How to Get Perfect Shaft Lean at Impact

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You want to hit those boring, hissing shots that scream off the face like a rocket? This golf instruction video shows you how to smoke your irons!

As you guys know, the Impact Bag is one of the best, simplest, cheapest training aids that you can buy. It's a very simple device by design, but there's a new one out called Impact Cube from our friends at EyeLine Golf. Apparently, a bag isn't cool enough anymore. Now, we got to have this cube but you can do a lot of different things with this one. I'm going to show you today a couple different drills that we're going to focus on, and I'm going to give you a few different videos so you can work on each one of these separately. The first one I want you to notice is that the bag is almost somewhat trapezoidal shaped to a degree, and each panel has a different function. What I'm going to focus on in this video is this side here which if you look at it, it says 7 iron lean.

                What it's really doing is this panel is actually leaned in slightly about the amount that you would want with a mid-iron in terms of shaft lean. Now, the reality is pretty much every club in the bag is going to have roughly the same amount of shaft lean at impact. You don't want to try and change unless you're hitting a specialty shot which is what this panel is for which this one says wedge lean. If you look at this angle, that's a lot of shaft lean, a ton of shaft lean. Now, if you're trying to hit one extremely low, that's all fine and dandy. For pretty much every other club in the bag, and this is for the tour pros, their angle of attack only changes slightly. In fact, it goes from about six degrees down down to maybe three degrees down with the irons from the pitching wedge all the way down to a 3 iron.

                It's a really negligible small amount of change in the angle of attack and hence the shaft lean. When you're looking at and with a driver of course, we want that shaft to be pretty much upright. The good thing is this one side, the 7 iron side, is what I want you to practice with to get into a proper shaft lean position every time with every club in the bag. If you want to practice with your wedge, that's great. You want to practice with your 3 iron, it's all the same difference. Use the same 7 iron panel. How do we get into a proper shaft lean position? Well, hopefully by now you figured out there's a pretty simple secret to the swing the pros know and are doing in their swings and that you're probably not. That's learning how to get the shaft to lean with using the proper side of the body.

                The simple fact of the matter is if I use a left side, I'm always going to have shaft lean. If I use the right side, I'm pretty much always going to lose it. I want you to experiment with this. What you'll find is that if you use your right hand and right arm to release the club, you'll always have this pushing, flipping motion. The club head will hit the bag before the shaft does. You want the shaft to hit first or about the same time, give or take. When you have this panel that's sloped in slightly, if you just use your left hand and come down at impact, you'll always end up with your hand and the handle ahead of the club head. As long as you're not taking your thumb and pushing against the shaft, that's the only way that you're going to get the club head to the bag first. You always want the shaft to hit the bag first.

                Again, if you take your right hand and you start pushing against the wrist, you're always going to start flipping it. That's what creates these crazy thin shots, and top shots, and even fat shots. They're all directly related. They're just different amounts of timing. If you take this right hand out of it for a little bit, start practicing with your left hand only, get into this impact position. Then what I want you to do is then take your right hand and put it on the club. Now what you'll find, this is going to feel really weird if you're very right hand dominant. You're probably used to being like this with your head maybe in front of the ball, and the right hand and the right shoulder being in this dominant position. When you come in with your left arm only, you'll see that there's no need for your chest to ever rotate. Why would I turn at this point?

                Now in order to get shaft lean with your right hand, you would have to turn your body and get this right shoulder moved forward in order to get your hand into position where you could get shaft lean. Now, this is going to change everything in the swing. Obviously, we don't want to do this move. When you take your right hand off and release, and then bring your right hand on without rotating your chest, this is going to feel very different to you. You'll start to feel what it needs to feel like to get your right hand in the proper impact position which you'll notice that my right shoulder, to get the hand on the club, actually goes down slightly instead of across. That's a big, big difference in the swing if you're used to rotating your chest through and putting all this strain on your back, and your hip, and your knee, and your foot.

