Core Rotation - Left Arm - Club - RSA

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This is a demonstration video for the new RotarySwing Academy video golf instruction series. This series will literally guide you through learning the RotarySwing step by step in the shortest time possible. You simply have to do little more than follow along with me as I do the drills that will turn you into a ball striking machine! This is the original RSA follow along video and it was a HUGE hit! The reason? It covers the 3 main things that ALL amateur golfers struggle with. Learning how to power the swing with your trunk instead of your arms, how to integrate your left arm into that movement, and combining the club and left arm together in one perfect golf swing. If you struggle with over the top, too much hit from the top, losing lag, no power and sequencing the swing, this one program will help you make HUGE strides in your swing.

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Hello Craig, I just signed up for the RSA (completed Bootcamp just recently). Do I send my swing reviews to you now? Thanks Bernie
July 15, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bernie. You can either stay with your current instructor, or Chris/Myself will take over. The choice is yours.
July 15, 2020
Is there a to do list or a set program to work on in the overall game plan. I need an agenda, right now it appears to be like lots of ideas , but no focus on what one needs to do each week. Such as Monday, work on these setup, 10 reps, transition 15 reps. Next practice 5 foot putts, 50 times, next practice 30, 50, 75 yards pitches.
September 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. I don't have a plan for your putting routine on the site currently. However, I would suggest a swing review. That way one of the instructors can tailor the plan to you. In the meantime, have you mastered setup? Core rotation? Let me know what stage you are in and I will try to help you out.
September 9, 2019
Dear sweet baby Jesus, this drill and the tempo training drill (and of course the perfect setup drills) is worth the price of admission alone! No where near having those drills mastered but I've added some serious distance and shockingly straight ball flights to both my irons and driver. I'm talking 2 clubs extra distance with what feels like half the effort. #DrinkingTheRSAKoolaid
August 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Craig. Glad you are enjoying the RSA Content. Now, let's master it!
August 15, 2019
So finally finished my 3K on the setup drill which is a great feeling and 1K into this one. I'm not sure where/how to ask but is there some details in which order we should be doing both the RSA cheat sheet and RST 5 step? Then now Chuck is introducing the DEAD drill boot camp. Assuming that we get that as RSA members. So now I'm just a little confused as to what I should be working on. I would submit a weight shift video but I'm nowhere near being through weight shift and you guys will just tell me to work on weight shift drills. I mean....I'm not trying to rush but I'm confused on the order of things.
August 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Craig. After getting a baseline of your swing. Your instructor should detail out exactly what he wants to see next time. My suggestion is to follow the 5 Step Program. If you know your swing faults and have the setup down correctly. For Ex: You know that you don't shift weight properly. Upload a Step 2 - Core Rotation Drill. Let's check to make sure it is correct and then build from there.
August 23, 2019
When practicing the core drills (section 1.18) You take it to the range. Would that my weather permitted that. So I practice indoors using plastic balls that seem to come off the club much like the real thing. Any thoughts about this? PS I plan to get my wife to do a video soon she has been very busy of late,
March 9, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. I prefer starting off with plastic balls indoors. It helps you start to implement the new movement pattern without the distraction of too much ball flight.
March 10, 2019
Add left arm only—tips for getting rid of left shoulder tension while doing this drill?
March 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kaleb. Proper Muscle Activation Video. In the beginning, you may have some tension due to using new muscles. But, that should subside. I would also check out My Golf Backswing Secrets Video to understand how momentum should help you stay relaxed.
March 2, 2019
Just curious. There seems to be two methods for creating the backswing on this site, albeit they create the same result. There is the 5 minutes to the perfect takeaway and 5 minutes to the perfect backswing method (which is used i the clinic video series too), and here, we are concentrating on rotation and the lead arm swinging back by the momentum of the rotation. Does it matter which method/drills we use if the result in the same or are we supposed to be blending both. I have recently passed the rotation stage in my swing reviews and now asked to add the lead arm.
January 26, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. Both are two ways at skinning the same cat. One is more mechanical and the other is a little less thought provoked. I would use a blend of both in the beginning to see which works best. But, the end result should be the same.
January 26, 2019
When for decades you have begun your swing with hands, arms, shoulders, hips, etc. on the way back it is very difficult to transition to a core rotation swing? What is the "feel" of the first move away from the ball?
January 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Weight shift is a very good trigger to keep loose while starting off the ball ( My golf Backswing Secrets Video). However, take a look at the 5 Minutes to Master Rotation. You should really feel core (abs/obliques).
January 11, 2019
I find there are two different ways to rotate that I flip flop back and forth between, trying to figure out which one is correct. One way is a heavy focus on pulling the shoulder blade around behind me. The other is rotating the rib cage using the obliques. Since origin of movement is so very important, I assume one is correct and the other is not. This video seems heavy on the rib cage rotation and feeling the obliques. I currently lean toward this video being "more correct." I feel constriction in my core/breathing when I do the rotation this way as opposed to how I normally pull my shoulders behind me. Again, I assume this is more correct. Am I right about that?
August 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Both will be working. One isn't more correct than the other. However, like the 5 Minutes to Master Rotation Video. Feeling the obliques initially will be easier and you continue to pull the trail shoulder behind the head. Most players when feeling the rib cage still are using the shoulder blade glide, but don't tend to over do it that way.
August 2, 2019
Is it a good or bad sign that my breathing gets restricted when focusing on turning from the obliques instead of the shoulders? (You're absolutely right in that my shoulders still move. My shoulder blade still glides. But turning the rib cage tends to limit my shoulder retraction, which is often an issue for me, I think.) But how about that breathing? Is that ok to be a little out of breath at the conclusion of the swing?
August 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. If you are recruiting muscle fiber and engaging the core. You can tend to squeeze the lungs a little bit and have shortness of breath.
August 2, 2019
So I can do the drills pretty well but struggle hitting balls. It’s like a kinda freeze. Any thoughts ? #stagefright.
November 28, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. Start the process slowly. When adding a ball start with a shorter swing, or much slower pace. Break it down until you can get the proper mechanical move with a ball. Don't worry about the results. Get the sequence and motion correct.
November 29, 2018
Is there going to be updates/new content added to the RSA Section? I thought I read that Chuck was working on new content. Thanks, Don
March 7, 2018
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Three new videos just added!
July 12, 2018
Thanks Chuck! Looking forward to watching them today.
July 12, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. I don't have a specific date for you, but yes Chuck is working on adding new content and more advanced RSA Videos.
March 7, 2018
I just bought the RSA. This video is a great P90Xish style. However, I really am in need of the other half of this movement (to the left). I am surprised there isn't one I can find. The next video after this is Power Release for advanced users. The videos don't seem to be listed in a logical progression. What video an I supposed to watch next to practice the left movement?
October 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. The RSA Movements are more after you have mastered some of the initial site videos. Use the 5 Step System as you training wheels to guide you up to these advanced drills. We are going to continually update and modify the RSA program with the feedback from our members.
October 28, 2017
Should these drills be done in both directions (right handed & left handed) to balance the work on the core muscles?
October 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. Balance is a good thing with the body. But, no need to perform this particular drill in both directions. As to not train the shoulders to rotate through on your opposite side.
October 20, 2017
I am struggling little bit to keep the hips quiet in the early part of the backswing. Even a tiny movement causes some issues...any tips to keep them quiet at the initiation of the backswing..thanks a lot, Ramu
June 7, 2017
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ramu, During the back swing focus on the trail shoulder blade gliding in and slightly down towards the spine. Imagine that the shoulder blade glide is the force that pulls the lead shoulder, chest, core, and hips in that order. Let the rest of your body and its movement be dictated by the pull of the trail shoulder blade glide. If that doesn't help, imagine your legs are locked in casts while engaging the glute muscles. The the glutes stabilize the hips and when engaged they will limit too much movement.
June 9, 2017
Thanks Micah...I get the body turn right but when I have the club in the hands I need to take it a bit outside the target line to keep turning the body to feel the weight in the right glutes. If I try to keep inside the target line, I tend to pick up the club resulting in improper turn. My question is .. is it okay to take the club a bit outside the target line during takeaway with the right shoulder glide? Thanks
June 27, 2017
I enjoyed the follow along vidio and would like to continue with the next vidio. I thought it really helpped me. Is the next vidio available and do I need to send in a video to use it?
March 16, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. The follow up video has yet to be posted. I'm glad you liked the drill/presentation.
March 16, 2017
Am really struggling with the elevation part. According to my reviews I rotate well on the take away but then the lead arm continues to rotate with my shoulders and I end up really flat. How/when should I initiate the elevation? What is the body movement and/or feeling I should aim for with my arms/trunk?
