Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 1 of 6

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Learn Proper weight shift and head movement in the golf swing. RotarySwing is the scientific answer to learning a perfect golf swing starting with head movement and golf swing consistency.

RotarySwing is proud to introduce a brand new golf video lesson series that will guarantee success.  Called, "Playing Your Best Golf EVER In 6 Weeks" we will show you the science behind a mechanically perfect.  Each week, we will be tackling different topics that effect consistency, starting with "head movement" and how to stablize and fix common head movement faults in the golf swing. 

In this Golf Lesson, we're going to discuss the most common faults:

1- Head dip or excess head movement - This is a bi-product of improper weight shift and excess should plane tilt.  We want our shoulders to be able to rotate perpendicular to your spine.

2. The second most common head movement fault is vertical movement.  If this happens, it indicates that you have not maintained flex in your trail leg or maintain your spine angle. 

3. The third and most common head movement fault is too much lateral movement with your head during the swing.  If you are getting pulled off the golf ball, this will create inconsistency in your golf swing and hamper impact. 

HERE IS THE DRILL that will fix all of your head movement issues.

The way this drill works is to get into a sound setup position, then take the golf club and put the clubhead to the right of your right arm.  From this crossed position, pull the clubhead towards your center and towards your spine.  The important varialbe is to keep your trail knee flexed.  Ideally, you are going to do 1000 reps of this drill in week one which will set you up for our next video in week 2. 

We're going to talk about consistency. That's one of those big areas that all the golfers that come to the website really want to become a more consistent golfer. Well, I've got great news for you today, we're going to be starting a brand new six week program that's going to help you walk through step-by-step on how to become a more consistent ball striker. If you've been struggling with fat shots, thin shots, erratic ball striking, hitting it all over the golf course, you want to pay close attention to this video series because again, I'm going to guarantee your success if you follow along with this program over the next six weeks.

                Okay, time to get excited. Here we are at week number one of becoming a more consistent ball striker or more consistent player in general. Our goal over these next seven days is to eliminate a lot of your excess head movement. If you've noticed yourself on camera on your takeaway or your backswing and you've noticed your head is moving too far off the golf ball or you've even noticed that it moves towards the target while you're loading your golf swing up, then this video for the next seven days is going to be really, really critical for you because at the end of this I'm going to give you a drill that's going to be really important that you spend time going through the reps, making sure that you get this perfect before we start to move onto the next step.

                Okay, so let's take a step back here and understand why it's important for us to keep our head quiet in the golf swing. Well, as part of the vestibular process, the way our eyes process information, if our eyes and our head are moving all over the place it's very difficult for us to get things lined back up at the bottom of the swing arc. We want to keep our head, which we would consider more of a centered piece of our body here, we want to keep that as quiet as humanly possible so that we don't have a lot of these other variables, a lot of big moving parts that are going to make it very difficult for us to get this club head lined up with that golf ball.

                We would all look at this game and say, "Man, that requires a ton of hand eye coordination." I do agree, there is a little bit of hand eye coordination to it, but again, we can make it way easier on ourselves just by stabilizing our head. Now I will also say this. It is okay when you load up your golf swing for the head to move an inch, inch and a half or so laterally. We want that to happen. We need that to happen. If it didn't, if you tried to keep your head deadlocked still, okay so if you made a golf swing where you were trying to keep your head really still over the golf ball, then chances are you're going to run into reverse pivot. That's very common with a lot of amateur golfers that we work with.

                Again, it's okay for your head to move and inch, inch and a half or so, especially when we start to get into the drill portion of this video. Okay, so before we get into the drill portion here, I want to go ahead and define some of these faults, what's causing them, so that you understand what you need to work through or why you need to work through this. That's one of the things that I don't want to just give you a golf swing drill and say, "Hey, this is all of a sudden going to make you a better player." I want you to be able to understand your faults.

                If you've noticed on camera where your head dips, if you've noticed in your takeaway or your back swing your head goes down, then that is a byproduct of two things. Number one, you haven't really shifted your weight properly over to your trail leg. Okay? You haven't made any sort of shift. You're going to notice that a lot of your weight falls over to your left side here or your lead side. You're going to notice that there's a lot of tilt to my pelvis here, okay?