                All of that stuff is all coming from trying to get your right hand to get the club into the right position. It's a valiant effort, but you're never going to get the same result and just let it release properly with the left hand. Put these things together. Start practicing with the Impact Cube. You'll start finding as you use your left hand to let the club release, you'll get into a perfect shaft lean every single time.

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Rookie question: I have an Impact Cube. My question is: At setup, where should the bag be aligned? From the video, it looks like the bag is aligned with the inside of the lead/left foot. Please advise.
May 2, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. You are correct. Just inside the lead foot. Good question .
May 3, 2024
Thanks, Which video just went out this morning ?
April 1, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Should be in your inbox. Vid in on youtube
April 1, 2024
Also , in other words if you want to release the left hand right over completely doesn’t shaft lean stop this happening as it’s trying to rotate at impact ?
April 1, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. The hands will be leading the shaft but the downswing time is very short. The goal is the combo of shaft lean and full release. With an iron you are only looking to hit 4-7 degrees down give or take the scenario. If you focus solely on just having lean there won't be enough time to facilitate rotation and it will lead to a held off release.
April 2, 2024
If you are trying to get shaft lean how do you do that if the main videos at the outset say hit it with the right hand as far back as from the top to and release it fully for more power and precision ? Eiether you are trying to hit with the right or the left , and he has recommended to copy Tiger not Ernie and hit with right
April 1, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Shift your pressure to the left and you will have shaft lean if you are releasing the wrist correctly as I cover in the video that just went out this morning.
April 1, 2024
Shaft lean When I videotape myself, it appears that my right elbow is stuck behind me and I’m releasing at my trail leg instead of my lead leg. My balance is forward on impact in my leg is straight, but my hands are still stuck behind me. How can I get my Hands leading at impact
August 21, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sharon. There could be a few causes for this issue. I would check to make sure you are maintaining tush line and the arms aren't too deep at the top causing the stuck issue.
August 22, 2023
Hi, I've been working on the impact drill for C4 phase1 and trying to keep the shaft lean up to the point of impact. I am now trying to work of releasing the club as in C4 phase2. I'm confused because I can't visualise the club with shaft lean at impact releasing, without the toe getting buried in the ground after impact and maybe causing pulls or pushes because the club. Without shaft lean the club would be able to turn easily because it is rising away from the ground, whereas, with shaft lean the club is still travelling downwards (because the apex of the downward circle is in front of the impact point). I must have misunderstood this altogether. Could you explain please? When practising yesterday, I felt that the club was hitting fat and so the ball direction after impact was so inconsistent. Thank you
September 2, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The rotation of the face will inherently shallow out the plane and the path. The rotation combined with the movement of the lead arm, fulcrum point further ahead and arc the club travels on will yield a tiny divot after ball. But, the club will then start traveling upwards as you extend the in the follow through. It can't continue down as the lead shoulder will start to rise and rotate behind you. Take a look at Angle of Attack and 5 Mins to a Perfect Release Video. The club will bottom out after the strike because the lead shoulder (fulcrum-bottoming out point) will be ahead of the ball. But, as the club passes the bottoming out point will will have to start swinging up again.
September 2, 2022
Hi Craig. thanks for the reply. I'm still experiencing a deflection of the club face upon impact with the ground when we could expect a small divot. The divot is after the ball but the ball direction is being affected by the impact with the ground, as the ground is 'twisting' the heel of dragging the toe, I'm not sure which. I'm thinking about the 'paintbrush' thing in order to get the correct AOA etc, but sometimes (especially when impact is after the ball) I am getting inconsistent ball flight paths, i.e. push or pull. When impact is at the 'foot' of the ball or just before, I don't seem to get this. It's especially a problem when I take the right hand off the club to try to encourage the club to release. Could you help with any insight on this please?
September 5, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Releasing should actually shallow the strike out more. So, seems odd it worsens with removal of trail hand. Have you checked your lead hand grip and/or that you aren't pushing with the lead thumb?
