Intro - Add the Golf Club

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Now it's time to add the golf club into your swing drills. This step will come easily if you've mastered the first three steps.

Hopefully you've seen by now that everything with the Rotary Golf Swing is designed to be systematic and progressive.  And what I mean by that is that you don't work on one piece until the piece before it is mastered.  If you think about it for a second, this is how you've learned everything else in life.  

How to Learn the Golf Swing

When you learned how to drive a car, you went through it in a systematic process.  This process may have looked like this. Start the car, push in the clutch, put the car in gear slip the clutch slowly while pushing the gas as you begin to roll.  If you push the gas pedal without starting the car, it doesn't work.  If you push the gas pedal without pushing the clutch in, it doesn't work.  It doesn't work if you try to put the car in gear without pushing the clutch pedal first.  

The golf swing follows the same logical sequence.  If you're not setup correctly, you're not going to be able to make a proper take away.  And if your take away is poor, you're going to be in a poor position atop your backswing.  And if you didn't shift your weight going back, you're not going to be able to shift your weight during the downswing.  All of these things have very logical sequence. 

The key to learning and sequencing  the golf swing is not only having the right information but practicing it in the correct way.  That means taking step one, working through step two, then step three and then step four, and so on.  In this case, we're now on to step four of the RST 5 Step Golf Swing, which is adding a golf club to your golf swing drills.  This piece will be very, very easy if you have followed the first three steps and done them correctly.  If you haven't done the first three steps and become proficient at shifting your weight and turning from your core while keeping your arms soft, and then adding the lead arm, then adding in the golf club is going to be a challenge, but it doesn't need to be.  Adding the golf club is going to be easy because the golf club is going to be moved by the other parts body.

That is truly the trick to the golf swing.  You learn to move from the center of your body like a hub and spokes on a wheel.  The wheel on a car gets moved from its hub, not from the tire.  The golf swing also functions very much like a hub and a wheel.  You can imagine that the center of your body or your core is the hub and the engine of your golf swing.  The arms and club make a very good visual representation of the spokes on a wheel in this analogy.  The spokes by themselves don't move unless the hub is moving them.  In the same way you should think that your arms aren't being very actively moved in the golf swing unless your body is telling them what to do.

However, most amateur golfers do the exact opposite in their golf swings.  They focus on swinging their arms and shoulders and hands to move the golf club instead of the other way around.  If you want to be efficient, you need to recruit a lot of muscle fibers in the center of your body in order to generate effortless club head speed.  If you're relying just on the muscles in your arms and shoulders you'll be like most every amateur golfer on the planet and not be able to swing much faster than 92 mph.  However when you want to make that jump into swinging over 100 mph you must recruit enough muscle fiber (about 32 pounds worth) and the only place that that's available to you is in your legs and your trunk and your core.

Fortunately for you, Rotary Golf Swing teaches you exactly how to do that step-by-step.  So by the time you get to this step and you're adding the golf club you're not even realizing you're swinging a golf club.  Your brain is so focused on what your body is doing and how your shifting your weight and rotating from your core that your arms and hands are to be something you don't have to really think about.  They're simply following along and will no longer be the stars of your golf swing.

Okay. Now, as we get to the fourth step of the RST five step system, it's time to add the golf club. Now, as you're working on your golf swing, you can still keep playing and all of those things and still obviously be hitting balls and stuff, but if you're really serious about working on your swing when you're doing the drills, when you're trying to make real improvements and you're not just out pounding balls. It should take a while for you to get into this fourth step. It should take months before you're really worrying about what the club is doing throughout the whole swing. You really have to focus on the fundamentals first. The fundamentals are, as you should know this by now if you've watched the video on fundamentals. They have to be central, origin, absolute, primary. The primary movements, the central movements, are coming from the center of your body. The movements of the club are a consequence independent of what your body does and what your lead arm does and what your weight shift does. Really, when you get to the fourth step and you start adding this gold club.

