Step 2 - Core Rotation - Drill Only

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The drill only for Step 2 - Body Rotation

Okay. So you've got the understanding behind how to do this and why we need to do it that way. Now let's just focus on just doing the movements, the actual drills. It's really important that you start with a proper stance. If you're too wide, you're going to feel like your head has to move all over the place to shift your weight. Make sure you watch the stance width videos if you tend to struggle with this. Proper stance width, access tilt, rotate back.

                I'm loaded on my right leg, my glutes activated, my knees still flexed, neck tie drill, my neck tie would be hanging off my knee. Shift over to the left, keeping this right leg out of it. I don't want to be pushing off this right leg. Relax it, shift, and get my belt buckle about 30 to 45 degrees open, and my shoulders dead square. So again, back, through.

                What you're going to start realizing is that you hit the ball from here to here. This is where everything, all the movement emanates from in the golf swing, is from here to here. When you're moving this, you don't have to move this very far to get your arms to move a long ways. That's the whole goal. That's the definition of efficiency. We don't want to be trying to move our arms all over the place to move that club. We need to lean to move from the center first.

                This is really what you're trying to do. If you can do this, you're going to get into a perfect impact position every time. The drill is pretty simple, keeping my right knee flexed, my chest back. I'm rotating from my rib cage, pulling that right shoulder blade back, shifting over. As I shift, it starts to unwind my shoulders. As I post up on my left leg and use that left oblique to help pull me back, and use my leg to help push it back, I get right back to square. I don't have to turn my shoulders at all. Notice I'm staying in my posture, not pushing off my right leg. If you lose your posture, you lose the tush line, it's all coming because you're pushing off this right leg. So keep this right leg out of it for now, shift, and turn. Turn back, use your legs and your hips and your core to bring your shoulders and eventually the club back into impact. 


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I just can't get my shoulders to square at impact. Most of the time, my shoulders are about 20degrees left of the target. Any reason why? I got a swing review done. The review said, I am mostly using my hands and not my body. Any drills to ensure I don't over rotate my shoulder?
August 28, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vinil. I didn't perform the review. But, I remember you stating former stack and tilt player. If you don't load into the trail side and rotate correctly in the backswing you will have no choice but to feel shoulder spin on the way down for power. It will either be shoulders or over working the arms. I would think this is more a backswing issue of rotation and load. You can also take a look at Fix Your Release - Trail Shoulder Back Video. But, sounds like the problem starts much sooner.
August 28, 2024
ah okay, can you recommend a drill to load correctly on the backswing?
August 28, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vinil. Winter Golf Training Program - Setup and Backswing will be good for this issue.
August 28, 2024
Hi. Is the loading of right glutes and right side weight shift in the backswing and active move, or is it simply a result of turning the shoulders back which leaves more mass to the right?
September 6, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alte. Good question. Rotation won't necessarily shift weight for you. In the beginning, you may need to actively train loading weight into the glute going back.
September 6, 2023
How long should it take to get to 3000 reps?
March 8, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. Depends on your schedule. You can do 100 reps everyday for a month. Or, 300 reps/day for 10 days. The goal isn't rep stringing. But, proper repping.
March 9, 2020
So, we really shouldn't be moving the shoulders at all in the downswing until post up huh? Quick note, do we also incorporate the squat to square move during this rotation drill or just do it as an independent drill? You didn't mention the squat here. Thanks again, the Program is fantastic! I haven't hit balls yet but I can feel the difference in movement already.
January 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. The shoulders will do nothing in the downswing. They are DEAD to you! Squat to Square is incorporated into the above move just not mentioned as often like the DEAD Drills.
January 20, 2020
Great, thank you.
January 20, 2020
What position should my trail leg be in at post up? Is there a video on this?
January 14, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello CJ. DEAD Drill 3, You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs and Perfecting Lower Body Stability.
January 14, 2020
Should I be engaging my core muscles during this move to help pull from the left side?
December 17, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello CJ. Yes, the core should be engaged in the backswing and during the downswing.
December 17, 2019
Why doesnt Chuck incorporate a pronounced "squat to square" adding some squat into his rotation? Wouldn't this be a good time to try and add that in?
December 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Fred. Chuck does have a squat to square motion in the move above. But, this is more akin to a stock shot. You don't need a massive squat unless you are trying to pull tons of leverage from the ground to hit the ball a long ways.
December 8, 2019
I am using mirrors and I do notice that my right hip when rotating at the post up it does slightly go towards the ball. With my left hip clearing to the left my right hip has to go that way, correct?
October 16, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello CJ. Yes, it will have to move slightly. The key is not to push with the trail and both hips leave the tush line. Take a look at Maintain The Tush Line - Chair Drill Video.
October 16, 2019
When I do this core rotation drill I get a clicking in the middle of my back on the way back and also when coming back to square.I have been experimenting with amount of hinging and axis tilt and can’t seem to completely eliminate it but seems to be somewhat better when keeping abs in and shoulders back.Anyone have any suggestions
September 24, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Engaging the core will certainly help. But, without seeing it. A little of a mystery to me. Have you uploaded a swing for review recently?
September 25, 2019
I got a review on sept 16 with Chris my issue at that time was getting my upper body stacked onto left side as my left shoulder was to that has been my focus and also finishing up on my 9 to 3 drill
September 25, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Sounds like a lot of excessive tilt. You need to focus on shoulder plane. Take a look at Backswing Shoulder Plane, Level Shoulders, and Dead Step 2.
September 25, 2019
Hi when I execute the turn my weight -besides loading the trail leg - tends to shift on the ball of my feet. I know it' wrong but it happens. How to correct, what should I look for to avoid it? Thanks
September 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hell Marco. Make sure you are setup correctly first. Then, that you are loading the rear leg properly. Load Right Leg Video. Also, you could be pushing out with your lead shoulder. Pushing with the Left Side Video.
September 11, 2019
Doesn't have anything to do w the video, but any golf shoe in particular you guys like? Do they make a difference or are they (shoe companies) all equal in your opinion?
August 25, 2019
Hello Doug. Nikes for me. But Chuck mentiones in this video that you shouldn't even need golf shoes:
August 26, 2019
I'm noticing something that I'm not sure if it's okay or not and I want to make sure I don't drill too much and engrain this in. I'm noticing on my rotation to the back, I've got a slight squat into my right glute, is this okay? I know there is the squat to square (haven't done those drills) and it's not to that extreme but it's still a slight squat when loading onto my right leg. Also, my lead leg tends to snap back up to a locked position when I push off the floor. Nothing painful but it's fully extended for sure. Is this okay? Sometime it still has a slight bend to it but I really have to force myself to not completely lock it out.
August 24, 2019
PS - I uploaded that core rotation drill like you asked, Craig. Albeit I'm only about 100 into this drill.
August 24, 2019
When you rotate/shift/move to the left side (right handed golfer), are you "pulling" with any part of you body or just shifting your weight? If you are it with the left glut/core only...or other parts also? I find myself pulling really hard...and I think sometimes it leads me to unconsciously pulling with my shoulders sometimes instead of "just" my core. (Obviously, I notice this with the bad ball flight result). I would appreciate some wisdom...thanks.
August 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Take a look at Which Muscles to Use in Golf Swing Transition and Preventing Hip Pain. You will use the inner thigh adductors to help pull the weight over correctly. Also, the obliques to help square the hips as you settle into the glutes.
August 20, 2019
I’ve been using the Rotary Swing now for a month. I received a review on my swing and have been putting in the time working on my rotation and stacking the drills. Went to the driving range on Thursday, and what a desaster. Went home and started over working on the drills. Then all of a sudden it finally clicked. Today I never hit so many solid centerface shots in my life! Diviots weren’t facing left but straight at the target and incredible trajectory. A few times my old habits kicked in, but very few. I still have a ways to go, but excited with the progress and what’s to come. What a simple and great method. Trying to get other friends to try! Cheers!
August 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. Great. Yes, sadly you will come across some of the challenges while implementing your new moves. But, patience and persistence is the key. Sounds like your hard work is starting to come into play. Thanks for the referrals and keep moving forward.
August 19, 2019
I am struggling with the feel of the left side and how I pull instead of push off the right leg. It seems the only left side feel I can come up with is to use the left oblique while straightening the left leg. Is this correct? Thanks.
July 10, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jerry. The inner adductors on the lead side will pull the weight. Which Muscles to Feel During Golf Swing Transition and Preventing Hip Pain Video. Then, the lead oblique will clear the lead hip as you post up.
July 10, 2019
I'm struggling to get a consistent hip turn in this drill in the backswing. Shoulders are coming around fine with the obliques and pulling the shoulder blade back. However with the hips i find i'm either under rotating and not getting the "pant fold" (movement is all shoulders) or over rotating ( hips past the 30-45 degrees that Chuck mentions). Any tips on how I can get the hips moving to the correct position more consistently. All of this is throwing out the shifting the weight to the left. I'll be submitting a swing review soon to get deeper feedback on this drill but just wanted to see if there were any tips before hand that I can work on.