                If you've noticed that your head is diving down, then chances are you haven't shifted your weight enough, or you've tried to run your shoulder plane far too steeply. Our goal here is that we want our shoulders to rotate perpendicular to our spine. We want our shoulders to be able to rotate perpendicular. We don't want to increase that angle because again, that's going to cause your head to dip. When your head starts to dip, that means your spine angle is starting to change and then in your down swing what's going to happen is it's going to start to try to compensate or it's going to start to try and correct itself.

                Again, that's going to lead to inconsistencies. Now the second fault here is vertical movement. Okay, so if you've noticed on camera your head moves vertically, now what's that a signal of? What's that an indication of that you've done wrong in your golf swing? Well, chances are going back to what we talked about in the first part here with not transferring your weight is that you haven't really stabilized your pelvis. You haven't really tried to maintain the flex in that trail leg.

                If your leg goes straight, okay, chances are what's going to happen here is your hips are going to come forward, your spine is going to move vertical and in turn now your head is moving up. That's very, very difficult now because think of your spine as now being a carousel. If it goes up, then it's going to have to come back down to where it started for us to be able to get the bat on the ball. The third one here is the most common one we see with a lot of amateur players, and that is excess lateral head movement.

                Okay, so if you've noticed on camera that your head moves way off the golf ball, then we need to work on making sure that it doesn't get too far off the ball here. Now, what's the cause of this? Well, very commonly we see people take this lead arm and this lead shoulder and they push the club back really hard. You try to get a lot of momentum and a lot of inertia moving the club in this direction. What that does is it starts to pull your body, starts to pull your head too far off the ball and again, going back to it we want to stay as centered as possible here so we don't have a lot of things that are going to create inconsistencies in the ball striking.

                Now that we've identified it here, okay, we understand that downward movement is going to be a lack of weight shift, a lack of proper weight shift or turning your shoulders too steeply. Vertical head movement is going to be attributed to, it can also be attributed to not shifting your weight properly, but it can also be attributed to you not loading your right leg up properly and maintaining the flex in that leg. Then lateral movement is going to be from a lead side push.

                If you've struggled with any of those areas then the drill that we're about to get into here is going to be really critical for you for the next seven days. Let's go ahead and get into that drill now. Okay, so now here we are at the drill portion of this week's video. We're going to be really focused on trying to get 1,000 reps. Okay, I know that sounds like a really mind boggling number here, but again, a lot of these drills are going to be designed where you can do these right in the comforts of your own home.

                The way this drill's going to work, I want you to go ahead and get into your setup position, okay? If you haven't worked through getting into a correct anatomic, correct biomechanically safe setup position, then I really encourage you to take a look at the Fixing Your Setup video. That video I walk you through a step-by-step process on how to get your setup perfect every single time, just like those guys you see on TV. Again, if you haven't watched that video definitely take a look at it.

                All right, so we're going to get into our setup position here, okay? What I want you to do is I want you to take the golf club and I want you to have the club head over your trail shoulder here. We're going to go ahead and cross our arms over our shoulders, okay? Try to get this set up so you can see properly. Now our goal here is two things. Number one, we need to be able to shift our weight, right? We talked a lot about that in the fault section. That can be a big issue is people not shifting their weight properly.

                In order to do that what I want you to do is I want you to lift your right heel up off the ground, or your trail heel. Okay, so you pick that up and your first move is to push it into the ground. When I say push it in the ground, push it. Okay, don't just set it down. Push it in the ground. Now why is that important? Well, that's important because that's going to tell us that you're shifting your weight. It's going to give you a signal that you have shifted your weight into that leg.

                Now the next big piece is I want you to take this club head and I want you to pull it towards your spine. You're going to lift your right heel up, push it in the ground and you're going to pull that club head in towards your spine. You're going to notice that you'll start to feel some engagement in your core, your midsection here. You'll see that by pulling that club head toward your center, that's going to allow you to be able to move very centered in your golf swing. We talked a lot about push versus pull on the website here, but again, our most important part here is pulling towards center.

                Again, the drill's going to look like pick the heel up, push it into the ground, pull the club head towards your spine. Now there is one extremely, extremely important ingredient to this drill that you really need to stay focused on for these next seven days. I'm going to turn down the line so you can see this here. When I pick my heel up and I push it into the ground and I turn my body, so I'm going to pull that club head towards my spine, what I want you to notice is that I've maintained the flex in my right knee. I haven't allowed it to go straight and I haven't allowed it to rotate at all.

