Key to Creating Lag

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The secret key to creating lag has been an elusive thing for most amateur golfers. In this video, I show you the key to producing tons of lag and the one key movement that is detrimental to losing lag.

  • Lag is the angle between the RIGHT forearm and the shaft - not the left as many teach
  • To improve lag, you should feel you're bringing the club down almost entirely with the right arm
  • Left shoulder stays shut, feels lower than the right all the way into impact
  • Practice with the right arm only - it will feel like the club is coming straight down
  • Add a little bit of forearm rotation to square the club face

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Chuck, I was looking for something else on YouTube and came across one of your free videos. However, I can't seem to find it on your website. I tried to search using the title on YouTube, with no success. When I clicked on the "Watch this secret lag video by clicking here" it took me to this video, which isn't the same one. In the one on YouTube, you're using an impact bag, set two feet behind you, to encourage a weight shift and lag in order not to strike the bag on the downswing. Can you tell me which video this is? Here is the link to the YouTube video I'm referring to: Thanks!
February 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jesse. That video is no longer on the site. I apologize. I will ask the team if that particular drill will be re-done in the future for placement on the site.
February 5, 2017
Ok, thanks Craig.
February 5, 2017
Does this feeling of the shaft coming down vertically the same with the driver and fairway woods?
October 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Fairway woods more than likely. But, the driver usually feel a little shallower.
October 11, 2016
In the Vejay video Chuck talks about the left arm swinging the club from the end of the shaft. In this video he seems to emphasize the right arm pulling straight down. Could you explain.
September 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. We prefer lead side usage to release and help with lag. This video is for help with players that have a very dramatic cast move and need to feel how their trail am will help maintain the angle longer coming down. The Frisbee Drill or 4 Step Lag Builder is closer to the model swing.
September 13, 2016
Where do you envision the release point to be?
September 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Take a look at the Left Hand Release Drill. You will see Chuck refer the the pleat on pant of the lead leg. More than likely you will feel it start earlier as you enter the trail thigh. But, Chuck's feeling of the pleat should help.
September 13, 2016
Craig, thanks for getting me to the Kaymer video. It helps me understand how to deal with getting power in the last three feet.
July 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Great. Glad the video helped provide a good visual.
July 15, 2016
Craig, I'm getting confused, in other video's Chuck talks about getting the club down with the weight shift to the left and in this video he talks about pulling it down with the right arm. Doing it with the right arm which I prefer sometimes causes me to hit it fat. Doing it with a shift to the left causes me to loose speed because I still don't understand how to go from 20+ mph during the swing to 90 +mph in the last 3 feet of the swing. Need Help? Dan
July 13, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Dan, there are different ways to train lag into the swing. Each person can grasp the information differently. It is most important when working on developing more lag in your swing to see which drill is giving you the most progress. Most of the new stuff you will see from Chuck will talk about the importance of using your legs to pull the arms and shoulders down into the hitting area which helps you preserve and maintain lag into the release.
July 13, 2016
When I'm trying to create lag in my golf swing I always seem to sky the ball and or slice even more. I allow my wrists and forearms to be very relaxed throughout the majority of the swing. I shift my weight to my lead side and allow my wrists to downcock. Then I release my trail arm like I'm throwing the golf head at it, keeping my trail elbow pit to the sky into contact and rotating over in the follow through. Any advice or videos you could recommend?
July 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. You might be firing your right arm too much (if right handed). Take a look at Step 3 and Step 4 of the RST 5 Step System. Make sure the lead is more in control into the release.
July 8, 2016
Thanks. I'll check that out.
July 9, 2016
Hi Craig, I am a bit puzzled by the last 'key' that Chuck mention's which is the slight closing of the club face with the right hand (like a fanning motion) approaching the delivery position. I thought this was the duty of the left wrist?
June 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The lead wrist does have the duty of squaring up the face in the delivery position. Once, the swing has been mastered. Little elements from the trail side can be added for extra speed. Certain pressure points in the hand and scapular positioning to add core rotational speed. Stick with the lead for right now though. This is in the minority of importance.
June 24, 2016
Hi Craig, maybe you could help me with/critique my thought's on sources of lag. Before RST I thought of lag as the angle between the lead forearm and club shaft. Now I understand the angles are associated with the trail arm. Here we build in angles at the top of the back swing, one between the trail forearm and club shaft (I call this primary lag) and one between the upper and lower portion's of the trail arm (I call this secondary lag), both roughly 90 degree's. I am trying to understand the precise function of each or whether they amount to one and the same thing. I see the primary lag as controlling the shaft angle into impact - obviously we want the hand's in front but to varying degrees depending on the shot trajectory we require e.g. retaining a very bent (feel's like) for lowish shot's with maximum compression and a flat wrist for higher shot's. I see the secondary lag as a power source from the delivery position down into impact by extension and loosing the angle between the upper and lower arm's. Am I on the right track or overthinking the issue - any help much appreciated.
