Golf Swing Follow Through

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The follow through is a result of all things you have done in your golf swing up until this point rather than some position or move you are trying to achieve. However, it holds the secrets to check whether or not you performed many of those moves correctly. In this video, you will see all the key checkpoints for the follow through, referred to as Move 4 in the Rotary Swing Tour model.

  • The golf follow through is a continuation of the golf swing after release, but there are still important checkpoints
  • Getting into neutral joint alignment so you can safely pivot on the left hip is the most important one
  • Also check from up the line or down the line that you are maintaining your spine angle in the follow through
  • Check from up the line that your hands stay in front of your chest - if not, something is getting your arms out of sync in the swing

Golf Follow Through

The golf follow through is not so much a position as it is a result of all the things you did in your golf swing up to that point. In many ways, the golf follow through can be used as a diagnostic tool to help you understand how you sequenced your downswing. There are a number of checkpoints, but not there isn't really a golf follow through drill as it is simply a result of other things you did, not a cause or some golf swing position you need to achieve. 

Drills and Exercises for a Proper Follow Through

Golfers looking to develop a proper golf follow through often ask me for a drill or tip or even exercises to develop a "pretty" follow through. I sort of chuckle and then explain to them the cause and effect relationship of the golf swing. It's important that you understand this as the look of your follow through is not about posing to look pretty for pictures. It's about telling you what you did during the downswing.

For instance, if you find yourself falling forward during your golf follow through and being off balance, there's a very strong chance you were either off balance during your golf setup or your force of movement during the transition was from your arms and shoulders. That's what your follow through's job is - to tell you what you did wrong earlier in the golf swing!

So, don't go looking for drills and exercises to develop some proper follow through. They don't exist, and if they do, they're not going to do you any good! You can't look all pretty and balanced in your follow through if you were off balance during your downswing!

                All right, my favorite overview video of Rotary Swing is this one: the follow-through. One of the most common questions I get is, "What do I do in the follow-through?" And, "How come there's not very many follow-through videos on the site?" Well, it's because it doesn't matter.

                It's a diagnostic tool that's going to help us determine kind of what you did earlier in the swing, and what you did in the downswing. If we see you go to the follow-through and you've got a lot of weight on your right foot, and the shoe is bent, and you got a big crease in your toe box of your shoe down here, well, we know you didn't transfer your weight. The follow-through is nothing more than a byproduct of what you did earlier. It's not a fundamental of the swing, because the ball's already long gone and it doesn't care if you do some crazy movement like this, and you're like, "Nailed it." It doesn't work. The ball's already gone, it's not going to change anything.

                So what you use the follow-through for is diagnostically looking at key little pieces of the swing to see what you did earlier in the swing. As I mentioned, one of the biggest ones is we look at weight transfer. When we look at your foot being back like this, and we see you hanging back on your right side, well, we know that you didn't shift your weight in the downswing. And your force of movement had to come from somewhere. You didn't go to the top of your swing and just stop and relax. Right? That doesn't work. You moved, and the club, somehow, to get it back on the ball, and if you didn't transfer your weight to do that, and create that initial momentum for your weight transfer to change the direction of the club and let your arms fall down, you had to use your arms too much. And then you lose a ton of speed because, as I talked about in the downswing overview, there's just not enough muscle mass here to create more than 90, 92 miles an hour club head speed in most golfers.

                In the follow-through, one of the biggest things we're going to look at is did you get your weight shifted all the way over to where you could pretty much lift this foot up at this point, and be nice and straight and posted up in neutral joint alignment. And this is really critical. We talk a lot about this on the other videos you'll see, that I want to make sure that my hip is stacked right over my ankle and neutral, this is the safest place for your hip to be in, and the most powerful place. When you start doing this kind of stuff, or your knee is bent, we start seeing all kinds of injury potential, and we want to make sure that you never get injured playing golf, that all of these injuries are preventable. That's the big thing that we're going to look for in the follow-through.

                And the last thing is, we want to see that your body isn't twisted around like this. If your shoulders are ripped all the way around, we know that you really pushed hard from this trailing side, and again, look at the push versus pull videos on the site. They're going to go into all of these different little concepts about the physics of the swing. So when you see somebody ripped way around like this, they pushed really hard. And that's always going to create a lot of centrifugal force in the swing that's going to make the club want to throw away.

                So big things you're going to look through in the follow-through is we want to see a) big weight transfer. We want to make sure that you're really stacked over on this lead leg, and we want to see your chest basically facing the target, and the same thing with your belt buckle. We don't want to see way too much rotation, it's way too hard on your spine and it's inefficient. You don't need it. And then the club. Your arms and hands and shoulders should be nice and relaxed in the follow-through. There's not a lot to worry about here.

                So the big thing is weight shift, weight shift, weight shift. It's the whole crux for the golf swing for most amateurs, because their force of movement is so hard from the top, with their arms, hands, and shoulders, to try and get the club back to the ball, that it creates this force going this way, and it makes it harder for you to shift your weight. Well, as I've talked about a lot so far in the overview videos, is you don't move anything from up here. Your focus is moving from here to here. These are the parts of your body that are going to move the club in the downswing. Because of that, if you're focusing on this stuff you're always going to shift your weight because that's what you're doing. That's the only thing you're focusing on. If I shift my weight and forget about my arms and hands and club, you'll get your weight shifted over there.

                So if you're like this in the follow-through and say, "Man, I just can't shift my weight," well, focus on shifting your weight. Stop worrying about the club and the arms and the hands and hitting the ball, and focus on your core movements of shifting your weight over and rotating your hips, and all of a sudden you'll be in a perfect tour-quality follow-through every time.

