Throw the Club Head at the Golf Ball

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Unlock the leverage, speed and power of your golf swing by understanding the physics behind generating maximum club head speed. Learn to Throw the Club head at the ball for effortless power.

Understanding the physics of the golf swing and specifically, of golf club release, is a daunting task.  With so many conflicting views on the golf swing, founder Chuck Quinton is here to clarify the actual science and physiology of proper swing movement. 

When talking about the details of Golf Club Release, the goal is to expend the minimum amount of effort in order to get the maximum speed and power.  Most people do this all wrong!

It might be hard to beleive, but PULLING your body through the swing to create leverage, then releasing the club head at the ball  is the correct way to generate speed.  Most golfers try and push their way through the backswing and followthrough to golf club speed and it just won't work.

The simplest way to explain proper golf club release and the golf club swing is to think about THROWING the club head at the golf ball to generate maximum speed.  Remember to move from the lead side, keep your shoulders shut and then open slightly to throw / release the club head at the ball.

Using this flail device as a visual training aid, you can see how generating golf club speed is truly a factor of keeping a compact and loaded positon that releases leverage that you store up during a proper golf swing.  THE KEY IS RELEASING YOUR LEVERED ENERGY.

Remember: Your two keeys are to always move in the oposite direction that the club head is going and to throw your club head at the golf ball to release your full power.

Hey guys, Chuck Quinton here, Rotary Swing resident mad scientist. I'm cut. My trusty little flail device here that I use in one of the other videos on how your body should be always moving in the opposite direction that the club is traveling. Now I want to help you understand the second perfect swing. That's the purpose, number one. Your body should always be moving in the opposite direction. Your second purpose is how do you release the club? Now, we've talked about the release quite a bit. In the clinics that we do, we get really in depth on releasing the club. But specifically, I want you to think about it for a second. What does it mean to release the club? What does it mean to release anything?

                Well to release something means to let go of it. To physically let go of it. Now of course, unless you want to tag your buddies or throw a club 50  yards down the fairway, unless you're really upset, we don't need to actually physically let go of it. But the purpose of the concept of that is really key to helping you understand how to get maximum club head speed with the minimum amount of effort, which is what rotary swing tour is all about.

                I want you to understand a couple things about how we get that club to release, and where we release from, which that's going to be a really key spot. The key thing to think about in just a second. Where do we release from? The key is that you need to do the opposite of probably what you're doing right now. Every single student just about that we see coming into our golf academy here at the Ritz Carlton Orlando is driving their body from their trailing side, their pushing side, through the vall, through the impact area, to try and move the club fast.

                This is done for a simple reason, two simple reasons. One most everybody that plays golf is playing golf right handed. They're naturally right handed playing golf from the left side of the ball. Of course, if you've watched my other videos on why golf is so hard and how to fix it, is when you're doing it from this side, lots of bad things are going to happen. Of course, being naturally right hand dominant, it's going to be a tendency to want to use that side. That's the first thing that we've got to start overcoming is that the last thing on earth you'd ever want to do is move as I mentioned in the last video about moving in the opposite direction of the club, is moving in the same direction of the club. If you take my little flail device here and I try to move this ball, out imagine there's a golf ball here and I try to move it by moving in the same direction, doesn't work very well. I'm always moving in the opposite direction.

                To do that, my body has got to be rotating this way. Now, when I get the club to actually release, what do my arms actually do? This is where we get back into the release point. We want to physically throw the club head at the ball. The simplest way to explain the golf swing is that you are throwing the club head at the ball. Now, I want to be clear about something. I'm not telling you to actively throw your right arm at it. You can do that once everything else is working correctly and help speed things up. But you still got to release it at the bottom rather than push against the shaft through the hitting area.

                How do you know if you're pushing against the shaft? Well there's a bunch of things you can see. You'll see golfers with their right side really open, their shoulders spinning open through the hitting area and looking really jammed up. This trailing arm is really bent. You can also look at your forefinger on the trailing hand. If you see that it's lean like this against the shaft and twisting, trying to help square the club face, you know that you're pushing from that dominant side. You don't want to do that. That's just going to slow it down.