April 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. I think you are over thinking the issue a little bit. I see where you are going with your descriptions. However, I don't want you to start confusing shaft lean with lag. You are trying to increase the wrist angle between the trail forearm and wrist. You are trying to maintain and not increase the trail elbow flexion as you continue in the downswing. I try to steer more players to focus less on the trail arm and more on their lead arm. If you are using the lead side and pulling correctly with the lead arm you can create a tremendous lag angle coming down. As long as the trail arm isn't firing too soon and staying very passive. Take a look at the Orange Whip Drill. You can see how much angle you can create without the trail arm on the club. The key would be when you add the trail arm back. Can you keep it passive enough to create the same or close to the same amount of angle by not increasing trail elbow flexion and more from the wrist.
April 30, 2016
Hi Craig, In the fourth sentence you say you are trying to increase the wrist angle but I thought a more lag would reduce this angle. Anyway. yes, I am confused about comparing shaft lean and lag. So, I do clearly understand shaft lean which comes as a function of a flat/bent left wrist at impact. For lag, I understood from the video the reference was the trail arm but you seem to be suggesting that the reference is the lead arm which was my pre-RST way to think of it. This way of thinking would be in line with the Downcock Drill to increase lag where the angle between the lead arm and reduces with a soft wrist downcock? I am sure the 'penny' will drop soon.....but any more help in dfferentiation between the two would help.
April 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. We are looking at the same thing regarding the fourth sentence. Technically, the the actual number would be a reduced angle. However, when teaching I usually say increase the amount of lag. We are both on the same page just referred to it a different way. For ex: 25% wrist set in the takeaway and that number gradually increases until fully set when you reach max lag point. The trail arm will be the measured lag angled. But, use the lead side to help create the increase. I agree with soft wrist downcocking due to weight shift or change in momentum to the lead side. The goal is for the wrists to remain soft and supple. As you shift, pull from the torso and lead arm the lag will increase (Frisbee Drill). The trail arm must remain free of excessive tension to help create more angle and store the energy into the proper positioning into the release.
April 30, 2016
Hi Craig, OK, getting there but one of the blockages was Chuck's emphasis on the right arm and references on the video to 'pull down with the right arm' which was new to me?
April 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. There are players that have extreme casting issues and have to retrain what the trail arm needs to do in the downswing. Hence this video, Step by Step Right Arm Drills, etc. Once that type of player has retrained where the trail arm should go. They should change gears because the ultimate goal for all of our students is to be a lead side dominant swinger.
April 30, 2016
Hi Craig, Thank's for your help and patience
April 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No worries David. That's what I'm here for. Keep working hard. You will get the swing down.
April 30, 2016
Hi Craig, I have taken numerous lessons from pros and have really struggled to maintain lag deep into the trailing thigh. My swing looks almost identical to the student in the video. I still have an issue keeping my arms in front of my body during the down swing. I have reviewed and tried ALL of the drills on the website but without success. My shoulders are fairly closed and my tush line is maintained, and my wrist and arms are soft. I almost feel like my arms are too slow to catch up with the rest of my body during the down swing. Any ideas on how to remedy this problem? thanks!
April 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Douglas. You are more than likely still pushing with your trail side at some point in the downswing. Take a look at the Frisbee Drill and Orange Whip Video. Get that trail arm off the club and focus on lead arm dominance. Check yourself on film. See how much angle you retain. Then, the process from there is slowing adding the trail hand back to where it is only allowing for the ride.
April 27, 2016
I should have clarified this on my original post. My trail and lead arms/wrists are working properly. I have hooked myself up to body sensors at a golf practice facility that confirms all of my numbers (shoulder tun, hip turn, etc) are within tour ranges. I almost feel like this is not an attainable goal.
April 27, 2016
I have noticed players like Tiger Woods have their wrist/shaft angle maintained thru the middle of their trail thigh while their at the bottom of the squat. I tend to rise/post on the left side a tad bit earlier. Maybe this is what leads to loss of wrist/shaft angle earlier.
April 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Douglas. Have you uploaded a swing for review? I don't think it is unattainable hearing how you have a lot of good in the swing.
April 27, 2016
Hi Craig, I downloaded my latest swing video for you. The only swing thought that seems to help is slowing my transition at the beginning of my down swing. I don't believe there is anything else I can do to improve the depth of my lag.
May 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Douglas. I believe I already did the review. Not know it was you with the specific items we have been talking about. If you fix that upper half hanging back and the impact alignments. It will allow you to pull the lead arm a little more in front with the angles you desire.
May 9, 2016
Hi Craig, i just checked and my video has not been reviewed. It must be another RST student. I did make my video to your attention so hopefully it gets to you. Thanks in advance.
May 9, 2016
Hi Craig, I have been reflecting on the topics of lag and the lead wrist to see if there is an interdependence. I see that the reason for trying to generate lag is connected to club head speed and would be essential for full shot's where distance is the objective. On the other hand the lead wrist is for control of the club loft and face angle so there is no real interdependence - they are doing different things. Hence, for maximum distance (with an iron) you would optimise lag i.e. don't overdo it but make sure there is enough and ensure the left wrist is bent at impact to compress the ball. I started with the thought that distance was just a function of club head speed (lag) but unless you combine that with the bent wrist, you will not maximise distance. On the other hand for shorter touch shot's around the green you may only need a bit of lag and a flat left wrist. Is this about right?
