How to Shallow Your Golf Swing Fast and Easy - Live Lesson

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Do you struggle with shallowing the club in the downswing and keep hitting a pull cut or even slice? The fix might be super simple as you will see in this lesson.

How are ya? Good, man. I'm excited. How's your day going so far,

I've been slammed and busy and exhausted and tired and running ragged, but I'm starting to catch my breath. And after all this research has been driving me freaking crazy for eight months, finally putting it out there. So

I'm excited too. I heard the news is coming up this week. I was like, oh shoot. I gotta be on the lookout for that.

I, yeah, I do. I, I have, I'm super diligent in how I'm testing everything. So it's taking me, you know, I, I wanted to have the data to back it up and they'd be able to go out and play with it and do all this stuff, but definitely hitting the best shots of, of my life, which has been pretty fun. So, yeah. Yeah. So, so what's going on with you?

So I I actually hurt my shoulder. I had some like fraying in my rotator cuff and stuff, and I had to get like a couple steroid shots in there to play actually. And I just started playing this week again. It's not good, man. I just, I need some, like, I need like a big picture view of kind of how to start again. You know what I mean? I'm kind of, I've been watching videos and stuff on the site while I've been hurt, you know, and I've got an understanding of how everything is and like the minutia, but I kind of need like, just like a big picture. Here's what I need to do down the road. You know what I mean?

Absolutely. We all need that just to recenter and get grounded. Right.

So that's awesome. But yeah, go ahead. Yeah. I was just gonna say, I really see a lot with my driver. I can definitely see them standing up in my posture, especially with the driver and with the longer woods and irons it, like, I'm getting some wicked snap hooks dude. Like you're like, you wouldn't believe I can my arms a little better. And it's more of like a little pole cut. Do I can kind of control, but definitely the longer clubs it gets kind of ugly. So you wouldn't mind taking a look and maybe like my irony and drivers swing now for sure. You awesome.

Yeah, let's do it. Let's see what we got.

Let's see. Is there, if I do, I got like a seven iron is okay. First. Yep. That's perfect. Alrighty. Yeah, that's perfect. Okay. I'll kind of go after it too. Cause I feel like the more, see I try to get the moral here is perfect. All right. Can I see face on

This? Okay. Yep. Okay. Perfect. And I think that this might be an interesting case study for the work that I've been doing. So we'll talk cause I, I, yeah, so let me, let me see what's going on here. So you got pretty high hands and then the club gets a little steep coming down. You can definitely play there. So it's interesting as you, you know, you kind of get into a pretty high hands position and then you use, are you naturally left-handed

I'm actually necessarily right this funny and say that,

Well, no, this is what's interesting about it. Like you're getting into a high hands position because you're right handed. And that allows you to swing the club up and not really dominate the swing much with the trail arm. But then as you come down, your arm can just yank the club down because your right arm is so strong. Most golfers, their lead arm is their weak arm. Right. And so they can't rip the club down that fast because they just don't have the strength or coordination to do it. Whereas you do right. So now what you're missing because you have higher hands in relationship to your shoulders. See, I can see a lot of your right shoulder and your right trap here. And it was more so on the first let me just go back to that one.

That's crazy. You even know that man.

So well, it's just a lot of swings brother. I, during this research for the past eight months, I've made over 50,000 swings.

Oh my gosh, dude. I'm

So sore and tired and tired people have no idea what I've been doing. I've been in this studio for eight to 10 hours a day hitting balls. Yeah. Yeah. I put it to good use. Right? So, so here's the check you got, you know, you got a good shoulder plane, the arm, the right arm is a fair bit above it. So you just need to shallow it out. Okay. Now how you do that is not going to be working very well when you're pulling down with the lead arm that aggressively. Okay. So you're, you're going to run into the stuff that you're seeing is that, you know, you said you, you can kind of play like a little bit of a pull cut, but you know cuts great. But you know, when you're coming down steep like that, it's pretty tricky to get all that stuff to balance out. You're not quite getting a full turn. So this is, this is a prototypical lead arm dominant move right here. Even though, you know, you're making a big back swing, like you've got a high hand, you know, from down the line, it looks like a proper full back swing, but your trail shoulder is not loaded up. Okay. I'll explain why that matters in just a moment. But, but we know from this point that your lead shoulder girdle, or I know is really loaded and stretched and ready to fire. Okay.

Which is actually the shoulder hurt playing golf. Well, this is how you heard it. Wow.

So we'll know. Yeah. And you mentioned rotator cuff, so there's a basic, there's a group of a bunch of muscles here, obviously, but, but your, the muscles that you're going to use on this side, like your infraspinatus, your superspinatus, your Terry's minor, your subscap your rhomboid. Those are the first three I mentioned are all rotator cuff muscles. So you know, if you, if you sustained an injury to those these muscles do external rotation, they do arm elevation at an angle with the arm internally rotated things that are important for golf. Okay. So, so what you're doing is you're getting just a ton of speed from that dominant arm and the club doesn't get a chance to shallow out. And then what's interesting here is that you actually stall out

And you can yeah. Yeah. And get a little flip at the bottom,

Watch your, your right arm, your right arm is, has done all its co could, there's nothing else left for it to do. Cause you yank that thing down so hard from the top. There's nothing left to keep moving it. Right. Right. But there's this, but there's a ton of momentum in the clubs still. Okay. So, so the, you get that flip and that's why your right arm looks pinned against your chest. Okay. So, so all of this stuff, this is what's, this is a big part of what I've been researching, this, this this whole, this whole year, basically. So my, my initial thoughts were, you know, is, is there, is there a benefit of being more lead side dominant or trail side dominant? Is there benefit to being more body oriented? Is there benefit to having your hands higher? Is there a benefit to having them lower?