June 12, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. I'm sure your instructor will notice the error. However, I would check you leg work first. Take a look at the Laser Beam Knee Drills. Sounds like you are going in and out of maintaining proper knee flexion throwing off the hip turn. Also, Upper Body vs Lower Body Rotation Video.
June 12, 2019
Hi, I find if I perform more than about 50 reps then afterwards I can feel a slight strain on my right knee as if the knee has been resisting a twisting torque trying to move it anti-clockwise away from the target. It's not painful or affecting the function of the knee but I'm concerned in case I'm setting myself up for a repetitive strain injury. I'm sure the knee is not supposed to be taking a load in this manner. As far as I can tell I'm performing the reps correctly. What are the likely causes of this issue?
June 9, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Graham. Do you sense when in the move you might be feeling pain/strain? Loading up in the backswing, or as you shift to the lead side?
June 9, 2019
It’s not easy to pinpoint as it’s more of an accumulative thing that becomes apparent after a lot of reps but I think it’s happening when move back to the lead side. I’m trying pull from the left by externally rotating the left hip and the right knee then feels like it’s under a twisting strain. I think it’s possible that perhaps I’m not shifting enough weight back to the lead side at this stage. I’m not sure if this is relevant but I’ll add that the pull back to the lead side is a a tough move for me because after I’ve loaded up on the right glute it feels like the left side has insufficient weight on it to iinitiate the pull to the lead side, but I know I’m not meant to push from the right glute which feels more natural because that is loaded. I’m being careful not to shift my weight too far right past the inside of the right ankle.
June 10, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Graham. A few thoughts on your issue. Sounds like you are pulling the weight properly and allowing the trail leg to follow. Fixing Your Weight Transfer Video to Externally Rotate the Lead Knee first. Pull your weight with the inner thigh adductors. Preventing Hip Pain Video. And, Role of the Right Foot Video to allow the trail foot to work onto the instep allowing the weight and hips even mobility to finish weight transfer and hip rotation. See if that combo helps.
June 10, 2019
That seems to be helping. I feel less stress on the right knee after completing my reps now. Particularly the tip about rotating the left knee/hip like a baseball pitcher seems to be a good cue for me to initiate the transition back to the left without lunging or rotating the shoulders. Thanks for the prompt help.
June 13, 2019
When I am going to post up on my left foot, my left toes are coming off of the ground slightly. This is only going about 1/4 to 1/2 speed, so still very slow. I have not started speeding it up too much as I am also working on keep my rear line back (chair drill). Thanks
June 4, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. The lead toes being able to wiggle, or slight off the ground is fine. If they start really coming up then we need to make sure you are over the ankle joint and not too far on the rear part of the heel. Also, could be over rotating the hips (too open).
June 4, 2019
Less tan 300 reps and my glutes are sore. Maybe that's a good thing?
May 26, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Haha, 300 reps of anything that engages a muscle will make it fatigued and sore, but the question is... are you sore or are you injured? There's a difference between lactic acid build up from exercise and pulled or torn muscles. As long as there aren't any sharp or intense pains, you should be okay, but you do have to rest muscles, too, if you want them to improve.
May 26, 2019
When I'm working the core rotation drill, as I shift my weight to my left side I invariably sense tenseness in my neck and shoulders? Any thoughts please? Thank you.
May 26, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steven. You need to engage the core more and relax. Take a look at Proper Muscle Activation. Sounds like you've been over using the shoulders for awhile.
May 26, 2019
Hello Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that if you have a proper stance and axis tilt, that when you make the backswing rotation in this exercise, you no longer need to consciously shift your weight to the right (like in the 5 minutes to perfect weight shift video/drill). Now it's more a matter of making sure you're maintaining the hip line and keeping the weight over the inside/centre of the ankle. Does this sound right? Or should I still be pulling myself an inch to the right before starting the backswing? Thanks.
May 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Maxwell. Some players still need to shift weight because of older movement patterns ingrained to not load the glute. But, in theory yes you may not have to feel the motion you described if you rotate properly from tilt/maintain tilt and keep the hip line.
May 23, 2019
Hi all, i'm getting a bit a hip slide forward while rotating my hips. It looks like 2-3 inches maybe. Its definitely happening at the same time i'm rotating, so not a closed hip slide. At the end of it i'm usually in the right posture at "impact". Is that ok? If i try not to slide, i feel like i'm not really shifting my weight and my lead leg is not neutral when posting up.
May 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyle . The hips have to move laterally and rotationally. As long as it's not a closed hip slide (solely lateral), or a push (Preventing Hip Pain Video). You should be okay.
May 3, 2019
Hi RJ - I am on the drill involving turning shoulders back to right, then coming through using the core to impact. Is this the drill you wanted me to do sitting down first? Or is that a different drill? If so, can you help me locate the info on it? Best, Jim Darcey
April 21, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
The videos that I was suggesting are in the recommended video section. All rotation videos are great, but I wanted you to start out in the chair first.
April 21, 2019
Rotary swing states that you need 3 to 5 thousand reps to ingrain a new move. You talk about doing 100 at a time to get there. I have done thousands of reps on the core rotation, but I've done them around 5 to 10 reps at a time. Each morning when I get up, use the bathroom, take a shower, change clothes, before going to bed, etc. Are these reps valuable in small doses like this or do you actually need to do them 100 at a time to be effective?
February 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Yes, it takes about 3000-5000 to master a new movement pattern. You don't have to do them in a sequence per se. If you wake up and do 25 reps. Then, say another session at lunch and in the evening. The goal is in a day to at least get 100 perfect reps before going to bed.
February 23, 2019
Need some assistance. With the rotation drill and set up. should my butt be sticking out or should it be tucked in. In other words what should my lower spine be doing..... arched or rolled under
February 22, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. The lumbar spine should be flat. If you arch your lumbar spine, or push the butt out too much you will create Lordosis. Take a look at the Golf Posture and Hinging from the Hips Video.
February 23, 2019
Thank you
February 24, 2019
Hi. Been watching the roadshow videos and find them very helpful. One question re weight shift in backswing. Is this best done by a slight lateral shift to the right, or stomping my right heel into the ground (Swing from ground up)? I struggle with moving to right too much and hands disappearing behind my body at the top.
February 12, 2019
Yeah the road show was awesome Bernard! I got addicted to it. The stomp is a drill to get into your trail glue and shift weight. The model swing will just have a slight, approximately one inch, blended lateral shift with rotation into the trail side. It will look like your trail hip hasn't moved off the ball when backswing is complete but it's an illusion. The other struggle you mentioned sounds exactly like what my over-swing looked like six months ago: Lead arm bent, flying elbow, arms not in front of my chest, trail leg straightened. So you can shift weight properly and still screw it up; hence the 5 Step system.
February 12, 2019
what is causing the right knee to straighten during the back swing? Can do it well without club....when adding club it is more difficult...thanks
February 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello G. You could be over lifting the arms and coming out of the trail glute load. However, first take a look at Load Right Leg Video to make sure you are in the glute properly.
February 8, 2019
Can we think about just straightening the left knee when starting the downswing?
February 5, 2019
Hey Alex, the post/straightening the lead knee is the last thing in the downswing sequence that occurs so that would be a backwards way of going about it and would lead to an early release. In fact, the shifting to the lead side at the start of the downswing increases knee flexion to get into the squat and then you straighten the lead leg to trigger the release. Kind of like a little jump shot in basketball.
February 5, 2019
How “forceful” do these reps need to be? These are actually prettt tiring on the back if I rotate and post up at full swing speed. Can a more gentle motion be used, or should it be a fast move?
February 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. At first they should be done slowly and methodical. Get the move correct and gradually build up the pace. You don't need to be ripping out of your shoes while doing the drill.
February 4, 2019
Hi. How straight should the left leg get when posting up? Should it completely straighten or have a slight amount of bend still? I’ve been doing a lot of reps of this a noted some irritation in my left knee but I was really pushing hard into the ground when posting up and wonder if that’s because I’m over doing the posting part. Thank you
February 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. The lead leg should be straight, and not locked out. Over doing the snap and locking out will cause some discomfort. Also, check to make sure you aren't getting weight towards the toes.
February 3, 2019
Hi, I'm becoming lost and frustrated. Having done 3,000+ drills (correctly I assure you) I recorded my swing and submitted for my 2nd swing review. I could see that the correct rotation wasn't happening in the full swing, as did the reviewer. Fine. But I was then told that the idea was to submit the swing review only once I'd got the move down. So I was prescribed this same drill. 3 weeks and thousands of rotations later, still the same outcome with the full swing. I thought the point was that doing thousands of this drill correctly would then translate to either the full swing OR I'd move to the next step in the 5 step. Part of the reason I submitted my swing review was as if to say "look, I've maxed out the correct reps of this drill and it hasn't transposed, now what?" Thanks.
January 31, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. If you have recorded/documented 3000 perfect reps of Step 2. Then, I would suggest moving onto Step 3. Once, you go through the 5 Steps you should begin to add the ball back gradually versus just going full bore (Why Your Practice Swing and Real Swing Aren't the Same and Taking Your Golf Swing Drills to the Course). The full swing change will be adding a ball back slowly and methodically starting with smaller swings building up to longer without losing the newer movement patterns. I didn't perform the review. Or, I would give you more insights into your particular move. I apologize.