April 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The bent lead wrist will help with better compression and shaft lean. De-lofting the club face to make a club stronger than its intended or original loft. The amount of lag and forward lean with the wrist will change depending on the type shot as you described. More feel and touch will require less lag and forward lean. Max hit or speed will usually encompass more lag and forward leaning lead wrist.
April 17, 2016
Hi Craig, Yes, thank's for that, I was focusing on the different action's of the lead wrist i.e. the cocking and bending action's which are of course in different planes. I think of cocking/uncocking as the a primary source of lag which you try try to preserve into the delivery area (on full shot's) and the bending as a secondary source which can LOOK like, and to some extent behave like lag but is directed at de-lofting the club
April 18, 2016
RST team, thank you for all your wonderful research and ideas on teaching. I have been taking some "friend" lessons from a buddy who has medical exemption right now. He is an excellent player and is very knowledgeable. Problem is all his teaching is accurate, everything, but I have yet to to understand the how, I fully understand the why so far. Your website is perfect in explaining the how to do it. Because feeling something and what's actually happening in the swing is usually not explained well. You guys nailed it, bravo!!!!
March 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. Thanks for the compliments of our site. We are always happy to help teach the why and how! Good luck to your buddy returning from medical exemption.
March 3, 2016
With the right arm only should there be some speed to the swing? Have trouble being able to hold my wrist hinge while going down at a partial speed.
February 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. A little momentum could help. But, it doesn't need to be overly fast. Take a look at the Step by Step Right Arm Drills.
February 4, 2016
But what about the left arm , in the downswing what I shoul feel ?
November 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hector. Take a look at the LADD Video and Frisbee Drill.
November 4, 2015
Craig Thanks for this video link Very helpful to understand what to do with the right arm in the downswing I think I am close to putting it all together now Take care
October 29, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. Glad to help.
October 29, 2015
To be clear on the last comment. My shoulders are in correct position on upswing they lose and left shoulder comes up on downswing.
October 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. I answered below.
October 7, 2015
Hi, watching this video great. I understand one of my problems that I can't seem to fix. When I "hug" my club and rotate , through the swing my right shoulder is always higher then my left ( which is the correct form). When I convert that to a normal swing I can't get my left shoulder down, no matter how hard I try my body tilts up during the swing (which is bad form) and of course I lose lag that way. Any suggestions?
October 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Take a look at the Level Shoulder Drill and the LADD Video to help keep the left shoulder in proper position.
October 7, 2015
Should the shoulders be as per the set up (in the box) throughout the swing? The takeaway move includes that right shoulder blade glide and puts the right shoulder into a trailing position. Should this position be kept through to impact? Does the left shoulder, once you have that feeling of being shut to the target, move in a similar way as we go in to impact and the follow through i.e the shoulder blade works down and in? I have been working with Steven on getting some lag.
September 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Toby. You should remain in the box throughout the swing. The trail shoulder will remain engaged to the body. But, you don't need to leave it fully retracted as in the 90 degree turn position at the top. The lead lat in the downswing will help pull the arms back in front.
September 10, 2015
Still working on lag. I would like to know how you guys know how much lag angle is enough. By example, here's a video of me working on lag with a 6 iron. When do you know it's enough lag? What are your reference points? Thanks a lot!
September 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephane. Lag amount can be variable. The key is on the downswing to not have the club go away from the body too soon, but actually get closer and increase the angle. Some reference points would be has the angle increased from the top of the backswing position to halfway down versus loss of angle. Also, the hands in front of the trail thigh and the club being parallel to the ground are good benchmarks. I apologize, but all videos need to be submitted through the swing review portal. If you need help with the submission or "how to" please feel free to let us know.
September 10, 2015
I'm currently working on lag and having hard time when both hands are on the club. When using one independant hands at a time it's fine. I would like to know if it's ok at the top of the backswing to hinge the right wrist back...I mean like trying to touch your right forearm with the back of your right top hand. I think that usually when I try to have lag I cock wrist from the top of backswing but hinging back seems to be more easy too feel the weight of the club laging but I would like to know if it's the good move or not. Thanks a lot!
September 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephane. The angle will increase, but try not to have too much roll back of the trail wrist. You might start excessively bowing the lead and pushing the trail arm behind you.
September 2, 2015
Hi creating lag with the right arm is such a profound mechanical move but I would bet. Out teachers never mention it. My question is that the final adjustment made is rotating the club away from the right leg so you don't get stuck. Can you substitute a steeper take away angle to eliminate the arm rotation or will that interfere with with the right hip clearing properly causing high ball or scooping flight?
August 29, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. I would rather you shy away from too much of a steeper takeaway angle. It will tend to give you a more lifting/army backswing and eliminate proper rotation of the club.
August 31, 2015
So Im having a hard time distinguishing the notion that for lag you need to feel that the right arm is bringing the club down vs the other videos that talk about how the left arm needs to be the dominant arm. Can you explain?
August 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jarek. This drill is designed for the player that is really struggling with too much right side cast and needs to forceable train the right to work in the correct positioning. Both arms have a job to do in the swing. The left arm will be the dominant arm as the right arm helps maintain the angle. However, in some cases you can't solely focus on the left arm doing all the hard work.