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There is a difference between the followthru and the finish isn't there? Isn't Chuck really talking about the finish?
November 14, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alse. The finish is a biproduct in the swing. Safe deceleration of the movement. The follow through to 3 O'clock is discussed more in the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release.
November 14, 2022
Craig, have one thing i forgot to ask you during our lesson. Should my torso feel like it turns the same way in the followthrough as it does in the backswing if i'm not manipulating. Talked about how I feel like the turn in the backswing is flat when i'm not manipulating tilt, wondering if that is how it should feel in the followthrough aswell. Challenged myself to stick to drilling what we went through twice a day, once in the morning and once afternoon. Setting initial goal to be 1 month, hopefully that will get me on the right track and ill have 2 months from there to vary the training to get ready for comps!
February 4, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jens. Nice. Make sure you are repping quality! Get that feedback. After impact you are pretty much spent and following the momentum of the golf club. Should have to force the torso through in the follow through.
February 4, 2021
Question about the left arm just after impact and when does it start to break down during follow through. I have trouble scooping or flipping the club and my right hand is too active. What happens is at impact I am pushing with my right hand (don't do that, I know) and the left arm quickly breaks down. I am working very closely with Chris on my swing and we just haven't gotten to this quite yet. I thought I would solicit some comments. Screen Shot attached.
October 3, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. You are correct. The breakdown here is from over active trail arm. Take a look at Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks 4 of 6 and Cure Chicken Wing Videos. Start letting the trail hand go so you can trust the release action of the lead arm. It will make it easier to start to turn it off.
October 5, 2020
El it The last couple of times I have been out after my follow though the right lower back would hurt like a pulled muscle I’m wondering is that the cause of over swinging cause if I slow down I feel it but not as bad
August 24, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. It could be over swing, or too much side bend coming down. Tackle the over swing issues and work on decreasing trail side push. Stop Overswinging, How to Fix Golf Back Pain, and Level Shoulders Drill.
August 24, 2020
Hi The best place for my practice is in the basement - it is 7'8" ( 92" ) ... can I take a proper follow thru at this height limit using a 6 iron or less ? I have higher ceilings upstairs but they lack both side & frontal mirrors . Or will this height limit cause me to 'adjust' the proper swing to avoid plaster repairs ....
July 26, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. It may be tough for that height. But, you don't have to go that high. If you nail the backswing and 9 to 3 portion of the swing. Follow through will be easy once you can get outside.
July 27, 2020
Chuck--please help. Since the biggest thing I have gotten from your site is that the Right arm has only a supporting role at the top of the backswing, I find it hard to finish with a relaxed left arm since I just used that left arm to hit the ball. Only sometimes can I relax the left FOREARM (not upper left arm which is tight to my left pec) as when I let it drop on the downswing when my back is still to the target. So, how do relax my left arm for a proper finish?
May 6, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. You are done when you have released the club. If you are still having lots of tension in the lead arm/shoulder. You are working too hard during release. Monitor your lead arm/shoulder tension level. Take a look at Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks Video 2 of 6.
May 7, 2020
I understand the follow thru doesn't matter , but let me ask a simple question! Why is it that when I do the DEAD DRILL and nail all of the positions and then speed up to a full swing and let go with my right hand at impact or just after, I make the most beautiful swing I can make. BUT, when I put my Right hand back on the club all the way and try and make a full swing, the loose free feeling goes away, its almost like I don't have enough right arm to keep going, the big ,nice free feeling finish is gone. While I know I can get there because I achieve the position when I let go with right hand in my practice swings??? Any idea where I might be going wrong? It sure feels good with that big one armed finish, but I don't think I want to play that way, LOL
February 18, 2020
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
While it's difficult to tell for sure without watching through a swing review, it sounds like when you're putting your right hand back on the club, the right hand is getting too involved and preventing you from properly releasing the club. Check out the 5 minutes to the perfect release video and see if that doesn't help you out. Also, the feeling isn't really relevant. Check yourself out in video and see what difference there truly is between the two swings. There's a chance that you're just not used to the feeling but it could be correct, but there could be flaws in there, too, a swing review would be the best way to know for sure.
February 18, 2020
Hello again any chance one of you guys can get to my question? sorry to be pushy , I am just so perplexed?
February 18, 2020
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
February 18, 2020
In my follow through the club appears to be quite steep and not moving flatter at or underneath the left shoulder that I see so many golfers doing. Is there a reason why this might be happening?
November 6, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Troy. Are you happening to try and swing to the right of target too much? Is your tendency to re-route the club in the transition?
November 6, 2019
No, it's more a case of the hands aren't rehinging right and perhaps a bit of chicken wing. The hands and arms stay straight out in front for too long.
November 7, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Troy. The chicken wing is caused by trail side push. Check to make sure you aren't adding additional trail hand. Too long in front could be excessive pulling. Remember, in the Left Hand Release Drill Video. If you keep pulling through impact it will delay release. You may be continuing to pull through delaying release and causing the wrists not to re-hinge properly after the 3 O'Clock position. I would be happy to take a look at a swing review for you, or if you are already working with another instructor please point out to him you are trying to find a solution to this specific issue.
November 7, 2019
I notice on video when I complete my follow through my lead leg is in NJA, my upper body is facing the target, so it’s not spinning, but my upper body is leaning forward, similar to how many of the LPGA players follow throughs look like. The club is pulling me in that direction. Should I try to get my body to be more upright?
August 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rayan. Ideally, you should be pretty stacked. If you aren't spinning and certain you are getting pulled by the momentum of the club. I wouldn't worry too much. But, I would need to see the move to be certain.
August 19, 2019
Have been working on my swing with the drills and I’m hitting the ball better but it I’ve lost distance . Would it help if I speed my hips up cause I know if I try to swing harder I feel my under get way out front
June 24, 2019
Hello Matt. My understanding. You want to have correct mechanics first in your swing. Don't focus on distance as it is a byproduct of correct mechanics. Nonethless if you are sure that you have correct mechanics. I would send in a swing review to make sure that you have correct mechanics and work on videos like You hit golf ball with your legs and lag drills like DownCock etc. But make sure your body is moving correctly first. Hope that helps.
