How to a Hit Sand Shot Like a Pro

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Hitting a bunker shot is literally one of the easiest shots in golf, but to the average amateur it can be terrifying. The fear of blading a shot across the green or chunking it and leaving it in the bunker is enough to paralyze a golfer over the shot and just hoping for the best. But with these three simple keys you'll learn in this instructional video you'll be thinking about hitting it close, not worrying about hitting your playing partner.

  • Bunker shots need to get up into the air, which requires plenty of loft and spin - spin comes from loft and speed
  • The club face doesn't strike the ball directly - it strikes the sand, which carries the ball
  • Set up with the back of the club face in the sand and the shaft very low to increase loft
  • Take a fairly open stance with the ball off your left instep, and some backward shaft lean
  • Strike with the bounce of the club to travel through the sand shallow & get closer to the ball
  • Drill by drawing a series of boxes in the sand - swing through several empty boxes to check your divot, then move on to balls in the last boxes

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Hi Craig, Should I fire the core in the bunker like in the long game? And how should I hit the ball when it is plugged?
October 7, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jayden. When the ball is plugged you need to keep the club face square or even close it a touch. You need to make sure it stays delofted so the club can dig the ball out of the sand. You are using the core but not so aggressively. You don't want a big post up because you will lose stability.
October 8, 2024
From the top of your backswing do you still start downswing by using your left hip and knee as in a regular fairway shot or do you consciously pull the arms down into impact?
April 7, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. You still initiate the downswing with lead side/legs. However, you don't need an aggressive post as you want to maintain stability and have more the feel of plopping the back on the club into the sand.
April 9, 2024
Hello. Like a front divot shot, is the left hand dominant in the bunker? The right hand is hardly used? Thanks.
January 12, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. This will mostly be controlled by the lead hand. Trail hand if trying to get fancy .
January 12, 2024
Hi. This really works. Big fun to master! What are the adjustments to control distance? I find it “easy” to hit like 15-20 meters while the shorter shots are harder to commit to and tend to end up still in the bunker.
October 16, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Atle. You have to practice how much sand to take. You can also change clubs or not have the face as open at address. I'll usually draw different lines to measure my impact location that way I can see how less sand will produce a longer shot.
October 16, 2023
This is a great training video. A suggestion for a perfect grid. Grab a rake. Almost all practice bunkers have one. Rake the sand smooth and then drag the rake tines down and make one pass the width of the rake parallel to the target line. Make sure you can clearly see the tines mark. About 6 feet long. Go to one end of the tine marks and place a footprint at one end of the tine marks. Take the flat end or the rounded side of the rake and smooth out the tine marks that are not within the width of the footprint. Voila a perfect grid. Practice as the video directs. You can clearly see the mark that the club makes.
February 25, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the post Stephen. This should help out other members working on the same training .
February 27, 2023
Please address hitting out a trap that is dirt or very compact sand please
February 8, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Very hard, or compact sand (concrete feeling). You need to leave the club face more towards square. If you open the face too much the club will just bounce off the ground. You need the leading edge to help dig it out of wet/compact sand. Less sand during strike and let the club dig it out for you.
February 8, 2023
How far behind the ball should I look for the leading edge of the club to enter the sand?
June 19, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. This is somewhat of a variable. You don't want a specific length/spot every time. The conditions of the sand, lie and distance will play a huge factor. With that comes into play wet/dry sand. Wet you need the leading edge to dig the ball out better and when fluffy you need to use the bounce properly and allow for some glide through.
June 20, 2021
If im correct that would mean that i have an easy way to alter the degree to what im opening my stance depending on how much i open the club. A checklist of. 1. Open the club, 2. Alter stance so that you setup to the club with the shaft in 90 degrees to stance line. 3. Viewed from the new stance, have the ball in stock position. Let me know if this thinking is flawed. Would make altering the shot so much easier if these rules hold true :p
August 1, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jens. I see a little bit where you are going with the routine. But, you have to make sure the ball is a little bit more forward. I think a good way at trying to get this routine consistent would be similar to the How to Hit a Flop Shot Video. Open the stance while letting the face open and lay back a little bit. Take a look at that video to see if a routine more similar to that one helps.
August 1, 2020
Isn't what chuck is doing altering his stance so that his body is alligned to a 90 degree angle to the shaft. Allthough the ball viewed from the target line is placed far up in the stance. Viewed from the "fake" target line created from chick opening his stance, isn't the ball from this view placed in stock position?
August 1, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jens. The ball is up in his stance. But, I understand where you are going. I answered in reply above.
August 1, 2020
Reading through the comments it sounds like a shallower approach is best on these shots. I have been setting up 70/30 weight distribution on the front foot which was leading to more of a “V” approach than a shallow “U.” I struggling with how to open and throw sand over my shoulder - when I do that I feel like I add too much hinge back and through and chop at the shot. I’m see you have more luck with a flat shallow and around my body backswing. Just need a little clarification on the wrist set and path
July 28, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. There will be a little more hinge going back. But, don't make it over complicated from a normal swing. There are times when you might need more a "v" to chop it out. You are taking the normal move with an open face and adjusted stance. Little more wrist and less aggressive post to stay stable.
July 29, 2020
Hi Craig, Close pin vs a bit you change distance by loft, length of swing, speed of hands or ? A video on this would be great.
July 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. Thanks for the input. All depends. Sand consistency, lie, etc. If you need to hit it further in stock conditions you don't have to open up the face as much and take less sand. Or, you can make the same swing with a less lofted club. Shorter you need some speed to get some lift and spin. So, you would be a little more aggressive with the face very lofted. Practices different speeds and how much sand you take before the strike.