August 26, 2015
Hi! First question: At what frame of a swing video can you tell someone as lost is lag angles? On the picture below, is it at frame #1 or #2? Second question: My trailing arm(right) is always behind me instead of infront of me. What ever I try in small swing I'm not able to get the correct possition like the picture named "No ball swing". I'm lost and need help! Thanks!
August 19, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephane. You can start seeing straight from the top when someone starts to lose angle. You can use either frame 1 or 2. It looks like you are losing a little lag too soon (barely though) with the ball swing for 2 reasons. Lack of pull from the lead arm and you are out of position at impact. You are getting a little beyond NJA. Use the Face on Impact Alignment to help you get better stacked and the Frisbee Drill for good lead arm pull.
August 19, 2015
Hi Craig! Thank you for your reply. I work hard on left hand only drill since 2 weeks, do you think it should help me with the lack of left hand pull you are talking? I didn't see any difference though, maybe I should try the frisbee move in the left hand only drill. When you say that I'm beyond NJA, can you tell me which part is beyong NJA? Lower body looks fine to me so I guess it's my shoulders? Thanks!
August 20, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephane. The camera angle doesn't look perfectly centered. It looked like your lead shoulder was slightly ahead of the ankle joint. Yes, combining a little of the frisbee feeling with release would be a great motion to practice.
August 20, 2015
I have a player on my team when he downcocks the club, instead of pulling down the club , as he starts down the down cock will Get flatter so he hits the ball right like a push. Ideas to help straighten the down cock? Could his right hand be to light on the club?
August 14, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Evan. The Throw the Ball Drill and Step By Step Right Arm Drills should help.
August 14, 2015
Ok thanks!
August 15, 2015
Is there a video that discusses why we want the bottom of our swing arc to be past the ball and not just under the ball? And, the same question from another angle (so to speak), why we want the arms to be extended fully only after contact? Thanks!
July 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeren. Proper Ball Position and the Problems Caused by Poor Ball Position will discuss the bottom of the swing arc in the Setup Section better than I can here. The trail arm needs to have a slight bend in it at impact. If the trail arm were to be fully extended it would be hard to add core rotational speed or body force at impact. The lead arm if fully maxed out the club would bottom out with full extension and ulnar deviation because you wouldn't be able to clear enough room or retain shaft lean.
July 18, 2015
Hi Craig, following my review you mentioned about shifting and letting my arms fall. You also mentioned about your you tube video. Can you name the video so I can look it up
July 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Stephen. I emailed you.
July 1, 2015
July 1, 2015
In practicing what Chuck is describing in the video, it is not possible without video to determine where the hands are when the club is parallel to the ground. I have practiced doing the drill slowly and then hitting shots from the proper position starting when the club is parallel to the ground. In a full swing, I have focussed on attempting a swing path where my right elbow feels like it is passing in front of my right thigh--as opposed to getting stuck as has occurred frequently in the past.
June 13, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. It is hard without a camera to determine the position. But, I like that you are practicing it slowly and hitting shots from a shorter position. Hopefully, this will give you the feeling of not being stuck and getting that trail arm working in front properly.
June 13, 2015
Will the frisbee drill release with the left hand automatically cause the right hand to rotate the way Chuck is describing at the end of the video? I want to get to the positions described in this video while letting the left hand control the release. I tend to miss shots whenever my right arm dominates.
June 13, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. If you release properly with the lead hand and let the trail hand follow the motion it will produce what Chuck describes. All Chuck is doing is zeroing out the plane with proper lead arm motion as talked about in the Trace the Plane Line Video in the Advanced Downswing Section.
June 13, 2015
If you rotate the arms on the way down without a conscious rotation on the backswing, won't you hook it hard left? Hogan rotated both back and through which, in my experience. creates a high soft draw with penetrating ball flight.
June 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ray. The arms do rotate in the backswing. Most players tend to over do the rotation though. Take a look at the Unleash your Thumbnail for Power in the Advanced Takeaway Section and the Using the Wrist Efficiently Video in the Advanced Introduction Section for some good visuals.
June 10, 2015
I see that lag is created by a soft right arm and shaft angle and it's illustrated with an iron. My question is how does lag and it's release look when related to a longer club like a hybrid or driver?
April 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Howard. Lag and release will stay the same until the Driver. The Driver requires more of a positive angle of attack versus and iron/hybrid. You don't necessarily adjust the lag and release, but the setup. One swing for all shots just a different setup. Take a look at Driver Setup Adjustments in the Setup Advanced Section and the Driver Launch Angle Video in the Bomb You Driver Series.
April 21, 2015
Hi RJ, When I see a video of my swing, as I start down it appears my right hand is pushing the club more upright creating a steep down path and slight outside to in path. I am not a slicer. My tendency has been to block right or pull left. Any thoughts on why I may want to create a more steep plane on the way down?
April 18, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Greg, we certainly don't want to be pushing on the club with our hands during the downswing. If you stay loose with the wrists and the hands, your body should pull the arms into the position that you want them to be in when utilizing the lower body correctly. After properly utilizing the lower body, all you need to do is your 9 to 3 drill and you're home free with a great swing. R.J.