September 6, 2022
Thanks Craig. I looked at the grip video last week and I have altered it so it is as it should be. I;m still trying to work out the release. I get fat and thin shots, but mostly the direction has improved. I'm not sure what you mean by the release should strike out the strike out more. could you explain please?
September 17, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. Rotation inherently shallows out plane and path. Allowing the club to rotate should keep the divot pattern much more shallow. The leading edge will dig less into the turf. Still sounds like thumb push or lack of weight/hips.
September 19, 2022
Very helpful video! Can you suggest how to mix in the concept of pull with the left and get speed with throw the ball drill? I assume it’s just a matter of timing: pull first, throw second while keeping shoulder back. Is there anything else to feel/implement?
July 6, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. It is a blended motion. I think a good way to feel is swing the club like a baseball bat. You will feel the pull and fire into the release that can be provided by the trail side.
July 7, 2022
I bought the bag from you a while ago. What do you stuff it with to keep the shape intact. I used towels. They seem to shift and I am always adjusting the shape. Love the video
July 5, 2022
Anthony (Certified RST Instructor)
I use old towels, old clothes, I even have an old travel pillow that I no longer use. the tighter you can pack it, the less adjusting you will keep having to do.
July 5, 2022
Could you please explain delete is your reply to my inquiry.
April 26, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Helen. I am confused. I would be happy to assist with further explanation.
April 26, 2020
I am interested in buying the g-force club however the orange whip interest me which would you recommend & why ?
April 26, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Helen. The Orange Whip was discontinued for a bit. They started having manufacturing errors. The Orange Whip you can feel lag more, but the G Force you can hit a ball with.
April 26, 2020
Excellent and helpful video for shaft lean. I hate the bag sales pitch and greatly prefer showing ways to practice without gimmicky bag!
May 26, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. Glad you liked the video. I'm sorry that you believe the bag to be gimmicky. We only sell a handful of training aids because we also believe that the vast majority of golf aids are pointless. The bag has helped countless students of ours (even myself) work on the correct positions. It's not everyones cup of tea. No worries. Appreciate the feedback.
May 27, 2019
Got ya! Thanks as always!
January 14, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. No problem.
January 15, 2019
Hi, Craig. I am FINALLY getting my hands to my lead thigh at impact. What I notice with Chuck and other pros: the right arm often is bent at impact and that right wrist is bent back. If they “release” (let the wrists unhinge) from trail thigh, how the heck does that right wrist stay bent back and that elbow stay bent? I’m not “pushing” my right wrist - the unhinge releases the stored-up energy and speed of the club and it’s the club’s momentum that pulls my wrists forward.
January 14, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. Because the lead wrist is doing the releasing. You may not feel that you are pushing with the trail. But, it will be working regardless of the feel. You are releasing the lead wrist. Just allow the trail to follow the motion, and not force the motion.
January 14, 2019
Hi, Craig. My experience is that to get forward shaft lean (FSL), one huge component is getting my right arm over to my left side. My right elbow may still end up more by my right side or middle but my forearm and hand have to stretch across my body to prevent them from holding back my left arm. Am I alone in this? It doesn’t get mentioned much. Also, I just sent in two swing reviews. How can I send a message saying what problem I hope to get feedback or n? Thanks!
December 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. You should have a comment section when leaving a review that states notes to instructor. You would leave your questions there. The lead side needs to be directing the pull, but some players have the feeling of their trail arm having to work in front more to allow for the proper impact positioning.
December 31, 2018
Despite having seen your numerous explanations of how to add the right hand to the club (5 minutes to a perfect release, etc.) this explanation of the correct way to get the right hand into the impact position was an eye opener. After a few practice sessions focusing on this new insight I have gotten rid of my slight shoulder rotation through impact and replaced my slight pull ball flight with a consistent baby draw that starts to the right and then draws back to the target line - what a pleasure to have resolved that annoying fault. Another excellent job. Thank you.
November 18, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Great to hear about your progress. Much thanks for the compliments of the video.