July 21, 2020
Hi Craig since getting my normal fairway swing a lot better, like some of the comments below I am now having issues with sand. Unlike the bunker shown in Chuck's video above, our links course bunkers are smaller, deeper pot bunkers with rivetted faces. I am six foot and from many of them around greens, the greens are above my head. We do not have the large flat area shown here. Many of the bunkers are only about 6 to 7 feet in diameter and there is only about 3-4 feet area that is level. I set myself up with a wide stance and lower hands, keeping my legs bent throughout the swing with the face open. However, despite having the ball set off left (lead) heel, I am entering the sand almost at the back of the ball, hardly taking much sand. Noticed the point about keeping the lower half quiet and will note that next time. As you can see in the attachments of our third, in that bunker front left, you are well below the green and since that picture was taken they have, deepened it and rivetted the face! Plus often the flag is placed where shown and you do not want to go past too much as the green severely slopes from back to front.
October 10, 2019
Here is another angle of the green from a hill overlooking the green.
October 10, 2019
This is a better picture of the rivetting they have done and the smallness of the diameter. This one on the par 5 14th 30 yards short of the green.
October 10, 2019
Same 14th hole showing the bunker front left; note that the green is long but narrow and if you miss it left you are down into a steep bank. Notice too how they often place the flag close to the slope on the left of the green! The greens don't like making it too easy for use,
October 10, 2019
I have looked at Chuck's swing here in slomo and although you mention below there is not much lower body movement, he does open the hips around 20 to 30 degrees in the backswing. Also, it appears to me his grip is a little on the weak side with the V off his left (lead) hand pointing to his chin. At the top of his backswing, it appears that his shoulders are about 80 degs. The initial move seems to come from his left side whith hips shifting to the left (lead) side, with the shoulders like in a normal swing being held closed. It appears to me that it is a lateral shift with the hips rather than rotating them into impact. I took two captures and the first line (left) is Chuck's lead side position at the top of his backswing and his movement to the lead side at impact. Finishing with a full post up at the finish. Look forward to your comments on my observations.
October 10, 2019
The grip is purposely very weak to allow an aggressive release without delofting the club. Hip rotation and lateral shift inherently shallow out the swing which creates a longer bottom of the arc that leads to a higher margin for error. If I hit behind the ball a little too far, the AoA and bottom of the arc are so shallow that it won't matter.
December 27, 2019
Here is position at the top of his backswing.
October 10, 2019
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Graig, In the video you see stance is wider and you are more squated in your knees. These two thingsmake the you are closer to the baal. That means you hand in speed, but much speed is needed to get ball out. Question now is where does (extra) speed come from to get ball up and out? Thanks for helping!
July 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. Yes, slightly lower seat and wider stance. You need speed to get the ball out of the bunker. But, even with the lack of post up and aggressive lower half. The radius of your swing, shoulder rotation and leverage from the wrists will be plenty to pop the ball out.
July 30, 2019
What do you do with your wrists on a bunker shot? Do you cock them as normal on the backswing and release and turn the clubhead over on the downswing? Or do you hinge and unhinge them more like on a pitch shot?
July 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. There are some factors (lie) that can change this. But, for a stock bunker shot the swing will be pretty normal. You are still releasing the club hard into the sand. You don't need a massive turnover/rollover like a stock shot because you don't want the face closing fast through the strike.
July 18, 2019
What should the stance width be on a bunker shot?
June 14, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. You may be in normal stance or as shown in the video (slightly wider) similar to a driver. Between 2 and 3 Inches outside of Neutral Joint Alignment.
June 14, 2019
Hello . I am pretty confuse about the weight shift . How do we distribute the weight at setup or in the swing .
May 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mohnishkumar. Weight will still be 50/50 at setup, but there isn't much weight transfer in the bunker shot. You need more stability. You will feel a little movement from right to left for feel and momentum. But, you don't want too aggressive of weight shift and lower body in a bunker shot.
May 2, 2019
Do you look behind the ball for a target? I seem to subconsciously hit the ball a lot even when I'm trying really hard not to.
June 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. You may focus on the spot behind the ball in the sand to strike.
June 13, 2018
I've always been taught to use my 56 instead of my 60 in the sand because of the bounce. Is that not correct? Should I opt for more loft?
March 18, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. Depends on the shot and consistency of sand. No problem using either wedge. If the sand gets too compact and you open up the face. It may bounce off the ground too quickly. You will need the leading edge to help dig the ball out.
March 19, 2018
My golf club has very inconsistent amounts of sand in them. They mostly have a hard base, so when i go to hit shots like that I skull the ball as the sandwedge club just bounces of the surface. Any suggestions?
February 8, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. If you open the face too much it will tend to bounce of hard surface/sand. You need to let the face not stay as open at address, so the leading edge may dig a little to help.
February 8, 2018
Over the years I have had 7 bunker lessons with 7 different pros and yet a bunker shot is by far my poorest shot. I consistently hit so far behind the ball. Having started the 5 step system I am convinced that this is because of my right side dominance and no release. I am aware of the required set up. Would it be correct to say that the swing itself is the same as the full swing i.e. weight shift, rotation and release. It is amazing that my bunker shots have always been better with just my left hand!
January 14, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Yes, there are a lot of similarities. Your lower body will be a little more stable due due to the stance. But, no need to have a completely different swing.
January 14, 2018
Just wondering if you take an almost normal set up as you recommend, with a normal weight shift and release why would you not make normal contact with the ball. What makes us hit 2 or 3 inches behind the ball? Thanks Geoff.
November 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Geoffrey. Being that the ball is much more forward in your stance and with a touch of backwards shaft lean. It would be hard to strike down on the ball with a descending blow.
November 10, 2017
How about a video on how to hit a shot out of a DEEP green side bunker.
November 9, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Bob. Thanks for the suggestion. We are always on the look out. Are you meaning buried lie, or up and out quickly due to high lip?