What are the force plates show in terms of what kind of ground forces we're creating and those types of things. And so, as I was researching all this stuff, you know, I have a lot of injuries on my lead side. So I'm super susceptible to like understanding pain really quickly. When I try to do things with my lead Sykes, I have nerve damage on the left side that affects my rotator cuff muscles actually. So so I unfortunately know a lot about that, the rotator cuff muscles on that side, but I also shattered my hands and my left hand, my lead hand is really, really weak. Okay. So, so for me, I couldn't yank that club down as fast as you could. I couldn't do it if I wanted to. There's just no physical strength for me. So, but in your case now you're strong and you're playing left-handed but you naturally right-handed.

So you've got this dominant hand that can just do a ton of work. Now here's the trick to that. I tested this, I tested everything under the sun, but I tested trying to feel just lead arm. I tested trying to feel lead side of the body pulling. I tested just driving with the hips I tested right. Arm throw right. Arm push. So I tried all of those things if I'm just lead arm dominant. Right. And which is kind of what you are. I mean, you're making a turn, but, but you're really turning. And then just getting this lead shoulder girdle loaded and then yanking it down. And that's why you're steep. Okay. For me, I started getting pain in my left forearm, my lead form, trying to do that. And you may not have that yet, but I don't have, again, I don't have very good strength in my hands.

So I have to squeeze the club kind of tight in order to be able to pull the club the way down, the way that you are. And so that really caused a lot of pain. But in your case, it went right to your rotator cuff muscles. Cause you're just yanking that thing down. Okay. So here's the trick to all of this stuff. And there's two basic ways of thinking about the golf swing. Okay. You're either going to pull with the lead side of your body and a little bit of the lead arm. You're just doing more lead arm and that's why you're stalling out. Or you're going to add pushing motion from the trail arm, both totally work. Right. And I played with both this summer and my handicap stayed exactly the same. So ball striking that kind of stuff. There's, there's nuances and fine tuning things that are different for each, but in general, like, is it going to radically change you know, going one way or the other?

No, you can play great golf either way. And people, you know, call them Gumtree, swing super high hands, big lateral hip shift, big lateral hip shift the other way, you know, he, he's still a great freaking golfer, right? So at the end of the day, you can play great either way. So the question is now for you, you're not going to be able to sustain, pulling down with your lead arm forever. You're young you're fit. You can do it now, but you've already had an injury, right. And so that's not sustainable. So the question is, do you want to be, because you're naturally more, you know, lead side dominant because that's your dominant side. Anyway, if you're going to swing to be more of a lead side pool, then you have to get some shallowing moves in your swing because your arms too steep and coming down too steep, if you're going, if you feel for most golfers who are naturally trail hand dominant, because most golfers are playing right-handed and they're not very, very right-side dominant, then they can use more right arm, trail, arm, thrust in the swing to help balance it out.

My guess is you're probably going to want to take advantage of the fact that you naturally are, right-handed playing left-handed. And so you're going to want to feel more pulling, but I don't know if you've experimented one way or the other to feel using the trail arm in the swing at all. Or if you always just used your dominant hand,

I always kind of use my dominant hand. I watch a couple of like the recent lessons you did where you're talking about doing like this, like a throw motion. And no, I can, I can definitely do that. It feels a little more awkward, like you're saying just cause it's not my dominant hand. What do you think? I mean, I'd be willing to try whatever to be honest with you, even if you wanted to have it as like a prototype or something, like if I could give it a rip.

Well, here's my, there's two ways of thinking about it in general. People who are lead side dominant and have that motion grouped, that's what we would call a swing, like kind of a swinging motion. Whereas somebody who's trail hand dominant is more of a pushing motion. I think that tends to favor people who are naturally trail hand dominant. So you may find that that might feel pretty awkward. But what I might do is I'll kind of give you a couple ways to chew on it either way to tinker with it and a really simple way, both ways. Cause there's definitely advantages to, to the trail side stuff. And there's definitely advantages to the lead side stuff, right? So let's take it kind of balanced out first with what you've got working. So the simplest way to figure this out, to, to get everything to balance out so that your plane and path are, are in alignment and you're not getting injured anymore.

Cause you have to use more body rotation because that movement will help your arm not have to fire so aggressively from the top. So when you think about what you're doing to come down, as you go here and then yank this arm down, we that's going to get you steep. Okay. So now instead of that, you need to get your body working. And this is where typically most people you're athletic enough that you can pull this off. But what I've seen is that people who are not naturally lead arm dominant and trying to get them to use their body is so hard. I mean, I've been teaching for 25 years and it's just one of those things that it takes a long time to get people, to use their core and their hips. It's just not natural unless they're naturally athletic and naturally leads side, you know, have some coordination there.