March 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. There is gradual elevation beginning in the takeaway. Take a look at the Pool Noodle Drill, Understanding Shoulder Elevation, 4 Square Drill and the Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing for more help. You should feel the arms work vertical as the body rotates horizontal.
March 5, 2017
Is this videoing depicting Step 2 (rotation with weight shift) of the 5 step system? If so, I'm just wondering why Chuck is not including the move back to the left as he does in the Step 2 drill demonstration. Thanks.
February 9, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. Training motor patterns is a challenge. The brain doesn't like to establish new movement patterns once they are locked into place. There isn't any additional information in the video because the focus was to solely change the movement and neural pathway of the backswing. Once, that is ingrained. Then, it would be simpler to add the downswing portion.
February 10, 2017
Ive done many reps, and am getting some soreness at the top of my spine/along spine, would this be an indication of not allowing my hips to rotate enough while doing this drill?
January 31, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. I would check your axis tilt (Necktie Drill) and make sure you are allowing for the proper load/hip turn (Weight Shift Video Part 2).
January 31, 2017
I have subscribed to several pro networks and watch videos from all, but I keep returning to Rotary Swing. I can understand the finite steps you bring the swing into, and am improving steadily. This one with exercises is one of the best you have, as it relates the swing to the body parts/motions needed to make it happen
January 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Bob. Appreciate the continued support and positive feedback.
January 30, 2017
I feel I need to pull my right shoulder that extra amount after I'm done my rotation to be able to see it in the reflection. Wont pulling my right shoulder back to rotate cause some separation from the obliques? Or is focusing on having the right shoulder driving the rotation enough to keep everything together?
January 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. You should be okay keeping it together driving it back. However, remember rotation isn't your sole power source. If it is causing pain or simply messing up the sequence. You want to keep the focus on using all your power sources (How to Maintain Club Head Speed as You Get Older Video).
January 29, 2017
Ditto Nancy. The first has been a great session. Are you planning a second?
January 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Curt. Yes, we are planning a whole series.
January 14, 2017
When are you coming out with the next video?
January 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nancy. We will update you when the next video comes out. I apologize for the delay.
January 14, 2017
Hi, Do the recommended number of repetitions (200 or 300 a day) have to be done in one session at once or can they be spilt to say 100 reps in the morning 100 in the afternoon and a 100 in the evening? Many Thanks
January 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Arek. You may split up the repetitions. The goal is at least 100 per session.
January 6, 2017
I work on this drill 7 days a week, 100 reps at different swing speeds etc. How come I keep being asked to complete the reps and continue the drill (which is now part of my daily routine...)?
January 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Being asked by the site or instructor?
January 3, 2017
Will there be more to this series? Looking forward to the progression.
December 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steven. Yes, we are working on a whole series of videos taught like above.
December 26, 2016
Hi, do I understand it well that essentially the core movement controls the path of the club head? When doing this drill I realised that because of the left hand dominance of the movement I don't trust the path of the club head i.e. I don't believe that it goes where I want and hits the ball. That's why in real swing I hit with right hand so that my feeling is that I can control the direction of the head. I know I t is in my head only. What practice could you recommend to switch off this strong urge of controlling club movement with arms? Many thanks!
December 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Konstantin. There isn't too much of a shortcut to turn the brain off from the controlling the movement with the trail side. In the clinics or lessons we urge players to get comfortable hitting lead arm only shots until they trust the movements actually produce quality results of where the club head goes. The 5 Step System is your best bet at beating this. You want the inside swinging the out. Essentially, using the core movements and bigger muscles will allow the club head to swing on the proper path.
December 21, 2016
Hi can I clarify something at the start of the drill. If we keep spine tilt as we turn back am I right that our head moves backwards away from the ball a little. It seems like chucks head does in this drill. But I ask because when I watch his slow motion swing in other videos his head doesn't seem to move off the ball at all. Grateful for any advice!
December 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edward. The head will move slightly due to the proper shifting of the weight and maintaining proper tilt.
December 19, 2016
Love this site. As I'm working with my takeaway I'm feeling like the very beginning is 2 separate movements...weight shift, then rotate. Is this a typical feeling golfers have as they work on this and should it ultimately all "feel" like the same movement after repetition?
December 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. In the long run, it should feel more like a blended movement. What you are experiencing now is the typical feeling or notion when starting to train the new movement pattern.
December 18, 2016
Andrew (Certified RST Instructor)
When I do The correct weight shift and the correct core rotation I seem to swing to parallel and un able to go shorter then that. I am supposed to be just past 3 quarters but to envlove correct amount of weight shift and rotation I can't seem to get to a shorter position at the top.... Anything I can do to help?
December 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. When you add the trail hand it will help keep you from over swinging. 3 Functions of the Right Arm in the Backswing. I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you are pushing the lead arm across the chest.
December 18, 2016
I check here daily to see if the new RSA has come out. I told my wife that if it does before Christmas, there's really no need to give me gifts! ANY update or timeline on when this will come out!?
December 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. That is Chuck's call. I would be happy to provide you with a status update if I had one. I can say since this video did so well. Instead of just one follow up. There will be a whole series.
December 16, 2016
Chuck, I am avid fan of yours and Rotary Swing. I started playing 7 months ago and have been working on my game since that time. I have leant a lot from your website, which, by the way, is incredible value for money. That said, I was getting nowhere with my swing until I started watching this new practice take away drill, plus submitting a video to your team for analysis. I was regularly hitting 110, now that is getting below 100. There is still much to do. Regarding feedback on the video you have posted. Brilliant. I want something that is akin to an exercise video. One I can switch on, and follow for 10 minutes a day. I can copy you for those 10 minutes. Minimal introduction, or talking, but that takes me through the drills. I hope this helps. WRmest regards, Edward from Cairo, Egypt.
December 14, 2016
Am unable to get the trail shoulder behind my head without significant hip turn which then staightens my trail leg. The squat then moves the trail hip closed. What gives?
December 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. It sounds like a little of a flexibility issue. If you are unable to achieve the full turn. RST puts the focus of power on using all your power sources. Not just solely rotation from the shoulders for speed (How to Maintain Club Head Speed as You Get Older Video). I would rotate as far as you can without over rotating the hips. To where when you add a squat the hips don't have to rotate to a more closed positioning,
December 15, 2016
Another great video! It's interesting to notice that even when Chuck demonstrates the left arm only backswing, the hand tends to push out a bit in front (from DTL view) during takeaway, whereas in two-arm swing it never happens. For me, the two handed backswing actually look exactly the same as left arm backswing (i.e. hands tend to push out a bit in front). Really wonder if there is anything active from the right hand that helps do away this?
December 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. Not really. The tendency with the lead only and momentum get the arm swinging a bit higher initial for some players. When the trial is on it helps curtail that quick momentum to elevate. I would say focus on a smooth blend of trail side pull instead of a quick burst. It should help keep from going out too early.
December 13, 2016
Hi Chuck. Congratulations! Excellent training-video 1, with which we can train an build a swing step by step. My swing looks better, feeling improves. I am looking forward for video 2 (start downswing and weight shift to the lead side, which I consider as difficult). Do we get an email-message, when it is out? Additional Question: Rightside domination: In my swing I often struggle with rightside domination. Unfortunately starting downswing with pushing from the right side (shoulder, arm, hand). It is psychological and then physical. (A) My brain tells me that I have to hit hard to hit the ball e.g. 180m with I4, so the physical stronger right side pushes instead of (B) the left side relaxed pulling with the weight of club head in sync. Do you have tips videos, to improve 1. psychological approach as well as 2. left arm, hand strength and feeling, to switch from a right domination push to left domination pull? (like toothbrushing with left )?
December 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. The membership will receive an email when the next cycle is introduced. We don't have any psychological videos to help with trail side passiveness. There are plenty of lead arm only drills on the site (Frisbee Drill, Step 3 - 4, Reshaping Your Swing for Lag, Cure Chicken Wing, etc). I would suggest working your way through the 5 Step System to completely turn the trail side off.
December 12, 2016
Any timeline on when the full RSA series will come out? Impatiently waiting here!
December 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. I apologize. I do not have an updated timeline for you. Don't worry. Behind the scenes the series is being put together.
December 6, 2016
I've been working hard on freeing up my hands/arms/shoulders from tension and just yesterday started to focus on getting my body rotation/weight shift to initiate and control the swing, instead of my arms and hands dominating everything. As I was working, I wondered if I should be rotating back and almost dragging (in a sense) the club behind so that it feels like my rotation is occurring before my arms ever got to the top. This video, by magic, just popped up and answered my question immediately (I must have viewed it before but wasn't ready to hear the message). It gave me a much better sense of the arms reacting to the body movement. Fantastic.