November 9, 2017
Been trying for two days; with 60 degree, 12 degree bounce; ball either comes out bladed over green or goes 5 feet and stays in bunker. Divots are not shallow like yours. Is "speed" an issue? Rarely hear the thump. Suggestions; Watching video again, perhaps I am not laying club open enough at address; therefore digging leading edge. Is that possible. Looks wide open to me. Is your speed swing 100% or 3/4? Baffled Buster
November 7, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Henry. Are your divots very deep? Also, are you impacting the sand "in the box" start to finish?
November 8, 2017
How do you suggest playing a bunker shot if there is little sand that is compact and hard, especially after heavy rain. Cheers
September 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. For wet or compact sand. The face slightly open (a little less than standard bunker shot), leading edge will dig a little more to help. You don't need to lash at the ball, but keep a good pace. Depending on how hard it is. You might use only a half of box depth behind the ball.
September 25, 2017
Thanks Craig. Is ball position off the inside of left foot, open stance, squat down? As when i play these types of shots I find it very difficult to play them well due to either the bounce skulling the ball or the leading edge digging in too much, as the compacted sand is more like wet dirt so not very much give in it.
September 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Yes. the setup is the same. Depending on how poor of shape the sand is in (wet, non-existent) you have to practice being very good at the delivery point into the sand.
September 26, 2017
You recommended a normal swing, but should it be a normal full swing or a normal pitch swing? Thanks
August 31, 2017
normal full swing.
September 5, 2017
What about ball position or, setup?
July 1, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Diarmuid. Take a fairly open stance with the ball off your left instep, and some backward shaft lean with the club.
July 1, 2017
In a bunker shot do we strike down on the ball? Also what's the difference in a high bunker shot and one the runs out a bit
July 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Diarmuid. You are striking down into the sand. The sand is what lifts the ball out of the bunker. Not direct contact with the ball. The more aggressive the swing typically the more height and spin will be placed on the ball. You have to practice and play around with using slight less loft and quieter hands to play more of a low runner.
July 11, 2017
Any pre set weight?
July 1, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Diarmuid. No preset weight. 50/50.
July 1, 2017
What should be the left hand position at impact for sand shots?
June 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Glove logo will still be facing towards the target. But, you are looking not to add any excessive or a lot of bow like in a normal swing.
June 25, 2017
Hi Craig, I am still struggling with bunker shot in regard to how to swing the club to get the bounce taking sand underneath the ball . Reviewing this video, Chuck talks about hitting with the bounce with some backward shaft lean. With this backward shaft lean, I hit two bunker shots with taking some sands but I overflew the green. So I would like to know what I did wrong to take some sands and kind bladed the ball to overfly the green. And second, Chuck said in video that I should swing such that back of the club face hits the sand first so that the bounce travel through sand shallow and get closer to the ball. So I am correct to understand that the back of the club face hitting the sand first to make that "sand sound". Thanks.
June 4, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello George. You either didn't take enough sand, or the sand is too compact causing the blade to bounce more into the ball. It all depends on the consistency of the mixture. Yes, it will feel and the pop sound is the back of the club face hitting the sand.
June 4, 2017
May 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Matt!
May 9, 2017
Hi Craig, in the bunker shot, Do you pull with your left arm or push with your right arm? Chuck talks about setup. Thanks.
April 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello George. You are still using pull from your lead side arm.
April 11, 2017
Chuck-Thanks for this lesson. I'm excited to get out and practice it. John
March 21, 2017
I am catching the ball first..even when opening the club face! Could it be a set up issue? Thanks in advance
March 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sambhu. Are you playing out of fluffy sand, or hard pan?
March 21, 2017
Soft sand and all kinds of sand! When I lay the blade open to use the bounce I sometimes hit behind the ball but then I don't get the right carry!
March 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sambhu. Typically, out of soft sand you wouldn't be taking enough and possible hanging on your trail foot (falling back into impact). Hard sand would be opening the face too much and the bounce angle skipping the leading edge into the ball.
March 22, 2017
On bunker shots I am striking the sand "behind the back of the box" that is, too far behind the ball. What is the cause and the cure for this malady?
February 17, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jerry. Chuck is trying to convey striking the ball at the back of the box.
February 17, 2017
How does one release the club in a standard bunker shot. If no release, how does one get speed? More active right hand?
February 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ayman. You are still releasing with the lead. The face is wide open at setup and will still rotate through. You are practicing less turn down or de-lofting than a standard golf shot.
February 9, 2017
Can you please do a demonstration or video for different types of sand. Such as wet sand or very hard compact sand? I tried to do the Box drill on those types of sand and I had very poor results. It's my understanding from watching multiple videos on YouTube that this type of Swing that Chuck is illustrating is for specifically for soft deep sand. Thanks, Randall
November 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randall. Yes, this is more for the typical soft/fluffy sand. For wet or compact sand. The face slightly open (a little less than standard bunker shot), leading edge will dig a little more to help. You don't need to lash at the ball. Keep a good pace, but don't murder into the ground. Depending on how hard it is. You might use only a half of box depth behind the ball.
November 20, 2016
Hi I try to play with open face, open stance and hitting the ball with open to inside swing or to the left side of target. If i try to play target on my right side my ball would be choped and remain in the bunker. I do not get the tight feel as described in this video. Hit with the lower back of the club. If i try to make a U in my mind to play bunker shot, it goes up and land softly but if i try to play like flop shot not good result. So what is the proper angle of attack in bunker?
September 21, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Ashar. you might want to check your equipment. the ideal bunker blast shot is done with a 60 degree wedge with very little bounce. The more bounce you have on the sole of your club with an open face, the more likely you are to "bounce" the club backup and blade the ball with the leading edge. the key is to slap the sand about 2 inches behind the ball so that the sand blasts the ball out. Check out the "Sandwedge Bouce" video for a better understanding. Hope this helps! Micah
September 21, 2016
What adjustments do I need to make for very hard packed sand? Tshoc
September 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. You want to hit a little less sand and square the club face more. This will allow the leading edge to help you dig a little to pop the ball out.