January 31, 2019
Hello, I am planning on submitting my review for core rotation and have a question. I'd like to submit the drill vs a full swing as I still have a very right side dominant swing causing my hips to spin out. I've done a few full swings letting the right hand come off and that seems to really help, so I know when I get to that point I will see some real progress when tying it all together. Mark
January 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. I think that is a great idea. We would love to make sure the drill is on track before doing tons of reps.
January 28, 2019
Hi, I get a swing review last week and you told me to do this drill correctly and then do atleast 1000 reps with it. What is the next step after I get my reps done?
January 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Olli. Step 3 - Add the Lead Arm. We will progressively build through the RST 5 Step System.
January 28, 2019
I am right side dominant. So the reverse downswing core rotation (to the right) is much easier than the normal one. Do you have any exercice/workout/strech to strengh my left side hip?
January 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Henrique. It's rarely a strength issue. More just a lack of usage issue. Nevertheless, under the fitness section. Go to the Glute Series and Golf Core Strengthening Series.
January 23, 2019
In the beginning of downswing I have 90° rotation in my shoulders and 45° in my hips. However, after rotation and when my hips reach 0°, my shoulders have have only 20° rotation. Is that right?
January 22, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Henrique. The goal is for the shoulders to remain passive and still closed to the target. I don't have a specific, or ideal number. Some players are able to create more separation due to flexibility. I typically tell people to feel once they squat to square (0 Hips) feel like the shoulders are 45 degrees or more shut to the target.
January 22, 2019
Thank You. It is a key step, therefore I want to clarify all the questions I have.
January 22, 2019
Thanks for the feedback on my submitted video. You identified 4 errors: no axis tilt, stance too wide, head moves off the ball in takeaway and weight shift occurs before posting up. I completely understand and am working on the first three but I am not clear on the 4th error. Could you elaborate and direct me to more videos on how to correct that one. Thanks and your guidance is greatly appreciated.
January 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steven. Take a look at Squat to Square, You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs and Perfecting Lower Body Stability. You need to shift into the lead side and once the weight has shifted post up on the lead leg.
January 18, 2019
Hi Craig, after your video review yesterday I can see how I am moving my trail knee forward on the weight shift and my tail bone is also moving forwards. I worked on this again this morning really slow and I'm still doing it. I noticed i'm shifting my weight on to my toes in the backswing weight shift and noticed on the through swing my weight was still in the toes. Should I feel the weight more in the heal on the back swing?
January 9, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nigel. Yes, you need to shy away from using the toes too much and getting on the balls of your feet. Take a look at How to Swing from the Ground Up for more help.
January 10, 2019
Chris, following your review. I have instigated reps of proper set up and weight shift and would prefer to complete these before going into rotation. I can see exactly what you mean in the swing and can see it will take some effort to overcome the bad habits of a lifetime. Hence I would like to start with something a little ‘easier’ to get used to training by reps (which I have never done successfully). Any comments!
December 27, 2018
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Graham, sounds like a perfect plan to me. Take your time with setup stuff and then we can stack in more pieces as you become comfortable. Just let me know in your next review if you are ready to take on more.
December 27, 2018
Hi, I have back issues and this exercice produces pain a little on my lower back (or maybe its the strain of the muscles), is that normal? Ronan
December 24, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ronan. Feeling some soreness, or stretch due to new muscle activity will be normal. However, pain might mean you are getting a little out of position. I would film your drill, or use a mirror to make sure you aren't adding in compensations to the drill causing the error.
December 24, 2018
Hi. I'm having problems feeling the correct muscles to cause my weight shift. In one drill it is said to shift using the adductor muscles in the lead leg to pull the weight over. In another drill it says to start with the lead side knee or fall into the lead glute. All of those methods use different muscle groups. Am I understanding something wrong?
December 16, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donnie. The first move will be the lead knee externally rotating followed by the lead inner thigh adductors to pull the weight. Take a look at Which Muscles to Feel During Golf Swing Transition.
December 17, 2018
Let me put it this way at the time of transition from backswing to downswing is there an intentional stretch as part of the move into impact. Is this one of the keys in small people being able to hit the golf ball surprising distances?
December 3, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Van. There isn't an intentional stretch. But, it may feel a stretch when starting down before completing the backswing and making sure the upper half/lower half maintain some separation. Smaller players usually hit it far by creating lots of lag, or having lots of width in their swing.
December 3, 2018
Craig, On the downswing after the move from the left glute to the slightly bent left knee/left glute position in conjunction with the posting on the left glute/hip is the left oblique intentionally fired to pull to the left as part of the motion thru impact and into the follow thru? Is there an opposite loading of the left oblique at or slightly before impact to that you encourage in the loading on the backswing? After if not before impact do the left arm and the club form virtually a straight line in the follow thru?
December 1, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Van. As you post, you will need to use the lead oblique to help you clear the hip. You don't need an opposite load in the backswing. Using the core to rotate while keep stability in the lower half will create separation and a good stretch feeling. I'm a little confused about the straight line question. You don't want to be aiming the club to a particular point. There are many ways to look at does the lead arm form a straight line with the club.
December 2, 2018
Craig what drill do you have that stacks the core rotation step 2 drill with a complete follow through with belt buckle facing the target and weight on left side. This step 2 drill is great to get us into impact but what happens after impact? Is it all momentum that carries one through to proper finish?
October 28, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Exactly. You don't need to train the full follow through. It is a byproduct of your release and safe deceleration of the body. Momentum is pulls you through. This drill focuses on decelerating at impact to transfer the power into your arms for the release.
October 28, 2018
How do I post up on my left leg and not hit the ball thin!?
October 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Make sure you aren't pushing with trail foot. Hitting thin is more than likely linked to sliding, than a proper post up. Take a look at Preventing Hip Pain.
October 19, 2018
Do I need to do these drills 50 times per day as well or is there a certain number per week?
August 20, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Aaron. Ideally for the drill above. A minimum of 100 perfect reps in a practice session. With about 3000-5000 to master.
August 21, 2018
Got it! Thank you sir
August 21, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
You're most welcome.
August 21, 2018
Hi Craig, With what drill shall i reach the 3000 reps and move to the next step? This one or the "5 minutes for perfect rotation"? 1500 with both? Ronan
December 18, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ronan. This one will be more for the overall picture. The 5 min will focus more on the initial move off of the ball. 3000 of the one above would be a great goal to achieve.
December 18, 2018
When I do this drill, I feel as though I'm starting to move a hula hoop with my left knee (RH golfer.) My left knee goes slightly down (small squat, and maybe slightly in), then left toward target, then back and slightly up as I post up. In other words, my left knee makes a bit of circle move. My concern is that the move toward the target with left knee should feel more linear before posting up. Is this a legitimate concern?
August 1, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. Take a look at Fixing Your Weight Transfer and Closed Hip Slide. If the external rotation of the lead knee matches those videos. You should be fine.
August 1, 2018
Can you please clarify this statement from the video. "As I post up on my left leg and use that left oblique to help pull me back, and use my leg to help push it back, I get right back to square." Does this mean the left leg straightens at impact or should there still be a bit of flex?
July 29, 2018
Tyler (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Stephen. Yes, as you post up on your lead leg, it will straighten. This creates stability and anchors you to the ground. You can check out the "squeeze the cheeks" video, which also speaks to this stabalization.
July 30, 2018
Thank you Tyler.
July 30, 2018
Hello Is it worth practicing this at any kind of pace? Like, when you feel your right glute and your left shoulder crosses your chin to begin the left weight shift and core rotation? Maybe incorporate a tempo of sorts? Hope this makes sense. Happy Fourth of July@
July 3, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. Once you get pretty proficient at doing the move and mastering the key components. You may challenge yourself and try it at a little faster pace making it similar to the normal swing speed.
July 4, 2018
In this drill, I feel as if missing something on the post up movement--is it more than just pushing down with the foot? with only that thought the club does not release properly but too soon for me. Second, in a previous post a student talked about a rating . Does that come with a video analysis? I do not see that explained anyplace.
June 21, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Pushing down of the lead foot to straighten the lead leg pulling leverage from the ground and clear the hips in the opposite direction of the ball. If it is releasing too soon you could be missing weight transfer before post up, or manually firing your hands early. Yes, when you get a swing review we have a rating, or grading system of current swing progress.
June 22, 2018
Yes. I think I manually fire hands too is a major fault of mine that comes though with every drill. I was waiting to add arms sections and drills to fix it but it interferes with effective stacking practice and certainly on the golf course. Can I jump ahead to something while still on rotation to stack a cure for that problem? I release the hands as I move through the path leading to the ball after my initial core move that pulls arms down into hit zone. It is a tiny flip move that happens so fast that conscious effort not to do it is very hard.
June 22, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. I apologize. I saw you had a comment posted, but the system had an error and deleted it. Could you re-post? Thank you.
