Straighten and Lengthen Your Tee Shots w/ the Driver

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Hitting it longer is not just a result of swinging faster, you have to be able to hit the driver straighter before you'll ever realize your true speed potential. As you'll learn in this golf instruction video, that starts with fixing your swing path. If your path is too severely in to out or out to in, you'll never have the confidence to swing at full speed because you won't be able to consistently control it. With RotarySwing, I teach you how to fix the underlying culprit instead of just chasing symptoms so you can stop searching for band-aid fixes and start striping it off the tee!

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Great video for sure. Is there a drill that I can use to clear my hips and get it out of the way please? Thanks.
June 8, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hellok Venkatesh. Take a look at Tour Pro Downswing Sequence Drill, Clamshell, and You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs Video.
June 8, 2021
Chuck, as always I love these "instructional" videos with real students, but when I hear things like get the left hip out of the way, or more rotation vs. lateral movement, I have a hard time relating that to the actual "body mechanics" that I need to execute to make that happen. In an earlier instructional video you posted, you told the student to "feel like you are pushing your heel into the ground and away from you" on the downswing [I loved that comment, it worked], but in general I find it difficult to execute the concept unless you have a very specific movement you are trying to make to execute the intent if you know what I mean...but as always, I'm a life long member of your site, no doubt....
November 24, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. Thanks for the post and compliments. Sometimes "us" instructors have to use triggers that work for said student. Apologize sometimes if the details are a little fuzzy.
November 25, 2020
Totally understand Craig...but when an instructor says "clear your left hip," it can be translated a bunch of different ways by a student....Thanks, Bill
November 25, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Absolutely. Always here to help if unclear. Thanks for your support of the site and forum. Keep it coming.
November 25, 2020

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