June 24, 2019
Hi, having a difficult time not hanging on with my right hand in follow through. Trying to let the left hand roll over with little help from the right hand but with a full swing that right hand doesn’t want to let go. Also feel like I might be coming over the top a bit resulting in a slight push. Have a bad lower back and It feels like letting the right arm fully extend post impact is causing a strain on the lower back. I’m probably doing it wrong.
May 9, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. Holding an extended position on the follow through can cause some discomfort (Side Bend in the Golf Downswing). But, the over the top shoulder push is more concerning. Sounds like you aren't moving the body properly. I would suggest a swing review to check positions. But, first turn off the shoulder spin and move the body properly. Step 2 - Core Rotation and Keep the Rear Shoulder Back Video.
May 9, 2019
Hi Craig what can cause me to have a draw on all clubs
March 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello User6380. Is it more of a right to left draw, or a pull draw?
March 21, 2019
Pull draw
March 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello User63830. You could be pushing off the trail foot creating excessive secondary axis tilt requiring you to flip the hands. How to Stop Hooking the Ball Video. Or, you are releasing with open shoulders. Keep the Rear Shoulder Back and Flip vs Release Video.
March 21, 2019
I tend to complete my follow through then pull the club back down in front of me rather than leave the club up behind my left shoulder. Any thoughts on what causes this?
December 29, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Like a recoil? If you are swinging too much with brute force that can tend to happen. Sounds like you are over using your arms for power. Try to let the club do the work more for you. Take a look at Throw the Club Head at the Golf Ball.
December 29, 2018
Craig: do you have a rotary Swing golf instructor in San Diego, CA? Please advise.
September 18, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. The only ones I have in California would be Laguna Niguel and Roseville. I can provide you with their contact if either one suits you.
September 18, 2018
Yes. The instructor in Laguna Niguel, which is just up the road in south Orange County. Name and contact information please. Thanks,
September 18, 2018
It would really help if instead of a discussion and telling about the points to show a video of you swinging and then play it in slow motion. A lot of videos on the site need this. Just saying.............
August 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Fred. If you use the Self Analysis Section. You can compare your swing to Chuck's and the 9 to 3 has been re-done in a higher quality capture.
September 1, 2018
Craig, in the downswing should a left-hander have a swing path that - using a clock-face concept - is on a 5-11 path i.e. inside to out ? If so, do I not need to begin to close the face to avoid a block? It seems as though pros use this method to create a ball flight that starts - again for a left hander - left of target and moves toward the target? Am I misunderstanding a concept here?
July 24, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Ideally, you want to zero out your plane as much as possible. You are correct though if you get in the way of the face continually rotating you will be prone to hit the block. Take a look at Trace the Plane Line and Square the Club Face Early.
July 25, 2018
I found myself finishing too flat and to the left during my last game. When i was told to try and swing out to the right the difference was incredible but i am not sure what i did mechanically to achieve this.
May 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You sound like you were coming across the ball at impact. Your path probably shallowed out better with that though. Focus on a better plane coming down. How to Fix Plane and Path Video.
May 31, 2018
Craig, i find that when i try and hit out/swing to the right of the target it stops me rotating as much and i get a good strike. Is there any video that deals with this? Thanks David
August 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Drill to Learn Inside Path and Keep the Rear Shoulder Back Video.
August 9, 2018
I seem to have trouble getting fully turned to face the target with shoulders and belt buckle even though my weight shift is pretty good. Any videos or drills that address this issue?
September 17, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marshall. Make sure you are posting up properly and releasing. (You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs and the Left Hand Release Drill). The finish is a byproduct of using the post and release correctly.
September 18, 2017
Not sure where to put this question but I dont see any reference to stop hitting toe shots which is a recurring problem for me. I get the sens that my follow through is around my body refelcting the sense that the swing is comming across the target line. Not sure how to fix it though
August 29, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Richard, there are tons of different factors that can contribute to a toe hit. We would need to look at your swing to best determine what is going on. If you are due for a swing review, I would suggest submitting your swings so we can take a close look and help you get things back in the center of the face. Make sure when you do submit your swings for review, you let us instructors know in your notes that you are battling with this issue so we can comment on it.
August 29, 2017
Great video as usual, however, after developing a good golf swing with your RST technique I want a stylish follow-through like McIlroy or DJ! This maybe totally superficial or trivial but it makes you look like a pro.
June 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Erik. What makes you look like a pro is shooting in the 60's and winning trophies . Furyk doesn't look like a pro and has made over 50 million in his career. Food for thought. On a serious note though. The follow through is a byproduct of proper motions into the strike and release. If you want that finished look. The finish needs to be as relaxed as possible during the deceleration of momentum.
June 22, 2017
Hello. Should the hips be pulled through to finish by the momentum of the club after posting up or do you need to keep consciously keep turning/pulling the left hip back to get the belt buckle facing target. Cheers Donald
May 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. Momentum will be your guide to the finish. If you keep pulling during the post up and force the hips around to the belt buckle position. It will hurt your club head speed and deceleration to transfer energy.
May 24, 2017
68 years old have a bay gps club head speed on driver 91? What can I do
April 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. It all depends on where you are losing the speed from. Lack of lag, weight shift, improper release, etc. I need some more follow up information and would be happy to help. I would suggest if a camera is available to you. Upload a swing for review and have one of our instructors break down your power loss.
April 27, 2017
Major problem is that i am curving the ball to the left on my target and whn i check this on my video. I think that my right arm is not property facing the target after hitting the ball. The contact is solid my great tendecy of gogint to the left. These are not like the finish as throwing allignment sticks towards the target. Straight right arm. I found a little flip in the right hand and week left arm while finishing. Any drill for that
January 1, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ashar. Are you referring to chicken winging the lead and the trail pushing through to impact? Take a look at Cure the Chicken Wing and also Fix Your Release. Sounds like trail hand flip through impact.
January 3, 2017