June 24, 2018
I think I was reviewing the video "why golf is so hard". In it Chuck refers to 3 drills to help with making lead side dominant. I could not find the LADD drill with a search of the site.
June 24, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Left Arm in the Golf Downswing Video (LADD - Left Arm Only Downswing Drill).
June 25, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. You need to get the body move down. But, if you want to do some light work on the Frisbee Drill to help turn of the push right now you can.
June 22, 2018
@Craig: I would have expected my swing performance rating to go up after the last review. As the weight shift and the core rotation are stacked, I would assume both should be OK?
June 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Magnus. Yes, your weight shift and core rotation drill look great. I typically only adjust the performance rating when making an actual swing for proper representation of the actual swing status.
June 13, 2018
got it
June 13, 2018
Love having the drill only videos! Thanks
June 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. Appreciate the post.
June 3, 2018
Hi Craig In general I think that I feel and look OK doing this drill, but I have two concerns. 1. At the finish position my head is usually 2 - 3 inches left of where it started. 2. When I shift my weight to the left my right heel lifts off the ground. I can prevent this, but in doing so I feel that I am somehow interfering with a smooth shift of my weight. Are these serious flaws or am I just being too fussy?
May 16, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. The head will have to move in the swing. It won't stay perfectly static. Is it still behind the ball? Also, the trail heel lift is a trained movement. You need to allow it to roll on the instep. Not being fussy, but the early heel lift is vital to correct. You don't have to lift your trail heel to shift and post into the lead side.
May 16, 2018
Thanks Craig. I will focus on allowing the trail heel to roll.
May 17, 2018
I am wondering about the core rotation drills. In the basic drill for this module of the 5 step system, Chuck shifts his hips left as he turns toward the target so that his belt buckle is about what he says is a 30 degree position At this point, his shoulders are square to the target line. But in the 'squat to square' drill, his hips and belt buckle and shoulder are all square to the target line simultaneously. I am a bit confused about which drill I should be using. Each drill seems to be targeting a different result. I am struggling with this first 'down' move, and I want to get it right. I have been coming over the top for decades, and my goal is to eliminate that from my swing. This first move down seems to be a critical juncture in the regard. Many thanks, Bob
May 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. The squat to square is incorporated in this drill. It may appear Chuck's shoulders are square in the Sq to Sq Video. But, after the initial shift and squat. The shoulders should still be closed and the hips square. From this position, you will post up to the hips being (30-45) degrees open and shoulders square or parallel to the target line.
May 9, 2018
Great, Craig. Thanks! I will get to work on this.
May 10, 2018
Hey Patrick, thanks for the latest review. In regards to posture I find that I sort this out as soon as a club is in my hand. I obviously just need to bear it in mind when doing the "clubless" drills. However, I'm struggling with with the target points you game me for my shoulders. You suggested I need to keep my trail shoulder higher than my lead shoulder at about halfway through the downswing, but I don't feel like Chuck gets into this position in this drill. Do you have any other videos or drills that can help me to hit this shoulder position you're referring to in the downswing? I believe I'm hitting the right shoulder position in the backswing.
May 1, 2018
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Rick, we're not concerned with your right shoulder in the backswing. With the downswing, however, we are looking to see your back to the target LONGER from the face on perspective. This will give the appearance of the shoulders sloping down (i.e. right shoulder is higher than the left). Our reference point was when the hands are about opposite the sternum during the downswing. You will see this with Chuck's swing as well on video. We don't want the shoulders "spinning open". For a deep dive, search for "getting stuck in the downswing" on the site. Chuck compares Tiger to Skip Kendall and goes into detail about this. Another good drill is the stomp drill in the "swing ground up" video. Keep the shoulders tension free!
May 1, 2018
Hi Patrick, I've been trying pretty hard to hit this marker with the shoulders but I'm still struggling. Whenever I try to keep my back to the target for longer it seems to drop my right shoulder even further. It's like as soon as I weight shift by moving from the ground up I create more axis tilt and this makes my right shoulder drop. The only way I can hit this marker is by consciously driving my left shoulder downwards and towards the target as I weight shift, but this completely goes against 'leaving the shoulders alone and tension free', so I'm getting a bit confused. I think the 'getting stuck in the downswing' video might be what's happening but it doesn't actually explain how to fix it. Chuck mentions "the next video" a couple of times and I was hoping that would detail a drill to work on but it never mentions the title of this next video so I'm not sure where to find it. Do you know what this next video is? Or can you recommend any others that can help with my right shoulder dropping in the downswing? Thanks Patrick!
May 4, 2018
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Rick, unfortunately I do not know what video is "next". When you do this drill, continue to leave the shoulders alone. Make sure you leave the right leg and foot very quiet so that your hips don't move too much laterally and "slide out" underneath you, causing excessive axis tilt. Do the drill slowly and make sure you match up those "markers" in front of a mirror from face on. Your lower body action is solely responsible for unwinding the shoulders. It's a dynamic movement of weight shift and pulling of the left hip.
May 4, 2018
Ia a rep of this drill also count as a rep of drill 1? Seems like I am doing both as I do #2.
April 16, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. During Step 2 you have to shift your weight. If you can perform a perfect Step 2 it already has stacked the components of Step 1.
April 16, 2018
Thank you, after some practice and reps I decided that "rushing ahead" isn't a good idea. I just completed 3000 step one reps and now will continue my step 2 reps. If it reinforces step one; good.
May 11, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. Good. You have to be your own watch dog.
May 11, 2018
Follow up to my previous putting comments. Practiced the forward hand low and realized my stroke was being hampered by shoulder/high chest muscle strain. Adjustments were made that gave me favorable results. I played a round today and found myself stoking the puts well. I was able to set up and accelerate through the ball. I knocked in two birdie puts and had no trouble lagging long puts. This made my day. My partner was happy and the opposition complained most of the day that I must be lying about my handicap. (Net 59) HA HA couldn't have been a better compliment than their unfounded comments. Thx for your support.
April 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. Great. Nothing better than rolling the rock well and besting your handicap. Thanks for the post.
April 9, 2018
PS I had been having trouble getting use to the Rotary connect purchased some time ago. I put it way and forgot about it. Recently, I put it back into my practice routine and with experimentation was able to properly utilize it. What a positive difference it made in my full swing and short game.
April 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. Exactly why we don't have a ton of training aids. You still must use proper techniques to utilize to their full advantage.
April 4, 2018
Hi, I have been attempting to play golf for 40 years with limited success. Recently, I had a couple of rounds where I couldn't put a swing on the ball. Then today I settled down in a friendly money game and shot 44/44 total 88. Par is 72 and I have a 20.5 handicap. I missed one drive all day and was able to recover nicely and parred the hole. The new confidence level allowed me recover from more manageable mistakes. Biggest problem is putting. I was utilizing Jack N. if I could do one thing different putting video. However, I hadn't put in enough time to capitalize on the forward hand low technique. Three putted 6 holes. Most misses were short when I needed to lag a 20 to 30 footer. Very happy with the Driver right down to Wedge. It can only get better. Any suggestions you have concerning long puts with this technique would be appreciated. My stroke has been perpendicular club shaft, 60% of my weight forward and rotate my right shoulder back down and in and rotate my left shoulder back. Club head is a distinct arch. This format has really provided me a sound basis to understand and practice.
April 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. I'm glad to hear you are seeing some difference in the game using rotary principles. Lag putting is about practice and understanding your power. The vast majority of times I see players error on lag putts is with deceleration. The stroke gets to big and they stop accelerating thinking they will roll the ball too far. Work on a better consistent stroke length. Make sure you finish the putt. You can't will the ball. Also, try this drill video. Roll the Ball to Lag Putt Better.
April 4, 2018
Thx for getting back Ill bet deceleration is the issue. Ill keep you posted.
April 4, 2018
I am curious about the right leg straightening or not on the backswing. What physical issues do you see when you straighten the right leg on the backswing(right handed golfer).
March 22, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. If you allow the trail leg to completely straighten going back it will disengage the trail glute. Leading to the player having loading issues and not enough glute engagement to help stabilize the hip action back and through. The trail knee needs to maintain flexion (Weight Shift Part 2 and Laser Beam Knee Drill).
March 22, 2018
I have been getting back to business with the 5 step. Happy to report after 3 weeks I dropped 6 strokes off my previous 3 scores. Loving it. Actually received many compliments on my new "SMOOTH" swing. Cant wait to finish the rest of the training. Rotary Swing the best of the best. Thx so much
March 18, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. Fantastic. Appreciate the post and keep those scores going down!
March 19, 2018
Should u always strive for a full shoulder turn say 80 degrees,if u can get there on full shots only. Do u still try to get full shoulder turn on a 100 yard shot or throttle done to say 45 degree turn?
February 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ken. Only use the full shoulder turn for the required shot. If you are hitting 3/4's, or a 100 wedge. You may not need a full 90 degrees of rotation.
February 13, 2018
Hi. I've been working hard on getting the weight shift correct I've been told in the past that not letting the right leg straighten in the back swing can lead to back problems. They will typically point out Jason Day and Michelle Wei as examples. Can someone explain how the RST move is safe for the back? Thank you!