December 4, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Carole, Glad to hear this video helped you out. After doing your swing review, you are are on the right path to some good stuff. Weight shift and body turn are the 2 BIG moving parts of the golf club in the takeaway and backswing. There is some subtle elevation of the arms during the takeaway and backswing, right arm flexion into the backswing and gradual rotation of the wrists and forearms during the entire swing. Good luck and keep up the great work.
December 5, 2016
Would you recommend a chipper or use a wedge, hybrid, or 8 iron when chipping? My toughest chip is with a really tight lie
December 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. It all depends. There are a lot of variables that come into play. How much height, spin, carry, etc.. you need. Most players for a typical chip/bump and run will stay with a 9 or 8 iron.
December 2, 2016
Hi Chuck, Just got your email regarding feedback for this series. This is a fantastic idea, and I love this first video. I'm a good golfer (hdcp 3), but I've been plagued by often not getting a complete and total shoulder turn. At 7:52-7:55 in the video, that was a shocker. It's literally exactly what I've been doing, with resultant loss of power, trying to hit the ball harder, etc. I know that there are other videos on the site that address starting the backswing and weight shift, but this really hit home. By not only doing this exercise, but attending to the feeling that this movement causes let's me really get it. Thanks, Jeff
December 1, 2016
Will there be a follow up video or do you have to be part of the academy?? Not sure what the academy is
November 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. This video ended up being very popular with the membership. So, we decided to actually start creating a whole series dedicated to training this way. I apologize for the wait, but will keep everyone updated when we load the new drills.
December 1, 2016
I get the core rotation piece and I get the concept of using my core movement to place the arms. However my rotational movement must be wrong because when I practice the move with my arms/club they seem to naturally fall into a flat position with the club falling across the line. I have been rotating using the feeling of the right shoulder being pulled back behind me but should the feeling be more a vertical incline - when I practice a more vertical turn/rotation my arms appear to be 'thrown' more on an upwards/on plane motion?
November 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. I don't think you need to try a feel the shoulder rotation more on a vertical incline. But, allowing the momentum to help you swing the club up. Take a look at the Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing Video as a follow up for help.
November 30, 2016
I noticed my toes lift up when I balance to the inside of my ankles.
November 29, 2016
Thx, for both answers. Ill concentrate on this in todays practice.
November 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. You should be able to wiggle the toes. But, if they are raising too much or easily. Make sure you are over the ankle joints with the weight and not on the back of the heels.
November 30, 2016
As I perform this my lower back is bothering me. What are the explanations that would cause this?
November 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. You might need to allow for a little more hip turn if you are restricting their movement too much.
November 30, 2016
in the set up I do the hip bump and axis tilt but in the takeway How I can transfer my weight to the right without loosing the axis tilt?? The transfer requires to move the hip back to the right side ?? I f i do that I loose the axis tilt and I can hit the ball constantly good, I'm always hitting the ground before the ball, ANY SUGGESTIONS? ALSO I don't understand the concept of the shoulder blade , waht should I feel ??
November 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hector. The whole body will shift during weight transfer. It isn't just a bump back of the hip from the axis tilt position. Take a look a the Weight Shift Part 2 Video. Also, Understanding Shoulder Blade Glide and Body Rotation in Golf Backswing to help with shoulder blade feel.
November 28, 2016
Sound is not working.
November 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. The sound is working on my end. If the problem persist. Please contact Customer Support.
November 28, 2016
my neck tie drill is fine, my fluid movement gone when the devil comes in my hand(club) since i have started moving from my core, i take longer time on the stance and unable to play quickly. Please let me know whether elevation of my arms at the time of take away to back swing taking the club out.? how to cure this out the in resulting a fade.
November 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ashar. If you over elevate in the takeaway it can lead to the arms raising too soon and leading you towards the possibility of being too trail side dominant in the downswing swing resulting in over the top.
November 29, 2016
Excellent fav so far...keep em coming....
November 26, 2016
When i pull from my right shoulder, my takeaway goes inside as against the four box drill. Result is that i started hooking or playing to the left. With increase of every club up-till driver it goes worse. in my last review, i was asked to keep my spine away from the target. What is meaning of that. any video.
November 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ashar. If you were told to keep the spine away from the target. More than likely you are losing your tilt at the top of the backswing. Take a look at the Importance of Axis Tilt Video and the Necktie Drill.
November 27, 2016
Great video. Question - When I stack "weight shift" on to this drill "core rotation" will shift to the right as expected - correct?
November 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. It should.
November 25, 2016
Great video. Looking forward to the next installment. Only comment. Can you include a quick 10 seconds on set-up at the beginning just to get students started in the correct posture?
November 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Derek. It would be hard to add to this video. But, noted for the future. Thanks for the compliments. In the meantime, use the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Setup and Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes.
November 22, 2016
This is terrific! I always admired the regular instruction videos, and this concept I even better! Please continue this approach!
November 21, 2016
When is video #2 coming out?
November 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. I believe after the holiday.
November 21, 2016
Awesome, can't wait for next video !!!
November 20, 2016
Love this first video. After doing this one for a week I can really feel the difference in the mechanics of my swing. Simple, straight forward, easy for average golfer to understand . Golf courses starting to close down for the winter here in North Carolina. These are perfect for winter drill(s). Thank you RST!
November 20, 2016
Like the video a lot and look forward to the next one
November 20, 2016
Remember when you add the club stand farther away from the mirror. I'm on my way to Lowe's for a new mirror.
November 19, 2016
Ha! You should see the ceiling at my house.
November 20, 2016
Great video. Is it worth doing the drill with a resistance band around the knees to keep the left knee out?
November 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joel. The RotaryConnect would be better. You would start engaging some muscles not necessary in the swing to keep the knees stable.
November 17, 2016
Excellent approach. Kinda like following a bouncing ball. Do as I do. Youngsters learn visually and we older folk can do the same. Have a question though. When loading the right glut you tend to sit down slightly. This has also helped me keep the right side of my tush from moving forward (former hip swinger). Can this move replace the squat move you emphasize in starting the downswing? Since you are lower, shifting left can then start the momentum down, making the move left and then rotating? This seems simpler to me. Would appreciate your comments. Thanks, John Kurtz
November 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. As long as you get the weight into the lead side and keep the glutes engaged. You shouldn't require much more squat to be in a good position.
November 20, 2016
I've been a member off and no for a few years and have not felt like I needed to comment until now. I tried this core exercise and, I rotate pretty well and have focused on rotation. That said, since refocusing on this exercise and using it on the course, my timing, ball contact and distance has definitely improved and it has helped my scoring. So, keep these everyday exercises coming. Buzz
November 17, 2016
Just had a chance to watch the video. Thought it was great! This will be a huge help with the drills in being able to compare my positions with chucks. Thanks.
November 17, 2016
Looking forward to the next video of the series.
November 16, 2016
Good session! I hate to say this, but it's estimated that for a muscle movement to become "automatic", it takes about 7,000 repetitions. Which is to say, "Doint anything special for the next week and a half?" pk
November 16, 2016
I love this concept, especially with Chuck taking us through over 100 reps while we watch him and our positions in a mirror. The extra detail in regards to what we should be feeling in the obliques and glutes was extremely helpful. This will be a huge aid to improving, once each video is pieced together allowing easy follow along and progression through all parts of the swing. Well done!!
November 16, 2016
I like this video very much. I also tried it on my next practice session and it helped a lot. I am looking forward to the next one.
November 16, 2016
Great video, did the drill and played the next day. one of best rounds in a long time. My friends even commented the different sound at impact. Can't wait till you post more!
November 15, 2016
Why recognising the advantages that feedback brings... judging by the many positive comments here would you actually have time to review everyones videos?
November 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. What do you mean by reviewing everyones videos?
November 15, 2016
It's been a while since I checked my RST files. All I was trying to say was with your large following, if we all decided to do these drills, y'all would have a boatload of swings to review. Hat's off to you, again. Peter Kennedy M.D.
November 16, 2016
The original mail that came with this "There will be a series of videos that you would follow along and perform these drills every day for two weeks, then submit video of you doing the drills to get "check off" approval to move on to the next set of videos." This suggests we get reviewed before progressing seems like a lot to do in short time frame was all..great video though.
November 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. Gotcha. The suggestion is to use your 2 per month swing review of you performing the drill. That way one of our instructors can make sure you are performing the drill correctly before you jump to the next set of drills. We understand it will be a big load of swings. Nothing we can't handle though. Thanks for the compliments on the video and glad I was able to help answer your question.
November 15, 2016
G'day Chuck, You've really nailed it. This type of instruction is spot on.
November 15, 2016
Great presentation. Committing to this drill already has improved my ball contact and added distance.
November 15, 2016
I think this is a really good idea Chuck. I've enjoyed working along with the first video. I will continue to do so during the dark winter months and look forward to the other videos in the series.
November 15, 2016
Love it Chuck- This absolutely helps with the motions. I will spend a lot of time on this video I can tell.