I understand that after impact with a flat (or slightly bowed) lead wrist, that the lead wrist starts to cup during the follow through. At the very top of the follow through when your hands start to move above your shoulders and behind your head, does the left wrist flatten out again? I find that if my lead wrist stays cupped, that mylead elbow gets kind of stuck at the point where my chest is facing the target and so the club can't wrap around my head--instead it ends up pointed backward (away from target) and it looks like I haven't gotten into a full follow through.
December 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. The lead wrist as you noted will tend to be flat to slightly bowed at the 3 O'Clock position. From there it will re-hinge as you reach the top. If the hands are completely relaxed you may notice a little flattening. Just remember though. The ball is already gone. You aren't trying to force a finish position. If you release the club properly and allow momentum to carry you through to a full finish. All should be well.
December 17, 2016
Then, I should not have to push or pull through the follow through, correct? There are no deliberate force of movements, just the natural flow of order, gravity takes over? I find when I do any rush of movements with either the left or right arm, I end up topping the ball? I thought I was being right-arm dominant, but I find out later, that both arms are doing excessive movement, too quick and jerky?
November 28, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loran. Yes, momentum will pull you to a completed follow through. There are no extra or excessive motions you need to create to reach a full finish.
November 28, 2016
T David
I have been focusing on the weight shift and noticed that I get a bit more on the outside of the left foot at follow through. Should I be concerned about that? Am I over-cooking the weight shift? I just don't want to go back to my old problem of not shifting the weight.
October 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Are you on the outside of the foot at the finish, 3 O'Clock, or Impact?
October 18, 2016
T David
I went out to check it today... it appears that I am ending with my weight on the outside/center and heel of the left foot.
October 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. As Micah replied below. Check your lead hip. If you aren't sliding past NJA, or finishing with the weight on the toes. You should be fine if it is very late in the follow through.
October 18, 2016
T David
I am thinking that the shift forward is part of the complete follow through (after impact). I am going to spend some time practicing 3/4 swings to see how this affects my finish. Then, you can check things out on my next video submission.
October 18, 2016
Hi Guys, Is there any correlation between the golf swing and Theo Jansen's 'Strandbeest' linkage? I asked Hank Haney this a long time ago but he didn't answer one way or the other. If you could take a look and let me know your thoughts I'd really appreaciate it. Thanks, v
July 12, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
It's hard to call it a direct correlation but there are some extremely interesting and valid points to the linkage and can relate to the physics in which we swing the golf club.
July 13, 2016
Thanks for replying, Chris. It is immensely helpful to know whether an analogy is valid or not. I understand that the Jansen linkage isn't necessarily a perfect mechanical representation the golf swing but I'm finding it helpful to just understand why the Jansen linkage works and what it accomplishes. I'd love to hear more about what you found interesting and/or valid about the Jansen linkage as it relates to the golf swing but I realize that this might not be the forum for it. If you have time for it and if your thoughts on this type of subject are not reserved for the touring pros, I'd love to hear more about how you think I might apply the Jansen linkage as a mechanical analogy of the golf swing. Best Regards, v
July 18, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
I think understanding kinematic sequence and the kinetic chain are more relative to the golf swing per say. In all fairness, I would have to do a ton more research on the Jansen linkage in order to be able to personally comment accurately.
July 19, 2016
Fair too. Thanks for your time on this. Best Regards, v
July 20, 2016
I've been working with RST for about a month now. My accuracy has gotten much better, except for 2 things. My main miss is usually a hook left. I also have seen a loss of distance. I am hitting about 2 clubs lower on most shots (e.g. old 150 would be 8iron, lately it's been a 7 or 6) Thx
May 29, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Are you due for a swing review by chance. Tough for us to exactly know unless we see the swing closely. This problem can be from several variables.
May 31, 2016
Chris, I just had one done about 10 days ago. Not quite yet.
May 31, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Make sure you let us know in your student notes what exactly is going on and let us see some examples of the swings that are producing the hooks so we can help you get it worked out asap.
May 31, 2016
Hi, I am starting to notice that a few golfers don't follow through all the way with their arms when they are on the fairway. Just saw DJ do it now at the 17th at the Bryson Nelson, 2016, and Zach Johnson does it a lot even at the tee. Why? Is it control distance? Thanks, Andrew
May 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. DJ and Zach have a unique follow through for a multitude of reasons. DJ because of the shut position at the top and the positions he achieves in the downswing to release the club. Zach because he uses primarily rotation with a strong grip and fights not wanting to hit the ball left. Sometimes a shorter follow through is used to control distance with wedges and flight the ball with a lower trajectory.
May 20, 2016
Ok thanks for the answer! In terms of distance, would it be better to shorten the backswing as in not take it far back than to shorten the follow through?
May 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. Yes. Much easier to control backswing.
May 20, 2016
May 20, 2016
Hi. My lead foot spins out at impact/finish, nearly facing the target. How do I fix this? Any drills?
April 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Take a look at the Anchor to the Ground Video and the Straight Left Leg Video. Make sure the weight doesn't go to the outside of the foot and you post up properly.
April 8, 2016
I have a very interesting observation on my swing on finish, It does not look like professionals. This observation is from Down the line video, when I finish my right hand, forearm and shoulder if you look from back ( or down the line ) looks like buried in swing and at the finish only hand pops out. Where as in professionals, when they finish their whole right side (hand, forearm and shoulder) you can clearly see popping out and at the finish you can see the whole right side on the top. What is the reason? and How I can fix it?
March 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sanjay. It seems like you are restricting the follow through. After the release you need to allow the momentum to pull you through. Also, make sure the weight has fully transferred. Fixing Your Weight Shift.
March 23, 2016
my right side/shoulder seems tense or locked and does not follow the swinging of the left arm thru towards the target. Might be a mobility issue. Don't think I have a reverse pivot. Do you have a exercise to relax loosen up the right side to follow the movement toward the target?
March 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. Work on the extension of the right arm. Bringing the right arm to 3 O'Clock without right shoulder push. Towards the end of the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release and the Fix Your Release Video.
March 3, 2016
Is there a drill or what is your take on center contact? I seem to be slightly on the toe
February 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Adrian. You can always use impact tape to gauge. But, the issue is why on the toe? Too steep? Over-rotating face/wrist? You need to find the root cause. What I would work on is shallowing the plane and a more constant paced release. Over the Top Stick Drill and Fix Your Release Video.