February 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. Jason overuses rotational force in his golf swing which is the vast majority of his spine issues. RST is safe on the back for numerous reasons. However, the main one is maintaining proper neutral spine. By hinging forward from the hip sockets and having proper axis tilt you are placing you self in a neutral spine alignment. This allows rotation to be easier and less compressive on the vertebrae. Allowing hip turn in the backswing is perfectly fine. The maintaining of the trail knee helps keep the glute load to stabilize the hip and shy away from over rotation.
February 10, 2018
Thank you. I’ve never had an issue doing the moves. But there are a lot of instructors out there claiming that Day’s problem is he restricts his hip turn because he prevents his right leg from straightening.
February 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. You can still rotate the hip with a maintained knee (Weight Shift Video Part 2 and How to Swing from the Ground Up). Day does restrict hip turn going back, but over uses body rotation for force. That's why he has to stay very fit, but is starting to have issues this early on in his career with body/spine.
February 10, 2018
Which muscles should I be using to rotate back? The video is called Core Rotation, but the content seems to say "turn the shoulders" (right shoulder) back. Tying this in with Setup video #10 "Get into the box" I was expecting to use the core to rotate back. Thanks in advance.
February 8, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. You are using your weight shift and core. Primarily the obliques and trail lat will be turning your shoulders. You are using in the box muscles, not rectangle muscles.
February 8, 2018
I'm starting reps on this drill and noticing the heal of my right foot wants to come up off the ground slightly. I'm I over turning to cause this, or is that natural?
February 8, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. You want to allow the trail foot to roll onto the instep. But, not heel push, or pick up. That is a trained and older movement pattern you have.
February 8, 2018
Hey Craig. Yeah I'm sure you're right about it being a trained behavior. I'm really focusing on using my lead, left leg, to 'pull' and transfer the weight rather than pushing with the right foot/leg. I'm starting to feel that difference in slow motion. I'll focus as well on keeping that right heal down and rolling the instep instead. Again, probably some carry over from the past. I expect in the next series Chuck will be talking about the right foot pivoting as the hips rotate thru? I'm sensing that's what my right foot wants to be doing with this partial shoulder turn... If that continued I gather that would cause me to start seeing symptoms of swinging thru to earlier?
February 8, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. The trail foot will act as the braking system to make sure you don't over rotate your hips. It will get pulled up onto the toe position as you safely decelerate in the follow through. That will be covered in the Follow Through Videos.
February 8, 2018
Hi, I'm really struggling with the weight shift and rotation and think it's causing me to overswing. I can either not move the hips at all in backswing, which causes quite a bit of stress on right hip, or I move too much to the right and overswing. Do you have some suggestions as to working in the correct amount of lateral movement to the right in the backswing?
February 5, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bernard. You may allow for hip rotation in the backswing. Don't try and restrict them too much. Use the Weight Shift Video Part 2 and How to Swing from the Ground Up to help.
February 5, 2018
When you post up on your lead leg, is the lead knee still slightly bent or is it locked in a fully extended position? I find rotating into a locked knee cause some discomfort.
January 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jonathan. No need to hyper extend the knee into a locked position. Straight, but not locked out.
January 31, 2018
Hi Anthony I just saw your post. Clay Ballard, Rotary Swing Instructor, posted video as Lag Doctor back in 2013. I hope this info is helpful.
January 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. Thanks for your post to help Anthony. Clay Ballard is no longer an instructor for us.
January 19, 2018
Cheers ED, much appreciated.
January 20, 2018
I found a video re don't try to hold lag. The coach was referred to as the 'lag doctor'. I can't find it now. Can you assist?
January 14, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. We have a few videos dealing with that topic. Could you be a little more specific?
January 14, 2018
Unfortunately not. Don't worry. I will no doubt come across it. Am not working specifically on lag at the moment, just looking ahead.
January 14, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Gotcha. Keep me posted.
January 14, 2018
Would I be correct in thinking that there is a slight lateral move right before the hips start to turn as per the setup/weight shift drill? With weight then on inside of right foot the right hip , knee and foot are stacked above each other.
January 8, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Slight lateral move before the hips start to turn in the backswing, or downswing? The trail leg in the backswing won't reach perfect NJA.
January 8, 2018
Regarding the number of repetitions to establish permanent memory of any drill, the total seems to be accepted as 3-5000, is there any evidence out there to say how many should be done in any one session?. Is it related to age or IQ or tiredness etc. I ask because some drills are more tiring than others and the easy ones could be "got rid of quickly" leaving more time for others. Also can you tell when you have reached permanent memory in a given task. I sometimes think I know a certain movement long before reaching even 1000 reps.
January 1, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. You should strive for a minimum of 100 perfect reps in a training session. There is science that supports you need that to start the learning process. Anytime you can perform the move pretty thoughtless, or brainless (lack of any manual control to create) you should be good.
January 2, 2018
Patrick, I intend to submit my second video for review next week. I am working on the weight shift and core rotation drills. Is it OK to also work on the lead arm / trail arm core drills as well?
December 31, 2017
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Anthony, Happy New Years. Before adding the LEAD arm, make sure you've mastered: 1. keeping the right knee flexed in the back swing, weight pushing through the heel of the right foot. 2. Make sure it's your weight shift that brings your shoulders from closed at the top to square, where impact would be. Don't spin the shoulders open from the top. Check both of these positions in front of a mirror. If mastered, add the lead arm. I will check your progress in your next swing review.
January 1, 2018
Would I be right in thinking from the other videos on core rotation that the downswing is started with the rotation of and posting up of the left knee / leg. Also, I have had my first review with Patrick. Is there anywhere I can ask him questions? Cheers.
December 24, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. The downswing is started by shifting the weight back to the lead side. The first move will be external rotation of the lead knee followed by inner thigh adduction to pull your weight. If you have a question for Patrick. Leave your comment under the specific video or topic of concern. When you post the question state for Patrick and he will get to it as soon as possible.
December 24, 2017
Could you explain "use my left oblique to pull me back"? Also, while chuck clearly develops separation in the backswing and leads with hip rotation first, it seems like he doesn't have as much separation on the downswing here as in his actual swing. Is this correct? Is this because the club provides some counter weight which keeps the shoulders and chest back a little longer?
December 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jay. The lead oblique is the muscle that opens the lead hip. Pulling the lead oblique behind you will start to clear the hip. He has more separation than it appears. Both the hips and shoulders have to rotate 90 degrees in the downswing. However, the lower half will be leading the way. The club doesn’t provide as much counter weight as one would think. More because he starts shifting back to the lead side slightly before completing the backswing in the transition.
December 23, 2017
How many times would you advice one to repeat this important drill to make it "permanent"?
December 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. 100 reps minimum per practice session. 3000-5000 to master.
December 20, 2017
To Craig: Is there a reason why this drill stops the rotation at the point of impact rather than rotation through to the end? I’m sure there is...just want to understand.
October 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Curt. Big reason. The shoulders do nothing in the downswing. You need to allow yourself to release the club versus continuing to push or spin. The momentum of the release pulls the shoulders to the follow through. Arms vs Body Release Video.
October 28, 2017
This position at the top of loading behind the ball with axis tilt, weight transfer, and rotation seems to be physiologically difficult for my brain to accept when hitting balls. I am right eye dominant and I think my brain wants me to be "over the ball." I have the movement mastered in isolation with 10s of thousands of reps and looks good on camera. Is the answer just more baby steps or is there anything else I should do. Maybe close right eye? It seems to break down when I introduce the ball even with one armed swings.
October 24, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bryan. You may always close the eyes to get really good kinesthetic awareness. Also, sadly it requires baby steps and tons of practice swings before ball strikes.
October 24, 2017
Hi. I'm about 300 reps in this drill, 700 in weight shift. Roughly after the point of my hips being open to target, and my weight is shifted forward, I feel my left hip muscle to be fairly tight, it's usually sore after 50 reps or so. Is that kind of thing expected? I also feel a bit of pain in the lower back during this last bit of movement. Anything I should look at that might address it?
October 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. Make sure that you are allowing the upper half to move during weight transfer and not hanging back. Also, if the glute is tight no worries. If the hip is tight take a look at Preventing Hip Pain.
October 3, 2017
Upper half meaning your core or upper body? I try to keep my head from moving towards target too much/at all.
October 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. The upper half. I completely agree with keeping the head behind the ball. However, the head will have to move slightly and most students start doing the opposite. Leaving it further behind the original starting position.
October 3, 2017
would it be ok to add a squat to this move?
October 1, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. No issues. Just don't over do it vertically down until you master the move to not affect your posting up properly.
October 2, 2017
ok, i only ask because i feel like the squat actually helps me post up better.
October 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. Adding a little more squat to the drill is fine. No worries.
October 2, 2017
Should I just practice this with just my arms across my chest or incorporate a club and a swing? Thank you
August 5, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Richard, It's best to start out with your arms across your chest and do reps until you become proficient with the movements. You can then add the club to the mix BUT make sure you are still moving from the correct body parts.
