Jack Nicklaus Putting Secret - Intro

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Jack Nicklaus said he would've changed THIS about his putting if he could go back and do it all over again!

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Putting Tips

Well, two putts from there and I'm in. If you've ever felt like this when you're over a putt, that after hitting a great shot into the greens you're just a few feet, then listen up. I've got something really, really interesting for you. And it's not just another set of boring putting drills.

                All right, I've just hit this mid iron approach shot up here to 12 feet. It's a hard green. It's very firm. It was hard to get it this close. I hit a great golf shot. All systems are go, I'm thinking to myself, at least I'm telling myself that I should be thinking that, "All right, it's a 12-footer for a birdie, no problem. I know it's a little downhill, but I'm gonna make this."

                The reality is that during my entire playing career as a professional, which spanned more than five years, I averaged about 16 to 18 greens around, and more than 32 putts. Yeah, it's not exactly a great stat, and that's why I'm not playing professionally anymore. I probably have the most dubious distinction of being one of the best ball strikers on the mini-tours with the highest scoring average. That's not something you want to be known for. I would hit 16 or 18 greens a round and still struggle to break par because I struggled so much with putting. And I tried everything - puttings tips, putting drills, putting aids. I tried looking at the hole, I tried different grips, I tried rocking my shoulders, tried using my hands, I tried a belly putter, a long putter, you name it, I tried it. I got fitted for putters, nothing helped. It would maybe give me a temporary relief from my putting woes, but nothing helped.

                I got so frustrated with the game that I eventually quit playing professionally, because it was incredibly frustrating hitting the ball so well and hitting it so close to the green that I couldn't get the ball in the hole. No matter what I tried, from ... I mean, I literally tried meditation, different mental approaches to the game, you name it, I've tried it. But no matter what happened, every time I got up with the ball, no matter how confident I was, even telling myself like, "Oh, absolutely, I'm a great putter. I'm gonna make this," I still did that. Missed it so many times that I just couldn't stand it any longer.

                If you can relate to any of this, I've got something that's going to completely change the way that you putt for the rest of your life. Putting, for me, was just not even a fun part of the game, to be honest with you. It became a drudgery to have to go out and practice, especially when I practiced a lot and didn't get any better. Now, many of you can relate to this on your full swing, right? You go out and practice. You hit thousands of balls, you do all kinds of drills, and you don't get any better.

                Well, obviously with Rotary Swing I was able to fix that with the full swing, that's why I hit the ball so well, and why my students hit the golf ball so well, because it's based on fact. It's based on science. It's based on physics, and your anatomy, and real fundamentals.

                But in putting, that stuff doesn't seem to apply. Putting seems to be kind of like this black art, this voodoo stuff, that you're either good at it or you're not, you either have a good sense of touch or you don't, you can either read greens or you can't, and that just doesn't resonate real well with my brain. I need hard, logical facts. I want answers that make sense to me, and I could never find any with putting.

                Every putting instructor I went to, to help, when I was playing professionally, trying to get for myself, told me something different. You know, "Oh, try this," or, "You should look at it with this eye," and, "Oh, close your eyes when you putt," or, "Look at the hole." "Oh, just listen for it to drop." I mean, none of this stuff really changes anything about how you're going to putt, because trust me, I've tried it all.

                So at that point I just said, "You know what, maybe they're right. Maybe you just, you can't putt if you just don't have it, and I'm just not a good putter. So golf, as a career, maybe it's just not the right choice for me, because obviously, I can hit every green and still shoot 73." So I finally stopped looking for the answer, and that's when I found it.

                Totally coincidentally, I was down in Jupiter, Florida, playing at the Bear's Club, which is, of course, Jack Nicklaus's home track. And he happened to be there the day that I was there, and he was on a green, and we came up and he was sitting there talking to somebody.

                The guy I was playing with happened to know him, and so we start listening in on this conversation a little bit, and the guy that Jack is playing with asked the most interesting, profound question that I thought somebody could ask for somebody like this. He said, "Jack, if there's one thing that you could have changed about your game, just one thing, what would it be?" And I thought, "Oh, maybe he wanted to hit the ball further, ability to draw more consistently, hit it low, or whatever," and it was about his putting.

                He said if he could change one thing, it would be this one specific thing about his putting. And I thought this is a guy who's won 18 majors, he was a phenomenal putter, I mean, he couldn't win that many majors without being a great putter, and yet he wanted to change it. And if he could go back and do it all over again, he would change this one thing about his putting.