February 26, 2016
In studying my follow through motion and comparing to Chuck I saw that I am losing spine angle, standing up and following through much steeper than the swing plane. I think the cause is that I am trying to keep my shoulders closed and so I don't really pull with my left side after impact and so my left shoulder stays kind of low and flattens my shoulder plane rather than rotating up and allowing my right shoulder to really work under my left. When I actually do this, it looks much better and I maintain body angles pretty well. But my question is when should I start pulling with my left side? I have been working hard on the squat to square motion and trying to avoid hip or shoulder spinning so I'm not really sure at what point in the downswing/release it is proper to start pulling these parts open with my obliques/hips/shoulders (not really sure which one to pull with either).
February 25, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. The sequence down is as follows. The lead knee will externally rotate to get stacked, you will pull the weight with lead hip adduction, the lead oblique will start to pull the hips open, and the lead arm will start to pull the arms in front of the body. Practice the sequence with the How to Swing from the Ground Up Video and the Perfecting Impact Series (especially 2-3 that deal with weight and post up). Also, the Winter Series Downswing Video. Make sure you pull to rotate open versus push because of a possible spin problem.
February 25, 2016
Thanks for this detailed response. Exactly what I needed. One question: why is pulling the hips open with my lead side obliques different from hip spinning (which I have been fighting)? Is it the sequencing?
February 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Pulling from the lead side will pull the lead hip away from the target and not allow for too much over rotation. However, hip spinning usually involves pushing from the trail side which can cause loss of tush line, over rotation and trail hip moving too quickly towards the target.
February 26, 2016
Hello I've been working on the winter program and the stomping drills and the taking the right side out and using mostly the left side and my sing is much more fluid and the club feels very light to me, I've been watching the video's in the full swing program and on the take away and back swing you talk more about the right side. That right shoulder blade into the spine is kind of confusing me, I can do it but it really feels like my right side is starting to take over, although I gotta say my iron play has improved and on my drives when I miss the go high and a little right, I'm kinda blocking it Bob
January 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Even in the Winter Series Program. Chuck is rotating with the right side. Right to go back and Left to come down. Take a look at Push versus Pull. Don't over think the shoulder blade motion. It is a very small and simple move. Practice a little with the Golf Body Rotation Video to simplify the move and feel.
January 18, 2016
Chuck mentions keeping your hands in front of the chest during the follow through. If you're releasing the club at impact, how is that possible? I'm confused.
January 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charlie. Take a look at the Fix Your Release Video. If you aren't spinning the chest open through the release. You should be able to keep the arms and hands in front.
January 18, 2016
January 18, 2016
What do you mean when , in the video, when you say cover the ball?
December 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Evan. At what point does Chuck say cover the ball? Time frame. Typically, covering the ball is making sure the chest stays over the shot without bailing out and the face traps the ball into the ground.
December 3, 2015
As a left handed golfer, is there a time in the follow through when my right wrist should bend or should it stay straight all the way to the end of the swing?
November 14, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jon. The lead wrist after the parallel to the ground position in the follow through will start to re-hinge just a little.
November 15, 2015
Hello. Are there any fitness exercises or drills you can point me so that I make work on getting the lead foot staying at 90 degrees to the target line? At the moment, i tend to turn my lead (left) foot tends towards the target as I follow trough. I like how Adam Scott is able to keep his left foot at the same position from set up to finish while the belt buckle faces the target.
November 5, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Other than the drills in our Fitness Section. The key would be practicing a stretch between your upper and lower half. You can do an Exaggerated Version of the Golf Body Rotation Video as well.
November 5, 2015
I'm striking the ball fine but still not completing back swing. Usual story. On the range I finish high. Different on the course Would appreciate any suggestions John.
September 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Completing the backswing or follow through? If follow through. You need to practice letting momentum bringing you around. Make sure all the weight is on the lead side and you get that trail foot on the toe. It sounds like you stop after the release to try and steer a little of the shot while on the course.
September 30, 2015
I'm struggling with a shallow swing plane... push off the right leg, hip spin, too much secondary axis tilt, etc. I'm working on the belt buckle drill and level shoulders drill now and am struggling with how to get to the 3 o'clock position. E.g. if I hold my hips shut, the club just flips through impact and I hit it thin, fat, or snap hook it. Also, I'm not really sure what to do with my right shoulder here. How long should they feel "level"? If I hold my right shoulder back and try to stay in the shot longer, it just feels like too much tilt and creates a lot of strain on my hip. If I try to stay level the whole way, I just come out of the shot.
September 20, 2015
I've had this same problem. I've found the impact bag to be the ultimate cure for this issue. It seems to have a lot to do with properly loading your legs. The legs go lose rather than loading and everything swings wildly and different through the shot. The impact bag forces you to stabilize with your lower body AND forces your left shoulder to take charge of aligning the shot with max accuracy and power! Probably more than you thought you were capable of. Love it! Good luck!
January 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. Take a look at the Fix Your Release Video. It sounds like you need to feel the lead arm swing more from the shoulder joint. Since, you quit pulling with the lead you start to worry the club won't reach the ball. Therefore, the trail side starts to fire to soon and flip through the shot. They will should feel level into the trail thigh and then the release should help you not add too much secondary tilt.
September 21, 2015
Do we want the hips to stop moving after impact and let the arms and upper body pull you to the finish? Thanks.
September 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The hips will decelerate into impact and the release compiled with momentum will pull you to a full follow through.
September 15, 2015
Once the weight is shifted to the left heel Is the pulling of the left hip around done primarily with the left hip or the left oblique. Also, the continuing pulling keeps the spine angle correct does it also maintain the secondary axis tilt through the swing.
August 18, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Anthony-we want to continue to pull with the obliques through impact. Thats is what gets the hips 45* open for us. And by pulling with the left side the spine angle will be maintaned and axis tilt will also be constant for yourself.
August 18, 2015
