Throw the Ball Tennis Ball Drill

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Learn what it feels like to get effortless speed in the golf swing while working on your backswing and impact positions.

  • Preset Arm at 90*
  • Shift and Rotate to Right
  • Shift Left and Activate Glute
  • Release the Arm

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Hey guys, Would it be applicable to stack this drill with the stomp drill?
March 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Yes, you could add a little stomp to the drill. Just watch out for excessive body movement.
March 2, 2016
So, OK with right and left weight shifts. Also I assume we don't mind the position of the hand. That's ok too. What about the natural motion to turn left ? The trainer appears to be forcing the hold of the initial weight shift position. Aren't we better off releasing the hand and turning over the left glute ? Not sure I'm asking this correctly, but you understand me, right ?
January 30, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Alejandro, I understand you, sir. The drill is meant for exercising certain muscles while relating it to the golf swing. It's more fun and relevant than doing side lunges and core rotations. If you want to incorporate more of your sequencing drills into this exercise, it can only help you. Just remember to keep your core activated and focus on flexing the muscles to get a good work out. I recently signed up for Grant's website and I really enjoy doing his workouts, especially the at-home series. R.J.
January 31, 2015
I believe in the move but is his hand holding the ball wrong going back......way too open?
October 23, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Mike, At the top of the swing, if using just the right hand, our hand will be turned to assist in externally rotating the right humerus. When adding the left hand, the left arm assists in externally rotating the right humerus thus the rotation of the right hand is not necessary. So, you're right to scratch your head and say "what's up?" however, it is more to focus on exercising and sequencing the downswing and to make sure the right arm is in the right position. R.J.
October 23, 2014
Thanks Craig I've watched the videos and I think these will probably help. I am so pleased that I was recommended to RST and all that goes with it. It is the most wonderful approach to teaching golf that has ever existed. Thanks to Chuck and all the people who support him. Amazing!
August 23, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thank you Barry. Thanks for your support as well! Members like you is how all of this is possible.
August 24, 2014
I have reached the point in my progress with RST where I am doing the full swing to follow through. A new move for me is holding my posture until after the impact and then let the momentum of the club to pull me through to the full finish. After about twelve hours later I become quite sore in the muscles in the top of my back and neck. Are there any specific exercises I can do to address this problem. I am in my seventies but normally quite fit and agile.
August 23, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. Work on these posture drills. Getting your chest and back more flexible will help with the soreness.
August 23, 2014

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