The average golfer who, you know, I just gave a lesson to a guy just now, before you. And he literally looks like this and his golf swing, right. It's just not going to work. So, so for you, there's two things that you can kind of do with this one. You can shallow out your arms at the top, not as part of your backswing equation so that you don't have the inherent steepness in there. Right. So as you're going back, you know, instead of picking your arm up and getting your arm well above your shoulders, getting your arms a little bit shallow or at the top immediately takes part of that steepness out of the swing. Right? So that's one what's that

I see what you're saying. You don't really have, like, you don't have to go the whole distance from here to here since you already kind of there.

Yeah. So like what what's, you know, your arms at the top are totally fine, but you don't have that natural inherent shallowing motion. It's just a yank down with the lead arm and that's how you got hurt. Okay. So if you're here, then you have to be able to shallow it out. Now, the way that you shallow it out, there's a million different ways that has been done and taught. And I tried all of them this summer and they all work right there. There's a right arm throw. So that's a Freddie couples kind of motion, right? So he's, he's got his arm flying at the top. And then if you will look at his swing, really slow watch. The only thing that moves to start his downswing is his right arm. Right? He gets this and he does this. This is a throwing motion. So looking at it from face on or down the line, you'll see his left arm, his shoulders, the club barely moves, but this right arm moves a lot.

Cause he's in a high hands position, the flying elbow. And then he does this. Now the catch to that is from that position, when you start to activate this right arm and the muscles that you use to do this, it naturally starts tilting my spine back because I'm contracting the muscles on the right side of my body, which caused my, my spine to bid it. Absolutely shallows it out, but it also causes you to hang back. All right, so now I'm doing this, this totally works. My Latin, all these intercostals are pulling this arm down. So now I'm in a position to where as I keep turning through, I've got a lot of side bend, right? So then, you know, Freddy is a great player and he's he learned he didn't want to hang back. So he, you know, he pushed off this side, got his hips really open.

He had a lot of lateral hip movement with a lot of hang back from that throwing motion and it works, but he's had a bad back for 30 years, right? So there's a trade-off between, you know, using that kind of throwing motion. Now I'm not saying everybody's going to get hurt like Freddy did. But inherently, when you look at the muscles that engage in what has to happen to produce any real spam, you can do this slow and not get hurt, but what's the point of swinging slow. Like if you're going to produce any force and speed in it, then, then this is going to happen. Pretty these contractions are going to happen pretty aggressively. And you're going to get into these positions to where you're going to possibly get hurt. So that's why I'm not a huge fan of being really high handed. And then using that trail arm, throwing motion to shallow it out, you know, you, you can do it, you know, Freddy hat, you know, like I said, a lot of lateral move, everybody kind of blends. These shallowing moves together in their own natural way. Right. Nicholas, he set up with a lot of access. Tilt had high hands and also had quite a bit of luck.

Oh, Hey man, I think your audio went out on there or it might be my computer. I'm not sure. Let me see this mine near me now. Yeah. I can hear you. Sorry. My battery died on my mind. No worries. Okay. So so what I was saying, you know, guys who have that trailing arm, throwing boats tend to kind of add more lateral, move, more secondary access till more back and hip problems. In my opinion, it may take a long time to develop it. It happens. Okay. So that's why I'm not a huge fan. After all this stuff that I did this summer, trying that myself and find like there's just no way to not create a lot of to doing that. I don't think that's the best option. So for you being your right side dominant, what you're going to need to feel is way more quiet and passive in your arms.

And you need to feel a bigger turn with your body to get these arms back here so that you have more time for the arm to shallow out the swing needs to feel more around. If you go up with high hands, you need a lot of shallowing stuff. And that's where stuff gets a little tricky. If you go more around and let your lead arm swing pretty naturally and relaxed and then rotate and let the arm get pulled through then up your arms, get to shallow out. Naturally. If your arms are tense because you're getting ready because you've lifted that arm up pretty aggressively. So the shoulders tense, and then you're gearing up to pull it down. The club has no chance to shallow out. So from, from a really like a flatter turn as well, or is it just completing the turn? It's not a flatter turn.

Your shoulder turns great. It's letting it's keeping your it's reducing the amount of elevation in your arms. That's the simplest way of thinking about it, right? The steeper, my arms are in relationship to my shoulder plane, the more shallow and moves I've got to put in there. Okay. So if I don't do this and I do more swinging around with my lead arm, then my arms are a little bit shallow. I don't have as much elevation cause I'm not picking my arm up. So now as I come down from here, my arm is more relaxed. This arm naturally begins to drop your arm is high, tight and pulling. And I'm saying, if you're going to use your lead side of the pool, it's helpful to be a little bit shallower, let your body get the initial movement of the arm done. And that's a pulls the arm it. Okay. So let's try just a couple, just swing the club a little bit more round your body. And you're going to focus a little bit more on pulling with your body. Pull the arm through.