April 19, 2015
I've to say i about ready to give up and realize that I'm not going to be able to create proper lag, my poor RST instructor Steven Maes must be going bald or is as frustrated as heck in trying to get me to get this simple concept down. We've been working on this for over 2 months now and rather than getting better i feel i going the other way. The more I try to create the proper lag the more i cast or turn incorrectly - i'm just not getting it. It's not that I'm bad golfer with a 8 handicap - it's just i'm tried of flipping or casting and not hitting down through the ball. I must have every training devise known to man trying to fix this problem - i follow the drill in this program and for some reason it just doesn't seem to sink in.
April 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. Don't give up yet. I promise Steven hasn't given up and neither should you. I/we have changed too many swings for the better than have you fail to create more lag. Lag isn't some wild beast you have to tame. You need to let it happen. You can't force it. It is a natural movement. The more you try and hold on to it, the more you will lose. Have you taken a look at the Frisbee Drill (Weight Shift Section)? With good lead arm training and learning to let go of a little control I have changed thousands of students from "casters" to "laggers."
April 15, 2015
Should I practice this drill up to speed, or is it a drill that is only done at slow speeds for exaggeration purposes. When I sequence the each motion, it totally makes sense how efficient it makes your swing. Thanks
March 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Seth. Do it slowly first. The key is you are trying to retain lag. Not fire it too soon. Work slowly at first. Maintain the angle. You can add a little pace once you master the move.
March 28, 2015
I keep going over this video and one that Clay does about lag and I'm unable to improve the lag such that I get more distance out of my shots. I've come to understand that if the mechanics are right, wide backswing, weight shift to start the downswing and posting up on the left side, that all else will fall into place. It's not happening. I think that it's connected to my right hand not holding onto the wristcock long enough into the downswing. The hands are by the right thigh but the club is hanging below parallel. So is it necessary to hold on to that wristcock "intentionally" to get to the right thigh?
March 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. If you start forcing lag to stay (holding it harder) it will start to go away early. You need to pull from the lead side and relax. Take a look at the Proper Muscle Activation Video in the Advanced Introduction Section. Watch Chuck use the lead arm and effortlessly allow lag to maintain and release. You might be trying to force the lag. Also, the Re-Shaping in the Introduction Section would be good as well.
March 27, 2015
Don't understand. Chuck says to pull the right hand down not pull with the left. This is confusing?
April 19, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Both arms have a job in the swing and the lead arm is the main attraction on the downswing. However, there are cases when a player really struggles to get the right arm under control. That's where this video comes in. The majority of players need to stick with lead arm training and turning the trail side off.
April 19, 2015
Is there a video on the site that shows the complete swing that shows all the fundamentals and mechanics that have been discussed up to this point (preferably one that shows Chuck's swing)? THis would be helpful as we try to emulate the instruction being given. thanks Terry
March 24, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Terry -- There is not such a video however, you can see all of the model swings in the self analysis tab. There are quite a few of Chuck's swing in there. Hope that helps.
March 24, 2015
I have tended to push from the right side causing a bit of flip with my hands and spinning the left shoulder. My RST instructor wanted me to pull from the left side on the downswing. I am starting to accomplish this. Chuck says to pull down vertically with the right arm in this drill. Couldn't this be a bit of a push. After my progress my "feel" is to pull with the left side, keep the left shoulder lower and that will make the right arm come down vertically and from there I would throw the ball with the right arm. Is this correct?
March 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, you are correct. This drill is designed for the player that is really struggling with too much right side cast and needs to forceable train the right to work in the correct positioning.
March 21, 2015
So the right arm is not passive? It pulls vertically down in the downswing? I thought it was strictly a left side pull... thx Terry
March 16, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. This drill is designed for the player that is really struggling with too much right side cast and needs to forceable train the right to work in the correct positioning.
March 16, 2015
Hi RJ, Do you feel like you are already shifting back to the left by the time your club has reached the 9:00 position, or are you further along with your backswing? I feel like this should happen at some point before the backswing is completed to help the body create the lag in the wrists. It is hard to create this lag feeling if you wait till you complete your backswing. Can you describe your sensation as to when this happens. By the way set has improved.
March 10, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Greg, I'm glad to hear that your setup has improved. It's going to go along way in making the other parts of your swing, not only more consistent, but easier to learn. You'll want to start shifting your weight, sitting into the lead side glute just before the wrists set at the top. Once the club is parallel to the ground at the top, you'll want to start pulling the hips around from the large muscle groups on the lead side. If you go to the swing viewer and watch Chuck's swing models in slow motion, you'll see the exact point when you should start shifting and rotating. It's tough to get used to but if you feel like the arms' job are done after the trail side elbow flexion and think about swinging only with the lower body from that point, you'll start to get it. Once you'll get it, you'll feel like the club is setting itself at the top as opposed to you actively trying to set your wrists. R.J.
March 11, 2015
February 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. Do you have a specific question about this video?
March 1, 2015
Craig, thanks but No
March 1, 2015
This drill is impossible ... I have my shoulders braced against a wall so there is no possible way they might spin ... I pull the right arm straight down and still the angle between the right thumb and right forearm gets casted by the inertia of the motion ... the only way to retain a bit of lag is to tense the right wrist to an excessive level ... after a couple of reps I have a sore wrist Joe
February 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. Have you experimented with the Downcock Pump Drill in the Advanced Downswing Section? It could help solve the issue.