                What you want to do, the fastest way to get something to move is to throw it. To release it. What you want to start thinking about in your golf swing to get true maximum speed is as you're coming down, I'm going to move from the lead side, not the right side because if I move from this trailing side, it's going to open my shoulders right away. I'm moving from my lead side. My shoulders can stay shut. Now from here, as I straighten my leg and open my hips up a little bit, all I've got to do now is throw the club head at the ball.

                Now you'll notice my shoulders and my arms and my body not doing very much, but the ball on the end of my string here is moving really fast. I don't have to move very fast to get the club head to move very fast if I throw the club head effectively at the ball. That is your job in the golf swing, not to push it through and move really slow, and move your body really aggressive and trying to move as fast as you can to try to get it to move fast. You'll never beat somebody who's throwing something to get it to accelerate.

                You want to throw and release it coming to the hitting area. Now this little string here is a great way to think about it. Now obviously the shaft in your golf club is actually relatively quite stiff. It doesn't bend around like this thing does, or like a rubber hose. But if you pretended and you imagined that this is what your golf shaft was like, you would decide pretty quickly that turning your chest through like a lot of the golf commentators on TV tell you to keep turn your chest through the target, doing that what would happen to this? It would never straighten up. It wouldn't release until too late.

                To get this to move very very fast you want to stop turning at some point and then let the levers that you have in your swing, which are going to be all these angles that you're creating in your arms and your wrists, let those release. When you let those release, notice I said let, when you let those release, they reach maximum speed. You're releasing all of the stored up energy rather than continuing to turn through and have all of these levers that never get a chance to release. You want to throw them at the ball and that is the key to creating club head speed.

                You have two main jobs in the swing, apart from creating and preserving, maintaining lag and releasing lag. You want to always be moving in the opposite direction that the club is going, and you want to throw effectively the club head at the ball. That is what rotary swing is going to teach you when you follow our step by step series on how to swing properly the way your body was designed to move efficiently, powerfully, and safely through out the golf swing. 