November 18, 2018
It's easy to do this drill with the left hand and put the right hand on with the shoulders square but I recently watched the guy who had lost distance. The cure was effectively using the right hand to 'throw the ball' - club. There is clearly a big need to use the right hand in the swing especially when trying to hit long drives. I've seen the Tiger video where he appears to lose the right hand in the release (as well as Vijay Singh) but I don't think that's particularly common. My question is how it's possible to use the right hand for power but still maintain the correct angles controlled by the left hand?
September 24, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Colin. In the video you are referring too that particular player had too much angle and need to get rid of it. Less common amongst golfers. The goal is to make sure the lead is in control. The trail hand will add speed, but it can't become the dominant factor into impact. It's about balance. The lead hand is working, but you don't use so much trail hand it over powers the lead's control.
September 24, 2018
I am going to work on these drills. I injured my right shoulder recently and it was because my right side is too dominate in the swing. In order to play I had to hit it with my left side and it is amazing how much better I hit it with less effort.
September 23, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. Great. I feel your pain about the right shoulder. I did the same thing as well.
September 24, 2018
I have the older impact bag. How can I work on these drills with that bag or do I have to get the cube bag?
September 23, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. You may use an older bag working on the same drill. Even without the foam inside creating the angles you can still work on the same process. Just make sure you are using a camera, or mirror to check the drill positions.
September 24, 2018
Any practice advice for people who are extremely right hand dominat?
August 20, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Amaury. Take the trail hand of and work on impact. Take a look at Day 1: Impact. Good starting drill to get the lead side trained.
August 20, 2018
I found the knuckles down video on this site in combination with this video helped me. It’d help users if common theme videos were somehow looked on the site.
August 15, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. Thank you for the suggestion. Glad you found some additional help.
August 15, 2018
The first time I used the Impact Cube it spli open in two separate places (seam and zipper). Eyeline Golf did respond quickly with the following... "Sorry for the problem you're having with the Impact Cube. We've made a change in the design and hopefully the new one I'm going to send you will work better for you." I have yet to use the replacement one, but I must wonder if you guys at RotarySwing Golf have had similar experiences.
June 18, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Yes, the first batch had an issue and truly apologize for that. There was a manufactures defect. It has since been corrected and glad they are replacing it for you.
June 18, 2018
Just so you know, Eyeline sent me a replacement bag that split open the first time I used it. They eventually returned my money. I cannot understand how I could be the only one that breaks these bags, and it's not like I have Koepka's swing speed. I think RST should reconsider endorsing the Impact Cube.
July 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Thanks for the follow up. I am sorry for your experience with the cube. The first batch had a similar error, but I haven't heard/seen any complaints in awhile.
July 18, 2019
I find I do better if I have the shaft leaning already in my set up. I can't figure how getting shaft lean later would give me anymore club speed or any other advantage. Sorry about so many questions. I'm a little like Chuck in his video about founding Rotary Swing.
June 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dugald. Take a look at Should You Have a Forward Press at Setup. As I spoke about in your previous post. Make sure the weight transfer is good. Also, check you retention of lag. Frisbee Drill.
June 3, 2018
I bought the impact bag. Excited to start using. Filled it with towels and when I zipped it shut the zipper broke off so I cannot now add or change or remove the towels. Can you please tell me how I can get a replacement/exchange? Thanks, Mark O
January 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. I'm sorry to hear about your impact bag. Please Contact Customer Service and they will get you fixed up.
January 30, 2018
Lots of good information but way, way too much time selling impact cube. I already paid for the video service please stop selling gimmicks and keep to teaching.
November 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. Thanks for the feedback.
November 27, 2017
Sorry, but another question: Buying the impact cube, how is there a guarantee that I get the correct angulation when I have to fill the bag myself with towels? Is there not the overriding risk that I would stuff it improperly and change the desired angulation?
November 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. You can over stuff to change some of the angles. However, it's pretty straight forward. You will tend to notice if the forward shaft lean position starts to straighten out too much.
November 21, 2017
Thank you.