August 6, 2017
Hello. I'm 90 days after left rotator cuff surgery. I'm exercising in the gym and doing my pt, but am not quite ready to swing with a club yet. The shoulder isn't quite loose enough to handle the backswing past waist high. I'm eager to work on my RST program to get ready for fall golf. I'm am just starting working on reps with the core rotation. Is there anything else you recommend that I work on? Maybe after my reps with core rotation?
July 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. If you can reach roughly waist level. No issue tackling some rotation in the takeaway. 5 Minutes to Master Rotation and 5 Minutes to the Perfect Takeaway. Good luck on your recovery.
July 5, 2017
Thanks Craig. I am an 8 handicapper "rebuilding" my swing with RST. I am at the beginning stages, but have master the weight transfer drill. I am a little confused on where to do from here. Do I work on the Core Rotation drill above, or do 3,000 reps of the Master Rotation drill? They are both under the Core Rotation section but slightly different. I don't want skip a step and mess up my progress. Any guidance you can give me would be appreciated.
July 6, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. You may work on the drill above first. The 5 Min video will focus more on the specific issue of getting the club started properly off the ball versus overall feel of the body move.
July 7, 2017
Past the 3000 rep mark on weight shift and now am working on core rotation. I do the core rotation for 100 - 150 reps then stack it on to weight shift for 50 more reps. I can really feel it coming around more consistent feel each day, Does it make sense to to video a minute or two of the weight shift, core rotation and the stacking of them for review, as opposed to videoing the full swing for review at this stage?
May 31, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. I don't know why this question was unanswered. My apologies. Without a doubt I would recommend that process for a swing review.
July 5, 2017
Hi, been working through RST and got some good early results, however its gone off the rails recently. I am trying to play while learning. Given Terry's question do you think it would be better to go through the 5 min to master rotation before advancing to the rotation drill above.
May 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. All depends. This is geared more towards the downswing and the 5 Master is more for how to take the club back. If you believe you are starting to get of the rails at the start. I would definitely look into it.
May 25, 2017
RST Craig for Prez
May 31, 2017
Hi should i be doing this drill or the drill from the 5 Minutes to Master Rotation?
May 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. The drill listed above is more for the downswing and a quick start guide to a proper sequence into the ball. If you are looking for a full swing rebuild. The 5 Min to Master Rotation teaches you how to start swinging off the ball correctly.
May 22, 2017
At the follow back swing or core rotation back and looking down the line, the shoulders will make a line pointing to the ground. With a LW/SW, will the shoulders point to the ball?
May 7, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. It would be hard to give an exact location. But, typically you will have a little more hinge which would get it closer to the ball.
May 8, 2017
Hi Craig. In the body rotation drill the left leg initiates the turn back that brings the shoulders back to square.However, In the 5 minutes to a perfect downswing video, it is suggested that the first move from the top of the back swing is a squat. I have a tendency to cast the club from the top while doing the squat but can release the club better when I use the left leg to initiate the downswing as suggested in the body rotation drill. In my case do you think I should forget about the squat move and focus only on the left leg to initiate the downswing?
May 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thiraphong. The lead leg will initiate the downswing. As you use the lead leg and start to pull the weight you will settle into the squat. This is just broken down more versus solely saying squat. The squat may not have worked for you because the initial lead leg motion was incorrect. If the leg is working you don't have to be so active thinking about the squat, but still make sure you are loading the glutes.
May 6, 2017
I've been running this drill for a few days now, typically pausing at the top of my backswing and holding and I'm absolutely driving my heels and feel good weight shift happening, so I believe I'm engaging my glutes, that said I do feel my thigh engaging a lot. Is that from the squat to square? Despite my weight being on heels?
April 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brad. You will use the inner thigh muscle (lead hip adduction) to help you pull the weight. And, even though the thigh is not the main ingredient it will be impossible for it not to be slightly engaged to help with some stability. As long as, the glutes are working and the weight is balanced properly. You should be okay.
April 14, 2017
From watching my own swings and from my swing reviews I'm using my right side/right leg too much in the down swing, should I feel like my right side/leg it just coming along for the ride, that it is relaxed, and everything it does it due to my left side pulling it?
April 12, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Diarmuid. Yes. You should feel the trail leg very passive in the downswing and just going along for the ride. (Role of the Right Foot Video)
April 12, 2017
Hi Craig. In doing this drill do you have to try consciously not to turn your shoulder and let the core rotation turns the shoulder both ways for you? If you try to consciously turn your shoulder when coming down do you think that this will cause an undesired casting motion?
March 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thiraphong. Yes, you don't want to consciously unwind the shoulders coming down. Being over active with them early will cause steep and casting. You want to use the core to help you wind back and through. Going back you will still feel some lat pull like a normal shoulder rotation, but the shoulders need to be off coming down.
March 26, 2017
I've started step 2 drill and I'm having some pain just over my left pelvis while I'm doing the drill,is this common or am I doing the drill wrong. Thanks Mike
March 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. Are you pushing the hip against the lead socket wall? Take a look at Preventing Hip Pain.
March 21, 2017
I am having a hard time figuring out rotation consistently. Rotating with the arms crossed across the chest is easy but once you introduce the club, with the arms extended and weight of the club ,it is not the same thing ... so I find it misleading to do the drill shown above.. please advice
March 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sambhu. The club will be introduced once you reach Step 4. In Step 2 (above) the goal is to move the body correctly. RST'ers learn to swing from the inside out. Body, arms, and then club. Lots of golfers struggle with how the big muscles move. The club is secondary to what the body does. Once, you master the body motion. Step 3 will add the lead arm and Step 4 will start to introduce the club. I would suggest a review of the drill above to make sure it is correct before moving on, or one of you performing the later drills with the club introduced.
March 19, 2017
I find that when I am posting up on my left leg, my shoulders are square but my left shoulder is much higher than the right. Is this a problem? If so what would cause this.
February 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hank. The lead shoulder will be a little bit higher. If it is much higher. Sounds like you are coming out of the shot. Take a look at You Hit the Golf Ball With Your Legs to see it actually should keep you down and in the shot better.
February 27, 2017
In the "You Hit the Golf Ball With Your Legs ", it does seem that Chuck's left shoulder is fairly high also at least from my perspective. I find that the driving up from my left leg to posting is creating this position. So it is a post impact position. I do seem to be making good contact with the carpet when I am using a golf club.
February 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hank. The shoulder will be higher due to secondary tilt and the trail hand being lower on the club. Are you having the issue with arms across the chest? With the carpet diagnosis. Sounds like its in your release
February 27, 2017
I am trying to figure it out in mirror. Beginning to think I am rotating my left hip too far when posting up which is opening me up and not keeping me square at impact. Need to get video for a review, but currently my video equipment is old and am having trouble trying to load it to computer
February 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hank. We would be happy to take a look. Even if you have a smart phone. The video should suffice. The hips only need to be 35-45 degrees open. No need to rip them wide open at impact.
February 28, 2017
The practice sheet doesn't match up with this drill. Is it to another drill video in this series? Confusing because I've been doing the drill in this video for my 'reps' I've been using the practice sheets every week to keep track so be nice to get one for this drill.
February 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. If you are referring to the Printable Sheets. This drill wouldn't match. The Rep Tracker follows on the 5 Step System Drill Only Videos. Therefore, the tracker will be next on Step 3 - Add the Lead Arm - Drill Only.
February 24, 2017
Bit off topic but...related to this video Was just watching an episode of Champions Tour Learning Center with a feature on Jerry Kelly. He said this is a problem in his swing. He's now learning to pull through with left side as he's always pushed from the right and kind of thrown the club. Said it's a totally new feel for him. And said he's had a very good career with a crappy swing! Amazing! And he's played well in his 40's. I know you'll find a lot of swing faults with Tour players yet on shear ability amazing how some just get it done.
February 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Yes, there are definitely lots of players that get the job done with improper technique. Some of the ability and skill to make this happen is pretty special on some tour guys. Thanks for the post.
February 24, 2017
Martin L
Where are my favorites on the website?
February 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. Go to Video Menu --> Videos for You --> My Favorites.
February 23, 2017
Working through the 5-steps, should the recommended 3,000 drill reps be strictly using the "Drill Only" drill videos under the 5-Step, or is it ok to also pull from the RST Drill section as part of the 3,000 total?
January 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. You can pull some from the original drill videos. The goal is still to get 3000-5000 perfect repetitions of any move. The "Drill Only" is mainly to help dial the nuts and bolts of the video with minimal talk.
January 28, 2017
Hello my instructor posted mostly takeaway videos but following the 5 step system the next section for me is core rotation. How should I proceed? Is it best to split time between two or just focus on rotation? What step in 5-step system deals with takeaway? Thanks
January 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. The 5 Step jump starts a great downswing. It's geared for players ready make a leap into better ball striking, rather than overall whole change of the swing. Proceed with what your overall goal is. A great downswing, or complete rebuild. The instructor usually focuses on the whole picture. If you want the overall. Split some time with syncing a better takeaway and some core rotation drills. But, I caution. Don't try to learn or practice too much at one time. Make sure it is regimented and structured.
