What You Should Think Over the Golf Ball

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I get asked all the time what I'm thinking over the ball. This video finally answers it - the answer will surprise you! If you struggle with the mental game, this will help you a ton!

Mental Game Articles:

Mushin Golf Introduction

Mushin Golf - Carrying it Over to the Course

Golf and the Ego

Spring Golf - How to Always Play Your Best

You Are an Athlete

How to Practice Golf

Confidence in Golf

10 Principals for Solid Golf

One of the most common questions I get asked all the time is, "What are you thinking over the ball?" As you saw there, that was a normal pre-shot routine for me, and I didn't have a whole lot of time to think of much of anything. The reality is, I don't think about anything over a shot. If you're thinking a lot, you hopefully are doing that on the practice range or just playing a practice round. If you're going out to play golf and you're actually keeping score, you can't think anything. You really have to learn to clear out your mind and let your subconscious take over, because if you're thinking a bunch of different random, jumbled-up thoughts, it's impossible for your body to coordinate those into a coordinate, athletic, dynamic movement.

The trick is, of course, how do you work on your golf swing and still play golf at the same time if you can't be thinking anything over the ball? That's where practice comes in. You have to get enough repetition that this stuff gets burned into your subconscious mind so you don't have to think about it at a conscious level. At a conscious level, you're really gonna be able to process one thing at a time, and that may be one drill that you could be working on. So you're working on your takeaway. Okay, well, that's the only thing I can really think about. But if I'm going off to play golf for a score, I can't even think about that. I've just gotta feel it. I've gotta rely on what I've done to this point to get me here, and hopefully I've done the reps and done enough work in front of a mirror that that movement has settled in.

However, if I haven't, I've got no prayer of going out and playing good, consistent golf. This is where everybody makes a mistake. They go out and do reps in front of a mirror or at the range they do a hundred or so, and then they think they can go out and play and it's just gonna stick. You've never learned anything in your life like that. Golf is not gonna buck that trend. So it's really important that you understand the concept of how your brain really learns, and you slowly start stacking pieces on as your brain can handle them. If you rush the process, it's just gonna take twice as long to get half as far, because you're not really gonna be making any progress; you're gonna keep making steps backwards when you go out and play if you have to consciously think through every single little movement in the whole golf swing. It's impossible.

So what I want you to really understand is that the whole goal is that you do all the work away from the golf course so that when you show up to the course, you're ready to play. And by play, I mean have fun. Go out there. It's a game, remember? And if we're hitting the ball well, it's a fun game. But if you're not, it's really challenging, and the reason you're not gonna be hitting the ball well is you haven't done enough work away from the golf course doing your drills and repetitions, because when you show up to the course it's too late. You can't think your way through around a golf consistently. You might be able to do it once or twice, but you're never gonna be a consistent ball striker until you get up over the ball and you pull the trigger without having to think about it and you're gonna be able to do that when you put in the reps and work.

But if you still struggle with understanding the mental side of the game, I've written about a dozen articles on it that help you understand the process that most great golfers go through when they're ready to hit a ball. Obviously it's way simpler than you think, but it's just learning to do something a little bit differently, learning how to clear your mind so that your body and your subconscious can do what you've trained it to do rather than you trying to coax it into doing something it's not quite prepared for. So I've put some links into the description. I want you to go and look at the mental game articles if you struggle with learning how to take everything onto the course and being able to consistently hit the ball the way that you want to. I can almost guarantee you're overthinking it and you're making it harder than it really is.

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I like this video as I like seeing how Chuck walks into his setup and aligns to hit the ball. This is something I struggle mightily with as I am right eye dominant and I setup a mile right. Do you have any suggestions on what to work on to improve alignment?
August 17, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Keith. Take a look at Golf Alignment of Your Feet and How to Align Your Body for Straight Golf Shots Videos. They will help improve alignment.
August 17, 2020
Thanks Chuck for this video about thinking on the course while playing, I agree with u Chuck about having enough reps because two weeks ago my buddy and I played and I look a total mess and I was upset on the course and my buddy told me j don't keep taking it with u to every hole, but of course I didn't listen so I got my but beat by six strokes and that made twice this year he has beaten me out of 30 but I still didn't want that ok it happen now what I'm saying to u is I have to get more reps in and that's what I've been doing but not getting the sequence down but I've noticed in the last past week or so I've been getting better on sequencing I've looked at the video several times and notice what I wasn't doing correctly it takes time as you've been saying for the longest at least 300 reps for the beginning but continue to increase them every day of the month until it's ingrain in the muscle memory and in your mine thanks again Chuck I'm continuing I've been with you guys since December of last year I'm hitting the ball longer and closer to the pain I just have to work hard on my short game on the puting and a chipping knowing how to hit a chip on clothes and how to hit a pitch when I'm further away thanks again for your system I will continue to grind and understand your teachings we bless you and your family....
August 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. Thank you for the compliments and story of your journey so far. We appreciate your support and honesty about the challenge. Sadly, it does take reps to make the change permanent and with continued work you will get there. But, also your friend is correct. Once, you hit the shot. It is in the past. You can't do anything about it. Whats done is done. You can either move on from it. Or, let it fester. I can't tell you how much in my professional playing career and now teaching I see players get in their own way because they can't get over something they have no control over anymore. The best golfers have terrible short term memory.
August 21, 2019
Once again, it only took one genius to tell me HOW... I have been told many times to “relax” and to “clear my mind” by breathing. I know I’m supposed to breath and relax but it’s easier said than done! Thanks to “Breath Watching” I understand now, it works!! I have experienced those moments of momentary bliss in the past and never understood why? But at the same time, I always knew I had a shitty swing so the trust wasn’t there. My goal is to be able to play real golf with a clear mind and a sound swing. Thanks to RotarySwing(Chuck) it will happen. I can’t say it enough times how much I appreciate what you guys do and that you are awesome!
September 20, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Louise. Thank you for the kind words from all of us here at Rotary. We appreciate the compliments immensely and look forward to continued progress in your swing. We will keep providing the best information available to have a sound swing.
September 20, 2018
To complete the calculation X = 7.75 and you can agree this by substituting the value on both sides of the equation
September 16, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Thanks. I was sweating that one out.
September 16, 2018
To be able to fully master and take advantage of “Mushin golf” I first need to fully trust my ability to put a sound swing on the ball. That’s why I appreciate so much what RotarySwing is doing for me. The frustration of not understanding the golf swing is gone and I believe now I can become a more consistent player. I am also convinced once I can trust my swing it will be easier to be confident and therefore able to quiet my mind. In the mean time I still practice not letting my ego get in the way and keeping my attitude straight... but can’t wait for when it all comes together. Love RotarySwing. You guys are awesome!
September 15, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Louise. Great post and thank you for the compliments. It's much easier to trust and let go of something you understand better. We are here to provide the higher learning. If you get in the proper study and reps. Golf will be heading towards the promised land in no time.
September 15, 2018
Video won't play. It starts and then stops.
September 15, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edward. It is playing correctly on my end. Apologize for your issues. Try logging out and clearing your history/cache and then log back in. This way the video player can recognize your internet speed better.
September 15, 2018
Wu wei?? Your taoist robe is showing.... Ohhhmmmm..... (I know, taoist don't say ohmmm...)
September 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Grant. Glad you enjoyed the video.
September 13, 2018
Dear Chuck, Do you make a practise swing for each shot when playing a round of golf? Does it make sense to make a practise swing for each shot? Regards, Marcel
September 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. Yes, making at least one practice swing does make sense. And, it is a good way to get out of your head.
September 13, 2018

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