                And I was like, "For seriously?" And, of course, with my putting woes at this point, I'm like, "Ah, forget it, I'm just not a good putter. It's just the way it is." But it kind of gave me a little glimmer of hope. I'm like listen, if this guy, if Jack Nicklaus, says, "Hey, I would change just one thing about my game and it's this one thing about my putting stroke, maybe I should try that." It felt like I had tried everything, but maybe I hadn't tried this.

                So the rest of the round, I went out and I did exactly what he had talked about in that little chat, and I putted the best I ever putted in my life. Now, part of that's just kind of dumb luck, to be honest, because when you distract your brain you give it something else to focus on, especially when it comes to putting. You kind of block out all the other bad memories and you have kind of a new little sense of renewed hope, and you putt better.

                But it didn't stop after that day. In fact, it kept going, but it wasn't all, you know, peaches and roses, there were some ups and downs, especially with distance control. But as I started working through this and started trying to understand it, a light bulb went off and I said, "Wait a second. What Jack is talking about with his putting stroke is the exact same thing, the same fundamentals, physics, and anatomy-based approach to the golf swing, he just didn't describe it that way, but that's exactly what he was talking about with his putting." And I said, "This is brilliant. This is exactly how I teach the full swing. Now I can take what I know, all my expertise about the full swing and the body and the physics of it, and apply it to the putter."

                And all of a sudden, it was like the heavens rained down on me and I'm like, I can actually putt again. The game is fun. I can actually go out and play and not be like, "Oh, yeah, I'm gonna hit 16 greens and shoot 75." I'm actually going to be able to make some putts. And I started shooting more consistently in the 60s, and all of a sudden putting wasn't such a drag anymore. In fact, I actually kind of enjoyed it, which, I know, it's kind of crazy for me to say.

                But it was this one thing that changed everything for me, and that's what I want to share with you. So put your email address down below. I'm going to send you a link to the next video so that you can start understanding the key components of this one key change that's going to completely change the way you think about putting. The first one we're going to start with is the most amazing thing, because it will not only help your putting, but it's going to change the way you think about the full swing forever. So let's get started.

Well, two putts from there and I'm in, if you've ever felt like this when you're over it, but after hitting a great shot into the green to just a few feet, then listen up. I've got something really, really interesting for you. All right. I've just hit this mid iron approach shot up here to 12 feet. It's a hard green it's very firm. It was hard to get it this close. I had a great shot. All systems are go. I'm thinking to myself, at least I'm telling myself that I should be thinking that, all right, it's 12 footer for birdie. No problem. You know, it's a little downhill, but I'm going to make this. The reality is that during my entire playing career, as a professional, which span more than five years, I averaged about 16 to 18 greens around and more than 32 putts. Yeah.

It's not exactly a great step. And that's why I'm not playing professionally anymore. I probably have the most dubious distinction of being one of the best ball strikers on the mini tours with the high scoring average. That's not something you want to be known for. I would hit 16 or 18 greens around and still struggle to break par because I struggled so much with putting and I tried everything. I tried looking at the whole, I tried different grips. I tried you know, rocking my shoulders, tried using my hands. I tried a belly putter along, putter, you name it. I tried, I got fitted for putters. Nothing helped. It would maybe give me a temporary relief from my putting woes, but nothing helped. And so I got so frustrated with the game that I eventually quit playing professionally because it was incredibly frustrating hitting the ball so well and hitting it so close to the green that I couldn't get the ball in the hole.

And so, no matter what I tried from I'm I literally tried meditation, different mental approaches to the game. You name it. I tried it, but no matter what happened, every time I got over the ball, no matter how confident I was even telling myself like, oh, absolutely, I'm a great putter. I'm gonna make this. I still did that. Missed it so many times that I just couldn't stand it any longer. If you can relate to any of this, I've got something that's going to completely change the way that you putt for the rest of your life. Putting for me, it was just not even a fun part of the game. To be honest with you, it became a drudgery to have to go out and practice, especially when the, when I practiced a lot and didn't get any better. Now, many of you can relate to this on your full swing, right?

You go out and practice. You hit thousands of balls. You do all kinds of drills and you don't get any better. Well, obviously with rotary swing, I was able to fix that with a full swing. That's why I hit the ball so well and why my students hit the ball so well, because it's based on fact, it's based on science. It's based on physics and your anatomy and real fundamentals. But in putting that stuff, doesn't seem to apply. Putting seems to be kind of like this, the lack art, this voodoo stuff that you're either good at it, or you're not, you either have a good sense of touch or you don't, you can either read greens or you can't. And that just doesn't resonate real well with my brain. I need hard logical facts. I want answers that make sense to me. And I could never find any with putting every putting instructor I went to to help when I was playing professionally, tried to get help for myself, told me something different, oh, try this.