Hello Craig, I have/had rotator cuff, impingement, and bicep tendion trears in both shoulders. My left shoulder was repaired surgically and my right has been improved through daily exercise. As a right hand golfer, I have limited mobility in the left...lead arm on the follow through and also the right arm on the back swing as well as on the beginning of the downswing. My backswing looks a little like the Craig Stadler's swing on one of your videos.(with a flying elbow) Also, I noticed the throw drill on the website also starts with the right arm in front and rotated slightly to the right (beyond vertical). In my case, limited external rotation of the right arms won't allow me to get my right forearm vertical, much less rotated. I agree with your comment about an extended hip slide. I don't want my hip or back to go next! Players with that tendency eventually need hip replacements. (Jack Nicklaus being the most notable.)
July 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. If you take a look at the 3 Functions of the Right Arm in the Advanced Backswing Section. You will see the little forearm rotation Chris adds to help him achieve a proper position at the top of the backswing. This should alleviate some tension while trying the add the external rotation. Take a look at the Left Elbow Impact Alignments Video in the Downswing Advanced Section. See how much mobility you have to release the club without rotating the arm too much. If you can achieve what Chuck is talking about. Then, we should still be able to get good contact and speed without having the lead arm need to externally rotate to the point it hurts you.
July 12, 2015
Thanks for quick reply Craig. After reviewing the drills you recommended I see what you mean and look forward to gaining more follow through extension. On another similar but different note, after a life time of playing other sports and a couple of shoulder surgeries, my external shoulder rotation is limited to about eighty degrees. I've seen a couple of recommendations (one being from Titleist Performance Institute) to employ as a means of working around this issue. The suggestion involved a more pronounced hip bump at the beginning of the downswing. I'm unsure however if the advise is best for the Rotary Swing approach, given the concern for lead hip alignment. Any suggestions you could make would be appreciated.
July 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. Are you referring to your external rotation of the lead arm coming through or the trail arm going back? I would advise against extra bump beyond NJA. It would lead to a lot of pressure being put on the hip socket wall and lumbar spine.
July 11, 2015
How far should the left arm extend during the follow through, before it folds to the finish? With the Hogan style swing a short left arm is encouraged to bend/fold as a source of speed. One of the Hardy drills is to place a head cover under the left arm pit to encourage a quick fold post impact. The Hogan style (one plane swing) is difficult to accomplish for an older person and also damaging to my body. I'm new to this site, and based on what I've seen so far, it appears this swing will be easier for an older less flexible player to achieve. Since golf is a side on game, I appreciate all swings are rotational, but I'm thrilled to see that this biomechanical approach may be achievable for me. Thanks, I look forward with favorable anticipation to the result.
July 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. Thanks for the post. The lead arm should not start to break down until after the 3 o'clock position on the follow through. The short arm actually differs giving the most powerful strike. Take a look at the Left hand Release Drill and the Stop Slicing Start Releasing Video in the Downswing and Advanced Downswing Section.
July 10, 2015
Hi Craig, what is the proper finish- is it supposed to be like the Ben Hogan follow through where the club is high and above the head in the finish or low on the shoulder like Fred Couples?
January 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brandon. The club should be matching your plane coming through with the hands finishing over the lead shoulder. A somewhat mimic of the backswing position. You don't want it too high. Use the self analysis section and look at the models finish position especially from a Chuck Down the Line Perspective.
January 23, 2016
What is the position of the club face relative to the swing plane during the golf swing? Is the face square to the swing plane or does the club face open and close relative to the swing plane?
July 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. The face will be rotating in the golf swing. You don't want it to stay square throughout. It will be more open and close relative to the swing plane.
July 10, 2015
Good video description (of course!). I have trouble limiting my hips from over-rotating on the downswing and through impact. Is there a drill or video that could help me get the correct physiology and "feel" for hip position through that part of the swing so that I don't "spin out"?
July 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello D.R. Take a look at Swinging from the Ground Up in the Introduction Advanced Section and the Increase Swing Speed by Hip Deceleration in the Advanced Downswing Section.
July 10, 2015
Hello, I've been told that a good checkpoint for the follow through is that the back of the right wrist NEVER straightens. That it should maintain its natural bent position that it has from the setup all the way through to the finish. Looking at Chuck's swing and some of the other model swings, this does not seem to be the case. Personally, I've always felt more powerful when I let my right wrist fire through impact and let it extend naturally. But lately I've been working hard on keeping the angle all the way through to the finish. Your thoughts? Thank you!
July 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. If you are having to hold on or control a set angle into the follow through. Then, you aren't allowing for max energy transfer at impact. I would definitely shy away from trying to keep the same angle from setup all the way to the finish.
July 2, 2015
Hello Can recommend the training add According to there website the tool can measure different metrics listed in the following link:
June 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Luigi. Feel free to use the device if you would like. It can produce some good metrics for you. But, the real training still has to be old fashioned drilling for new movement patterns to take place.
June 17, 2015
Hi there! If I retain my spine angle in the follow through, it naturally does kink the spine and will conclusively lead to vertebral disc problems in the lumbal spine on the right side (for right handed golfers) do your orthopods have any comment to make on this? kind regards, Olaf
June 5, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Olaf. There is some wear and tear on the body we can't get around. However, if you shy away from excessive secondary tilt and rotate around the spine. You shouldn't get too much lateral side bend and crunch the vertebrae.
June 9, 2015
How far into the finish should we maintain our spine tilt? In the Hideki Matsuyama video he maintains his spine angle well into the finish, while Chuck "softens" his spine angle into the finish.
January 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brandon. After the 3 o' clock position in the release you can maintain or soften up. Myself and Chuck tend to soften a little.
January 23, 2016
When I finish with my golf swing, my arms do not wrap around my shoulders. Seems like I have lost propensity by doing some wrong swing sequences. The ball still flies ahead, though...
May 20, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. The finish is the deceleration of momentum. You don't have to get completely wrapped around the body. The goal is to expend all the energy into the ball. However, check that the weight is completely on the lead side and that you release properly.
May 21, 2015
So I love the idea of rotating around your hip socket, that makes complete sense, now with the driver since the arc of your swing is bottoming out before the ball and the club is more on the upswing, how would pivoting on top of your lead hip work? It seems to me that for the driver the pivoting point would be the hip but just before the ankle, would that be the case?
