How to Read a Green Quickly and Accurately

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This is the best way to get an accurate read on a green quickly. You'll make more putts and it will speed up play.

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Appreciate the tips and drills which I will adapt but will stick to right hand low. However, I can now appreciate where the bottom of arc occurs to get a better strike. Many thanks EGH
March 22, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello EG. Glad you like the drills. I myself am in your boat. Sticking the trail hand low, but now you know the principles of where the club should bottom out.
March 22, 2019
I've had instructors try to teach me how to plumb bob in order to read a green and determine how much break there is but the science behind it doesn't make sense to me. Can you elaborate?
May 7, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ronald. The plumb bob technique has been studied for ages. It may help give a golfer sense of how the putt will break. However, science has proved with all the different parameters it is very inefficient and would be just as effective as a normal visual inspection.
May 7, 2018
I use the plumb bob and find it works for me. What I have found is that very few people who try it do not know to match the shaft to the edge of a tall building then see where the putter face is pointing. Then and only then is the shaft truly perpendicular to the horizon. That is the only time the plumb bob will give you an accurate reading. So every time you use it you have to orient the face of the putter in the same direction or the plumb bob will give you an incorrect reading. That is why most people give up on using it. Hope that helps, Ron
July 29, 2022
I always have problems reading greens and determining which way the ball will break on greens with a long ridge when the ridge isn't running perpendicular to the line of my putt. This applies when the hole is either above or below the ridge. Any tips?
May 7, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ronald. Feel the slope with your fee/body. When the ridge is running parallel to your line of putt use your body as a diagnosis tool to tell how much deviation there is in the slope.
May 7, 2018
How would this method apply to a putt with multiple breaks?
November 1, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Callie, use the same technique. With a putt that has multiple breaks, find the obvious influences of the breaks first and then start working closer and closer to the hole to find what will cause the ball to move in the other direction. Usually, multi-break putts have some sort of man made slopes in the green to cause this sort of influence. I would look around the hole and then work back towards the golf ball to finalize the your intended line. Hope that helps.
November 1, 2017
Is zero line generally speaking always a uphill putt?
January 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Diarmuid. Typically yes and the straightest putt.
January 28, 2017
CHUCK: Greetings from one of your Aussie customers. Your Intro to these videos has described, perfectly, the on-going 'trials and tribulations' I have been having with my putting. And whilst I have always knows that when I lead with my left hand, my putting is more consistent - especially when, years ago, I used a Bulls-eye (same-sided) putter - I didn't persist with that endeavour. Being right handed, I continued to try to make my right-hand dominant stroke work - this included the purchase of a few other putters to see if that would help - and, of course, none of them 'worked' any differently. Consequently, I am delighted to receive these eight videos because they are EXACTLY what I have been looking for as the final 'piece' of your instruction to help me improve my Short Game. Whilst my recent return to golfing, and my practicing of your various drills re the golf stroke itself, has seen quite an improvement in that area of my game (still being worked on), my putting has been as you described for your early days. So, again, MANY thanks for this series - it is VERY TIMELY and most welcome! I will certainly be working on this instruction. With best regards ... John Reed
November 21, 2016
Do you have any comments regarding blade v. mallet putter
November 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. The conventional stroke will tend to lend itself more to a blade or heel-toe balanced putter. The lead hand low will be closer to the mallet or face balanced putter.
November 21, 2016
Great lessons. I am going to work on this and become the next Jack Nicklaus. Maybe.
November 17, 2016
Excellent clear series. As with the full swing, these videos organize things I've learned partially over the years into a cogent set of swing principals. Thank you.
November 17, 2016
Chuck, You are the best; now I have a great putting method to follow without having any doubt as to why!!!
November 17, 2016
Great Series Chuck! What do you recommend for speed control? Any tips or drills you could give us?
November 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. Practice is your best bet. I would use games on the putting green or setup up balls at various lengths to drill and hone in the pace.
November 20, 2016
Loved the putting series! 0 line makes total sense which I love about Rotary Swing. Great job! Where can I get one of those sweet looking hats?
November 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the compliments Gary. Mmm. Will have to think on that one for the hat .
November 17, 2016

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