November 15, 2016
Keep it going. Very clear and useful.
November 14, 2016
November 14, 2016
Chuck: I agree with the comments below. Extremely useful. May be good to get these drills in the Self Analysis as well so we can compare ourselves with your model swing... Thanks!
November 14, 2016
Is it possible to include the exercises or workouts that would compliment the drills in this video as well? May be start with the exercises and then do the drills?
November 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Thanks for the suggestion.
November 15, 2016
Appears yesterday's comment didn't make it. Basically my question has to do with how the back swing is initiated. You suggested it starts with pulling the right shoulder back then later said this activity was core driven. By the way way, I like what you're onto here. John Schoonover
November 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Glad you liked the video. I apologize you didn't receive a response. The trail shoulder blade is pulled by the core muscles. Lats, lower and middle fibers of the traps. You are using the trail shoulder and the obliques.
November 15, 2016
Fantastic exercise and backswing training video! Your demonstration of flexing the right leg a little more to activate the right glute seems to get me in a good squat position at the top of the backswing. Then when I shift my weight to lead side and straighten my lead leg and release, the additional swing speed is significant. Is this the right move? It feels like a squat to square move but it starts in my case with the added right leg flex as I reach the top of my backswing. Thanks.
November 14, 2016
Awesome video. I look forward to others just like it!
November 14, 2016
I concur with the numerous previous comments that this is an excellent video that can really facilitate do the drills correctly. I have been working on the step one weight shift drill for a couple weeks now but think I am now ready for step 2 core rotation. This new video will definitely help.
November 14, 2016
This is what I've been looking for regarding golf instructions. Great video training drills and to follow along with you is a wonderful way of getting into the proper movements required to build a great golf swing. Looking forward to future videos that I can follow along and do the drills with you... Great stuff!
November 14, 2016
Chuck, that was probably one of the BEST videos I have ever seen! I really hope you will continue to produce these! This was like having a personal trainer at a gym, where I could move along and duplicate the motions that were being instructed. Excellent innovation. Please keep it going.
November 14, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks so much Jesse!
November 14, 2016
I like it.... looking forward to more..!!
November 14, 2016
Owesome. No need to watch other videos. Please share the next.
November 14, 2016
This video is a good start and I'm very interested in seeing how this approach progresses. In my opinion golf instruction has gotten way too complicated. You can watch young guys and girls with lovely swings who have not been bombarded with the countless magazines, websites etc that us older golfers subscribe to. The instruction seems to have been made so complicated that we amateurs find it so difficult to improve. Unfortunately I think this website is also over complicated with the hundreds and hundreds of videos. If you do continue with this simple approach you MAY achieve what most sites, magazines and often useless training aids have not achieved, IMPROVING THE GOLF OF YOUR SUBSCRIBERS, time will tell. Barry.
November 14, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Barry, I agree that there's a ton of confusion out there. As for time telling, well, we've helped hundreds of thousands of golfers over the last 12 years improve their swings, so that ship has already sailed!
November 14, 2016
Apologies Chuck I wasn't tying to be negative about your instruction website. I'm sure you have seen great improvement but again I feel instruction in general is extremely over complicated. I know from my club, my friends and golf outings I play that the level in general is not improving. I also believe the PGA have also voiced that concern. I think the proof is in the responses you have here. Everyone loves simple instruction, whether it be golf, other sports, school or work. You have simplified part of the golf swing that most of us have seen hundreds of videos on or read countless articles on. That is a huge step forward in golf instruction.
November 17, 2016
All I can say is "Perfect". Not only is this new video a great visual, it is VERY beneficial when you state how the movement feels. Please keep up the good work.
November 14, 2016
Excellent video with clear explanation. Cant wait for the next one.
November 14, 2016
Thanks! this is a great way to really train / drill the body to get the right feeling happening, its all about the reps!
November 13, 2016
Clarity of explanation is excellent it is consistent with all videos For those who are new to the site 1. What is an oblique and the other muscle groups you talk about Perhaps a muscular diagram parallel would help. I know as I have watched previous videos. 2. Stacking - just a suggestion of adding club upside down (same as other videos on the site as interim rep step. Cheers, Greg
November 13, 2016
This series is excellent!
November 13, 2016
Hey Chuck. Nice video. You almost "matter-of-factly- mentioned not jamming your chin into the left arm. I realized I had been doing that. Went to the mirror, kept my head up which allowed me to reduce the flatness of my swing which had crept in, then to the range, bingo, the inconsistencies disappeared! Thanks again.
November 13, 2016
Early in the presentation, you suggested to start the backswing move by pulling the right shoulder back (like that feeling). Then later you said that backswing movement is done with the core. Also, will you be doing anything with the mental part of this difficult game? JS
November 13, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. To my knowledge, we don't have any mental videos upcoming. As to the turning aspect. You use the oblique and trail shoulder to help rotate. The trail shoulder is pulled by the lats and lower/middle muscle fibers of your traps. All are still located in the core.
November 14, 2016
Excellent - looking forward to this series!
November 13, 2016
This approach to teaching is what makes you the best "out there". Everyone else just says make this movement or that movement without ever telling you why.
November 13, 2016
Great video. I'd like to see a few left arm only model swings added to the Self Analysis library to check against. Both Full and 9-3. Thanks
November 13, 2016
This is EXCELLENT !!!! Please keep sending these to us ALSO ADD pitching, chipping, putting, UNEVEN LIES, club selection Tom Lawson Columbus Ohio
November 13, 2016
RST videos are great but I do prefer this new model simply because it allowsme to see you perform many more reps. If a question arises, all I have to do is focus my attention on that portion of the swing and continue to observe, mentally moving on when I have my answer.
November 13, 2016
Some really good information. I like the structure of the video by taking the student through the process step by step.
November 13, 2016
Quite superb. More like this please. Only improvement I would suggest for this particular video is to have a reminder about what it means to be "in the box". I found this to be a somewhat confusing subject when I first came across it, I think this drill will help by turning it into a specific workout/set of feelings. One other comment. I have found that some specific mobility workouts very helpful both for golf and just generally feeling better. A physio recommended the MobilityWOD as examples, I am sure there are more. I appreciate there will be commerical issues around it but some specific drills from a source like this to help, for example: improve shoulder mobility, reduce spinal curvature or be able to perform movements such as squats with good form would help complement a series like this.
November 13, 2016
I think a number of us concur with Peter's statement. We are working the drills and don't want to be cut off from aspects of the entire program. By the by, this new video is outstanding; it provides even more refined insights into the Rotary Swing. This is very valuable. Thanks!
November 13, 2016
For me this is the missing link, it helps me stay focused while working along to it, and gives immediate feedback, should be available for each drill. My take is, RST focuses on incremental learning, this method helps to identify your readiness to move on to the next drill/stage. I think the whole system would benefit from this approach. IMO THIS IS A GREAT INNOVATION AND A MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT-THANKS.
November 13, 2016
I hope, this is the right place to ANSWER YOUR QUESTION: I do all your drills at home with a mirror but no camera/video. Every 2/3 weeks I go to my local pro and have him videotape me, so I know what to correct. I have no tools to provide these videos to you. If I were to be allowed to see the next stage only when I send you my videos, I'd be cut off your program. I've been a member for many years, appreciate your excellent approach and am emphatically asking you for more trust..Greetings from Spain!
November 13, 2016
November 12, 2016
Great idea and video. It will be easier to do the reps with this tool. I do have trouble keeping my left arm from bending at the elbow when adding the club,m especially as I try to raise the grip above shoulder height. Suggestions? Is this a strengthening issue?
November 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. You can have a soft lead arm. Don't stress too much. The trail arm when added back will keep the lead arm from bending too much.
November 14, 2016
I am a passionate golfer desperate for improvement that has tried every type of training method imaginable without success until I stumbled onto RST one year ago. I still have a ways to go to reach my goals but based on my fantastic experience with RST will be starting unlimited reviews shortly now that winter is approaching. My knowledge of the swing has improved dramatically but I still struggle to put it all together. I am extremely analytical by nature and this is EXACTLY the type of video that I am looking for! Thank you Chuck and PLEASE make more!
November 12, 2016
It is first time that I have appreciated the nuances of a golf swing motion. A very informative video.
November 12, 2016
I love it. I am so excited with my improvement through your videos. I am a believer. My golf buddies keep asking me what am I doing to change my game?
November 12, 2016
thomas p
Love this format of the guided drills. Definitely hoping there is more of this style to come.
November 12, 2016
Great drill as always. Once I master it, all I need to do is take it to the golf course and repeat it . Somehow I lose concentration of what I'm suppose to do until after I hit another bad shot! Grrrrr!
November 12, 2016
You already have the best instruction I have seen. This is more great stuff. Thanks for your commitment to excellence.