Can you see this? Okay. Yup. This was set up. This wouldn't be here. Yeah, exactly. Is that too much? Nope. Okay. Make sure your right shoulder feels pretty relaxed at the top. There you go. Now use your body, your core to rotate you from there and keep your arms relaxed. Okay? Yeah. Relax. The arms more arms are going to be soft. So your arms are still pretty quick. They're so, so try to feel like that club is really, really heavy and you're just swinging you just kind of feeling the weight of the club head you say.

Yep. That'd be perfect. Yeah. And now use your body to pull it. There you go. Do that again. Okay. Let's just take a quick look at those. Okay. I'm it feel super deep. I bet it's like a full swing. Oh yeah. All right. So this is where at first you're kind of showing, you know, that's where you aren't hands would normally go. And that's where you're trying to kind of put them shallower, right? So we just have less of those compensating shallowing moves. So that looks pretty good there for a lead side pool kind of swing.

This was the first kind of swing with some speed. So you can see your, your lead arm and your shoulders are much closer to a similar plane. And because you turn really well with your shoulders, this is great. So you don't, you don't really, when you have really steep shoulders, like you do are proper shoulders, then don't need that as much elevation. So that's a good thing. I think, you know, having a lot of elevation with your arms in relationship to your shoulders works better when you have really flat shoulders because flat or shoulders flat or shoulder turn inherently spouses out your swing because you're finding a little more upright as your spine angle is steeper, right? So if you were bent over at 90 degrees, instead of, you know, 30, your swinging plane would be vertical, right? And you'd just be swinging straight up and down.

Versus if you were standing straight up, your swing plane would be completely horizontal. You'd be hitting a ball that was six feet off the ground. Right? I got the key. So as you start thinking about that, that helps you understand what shallow and steepening does with your spine. So you have a great spine angle and a scraped shoulder turn. You don't need to steep in your swing anymore, which is what elevating your arms does. Right? You're steepening your hands. When you add elevation with you already steeper spine and shoulder term. Okay. So now we don't need to go any higher. Why would you need any more elevation than that? You don't right. So now as you come down, club is much shallower already.

So that alone would totally fix point in the path without doing anything else. Right. If we put your original swing up, which we will, you'll see that your club right there. See that's through your bicep. Now let me pull your other one up real quick. Okay. So this is the original line. So now look at your original swing. See how much higher your hands are in relationship to your shoulders. Now watch as you come down slowly, it's like do my shoulder, huh? Yeah. All right. So you can see how it's steeper. It is, right. And that's, what's getting you to come down and hit these little pole cuts. Hate that shot, man.

It's pretty weak. It's not very fun to hit that. It gets real frustrating sometimes. Cause I think that I have like decent club head speed and you hit one of those little Slappy, little Wiener shots. And you're like, wow. Yep, exactly. Well that, that instantly solve that without having to do really anything else. Right? You're instantly, this is your lower hands. And then more rotation through the whole body. Just, you know, lower hands, which helps reduce some tension from your right shoulder. Okay. If you, if you add elevation and especially you being, right-handed the way that you're going to do that is activate this Delta, your shoulder muscles and this right arm. Right? That's the only muscles you have to lift the club. That's what they're there for. Now, when you do that, think about what's happening there. If I'm lifting up from my right shoulder, what needs to happen in the downswing for the club to shallow out that right shoulder.

Now it needs to relax. Yeah. How's that going to happen? You just activated it by the club up. It doesn't just turn itself off. So you've stretched these muscles in this right side of your body and this right shirt, shoulder girl that says, okay, I've stretched them as far as I can. Cause the more you lift your arms up, the more that you're stretching that lap so that the arm wants to get pulled down. Does that make sense? Yeah. Cause I couldn't even see my mouth on the first one. It's almost like it's so hyped up that inside my mouth here. Exactly. Yep. So now we've got that shoulder elevated. Yeah. And so now it doesn't just turn off. So now you're going to want to yank the club down. That's exactly what you're doing from here. You're you're much shallower and club shallows out automatically.

So even though you were a little bit more aggressive than I would want you to be with your arm, swing the club, still the shallows out, you can still play golf from there. Right? So the catches, when you're in, you're really trying to be more lead side, pool oriented, dominant the arms need to relax more. Right? You don't need to be firing them hard from the top. And so that would be the only thing that you would really work on is from a shallow or our position. You just start, you know, relaxing your arms more and start getting, you know, a little smoother rhythm and tempo to your swing instead of just yanking the club down to produce speed.

Let me see. Yeah. And then when you went here, this was really good. Now look, I look up, fly. Your swing is oh yeah. So like I can actually see your left shoulder. So there's not going to be any shallowing necessary here right now. It comes already through your forearm. Well, so that's actually a little bit under the plane. You see? So now you, this would be a little bit of a push draw, which would completely transform your drives right now. You gotta at least be able to start murdering the driver again. Right? Oh my gosh. It'd be great. I'm so scared, man. Well, what's cool about this is that your body position here is beautiful. You rotate really well in this club because the, you know, the flex flexible ness of the shaft is kind of giving you that feeling of not yanking it down.