                Okay, so your goal is to make sure when you push your heel into the ground and you're pulling that club head towards center you want to keep that trail knee flexed and facing forward, okay? If you do this properly you're going to start to feel the medial side of your glute, right here on the outer part of your butt here, start to contract and light up. Those are great muscles for stability in your pelvis. Okay, so again let's walk through this drill.

                Right heel up, push it in the ground, knee stays flexed, pull the club head towards my center. Okay, now I want you to do 300 reps. Your first 300 of the 1,000 reps are going to be done just with eh club across your chest. Once you've gotten 300 reps of that I want you to go ahead and grab a golf club, but I want you to get the light end up. Okay, I don't want you to swing from the heavy end yet because the minute we start having a lot of momentum and a lot of inertia in this club head we're going to lose kinesthetic awareness.

                Your next 300 reps are going to be done on this end. Now to make this centered rotation our focus point here is going to be taking our trail shoulder and pulling it directly towards our spine here. We're going to feel like we're pulling it directly behind our head. That's going to allow your shoulders to rotate perpendicular to your spine. Okay? Again, once you have the head, the light end down here, excuse me, you're going to pull your right shoulder towards your center here. That's going to cause your golf club to move.

                I don't care where the hands and arms go in this drill. Chances are your hands and arms are very well trained. If your club is a little bit deep at the top and your hands and arms, maybe you're a little bit across the line or a little bit laid off, we're going to get to that part, okay? That's an important part, but that's in a later part of the video in this series. Again, your goal here is 300 reps with the club across your chest. The next 300 are going to be on the light end, okay? The final 400 reps you can do on the heavy end.

                Now I want you to know this, if you notice on camera or a mirror that you see some sort of head movement starting to pop in here that you don't want, then I really encourage you to take a step back. If you're on the heavy end, you're on those last 400 reps and you're really committed to getting these 1,000 reps and you're starting to see your head moving, then pull yourself back down and go to the light end. If you're still having a problem then go back down to where the club is across your chest.

                There's not point in racing through this process. Again, the goal here is to get a lot of that excess head movement so we can stay as centered as possible and load our takeaway and load our back swing up so that we can use our body properly for down swing and not have to worry about tons of moving parts. Okay guys, so that's week one. Piece of cake, right? So 1,000 reps. Make sure you put the time in here whether you're a two handicap or a 36 handicap, it's really important that you spend some time getting this stuff worked out because it's going to help us when we start to work in video number two which is going to be shaking out the tension.

                This is a great little drill that's going to help you get a lot of that tension out of your body so that you can start using your big muscles and not your small muscles and start really getting that golf ball to fly through the air. All right, so I wish you guys the best success this next seven days. Post up your results in the comments below. Let me know if you have any questions along the way. Good luck and we'll see you guys next week. 