January 19, 2017
One thing I find difficult with this drill is that I feel like I'm always pushing with my right leg without loosing my posture. I don't get into an extreme position as you demonstrate with the right leg, I keep rotating around my left leg and it's a kind of combination of a push and a pull. But I have great difficulty to feel my left leg in the pulling motion. And it is the same if I try to throw a ball like a baseball player. I load my right leg in a spring like compression, take a step on my left leg and rotate around the left leg. Maybe I'm doing something wrong because I have a hard time feeling any power while rotating around the left leg.
January 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Similar to a baseball motion. Load the trail side, step into with the lead (shift the weight), and post up (clear the hips from the lead side). That isn't necessarily a bad thing not feeling the power. It does sound as if you push too much from the trail side. Take a look at You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs for more info.
January 19, 2017
This is an awesome drill. This is my second time on here and have to admit on the first occasion I took out bits and pieces, and yes I improved due to the impact drills mainly. Now that the RST drills track the amount of drills we do and I am doing it in the correct order, just having done set up, weight shift and core drills, I am getting into positions that I have not in the past. Moving the core and keeping the arms out of the swing I thought I did until taking up these drills made me realise I was in delusion mode before.
January 16, 2017
I've been trying to put the pieces together from a face on perspective. Feet two inches outside neutral with hips bumped on inch toward the target at setup. Shift one inch or so to the trail side on the backswing which looks like the trail leg appearing to stay still from front on because of hip rotation. The squat to square movement then puts the left leg into neutral and the right leg four inches inside neutral. The hips then keep turning so that the left leg remains in neutral and hips squarely face the target. Is that pretty much it? What then of head movement? Is the ideal to keep the axis tilt the same throughout the swing to impact?
January 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. Yes, thats pretty much it. However, the hips won't squarely face the target at impact. Just in case that is what you were referring too. Also, don't worry about the head. It will move a little in the swing. You don't want to try a lock it into place. If the swing is started from the ground up properly with a relaxed upper half. The head will move a little, but be fine. You will have a little more secondary axis tilt coming into impact. But, you don't need to try and create more.
January 9, 2017
Thanks Craig. I meant that the hips should squarely face the target at the end of the follow through (not at impact). I was focused on what I would like to see in the mirror front on.
January 9, 2017
I am really confused. After lesson one I'm 96% finished with the videos. Lesson two, 93%, lesson three, 145%, lesson four, 220% and lesson five, 367%. Am I doing something wrong, or is it the website? Also, I am under the impression I should do 3000 reps under each section, but I'm over 10% done and I've only posted a total of 1550 reps. Finally, I'm number 3 on total reps...but many subscribers are way ahead of me. Should I just ignore the tracking system?
December 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. It sounds like a site issue, but I have yet to see that. If you continue to experience the problem. Please notify customer service. Yes, 3-5000 to master a move. I would ignore the system for right now. There might be a new bug I am unaware of.
December 30, 2016
Yes, it shows inconsistently different parts of the site. I think for me 5000 is a closer number...I have a lot of swing faults to overcome. But when I do everything right, I amaze myself how far and straight I hit my shots. I am dedicated to following these drills and I don't care how long it takes. I hit a drive today that exceeded 240 yards. I'm 73 years old with an average drive of 175.
January 3, 2017
When posting up on the lead leg, is the lead leg locked straight at impact?
December 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dylan. You want to shy away from a locked out position. It may produce more speed. However, you will end up like Tiger in the US Open. Torn ACL and MCL.
December 15, 2016
Thank you!
December 15, 2016
when I do this slow motion I can do reps all day. When I speed up I start getting discomfort in the lower back and I notice my right foot is coming up off the floor. When I make sure to keep that on the floor goodbye pain. Is this from pushing from the right side and causing secondary axis tilt?
December 13, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. That is exactly what it sounds like to me.
December 13, 2016
When does the left leg straighten up? Just before impact or after impact?
December 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. You don't want to lock the lead leg back too straight. However, the lead leg will be straight just before impact.
December 12, 2016
I never full understood or felt the sequencing of the weight shift/core rotation until I started drilling this. I'm starting to feel what I should be doing before the arms come into play. Usually my right side starts taking over before my weight is shifted and my hips have opened resulting in loss of lag and inconsistency. This is a great drill that I can do now that it's snowing here.
December 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Tom. Yes, a good snow drill.
December 9, 2016
I don't seem to be posted up fully when I shift my weight back over to my left side. My left knee is still bent.
October 18, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Garry. Check out the weight shift to the left, You hit the golf ball with your legs, and the 9 to 3 drill video.
October 18, 2016
I get using the core to make a backswing. During the downswing do I consciously use the core? I'm having a problem with making the lateral weight shift and then "re-engaging" the core to complete the turn. Also if the core movement moves the shoulders in the backswing, how do you turn the switch so the core moves only the hips in the downswing? Thanks.
September 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. The core will still be engaged. The pull of the weight (lead hip adduction) and torso to start unwinding the hips are so close together. No need to stop and re-engage. Take a look at the Rotary Golf Downswing Overview. It does follow a chain, but a blended together movement.
September 26, 2016
Michael Todd
What should my weight distribution (left/right leg) be at the end of this drill, at the square impact position? Thanks.
September 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Micael. The weight should be 80-90% on the lead side when the shoulders are square and the hips 35-45 degrees open to the target.
September 20, 2016
could you give idea which yoga pose is good for this drill. Before and after to engage the muscles or for stretching.
September 14, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
No particular pose is going to benefit over the next. Just make sure your cores is engaged at the address position. Try pulling your bellybutton in toward your spine to help engage the core if you are having a hard time finding these muscles.
September 14, 2016
When I do several reps of this drill, I feel a bit of fatigue and discomfort in the latissimus muscles. Is this normal/correct or am I doing something wrong?
September 12, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ryan -- Those are great muscles to be feeling and the fatigue is probably from the lack of proper usage in your regular swing. Make sure you give yourself a break when drilling and you are stretching properly (possibly foam rolling) before and after working on your new moves.
September 12, 2016
What is a good way to time when to post up? Should this start to sequence when the hips and knees are square and when 80% of my weight is on my left side?
September 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Yes. After you plant the weight on the lead side and the hips/knees are square. Sort of like Squat to Square Video position.
September 10, 2016
Got it. Any suggestions on building patience to wait for this point into the sequence. I find myself wanting to post up early before square and weight transfer. I suppose there is no magic and proper training is the way to achieve great sequencing.
September 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. You need to wait for speed. The post helps you release the club and create speed by leverage pull from the ground. You only get one speed burst in the golf swing. You don't want it in the backswing, transition or after the ball. You want the speed at impact. Think like throwing a ball. You wait until the last possible moment and then you release.
September 11, 2016
As I practice this, I get the feeling that my belt buckle - or the gut just behind it - is pulling the rest of my torso around, and the shoulders and arms just follow as they must. Almost as though a rope were connected to my belt buckle and it is being pulled in the line of the target. Is that feeling suggesting I'm doing the correct movement? Thanks, Brian
August 31, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Brian. Sounds okay. The oblique is pulling the lead hip open and you want the core movements directing the swing with passive shoulders and arms.
September 1, 2016
Other than numerous reps, are there any other things not emphasized in the video that can help someone who suffers from over-rotating his hips in the backswing? I tend to continue rotation way beyond 30-45 degrees (as I rotate my shoulders to 90 degrees). Unfortunately, this is a terrible habit I've had for years (w/o knowing any better because I was not a rotary swing client until more recently), so just like good habits that make it to muscle memory, this bad one did for me. Unless, I consciously think about it, which never makes for a fluid swing, I revert to the bad habit. I'm certainly willing to put in the time to correct the issue, but I just want to make sure I'm doing everything rotary swing would recommend. Thanks
August 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. Are you able to maintain your knee placement and still over rotate? (Laser Beam Knee Drills for Stability Video).
August 15, 2016
Craig, Thank you for your prompt reply. I think I've been so pre-occupied with other flaws in my swing, that I think I lost track of my knees and they ARE moving too much (or at least my right knee on the backswing --I play right-handed). I just watched the video. I hadn't see it before. Thank you for pointing it out. ...Time to go to work. Thanks again
August 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No problem Mike. Always here to help.
August 15, 2016
Is it correct to assume that with the weight shift the right side is passive (right handed golfer)? I understand the shallowing on the down swing theory but what I cannot grasp and have never really understood is where is the power coming from? Is it the whipping action derived from the core rotation or is there another component. The whipping action just seems too simplistic or are the arms just along for the ride.
August 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Yes, the trail side will be passive. Whipping the torso could actually inhibit proper speed. You need leverage, width and rotation in the golf swing for good club head speed. Proper sequence and kinetic chain. Solely trying to whip the torso would not allow for a good deceleration of the body to transfer the energy. Take a look at a few videos for me (How to Maintain Speed as You Get Older, Arms vs Body Release, Vijay Release Drill, You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs, and Throw the Club Head at the Ball).
August 5, 2016
Do I physically try to keep my right shoulder back during the initial part of the hip rotation? If I do that it helps having my shoulders square during impact. But it also tenses up the muscles in my shoulders.