Cause it just doesn't feel right. You feel that shaft Mount load correctly. And so you're kind of waiting on it here now. And so now if you look at your position at impact, I mean it's absolutely spot on falls. That's perfect. Your hips are turned, but your shoulders are more square and the club's coming a little bit too far from the inside, but better. Now if I pull you back to even when you were swinging really well with the, with the irony here, when you, you had a tendency yeah, right there, get your hips really twisted open here. That's, that's actually more open than they were with the longer swing with the with the flexible shaft. So you can see a lot BeltLine here. And then we go back over here to the skills thing.

Now your hip turn is more in sync. It's open, but it's more instinct with your arms swing. So it's not like you're before. You're kind of like trying to glue things, moving together on two different planes, right? Yeah. Yeah. And that's what was happening. And so this kind of puts now obviously your arms swing and your shoulder swing are literally on the same plane. Right. So we don't have much to shallow out from, from here again, this dropped you a little bit under the plane, which right now would be, you know, you go from hitting a weak slap fade to pretty powerful. It's like push draw. Right. Which is not the worst thing in the world for right now. I mean, look out shallows up. It's just perfect. Hmm.

Do you mind if I ask, I wouldn't change a thing as far as like the back swing goes. If I'm looking at this on camera, how will I know if I'm getting like to seep in there? Is there a good spot to look for? Like on camera, on video, on it too steep in the backswing too deep, too far back here. Yeah. So at the end of the day, like there's kind of like basic generic positions, if you will, that you can check stuff, but really they're, they're a by-product of the shallowing and steepening moves that you have in your swing and everybody's swing is a little bit different. Quite frankly, the swing that you just did, there is two or quality. If we just balance out the path and play, that was a little bit under the plane. Okay. With, without longer, you know, the, the whip, your Shap, but you'll notice that your lead arm was a little bit beneath your shoulder plane, where you could actually see your trail shoulder with the irons.

We couldn't see it. Right. Right. That balance point is really, I mean, you can try to be like specific about it. And if I was being really specific about it, I would say, it's going to go through the shoulder, through the arms, through the forearm. That's kinda through the back or the shoulder bicep forum. That's kind of ideal. But even that depends on a lot of things. If I showed you Phil Mickelson's or Watson swing, you know, these guys actually come down pretty steep through the lead arm, but they're, you know, Phil, Nicholson's a great example of somebody like you, he's a lefty, but he's really right-handed. So he's really swinging that, that, that lead arm. And that's why he tends to get a little bit steep. And then he, you know, releases the snot out of it at the bottom. Whereas that's just a little bit tricky time.

You don't need to do that. So, and he, you know, again, he has a lot of stuff going on. His swing is pretty long swing, so he has more time to help shallow everything out and big body turn. And that's why his arms don't look like they're ripping down as quickly as yours are yours. You're you have a much more compact swing, but you a compact swing with an aggressive arm pool. Right? Those two things don't work perfectly well together. Right? You don't have time for the club to shallow out. Now we could do all kinds of stuff that would make that work. We could get you a little bigger turn like Phil, you could make a little longer arm swing. You have more time to shallow it out. Or we could just say, look, you have plenty of speed. Your body turns beautiful. It's just shallow you out a little bit.

And then just say, look, as long as we know that at this point, you know, the clubs kind of getting through that form and it's coming down square, as long as it's not from the inside, wherever the top, then it's just coming down the ball flight preference, right? I mean, slight little variations. There will allow you to shape the ball. And that's, what's cool about it. Let's say that. So don't my point to it is this don't think of it in terms of, okay. I want to make sure that I'm hitting all these positions. Perfect. Right? So that I'm, you know, my path is perfectly square or exactly 1.5 degrees in doubt or whatever, give yourself the freedom to once you have like the, like you said, the big picture of the swing, then just say, okay, well, if I want to hit a draw, then I'm just going to be a little bit shallower with my arms at the top.

And I'm going to feel what that feels like. Right. So I'm going to be like, okay, well here's my fade swing. Here's my straight swing. Here's my draftsman. Because now I can naturally be like, well, it's much easier for me to think about coming from the inside and releasing it and hitting a little bit of a sweeper just by making these tiny little adjustments. It doesn't have to be all on these perfect lines to work together. That's really neat. Yeah. I think that once you get a chance to kind of experiment with it on the course, you'll be like, oh, well now I can shape the ball either way, just by making a slight adjustment to the field in terms of where I'm at in terms of the height and elevation of my arms and more important. This should take all the stress off your shoulder.

Cause you're not trying to yank that thing down so steep. You're letting it shallow out and get reconnected. Right? So when you, when you lift your arm up, if I really exaggerate, I really stretch these muscles. Right. And so I'm kind of disconnected from my body term. So I have to get this arm to come back down at some point that extreme, if you're still disconnected, this is not the most powerful position for your body to be in it's down in here. When you've got this lap contracted and pulled down. Well, by not elevating your arms as much, we're not getting that big disconnection. Right? So you're able to start motoring this arm with the big muscles with your body turn like you do naturally instead of just trying to power it with the arm, musculature alone, that's how you tore your rotator cuff, I think is being disconnected and yanking that thing down.

