RST Performance Rating Center

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Introducing a perfect way to track your golf swing change progress with the new RST Performance Rating Center.

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Finally came accross with this feature. I have some questions. What does it mean to have 84 percent in a backswing section for example? That my backswing is nearly perfect or good enough or something else? Do I need to work on it? Should every section be 100%?
February 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mikko. Every section ideally would be 100. 84 for example would be a grade of "B". Good backswing, but not perfect yet.
February 20, 2019
I can't see any points on my Performance Rating after 1'st review. All of them are 50 and looks like blank. Is it mean my Performance Rating will be updated only after my next review?
May 11, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Denis, yes, we will update your performance rating on your next review. Make sure you mention in your notes to the instructor that you would like to have your ratings established to ensure the update.
May 11, 2016
Hey guys , I just joined a few days ago and am grinding away at the intro videos . Should I keep practicing and progressing for a few weeks before submitting my first swing review video ? Thanks !
May 2, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Richard- You can do that or send in a video right away so one of us on the online review team can help get you started on the right path. A great place to start is with the new 5 step RST mastery system starting with weight shift.
May 3, 2016
Great. Thanks Steven. Will do.
May 3, 2016
Hello all! I had two questions on the performance center. 1. How are points gathered? Is it based on a predetermined set of criteria like a base model swing or can points vary for instructor to instructor. Sorry I work in engineering and process data daily and just trying to make sense of it 2. If I were to sign up for unlimited reviews would this be updated after each review I sent in?
January 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyle. The points can differ from instructor to instructor based on their eyes. But, to get a grade of "A" or above 80 each instructor has the same set of criteria the student has to meet. For unlimited reviews. It might not be updated daily depending on your work with your instructor. In unlimited reviews we do lots of drills and practice swings. Which would make the rating askew to your actual swing. The rating would only adjust as fuller swings were sent in.
January 3, 2016
I've been working on my setup. Steven said in my most recent swing review that I have improved my setup but my rating for my setup has stayed the same. Do I need to do something for my rating to be updated?
December 12, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ross-I remember moving your setup rating up-it must have accidently moved back down when i was pressing the down arrow. My apologies. Setup was much improved Ross. Keep up the great work
December 12, 2015
Great addition, how do we navigate to threating center?
October 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robin. The Performance Center is located under the Swing Reviews Tab. You will receive one with your next swing uploaded for review.
October 10, 2015
Thanks Craig!
October 11, 2015
Brilliant idea, I love this new feature. So, now it's more clear on area to focus and how close we are to perfect swing, eager to use this new feature on my next review.
October 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Aiya. I'm glad you like one of our new additions.
October 8, 2015
I have just entered my second video for review. Will my latest video review include the RST Performance Rating Center review or do I need to add my review to that location? Thanks!
October 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Your second swing should start with a Performance Review. No worries.
October 1, 2015
This is a great feature!! Chuck mentions that the system decides what your top 3 priorities will be, when you have scores below 80. What if all your scores are above 80? Does the instructor makes the top 3 then? And what does a blue top 3 priority mean?
September 23, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Mads -- Even if your scores are above 80, you still will have focus areas that the instructor will give you personally through the review process and the performance center should reflect similar areas. What was the score with the blue top priority that you saw?
September 26, 2015
I have a blue "Impact", a yellow "Weight shift", and no third priority.
September 26, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
without knowing what scores you have in either of those, I would say to make sure you working on your weight shift first which can effect your impact position overall.
September 26, 2015
80 in both, between 84-95 in the rest. Just wondered, if a blue priority meant some specific. Thanks for your replies.
September 26, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Mads -- No problem and the dials just change colors as you get higher scores in each of the category. Sounds like you are doing great with your swing so keep up the great work.
September 27, 2015
Congrats to Chuck and the RST Instructor team for this new feature. Data analytics are important in all business today. This is a great way to incorporate analytics to our individual swing performance improvement goals. I see this as an important enhancement to increased value in the RST membership. Can't wait to try it.
September 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dean. Thanks for the compliments!
September 18, 2015
I submitted a swing review on 9/10/15 and in the swing performance rating center I only have a statement that states I have not submitted a swing review. Does this performance rating cost more money. Also I need to know how to respond to my swing coach if I have questions on his review of my swing.
September 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. The Performance Center didn't launch until this week. Your next review will be completed with a Performance Check. If you have questions for your coach. Go to the particular video you have an issue with and write to him directly in the forum.
September 17, 2015
My video is in your swing review section already. Can you use those videos if not how do I resubmit that video you already have?
September 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. When your next review comes up. Go to Swing Reviews - Get a Review - And Submit Videos. Select the previously uploaded videos.
September 17, 2015
If working through the entire system step-by-step and on the takeaway right now, should I still submit a full swing video and get a review and performance review? If so, do I continue to work through the entire system or work on most significant areas highlighted in the review?
September 16, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. If you are working step by step. Stick to the process. Allow your instructor to highlight where you need improvement.
September 16, 2015
I have had a swing review three weeks ago or so. Can I use that for this new review program and if so I would like to get started. charles
September 16, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. You would need to re-submit the same swings for review if you wanted your performance review to start with that set of swings.
September 16, 2015
I am very excited and hopeful about this new review concept. When golfers are committed to improving their performance, they realize that their swing is multi-faceted and not one dimensional. As they make changes they are also as much anxious to hear what they are doing right as well as the area of needed improvement. Having a review that gives you feedback on 10 critical areas is greatly more beneficial than a review that points out a single area or point of improvement and leaves one guessing as to what else is going on with their swing. The videos on the website clearly point out that what you are doing or think you are doing in one area of the swing can greatly influence (positively or negatively) other parts of the swing. Thank you for setting up this more comprehensive review concept.
September 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Thanks for the compliments of the site. We are always looking for new ways to help our members improve.
September 16, 2015
Hi My understanding from the video, is that from now, any further submitted reviews will be assessed and scored in the performance area. Existing / previous reviews will not be assessed Regards
September 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. Yes, you are correct.
September 15, 2015
Chuck, I have swing reviews in but when I went to the performance area it says I dont have any submitted? I see Dan below has a similar question.
September 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. The Performance Reviews went live today. It will start upon your next submission/upload for review.
September 15, 2015
Is this added feature cost extra dollars?
September 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Byron. No extra fees.
September 15, 2015
Very cool. Do we have to sign up for an instruction package ... or can we use the 2-week, free submissions?
September 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. This is included in your 2 Week Submission Package. No extra charge or sign up.
September 15, 2015
How do you submit a swing review for the new RST Performance Rating?
September 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. The next time you submit a Swing Review through the normal system. One of our instructors will start to fill out your sheet. You don't need to do anything extra other than load your typical Face On and Down the Line Video. We will do the rest.
September 15, 2015

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