November 12, 2016
Loving the new format, you provide the concept while actively training the body. If we follow along physically, we will be training the brain with the key thoughts simultaneously. It's an awesome integration, great job, and i hope to see a continuance of this series.
November 12, 2016
Love the follow along videos, looking forward to the downswing videos.
November 12, 2016
Hi Chuck. Really great video to correlate with the rest of the rotary system. Put in the right order/ sequence, it provides a great complement between seeing what you need to do, then actually doing what you need to do (with clarification/checkpoints). Keep adding them and I think you provide a lot more value to your subscribers. I also think you will reduce the number of questions/inquiries that people post that you've probably answered thousands of times already. Bottom line: thumbs up. Tom
November 12, 2016
I love this method of teaching. Easy to follow and very repeatable. This is really helpful. Edward Sordillo.
November 12, 2016
Good Afternoon Chuck and all @ TeamRotary! As I've said before I have a greater understanding of the golf swing than ever but still struggle to put it all together in sequence on the golf course. I reckon with these powerful visuals and reps, things will really begin to happen... Thanks, William
November 12, 2016
Really like this. Please keep adding more videos with this concept.
November 12, 2016
Chuck, this is a piece of the puzzle that fills in everything about the process. Focusing on the work and getting feed-by from the mirror is the best way for me to understand. I'm a high handicapper and your sample here has already made my swing look better. Your description comments for the video are spot on.
November 12, 2016
This was the best golf instruction video I have ever seen. Too many videos tell you what to do but leave out How to do it and how to master the move. Chuck if you only end up with 10 lessons in this series that is all I would ever need to see. This new series is an outstanding approach to teaching and one that I know will result in me finally learning how to make a great golf swing. Thanks, Derek
November 12, 2016
The 'do as I do work along video' is a simple concept but a brilliant adoption for golf! Keep it going.... please.
November 12, 2016
Hi Chuck.Fantasic idea a great way to learn,looking forward to up coming videos.Donny
November 12, 2016
Great video. Thank you.
November 12, 2016
Excellent idea. I will follow the program.
November 12, 2016
Excellent teaching can't get enough of it. As a current member the thing I like the most is the fact I can set my own rate of implementing new swing techniques from RST. Highly recommend Rotary Golf.
November 11, 2016
This is fantastic, really going to help with the back swing, looking forward to move videos
November 11, 2016
I can only echo other positive comments. I'm fairly new to RST and like so many others, I've tried and failed to improve using various other swing 'tips' and methods. This step by step follow me process seems perfect. Keep it up and looking forward to future videos.
November 11, 2016
I like it
November 11, 2016
I like the "follow along" approach for a couple of reasons. It helped me to actually do the drill for the duration of the video instead of seeing a drill as part of a video and then going off on my own. Secondly, watching while doing especially showing different angles, allowed me to keep better form as I went along.
November 11, 2016
Good video. Follow along video's are helpful. Highlights just doing the physical movements, simple. FYI: I decided to get serious about golf a year or so ago, and went from a 15 hdcp to the present 6 hdcp using RST. I'm 63, a slight restriction of neck movement which takes my eye off the ball for a split second when making a full 90 degree turn to backswing due to broken neck as a kid, but have found the RST is definitely body friendly. The bio-mechanical correct claim is true! No unnatural soreness, even when playing 36 holes. I highly recommend the RST for anyone.
November 11, 2016
Terrific!!!!! I'm looking forward to the next one
November 11, 2016
Wow. Amazing. I am in.
November 11, 2016
I think this is great.
November 11, 2016
My response-OUTSTANDING. Slowly breaking it down and showing us as you have done in the other videos is great. But, when viewing it in a slightly different fashion-you might pick up a little something different. Like with most things in life, its all in the details. That 1 little pick up can possibly take you to the next level. Keep up the GREAT work. OK, back to my drills !
November 11, 2016
Love, love, love it!!! Excellent concept for us still struggling to improve our game. One thought though, with the black floor and white walls, please consider the color of your clothes. Lighter colored shorts would stand out and show your body movements even better. Looking forward to the next video. Thanks so much.
November 11, 2016
Hi Chuck, I think the concept is an excellent solution to our success in this craZY game. The program may make the most sense if it had a 2 week isolated movement then have an instructor critique it with a pass or fail before the next step was introduced. Then after the steps in the section of the swing is complete a a video should be submitted by the student to verify they have grasped the concept, ETC.
November 11, 2016
Great concept, but to do the drills with a Club I would need to follow the exercises from a portable DVD Player/ Laptop (ceilings are not high enough to swing even a sand wedge) so the possibility to download the Training Videos would be essential. I think that is also true for your other Videos because I have to make copious notes to take to the driving range or wherever - this gets somewhat tedious and then the drills don't happen. Bob Germany.
November 11, 2016
This is a terrific help. Combining the first few movements, in a very non-mechanical way, really helps me get the feel of the backswing. I've always struggled trying to combine several small movements into one, and this really resonates with me. One fine (perhaps) point: Is it a problem to flex/squat as I'm making the rotation back, as opposed to making the rotation, then squatting a bit. It feel much more natural to me, but I want to make sure I'm not creating a problem for some next movements.
November 11, 2016
really great! muscle memory is something i truly need. I would like to understand a bit better what i should be feeling in my feet...pressure on trail instep, my front heel is coming off the ground slightly, etc.
November 11, 2016
Excellent tutorial! This video uniquely gives you the opportunity to achieve the feeling of a perfect backswing, and to be able to check that your position at the top is correct in the mirror at the same time. Peter Harris UK
November 11, 2016
Chuck, Home run! Very helpful. Hope you continue, look forward to the next one!!!
November 11, 2016
This video was perfect for me, 68 years old, not quite flexible, yet muscular-forces me to keep my left arm straighter, and arc wider going back, without your saying to do that, which is how I, at my level, need instruction.
November 11, 2016
I thought the video quite good in showing principles of backswing! Thanks!
November 11, 2016
Chuck. I am a 74 year old high handicapper, new to Rotary Swing, trying to get better because nothing else has worked and your system made sense to me. I think this type of video instruction combined with the existing videos and the coaching IS the way to go. It provides an easy to follow video presentation that i can replicate in real time. And then, when I have a minute during the day, I can do the drills without the computer. I plan to use the video every day to make sure I do it right, and practice with out the video. I can always go back to the original videos to clear something up. I am really looking forward to the entire new video series.
November 11, 2016
Chuck, I think the "follow along" method with a "check off" approval BEFORE moving on to the next step is a brilliant idea. There is so much wonderful content on your site that it is often tempting to jump around and work on what one "thinks" is the current swing ailment or area that needs improvement. I can say that I've been guilty of doing it and sometimes I've been right and sometimes I've been dead wrong. I personally would find this follow along method really valuable and a huge compliment to the other material that you provide. I hope you move forward with this series and I look forward to participating! Thank you - Scott
November 11, 2016
Agreed here too. This a great approach as I am also guilty of jumping around the content. I will be following this approach
November 11, 2016
"Ditto" this point!
November 11, 2016
This approach will work very well to get the movements down so they are done correctly. Provides a bit of motivation in that it is like excercising with a buddy albeit not completely the same. I read some of the comments and was very interested with Marc's comment on early release and that is the same place I am having problems with. I completely agree that this would be a great topic for a new video. This seems to be a sticking point with progress. I have been over and over the videos but do not understand the release aspect completely. A new video that would clear up this confusion with release would help tremendously. It could be incorporated in one of the videos in this series.
November 11, 2016
Hi Jim I think I have figured it out the early release issue thanks to two videos Cedex recommended to me on Friday. The first video "Right Arm in Downswing: Stop Casting" shows how you keep the arm bent in the downswing. The second video "Step-by-Step Right Arm Drills" is particularly interesting as it shows how the right arm releases across the body; it does not release how I was expecting it to release i.e like in a tennis forearm. The bicep straightens the arm in a straight manner across the body without any rotation. That is where the trick is As I was rotating the right arm, the left hand had no choice but to release too early. Best, Marc
November 14, 2016
Chuck, I feel this is a great intro to why you should setup, and move your shoulders with your core. It's too easy to just move your arms around your body and not have any power when you try and strike the ball. I have been a student of yours for a couple of years now, and I have been improving each year. At 62, I felt that I would not be flexible enough to make a good golf swing. No so, and your video proves it. I look forward to more in this series.
November 11, 2016
wow!!! for me, I need 2 things in a leatning process: understand... first... and DO IT RIGHT.., second! This approach does it ALL ! Thank you...
