Venkatesh Full Lesson

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Think you're never going to hit the ball over 270 yards? Think you're doomed to play the white tees, swing over the top and slice? Think again.

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Could this lead to problems with lateral epicondylitis?
April 26, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
If you're trying to throw with your arm instead of your wrist yes
April 26, 2024
how would you approach a half or three quarter distance swing with this technique?? just vary the speed of the wrists releasing?
April 21, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Speed and length of backswing
April 22, 2024
Chuck, The only thing I seem to be not getting is the gdp feeling when releasing at the top…everything else is looking great. Is my release at top not externally rotated enough? I’m just not getting that elbow to right of waist…and it’s causing the club ever so slightly to not come from the inside enough, and I’m hitting fades or slices. How do I get to gdp with releasing at top? That’s the only piece I’m missing.
April 16, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
hey Will, I'm planning to shoot a video on this tomorrow to be released this week so stay tuned...
April 16, 2024
Awesome! I just signed up for the premium membership with swing evaluations! Can’t wait for this video to drop! I’m so close!
April 16, 2024
I understand the wrist release is the fastest. How can I square the face up as I find it all over the place? Cheers loved this lesson.
April 13, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It should be square by default of a correct grip and backswing. If it's not, there's something amiss
April 15, 2024
Chuck, is the first lesson from the day before available on the site? Thank you, Tom Helfrich
February 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That one is not up here.
February 8, 2024
What kind of drill and rep work was done (the day before) prior to this video being shot? I'd have to say in the five years I've been a member of RST and all he truly helpful (and back saving) principles I've learned, this dramatic paradigm shift gets my heart pumping. And this video lesson when viewed as a follow up to Intro to GOAT Theory and Swing Like The GOAT may be the best and most exciting of them all. I'm an old dude now, but as a kid I was a pitcher and a heckuva rock skipper. I think if I can be patient and keep the simple focus on the wrist and extension where it needs to stay then I may be in for a whole new lease on my golf life. But I want to drill correctly. So...
February 6, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Everything we did was covered in the AXIOM Power Program at It really is simple what we did and very little work was really done.
February 7, 2024
Chuck how do I get my release to my left thigh. I work and work on this and can't get it past center of legs (my belt buckle). Driving me crazy!
January 4, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You have to have lead side pull to help bring the club back to the lead thigh.
January 5, 2024
Hi. Is Tiger ‘s swing in 2018 different from this video? Also how do I get to learn from instructor? Thanks
January 4, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
In the menu there are all the links to get lessons online and live.
January 4, 2024
Where do I find the Axion Power Drill people are talking about? Is that part of the original Axion dash board or something new?
November 26, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
it's at
November 28, 2023
I’m a little confused on where to throw. Are you throwing the club head to the target or to the ball? I feel the club head is open when throwing to the target??? Thank you for any response.
November 21, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Throwing more at the ball but if it's open there is either a grip issue or you're doing something funky with your arms or body.
November 21, 2023
Is the right wrist still in extension at impact?
November 5, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
yes but releasing
November 6, 2023
I really need the speed, but I get confused because of the old video of the truck pulling the trailer. The pull vs push video.
November 4, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Pushing is for power, pulling is for control. If you need power you can focus on adding more thrust from the right.
November 5, 2023
Exciting ideas. One thing I will add to be consistent with this reversal is to wear a glove on my right hand instead of years wearing a left handed glove as a right handed golfer. Might only be slightly physically helpful but psychological shifts me to right hand dominant.
November 3, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I haven't personally tried that but don't think it could hurt either and as you say, if nothing other than a reminder it could help.
November 3, 2023
I just tried this tonight with some limited success but several questions came up so I thought I would post in case anyone else has the same or has answers for me. When should the right hand be the most active? When I tried it right before the release I only severely hooked the ball. Should we feel it gradually from the top of the downswing through the release? Is it maybe more subtle than I was doing? Just curious as to the correct "feel". Also I assume we should NOT be feeling our right bicep overly active? I seemed to do much better with my driver when I thought about actively externally rotating my right arm through the backswing. Guess I haven't thrown a ball or skipped rocks in awhile :( I appreciate any comments/assistance! Thanks!
November 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Be careful with the idea of "active" it's still relatively very quiet. If you're hooking that's way too much and you're likely not using your hips enough. The correct feel is always that the core and hips lead, the arms follow and there is little release of the right hand.
November 3, 2023
UPDATE. I just had my best 9 holes ever hitting only 6 over! I had 2 back to back 270yd + drives and hit my 4 wood almost 252yd to place my 2nd ball a few feet from the green on a par 5! My last drive either went 312 yd or took a lucky bounce on the cart path, either way I ended up 56yd in the fairway in front of the green! What I think has finally clicked for me is watching this lesson and noting externally rotating my right arm which then creates the tension to then naturally release the club back to square at the ball. You and your program are amazing! I appreciate your dedication. I can't thank you enough!
November 6, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hell ya! Killer buddy! That's a game changer!
November 6, 2023
Chuck, In the video you set the swing plane to 2 O'clock rather than 12. Can you please expand on that as I did not really understand the reason. Thanks, Priyan G
October 31, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It’s too get him the feel of swinging down on plane and to load the arm to throw.
October 31, 2023
How does this concept work for short game say 50 yards and in?
October 30, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It doesnt. Release is for speed
October 31, 2023
There's a squat and there is a swat. A squat to square is a mechanical thing, but the swat is how the r.handed release should be and more importantly feel. Do you have other words for swat? It's a kind of hit?