September 6, 2016
Do I need to open the face and grip the club from that position? For example the way I grip the club for a flop shot? In the video it looks like the face is not facing the target but open? Thanks Damien
August 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Damien. Yes, take the grip after you have opened the face. The stance will be fairly open and you can adjust the aim a little bit to accommodate for the open face. It shouldn't squirt too much right though.
August 18, 2016
Thanks a million I will practice that!!
August 18, 2016
What is a proper stance width for a greenside bunker shot? Rob
August 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rob. You may be in normal stance or as shown in the video (slightly wider) similar to a driver.
August 8, 2016
Hi Guys, May sound like a daft question, but where should one's eyes be focused during the sand shot swing? I try to focus on the exact spot on the sand where I want the club to enter rather than e.g. looking at the ball, but one of the side effects is that I'm so concentrating on that entry point, that I often forget to swing through into a high finish and effectively quit on the shot. I'm using the box drill, but my consistency is very poor at getting the club to enter the sand at the same point each time. Any tips? Many thanks.
August 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Harold. Most of my students still keep the focus on the ball. I wish there was a quick tip or short cut for you, but it takes practice to find that consistency of strike in the sand every time.
August 5, 2016
Hi guys. Okay, I have an "issue" which occurs too often, and which puts some bad thoughts in my head, dare I say worse than thoughts of a shank would?! I play in California, public courses, so sand varies, but my "head" problem occurs more often with fluffy or even semi fluffy sand. Okay, are we ready? I lay the club flat, my 60 degree wedge, and miss the ball entirely! Now, in all honesty, I do not have a video to slo mo replay, so I do not know if my swing is just going off plane, or what, but do you have some experience/knowledge about what can cause an otherwise good golfer to leave a ball untouched in bunker with a proper set up as you proscribe? Is is really possible to slip the flat clubface shown by Chuck completely under the ball, or is there more likely a swing fault? Thanks Thanks
July 30, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Richard, In all honesty, we would really need to take a close look in the swing reviews to see what is actually happening. Are you putting most of your weight into your lead side? If you are hanging back a little bit, you could be coming in to shallow and with an open face, you could be sliding the club to flat into the sand causing this sort of problems. I will say that there are several other variables that could be contributing to this. Are you due for a swing review by chance?
August 2, 2016
To be honest, I recently joined the site, am not too techie(too old?) and not sure of everything your site offers, or how to get swings reviewed, or how I can compare my swing to particular pro swings. I read you can do that at your site, but not sure about it
August 2, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Richard, there is a great how to section in the swing review tab. This will walk your through step by step how to film the videos and also how to upload them for review. You will see how easy it can be and we will help you if you get stuck at all. Also, you can compare your swings in the self analysis section. You just need to upload the videos to the site and you can do side by side analysis.
August 3, 2016
Please explain how to achieve distance control on green side bunker shots. Thank you.
June 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. The short game is about practice and feel. The more loft and speed you will create spin. The less loft and less sand the more carry out and roll. You have to play around with different paces and backswing lengths to figure out your shots.
June 11, 2016
For a basic bunker shot, how open should the stance be and how open should the club face be? Any good ways to remember? Secondly is a basic bunker shot almost like a lob shot just released even earlier?
June 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Grant. Fairly open stance with ball off lead instep is fine. The club face should be very open. The sand shot you are trying to strike the sand to hit the ball. Not ball first contact. More speed and loft for spin. Less speed and loft more carry less spin.
June 9, 2016
Do you turn the right arm pit out on sand , chip, and pitch shots the same way you do on a full swing.
June 3, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes. You would keep this all the same.
June 3, 2016
Do you ascribe to the theory that the face of the club remains open thru the sand on greenside bunker shots? I have seen this on display in several tips on the Golf Channel and it seems to make sense. If so, it seems that it is my reasoning that one does not release the club on these shots. Conversely, fairway bunker shots would appear to require a release of the club; however, it is my understanding that one should keep the lower body quiet on fairway bunker shots. If I do this I am then omitting a key element of your teaching - starting the downing with the lower body. Please comment. Thanks.
May 31, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Donal, yes we do agree with keeping the face open on green side bunker shots. Fairway bunker shots should not rely on less release at all. We need the release to help with speed and shallow out the swing. You can still use your lower body a bit but you can just tone back the amount of weight transfer to help keep less moving parts that can shift around where the club bottoms out. If you know you are going to be making less speed, then take an extra club and just tone back on the movements.
May 31, 2016
This may be a silly question but I'm assuming the swing that's used for a green side bunker shot should not involve a squat. I'd imagine maintaining lag deep into the right thigh is not encouraged since the ball isn't traveling a far distance.
May 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Douglas. You are already sitting down enough. No need for massive squat or monster lag.
May 16, 2016
Hello, two quick questions: 1) what should be the right weight distribution in the setup? do I transfer weight back to trailing foot during backswing? 2) with club face and my stance open, how do I ensure a straight shot rather than a hook to the right?
April 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. Weight will be 50/50 at setup. More about lower body stability than a big shift. You should feel a little transfer back a through, but minimal compared to a full shot. The face shouldn't be closed at impact which will prevent the hook. To keep from a push right it takes practice knowing how open and speed effects each shot.
April 3, 2016
I struggle with hitting the box way before it actually starts. Which accordingly leaves the ball in the bunker. My thought is that I am using too much right hand causing an early release. Do you have any thoughts or drills to lessen the emphasis of the right hand?
March 28, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Sounds like loss of lag angle and over use of the trail hand. I don't have one that is designed for the sand shot. But, the Frisbee Drill may help.