May 19, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Wilfred, same swing, just some setup adjustments are made to hit the driver on the upswing. In the full swing advanced setup section there's the "Driver Setup Adjustments" video, if you want to check that out. R.J.
May 20, 2015
Hi I've been able to maintain my tush line on the downswing and on the follow-through I've kept the club in front of my chest where the clubhead points down the line towards the target. I've also been able to trace the elbow plane which means I've stayed on plane, However... the club "exits" more vertical (neck/head) instead of on plane (shoulder). How is this possible? Is it because I'm not properly rolling my left hand downwards?
March 31, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jackson. I think you pin pointed the issue. More than likely a little push with the trail arm (chase) and the lead arm not releasing as efficiently as possible. Also, check that your spine angle is maintaining.
March 31, 2015
This is what I'm struggling with too. Are we supposed to rotate our forearms earlier in the downswing as in the "trace the plane" video to make sure the club exits on plane?
January 22, 2016
maintain spine angle
March 14, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jack. Did you have a particular question?
March 16, 2015
And if the arms get left (outside) of the torso into the follow through does that make it difficult to have good arm extension beyond impact? I ask because my left arm tends to bend quickly past impact.
February 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Dan. If the left arm is bending quickly past impact. (Right Handed Player) You are probably breaking down in the release and pushing from your trail side. Take a look at the Chicken Wing Drill in the Advanced Downswing Section.
February 27, 2015
Should your arms stay in front of the torso from impact all the way through to the finish? Thx
February 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Yes, the arms will stay in front of the torso through impact and into the follow through.
February 27, 2015
So, should the left shoulder blade glide into the spine at the finish in the way that the right shoulder blade moves in and down in the backswing? (right handed golfer)
February 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Yes, the left shoulder blade will be pulled in and down through the follow through.
February 25, 2015
I do the left-hand only drill and find that I get disconnected between the follow through and the finish. Does pulling the left shoulder blade in help keep one from straightening up or are there other more specific benefits?
February 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. When doing the left arm only it is easy to disconnect when going to the finish. When you have the right arm on the club it will force you to stay in the shot more. Just remember the finish is basically momentum slowing down. Let it carry you to the top. Make sure all the energy is expended into the ball.
February 26, 2015
Hi! Is the follow trough mirror image to takeaway and vice versa. Offcource hands are across, but is the idea same? I mean left handed golfer takeaway is right handed golfer follow through and vice versa?
January 26, 2015
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Jukka, as a rough guide, the answer is yes. The spine will be tilted a bit more than it was in the takeaway.
January 28, 2015
A non-golf question - where did you tape this segment with all that brown countryside? California?
January 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. That would be Castle Pines in Colorado. Good non-golf question
January 21, 2015
Do I have to fully straighten my left knee at the finish or just almost straight?
January 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jay. You want the leg pretty straight, but don't lock it in place. Don't try and feel like you snap it back to straighten because of excess strain. Relaxed and straight.
January 17, 2015
So I struggle with standing up during the swing with my left leg. I'm trying to rotate the hips through the swing and pulling my left glute behind me. When do I straighten the left knee and leg. Secondly, what actually straightens the left leg, is it standing up on the left foot, or is it the glute pulling it straight? I also confuse the tiger squat into this move as that requires an intentional push with the left leg. So all in all I'm a little confused as to how to do this properly. Thanks
December 29, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Martin, The pulling upwards with the glute, as if you were raising out of a squat but with just one leg, to make room for your left hip to rotate behind you. You should almost feel like your right hip is being pulled into the position where your left hip started at. Obviously, it won't ever get that far forward, but it will feel like the right hip is tracing down that line as the left hip pulls back. The opposite of this feeling would be if your left leg posted early and the right hip swung around it like gate attached to a post. If your right hip swing out and around, it will get your hips closer to the ball and will stand you up so that your arms have room to swing to make contact with the ball. Clay has a "Power U" hips video on the site that would help you out a lot, in my opinion. I was having similar problems to what you're having when I first started and then I did nothing but practice my backswing and downswing lower body movements until I could get them down correctly and my swing started to improve immensely. Your hard work will pay off! Let us know if ever need anything. R.J.
December 30, 2014
This is AMAZING that your main focus is maintaining a neutral joint alignment as the focus of the follow through, I wish you had finished with a full swing from start to finish to model my swing after at this junction, but nonetheless the Full Swing Program is now my new religion. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you....
December 16, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andre. You are welcome! Great to see your excitement over the material and journey to attain a better swing!
December 16, 2014
December 4, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Patrick, Yes, currently, we are sold out and we've had some issues with the company that has supplied them to us. When the rotaryswing connect comes back it will be an even better product and RST will have one for everyone to buy. In the mean time you can watch this video to help you out with similar issues that are fixed by the rotary connect for the arms. R.J.
December 4, 2014
Hi, I sometime find myself so focused on the swing thoughts of steps 1, 2 and 3 that I end up in an abbreviated finish, with the club not even coming back over my shoulder. Any thoughts on how I can be sure to finish the swing?
December 1, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Mike, The best way to perfect move 4 is to perfect moves 1, 2, and 3. Move 4 is just a reaction to what happens previously so, until you perfect and master moves 1,2, and 3, move 4 won't be perfect. So, don't worry about move 4 until your moves 1,2,3 are better than tour caliber. R.J.
December 1, 2014
Richard C Reumann
Do you have any more tips/drills that can help a real beginner with coming out of the spine angle too soon? Sadly, that's me at the 4:00 minute mark. When I watch videos of myself, my follow-through typically shows me almost vertical too soon after impact . It seems so difficult for me to have the proper weight shift to the front leg but yet also have a posture as shown right after impact leading into release. One thing I'm sure that will help possibly is really concentrating on getting the club to extend out after impact as the video shows. My club seems to wrap around my torso with me in vertical position way too soon.
November 13, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Rick, Yes, the following videos will give you tips on how to get into the right positions R.J.