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Just curious: Here Chris mentions moving the head (slightly) forward as we shift onto the lead leg, but in his analysis of Lydia Ko, the slo-mo of her shows no forward movement of her head--if anything, her head moves back a half-inch as she shift forward and downswings. Any thoughts on this? Am I hearing Chris right in this lesson and seeing Lydia Ko's movement right in the video of her? Thanks.
July 14, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeren. When hitting the ball hard and especially with a driver. You may see someone's head pull away from the ball trying to create a maximum extension point. However, far too many players hang their head back when shifting weight. It is okay for the head to move back to original address position, or a touch more to help you get more stacked at impact and delete excessive secondary axis tilt.
July 15, 2021
Is 1,000 reps per day or in a week? thanks
August 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Wei. Goal is minimum of 100 reps a day with 1000 for the week.
August 21, 2020
In Chuck's latest video lesson he talks about the head having to go down slightly. In this video downward movement of the head is regarded as a fault. I am confused.
August 1, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Most players often overdo head movement. As you are loading and rotating around the spine a slight movement is okay. But, Chris in this video is trying to undo/reteach a movement where players have excessive head movement.
August 1, 2020
Craig, when you said, "don't cheat", I believe you meant to turn my shoulders and leave my core stable? When I just turn my shoulders, feels like my core is more engaged. Am I on the right track?
June 19, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jane. Don't cheat on amount of rotation. You could see that you were only getting about 65 - 70 degrees. The core will rotate (abs, obliques) and the lats will help pull the shoulder blade. A great representation is in the Live Lesson Chuck did on How To Make a Full Shoulder Rotation. Or, the Chair Drill I linked in your review.
June 19, 2020
As I do this drill I am thinking that incorporating a small lift/drop of the right heel as part of the takeaway would be a good brain trigger to load to the inside of the right ankle and activate the right glute in my backswing. This is assuming that you repeat this drill enough to implant it firmly in the brain. Make sense?
May 9, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Absolutely makes sense. A little stomp to get the action going perfectly fine.
May 9, 2020
I've been working through step 1 and 2 with rst 5 step, and just started working on this drill as well, I feel so powerless at the top of the swing and I'm getting lower back and right hip ache while doing these drills. Is this normal?
September 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Make sure you aren't breaking the hip line and over rotating the hips. Take a look at the Weight Shift Video Part 2 and Problems w/Overturning Videos.
September 19, 2019
Chris my comments on my last swing review submission caused you to defer until I did some more reps on y backswing. You appeared ready to help me work on the downswing and getting to impact. I am at the Impact video in the University and not going on until get your input. Can we proceed with that last lesson now? I would do a new video but due to a snow storm my practice net is down. The last video I submitted is still representative of where I a now.
February 26, 2019
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
We can proceed if you feel as though as you are ready to proceed. Just make sure all of the stuff is ingrained so you are overloading your brain.
March 1, 2019
The backswing move is ingrained now and executed by feel.
March 1, 2019
Chris. In my recent second swing review in which you identified excess head movement, the excess lateral movement was gone but I am still raising my head vertically a couple in as I finish the backswing by pushing with the left arm and wrist to a wrist fully loaded position. I have been trained to fully load the wrist at the top to bring the club to a straight horizontal position( though the video shows I overdid it by dipping the club somewhat John Daly style) I am not copying John Daly but attempting to set the club on a “clothesline” a training image I picked up fro the first swing books I read as a beginner. After doing the reps on this drill the first time I could feel the sensation you described in my review of the body outracing the hands and arms with the club then being slung to the top. However in checking it in a mirror I found the club angled about 60 degrees with the ground instead of 180 or parallel to the ground. I modified the move to lake final “push” apparently to view the club finish as desired. Long story but resulting in a question: is is ok to shorten that length
December 8, 2018
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Stephen, yes it is okay to shorten the length of the swing in this case. It's more about the loading and unloading of the body in the correct order, maximizing leverage, than it is getting the club to swing long into a backswing. We will make sure you have the correct width once the body rotation is all sorted out, by making sure you have the correct arm elevation and wrist set at the top of the swing. Hope that helps.
December 10, 2018
Hi Chris. Seven hundred reps into the drill with the 300 of the 400 with club yet to go. I practice in a mirror and now the head does not move up when I turn back with the right side of the body leading. However, I noticed that even though I keep my knees pointed ahead, if I let the lead knee relax while making the turn back and shifting weight from a centered position to more on the trail side the leg/knee moves slightly forward and the head moves down slightly. If I firm the trail leg and make the same movement the head does not move at all yet I feel really corkscrew like tensioned in the body. Is the slight head movement down an issue or the body tension at this point? I am still making a full turn rather than an abbreviated one and leaving the wrist cock less than maximum. I will send an image after finishing the 300 reps but need to know if control of that lead knee and related head movement is important at this point before I continue.