It's just, you're, you're doing what you're asking it to do. It's just not designed to do that in the real world. Wow. That's that's seriously. Really cool. Thanks for doing this, man. I really appreciate it. It's always encouraging when, like you can take a look at it and it feels like, like you've been talking about like a swing and not dislike. Okay. I need to hear this and hit this position. Like it feels like you're actually making an athletic move. Not just like a robot doing the movements, you know? Yeah, exactly. I mean, that was a big part of what I wanted to do this summer. It was just like, look, there's so many different golf instructors out there who, who are a lot of people are starting to say more similar things, but they're kind of taking things out of context, in my opinion.

I mean, you look at a tour pros swing and you say, oh, well, John rom does this. So, you know, everybody needs to do that. Well, it might've been, John Rahm is a classic trail side pusher. He's pushed releasing the club. Totally fine to do that. In fact, I love it, but it doesn't mean that somebody who's a lead side, Polaroid swinger needs to do anything that John rom has done just because John is a great ball striker. Right. So when you start really understanding how all of these little components kind of play together and with the injury prevention component in there, then it just kind of becomes a lot simpler to think, okay, what do I really need to do to get the bat on the ball to make my swing work, keep my stuff from getting torn up and understand the components. So I wouldn't really focus on any trail side stuff for you at all.

I would just shallow you out a little bit and then go and start playing some great golf. Okay. And Hey, I'm sorry. I don't want to keep you any longer, but just going forward. How should I try to implement this? Just I start getting balls like that or should I start just looking at it in the mirror or what do you think? I don't think that your swing is nearly as disastrously off as you think it is. I think you can go out and play. I think you can go out and just get the feeling of where your arms are, checking your tension level and this lead shoulder. So you're not continuing to injure that the rotator cuff and start seeing how you can shape some shots, go out to the range one day and just get a bucket of balls and be like, okay, I'm going to see what feels like.

And of course, video your swing. So you know what you're really doing, not just what you feel. We've got to get both together and say, okay, well, if I swing shallower with my lead arm, what, what does that naturally do to my release? What does that naturally do to how I feel like I can control the club face through the hitting area and those types of things, mechanically your swing. So good. You just have like these tiny little things that are making you feel like, oh, where can I hit the ball? The way that I know I should freak and drives me crazy kind of thing, right? It, I promise you like the swings that I just showed you, your body position is as good as the best ball strikers in the world. You, you just need to learn to be able to trust that by not doing these things, that don't work well together with other things that happen in your swing. Thank you. I appreciate that. You're totally right though. There's nothing more frustrating than we look at it on video and you think that's pretty good. And then you'd go on hit balls. You're like, I'm the worst player on planet earth.

I can tell you, dude, from somebody, I doubt anybody has ever worked on their swing or video their swing as much as I have. And over my lifetime. And I have videos of my swing from high school as 30 years ago now. So I I've seen it. And it used to drive me crazy when people would watch me hit balls on the range. But dude, your swing is so beautiful. And I'm like, yeah, but it's not doing anything that I want it to do. Like the balls, what I wanted to do, I don't care what it looks like. I want the ball to do what I needed to do. And, and you know, you can fake a pretty swing, just listen, good rhythm and tempo. But at the end of the day, mechanics are super important, but they're just, I think they're so misunderstood in terms of, you know, things that mix well and things that don't mix well.

And if you're a lead side dominant player and you've got this lead arm and control, we don't want to reinvent the wheel and teach you how to use the other side. And that's where I kind of went with my research. The Facebook group is you know, I don't know if you're on there or not, but what's that? Yeah, I'm on there. Okay. So I'm not on there all the time, but I watched a lot of these guys posting their drills and stuff and they're just the lead arm is just, they have no control or even a concept of how to really use it correctly and how to get that to work well with their body because there's so right-handed, and they just they're left-hand if you, you know, if you ask them to cut their steak or feed themselves, they'd stab themselves in the eyes and it's not about everybody is like that.

We all have a weak style. Right. So, so I really wanted to see, like, could I get a swing pattern, a movement pattern that would be way easier to learn way faster to learn for somebody who's just super right-side dominant. And that's, that was really what I spent the majority of my time on this summer was trying to find all, that's why I said I tried, you know, higher hands and throwing motion totally works, you know, but that's not the easy, a lot of people don't know how to throw and I'm sure you've seen people throw the ball like that. Right.

The stuff you're talking about, I was showing him like some of this, cause I was noticing the same stuff like I'm posting up and all that. And he gets up there and he's looking at this. I'm like, what the heck? What is that? I was like, well, I've had people hit themselves in the foot with the ball. Don't say you can't rely on that. That throwing motions. A lot of people just don't know that whole sequence. But what I did find was that for people who are really trail side dominant, I can get them into a pushing motion with that trail side, pushing release and have really, really great instant club, face control and stability through the linear and a much longer shallower bottom of the swing arc and all of these great benefits that I think will help. A lot of people who are naturally just not going to get the idea of like, you know, lead side pool, rhythmical golf swing.