March 28, 2016
At the end you suddenly mentioned hitting the sand with "the back of the face." That changes the emphasis from the "bounce" to another part of the club. Why and where is the transition from the one to the other? Rob
March 28, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stuart. The feel of hitting it with the "back of the face" will help the leading edge not dig too much. Allowing for a better slide underneath the ball. Chuck and myself don't use a whole lot of bounce for the typical type bunker shot. Fluffy and good bunker conditions for as described in the video. When the sand gets like wet cement. Don't open the face as much and let the leading edge dig a little more to help get the ball out.
March 28, 2016
Thanks Chuck. Our bunkers usually have very little sand in them and unfortunately they use bricklayers sand which is hard and tends to compact over time. We have an added disadvantage of the the grounds people only put a little bit more sand in the bunkers when a tournament or special event is coming up. How can I use your technique when the layer of lose sand is very thin and there is the chance of the club bouncing off the sand (and it does quite often) and the edge of the club coming up and then through the ball and shooting the ball across the green ? What would I have to change slightly to prevent this from happening ?
March 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Take a look at the post just below. Also, you can adapt a little of the feel from the Pitch Shot Video to hit more of a pick type shot if really firm and not too high of a lip.
March 28, 2016
OK thanks Craig
March 29, 2016
How do you change your approach when faced with sand that is compacted such that the club is going to skip on the sand if you expose the bounce?
March 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. For wet or compact sand you might add a touch more squat. Face slightly open (a little less than standard bunker shot), leading edge will dig a little more to help. You don't need to lash at the ball. Keep a good pace, but don't murder into the ground.
March 28, 2016
Can you explain if there are major differences in the stock bunker shot and the flop shot. The video on the flop shot says to preload weight on the front side but in this bunker video it appears that there is normal weight shift. Thanks
March 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. In the lob shot you aren't trying to use the turf to move the ball. The lower body will be stable in the bunker shot, but with some shift.
March 4, 2016
How do you make adjustments to change height and/or carry distance of the shot?
February 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Arnie. Sadly practice. You need to experience different paces and swing lengths to gauge your tendencies. Typically, opening the face more and with more speed will increase height and spin. A little less loft and less sand for more carry.
February 29, 2016
I have a vokey 58* wedge with the K grind. Lots of bounce. Should I open a wedge like this up as much as you show? Part of the reason I bought it was it makes bunker play easier, but my distance control isn't the greatest. Thanks!
February 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bruce. It depends on the type of sand. If it is really fluffy go ahead and allow for some opening. If wet or hard "pannish" then leave a little more square.
February 29, 2016
Having lived in Florida for many years, between the rain and sprinklers, I rarely see dry fluffy sand. Please do a "how to video" on wet packed sand that has never been raked?
February 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Samuel. I will let the team know. Depending on the "muckiness" you might add a touch more squat. Face slightly open (a little less than standard bunker shot), leading edge will dig a little more to help. You don't need to lash at the ball. Keep a good pace, but don't murder the wet cement.
February 3, 2016
Thanks I will give it a go.
February 3, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Also is it best to use one club ie 60* for all green side bunkers. Like if I had a bunker that wasn't exactly next to the green, would you advise going up a club
January 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Micah. Yes, you can go up one club if need be and will be easier to control. You will typically stick with the 60 or 56 degree wedge. I prefer to carry one with less bounce and one with more to provide options.
January 27, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
60 with less and 56 with more? That's what I have always done and the short game curriculum at the Golf Academy of America suggests.
February 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Micah. Yes, that is correct.
February 2, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
What would you suggest for hard compact said like that after it rains?
January 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Micah. Setup will be the pretty much the same. Depending on the "muckiness" you might add a touch more squat. Face slightly open (a little less than standard bunker shot), leading edge will dig a little more to help. You don't need to lash at the ball. Keep a good pace, but don't murder the wet cement.
January 27, 2016
Hello. Love this video and Chuck is very clear about setup but I'm not sure about the swing itself. A lot of pros teach you to take the club back outside and away from you so you "cut across" the upper body- that doesn't appear to be the case here. It looks like he's making a fairly normal swing with rotation and some bend in the elbows. Looks like I'm getting at the same thing as Stefan- what is the swing plane plane supposed to be? Same as a normal shot?
December 19, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Wilson. You are making a normal swing. You don't need a massive out to in path across the body. You can slightly open the stance and it may feel just a touch more left for comfort. But, no need to create an across/over the top type motion.
December 19, 2015
Hi RST-Coaches, which swing thought should we have in the bunker? Normal, Pitch or even different thought. Thanks for answering. Regards, Stefan
November 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stefan. Chunk . Just kidding, but somewhat true. If anything you should be thinking hit the sand and maintain speed. Let the sand lift the ball out and make sure you don't quit on the release.
November 12, 2015
Hi Craig, that sounds easy! What exactly do you mean with "don't quit on the release"? In relation to speed or releasing the club? Thanks. By the way, I' am a chunking expert
November 19, 2015
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Stefan, how did you change you profile picture. Thanks
January 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephan. Speed. Most players quit swinging through the shot or kill the speed. You need that speed to get the ball up with some spin.
November 19, 2015
How are you supposed to strike the ball when the sand shot isn't near the green and you still need to carry the ball 75+ yards?
September 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sam. The key is not to dig the club into the ground. Use about one more club than usual for the distance. Choke down. Ball first strike. Not too much of a descending blow. More of a pick type shot. Keep pulling with the lead arm to help shallow out the swing arc.
September 28, 2015
1. What is a good rule of thumb as to how far open we should setup? 2. Club head is ahead of hands at setup but do we want to lead with hands in front of club at impact?
August 20, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jarek. When setting up open you should be comfortable. I guess the rule of thumb would be no need to over do opening stance. The lead hand will be in front, but you don't want to hold on and drag the club through. Still release and pop into the sand.
August 21, 2015
And what do I do If I feel like Im already very open and the ball still flies out way to the right of my target?
August 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jarek. If you feel like you are too open, then calm down a little with the degree of openness. Just slightly open the stance. Make sure on the way down you aren't trying to force a lot of shallowing out or inside/out swing path. Let it follow the body a little more.
