Drill for Golf Downswing Sequencing

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In this video, I'll show you where you're losing power and a simple drill that'll get it back. This drill will teach you, step-by-step, how to get that powerful downswing sequencing you see from the pros on TV.

  • Use an impact bag to learn how to shift your weight first before the arms fire
  • Sequence your downswing by unloading the lower half first

All right, I'm rotary swing founder Chuck Quinton, this is certified instructor Chris Tyler and today we're gonna show you how to sequence all the major muscle, all the big muscles to generate maximum power in the golf swing with minimum effort and this is a really, really simple drill that's gonna help you sequence all of these things correctly. Let's take a look at it. Chris, with this impact bag, this is gonna help you learn all the right things in a down swing to do things naturally. Because the golf swing should be very natural. It's not some voodoo mystical thing with a bunch of crazy different secret tricks of the trade. It's not like that at all. It's actually very similar to how you do anything naturally like when it comes to throwing motions using your big muscles those types of things. But what I want to show you first and Chris is gonna demonstrate is what we see so often how things are done incorrectly in a golf swing and that's gonna help you understand how we don't want to do it first.

                Once we understand how not to do it we're gonna be able to show you exactly how to do it. Because I'll actually demonstrate it first, I'm gonna throw it to you this way, so they can see how it would lool for a right handed golfer. And so what we see all the time is a lot of times golfer just don't know how to sequence things, the golf cub is really light, the golf ball is really light and you can just kind of fling the club at it, doesn't really help, so we take something kind of heavy. My impact bag probably weighs  five or 10 pounds here and when somebody takes this, they should instinctively try to use the big muscles to move it, because it's not gonna be able to move it very fast if I don't.

                But we still see people do it wrong all the time. I'm gonna show you what that looks like. So, to do it wrong, a lot of times what people will do is they'll kinda take their arms back, move them across their body and they kind of do this. Now clearly that didn't generate a lot of power there right?


                What I did is I tried to use my arms and shoulders which if that's how you're used to swinging the golf club, obviously not gonna generate a lot of power. But that's a really common thing that we see all the time is they just try to use their upper body, their shoulders kind of swinging from the rectangle and just kind of heave it with their arms. Not gonna generate a lot of power. Chris, I don't know if you can show me from a eft handed perspective, but show a couple of other things that you typically see. All right, so not a good back swing there, now you just kind of went back like this and just heaved it with his arms and again, not a lot of power. Another thing that it will really help you with is understanding how to take the club back.

                Because what we see a lot of times is this reverse pivot and the hips sliding out this way and so and we talk about that laser beam, the knee not going out that way and so when you take an impact bag that doesn't really make any sense, because I would never take an impact baga and throw it like this. That wouldn't really make any sense. When you start learning how to move correctly, like we cover in the five minutes to master rotation drill, when we start getting this thing to move with our big muscles in our body, then we can start to sequence the downswing correctly, like we cover hin ow the lower body works. Now I'm gonna put this together the right way. I'm gonna load up this way, not this way, it's not gonna make any sense.

                Now I'm gonna use my body to moves this, because it's heavy, I'm loading up on my right glute, again another video that's covered how to load the right glute in the back swing, and then I'm gonna use my big muscles to move my torso and arms. It's gonna start with my little weight shift to the left, I'm gonna use my hips to start it and then I'm gonna release everything as I come through. Let's see if I can get any more power. Let me try knock Chris to this wall. Now I'm gonna go back there and now you can see that I stayed in my golf posture, released it, kept my arms here, but the big thing is how I powered the down swing. I sequenced it with getting everything to rotate with my body first. I always describe the lower body movement in the down swing as kind of like a big dump truck.

                It's gotta get all the smaller parts moving first and do a lot of heavy lifting but it's not moving very fast. But it's critical to get everything moving in the right sequence. Because if I try and sequence it with all my fast muscles, it's kind of what we demonstrated earlier, my arms and shoulders, I burn those out too soon, I don't have any power left by the time I get to impact. So what I want to do is use all these big muscles to get everything started and then release everything at the bottom. And so again those are covered in lots of other videos on the website. The big one again, how to load the right glute in the back swing, once you feel that this again is not gonna feel right and if you take an impact bag this isn't gonna feel right to do this.