December 23, 2018
Chris! How do I get to the other training steps in the 6 week program “ the best golf of your life in 6 weeks” Thanks Roger
November 24, 2018
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Roger, to the left of the video player you will see the other videos in the series. Otherwise, try using the search tab at the top of the video player and type "best golf" and the other videos should populate.
November 24, 2018
Chris. Working through the university’s material. I have completed through rotation and summited a swing review. You responded to my full swing recordings and noticed head movement in the backswing. You referred me to the drill above. I have completed the 1000 reps, think I conquered the head movement, been stacking the result onto downswing and release drills. My question relates to how I should proceed. Chuck in one of his recent lesson videos answered a students question about the video reviews- he said we do not want full swing videos . We want to see you do the drills to make sure done properly before you move on. I am ready to submit my next video for review. I have struggled with weight shift in the past though I think I have it down though I lose it when I get rusty. Should I submit a video of another full swing or just my current weight shift or current downswing drill for review? I have been through you six weeks series over a year ago but also may need to do some of it again. Tell me what you think.lastly should I continue going through the videos that I have not watched in the university series or hold up? Sorry for the number of questions and complexity but I do not know how to get in touch with you otherwise to follow up on my last swindcreviw and proceed.
November 24, 2018
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Stephen, thanks for the question. The best thing to do, since you have already drilled, is send in an updated look of your swing, if you believe the fault is corrected. If you dont believe you have it corrected at full speed, the send in a drill swing of you performing the movements with minimal head movement to make sure you are doing it correctly. Submit the review and let us take a look and we will tell you exactly which video(s) you should be focusing on for the next couple of weeks.
November 24, 2018
Chris Tyler client: Chris, wanted to follow up on our lesson in Orlando a few weeks ago. I had a bad round. Then I came across this series. I think I misunderstood the weight shift. Each on of these lessons has a teaching point. Getting weight shift to my inside right heel helps me get to the right backswing position and avoid the flying elbow. The shift to the left to the inside of the left heel helps shallow the club. The other drills - keeping eyes still and necktie also are helpful since I think I had early extension. Really great stuff!!!!
April 21, 2018
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome to hear Eric. Glad you like the video series and keep working at it and i'm confident you will be hitting the ball really well on the sooner side.
April 23, 2018
In step two & three of week 1, when I hold club (by the head) do I just hold club in front of my body or in swing posture - same for when I hold club regularly?
March 25, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Yes, in swing posture for both.
March 26, 2018
Hi Craig, I completed my first 300 reps with the club across my chest and when I videoed myself, all looked good! I had a good shoulder turn and no elevation change with my head. However, as soon as I moved to step two, holding the head end of the club, I noticed two things; one, try as i might, when I pull with my trail shoulder, I feel it tense up and it looks like it raises as bit, and two, i notice my head moves forward a little. When i take it really slow and try to focus pulling my shoulder blade back and down, my arms feel like they go way inside. Any suggestions, or is this OK for now?
November 4, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Karen. Sounds like you are adding tension at the wrong time. Take a look at the Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing Video. It should help with the head movement and feel of too inside.
November 6, 2017
I want to start going through RST from scratch again. Should I start with six weeks, or with 5 steps. There's now a 9 day to better ball striking as well. I'm a 20 handicapper (from 15 a couple of years ago). When I hit the ball well, I hit it well - good distance etc. Very inconsistent though. Obviously I'm impatient to improve so the 6 week or 9 day courses are appealing, but should I ignore these and stick with 5 step? Also, when I click on dashboard, I don't see my rep tracker or how to add to it when I've completed more reps. Can you refresh my memory? I use a mac, not a PC. Does that make a difference?
August 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martyn. I answered the rep tracker problem in your other post. With regards to swing build. If you are looking for a quick start to a great swing I would stick with the 5 Steps. The 5 Minute Series is a complete swing overhaul. The 9 Days will be good to work through when you tackle release after working on the 5 Step System or the end of the 5 Minute Series.
August 21, 2017
T David
I've been working on cleaning up my takeaway and came across this video. Regarding the sequencing between the trail shoulder and heel. With the kinesthetic awareness, I noticed that I start the backswing with pulling the shoulder back, followed by heel press. Should I be trying to start these movements together from the beginning of the backswing?
June 9, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Rotation or shift needs to the trigger. You can either rotate and start to press the heel into the ground or vice versa. How to Swing from the Ground Up Video would be the latter.
June 9, 2017