February 25, 2015
I do the drill all the time ... no problem ... in a full swing at speed no problem until the arms are waist high then kiss the lag goodbye!
February 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. Combine the Downcock Drill with the Transition Drill and Exaggerated Hand Ahead in the same section. Practice at speed. If you still lose a little too early. Work on the release and maximize your impact position.
February 26, 2015
A bit confused. This video says to feel the downswing with the right arm bringing the club down, but in many other videos, and in my swing reviews, it says to pull from the left from the transition. I have struggled with keeping the lag and releasing at impact, feeling mostly that the left side is pulling in the entire downswing. After coming across this video and practicing in the mirror, getting the right hand to move straight down seems to work better for me and certainly feels more natural. Is it fair to say that the left side shouldn't take over the downswing until the hands are approaching the trail leg and the club is parallel to the ground? As long as the right arm isn't throwing the club or extending and is moving straight down, and isn't flipping at impact, this should work right?
February 5, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Patterson, Yes, it is fair to say to pull down until you get the club parallel to the ground. When we say to pull from the left side, we're talking about the obliques, lats and glute on the left side to pull the lower body through the swing. If you pull down from the top with the lead arm, your shoulders will fly open and you'll have an outside to in path (coming over the top), causing a slice. The best two videos that you could watch right now for the concerns that you have would be the "Sang Moon Bae hips for lag" and "Rory McIroy and Brooks Koepka - Releasing for speed" videos. Let us know what you think after reviewing those two videos. R.J.
February 5, 2015
This is certainly the most comprehensive video on explaining lag that I have seen on the site but I have one question regarding the distance between the right elbow and the right side of the body. In other videos we are told to have a space there but in this one it seems that the right elbow is almost touching the side of the body. I have also seen this when looking at professional players swings such as Rory McIlroy. There seems to be hardly any space between his elbow and his side. Is this something that you can change depending on what is comfortable to you or is it crucial to have a certain space here?
February 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. The key is to have the trail arm working in front. Some players will have the trail elbow graze the side or work clearly in front. Rory starts from a little deeper than the typical Rotary Swinger. Therefore, being a little closer to his side during the downswing.
February 4, 2015
Ok just watched "Key to Creating Lag" again. Great video. Thanks for the help. My swing definitely suffering from significant lag deficiency. Question: where you mention "closing" the left shoulder to help create the proper conditions for lag, can I think of this as in...keeping my back to the target for as long as possible? (That's a concept/swing thought I can process a little better.)
February 2, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Steve, If that helps you keep your shoulders closed longer, than certainly. If you check out the Sang Moon Bae Hips for lag video, it has another take on the same body movement that might hit home for you as well. You should be able to find the video using the search function. If not, look up Sang Moon Bae under the tour pros section of the site. Best of luck to you! R.J.
February 2, 2015
I have the impression that this is one of the more complex phases in the golf swing sequence, much going on in a very subtle manner! No wonder then that I am struggling with it and therefore have a couple of questions where you may be able to help. Firstly is it correct that the Checkpoint discussed in this video, hands in front of trsiling thigh, is the "squat" position described elsewhere? Secondly could you clarify for me the correct postipns of the shoulders and of the hips at this Checkpoint. Last but not least, I have been told that my chicken wings problem is being caused by an overly dominant right arm (I am rh). How should I rationalise this with the guidance in the video that the right arm should in fact be felt and active to reach the desired Checkpoint? Is it the case that first it is the right arm, which then at and after impact should defer to the left arm to complete follow through and finish without the ignomy of a chicken wing finale? Thanks in advance for your insights, regards, Gordon.
January 21, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Gordon -- First off, I want to apologize for us not responding to this comment sooner. I am not sure how, but it slipped through the cracks. We are generally really good about getting these comments/questions answered rather quickly. To answer your questions... 1. When you work to sit or shift to the lead side and allow the arms to fall, the hands will be just outside and above the trail thigh. The squat is described in the tush line video, the squat to square video, the tiger squat video. 2. When you squat and sit into the left side, the hips should move back to a square position, which will in turn unwind the shoulders so they are still roughly closed about 45 degrees or so. 3. If you are right arm dominant in the downswing, this is probably not going to be the best drill for you. I would first focus all of your attention on 5 minutes to a perfect release, then work into a good 9 to 3 drill and then stack in 9 to 3 lag building drills. You need to learn how to control the clubface from the lead side and have the trail arm play nicely down into impact and through the hitting area. This will allow you to feel what extension is supposed to feel like and then you can work back up to the top of the swing and work on sequencing. Hope that helps.
January 27, 2015
Thanks Chris. I will follow your advice regarding which videos to follow up on. The RTS video archive is so comprehensive it is easy to wander off and get lost watching tip after tip! Regards, Gordon.
January 28, 2015
The right arm is coming straight down as the weight is shifting simultaneously? Not shift and then drop the right arm?
January 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hank. It is a blended move. As you shift the momentum change will help you increase the lag and the arms will start to come down by pull/gravity. Take a look at Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag in the Introduction Section.
January 8, 2015
Does the How to Create Lag drill where rotating the right arm near hip high apply to the driver? My driver face is often open at strike which is costing distance.
