have such an exaggeration of lifting the foot off the ground for the normal swing.
December 14, 2017
Was curious what your opinion was on the swing fan? It seems it may help get the body to drive the swing instead of the arms. Any experience with this training aid? Thanks
December 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Zach. I haven't used the training aid. I do know what it is. It may be useful. Just keep in mind that a training aid is only as good as you make it. If you keep the focus on how you are creating/performing the move it could be a benefit. But, if you try to over power the device or let it do all the work. You won't be learning anything new.
December 13, 2016
The soft right wrist has helped be get more lag and hit the ball straighter. Clay talks about "throwing the right arm" at the bag. So between the right and left arm- what is dominant in the downswing? Is the left arm pulling as much as the right arm is throwing? Is that even possible? Lots of good instruction in this video. I've watched it a lot and it has helped.
September 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. The left arm will be the dominant force or driver of your car in the downswing. The right arm will help with speed, but should not take over steering the club.
September 10, 2015
Oh by the way because i flip my lag su*** big time as well.
August 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. I responded below.
August 20, 2015
Craig, i have viewed the video at least 7 times now just so I didn't miss anything - i have shorten club in my office which I'm starting to apply what you covered - I have to say I'm one person that has always tried to maintain lag rather than just letting it happen, I'm a big upper body swinger and it's hard to stop especially when your trying to hit one of those long drives. Being a professional baseball player I know understand why I was a line drive hitter and not a power hitter, all upper body, interesting I wish I had this knowledge when I was younger - I will continue to work on the drills and hopefully it will start to work its way into my game
August 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Peter. I understand. One of my students is a former college baseball player and weightlifter. Struggles with the same issue of not letting lag and speed happen. Keep taking it slow. Exaggerate. Start letting the swing work for you!
August 21, 2015
Guys, I'm totally frustrated - so frustrated that i'm going to start calling myself Peter Flippy Crocitto, flippy because as i come down into the impact zone i flip my hand rather properly releasing the club head. I have followed all the drills, go ahead look at my submitted videos and every time you see me just before impact a mirror flip on my hands, I can't stop myself and I can't make the correct impact with the ball, especially coming out of the ruff. I've an impact bag where i do countless drill on, i do the VJ drill, one hand left than right handed drill, through the ball drill all of them and nothing has helped. I even tried keeping my hands free of tension and I still flip. I don't get it.
August 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. I just emailed you.
August 20, 2015
Thanks Craig, I'm viewing the video now. Thank you sending it to me.
August 20, 2015
I spent a lot of time focusing on my right arm and elbow, and could never get any of the lag you guys are able to get in the videos. It wasn't till I worked on my left shoulder and getting that pulling feeling when squaring the shoulders that I began to get any lag. For some reason I got it in my head that I should be delaying squaring my shoulders, so I was trying to get my elbow tucked into my gut, but I hadn't created any room with my shoulders. We need a shoulders video!!
April 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Bob. I'm glad you are starting to get improvement with the lag. Its not that the shoulders don't have a job. Players just tend to over use them and create too much spin. Apologizes for the confusion.
April 10, 2015
Hey Craig, thanks for the response. No apologies necessary. I think I got so concerned with over-spinning, that I stopped rotating my shoulders all together. I wasn't ending up with my chest facing the target, but rather 45 degrees off to the right. Therefore, I had no room for my arms to come through. All part of the learning experience.
April 10, 2015
Hello. The video is very helpful. What's not entirely clear for me is: once at the top of the backswing, I have to get the right arm triceps extend as I can to the floor? Keeping the forearm and wrist soft? is that possible? Because that generates me the strongest grip with my right hand. Thanks
March 25, 2015
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Eduardo, can you clarify your comment? Thanks
March 29, 2015
I have great success in tennis with forehand lock and roll, loose wrist, fire with hips, let wrist cock and release naturally when extending arm. Am I right about similarity to golf shot? My problem in golf shot continues to be early release. Need to find way to drop club w/o release to get in position similar to tennis forehand. Is this good concept for the feeling in golf shot?
