Rotation & Footwork

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How do you "rotate" correctly in the golf swing? It's probably NOT what you think it is. To rotate properly we need to create TORQUE and to create torque our feet must work a certain way as you'll learn in this video.

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Another great video and the way I am interpreting this instruction is both feet are screwing into the ground in the same clockwise fashion on the backswing (the left less that the right due to less pressure on the left), AND CONTINUE TO DO SO AT THE START OF THE DOWNSWING, both feet. This seems really powerful to me and also seems to drive the start of the downswing. Is my interpretation correct?
March 5, 2025
That's pretty close. I'm working on a video to help explain the feet and pressure movements that will make this more clear for the whole swing
March 5, 2025
Dear Chuck, wonderful concept, one little thing confuses me - in your video about longhitters versus Zach Johnson you insisted that the hips need to rotate AWAY from the target at impact - here it looks like lateral bend until the finish?
February 25, 2025
When you lateral bent and extend your pelvis will rotate
February 26, 2025
Hi Chuck, been a member for quite a few years and have improved steadily. I got a lot from the Axiom series but never got the weight shift properly. This video, where it explains that it actually shifts behind and laterally tied it all together. Hitting the ball with much more compression and speed. My question is that as I squish the bug I don’t feel a throwing motion per se but it is releasing with speed. Should I consciously try to throw or is it happening as a result of proper sequencing and just let it happen. The Goat theory IMO is the most comprehensive and effective presentation of the golf swing I’ve ever seen. Keep up the good work! Thank you.
February 21, 2025
Thanks Stephen. The throw is not something that should be felt in the arm per se. that is where people go wrong. The core is doing all the heavy lifting and transmitting energy through the arm and when done correctly the arms should feel whipped and effortless
February 23, 2025
At set up, is the weight over the ankles? Then as you start to make your backswing does the left foot pressure go more on the ball of the foot and the right foot goes more into the heel? Then on the way down does the left foot go into the heel while the right foot goes into the toes?
February 19, 2025
The weight should really be in the middle of the feet over the arches, and it moves back toward the heel and toward the ball of the foot, and then reverses in the downswing
February 20, 2025
I cannot hit a fade with this feel for some reason any tips?
February 19, 2025
I would have to see it
February 20, 2025
I was watching this vid again this morning and I had been thinking it was just a lead foot heel-to-target move. Watching for like the 20th time, I'm seeing the connection w/ the trail foot! In socks and on a wooden floor, the clockwise pressure in the trail foot reaches an endpoint where the heel goes around the clock and slides toward the target and this works in tandem with the leadl foot! An 'aha' moment! BTW, I'm coming to your Swing Speed class in Tucson and Craig has been helping me since September-- 2025 going to be a great year for me! Looking forward to meeting you and swinging faster!
February 19, 2025
Looking forward to meeting you Dennis good observation. Yep the whole body is creating this movement. It’s not just a move of the left foot.
February 19, 2025
Ideal method taught on foot work and how weight are shift initially. Achieved plenty on this video. Many thanks ????
February 17, 2025
I checked myself on video from Face on and sure enough I was doing the exact same as the individual you pointed out. I tried this out over the weekend at the range and consciously having to think about it felt really odd, but when I did it right, it was noticeable how my lower body works. Lots of work to do to sync this up with also the supination and than squish the bug, but this may be a small detail to focus on to change that sequencing.
February 17, 2025
If you do the med ball throws and kettle bell exercises i demonstrated this movement will happen naturally
February 17, 2025
Chuck... I understand that lateral movement early is necessary, but as you demonstrate in the medicine ball drill, isn't it the case that your core starts rotating earlier rather than later in the swing?
February 14, 2025
All of these things are happening way faster than your mind can process it, so in that regard, it's effectively all happening at the same time
February 14, 2025
Great Video Chuck! Is this foot movement a result of other things or are you intentionally moving your feet which causes other good things to happen? I am always looking for movements that are the root of other things....
February 14, 2025
The feet are really moving in response to the core rotation and wind up at this phase of the swing
February 14, 2025

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