December 9, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donna. You probably need more lead arm control to square up the face. Use the Left Hand Release Drill in the Downswing Section to release the club. Try the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag in the Introduction Section combined with the lead arm release for more lag and squaring of the face.
December 9, 2014
This drill is really working great for me with my irons as I see not only distance improvement but most important, consistency. But I seem to be having trouble performing this drill with my Driver. I get great contact but every shot seems to go about 30 yards left of my target.
November 30, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
John, Is your path a straight pull or is it starting straight and tailing off to the left at the end? R.J.
November 30, 2014
Hi RJ It is definitely a straight pull I love the contact ball carries about 230 yds I am making a conscience effort not to spin out with my shoulders.
December 1, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
John, Then your release is good but your path is outside to in. Work on making sure that you lead arm is swinging under your lead shoulder, this will eliminate the path issues. R.J.
December 1, 2014
Thanks RJ I'm Not quite sure what you mean by under my lead shoulder. can you explain it differently.
December 1, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
John, Like in the stance when you're looking down the line, you want your arms to hang directly under the shoulder joints, not reaching out towards the ball. The same can be said for the downswing. You don't want your arms to be flying out away from you, especially from the top (shoulder spinning). Essentially, you want your hands lower and closer to your body than what you're currently doing now. Almost as if you were letting your left arm just hang under the left shoulder as you swung. R.J.
December 1, 2014
Got it Thank you RJ
December 1, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
John, You're welcome R.J.
December 1, 2014
what's the best way to drill pushing my left foot into the ground before pulling down .. i have 2 screws in my left ankle and i am having a hard time trying to get shifted or planting ? thanks for the help by the way, i was a 20 when i started and i am at 15 now .. just a few mo.
November 6, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Joe, Congrats on your success thus far. I would probably say that doing drills like the Throw the Ball drill that help us naturally sequence our lower body without having too much emphasis on the squat/driving the heel into the ground might be successful for you. When you're pushing your heel into the ground, you don't have to feel like you're trying to leave a hole in the earth. If you watch Chris Tyler's new video of Jeff Flag, you'll see that you only need an inch or two of squat and a couple of inches of lift from extending the left leg in order to generate a lot of power. With the state of your ankle, I would do a less exaggerated move with pushing your heel in, but don't cut it out all together. R.J.
November 7, 2014
This should tie in nicely with the Squat to Square video right?
September 25, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Shifting properly and not spinning too soon is a great way to maintain lag.
September 26, 2014
I am right handed at everything EXCEPT golf. This means my right wrist is stronger than the left. All my golfing life I have had a problem with incorrect weight shift and throwing my torso at the ball. In another video RST promotes a release of the lead hand early in the downswing with the glove logo moving from a position of facing the camera to facing the ground. In this video you recommend the release of the trail hand in the downswing. Perhaps it does not matter which hand does the releasing. However, should this releasing of either or both hands occur when say the shaft is parallel to the ground on the downswing or earlier. A little confused! My fault no doubt.
September 12, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Denis. With your over right hand dominance, stay focused on releasing the lead hand properly. Your trail hand will more than likely do its job of adding speed. Focus hard on the Release Drill Videos and take a look at the Vijay Release Drill in the Advanced Downswing Section to understand not wanting too much trail hand dominance.
September 12, 2014
I can see the first 4 steps of the drill, but can the 5th step happen without having to mentally think about it? Having to "think" about a slight rotation seems like it would cancel concentration needed elsewhere.
September 9, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Yes, the 5th step can happen manually. However, some players love getting into that high lead shoulder position and need to feel some zeroing of their plane into the strike with the shoulder down and rotation.
September 9, 2014
I noticed that your students legs come together instead of staying wide. Shouldn't the knees stay wide for maximum lag
August 31, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ralph. You definitely don't want your knees touching into impact. As long as you don't push from the trail side leg and use the lead side pull correctly. The optimum gap will remain.
September 1, 2014
Just got my first video review yesterday. I was given five videos to watch primarily on the take away and rotating my shoulders by pulling instead of pushing. I watch them allege the drills and then went out and played league night golf. Wow what a difference. For the first time every drive was straight and down the center. No more spins and slices. I scored a 38 which easily could have been a 34. The really good news is that I just started this program. How cool is that. Thanks big time
August 8, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey George. Thanks. That's fantastic. Keep it Up!
August 8, 2014
I tried the drill and have had no luck. I "feel" like I am getting the right arm position and lag that is mentioned in the drill, but on video I am still casting the club big time. I am still spinning my shoulders and the club casts in the lower portion of my downswing..... Any pointers to achieve success?
July 30, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. If you are spinning the shoulders and casting in the lower part of the downswing. Practice the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag in the Introduction Section. Also, the 9 to 3 Lag Building Drills in the Advanced Downswing Section. Use the Re-Shape to keep the trail side passive on the way down. And the 9 to 3 to maintain the lag more into the strike.