                From there how the lower body works is gonna show you that you've gotta lead everything with your lower body, but just using an impact bag or have a medicine ball here, we can do the same thing with the medicine ball. This is pretty heavy, this is a 10 pound medicine ball, but you don't need to swing it very hard, just load up, feel the stable lower body, then use your big muscles to get everything to go through first. Again what we don't want to do is this. If you see your upper body way ahead of your lower body and we see this all the time, there's clearly no power in there, so you want to really use your lower body to get everything started, get the dump truck moving first to get all of the little pieces being driven by the lower body and then you'll have tremendous amount of speed and power to release at the bottom at the last point when it matters, which is at impact.

                Work on these drills, get your lower body moving first with an impact bag. Something heavy that's just gonna get your big muscles firing and learn how to sequence the down swing properly once and for all.

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in the downswing when I keep my left shoulder lower than my right shoulder into impact most of the time the stroke is fat or a deep divet.
November 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Sounds like you are driving down with the shoulders into the strike. The shoulders aren't active in the downswing. You want to shy away from excessive secondary tilt. Take a look at the Level Shoulders Drill.
November 20, 2019
Is the downswing supposed to stay on the same plane as the backswing? When I start my downswing my arms seem to drop
February 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. As you shift in the downswing the club will shallow out and the arms may have the falling sensation. You need to lose the elevation that was added in the backswing.
February 2, 2019
What drill can i do to stop hitting from the top and the head and upper body getting ahead of the ball and i get a low flat hooking shot. I find it happens more with the longer shots when i am trying to force it.
February 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You need to sequence better from the ground up. Use the Step 2 - Core Rotation. Focus on the body positions first on how the shoulders will be passive in the downswing.
February 2, 2018
Seems like it is mostly a lower body sequencing drill. When doing this drill with a medicine ball should we not worry about keeping the shoulders square and just do what feels athletically natural and powerful?
July 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brandon. More of a lower body sequencing drill. Keep it athletic and stay in posture.
August 1, 2016
Am I correct in believing that the golf swing is a collection of opposing forces? What I mean is, in a technical sense, centripetal force drives the arms and club in the opposite direction both in the backswing and the downswing, pressing into the ground with the trail heel and bring the club and arms up and pressing into the ground with the lead heel while straightening the leg results in force back into the ball with the arms and body?
March 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Dennis. Chris replied to you in the Chair Drill Forum.
March 8, 2016
i've had a problem for years with spinning out when i get my lower body involved and turn my hips in the downswing. How do i keep from spinning out while incorporating this concept in my swing?
November 10, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Marcin, Once your hips get open 35-45 degrees in your downswing, post up or extend the left (front) leg and activate the glutes. This will stall the hips and all of the energy generated by your hips to be transferred up the chain and eventually to the ball. R.J.
November 10, 2014
Does the lower body start while the club is still going back in the downswing? I constantly find myself completing the backswing, and the first move is a little increase in rotation vs. using the lower body first. Any good drills in addition to this one?
April 24, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
You do want to make the shift left before the completion of the backswing. There is a video in the weight shift section called start the dowswing before the backswing is complete. Take a look at that and see if it helps and if not, I will dig further into my bag of tricks. Ct
April 25, 2014
John W
I can not find the video: There is a video in the weight shift section called start the dowswing before the backswing is complete. can you help?
August 2, 2016
I'm still not getting this transition left. my upper body seems to spin too fast at the beginning, I lose the tush line, then I hit the ball on the heel. If I setup with the ball closer to the heel, it actually forces me to keep the tush line, or I'll shank it horribly. I need a way to try and ingrain this into my muscle memory. I've tried 9 to 3, left arm only...so many drills.
September 17, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. Try to get the sequence down by starting from the ground up. Try the "stomp drill" in the How the Lower Body Works Video Downswing Section. Also, the RST Tempo Drill in the Introduction Section. You could try controlling your starting line a little better. Use the 9 Days to Amazing Ball Striking Day 1 and 2 in the Bonus Section.
September 17, 2014

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