                                The club should start just kind of going exactly where you want it to do. If you want it to be here in the take away, all I did is shift my weight and rotate my core. I didn't do anything with my hands. As I go to the top, it's going to be there because I moved my body correctly. As I come down, I create lag because I shifted my weight and so on. As you go through this next series of videos, you should find that adding the club and getting the club in the right position should be very easy. If it's not, you're probably not moving your body correctly. This next step shouldn't be that hard. You can start to get the club into more detailed positions and so on, but the key is to really still make sure that you're still ingraining this movement of your core driving the golf swing. That's your primary mover and the golf club is just moving as a result of how you move from the center. 

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Hi -- Can you point me to a good video on hitting from uneven lies ... Thanks
July 11, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Video Menu --> Golf Specialty Shots Section. All you can try.
July 11, 2020
I'm struggling with this step. I tend to hang back and swing really shallow into right field when I add the club. If I get stacked on my left side at impact, it's like I'd ground the club a foot behind the ball, especially with longer clubs. I'm not understanding how my left hand can be directly below my shoulders from DTL at delivery/impact, especially with longer clubs. It seems like I'd have to keep standing more and more upright the longer the club, or the angle at my wrist at impact from DTL will get more and more acute to almost 90 degrees w a driver. What am I missing. I can do it in my sleep with no club because I'm not worried about grounding it a foot back of the ball.
June 11, 2020
Michael (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Matthew Make sure you can do the Dead drill Step 4 before you add the club. When you add the club turn it upside down because the momentum of the club will be hard to control at first. Take a look at the Dead drill Step 5 video when you add the club. The reason ground the club early is either because you use your right side to much og use your left thumb to push against the club. Let me know if it helps.
June 12, 2020
Hi Michael. I felt great about the dead drill step 4. I have been working on step 5 with the club both upside down and right side up. I've watched the videos many times. It's certainly possible that I'm still pushing with my thumb and/or my right glute, although I have been focusing on not doing that. I have been keeping the tush line pretty well though. My biggest problem (at least as I see it) is, as I mentioned, that I am getting too shallow and finding that my plane is angled into right field. I think this could explain why there isn't enough space at impact as well. I think I need to steepen the plane. Perhaps I have too much axis tilt. I have been experiencing some left hip pain just these past few days as well, and I think I'll need to take a break. It's a bummer. But perhaps that is a hint of why I'm too shallow? Which moves might I concentrate on to steepen the downswing plane at the beginning of the transition? Which videos discuss preventing too much axis tilt? If I go super slow and watch the video of it it, for me to be steep enough to be on plane it feels like I am literally TRYING to come over the top. It's weird. Thanks!
June 12, 2020
Michael (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Matthew In you feel pain in the left hip it is because you are pushing and driving to much with the right side. Take a look at these 2 videos: How to Fix the Two Way Miss in Golf and How to Stop Hooking the Golf Ball. Start with the 9to3 drill and work your way up to full swing.
June 13, 2020
Ok, thanks. I watched those videos now. I think that might be it. I'll work on those once I get back to 100%. Appreciate it!
June 13, 2020
Michael (Certified RST Instructor)
We never want to feel pain when swinging. Get well soon.
June 14, 2020
For the take away, shall I start on shifting my weight first or pulling my shoulder blade to shift my weight to the right?
May 23, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mathew. I recommend triggering the swing with weight. Take a look at My Golf Backswing Secrets Video.
May 25, 2020
Hi guys, I'm trying to do drills indoors, but I don't have the space for swinging a full club. I was wondering if you know of a training aid/club that can simulate the feel of a real club for this purpose. The best I've seen is this thing in the attached picture. Do you think that would work? It is weighted. And if you're familiar with this device, would you say the pre-molded grip is the correct one to get used to? Thanks!
March 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. You may use this device. You won't feel the same thing like a club with face rotation. But, I have a few students that use the same aid.
