Curing Golf Swing Elbow Pain

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This video shows you what is causing you pain in your elbow and more importantly, how to fix it for good.

if you've ever struggled with elbow pain associated with your golf swing, then this video is a must-watch golf lesson on how to avoid lingering problems and injuries related to golfers elbow.

How do you actually get Golfers Elbow? The answer as to why golfers tend to get elbow pain at some point during the year is simple:  Unlike what pga comentators sometime suggest, the golf club is always rotating and while rotation done properly is not a problem, over-rotation and hyper extension of your elbow can cause severe injury and pain.  

Yes, tour players do strike the ball at square, but they also clearly rotate the club at a massive speed.  What they do differently than averge golfers which prevents golfers elbow is that they have an elbow position that is down the target line. 

If you focus on this key golf drill, designed to prevent elbow pain, you can improve your ball striking, increase your accuracy and avoid painful problems. 

  • With 80% of your weight on the left side, try to create a golf swing with your left arm - no golf club in your hand.  The goal is to keep your elbow facing down the target line as long as possible 
  • As your practice swing is hitting the impact zone, allow your wrists to rotate and focus on making both your elbow and your wrist aimed down the target line. 
  • Do the first 150 golf swing reps with no club in your hand.
  • Once you add in the club, this drill works best with an impact bag.  Try to continue your practice swing  adding in some weight shift and engrain the feeling of elbow and wrist moving down the target line. 

Once you become proficient with the wrist guiding the golf club and rotating at impact, you will be able to increase your accuracy and elminate the harsh elbow positions that plague ameteur golfers. 