November 11, 2016
Chuck, you requested comments. Well here I go. I think that you have a range of student types that I am sure that your psychologists and other advisors will no better than me. Some will want to see full explanation videos with drills at the end as they want to know full details of what can be achieved, why and what to do. At the other end of the spectrum students will just want to do the drills without explanation. This video satisfies the latter category. I ma working on drills with Chris a Tyler, but, still go back to other drills to try and ingrained the movement patterns. This type of video helps by being drill only. A section of drill only will be, in my opinion, beneficial. However, you have so much content that you need to be careful about how it is organized. I know you were intending to relaunch your site. Has this been done? Where will you put this series of videos? I enjoyed this video and did follow along. I will do so again to help ingrain moves which are still very early stage. Michael
November 11, 2016
Magnificent instruction, as are all of Chucks videos. He leads one to think and feel what's going on with the muscles in the body and understand why this is the way to improve your swing, versus the typical do this do that approach to golf instruction. I'm an older golfer with a 15 handicap, and feel my understanding of the golf swing and execution has improved immensely in the time I have followed Chuck's instructions. However, I Have many swing weaknesses, but now understand where they are and continually strive to improve. Thank you very much Mr. Quinton. Looking forward to your new series. K. Morris K. Morris
November 11, 2016
Really good video, will comment in a few days to how this worked for me.
November 11, 2016
This is EXACTLY what is needed to help me develop my swing changes. There are so many great videos on the RST site, but the way you piece the steps with this type of approach is like the GLUE that links them together. I think you are right on target with this approach. I'm looking forward to additional videos using this same approach. I also like the idea of submitting a video as a "check off" to proceed to the next step.
November 11, 2016
Great! Im starting today
November 11, 2016
Chuck, this is an excellent idea. Really helpful.
November 11, 2016
Awesome video. What I find really hard is to turn the body with my core but maintaining the club on plane and avoiding taking it too far to the inside. If you just focus on core rotation the weight of the club makes it naturally want to get to the inside, any tips?
November 11, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That's where you add arm elevation.
November 11, 2016
Thanks very much Chuck, that's the part I need to work on. Congrats for your work.
November 11, 2016
I like it. Basic and repetitive but such a great drill. The backswing is vital and it is so easy to take the club back too far inside. I'm working on my backswing at the present time as my swing has become inconsistent. This drill will fix it.
November 11, 2016
Hi Chuck, I have just started with RST, although an experienced golfer with a handicap of 13. I have only started with the 5 minute takeaway video, so this video is very timely. I like the way you have drills to follow on and think its a great idea to submit a video before progressing. Would add some references to other videos in your catalogue, particular for newcomers like me, so we can just click through to watch, e.g. the neck tie drill you mention. Also, all of this seems to be done without a ball and indoors - is there anything that can be done with a ball and outdoors? Keep up the good work
November 11, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Welcome Robert! There are lots of drills on the site that can be done outdoors while hitting balls, the goal however, is to get you to do as much as you can inside in front of a mirror as it's a much faster way to progress.
November 11, 2016
Hi. Great video. Any chance of being able to download the video? I use V1 swing analyzer and would like to compare my swings alongside yours.
November 11, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
No, our videos are not downloadable.
November 11, 2016
Good video, sharp and to the point, I can see this working across the full range of lessons.
November 11, 2016
exellent. Exercises for all day! Perhaps You can also create a sheet with a correlated training program over some weeks with some drills for every day
November 10, 2016
Very nice video. In fact I was going to write to you to suggest that you create a video to emphasize the importance of the obliques in the takeaway to make sure the club does not go behind in the takeaway as there are no such videos today. There are plenty a good videos on the takeaway and the 2 inch move of the right shoulder but without engaging the oblique muscles to move the arms it is so easy to move the club behind, which will make you go deep in the backswing. Though I am a single handicap it took me months to figure this out even though I had seen most of your videos and it is only when I found your video "5 minutes to the perfect rotation" that the penny dropped and I understood how to keep the club in front. I would like to suggest a good topic for a new video. I have been taking unlimited reviews with Craig for the last 3 months something which I can only recommend but we have been somehow stuck in the last weeks on trying to get me from releasing too early. Perfect backswing thanks to the unlimited reviews, nice weight shift, perfect position at impact with left arm only but when I add the right arm I somehow loose it. We have established now that the issue seems to come from the fact that when I have my two hands on the grip I have the objective of hitting the ball and as a result my left hand is trying to square the club as it would seem my mind does not believe the club will naturally square it self at impact. When I do my left hand only drills I am not concerned about hitting the ball and hence I don't try to square the face. In fact when I swing in slow motion I can see that the back of my left hand is still pointing way way right when the hand just passes the belt buckle in the downswing. You actually have a video that shows that the left hand only starts turning when it reaches the left thigh and though there are many videos on the release, very much like what I just mentioned for the takeaway and the need to engage the obliques, I was not able for a long time to get the full picture from your videos on how to properly release with the use of my obliques and with the hands not forcing the rotation and this despite Craig's really good feedback and trained eye. You might want to discuss this with Craig but as I said this could be a good topic for a new video. Best, Marc
November 10, 2016
Marc, your comments really struck a chord with me. I am also a single digit handicap and it sounds like we are working on the same things. I have been solely focused on the 2 inch shoulder glide and after this latest video, I feel like I need to get my obliques more involved. Chuck, thank you for clearing this up! I also struggle with releasing the club too early. Like you Marc, I have a great release with plenty of lag when I swing with my left arm only. But once the right arm/hand gets involved, all my lag goes away. It's not clear from your comments, did you manage to fix this?
November 11, 2016
I think the trick Dave is to move the back of the left hand the same way you do when you only swing with the left hand. When your hands reach the left thigh in the downswing, the back of the hand points in front of you and when you swing with the left hand only the back of the hand points about 30 degree right to the target line as the hands reaches the left thigh, which is when the left hand rotates naturally. I find that when both hands are on the club, the back of the left hands points at 30 degree far too early, about when my hand reaches the belt buckle as I am somehow forcing the rotation and as Craig says not trusting the fact that the club face will be square at impact. I hope it helps.
November 11, 2016
Thanks Marc! I will experiment with this.
November 11, 2016
Hi Dave I think I have figured it out the early release issue thanks to two videos Craig recommended to me on Friday. The first video "Right Arm in Downswing: Stop Casting" shows how you keep the arm bent in the downswing. The second video "Step-by-Step Right Arm Drills" is particularly interesting as it shows how the right arm releases across the body; it does not release how I was expecting it to release i.e like in a tennis forearm. The bicep straightens the arm in a straight manner across the body without any rotation. That is where the trick is As I was rotating the right arm, the left hand had no choice but to release too early. Best, Marc
November 14, 2016
Excellent - very beneficial- look forward to seeing the whole swing sequence this way
November 10, 2016
I like the follow along concept. I would slow down just a little so we can follow you correctly
November 10, 2016
It's a very good idea. I would like to participate in this program.
November 10, 2016
Outstanding video and I love the concept! It is simple to follow and when you added the club in it pulls everything together to help me see the end result. Looking forward to seeing more.
November 10, 2016
Hi Chuck How should I be breathing while doing these reps? I was thinking breath in on the back turn and then exhaling on the squat while relaxing.
November 10, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Doesn't matter much to be honest, I was talking during the whole thing! There are some people that think when you breathe makes a huge difference but I've never once given any thought to how or where I'm breathing in my swing.
November 11, 2016
Hum good, as Forest Gump would say "One less thing to worry about"
November 11, 2016
Having this video to follow along with is the first time I have achieved so many reps without becoming bored and unattached. I love it ! More of these will be great. The REALLY valuable gems I received from this one were the slight sit feeling to activate the glutes (now I know what activating the glutes really feels like) and the left shoulder coming slightly down as I turn (because of my axis tilt) whereas my previous focus was on turning shoulders horizontally and I think this was causing a reverse pivot and fading and slicing of the ball. I am keen to see when I play today, what effect this has because I have nearly always had a fade on my shots and was not sure why. I like the idea of uploading a video that proves we can do this before moving on to the next one, however, this second part could turn out to be a logistical and time problem for you to manage. Thanks Again. John Mc
November 10, 2016
Wonderful. Great addition to the learning system. Keep these coming!
November 10, 2016
I didn't see you squat all the time you where doing the back swing with and without the club. Is that ok that we leave it out, but do it when making a real swing at a golf ball?
November 10, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The squat is a very small move and a "feel" as much as anything, it doesn't need to be a pronounced move.
November 11, 2016
Chuck, first a great video. As a more "mature" person with sedentary job, combining the moves into a workout regime will be most beneficial. Like Randy above, your sit is not noticeable except when you emphasize it to us. Is that because you feel the glute energize so there is no need to make an obvious sitting motion (i.e., is the sit simply to let us know what one should feel without making an intentional sit move?). I had seen the sit move in another video and when I tried it I sat too much often causing my club to hit the ground a bit behind the ball. I really appreciate your site. David
November 11, 2016
Chuck excellent idea. I personally find following along with you modeling a part of the swing a very effective way to learn. I'm especially looking forward to you going through the downswing and providing a description of what you should be feeling to post-up properly. Thank you!