March 30, 2020
Hi Craig, I’ve made big strides hitting my irons but the driver still has large variations in consistency. The irons are also the ones I’m best at swinging one armed using the RST drills so I’m thinking there is a correlation but when I swing the driver one armed it’s much harder to control. Does that logic stand (ie do I need to practice one armed with the driver more) and what can I do to get better at swinging the driver one armed without the feedback of brushing the mat like with the irons? Thanks, Todd
November 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. Swinging the driver one armed is pretty tough. The driver is a specialty club and with the radius of the swing being wider it can feel out of control. I would work on trying to achieve the motion with the trail finger tips because they will provide some support. I would suggest a review of your driver swing so we can get a picture of what's going on and the best way to practice adjusting the move.
November 20, 2019
Hi Guys, just wondered if there are any stats on whether using jumbo grips versus standard grips effects the swing speed of the club
September 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Take a look at Are Your Golf Grips Fit Properly? Video first. Typically, the fatter grip will cause you to have less wrist action which can lead to lack of wrist set and rotation. A little bit less lag and rotation would slow the club head speed down. However, that is assuming the bigger grip isn't your correct size.
September 3, 2019
The grips are the JumboMax grips used by Bryson Dechambeau. They feel comfortable, but wondering if using standard grips would give me more clubhead speed ?
September 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. I tend to have my players shy away from too fat a grip (unless hand size dictates) because it will tend to hurt the speed by decreasing lag and rotation.
September 3, 2019
Ok thanks Craig. Last question. Could you tell me when aproaching impact. I understand in the slot with tons of lag. When we post our lead leg, do we use any force from our left or right (push) hands to strike the ball, or do we free wheel with just momentum from our body turn and lag. I am sure most of us want the feeling of striking the ball with our hands. Thanks
September 4, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Let it go! No steering. Take a look at You Throw the Club Head at the Ball Video. You aren't manually pushing the hands, but letting the centrifugal force throw the club.
September 4, 2019
William (Certified RST Instructor)
My backswing looks good when the club is flipped over but I’m really struggling when I hold it right side up. Everything is getting pulled out of whack. Any suggestions to get used to the weight of the club head?
May 16, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Where are you losing the proper positions? It will tend to vary a little since the trail arm isn't there to help with support.
May 16, 2019
William (Certified RST Instructor)
in my takeaway the club looks way under cocked like it ways 1000 pounds. And at the top my elbow is flying and getting deep. None of this happens with the club flipped over
May 16, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. You may need to add a little wrist cock (Wrist Cock vs. Wrist Hinge). But, focus on not pushing the arm across the chest and making sure it work up with elevation. Most players lead arm only with the club normal start following the momentum behind them versus allowing the club to swing up (Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing Video).
May 16, 2019
William (Certified RST Instructor)
I’m still struggling when adding full weight of club during backswing. I’m trying to cock my wrists more but weight of club is not allowing it. It feels very strained and has tons of tension when I try. What am I doing wrong
May 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. If it is a little under set lead arm only that will be okay because the club is heavy. If you are really straining to allow any wrist set at all. 1. You are too tense in the wrists. 2. Check to make sure you have the club enough in the fingers and not too much across the palm of the lead hand.
May 23, 2019
William (Certified RST Instructor)
Usually I don’t think about cocking wrists but now when I don’t I’m not getting it elevated enough
May 16, 2019
Is it ok to do this drill with an impact bag rather than the full follow through? Indoors, the full release would bring the ceiling into danger.
April 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. You can for training purposes until you can allow for full release.
April 30, 2019
Sorry I'm not sure what you mean by "for training purposes"; I thought it was all training? What are the down sides to only doing it with an impact bag? Thanks