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Hello Chris I'm experiencing pain in my right elbow. What's causing it?
August 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kenny. The trail arm pain usually comes from over working it on the downswing. Too much rotation and pushing it through the impact position. When do you experience the pain in the swing? I would try the VIjay Release Drill. If you let go with the trail hand into impact and don't receive a lot of pain. That will more than likely be the issue.
August 12, 2016
I understand that the proper setup is not having the lead elbow down the target line (elbow pits away from the body right?). My question is if someone were to start with the lead elbow down the line at setup, what would be the probable flaw(s) that would follow from doing that? Is it bad practice to try to male your setup mirror your intended impact position?
July 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. Yes, at setup the lead elbow pit will be facing away from the body. Setup and impact are 2 different animals. One is static and the other dynamic. You don't want setup and impact mirroring each other because you would be returning back to a static position. Too much internal rotation of the lead arm at setup will tend to lead to a flat and over rotated arm position going back.
July 7, 2016
That makes perfect sense, i find it almost comical how you guys are able to constantly disprove old golf adages, in this case the "start it how you want to finish". Before i hurt my elbow, i saw myself on video and the was an obvious amount of forward bend in the mid to upper back. In efforts to correct,it also made sense to have the elbow pits away at setup. Somewhere along the line, i maintained that feeling through the swing leading to a severly externally rotated left elbow at impact. That being said, which drills would be good for me to get back to proper impact. This video is extremely helpful, just asking if theres any others to add to the tool bag
July 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. We aim to research before giving advice . LADD, Left Hand Release Drill, Fix Your Release, 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release, and the Face On Impact Alignments Video.
July 7, 2016
I think u guys to a hell of a job, really. Last question, i promise, what is LADD?
July 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Left Arm in the Golf Downswing Video or Left Arm Downswing Drill. Thanks. Appreciate the compliments.
July 7, 2016
Craig question I do not take a divot with my irons, I asked on another video about thin golf shot and was directed to this one. I feel I lose distance due to lack of compressing the ball? Any thoughts?
June 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Yes, I remember the question. This video helps the toe not over rotate in the strike leading to a thin toe shot. Now, I have some more info from you. You need to hit down on the ball. More than likely you are losing angle too early. Use the Taking a Divot Video and the Exaggerated Hands Ahead Video. Learn how to hit down on the ball with a little shaft lean and then work to maintain the angle better in a full swing.
July 1, 2016
When you are closing the club face a to hit a draw, would that put stress on your elbow again? If my club face is square from wrist and forearm rotation (like in the elbow at impact video). Would closing the club face cause my entire arm to rotate therefor putting stress back on the elbow at impact, or am I misunderstanding mechanics? Thanks
February 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Seth. Only a few fractions of difference in club face rotation can create a draw. To hit a standard draw. You wouldn't have to overly rotate the lead elbow to get the club closing a touch sooner.
February 20, 2016
Wow Chris, right on the money! Have been suffering from elbow pain (tennis elbow, pain on the outside, and not golfers elbow with pain on the inside) on the lead side (left arm for me) for the last year. Working on some indoor winter practice here on the East Coast and felt it again today. When I set up to the ball, the pit of my elbow faces the ball or the camera face on which appears to be wrong. In order to let the elbow move freely it appears the pit should be facing down the line aiming backwards with elbow towards target. So that means, I need to be rotating the my left wrist counter clockwise in my set up. Am I on the correct path ? Appreciate your time, Sam
February 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sam. At address the elbow pits will be pointed away from the body. You don't want to start internally rotating them at setup to create a bowed elbow appearance. Take a look at the Golf Grip and Being Out of the Box Video for a good visual. The lead elbow in the downswing will need to be facing the target at impact. Left Elbow Impact Alignments Video.
February 15, 2016
You guys ROCK!!! I've have had golfers elbow for 2 years!! I should have sent in a video for a swing review and you might have seen it sooner, rather than spending $$$$$ trying to get it dianosed. My former golf instructors and doctors all missed it, but finally just had my osteopath and PT tell me exactly what you just presented. I now have to tape my elblow to prevent the hyperextension, but with these drills I hope to ingrain the correct movement so I won't need to tape when I golf. Thank you, thank you
January 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brenda. I'm happy you are on your way to a pain free swing. Thanks for the compliments of our instruction.
January 25, 2016
Hey Chris, I'd be very interested in a video of pain for the right elbow. I've had 2 elbow surgeries, one to reattach a tendon and then a Tommy John surgery after it happened again. I've been in therapy for 6 months and should begin chipping in the next couple of months. Finding out what causes this type of injury would be very helpful.
January 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kenny. We will be posting a video dealing with the trail elbow in the near future.
January 21, 2016
Hi Chris, I am not at downswing with my lessons yet. However, I cannot find video about backache. Could you hep me, please? Many thanks.
January 17, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Konstantin, the back video is in our blog. Here is a link to get you there. Hope this helps.
January 18, 2016
Many thanks Chris. Is the blog not available from with premium membership? Does it require additional subscription? When watching the video it turns black and offers me new subscription.
January 19, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
The video is free 100% free on the blog. If you get that pop up, then just close it out and then play the video. Sorry that you are seeing that advertisement.
January 20, 2016
This is great... I've tried to work around left elbow pain for some time. Even had chiropractic treatment for the "golfers elbow". I can understand now how my left elbow gets "out of position" at impact causing this kind of pain. Thank you!
January 16, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Glad you enjoyed it Rick and very glad you have the insight now to never battle with elbow pain again.
January 18, 2016
So I'm the 5% with the other problem. Golfers elbow right elbow. How do I make that easier??
January 15, 2016
Just saw the other question referencing right elbow issues. Will wait to see the new video.
January 15, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Yep, we will be posting a video on the trail elbow in the near future.
January 18, 2016
In this video reference is made to last weeks tip on back pain preventipn, with mention of a link. Can you help me locate this (using "search" was not successful. On a related point, recently RST began making increasing use of Youtube. Is it possible that this has introduced a disconnect? For instance I initially watched the elbow pain tip using the Youtube link. At the close I was requested to log in to post a comment. On trying to do so I was informed that my password was incorrect (not true!) and I had to go via the header member login route to be able to post this comment. Thanks and regards, puzzled Gordon!
January 15, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Gordon, sorry about the password issues. Please let us know if you are still having problems. We are going to post periodic videos within our blog now, just to keep the video library from getting cluttered. You can find our blog in the footer. As we move forward, only new premium content with a few variations of free videos will be posted directly to the website. Otherwise, the other new videos will be directly in our blog. If you ever have any questions on any of the videos, please feel free to post your questions under any video in here and we will gladly assist you.
January 18, 2016
Thanks for this video Chris. I may have a similar problem but the pain is occurring in the muscular area in my hand on the palm side between my wrist and the bottom knuckle of my thumb. Can you suggest what might be causing this and how I could fix it. The pain seems to be worse after a round where I have hit the ground with the club more often than normal. Regards John Mc
January 14, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey John, My pleasure as always. Hmmm...we may need to take a close look at the way you are gripping the club in the lead hand. How many knuckles do yo see at the address position without having to move your head around to see?
January 15, 2016
Hello Chris, I have solved it. Using a combination of your video above and the wide, narrow, wide, video from Clay Ballard, I found that I was not rotating my wrists enough through and after impact and thus creating a bit of a chicken wing. When I worked on Clay's tip of having my arms close together at horizontal in the follow through and the club head being vertical at the arms or club shaft horizontal position, my hand is feeling better, not strained, and I am striking much cleaner and better with less effort. Thank You !!!
January 17, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
That's awesome to hear John. Keep up the good work!
January 18, 2016
Thanks Chris, I started using Rotary Swing Golf because I had an injury and I could see that I could still swing well (more like a Pro) and prevent further injury and play golf for the rest of my life. Since starting with Rotary Swing Golf I have only been playing 9 holes once a week (not every week) and, maybe, hitting a bucket of balls in between. Even doing so little towards my swing, and by just following your methods, I have lowered my handicap by 4 strokes. I am confident that this will continue, even playing just once a week ... and look out when I start playing comps and rounds of 18 holes again. My expect that my handicap will drop even further. Regards John
January 18, 2016
I have pain in my right arm...
January 14, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
I will be covering this in a future video. Pain can be caused from the over usage of the right arm in the downswing which we speak about quite a bit on the site. Make sure your right arm is in a passive position at address and keep it relaxed as much as possible in the entire swing.
January 14, 2016
Ok i will look at this video carefully. Just one more question : is it better to have a strong or weak right grip when right golf elbow
January 14, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
It is best to have your grip the exact way we describe it in the grip - how to video. Grip adjustments away from what we teach can be a factor to elbow issues. I will explain further in part 2.
January 15, 2016

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