After pushing down my right heel, I keep the right knee flexed and pointing to front, but I am lifting my left heel as I pull toward my spine. Is this a problem? Does the left foot need to remain flat on the ground? It may be just the stiffness of a 74 year old guy. But will this negate the positive effect of the drill?
April 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. In an ideal circumstance the lead heel/leg will stay pretty stable. But, age coupled with flexility issues if the lead foot rolls or lifts a little that is okay. Try and keep it to a minimum though.
April 10, 2017
I just can't seem to get this right. Either my head moves downward because I don't shift enough, or I shift and when I do my head moves way off the ball. It seems very difficult to get the perfect amount of shift where my head moves just a little, but not too much off the ball.
March 29, 2017
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Michael. It's alright for the head to move off of the ball in the backswing just a touch. Anymore than one inch max indicates that you are pushing with the lead side. The key here is to focus on loading your trail heel and glute to initiate the back swing with proper weight shift and then having your shoulder blade (moving down and in) pull your shoulders around your spine. After pushing the trail heel into the ground, imagine that shoulder blade is a truck pulling your shoulders and core (the trailer) around your spine never letting it dictate your axis tilt from setup. If you're head still dips try to have your shoulder blade glide move a little more down as it moves in towards the spine.
March 30, 2017
Martin L
I find my head turning back a bit during the drill. Is rotational head movement ok or should I try to minimize it. And as question below, if I am following 5 step program should I work on this too?
March 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. The head is connected to the cervical spine. Sometimes for flexibility if the head moves slightly to allow for proper rotation it is okay. You don't want it swaying laterally to much for push purposes though. Working on both at the same time could be a little taxing for your brain.
March 14, 2017
Hi Craig. Should I continue with 5 Steps, or go with this course? Is this an update?
March 7, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martyn. This is part of our Bonus Series. If you are currently mastering the 5 Step. Stick on that track.
March 7, 2017
I'm working on the first part of the drill and have trouble with my hips. I tend to start rotating my hips too soon but it seems I should start with my torso and not start rotating the hips until my shoulder turn starts to pull them around when the shoulders are approaching 45 degrees of rotation. Do you have any suggestions to get the movement sequenced properly?
March 6, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Are the hips beating the shoulder rotation (ahead), or after about 20 degrees of shoulder/torso the hips start opening a little early?
March 7, 2017
My hips are starting with my shoulders, I'm having difficulty starting the shoulders first. I would think I should just be moving the torso at first (During the takeaway) and then start pulling the hips once the shoulders are roughly 45 degrees. However, for some reason I struggle to disassociate the two.
March 7, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Hip turn isn't bad in the golf swing. As long as it isn't over done. Take a look at 5 Minutes to Master Rotation to help with initial move. If you continue to struggle. I have some other thoughts.
March 7, 2017
Thanks Craig I'll go back to the 5 min to master rotation video and drill those exercises for a week before moving back to this one.
March 8, 2017
This is a fantastic video. I completed 100 reps yesterday and another 100 reps today. After completing today's reps, I noticed my right knee (Trail side knee/right handed golfer) was sore. Do you have any suggestions of what may be causing this or what I may be doing wrong? Is it possible I'm rotating my right knee?
March 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. You could be rolling to the outside, or not allowing for hip rotation. Make sure you keep the pressure towards the inside versus rolling to the outside of the foot (Anchor to the Ground). Also, that you allow for hip turn (Weight Shift Video Part 2).
March 5, 2017
Thanks Craig, would too much hip turn cause this? I have noticed if I don't turn my hips as much, i feel it load up more in my right glute area. This morning when I was doing my reps I wasn't feeling too much load in the right glute
March 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Over rotating the trail hip can cause the trail knee to externally rotate too much. Leading to excess pressure. It could be your culprit.
March 5, 2017
Are you wanting us to swing the club when we start the drill with the light end of the club?
March 4, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Zacky. You only need to complete the backswing (gripping heavy end and light).
March 5, 2017
Honestly - this was so very helpful. Excellent, thank you. Took 5 stokes off my game
March 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Mark. Really appreciate the post.
March 4, 2017
Makes a difference when instructors such as yourself put themselves in the shoes of average golfers and provide simple steps that are clear and doable (and with a caring attitude)
March 4, 2017
In the first video of the six weeks program, i didn't understand what to do with the club in the second part of the video. Would appreciate an answer, my email is
March 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. The second step will be to perform the same body move or drill, but with the club flipped to the heavy end (gripping on the shaft right below the club head). Which will keep you from trying to move or place the club while swinging back.
March 3, 2017
Are e to do 1,000 reps each day. You didn't really explain how to use the club in the should turn. Do you bring the club into a full swing? can you do a demonstration on what the club is doing or what position the club is in or where it should be when the shoulder turn is finished.