Right. And that's why I mentioned like John Raul and Tony Finau Rory McIlroy. These guys are right side pushers right there. It's a push release to the hitting area. And obviously they play phenomenal golf and hit ball freaking miles. Right? So I I'm going to my plan, I'm going to do a beta test on the website is to take a group of people who want to test it and teach them a right side push movement pattern. That's very, very simple. And see if they learn that faster than trying to be a classic golf swing and see what happens. So that's the stuff that I'm putting out here soon. Cool. I appreciate that. You're still like still going forward in your research and stuff too. That's nice to have like this new stuff as well. You know, I appreciate you all for doing that. I appreciate it, man.

It's this has been honestly like the most trying thing I've ever done in golf because I've always been a natural, even though my left hand is completely useless in my life physically because it's damaged. I can't eat as much like in my pinky right now, but you know, but I've swung the golf club. My whole life. It's always been just like this effortless swing. So for me this summer to learn how to swing using my right side to have a push release was so foreign for me. But it came really quickly. Once I really started understanding like the big movement patterns that allowed it to happen in the right way. Like certain things that you do, if you're going to be a left side, you know, lead side, swinger, body driven kind of person, you can't do those things when you're going right side push.

They're so different. And that's what I need. You're seeing a lot on, on YouTube and things like that. These other instructors, it's like, they're taking a golfer and saying, well, well this golfer's doing this. So that's the right way to do it. And I'm like that golfers doing that because it works with the movement patterns that he's doing to control the release of the club. And that's really what it comes down to. They're not exactly teaching their own thing. They just don't have like the context of a really it's a hundred percent, right? Like if you're going to have a push release, there's so many great benefits to it. But having a lot of body rotation doesn't work, you can't pull hard with the lead side and have a trail side, push the ball is just going to go all over the place. It's very difficult to do that.

So this is where I think that OBS and honestly, the only way that I felt to really understand this stuff was to do it. Like there's a lot of guys who like, can look at a golfer and say, oh well, he's, he's doing this. And I think he's using these muscles. And I'm like, we don't really know until you physically do it and know what it feels like to do that and experience it. And then you can speak authoritatively and say, oh, that really is a left side driven motion or a right side, her right hand, right. Shoulder left, whatever it is. Right. So that's really, it's, it's, you know, book knowledge versus experience. And that's what I went through is I had to make myself release the club in a way that I've never released it in my life. And it was different and it was strange.

But at the same point, you know, because my left side, so jacked up from my, from my neck injury, that for me, this is kind of like, oh, this may actually be a lot easier on me personally, just because of all the injuries that I've had was more important. It's going to help people learn faster. Who just are completely right-side dominant. Yeah. And I'll tell you though, for real, I see like the 200 yard, seven iron and like the 1 21, well, hands I learned a lot better when I see like you can do it. And I'm like, Hey, not only is he showing us how to do it. Like you can do it too. That encourages me a lot more than somebody who's just like, or I know do this move and you don't know why or how it's going to look or anything like that.

That I learn a lot better that way too. I'm the same way. I mean, I, I look at a lot of guys who are like on YouTube teachers now have become pretty popular. And a lot of the stuff they're saying is like, and you, you you're totally right in this context, a hundred percent right. About what you're saying now. Yeah. You sound really intelligent. Let me see you swing. And then I watched them swing and they're like, there's no power in that. You're not doing anything that you said like, like I always look at it this way. Like, look, do you want, you're on an airplane. You're 30,000 feet and your pilot dies and you've got two options to help land on the plane. You've got one guy sitting next to you. Who's a theoretical aerodynamicist and has written all these books on physics, on the aerodynamics of how airplanes fly.

But he's never flown an airplane, but he knows the idea of what keeps that plane in the air better than anybody. Then you've got another guy who doesn't know anything about the physics of aerodynamics buddy, but he's landed a plane 3000 times. Cause he's the pilot. He has experiential knowledge is what you put in the pilot seat. That's a great way of looking at it. Yeah, I agree. I've always been like, I don't care what you say, show me what you do. Prove it, Sydney. And then you can say that way works or whatever, but just saying it without actually putting my body through these things. I couldn't understand it nearly in the way that I do now. And so that to me is a huge difference, man. That's awesome. Hey, if you ever come to Oklahoma or something, I'll take you out to play or we can do whatever. That'd be awesome. I'd love to. Yeah. Hey, I appreciate your time, man. I'll definitely work on maybe in the future. I can get a checkup from me here in a few months or something. That'd be great. Yeah. Sounds good. I'll be working on it. I think. Good luck in your research and stuff too, man. I appreciate it. I'll talk to you soon. I'll catch you later.