November 10, 2016
I really like this method... it's too bad you haven't done the follow thru... that is where I am having my problems... I know it is coming... I can wait... I am getting along better but it seems that when I get tired I hurry and loose concentration... and speed up... It has taken me a long time to master the squat... it's coming but not there all the way around yet... my shots are getting better and straighter... this is really good... thanks..
November 10, 2016
Excellent!! Very clear, concise video. This is the very best golf video I have seen, and I've seen 100s.
November 10, 2016
This video is just what I need as a beginner golfer to establish a strong swing foundation. It is clear to me I've been waisting my time with lessons and a lot of bogus information elsewhere on the internet.
November 10, 2016
Great concept having a train-along-with-me video series that builds technique one step on top of the other. Suggestions based on your other videos: 1) when positioning matters (e.g. feet or hand or ball position) please add reference lines on the floor, your shirt, glove, or even on the club. This helps compensate for the camera angle. 2) Try to do the movement once slow and steady without talking or looking at the camera. This is to give us a reference to go back to when trying to understand what the position/movement should look like without being too exaggerated or too fast. 3. Like you did in this video, shooting video from both face on and down the line helps. (overhead would be a cool addition too.) Thanks for this video. I look forward to the down swing drill video.
November 10, 2016
Very good! This is what we need. I was able to do many reps and could feel the Glute working. Looking forward to more of these! Thanks Dave
November 10, 2016
November 10, 2016
This drill is awesome in rotation memory, my chiropractor gave me a similar drill but focusing on the first part and rotating both sides of the body? I have been in the past, doing this drill on a vibrating plate and I found that my big muscles were responding really well with more distance too my driving (thus with better core rotation) I am really looking forward to using this latest drill from Chuck as I can see that the reps shown from start to finish must improve my golf to an even better level.
November 10, 2016
This is a great video! I really like how you start out with just a small move, explain that in detail and then add a little more, building the backswing a little at a time. Some things I like to hear about is how things feel. Such as how the trail hip feels when the backswing is loaded up, is there a crosswise tension angled because of the spine tilt? Also I would know about how the pulling motions are achieved, do I feel the pull on my trail foot as I hip adduct the trail hip? It's these small feeling descriptions that help let me know that I'm actually doing it right, not just looking like I'm moving the same.
November 10, 2016
This is what I have been looking for along with the idea of an instructor analyzing my workout video to correct faults. In fact I am in the process of doing this with the winter series of videos. This video is more complete with respect to the proper technique. I certainly would like to see more of them as I am have been trying to rebuild my swing for awhile now.
November 10, 2016
Superb. Considering adding more common errors made by students like the one where lead knee bends too much on backswing
November 10, 2016
Robert James
great concept and it is already helping me finally gain the kinesthetic awareness that is lacking in my swing. My brain seems extra slow to learn. Can't wait to do it again tomorrow. Look forward to more!!
November 10, 2016
Great idea. Many of us need a means of accountability cause we're impatient and are used to trying one tip after another rather than relearning a correct swing movement.
November 10, 2016
Genius and exactly what this site has been missing. My only request would be to add models of all of these drills to the self analysis section.
November 10, 2016
Exactly what I'm looking for.
November 10, 2016
This is VERY helpful. Look forward to the rest of this series! This explains exactly HOW as opposed to just demonstrating WHAT to do. Please keep these coming.
November 10, 2016
Just what I need. Was really hard to learn new movements while trying to play alot. Now that our season is over here i was hoping to work on really creating a sound swing from the beginning. Tying this in with progressive testing swing reveiws will be awesome.
November 10, 2016
Looks good Chuck. It really helps to consolidate the 'jungle' of videos in the entire website. I also like the idea of submitting our personal videos to measure our progress.
November 10, 2016
I love the videos and your simple explanation for doing the drills. But now you are addressing my biggest concern, am I doing them correctly? Even with a mirror it's not always easy to tell. I really like the concept of "passing a test" before adding the next moves.
November 10, 2016
Brilliant idea, I've read some of the comments below and agree with Peter's idea with the split screen , all in all a great concept , keep up the good work guys.
November 10, 2016
Chuck, I think it is a great idea. Your demo video gives a detailed explanation of the required movements. I think I would learn a lot by participating in the program. Thanks, Gary
November 10, 2016
As a 65 yr old I really need this Drill to try and keep the core moving and strong. I find when I'm playing the best is when the core is still fueling the shoulder turn. This simply drill will motivate me to do these reps and "finish strong", to quote Drew Brees.
November 10, 2016
Chuck, I love it. The simple descriptions of what we should be "feeling" will surely speed-up the learning process.
November 10, 2016
Awesome! The translation from your previous videos that may have described what type of drill you should do into actually watching you do the drill for a length of time really sets in for me. I also like having a daily rep goal. I look forward to "following along" with more drills!
November 10, 2016
Chuck this is a great idea. Will definitely keep me motivated in doing the drills and getting the reps in looking forward to see more follow along videos. Keep up the good work.
November 10, 2016
Wonderful concept!! Pls keep going. It would be ven better for me if you: 1. Continue using movement learning appropriate attire. You used shorts here - great that we can see yur knees. If you use light color shorts, we could see your hip movement better. A white shirt is much better for us to see movement than your beautiful dark shirts. 2. A split screen showing 2 perspectives simultaneously would be helpful. Please don't change the way you talk and verbally explain things... you're spot on perfect at that already
November 10, 2016
Really great .. can't wait or the same detail on how to get down without messing everything up!
November 10, 2016
Chuck--I can see myself doing this. The "follow along" concept will get me in front of the mirror and working on these drills in a step by step fashion. Please keep them coming!!
November 10, 2016
Thank you. I very much like the concept of the "follow me" drills/videos. I think it might be helpful to try to mention a number of "feels" we could try to achieve to get to a particular place in the swing, if you know what I mean. It would be very helpful for the kinaesthetic learners out here amongst us. Also, I think you should consider tucking your shirt in on these videos so that we can see your belt line/hip line as this will be important I'm sure in future videos. Finally, maybe an email prompt each time the next video is posted, to remind us that it's there might be helpful. Keep up the great work and thank you again.
November 10, 2016
Great concept Chuck. Great job on the demo video. A suggestion may be that you tie this in with your five-step system. looking forward to the rest.
November 10, 2016
Best instruction ever! How I would've loved to have had this insight o those many years ago. I'm certain that this is the very best approach going. Many thanks.
November 10, 2016
Chuck - I recently attended one of your clinics (which was great - thank you). I really like your idea here as this is a very good way to motivate me to do this for long enough and for enough reps without getting bored. When I try doing this on my own, I get bored after a few reps and move on too quickly without building the Myelin. So I really like your idea, and would love to see the rest of the series. Thanks, David
November 10, 2016
Looks good. I do have one suggestion to being able to see the movement clearly and that is wear light clothing. If you wear black or very dark colors we can't see the hip or shoulder moves. Thanks for the video.
November 10, 2016
Excellent. This approach is exactly what I need.
November 10, 2016
Great idea! I think this \ supports a learning plan that has been missing from your tutelage. I know getting the reps in is most important. Craig has drilled that into my psyche and as hard as it has been to jump to the end game, I've learned this is the way to have better mechanics.
November 10, 2016
RE: Your request for feedback -- First few minutes: Maybe comment on other setup items, i.e. I notice your lead foot "turned out" -- If you wore "bicycle shorts" / "shirt" (i.e. more close fitting), I'll bet we could see your muscles "engage" more and "see" what you are pointing to -- A couple lines on the floor would help on the "down the line" view -- Like how you offer various "possibilities" of what it "feels like" ... it may feel different to others -- the Lines on your shirt help show the arm movements in a very cool way! ... wonder if it would be helpful to have lines that go from the arm-pit down the side ... (or other lines you may think helpful!) -- While I really appreciate your reflections on various "concepts","language use", etc in all your teachings ... a series like this that FOCUSES on BODY MOVEMENTS is really helpful. Nice work!
November 10, 2016
Very cool concept, being a recent unlimited member this looks like it may be the 2nd best way to learn and practice.
November 10, 2016
Very nice! I'm a bit confused about the sit he talks about at 1:55 in. He's not advocating that as part of the first move down, right? I assume he's just saying to sit so we feel the glute activate, but in our normal swing we wouldn't add that sit move, correct?
November 10, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Everything done here is exactly what should be done in the real swing, I'd never tell you to drill something that I didn't want you to actually do!
November 11, 2016
My right hip tens to rotate too far behind me. So when you say "if you can't get a full turn, let your hips turn," that is death for me. How do I make a full shoulder turn and turn my hips, but only a little?