January 2, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Frank, I can appreciate your skill in tennis. I'm terrible at it, haha. Although there may be some similarities between the release of the stroke, I wouldn't compare them too much. You're still trying to create two completely different body movements with two completely different goals (hit a static target from a static position vs. hitting a dynamic target from a dynamic position). Try relaxing the grip and forearms throughout your swing. It's possible that you're holding too tightly which will cause the wrist angle to release too early. Also, if you in wind the shoulders from the top too quickly, your hands will want to release sooner as well. Check these two videos out! =) Proper Muscle Activation Sang Moon Bae for hips (all about keeping the upper body quiet until the correct time) R.J.
January 4, 2015
Hi Craig, as this drill seems to be about the right hand and I am using it too early in the downswing, I'm a bit confused as to how this relates to using my left more as per my last review. Thanks Mike
December 18, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. A lot more for knowledge purposes. Sometimes it helps to understand the role of both arms, so that you don't add the improper power at the wrong time. Making sure you don't throw with the right early.
December 19, 2014
I am right arm dominant and working on my left arm. The right arm drill is a push & the left arm drill is pull. If I start with working on a pull how do I add a push technique? When I try this I end up losing my left arm pull and end up with a swing that is entirely right arm push. Help!
October 5, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jack. If you are right arm dominant. More than likely it is already adding enough. Keep the focus on the left arm. More important for speed delivery and proper release of the club.
October 5, 2014
I'm confused. The lag drills seem to be contradictory to the "throw the ball" drills. How do I reconcile this?
June 28, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jim. The "throw the ball drills" are for people who use too much of their pulling side through the shot. It teaches how to dispense of lag. Versus creating lag and not knowing what to do with it.
June 28, 2014
Yeah, at the top. I don't do it on purpose. I don't do any wrist set on purpose. I just don't feel like I have control of the club, and it goes on its own.
June 11, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Try and make sure you have the grip properly on the club. It could be due to the club not being held on the right pressure points. The grip video is in the Setup Section. Feel free to upload your swing to our online review system. Myself and/or one of our instructors will be glad to help fix the issue.
June 11, 2014
I tend to over-hinge at the top of my backswing, and can't gain lag on the downswing. Any ideas to fix that?
June 10, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Robert. Are you referring to excessive cocking at the top? We don't want to manually set the wrist too much at the top. Allow gradual set of the wrist. Imagine tossing a coin over your right shoulder (right handed player). Thats about all the wrist set we need.
June 10, 2014
hello again June is lag and release training month. I have to do it!! I'm wondering if there are degrees of release depending on which club is being used from Driver down to Lob Wedge. I can't imagine a Driver release working on a Lob Wedge. I think this thought/concern is a mental block for me as I think it may be too much to cope with if I have to roll-over my right hand a different amount on each club. regards Keith
June 5, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The release is going to stay pretty consistent. There might be a little more bowing in the wrist on higher lofted clubs to control the trajectory. But, the way to properly release will stay the same.
June 5, 2014
hi Craig, thanks for the clarification as I've just had a successful first few holes trying out the release and it is pretty consistent through the bag....and what a difference it makes too. It's taken me 7 months to lose the right hand, get the left hand gripping sub-consciously to pull the club, and now re-introduce the right hand for controlling the club-head through the release. It's a fascinating process to train the arms to work together but doing different things. Exciting practice ahead.....
June 5, 2014
Clay: I've been working on improving lag with both irons and the longer clubs (especially the driver). I'm seeing tremendous improvement in clubhead speed and contact with the irons and hybrids. Creating more lag with the driver, however, seems to encourage skying the ball and poor contact closer to the crown of the club. (I'm teeing the ball closer to my front toe as suggested in the "Bomb the Driver" series.) How should I correct the skying problem? Your comments, please ...
April 8, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Roger, if you are running into this sort of situation, you could be overdoing forward shaft lean with the longer clubs which can keep the club on the descending blow and work the ball to the crown on the driver and other clubs. Make sure that you are releasing the lag that you are creating and checking to make sure that you haven't overcooked shaft lean at impact.
April 8, 2014

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