August 21, 2015
I have heard that you want to keep lower body and legs very quiet through the stroke but it looks like Chuck just puts a normal swing with weight shift on the ball here in this video. What advice would you give?
July 31, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jarek, Yes, you want to have a quiet lower half. It might look like Chuck is using it a lot. Just posting up a little on the lead side. The focus is not on a big transfer of weight from back to front.
July 31, 2015
I am assuming this technique and setup is the same in wet sand conditions? I was practicing at the practice bunker and it was wet and pretty solid. Do I just come in harder at a steeper angle?
July 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. Setup will be the pretty much the same. Depending on the "muckiness" you might add a touch more squat. Face slightly open (a little less than standard bunker shot), leading edge will dig a little more to help. You don't need to lash at the ball. Keep a good pace, but don't murder the cement. Let the club help.
July 30, 2015
Dennis: Do you favor the left side or is your weight 50% on each side.
July 22, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Leaving your weight on the left side or favoring the left would be great for hitting a low, penetrating wedge shot from the fairway, but if you try this in the bunker, your angle of attack will be too steep and you'll tend to dig the leading edge into the sand. This will cause your bunker shots to be fat and come out with much less spin.
July 22, 2015
so its 50-50 going to 100% on left side? Chuck looks posted up on follow thru
July 29, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, you will still post up on the lead side with a little shift. But, more about stability than feeling big shift.
July 29, 2015
At the bunker shot the stance is open which means that feet are not aiming at the target. The club is open. Do I swing parallel to my feet or do I have to swing as me feet would aim towards the target?
June 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Luigi. The path will be slightly in to out. You don't need to try and come across the ball, but it will follow the body a little.
June 30, 2015
In the Bunker Shote the stance is open a we squat. This means also that the arm are closer to the body at the down- and follow throug swing. Correct?
June 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Luigi. The stance will be open and you will settle down into a little squat to help lower the club. The arms will be a touch closer.
June 30, 2015
In addition to Kyle's question. Who do you control distances of the ball flight? Do you have easy guidelines for short, medium and long green bunker shots?
June 29, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Luigi. I wish there were some easy guidelines for you. There are all types of methods where instructors say shut the face down, swing harder/softer, change strike against sand, etc... Its all about feel and practice. You will notice when you practice that if you swing at different speeds and get a good feel for how much sand you are taking. That you can start to compile some data in your own mind as to what swing produces the longer or shorter shot.
June 30, 2015
What is controlling distance in a green-side bunker shot? Is it swing length, swing speed, depth of sand divot, loft, etc? I have trouble particularly with short bunker shots - such as when I need to pop the ball out so that it lands on the edge of the green right outside the bunker and doesn't roll out.
May 20, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyle. Length, speed, and amount of sand. Lots of variables. It takes practice. However, for the shot you are describing you struggle with you need speed. Open blade with good speed will help get the ball out high with a good amount of spin. Lower speed will knuckle the ball out for more roll.
May 21, 2015
Question: do you still use movements 1 (pull right shoulder blade, sit into right side), 2 (shoulder elevation, right arm flextion) and 3 (sit into left side, squat to square, release the club) ???
May 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. You will still use the shoulder blade glide, but not too much of an emphasis on a big weight transfer and loading the trail side. You will add flexion the same way and sit into the lead side. But, it won't feel like a massive move because of the minimal weight transfer during the backswing. Release the club into the sand.
May 11, 2015
Thanks for your reply. I will practice your directions.
May 11, 2015
What a great video. I thought I was OK at bunker shots, but it was all feel and little technique. So simple. Many thanks.
April 20, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey David. Great. Go make some sandies!
April 20, 2015
Follow up question....... Tried it out today in practice bunker, really good results..... Played a round at a top course, got it out once but disaster in two other bunkers. Now these were about six feet deep and ten feet front to back and 20 feet wide. Used 60 degree wedge but needed to go almost vertical to get on the green. So, should I have got out sideways and accepted the shot loss? Even that would have meant the ball being below my feet. ps. Next time I play the course I'll just lay up rather than going for the pin.
April 20, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ron. Take a look below. Make sure to not quit on the shot and allow the leading edge to help dig and get the ball out.
April 20, 2015
Great Video, thanks. From the replies posted the issue of the almost concrete bunker is a real problem. I can't get into the sand at all and a wedge bounces and sends the ball to the bunker on the other side of the green. I'm experimenting with a pitching wedge with open face but it's very hard to control. Would that be the way to go and if so would the setup be different? Also if you could advise on bunkers with gravel like sand.
April 19, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ron. Concrete bunkers require low bounce on your wedges and generally need to be played with a much squarer club face. When there isn't much depth to the sand, the leading edge needs to dig more to move the sand and carry the ball out. If the bounce of the wedge hits the ground first it will often skid and cause a bladed shot.
April 20, 2015
Hi! I have some issues regarding the open stance and the ball position. If club face is flat with the sand and swing is along the body line , shouldn't the ball then also start and continue in that direction (i.e. left of target)? I don't understand what makes the ball go along the target line. Is the ball at the instep of the front foot on a 90 degree angle from the body line or the target line? The latter would mean that the ball would be between the front foot and centre of the stance, on a 90-degree angle from the body line (with an open stance of 22,5 degrees in the middle). In practice I did my sand shots as instructed in this video except for opening up my stance. The results were that the balls were going straight! This is good of course but as I see it I must be manipulating my shot somehow, if the correct way is to have an open stance. Please clarify!
March 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. The face is open at address. Not only to give you loft and add spin, but will be aimed at the direction you are trying to hit it. Club Face dictates 85% of your ball flight. Yes, path does affect it, but not to the degree of the face angle. The ball will be more off the target line. It doesn't necessarily mean that you were manipulating that much. Rather, you just allowed the face square up a little more towards where you were pitching it too.
