How to Swing on Plane w/ The GOAT Code

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Have you been searching for the right feeling to get the club to naturally swing on one plane? Watch this lesson!

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Hey Chuck. Been continuously working through the supination and external rotation feel in the backswing like we talked about but my tendency is to take the club inside. What can I do or think about to make sure my takeaway is good while not crossing the line at the top? Thanks again man! These feels have helped me to shoot in the low-mid 70s almost automatically!!
July 10, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome RJ! Generally the inside takeaway comes from a very dominant lead arm pushing the club inside and the trail arm folds too quickly. Feel the trail arm staying straight much longer and helping out more in the takeaway while making sure the lead arm stays very straight and that will fix it.
July 10, 2024
Reminds me much of the throwing motion videos you posted earlier.
May 6, 2024
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Chuck, thanks for this video lesson with RJ! In the video around 25 minute you have RJ swing the club back with only the control of the middel finger of the rear hand ( back up a little with thumb and pointing finger). Here is my "feeling" question when doing this drill: is it essential that you have to feel that, at the end of the backswing, the club is totally in balance and it has to feel as if the club is "weightless"? For me, being basicly left handed, it is very difficult to keep control over the club with only these few fingers and that makes me think I make a mistake. Thanks for helping! Marcel
May 5, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Marcel, I guess I didn't totally see the question?
May 5, 2024
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Chuck, sorry I made my question unclear! What I feel when I do the backswing drill with only my right hand, controling the club with the2 fingers, at the transition moment I notice that the weight of the clubhead does not feel balanced to stay on plane but wants to fall down to the ground and that is hard to control with those 2 fingers. How does this feel in your swing?
May 6, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It feeling that it wants to fall to the ground is how it shallows out - that's a good thing.
May 6, 2024
Thank you so much for the lesson, Chuck!! It was extremely informative and I’m already feeling the club shallow better since trying it on the range today and yesterday. It’s definitely counter intuitive but the better I imagine that 45 degree plane with the underhand release from the GOAT video, I pure it better than ever! I’m even starting to see dimple patterns on the center of the face which is always a great sign! I also think this will make my body movement more natural and less mechanical overtime. Thanks again for your time and I hope this video helps more people. Cant wait to show you my progress over the next few weeks!
May 1, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That’s awesome brother! I knew you would pick up on this very quickly!
May 2, 2024
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Chuck, thanks for another great lesson! This morning I saw your YouTube video about swingplane where you dotted the sweetspot of Tigers swing. This was a wouw moment for me, because so far I only saw the swingplanes in video's viewed from the way the hands move. Seeing now that Tigers sweetspot moves totally on the same plane during backswing, downswing and follow thrue is eye opener! The tittle of this video made me think you were explaining more of this sweetspot plane travel. Are you working on a video on this for members on this website? Hope so! Friendly greetings, Marcel
April 29, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That video we put up on Youtube is really old, but I can talk more about it here at some point, sure
April 29, 2024
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
I would love it Chuck, and many more would like it also!
April 29, 2024

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