Or you should look at it with this eye and oh, close your eyes. When you putter look at the whole just, oh, just listen for it to drop. I mean, none of this stuff really changes anything about how you're going to put, because trust me, I've tried it all. So at that point, I just said, you know what, maybe they're right. Maybe you just, you can't putt. If you just don't have it. And I'm just not a good putter. So golf as a career. Maybe it's just not the right choice for me because obviously I can hit every green and still shoot 73. So I finally stopped looking for the answer and that's when I found it. Totally coincidentally, I was down in Jupiter, Florida playing at the bear's club, which is of course Jack Nicholas's home track. And he happened to be there the day that I was there and he was on a green and we came up and he was sitting there talking to somebody and a guy I was playing with happened to know him.

And so we start listening in on this conversation a little bit. And the guy that Jack is playing with asked the most interesting, profound question that I thought somebody could ask for somebody like this. He said, Jack, if there's one thing that you could have changed about your game, just one thing, what would it be? And I thought, oh, maybe wanting to hit the ball further and be able to hit a draw more consistently, hit it low or whatever. And it was about us putting, he said, if he could change one thing, it would be this one specific thing about his putting. And I thought, this is, this guy's won 18 majors. He was a phenomenal putter. I mean, he couldn't win that many majors without being a great putter and yet he wanted to change it. And if he could go back and do it all over again, he would change this one thing about his putting. And I was

Like, seriously, like, and of

Course my putting woes at this point, I'm like, ah, forget it. I'm just not a good putter. It's just the way it is. But kind of gave me a little glimmer of hope. I'm like, listen, if this guy of Jack Nicholas says, Hey, I would change this one thing about my game. And it's this one thing about my putting stroke. Maybe I should try that. I felt like I tried everything, but maybe I hadn't tried this so that the rest of the round I went out and I did exactly what he had talked about in that little chat. And I putted the best that ever put it in my life. Now, part of that's just kind of dumb luck to be honest, because when you distract your brain, you give it something else to focus on. Especially when it comes to putting you kind of block out all the other bad memories and you have kind of a new little sense of renewed hope and you pop better, but it didn't stop after that day.

In fact, it kept going, but it wasn't all peaches and roses. There were some ups and downs, especially with distance control. But as I started working through this and start trying to understand it, a light bulb went off and I said, wait a second. What Jack is talking about with his putting stroke is the exact same thing, the same fundamentals, physics and anatomy based approach to the golf swing. He just didn't describe it that way, but that's exactly what he was talking about with this putty. And I said, this is brilliant. This is exactly exactly how I teach the full swing. Now I can take what I know all my expertise about the full swing and the body and the physics of it and apply it to the putter. And all of a sudden I was like, Hmm, heaven's rained down on me. And I'm like, I can actually put, again, this is the game is fun. I can actually go out and play and not be like, oh yeah, I'm going to hit 16 greens and shoot 75. I'm actually going to be able to make some putts. And I started shooting more consistently in the sixties and all of a sudden putting wasn't such a drag anymore. In fact, I actually kind of enjoyed it, which I know it's kind of crazy for me to say, but it was this one thing that changed everything for me. And that's what I want to share with you.