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What makes throwing the club at the ball different from say forcing the release? Is it just that the throwing at the ball happens at the right sequence in the swing? Will both wrists still be soft even when throwing?
November 6, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Erik. Yes, the wrists will be soft. The difference is you are allowing the club to be thrown by the force versus actively forcing the release. Like the end of a whip cracking. You allow for pop.
November 6, 2020
Would the forearms always crossover if you release correctly? For me the club ends up really closed when i do that.
August 3, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anders. Yes. If you fully release the club the forearms would rotate over each other. When the club ends up really closed it means you are trying to control the face. The release is a passive motion. If you try to force it the club may shut down.
August 3, 2020
In DEAD DRILL terms, does the "throw" happen after the squat to square and WITH OR AFTER the POST UP. Is Chuck's lesson to begin the "throw" of the club when the shaft is parallel to the ground with the grip next to the trail thigh with left leg posted and hips open. Or is the best swing thought to BEGIN the throw after AFTER the squat to square/weight shift when the left ARM is higher/ more parallel to the ground. I know these motions will blur in a micro second. I need to define the pieces and positions in chunks before the speed. Your clarity is appreciated. Bottom line: When does the "throw" begin? Thank you.
April 24, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jaey. It is a micro-second when these things happen. Some players may need to feel the throw earlier, or later depending on their move. As you begin to post and the hands start to enter the trail thigh the club will vigorously accelerate about three feet from the ball. After squat to square the post will start to trigger release/throw.
April 25, 2020
I was wondering if you could suggest anything to try, the last two rounds and a range session today I have not been able to hit my irons clean and if I do then it's low and slicing, it's like I can't get the ball in the air anymore. When I pull out the driver right now it's a miss hit as well, my swing feels the same as always so I'm lost with what I could be doing to cause this. thanks
March 1, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. I would suggest a swing review as a multitude of things can cause low and right. What have you been working on?
March 2, 2020
I have worked through many issues with setup and I used to have too much of a lateral hip bump during the transition. I've been hitting fairly decent with an occasional fat shot but like I said previously nothing I have hit the lady three times have went anywhere and it seems I'm hitting it flush. What would happen if I'm not releasing the club, I feel that I am but I know feel and real is sometimes different
March 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. It sounds like a lag a release issue. Have you filmed yourself to see if you are casting, or spinning the shoulders in the downswing?
March 2, 2020
Thanks for the response, I plan on it this week, I was working on pulling with lead side prior and I believe as well that it's a release issue
March 3, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. Great. If you can get one of your buddies to film your swing. Happy to look at the video, or some still images here.
March 3, 2020
Martin L
My back swing is rather short and I found that starting to release club as soon as I start downswing gives me really good ball contact and flight. Does that make sense?
September 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. Depending on your downswing dynamics. If you are pulling really well it may feel like you need to start releasing early to make sure the face squares up properly into impact.
September 11, 2019
There is a contradiction in this teaching. Chuck says, don't keep on turning the chest. When he demonstrates the wrong way, his head advances on the chest turn. When he demonstrates the correct way, his head is still and the chest and shoulders definitely rotate. He also says keep the shoulders closed. Yet after the release, his chest is clearly open. Do you understand my confusion?
April 24, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. The chest will be square at impact. The release will pull you through. It would be impossible for the chest to stay completely square at impact, but reach a full extension at the 3 O'clock position. The shoulders don't actively do anything coming down. The feeling will be the shoulders stay closed, but the hips will pull them to square at impact. As you release (with both hands on the club) the shoulders will rotate through because they are pulled and not actively turning. Take a look at Arms vs Body Release.
April 25, 2019
This goes against the swing through concept, correct? I am interpreting this as allowing the wrists to snap at the ball. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks
April 24, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. You are allowing for the release of the lag with the wrists and the forearms to turn over. The release pulls you into the follow through. You don't every try to reach a follow through.
April 25, 2019
Chuck, Does the right arm throw the club at the ball or does the left arm pull the club down throwing the club at the ball?
March 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Denny. The trail arm will help with some speed, but the lead arm will do the releasing/throw.
March 4, 2019
I really love the roadshow videos so far. What a great idea! Really makes the profound effects from seemingly subtle differences come to life. It is also so apparent quality vs. pointless practice from afar when I can’t recognize it in myself! I really hope these videos continue and I look forward to more. Also will they be permanently available on the site? As always, thank you all for such diligent wonderful work on the site. You all really put together such a quality product.