October 29, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Think of it as how your wrist would naturally move and release when throwing a ball. It's a quick almost "snap" of the wrists vs pushing them through with the body turn.
October 29, 2023
I'm not so familiar to throwing sideways. But I have skipped some flat stones in my life. Is this the same kind of swat/snap needed in a right hand dominant release motion?
October 29, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes same motion
October 29, 2023
Continuing the journey… There are two feels that are really helping me with the release. I just went through a range session in my backyard of hitting 50 balls and hit 46 good ones (took my time with it and not hurry)!! The first is to feel the elbow to the pocket feel and the second is to keep the right shoulder back - the release becomes automatic at the aesthetics of the swing becomes magical! In all of this, the fundamentals of the dead drill, weight shift and now the power feel of the wrist remain constant.
October 28, 2023
You talk about the jump or your feet naturally slipping back as you push up from the ground. When do you sequence that in your swing?
October 28, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That’s all covered in the power program video. Really impossible to explain in just words
October 28, 2023
Wow! Great work Chuck! I was hoping to see how he did on the coarse after this lesson.
October 28, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I added a clip of it in the video on YouTube. He hit a 272 yard drive that same day and broke 80 for the second time later that week
October 28, 2023
Do you recommend purchasing the hackmotion wrist sensor to help?
October 27, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
No idea what that is but im going to go ahead and say no. No training aids needed other than an impact bag
October 27, 2023
Chuck at what point of the downswing do I slow my hands down to generate the most power?
October 27, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
during the release as your hands get in front of your right thigh they need to be slowing down
October 27, 2023
A couple questions. Does the left arm/hand mainly just a guide? Also what are the black strap around his wrist and thumbs for?
October 26, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That was just something for his thumb as his swing had been hurting it before I believe. The left arm is mainly a guide but it also does contribute to power by torque and pulling up on the handle.
October 27, 2023
What a great lesson, so simple yet so productive. James Clear quote nails it: "When you tolerate an error, you rob yourself of learning. When you ruminate on an error, you rob yourself of happiness. Notice it, improve it, and move on from it." The 9 to 3 drill helps improve it tremendously.
October 26, 2023
Venkatesh, What an awesome journey. I'm in a very similar situation as you but probably a year or two behind it looks like. I got my handicap down to an eight but mainly due to working on chipping and putting. I'd love to improve my swing. I'd love to pick your brain on your journey and if there's a way to get in contact, please let me know. I'm also in Southern California and I'm thinking of taking a course with Chuck at some point in the near future. Thanks, Chetan
October 25, 2023
It was great watching a fellow student (Ventatesh) get his eureka moment. His enthusiasm was electric
October 25, 2023
Sharing my latest experience.. Really good 4+ hour range session today. Went through the bag starting with the PW all the way to the driver. Then, I went thru a 18 hole simulation of my home course - exact yardages with my range finder. I took my time after each shot to analyze the shot and the outcome. It was an absolute revelation of sorts. 95% of the good shots in the round was the outcome of the single feel based swing thought. The bad shots occurred when I thought about mechanics or tried to correct my reverse pivot and the tendency to take the club in during the backswing. The distance and yardages were truly amazing outcomes. When I released the club and that was the only thought, my 8 irons went from 130 yards to 145 carry, 7 irons went from 145 to 170 carry (rolled to 178), 6 iron went from 160 to 178!!!! My next step is to work on releasing the club and trusting the release - during practice there were a few hooks but would imagine it is a better miss than a dirty fade. I might review the RSA power release which has helped me from time to time and then the darn reverse pivot is a work in progress. Road to scratch baby…..
October 25, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
170 yd 7 irons!!!! That’s an amazing transformation!
October 26, 2023
Chuck- This is absolutely amazing! Love the concept of the WHOOSH & will most definitely be practicing this! The reaction he has when he "pures" his shot is awesome and a testament to your hard work and dedication! Bravo & keep up the great work! -Chris M.
October 24, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It was very fun for me to get to feel his genuine enthusiasm and excitement. Going to have a hard time pulling him off the golf course now!
October 24, 2023
Chuck, the student is only as good as the teacher. You are absolutely amazing at teaching the simplified golf swing! I have now followed you for three years, watched almost every video and throughly enjoyed every one of them and more importantly understood them with great ease because it makes sense. For a relative newbie to golf, the amount of information out there is mind boggling and confusing to say the least, but has made it so very simple because of your deep knowledge of the game and more importantly the golf swing. I thought the Dead Drill was simple from a mechanics perspective, the Axiom gave me the feel for the swing. Over the last two days learning from the Axiom Power drill and then to just the wrist release has been a great awakening - simple, effective and a long term sustainable swing. One simple swing thought and the impact it has had on me is amazing. I love the way you teach and more importantly that you care about your students enjoyment of the game. That is a great gift. Thank you so much. I am deeply appreciative of what you have done for me.
October 24, 2023
Anthony (Certified RST Instructor)
Venkatesh, did you ever find your alignment stick after letting it go into orbit???
October 24, 2023
Hah! It was stuck on the vine on the telephone pole! Speed……
October 24, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You're being too kind but I appreciate the warm words. You worked hard and stayed focused and patient and you deserve the results you got!
October 24, 2023
mosquitoes must have been eating the legs of you's
October 23, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
They were brutal! And this was in Beverly Hills! Didn't think they had 'skeeters up in them parts lol! But I refuse to put DEET on me so I had to suck it up!
October 24, 2023
Chuck - without a doubt the best video I have ever watched here. I felt every emotion this student was feeling as I literally felt I was watching myself because he is me ???? I was so excited for him and his joy was infectious. This lesson video cleared up a lot. Thanks for posting and would love more like this!
October 23, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Wow! Thank you! I have high hopes for this. It just seems so much simpler for all golfers.
October 23, 2023

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