November 22, 2017
I have just moved from steel to graphite [Ping G series], and I cannot feel the head anymore. Is there any risk to the graphite shaft with using the impact cube? [The important question] Is there going to be a negative in my swing pattern by no longer being able to feel the head through the entirety of the golf swing? [ie feeling the head used to dictate my swing!] Thanks, Patrick
November 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. Unless you are whaling on the bag. Shouldn't be an issue graphite versus steel. Also, I would like for you to feel the club head a little bit. When are you losing feeling for the club head?
November 21, 2017
I use to have Ping I3 blades, and I felt the club head from the beginning of the downswing. With these new G series graphites, I just feel 'a stick' in my hands, I do not [at this point], feel the head of the club and as such when I was hitting balls, I have lost that feeling of knowing when I am going to bottom out (if you understand what i am saying). Now I am recuperating from back surgery, so I am using this opportunity to groove my swing using the rotary swing methods, before I go back playing golf. Before the surgery I had pretty much missed the past 4 years of golf. So I hope I am not just panicking after my investment in new clubs. Apologies for rambling!
November 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. I don't believe you are packing your investment. Graphite shafts will tend to give you a little less club head feel. However, you don't want to over steer the club during the swing. If you start moving your body correctly and master the release. You will start to attain more awareness for what is going on. Nevertheless, not a bad thing you can't let the club guide your swing anymore. Kinda like the carriage pushing the horse.
November 22, 2017
Would changing the swingweight affect the feel for the clubhead?
February 6, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Yes, changing the swing weight will affect the feel for the club head.
February 7, 2018
arthur john
could it be my build. I have not a lot of space between my lowest rib and my hip. Also I am now 74 and and not as fit as i was 15 years ago. i might have to let my right shoulder come under to get this position without pain. Regards John
October 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. You still should be able to do it with square shoulders at impact. You can allow for a little shoulder movement as necessary. But, try to keep it to a minimum.
October 2, 2017
arthur john
Great video. I find it difficult to get [t really good if i do not let my left hip open slightly. I am in NJA and If i dont let it open i get a lot of secondary axis tilt and pain in my lower right side. Does this make sense. Regards John
October 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Clearing the hip properly would make it a little easier.
October 2, 2017
Reality is that I can't go out and play golf using the last three fingers of my left hand and just "trying" to have my right hand resting on the grip and doing nothing. Bottom line is that I am trying to vision how I practice using the right hand in the swing. In attempting to engrain the correct use of the right hand I have practiced using your "Right Arm Only" drill. In this drill the only way I can seem to use the right hand is to not have the right wrist break at the bottom of the swing - hence a feeling of holding off and trying to hit a punch shot. Is this the feeling I need to promote? I'm 73 years old and have been overactive with my right side, as well as being a wrist flipper, for a long time. Please lend some advise as to how the right hand/arm should feel at the bottom of the swing. Thanks much!
September 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. Ideally, the trail arm will be doing very little. I would suggest taking a look at How Swing Speed Affects Compression. You may work on both arms in that drill. If you tend to over use the trail arm you will need to feel that it maintains more angle and hinge the closer you get into impact. Also, take a look at the Right Arm Release and Golf Swing Speed Release.
September 29, 2017
I already have an older impact bag that I stuffed with old towels, does this new one come already filled or do you have to fill it?
September 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. You will still need to fill it with towels, or stuffing.
September 29, 2017
This video was very helpful with cube, which I purchased. My irons were pretty flush and straight. With the driver, the ball was straight but a very low trajectory. Solid, but too low unlike the irons which had a nice trajectory.
September 16, 2017
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Carver! You don't want much shaft lean with the driver, so use this drill only for the irons!
September 18, 2017
This and the subsequent video using the impact bag really scratched an itch. Great work. Rather than my right shoulder going around it now feels more like my right shoulder goes down and left goes up but overall they both return to square to the target at impact. I always had the impression that the shoulders returned to square on the downswing along the same path they followed on the backswing...was I wrong? thanks Warren
September 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Warren. You are rotating around a hinged forward spine. The are working on that shoulder plane. But, having the sensation that the trail shoulder is slightly lower coming into impact and the shoulders still remaining square to the target doesn't sound off par. The key when transitioning is making sure not to try and change the shoulder plane by straight dropping the trail shoulder to start and adding excessive tilt.