November 23, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jay. Glad you are enjoying the road show. I don't know if they will become permanent on the site. However, there are tons more lessons you can look forward too coming up.
November 24, 2018
I've been working my way through the Rotary Golf System and have noticed some substantial improvements in my ball striking. However, with that said, I'm still very inconsistent at impact, hitting about 1/3 of my shots fat. I noticed something today while practicing and I'm hoping you can tell me if I'm on the right track. It seemed that when I basically let my arms free fall during weight shift and then released the club while posting on my LH side my ball striking was much crisper and more consistent. Is this correct?
February 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charlie. Sounds good to me. Letting the arms react to the body movements and allowing for release.
February 10, 2018
Hooking the ball: Doesn't this release cause a quicker closing of the clubface and a more in-to-out path? I tend to over-draw (hook) the ball, and I'm concerned this more aggressive release of the club with a more square body will result in a more pronounced draw.
May 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brent. Neither. If you allow the club to release through properly. You actually get a straighter ball flight with more power and zeroed out path at impact. This is letting the club do the work. Not you steering or trying to force close the face.
May 21, 2017
I play with Titleist AP1 irons that are noted for being light so it is much more difficult to feel the clubhead. Should I consider adding weight tape to my clubheads?
May 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. You should still be able to release them effectively. I wouldn't worry about adding tape.
May 13, 2017
Just saw this for the first time and haven't had a chance to try it yet. When Chuck says, "Throw the club head at the ball," does that mean you want to feel like you're throwing the club head down into the ball toward the ground or sideways through the ball at the target. In other words, to do this properly, if I were to actually throw the club by letting it go at the proper time, would I be throwing it into the ground, at the target (through the ball) or neither?
May 12, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. The club will swing and release through the ball. But, you are trying to maximize the speed at the strike. Like the Frisbee Drill or Throw the Ball Drill. You are trying to throw at the ball.
May 12, 2017
Thanks for your reply, Craig. Just watched the frisbee drill and I think it answers my question. Chuck says to throw the frisbee down at the ground. So it sounds like the answer to my question is to feel like you are throwing the club head DOWN into the ball like you are trying to throw it into the ground. Of course if you do that, it won't actually go into the ground, but will strike the ball with a downward blow and then continue around into the follow through. An instructor told me in the past to feel like I'm trying to throw the club head at the target. That didn't help at all.
May 13, 2017
Great confused with this video! How do I throw the club head at the ball by using my left side only with relaxed hands and arms. I played cricket for years throwing the ball with my right side after transferring weight. Regards Roger.
May 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. I would recommend working on videos 2, 3, 4 of 6 in the Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks Series. This will help teach a relaxed release of the lead with letting go of the trail.
May 12, 2017
As I throw the club head at the ball, how do I assure the low point is in front of the ball. Is that assured by ball position and left hip posting? Is a shot with the driver different because it's positioned more forward and struck more on the upswing?
May 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lippen. Yes, you have to make sure the ball position, weight shift and posting are proper for the contact. The shot with a driver is still the same move above, but since the ball is positioned more forward and you have an increase in tilt. You will just catch it at a different time in the swing (Proper Tee Height Video and Driver Launch Angle).
May 11, 2017
I have a problem hitting fat shots when I try to throw the club head "at" the ball. I've experimented with Bobby Clampet's aiming point technique where he focuses is eyes on a spot four inches in front of the ball with mixed results. Is that a viable technique or just a bandaid? Should I just continue to work on the release drills on the RST site and if so which ones should I focus on. Most of my fat shots are with short irons.
May 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lippen. I would rather you focus on the ball versus a slight bandaid approach. Take a look at the Taking a Divot Video. Understand what are the requirements to have a good ground after ball contact.
May 12, 2017
You speak about being right hand dominate. What if your left handed playing right? The movement from the top of the back swing to the ball is not a natural move as it is with right handed. Do you have a drill that addresses this?
May 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frederick. It should be more natural being lead arm dominant playing from the opposite side of the ball. If you have a lack of use from the trail arm. Take a look at the Throw the Ball Drill and the Sledgehammer Video.
May 11, 2017
How do you throw the club head at the ball with speed without the left wrist flipping or breaking down? Should I be throwing with the left or right hand or both if that's possible? Which videos should I be watching for this?