August 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christian. If you really spin the shoulders a lot you might have to restrict the trail shoulder. I tell my students to feel as if there shoulder was drugged by a tranquilizer. Off, but not tense.
August 5, 2016
I've been practicing this drill for several weeks now. Between this true and axis tilt I come away with a lot of lower back with a loot of país. Is this a sign that I'm doing something wrong? Does having a smaller frame make the difference?
July 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. You might be keeping the upper half lagging behind. Take a look at Preventing Hip Pain and the Fixing Your Weight Transfer Video. Make sure you don't create too much secondary axis tilt coming down and create a lot of curve in the lumbar spine.
July 18, 2016
The Straight Left Leg video was recommended to Richard. When placing that title in Search for videos.... "unable to find..." appears. Is there another name under which it appears?
July 13, 2016
Try this one:
July 13, 2016
How do I communicate with Steve Maes regarding his recommendations to me based on my latest swing review? I am having great difficulty with this concept of weight shift and post. It works some of the time with irons but when I put a driver in my hand it does not work most times. In fact, many times I severly pull the drive (low pull) and I am not able to hit the sweet spot on the driver (appears to be a glancing hit across the ball (right to left) as if I am coming over the top? It would help if Steve could leave some comments and check points I should focus on. Frustrated!
June 28, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Dan-Take the time to work with the squat to square drill. This will give you a good understanding of how the weight shift really works. Also the fix your weight shift drill is a great one to look at. The weight shift is the shallowing move in the downswing and if you can shallow out, we can avoid glancing across the ball as long as the left side is in control. When we shift left correctly that over the top motion will go away. When we starting coming over the top it's from the upper body, right side, wanting to be to overactive from the start of the downswing down into impact and that's part of the reason why we hit it low and pull it (check out the new angle of attack video as well). The external rotation of the lead leg is that first move in the downswing to start the weight shift! Keep working hard Dan!
June 28, 2016
Hi Steven. Just wanted to tell you the squat to square drill you recommended is working for me. Now I better understand what I should be feeling with the weight transfer. Practice makes perfect but already I tried it on the course and no PULLS at all the whole round! Drives are straight down the line with a slight fade from time to time. The drives are much more solid hits (not glacing). Distance is not improved yet but I don't care...distance will come I am sure as I perfect this drill into my swing. Not sure I am posting effectively yet but hope to improve upon that as well. Thanks for making golf more fun again. Looking forward to your feedback once I submit another swing analysis request in a week or two. Happy 4th to you and everyone at RST!
June 30, 2016
hi, i have trouble posting on the left side. I have no problem getting my weight to the left side but at impactmy left knee is bent and outside of neutral joint alignment. all the advice is push the left heel into the ground but this happens post impact.
June 28, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Take a look at the Straight Left Leg Video.
June 28, 2016
Hello Craig, It seems as if my left knee and hip tend to go too far forward past my ankle in this drill. Do I need to try and rotate my hip back further or earlier? Or is it usually the hip that should get extended and post up sooner?
June 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joshua. Check how you are posting up (Straight Left Leg at Impact) and also how you are shifting the weight (Preventing Hip Pain). Sounds like you are pushing from the trail side to shift and the knee is posting up properly.
June 13, 2016
If the power comes from rotating the hips and snapping the lead leg straight, how can we generate more swing speed? Is it the faster we rotate the hips the faster the swing?
June 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. Rotating hips and lead leg leverage pull from the ground isn't the only power source. Lag and release constitute about 66% of your swing speed. Take a look at How to Maintain Club Head Speed as You Get Older and the Rotating Body versus Releasing Video. You will want to increase your leverage and width. You definitely don't want to use the hips as the only power source and create only spin to increase speed.
June 9, 2016
I'm 65 yrs old and not flexible enough to rotate shoulders to 90 degrees without my belt buckle rotating to 45 degrees or more. Am I better off stopping short of 90? I certainly don't want to sacrifice club speed.
June 8, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Tim -- Check out this video. It's one of our members favorites that talk about how to maintain speed as you get older.
June 8, 2016
to add to what I just posted. In an intro video you spoke of jamming left heel into the ground to transfer weight and nothing about driving the left knee to the left. Can I go back and use the jamming left heel for feeling?
June 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. You can use the feeling of the stomp to help with weight transfer. The lead knee movement usually takes place naturally when performing it correctly.
June 8, 2016
My biggest fault by far is the transision from the load backswing to shifting waiting to the left. I want to instinctivly want to hit with my right hand/arm. When I drive with my left inside knee to the left I feel like I am off balance and that my weight is on the front of my left foot instead of loading my left heel. Should I feel like i need to drive my knee to the left when transfering the weight to the left side? I honestly believe that if I can get this part of the swing down that I will be on my way to being a great hitter of the ball. Thank you.
June 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. The lead knee will externally rotate first and you will begin to pull the weight (Fixing Your Weight Transfer Video). You should feel the knee first blending into a transition of pulling weight.
June 8, 2016
The core rotation is the most critical golf swing fundamental. The weight shift and rotation onto the trail side is generally easier, however, the most challenging move is the lead leg initiated weight shift and rotation to the lead side while the trail side remains passive. Is there any further small drill that can help developing this move? Another question is when the weight is initially shifted to the trail side, your trail leg muscles are activated. When do those muscles to fire or release the energy if any?
June 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. Maybe the Fixing Your Weight Transfer will help turn the trail side off. You won't feel a whole lot of release or fire with the trail side. You will be using them more as a braking system. Take a look at Jason Day vs Rory Mcilrory Power Post Up.
June 7, 2016
how do I find the stomp drill in the videos? BillD
June 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. The stomp drill is located in the RST Tempo Video and the Swinging from the Ground Up Video.
June 1, 2016
Hello, I am having a problem with my arms where as I am trying to hard to get them to drop in the swing plane.
May 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Adrian. You need to use a blend of gravity and pull. It sounds like you are yanking the lead arm down. Take a look at the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag. Try to soften the blend when shifting with softer arms.
May 30, 2016
Then, if I focus on the mid section and body core, I should not have to worry about power or aim too much? The swing is just a natural momentum?
May 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. You will be using the proper sequence for power. However, you still need to aim the body correctly for directional purposes. The swing will be using centripetal force and momentum.
May 21, 2016
Hi craig, I am unable to view 5 step Golf swing series, it states 503 Service Unavailable. You mentioned in my review, that I am not quite there yet with the club face at the top of the backswing. Do I need to have the butt of the club poiting more towards the ball? it is too steep thats is causing the open club face or too flat? Thanks. Stephen
May 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Try again. It is working well on my end. Could've been a quick glitch. Don't worry about the butt end of the club. You are off by fractions with the face. It is more the lead arm and wrist. I am more concerned about your movements into the strike than the top right now with regards to the face position.
May 9, 2016
In this video you mention that the left oblique helps pull you left hip back an the left leg helps push your left hip back. Are these the same moves which helps stall the upper body.
May 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. The upper body needs to remain passive. The lower body will help pull you into position, but won't necessarily force you to stall. You have to trail releasing the club and using the lead arm properly to not push through.
May 9, 2016
The ...this shoulder rotation is quite a twist compared to other body fundamentals? Is it counter-productive to do more than 90 degrees? I feel and fear of overturning my perpendicular shoulders.
May 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. You don't need to rotate any further back than 90 Degrees with your shoulders. Coming down the goal would be for the shoulders to return to square at impact.
May 9, 2016
HI. Can you let me know at what point the left leg actually fully straightens and is it at this point the hips fully rotate to the left?
May 6, 2016
It is straightening through the hitting area and should be straight at impact and this helps rotate the hip open.
May 6, 2016
Thanks Chuck. I've noticed my left leg is bent through impact even though I'm consciously trying to straighten it and it doesn't straighten until after impact. Any thoughts on why this can happen and how to fix it?
May 6, 2016
Have you had your swing reviewed? Without seeing it I'd guess your pushing off the right too hard and firing the arms too hard too soon.
May 6, 2016
I've had it reviewed twice now and just sent in a new one a couple of days ago but it's not been mentioned. It's something I've been trying to fix for years! I tried the left arm drill in step 3 yesterday and could feel a big difference. BTW the new 5 step videos are fantastic.
May 7, 2016
Hi Craig! When (in transition) i start to internally rotate my lead leg i still feel some (probably too much) weight on my trailing leg. Would u be kind enough to let me know how to fix/improve that? Thank u!
May 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Nacho. Internally rotate lead or or externally rotate leg? That could be the culprit. The lead knee externally rotates as you use lead hip adduction (internal femur rotation) to pull weight over. Are you allowing the upper half to move? You might be forcing your head to stay too quiet.
May 4, 2016
Hi I'm a little confused about where the "squat" fits into this sequence. In other videos on weight transfer you emphasise that the squat is required to get the weight to the left heel and all the good things that this will produce will flow. Is this drill simply another way to view this transfer or will the "squat" come later in the series? Kind Regards Andrew
May 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. You are getting the same results from the squat in this drill (weight shift and glute engagement). This however is another way to look at it and put everything into one sequence.
May 4, 2016

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