November 13, 2014
I've been using the web site for about 3 months, and have seen a lot of improvement in all my clubs. I'm hitting each one longer and straighter with less effort. The one exception is the driver. I've been trying to use everything I've learned for my other clubs to the driver, but I hit it only as far as I always have (which isn't very far). I've applied techniques from the Bomb Your Driver Series, and seen a little improvement, but not much. Is the driver somehow so much different from all other clubs? What videos would you recommend?
November 8, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Arnel, Yes, just as much as your putter, your driver is a specialty club. Watch the "Driver Setup Adjustments" video in the Full Swing Advanced: Setup section of the website. If you hit your driver like you do your pitching wedge, it'll go low and not travel as far as you'd like it to with a lot of spin. Drivers today are designed to be hit on an ascending blow as opposed to a descending blow like the rest of your clubs. Try these adjustments and if it doesn't get better, send in a swing review and let us fix you up. R.J.
November 9, 2014
Thanks, R.J. My driver swing is a lot better. I've still got a few kinks to work out, but I think I understand the basic swing shape for a driver. When executing it properly, I've definitely hitting it straighter and with more distance.
November 12, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Arnel, You're welcome. R.J.
November 13, 2014
I've just become a member of Rotary Swing and am anxious to have my first swing analysis. However, this is Canada, and it's been cold and rainy for the last two weeks, so I've tried to follow the swing videos instead. I live in an area of very slow Internet, and the videos are all very jerky and very frustrating to watch. Would it be possible to get the videos loaded on disc and sent to me so I could play them at normal speed? Or at least some of the most pertinent ones - Full Swing, Takeaway, Backswing and Follow Through? I'd appreciate your help. Regards, Colin Shaw
October 11, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Colin. Thanks for Joining! Unfortunately, most of our content is strictly web based. We have over 500 plus videos of instruction and would be very time consuming to convert them to DVD's. I understand the frustration with slow internet. If you select Non-HD for the videos it might speed up your play time. Also, Chrome and Firefox browser work the best.
October 13, 2014
which drill does Chuck do where he tees a ball real low and places another t about 5 inches in front of the ball and with the driver tries to hit the forward t?
July 4, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jim. I've searched all through the site for you and come up with very little. Here is an article about the drill. I will keep working.
July 6, 2014
I am getting jammed up on my 5-15 yard chip shot in the gets stuck and ball gets dumped 3-5 on the green.. ty
June 30, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Randall. Is your club getting stuck through impact, or takeaway?
June 30, 2014
I have a tendency to let my hands and arms travel away from my body after impact, and go straight down my target line and they will eventually end up coming out of my neck area, as opposed to my shoulder. How would I go about solving this problem?
June 21, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Keith. It's more than likely your not releasing all the energy into the ball and the excess arm motion is the effect. Take a look at the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release in the Downswing Section. Also, upload one of your swings to our online review system. I'm sure one of our instructors can spot the issue.
June 21, 2014
I have seen thousands of videos, ordered the Tom Watson's, the Revolution Golfs, etc..., and taken many lessons. I was down to a 7 handicap even as I was one coming over the top. I could hit a driver well over 300 yds, a 7 iron about 185 and all at the age of 47. But, I could never ever be consistent. I dropped to a 12ish-14 handicap when I started taking lessons. Anyway, I just lost the swing, couldnt break 96 and hated to go play. After reluctantly giving you about $60 (only because you would anaylize my swing), I started to watch the videos that taught me step by step, slowly, the take away using my obliques, the proper alignment and how to get into position, and everything from seeing my shot to taking it. I have sent in two videos now and even compared myself with Adam Scott (for analysis) I now take what I've learned in your painstakingly slow and meticulous setup/swing and took it to the range. I have never, ever, hit so many shots straighter and even with a small draw than I have my last couple times out. I am excited once again about golf. My drives are beautifully straight and long with an occassional pull, but no slice. I believe, Quinton, that you are the best teacher of golf I have ever listened to. The thing that sets you apart from the very well know instructors (Hank Haney, Tom Watson, Butch Harmon, etc), is that you understand the amateur and break it down to what we once considered elementary (ie, torque, set-up, back swing, etc.) Heck, I've been doing it wrong for 24 years. No one has ever explained, in step by step detail, the proper set-up, loose hands, left hand dominance, etc. Thank you. This teaching is now my only coach. Like you said, if you're not improving, change something. WOW, its fun again.
June 12, 2014
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thank you for the very kind words Vincent, if you're having fun playing golf again then I've done my job!
June 12, 2014
I have noticed how important my follow-thru position is as far as a proper release/pivot. I could see in a video of my swing that my RIGHT shoulder stopped turning and my RIGHT hand tended to "flip" the club. IF I practice the proper release drill on your site, I by reaching with the right hand and arm to meet the left hand in the follow-thru position, THEN I am in the proper position. By practicing with the shoulder coming under my chin and getting in the proper position, I have a solid impact with NO flipping. This has been a key to my vast improvement to return to a game "gone sour." Would you comment on how the right shoulder moves as a RESULT of a proper release. My shoulder, lately, has tended to brush against my chin or pass over it. This is a sure sign that I didn't keep pulling with the left hand/arm/lats in a proper release. I am not pushing or shoving the shoulder; just making sure it gets past the chin. What a difference! My left arm is pulling properly and my right hand feels very light and "along for the ride." Haven't this in a long time! Thanks, guys. Great teaching site.
May 13, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey John, take a close look at the 5 minutes to a perfect release video. There are some steps late in the video that will show you how the right shoulder works post impact and should give you the correct sensation along with some checkpoints to look for while looking at your swing on camera. If that doesn't help, let me know and I will give you some further guidance.
May 14, 2014
When I finish the swing I feel pain in my lower back. I see that at impact I'm NJA. How can I work to prevent pain? Thanks
May 8, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
We may need to take a look at your swing in the review system to see what is going on. It could be stemming from an address issue or improper rotation during the sequence. Are you due for a swing review?
May 8, 2014
Why can't I see the list of videos for Full swing basics The follow through? The panel on the right has nothing in it.
April 24, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Alex, there should only be one video in that section. It should pre load right on the player and ready for you to hit the play button. If it does not, then let me know and I will have to look into this further. I just went in and tested on our end and appears to be working.
April 24, 2014

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