September 15, 2017
I've been thinking about shaft lean during setup with my 3 wood. If I have the face square to the target at address, it seems the shaft is leaning way forward and my hands want to be in line with my lead (left) leg. Do I put the ball further back so my hands hang in front as normal, or do I not need the face square to the target at address? I am trying to keep the swing the same as my irons but I'm not sure what to do in regards to this shaft lean at address. Thanks.
September 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Our system has been cutting in and out due to the hurricane. Apologize about the late reply. The sole of some woods will have the natural tendency to allow the face to sit open. I would prefer the face staying square to the target and not having shaft lean. Sometimes it may even lean back a slight hair. If you take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video. You will see how to make the setup adjustments as well for a driver. Also, Hit Your Fairway Woods Solid to see setup and swing demonstration for 3 wood.
September 15, 2017
All your videos are good, but this visually is one of the best. Just watching your left wrist at impact with the bag, with no right hand involved is like switching on a light.As someone who lived and golfed in St.Pete for over thirteen years and is now back in the UK,we want you to know we are all glued to our T.Vs over here praying that you come safely through the next few days. Good luck!!
September 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Clive. We appreciate your post not only for the compliments of the video, but the best of wishes for getting through the storm.
September 11, 2017
excellent video!
September 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Betsy. Thank You.
September 11, 2017
Hi Chuck, in order to help to create lag and then shaft lean, and to help throw my right hand at the ball, I have found that I am letting my right hand come off the club a little at the top of my back swing into and through the transistion. Then I kind of regrip or catch it on the way down back to the ball. I know in the Vijay release video his right hand comes off the club a little during the downswing. I am confused as to whether the way I do it is correct, or if my hands should be secure on the club through the transistion with the right hand coming a little loose on the club as I throw the right hand at the ball. I probably haven't worded this perfectly but hopefully you understand what I mean. Thx very much. Bill Gerlach
September 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. If you are loosing the club with the trail hand at the top and then re-gripping or increasing pressure back onto the club in the transition. Sounds like things could get a little tricky.
September 11, 2017
Hi Craig, Thanks very much. That is exactly what I am doing, and in doing so my two hands separate a little at the top of my backswing. I am not doing this on purpose. Should my grip pressure be constant all the way through the swing to impact, and should my hands never separate until impact. We have seen the photos of where vijays right hand almost comes off the club into impact, similar to the letting go with the right drills chuck has spoken about. So I am confused on how constant the grip pressure should be at different points of the swing. And also should my hands separate similar to what Vijay seems to do approaching impact. Thx very much. Wouldn't bother you with this but I think it is pretty important to help tie everything together. Thx again for your help,
September 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. The typical tour pro will have a gradual increase in grip pressure from address to impact. Roughy 2 to an 8 (1 being weakest and 10 strongest). You want to try and keep the pressure pretty constant because it will tend to increase on its own. The trail hand will help support the club at the top and preserve lag coming down. The key is not to allow the pressure to increase so much you throw the club early. The trail hand coming off through impact is fine.
September 11, 2017
Thx Craig. Great, great explanation. The concept of soft hands through the transistion, creating lag, pulling with the left arm, but throwing the our right arm at the ball can be difficult to mentally piece together, but I believe I am starting to really get the picture in my mind. And I think it is the key to the RST system. Last question. I am guessing it is not a good idea to let our hands separate or come off the club at the top of the backswing? Correct? I think in doing this I was creating "fake lag", but very difficult to get the timing of the release at impact to consistently and correctly repeat. Thx again.
September 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Yes, I would tend to shy away from the separation. Thanks and happy to help.
September 11, 2017
Hey you guys Good luck and God Bless all of you with the hurricane.
September 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Thank You.
September 11, 2017

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