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Hello Craig, I am finding it really hard to judge the distance when it comes to the new putting stroke. I am often saying to myself, "Gotta hit it, Mayur!" Just not sure how to imagine how hard I need to hit the putt when I'm on the course.
May 27, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mayur. Take a look at Roll the Ball to Lag Putt Better Video. This will help you start to visualize how hard you actually need to hit your putts.
May 28, 2020
This is a great putting system. Worked very well. Thanks.
August 24, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Awesome. Glad you enjoyed the series.
August 25, 2019
Hello. I've changed over to Jack Nicklaus putting technique. I could have done knowing above this 25 years ago. It's fantastic. Rock steady and I am now downing putts from 12/14 feet. And lagging putts well inside the bin lid. Many thanks for this advice. Tony
November 1, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. Love hearing you are rolling the rock better!
November 1, 2018
How do i share it to get the secret?
September 15, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Fred. There is a link in the description above to refer a friend.
September 16, 2018
What advice do your have regarding long putters which I have used legally for several years years (actually never anchored). I like the long putter because of not having to bend over and experiencing no back pain compared to previous experience with short regular putter. Thanks
May 20, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. There is definitely a benefit to using the longer putters because you can almost create a true/freely swinging pendulum. However, because of the length and mechanics of the stroke distance can be hard to judge.
May 20, 2018
with this putting stroke, would you recommend a face balanced or toe weighted putter?
April 29, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Piper. Face Balanced.
April 29, 2018
Hi, I tried out the Jack Nicklaus technique during a round of golf. Brilliant. I wished I had converted to this technique years ago. I also found bending over the putt gave me a better putting stroke. I read about Jordan Speiths technique of looking at the hole, as opposed to looking at the ball when putting. Do you think this was a fad, or is it worth applying to my game. Regards Tmc
April 15, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. Great to hear the positive results of the switch. The looking at the hole fad comes and goes. For shorter putts, its a good way to help keep the focus on the target. However, you don't need to apply it as a end all be all need to have in your stroke/routine.
April 15, 2018
Thanks for that Craig. Regards Tmc
April 16, 2018
Does the shoulder blade glide back and through, with spine still, create a non-pendulum stroke?
February 21, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. You should still retain a similar pendulum stroke even with setup adjustments and shoulder blade glide.
February 21, 2018
This is incredibly confusing. I got an email with a link to the video and a link to pay $17. What do I do now that I have paid? Where do I get access to the videos? Lost in space James
February 16, 2018
The confusion has been removed. I can now see the list of putting videos, including the one on Jack's secret. I should have been a bit more patient. Looking forward to it. James
February 16, 2018
Having watched the videos, it all makes perfect sense, and it's consistent with the rest of teaching. As a very 'handsy' putter, I can't wait to try it out.
February 16, 2018
I had my first try. It was very weird at first, but within 10 minutes I started to enjoy it, and nearly even prefer it over using my hands, and by hands, when it comes to my putting, I mean my right hand only! many thanks
February 18, 2018
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It is a bit strange at first but it doesn't take too long for the brain to begin to adapt and when the ball starts rolling pure it makes the change well worth it!
February 18, 2018
I have an issue. When I put left hand low I have no problem with the right hand grip but when I place the middle of the base ofmy left hand on top of the last knuckle of the middle finger of my right hand it feels like the left hand doesn't support the club at all (I have a super stroke flatso 1.0 grip). Plus if I have the left and right have completely disconnected like in vid then my lead shoulder is lower than my trail. Any tips on how I can get my left hand perfectly on the club through location on my left hand and where place on top of my right?
November 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Daniel. It sounds like when you move to more of a connected grip you allow the lead arm to start bending too much. If you start placing the lead hand too much on top of the trail you will lose a little connection to lead side pulling cause there won't be enough lead hand on the club. I would start first with making sure you can keep the lead arm as straight as possible and possibly changing the length of your putter. You can upload a putter setup for review and we will be happy to take a look.
November 9, 2017
Definitely want to hear more. My putting is decent once I get in that groove but if I don't play for awhile, it is like starting all over again. I need some fundamentals to be able to refer back to!!! vcleav@msn.com
January 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vincent. Great. Take a look a Chuck's post (Charles) 4 down from here for the Email Reference.
January 6, 2017
Chuck, I love your site and have reupped for another year but I do find it a little hard to believe that you tried everything and didn't try left hand low until years after being the best ball striker on the mini tours? I will try the new grip but I think the epiphany may have more to do with marketing the site than a fundamental belief in this technique.
November 26, 2016
RST is so good....... Up in cold Sweden putting is for next April or so, but over all I'm pleased with everything that RST is doing and I just want to thank you guys for that. I'm going to change my putting grip and my putting thinking, that's for sure.
November 18, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
And, refer a friend doesn't mean refer YOURSELF lol. It means enter an email address of a friend who isn't already a free or premium member of RotarySwing.com
November 18, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Guys, don't post your buddy's email in the comments! You can refer them here: https://rotaryswing.com/quickquiz/assets/landing-pages/refer-a-friend
November 18, 2016
Looking forward to finding the way to good putting
November 17, 2016
Chuck I love you humbleness. Are you sure this isn't your twin brother? No reply necessary.
November 17, 2016
Mike mikeoscar@me.com Wow! I'm certainly excited to hear about this.
November 17, 2016
Hi Chuck How can I watch the rest of the videos ? Thanks
November 17, 2016
Chuck This is great. One of my suggestions was more short game videos. More chipping, sand and pitching. Videos are a bit dated. Love the 5 step series.
November 17, 2016
As a member, I can already tell you what the secret is! Putting is the one thing that you can learn from scratch, no matter how old you are. The golf swing however, is not. It would not be wise for a 51 year old to force his body into all positions of Thomas Pieters' swing, we just use it as an inspirational demo to look at. Putting has basically two technical fundamentals: direction and distance. All of the rest is practice, feel the stroke itself, hit the ball straight, read greens, let it roll, etc. If you add mystical terms to your putting (all the advice others will give you) you can just drift off easily (for example: not lining up square because it feels better). You taught us all that good practice builds up your confidence, so for me that's the secret!
November 15, 2016

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