March 12, 2015
If the face is flat to the sand (i.e. a 90 degree loft), why does the face then dictate the direction at all? Shouldn't it then only be directed by the swing path?
March 13, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Peter. The path slightly in to out will help counter balance the face angle and help with speed. I was merely stating the amount of face angle dominance over path for perspective purposes. Chuck's stance isn't wide open. It's slightly open. If you where hitting the ball with 90 degrees of loft it would be a little different story. However, you are hitting the sand to propel the ball.
March 13, 2015
So, if my swing path, feet, and shoulders are say 30 degrees to the left but the face is pointed at the target, will the ball start towards the target and not my swing path? Or should I be forcing a swing along the target line with my body pointed to the left?
March 5, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Larry. The ball will start out towards the target. No need to manually adjust and force the swing down the target line.
March 6, 2015
My comment is about direction. In a typical shot, if I open my body to the target, and open my face, and swing along my body line, the ball will start left of the target then fade back towards the target. Is the same thing supposed to happen out of the sand?
February 26, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Larry, there won't be as much side spin out of the bunker because the ball isn't rotating off of the face like it would if we were to make clean contact. Once the club hits the sand and slides under the ball, it pops the sand straight up, taking the ball with it. So, you're not going to get the same draw or fade effects on sand shots. Unless it's a fairway bunker shot and you're making contact with the ball prior to hitting the sand. R.J.
February 28, 2015
How about weight distribution during setup? 70-30 favoring the left side?
February 8, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Norman, leaving your weight on the left side would be great for hitting a low, penetrating wedge shot from the fairway, but if you try this in the bunker, your angle of attack will be too steep and you'll tend to dig the leading edge into the sand. This will cause your bunker shots to be fat and come out with much less spin. R.J.
February 8, 2015
How about fairway bunker shots - when you, say, have 170 yards to the green? My normal procedure is to : 1: take a club one number lower than I normally would for that distance - i.e. 5-iron instead of a 6-iron 2: have the ball a bit further back in the stance (about an inch), to be more sure of hitting down on it, so I dont hit it fat. 3: aiming to hit it a little thin. If I hit it thin, I still get an ok distance, or I might hit only slightly thin so the ball will roll up the clubface for an ok shot. The opposite being hitting it fat and getting no where.
February 6, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Mads, we can use our normal RST swings from fairway bunkers, maybe choking up an 1/8" to ensure we don't catch too much sand. If we move the ball back in our stance, we run the risk of hitting down on the ball too much to disastrous results. We want the ball to get up quickly so, leaving the ball up in our stance is ideal. However, using one club stronger isn't a bad idea. R.J.
February 8, 2015
Great video on the bunker basics. My question is about bounce. How much bounce should I have on my wedge if the course I play has an average amount of somewhat fluffy sand? Thanks again.
January 4, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Chad, The fluffier the sand, the more bounce you want in order to prevent the club from digging in too much. A sand wedge with 14-16 degrees of bounce should be plenty. I would even consider acquiring a 60 degree wedge with a 14 degree bounce if you're accustomed to fluffy sand. R.J.
January 4, 2015
I have been hitting the odd shank out of bunkers, any ideas
December 13, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shane. You probably need to add a little more squat with the "tush" and don't straighten up too much through the shot. Also, concentrate on the entry point of the sand. Allow the strike into the ground to get the ball up versus trying to strike the ball first.
December 13, 2014
How soon should I be hinging my wrist on my back swing and do I keep a little more weight forward? 70-80%?
December 4, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Daniel, Match your weight and shoulder level to the match the plane of the slope where you're standing in the bunker. If the bunker is level where you're standing, have level shoulders and level weight distribution. Uphill shots, have your trailing shoulder lower than your leading shoulder with your weight more on your leading foot so you don't fall over, vice verse for downhill shots. Hinging the wrists close down the club face, we do not want to do this for bunker shots. Use a 3/4 normal swing with the setup adjustments that Chuck shows above with a neutral grip. R.J.
December 4, 2014
I play public courses and am frustrated by the lack of care of the sand. I know my idea flies in the face of tradition, but I think there should be a local rule to allow the player to "lift, rake, and place" before hits his sand shot.That evens the playing a bit. Bunkers are like children. I've you have them you have a duty to take care of them! Sorry I needed to vent. I'm sick of trying to apply good technique to pavement lies.
November 9, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Pat, I can certainly understand your frustration. Some of the bunkers around here aren't very well taken care of either. However, I have found that when you have a really firm pit of sand that using Chuck's pitch shot works well if you try to pick it from the sand as if you actually were hitting from a cart path. I recommend watching this video for your hard pan bunkers Clearly, it won't work if the lip of the bunker is too high, but play around with it, see what works well for you. R.J.
November 10, 2014
Here in New Hampshire I play mostly on courses with bunkers approaching wet cement consistency and have adopted a really steep swing path that certainly helps with short side shots but suffers greatly on longer shots. If I'm reading everything here correct, I should "squat" down a little more than normal and not open the face much and take a normal swing path and not as steep?
August 8, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Tom. Yes, you are correct. Also, don't start lashing at the ball because of the wet sand. Keep a nice rhythm. Solid swing.
August 8, 2014
When faced with a very short bunker shot where you are short-sided to a tight pin, do you recommend making a slower swing or shortening the length of the swing? I find that making a smooth flowing full swing works for me, but I am curious if that is the most proficient technique.
August 6, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Brandon. Making your swing works. Depending on how much spin you need and sand it can vary. I wouldn't try shortening it too much. However, play around with it. Try to add a little speed to get more spin on it.
August 6, 2014
My question is about the nature of the swing in the sand. Is it like the full swing with a flat wrist at impact, or more like the pitch swing where the left wrist breaks down to flatten out the swing path? Chuck's video on pitching was very helpful for me, and it seems that the same concept would apply to the sand, but he doesn't mention that here. Thanks.