April 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. I'm meaning indoor where you can't follow through. Eventually, you will need to remove the impact bag a start allowing/feeling the release. Most people tend to under do the release. The impact just restricts you from feeling the face fully rotate over through the strike. No problems at this stage. But, you will need to release it at some point.
April 30, 2019
Thanks. So, would any of the reps count towards the total count?
April 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Absolutely. You have practically all the components you need in this drill. Just make sure when you can add some release to it, or practice it small/separately to not hit the ceiling.
April 30, 2019
I am trying to find a video or lesson that shows a "pump, pump, pump ...then hit" sequence to practice the downcock and lag ...any ideas where that is?
April 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. An actual ball, or impact bag?
April 11, 2019
I thought it was a ball, three pumps then hit the ball. It might have been on one of the roadshow videos though, I am not sure
April 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. I think that was a roadshow video. I will have to think about this one. If you are really struggling with lag. Start with some 9 to 3 Lag Building Drills and Impact Cube Lag Drill.
April 11, 2019
thanks Craig, I am doing the 9-3, time to get an Impact Bag. The one I am looking for just looked like fun!
April 11, 2019
the drill I mean
April 11, 2019
Please tell me how to add to my total reps after I have reached the 3000 level. Obviously the add reps icon is no longer there. Thks Simon
January 21, 2019
Yep it's gone on certain steps but go to your dashboard and there is a "rep tracker" button. That is working.
January 21, 2019
why am I not allowed access to ebooks
August 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Are you a Premium Member, or Academy Member?
August 2, 2018
I am a premium member
August 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. The EBook for Premium Members is a purchased Level 1 Manual. If you purchased the EBook. Please notify Customer Service and they will correct the issue.
August 2, 2018
On the Compass Drill Video within the Putting Secret Series there's mention of "Find the zero line putt which was mentioned in the other video." Can you please point me to the other video and initial mention/instruction of locating the zero line putt. Thank you.
July 8, 2018
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Landon, type putt in the search bar at the top and then scroll down to video 4 7 and 8 is that series. You will see the video number in the thumbnail. See if that is what you are looking for.
July 9, 2018
Given that I had clubs fitted a long time ago and my swing at that time had very little (perhaps no) lag nor ball compression, my swing was diagnosed as not that aggressive and the clubs supplied are non metallic (carbon fibre I think). Now that I have been improving my golf using RST and in particular, adding lag and compressing the ball, could it be that I need to move from more flexible, lighter shafts/ clubs to more rigid, heavier shafts / clubs ? Could the original clubs be too "whippy" and be causing some inconsistency ?
October 4, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. I rarely blame the club. Usually it's user error. However, If your swing has made significant changes especially in the lag and speed department. There may be some merit to your sticks causing inconsistencies.
October 5, 2017
Assuming that if everything is done correctly in the Rotary Swing that the ball should fly straight. Are there any fixes or check points if the ball goes left or right of target? Not talking about big hooks or slices. Those shots that drift. Guess if the left wrist rotated too much or not enough.
January 9, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. 85% of initial ball flight is the club face angle at impact. It will be dictated by the over rotation or lack of rotation with the lead wrist. All things being in proper placement.
January 9, 2017
Thanks for clearing up my questions. I have been a real student of the game for years and as confusing and contradictory as the journey has been-- the RST approach has been been a great revelation to my golf instruction. I learned that in most cases I have been doing the opposite of the RST philosophy. Thank God I came across you guys before I gave up the game. Jim Gruben
January 10, 2017
Not sure that I understand what the loft on my driver needs to be set . Assuming I need to get a a Trackman type device to see what degree I am launching or is there a ballpark number? I have a 10.5 degree driver but it can be adjusted to 11 or 11.5. What is the optimum window for launch? Thanks Jim
January 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. Yes, you will need to use a FlightScope, Trackman, or Foresight Tracker to diagnose your launch. The loft and launch will depend on what you are looking for out of the shot and club head speed into the strike. If you know your club head speed I can give you an estimate of what would be optimum.
January 8, 2017

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