July 30, 2014
Juan Eduardo
Hello, have a confusion about what to focus on during the downswing. Should it be the right arm/hand like the " throw the ball drill" Should it be the right arm/hand like this video to produce LAG and position the right hand before impact, or Should it be the left arm/hand since the golf swing is left dominant like the vijay drill swing that you recently published? How do you make it compatible all this different concepts in the downswing? Thanks
July 23, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Juan. The Key to Creating Lag Video focuses on the notion most people are right side dominate and need to feel where the right arm will be. That's why we have videos pertaining to the right and left arm on the downswing. Teaching the positions the right arm will go to. Predominately controlled by what the left is doing. The right arm will maintain the lag and fire on the downswing. The weight shift (momentum change), pull from the left (physics), and supple wrist will increase the angle on the way down. You have two arms, both have a job to do in the swing. Most golfers "tend" to be more right side dominant and so focusing on the right arm isn't needed as that skill is already developed, but both arms have to work together.
July 23, 2014
Having a devil of a time maintaining lag. I can't seem to maintain it down to my inner left thigh with the club horizontal of higher. I have been told many times that I have no or very little wrist cock in my backswing. Been compared to Steve Stricker and not in a complimentary way. Would it help if I set my wrists more to create more angle to hold in the down swing?
July 22, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. The amount of wrist set going back could be a variable in your problem. However, I wouldn't think a big culprit. There are tons of players that lack wrist set that create a good amount of lag. Nevertheless, the reason you don't have wrist set could be an issue. Grip pressure, tight wrist, etc. I would suggest work on keeping more supple wrist and try to use momentum change to your advantage. Take a look at the Start Downswing Before Completing Backswing in the Faults/Fixes Section Weight Shift. Understand the weight transfer, but how the shift will help with lag.
July 22, 2014
July 20, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The left arm is still working. The pulling side will still be in control. Both arms have a job in the golf swing. This video is for people who are very right side dominant and need to teach how the right arm will work. To get over the pushing hurdle.
July 20, 2014
July 20, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, Greg it is the same.
July 20, 2014
Hi guys great video! I've been working on the pullingmotion earlier instead of the pushing motion this kind of speaks against that. Now i should pull the right arm again which I've tried not to do. Tnx Ola
June 30, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ola. This is for the feeling of what the right arm will be doing. You want the pull from the left side on the downswing. However, some players are very dominant with their right side and need to feel what the right arm should be doing. Keep the focus on the left. But, understand this is how the right arm is traveling to maintain the lag.
June 30, 2014
Great video on scapular rotation and great video on lag. How, exactly do I post my swing using the iPhone video? Jack
June 20, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jack. Just copy the video files from your phone to your computer and upload it from there. Click the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page. Customer Support will be happy to assist you.
June 20, 2014
It seems that if I keep my hands higher at my right thigh I seem to compress the ball a little better. It almost feels like I'm carrying the handle of the club to this point. Is this the right feel
May 31, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Patrick, just make sure that when you start doing it a full speed, that it's just not a feel of carrying the handle. But, all the proper muscles engaged to sequence the downswing move to retain the lag.
May 31, 2014
What is the best way to keep the shoulders shut and or passive? I have worked on this for a long time and have never been able to keep them from spinning open and getting the club stuck behind them and flip into impact.
May 19, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey James, this is a common problem and is generally caused by a ton or right side dominance. I would work on getting the top of the swing, take the right hand off the club, and the use the left side of the body (obliques) to rotate the torso as the left arm falls and swings through the hitting area. Then gradually start to add the right arm back to the mix very lightly and hang onto the club a bit longer each time you get the correct feeling. You can also try and keep the back to the target as long as possible and allow the hands and arms to fall straight down as you are pulling from the left side. Good luck.
May 19, 2014
I watched the second half of the video and it seems like working on pulling my right arm down and keeping my shoulders shut might be a good place to start. Any other videos or swing thoughts would be appreciated.
April 22, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Thats a good starting point. I would take a look at basic program downswing video and then sequencing the downswing so that you understand all of the rest of the moving parts so that you dont just get arm involved.
April 22, 2014
I have this same issue. It seems to be getting better but at impact my hands are slightly ahead of the club head and shaft is pretty well vertical. I would like to get them up near my left leg at impact. Any specific drills for this?
April 22, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
5 minutes to a perfect release, master it, then look at the 9 to 3 lag and speed building drill.
April 22, 2014
it seems no matter how much I try I cannot get distance with my irons, I work hard on the impact area, but I believe my hand speed is to slow. I am 60 yrs old, and have a constant hand speed of around 70-75 mph. Is this my distance problem? Thanks Ron
April 19, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ronnie, lag and release are critical to club head speed along with making sure that body has been used effectively to build power during the move. I would focus on making sure you are getting as much out of the body as you can first and then come back to lag and release as soon as you have nailed all of that down. Sorry for the delay in response. We will be much quicker about this moving forward.
April 21, 2014
Where should the club be when it gets back to parallel to the ground? On the toe line? And how extended should right elbow be at this point? When I do this drill and put the shaft on the toe line, sometimes the strikes get a bit heely, so I want to make sure it is the correct position and that something else is causing the strike to be a bit off.
April 7, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Brian, when the club is working into the hitting area and is parallel to the ground, it will be working down the toe line. the right elbow should still have flexion and should be getting ready to release just after this point as outlined in 5 minutes to a perfect release. We are still working to get that video up for you at the moment.
April 7, 2014

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