July 8, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. It will be closer to the flat left wrist. The setup, open face, and lower center of gravity will do enough to flatten out the swing path. The left hand will still lead.
July 8, 2014
I've been a bunker basket case for too long, and Chuck and gang have nailed everything else, so I'm confident it will work out of bunkers as well. My question is about the release. Chuck's video on pitches has really helped my pitch game, flattening out the swing and breaking the left wrist on the follow through. In other words, as he says, it's not the same swing as the full swing. I thought this might apply to bunker shots as well, so that the blade stays open through impact, and I can use the bounce more effectively. But he doesn't say anything about that in the video and I can't tell looking at the swing. So am I trying to swing like the normal swing where my wrist is flat at impact, or am I breaking my wrist down like in the pitch shot? Thanks.
July 7, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Mike. It will be like a normal swing and release. That allows you to create the speed necessary for height and spin.
July 7, 2014
Thanks for the replies. Good to know. Sorry for the two questions. I didn't see the first one post, so thought it hadn't gone through.
July 9, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No problem Mike!
July 9, 2014
Hi Chuck, impressed with your technique, I have been trying to apply it as best as I can with more success. Still 2 questions: - in the setup do you aim/look at the rear line of the box or the ball itself? - In order to hit longer or shorter bunker shots, without changing the posture setup do you vary accordingly the loft of the club by adapting the opening of the club head or do you change the length of the stroke?
July 5, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Eric. You will still be focusing on the ball at setup. The changes for distance will take some practice. Adjusting the speed and club head will be key. Practice adding more speed to see how it adds more spin to the ball. Changing the face a little for more carry and slightly lower launch. All about picking different practice targets and finding out how your difference in pace and club face change the shot.
July 5, 2014
Do you hold the club face open on the follow through or are you releasing your wrist through? Thanks
July 2, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
You will be releasing because of the necessary speed. The face will still be pretty wide open at impact.
July 3, 2014
I am finding my 60 degree wedge (and even 56 degree wedge) just slices through the sand with the ball just popping up or advancing a few feet. Needless to say I am frustrated. I am in an open stance, ball is off left foot instep, weight is on left leg, knees bent and the club face is open(nearly flat) as described in the video. I seem to be getting too deep in the sand although the length of the enter/exit points seems about right. Any advise is very welcome.
June 22, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
If the "divot" is too deep the swing is probably too steep. Make sure the swing plane isn't too steep and your releasing properly with the left hand.
June 22, 2014
What is proper release for the left hand for a bunker shot?
June 23, 2014
I've read the comments below about firm sand, but what about wet sand? Do you just treat it like firm sand/dirt or are there other differences?
June 6, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Same for wet. Face slightly open, leading edge will dig a little more. It will help you get through the muck.
June 6, 2014
Is there a full weight transfer here? Or played with weight in front foot?
June 3, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Seth, Weight will be more posted on the Left.
June 3, 2014
Are there any variances to the swing? Or do I think of it as stock swing and I am just restricting my club head rotation through impact? How should my hands feel / look at impact in order to really thump the sand with the bounce?
June 3, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
After adjusting the setup. The swing will remain relatively the same. Still pulling with the left. Left hand leading, but shaft more vertical. Too much forward shaft lean would dig the club, less thump.
June 6, 2014
Should the shoulders be in alignment with the open stance?
May 25, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
The shoulders should be open as well.
May 27, 2014
I used this method, and hit out of bunkers better than ever before. I was amazed for real! I use to really squat down in the bunker which never felt right, but thats what I saw everyone else do. That tip was the best! Now I have that sound hitting out of a bunkers that Chuck was demonstrating. Now my question, is there any videos on hitting out of bunkers from a longer distance? I hit good from about 120 yrds. but from further out like 150 & back my ball went nowhere. Any tips! Thanks
May 9, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
We have a new fairway bunker shot video set to be released in the near future.
May 9, 2014
Some fellows say that my club face is closing before hiting the sand with a very bad result : the ball stays inside the bunker. Do you have a drill in order to keep the club face open ? Best Regards
April 18, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
You want to make sure that you are not trying to over rotate the forearms when starting down to shut the face. Work on trying to slow down or hold off the release a bit.
April 19, 2014
Help! I'm currently playing on golf courses in Arizona and Nevada where greenside bunkers more hard-packed dirt than sand. What technique(s) would you recommend for both a) short-sided pin locations and b) normal length bunker shots? I've seen a variety of techniques recommended, but have yet to find a surefire method to avoid blading the ball over the green.
April 12, 2014
Tim (Certified RST Instructor)
Roger, hard packed dirt type bunkers require low bounce on your wedges and generally need to be played with a much squarer club face. When there isn't much depth to the sand, the leading edge needs to dig more to move the sand and carry the ball out. If the bounce of the wedge hits the ground first it will often skid and cause a bladed shot. I recommend finding a practice bunker that has these type conditions and experiment with club face and ball positions to see what works best. These type of bunkers are definitely a challenge because they react completely different than your standard type of bunker
April 14, 2014
TIm, Thanks for your thoughts. You're right; practicing in similar hard-packed bunkers is definitely on my agenda for the next few weeks. Fortunately, both my 60- and 56-degree wedges have low bounce angles. I've experienced the most success when I've squared up the blades, or even hooded them slightly, before swinging a bit easier. Still having trouble with distance control once the ball hits the greens, but have also resolved to stay out of the damn dirt traps.
April 14, 2014
Tim (Certified RST Instructor)
Great reply Roger, I like the idea of avoiding them the best!
April 14, 2014
Would you use the same technique for really firm sand?
April 9, 2014
René (Certified RST Instructor)
No, the approach should be different. Because you have less sand to work with the ball will come out quicker and you need less speed.
April 11, 2014

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