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This is fascinating. Every pro lesson I’ve had has tried to get me to have higher’s never worked. I’ve always thought that bio mechanically My arms simply don’t go that high! What I think chuck is saying is that it doesn’t matter as long as you continue to use your core/hips (all the fundamental movements of RS) to ensure good sequencing and produce the right shallowing move. Is that right??
November 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Yes. There isn't much a difference regarding the height of the hands. Going higher may attribute to a few more yards. But, there is a bigger sacrifice in shallowing and consistency.
November 21, 2020
Hi Craig, I am hoping you can please offer any specific drills that will help me to keep my arms working in front of my body. I am hitting big blocks out to the right with the driver in particular. Many thanks. Brian
November 10, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. Check first you are in front at the top and not already deep. The pump drill in How to Stop Hooking Video helps keep the arms from getting stuck.
November 10, 2020
Hi Chuck, after watching this video I went out to the range. Even without knowing the nitty-gritty the hands low worked really well for me, especially with my irons. Heck I even started to hit little baby draws. I have always struggled with shallowing out the club and deliver it on plane. Also noticed less tension in my lead shoulder. And another benefit was that by not lifting my arms anymore, it was easier to keep my shoulderplane steady during my backswing and not flatten it. Especially with my irons I already have instant result. With the driver I struggle a bit more. So I am looking forward to your drills and details. Thanks a lot already for this insight!
November 10, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Igor. Great. Love hearing the baby draw.
November 10, 2020
Hi Chuck, I have spent the last two years trying to become more lead (left in my case)side dominant and take the hands and arms out of it. Now your saying pushing is ok and I got to try and stab myself in the right leg, what on earths changed!?
November 9, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Harry. The lead side is still in control. Lead side for control. Trail side for power. Apologize for the delay in the drill videos. But, fear not you weren't led astray.
November 9, 2020
Hey Chuck, I know you're trying to make learning the swing more intuitive, which is great. From looking at this review, are the arms and club not being swung into the "depth dimension" and then coming too far from the inside?
November 9, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Definitely not
November 9, 2020
Hey Chuck, thanks for the latest video on shallowing the swing. The way you said you felt when trying to push with the right side is exactly the way all us right side pushers feel when we try to pull with our left. Awkward! Looking forward to learning more about your research when attempting to shallow the swing with trail side dominance. Thank you very much for all the long hours and thousands of swings to bring this new ground-breaking information to us. Dan
November 8, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Dan, can't wait to get started sharing everything!
November 9, 2020
Chuck. I struggle with the squat to square and post up movement. What exactly is a right sided push.? It may be exactly what I need.
November 8, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
All coming in new videos
November 9, 2020
This is interesting, of course. I have typically had a fairly flat backswing, with my arms just a tad above the shoulder plane. However, I start down steeply, pulling my hands pretty straight down, leaving me no choice but to early extend a bit. So, would I need to think about trying to just rotate to start the downswing, and leave my hands fairly high? I just can't quite get the club shallow enough on the downswing. Thanks!
November 8, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I will explain these new movements in the upcoming videos
November 9, 2020
15 years ago I was a decent golfer (5.6) and thought I could only get better with lessons, now I am 17.3. Rotary Swing seems like what I think I lost but I didn’t want to officially start my reps until I could dedicate myself to it. I have watched most of the videos and had some success but my old habits are deeply ingrained. Like this player I am front side dominant and like a previous one I have the same issue needing the steepening move. I look forward to more videos about your research but, as someone just starting should I supplement the drills/reps with something to specifically counter the deeply ingrained bad habits or will just following the steps take care of it?
November 8, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
New videos coming this week to make things very clear
November 9, 2020
Chuck, your timing for this hand/arm dominance issue is great. About 5 months ago I had my best 18 hole game ever - shot a 76! I thought wow, I have finally got it. So, I thought now I can work on more distance. I am right handed, and my left arm is my lead arm. I thought I should be able to add more distance using my right hand. What a disaster! My irons and hybrids shots have been so inconsistent it is totally frustrating. I hit so many shanks, it is embarrassing. I know it's my right side that is causing it, but now I am struggling to prevent my right side from taking over during my swing. I can't wait to see the results of your studies on this subject, and I hope I will be able to take advantage of it.
November 8, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. Great playing. Will will be able to help get you that power from the trail side, but still maintain the control from the lead side. Lots of new drills coming up to help.
November 9, 2020
This is excellent and I can’t wait for a fuller explanation of the new research: the last 1.5 years on this site I’ve made huge improvement is swing and ball striking but that critical period from start of downswing to impact is still kind of a mystery - would love to understand all the pieces of that better - so HURRY! But also, we’re still waiting for more on putting, so please more on that too. Thanks
November 8, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Adam. The wheels are turning on our end. Glad you are liking the new previews to the content.
November 9, 2020
Sometimes, maybe it's difficult to see the wood from the trees and forget basics. Surely body shape determines plane shape and top of backswing position, massively. Chuck, you always said that a natural top of the backswing position, which feels comfortable is good. For us shortish guys there is always a danger of swinging under the plane if trying to swing flatter. This must also apply to taller guys ?? Am I wrong?
November 8, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You are misunderstanding the notion of “swinging flatter”. Most golfers think this just means swinging your arms more around and that’s not correct. If your arms go more around then your shoulders must rotate more steeply to compensate, which sort of cancels each other out in a way.
November 8, 2020
So if I am right side dominant and have my hands in a more shallow position at the top, the right side "push" may be an efficient release?
November 7, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It’s a tad more involved than that but in general you could think of it that way.
November 8, 2020
Learned a lot from this lesson. I realized I am also pulling down and through with the lead arm (also left-handed), and that's probably the reason I can't start my draw to left as consistently as I'd like. Great insight and teaching.
November 7, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Ken. Yes if you are swinging the club you have to let the body do the work first to shallow the club. Yanking down with the left arm will make you too steep
November 8, 2020

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