February 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. 99.9% of golfers will need only to focus on the lead side/hand motion. You need to train the proper wrist positions. I would focus on the Left Hand Release, Vijay Release, and Fix Your Release.
February 22, 2017
Your 5 step system really simplifies the golf swing. My only complaint is there only one drill listed for each of the steps. Can you list more drills, catagorized for each step so I don't have to dig through all the videos to find the ones that would be relevent to each of the 5 steps. I'm new to the site so maybe they are already set up this way and I'm not seeing it. It just gets confusing trying to figure out which videos are best suited to each step in the new system. Thanks for your time
February 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. The 5 Step System is a quick start to an efficient downswing. It was invented without detailing all the nuts and bolts to simplify drills for the members. The drills contain the vast majority of the site information in one piece. If you struggle with a certain element. That will be when you will want to use the deeper learning or successive videos. Please feel free to use the forum to find the video you need. I will be happy to point you in the right direction. For example: You work on Step 1, but don't feel you are quite getting the weight back to the lead side. Take a look at the Sitting Into the Left Side, Fixing Your Weight Transfer, etc.... That's why I am here. To be your tour guide.
February 22, 2017
Hi, to increase the amount of leverage, speed and power, should ones hands be cocked as much as possible at the top of the backswing?
February 12, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sean. You want to shy away from max wrist set at the top of the backswing. Take a look at Using Your Wrists for Speed in Golf Swing Video.
February 12, 2017
I understand the principle of throwing the club head at the ball. However, this implies some independent arm and hand movement. I have been working on the rst principles these last few weeks of rotation elevation and flexion without any direct involvement of the arms in the downswing. Chuck refers in one of his videos to doing nothing with the arms from the top of the back swing other than staying relaxed and letting leverage do its work. I therefore find it difficult to correlate a throwing of the club head with what I have been learning so far. Can you please clarify. Ian
October 10, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Ian, think about throwing a Frisbee with the left hand. You take a step weight shifting to the lead foot while the upper body and arms lag behind. Take that same motion and throw it where the golf ball is. Yes there is some assist from the arms, but it is the big muscles from the legs and trunk pulling the small muscles into action. Check out the "Frisbee drill for sequencing the down swing video"
October 10, 2016
how to increase the speed ?. Now i am able to do that (release ) but not with good speed.
August 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ashar. With a good release take a look at the Lag and Speed Drills Video.
August 29, 2016
i was watching How to Get Effortless Power in the golf swing, the video quit playing. jd
April 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Is the video back playing for you correctly?
April 19, 2016
Should you think about throwing the club head at the ball or think about throwing the clubbed at the target so you don't slow dow and keep speeding up?
April 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. Take a look at the Left Hand Release Drill and the Throw the Ball Drill. At some point you have to stop pulling to release the energy and have max speed at impact. You want to delivery all the possible speed to impact.
April 19, 2016
Hi there. Top videos over the last few weeks. Amazing stuff!! Nonetheless, i'd like to know more about: "how" to post up; "when" to post up; and how much the hips should be rotated when you start to post up and when u finish to post up. Thank u!!!!
April 18, 2016
Thank you v much Craig. Please keep developing this concept (ie post up) in next vids
April 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nacho. Glad you like the video. Take a look at Perfect Impact Part 3 and the How to Use Ground Force for Speed for some lower body work. We will continue to talk about hips and posting up in the future.
April 18, 2016
Should you sole the club on the ground next to the ball or a few inches behind. Or club off ground next to ball or inches behind.
April 17, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
I say its always best to have to club right in behind the ball in the center of the face to start things off.
April 18, 2016
I am a Swedish Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and of Anatomy. I have also been involved with vast biomechanical research.I have listened to numerous professionals trying to explain the "mystery" of the golf swing. I have always been very dissappointed since the information has been based on speculations more or less. However, with the Rotary Swing I finally undertand what is happening, in a way understandable to me. Actually this last video was very informative. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Rotary Swing Golf Academy since now everything is now being understandable to me and I am making great progress. To having an antomical/biomechanical perspective of the action called the the golf swing is very intreaguing and inspiring to me and blends well with the way I am looking at biomechanical/sporting events (being a former pole valter). Thank you ever so much. Kjell Olmarker
April 17, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the kind words Kjell and we are very pleased to have you as a member of RST.
April 18, 2016
I need clarification on statement that the body is moving in the opposite direction of the club direction?
April 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Yes, you are rotating or pulling in the opposite direction. Chuck briefly mentions this in the Complete Backswing Video.