November 10, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You're almost definitely letting your hips turn too early during the takeaway.
November 11, 2016
Ok ... so how does one know at what point it's "OK" to let the hips turn?
November 11, 2016
Agree that this approach will be very informative and helpful! Looking forward to the series.
November 10, 2016
Excellent and helpful video. I notice in the drill Chuck's head moves to nearly over his right foot - would you please explain if this is to be followed or try to keep your head from moving to the right too much or just let what happens happen. Thank you for this innovative type teaching. Michael
November 10, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I broke my neck and it is fused.
November 11, 2016
I was aware of that as I read the story of the event online some time ago. May I ask if this was not the case what would be you advise re my questions above? Thank you again
November 11, 2016
Great concept. I liked how you demonstrated and emphasized what we should be feeling at different points and what mistakes can creep in. Well done.
November 10, 2016
Superb. Ideal for the winter, back to basics, then build it from there. Excellent
November 10, 2016
A series like this would be great.
November 10, 2016
This was great.... as with everything you do here...
November 10, 2016
Wonderful idea, sometimes I get focused on all the other things, I forget about my right should blade and its role and I have a tendency to stand up on my backswing, Keep the videos and drills coming!
November 10, 2016
Love how this video rehashes the key elements of the rotation and backswing in one space. Glad this series is here as I work through the winter.
November 10, 2016
Hey Chuck, this was great! It's really easy to learn muscle by muscle to help get the correct backswing movement - it fills in so many gaps that were missing before I started to perform this exercise properly. I will definitely be doing this on a daily basis, I'm 72 and losing flexibility but I can now achieve the full backswing once it was explained in such excellent detail... thank you. John, new Zealand
November 10, 2016
Fantastic teaching tool. This simplifies things for people like me who tend to make things over,y complicated. Keep it up! Greg K.
November 10, 2016
Good video and highly appreciated. Really important for us to see and interact on how you do the drills. The way you explain them in details, i.e. like the "glute load" in this video are so much easier to understand than other videos from the past. When will you start releasing the other "follow along" videos? Marius
November 10, 2016
Serious prombem for most of us amateurs - avoiding throwing left arm against the chest. I hope this series helps.
November 10, 2016
I like the idea. It gives the viewer a great description and visual of what is required to learn the movement, and I like the step by step plan, as well as the reps required idea. It is like a work out video, but it is golf specific. It's a great idea keep it up.
November 10, 2016
Love it! I want more!
November 10, 2016
Chuck, excellent video. In general your website has improved my game immeasurably, I am 56 , now a 12.7 handicap, hoping to break 10 in 2017. I have told a lot of people about your site.
November 10, 2016
This is exactly what I need to work on. I have always been up and out of my posture and it makes my shot making erratic.
November 10, 2016
Awesome!!! Just what I needed.
November 10, 2016
I have already seen improvement in my game by following the Rotary Swing methods. I think walking us through the drills is an excellent idea and will help me a lot...
November 10, 2016
I think this method will work for me. I'm 75 and have never had a golf swing. My best score even in my 40's was a 78. Now I am lighter and cannot hit the ball any more and I'm lucky if I shoot in the 90's. I live in cold winter weather and hope to follow these movements all winter long. I don't know if I have the flexibility any more but I'm sure gonna work on your moves. I have to get a mirror and a monitor to watch you because I can't be left alone or I will start easing up. Thanks again. Mike Ahern, Illinois
November 10, 2016
Michael Kurt
Excellent instruction video. Even I get it how the swing should work and how to get there. Please add more of that kind.
November 10, 2016
That was explained pretty well Definitely helpful doing the reps right along with you Thanks
November 10, 2016
I think this is a very informative video,simply explains where you need to be in the back swing . Looking forward to the next videos,
November 10, 2016
As a new golfer, working through the RST videos, what appeals to me about this latest series is the opportunity to video myself doing the exercises and "graduating" on to actually swinging the golf club! I have reached the 9-3 drill on the practice range and haven't submitted any videos because I haven't yet built a complete golf swing. I welcome the opportunity to get my progress critiqued through this series. Thanks!
November 10, 2016
Really good!!
November 10, 2016
Like it!!
November 10, 2016
Terrific, it's like having you in our presence. Clear direction on what needs to be done and how to do it and feel it.
November 10, 2016
I really like the video step by step idea because i just joined and have received emails asking if i have uploaded a swing video for review, however i am building my swing from the ground up and don't have anything to show other than my previous swing which is terribly flawed. Going through the series one area at a time and submitting a video based on the progress thus far instead of a full swing seems more efficient.
November 10, 2016
Really like this drill and the slight squat because I have a tendency to stand up.
November 10, 2016
I love the new method. Very interactive. More welcome.
November 10, 2016
A very good video. I like the methodology to build step by step. Indoor Training perfect for the season. A tip: Keep certain key positions for a few seconds so it's easier to compare with my own. I have to be quick and take screenshots and compare with myself but it would help a lot if you hold for a few seconds. Michael Bosson, Sweden
November 10, 2016
Great Video . My game has really improved with your drills, I have dropped to a 8 handicap from a 12 . . I just get a little lazy and swing all arms instead of using my core , this is a great visual to load up on your right side. Please keep them coming.
November 10, 2016
Really enjoyed video Chuck ... is squat move mentioned here related to the "squat to square" move? Thanks very much, Rich
November 10, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
November 11, 2016
Looked like his head was moving quite a bit. Is that so he could look at the camera or is the head supposed to follow the upper body in that manner?
November 10, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I broke my neck and it is fused.
November 11, 2016
Great Summary and easy to follow along with, thanks. I wonder how the brain keeps these correct movements in its forefront when we go to the course swing a bit like we used to. I''ve struggled to lose my old left side dominance and I sometimes notice it creeping back in on some shots. How can we keep playing without undoing all the good work of following along with you?
November 10, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You better be fully committed to focusing on the movement while you play or you're going to undo a lot of your work.
November 11, 2016
Great video and you can train at home
November 10, 2016
Hi Chuck, I really like this work-along video. You are now offering the right mix of words, images and visible ACTION. I also like the fact you kept this video to 3 elements. I found it easier to remember. Thanks for your patience and clarity of teaching. It is helping me a lot. Kind regards from Cambridge UK, Eric
November 10, 2016
I think this is a great idea. There is so much information on your site that is helpful, but at time I/we can get lost in the journey. Being able to walk through drills with you while getting used to the moves is a great idea. I am also in favor of putting the entire swing sequence in order. While I enjoy your site and process far more, there is a certain someone that left and did a great job of structuring his site, very easy to follow.
November 10, 2016
Love it! Relatively simple but concise. I'm definitely a proponent of the follow along video concept. Please keep them coming.
November 10, 2016
And another thing... is the squat a separate down movement after the backswing has been completed, like you did perhaps for clarity? Or do you rotate back directly into a squat?
November 10, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It's the transition move
November 11, 2016
Great drill!!
November 10, 2016
Love it! Engages me and lets me model the correct movements better than a one-time spiel. A little confused on the mirror's location. Is it where the camera is?
November 10, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
November 11, 2016
Like the video. Like the step by step approach. One question: I'm 64, which means I no longer have any muscle in my left buttocks, or at least not enough to feel, much less "fire". Any idea on how to feel the marshmallow-like substance in my butt?
November 10, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Ha! one legged lunges will help fire them up
November 11, 2016
WOW!!! This is the video of the year for me. It give me a great visual of how to begin the backswing and takeaway. Also a great guide to core rotation. Which is key to beginning the backswing and takeaway. Great video Chuck.
November 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hubert. Glad you enjoyed the presentation.
November 10, 2016
Awesome training video Chuck. Is the squat move into the trail glute always after the core rotation in the movement has been initiated? I have had a hard time understanding how to get loaded up properly because the rotation feels like my first move to enable the weight shift and then I have been unsure if I have properly activated the glute. I like the idea of dragging the club with the rotation - it is always a challenge to not move the arms as I start the backswing even with the shoulder blade glide swing thought. Real good details in this video have me understanding how to stay on track even more. Looking forward to transition details that explain how to move to start the move to the lead side before the move back is fully complete. Also seeing the partial splay open in the lead foot was helpful while keeping the trail foot perpendicular to target line. Thanks
November 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. Some players use a little weight shift to help trigger or start the swing. However, yes the big settle/squat/sit into the glute will be after you had some good core rotation.
November 10, 2016
This is EXACTLY the kind of video I was hoping to see... a detailed walkthrough of the daily workouts. Looking forward to more of these!
November 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Ryan.
November 9, 2016
This is great, it gets me back in shape i.e. 'in the box' and doing the reps. Thanks, Dave Mx
November 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the post Dave. Glad you like.
November 9, 2016

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