April 17, 2016
I am currently in Australia why can't play the video throw the club head at the ball
April 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Are you using Chrome and/or Firefox?
April 17, 2016
Which do you recommend, glove or no glove?
April 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Personal preference. Their isn't a standard statistic on it. I prefer glove because I sweat .
April 16, 2016
I have had trouble compressing the ball. I'm judging this by ball flight. I struggle hitting low penetrating shots. When I watched Claey's video on hitting low trajectory shots, he really emphasizes turning the left wrist down to deloft the club face. When I do this I can deloft the club but I feel a disconnect of my body and arms as I try to drag the club through the hitting area. This would be the opposite feeling Chuck is suggesting in this video. This video makes sense to me but how does it work with low trajectory compressed shots?
April 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Knuckles Down Release Video. You can still release the club while bowing the lead wrist. It is hard to absolutely bomb it or maximize speed. You still are achieving a cross over or roll release in both circumstances where the club is swinging at the ball.
April 16, 2016
Keep hammering the release home Chuck! I for one never understood the release properly for 30 plus years. Finally able to just shift to the left and release the club - amazed how it actually works. So many years of flipping / body release had been engrained in my swing. Pull back properly to create potential energy. Pull through to release the potential energy / levers from a stable connection to the ground. The Golf Channel needs to interview you sometime!
April 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. Thanks for the post! Mmm. I think all of us here will let the Golf Channel do their thing. We will keep to the site helping members like you .
April 16, 2016
If I am a short, stocky female golfer who uses a ladies flex driver, and I have a good drive of the ball, no errant shots, how many yards maximum can I achieve for an adult female golfer? I am trying to determine the extra benefits of throwing the club head, instead of casting and spinning.
April 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. I can say that releasing the club properly versus spinning is definitely a longer method or more prone to create high swing speeds. However, there are way too many factors to determine before I could judge the average adult females maximum yardage gain or your particular increase from switching methods.
April 16, 2016
It also eliminates my early extension too I've just realized!!
April 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Great. Because you are more than likely not fighting to create speed by pushing the body through.
April 15, 2016
Something twigged with me - how have I never thought of this before!? The laws of physics of equal and opposite. For me to get the club to go FORWARDS away from me and DOWN towards the ball,I need to send my left hip BACKWARDS away from the ball and straighten my left leg UP away from the ball. I just drilled it at home on video into an impact bag and straight away,I've stopped being super stuck underplane in my downswing. Just fractionally coming from the inside for a baby draw! What is the squat causing an equal and opposite reaction in? Just so I fully grasp this. It's a squat down,clear hip back and straighten lead leg up and just release the club. Doh-so obvious now. Ha. Only has hit me aged 32. Ha. Big breakthrough moment!!!!
April 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Sounds like you did have a good breakthrough. I like where your head is now with the swing. The squat serves as a hip stabilizer and a means to pull leverage from the ground. Stabilizes the hips (keeps you from spinning and over rotating too much down and through) and Leverage from the ground for speed (pushing away from the ground to send the energy towards it).
April 15, 2016
Good stuff, Chuck. I really identify with the manner you provide instruction and it is amazing how many professional instructors talk about turning through the shot - the exact opposite of what one should. Two all to common themes I have had drilled into my head is 1) holding objects under both armpits and 2) using the "punisher" club (long shaft that forces one to continue turning). The latter has made it very difficult to adapt to your (the proper) method as I spent countless hours in the past on this drill only to now have to try to get my body retrained. I wish I had found Rotary Swing a long time ago as I know I would not have struggled with this oh, so difficult game. I attempt to send members your way all the time. Thanks very much for your fine instruction.
April 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donal. Thank you for the compliments of our site and instruction. You wouldn't believe the amount of hours trying to undo the "punisher" drill from our students. And, to their amazement how much club head speed they gain with less effort once leaving the drill. Keep at it. You will get there. Thanks again for the support and sharing the good word.
April 15, 2016
Great video, Chuck. Extremely helpful.
April 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Thanks. I will pass the good word to Chuck.
April 15, 2016
Thanks for all the great instruction you do. Not familiar with the "punisher drill" mentioned above. Since it's not a good thing to do, would you please describe it so we can be sure to not do it or any variations of it. Thanks. John
April 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. The Punisher Drill uses a stick or alignment rod to add extension to the butt end of the club. It forces you to rotate the arms/body/hips at the same rate to not hit yourself while coming into the strike.
April 21, 2016

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