March 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. The positioning of the club is described in a lot of our videos. 5 Minutes to the Perfect Backswing, 3 Functions of the Right Arm, Golf Backswing, etc. I apologize about the confusion from the video. The goal isn't trying to get perfect placement of the club. But, starting to train perfect placement of the body. Good shift with minimal head movement and push. For training, you only need to complete the backswing. You want to reach a 1000 per section of the drill. It would be very hard to get 1000 in a session. You should shoot for at least a minimum of 100 during your training with the sum getting to 1000.
March 2, 2017
Why don't you show drill 2 and 3 in your video? K/R, Gerhard
March 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gehard. I apologize. I believe it was more due to time constraints.
March 2, 2017
Hi Craig. Seeing the number of similar posts, may I suggest that you edit the video to show the drills with the club (2nd set of 300 and set of 400). I love this exercise! Great recommendation.
February 25, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. Glad you like the video. I certainly can ask for you.
February 26, 2019
You shift your weight (your hips) and your head 1 inch to right in the backswing. And you start the downswing by sifting your weight (your hips) 3 inches to the left side. What about your head. How much have it to move to the left? The same 3 inches or what? Or is the head moving only down because of the sitting down motion? What happens to the axis tilt in downswing? Have all these things some effect to each other?
December 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antti. The head will move about 1-3 inches coming down. It will have to move back to the lead side some. Axis tilt will slightly increase (what we call Secondary Tilt). Not to a big degree though. Yes, if the head doesn't move back towards the lead side coming down you will tend to increase your secondary tilt too much.
December 12, 2016
Thanks Craig, I think now that I do not take care, how my head is moving. If I do the weight shift correctly, moves my head automatically correctly too. Do you agree?
December 13, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antti. If you shift the weight properly the head should come with it. Take a look at the Preventing Hip Pain Video.
December 13, 2016
From where I can find that video? Thanks.
December 13, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antti. It's not showing up in the search. I will get to work on that. If you have a review coming up soon and it doesn't show up. Ask your instructor to link it. You may also look at the Level Shoulders Drill. Chuck doesn't specifically mention it. But, you can see with proper weight transfer and staying down with the lead shoudler the head will come.
December 13, 2016
Hi,I have just watched the video for the third time and have completed the first set of repititions (300). My question is for the second set of repititions do we still push the trail foot into the ground? The exciting thing is that the first set has already made a positive impact on the first game following! Consistent ball striking and much greater confidence, i am not too sure which of the problems I had but a wonderful improvement. Certianly want to encourage other site members to take their time with this drill as I can testify - success for me.
October 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. If weight shift/loading the trail side is an issue for you. I would continue the stomp to ensure proper load and firing of the trail glute.
October 31, 2016
So the head should move 1-1 1/2 inches from setup to completion of the turn in this drill?
October 15, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Joshua. That is correct. The head needs to move with the weights hint to the trail leg to prevent reverse pivot
October 15, 2016
Hello, am I supposed to incorporate hip rotation into this drill or strictly focus on the shoulder turn?
August 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rob. The pull from the trail shoulder will rotate the hip as you reach the top backswing position.
August 30, 2016
In demonstrating Drill 1, your head moves laterally several inches (7:30 - 7:45). How does this benefit the student?
July 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Margo. The head will move in the golf swing. You don't want the head moving due to lead side push, but it will move about an inch with your weight shift. Most players try to keep the head too still and do not transfer the weight. The video show a little exaggeration to help viewers see the weight is actually shifting. When you stop picking up the foot to help load the glute and pull back properly with the trail shoulder. The head will not move as much.
July 21, 2016
For the second and third sets of reps, should i be actually swinging the club with both hands in a normal setup position, or should the end of the club be elevated off the ground? I understand that the light end should be set 2 and heavy end should be aet 3, i just didn't really see a demo of them and want to make sure I'm not about to drill the wrong way
July 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. When using the light end (set 2) you may hover a little off the ground. When moving to the heavy end (set 3) you may start to ground the club a little. Just be careful you don't yank the head or try to swing the heavy end for momentum.
July 6, 2016
As of the past couple weeks I've been hitting heavy hooks and worm burners, everything working left with an occasional shank right, i think I'm the reverse pivot and steep shoulder action combo guy. My lead elbow has developed golfers elbow pain, im not sure which came first, the errorbor the injury. Does this correlation of swing flaw and elbow injury make sense? Ive been told to let it heal so im gona take this week to get through the first two sets, then hopefully be able to get the last set come monday
July 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. The correlation can definitely be seen between too much trail side push and relying on arm flip or hold to recover. Take a look at the Curing Elbow Pain Video as well while working on loading into the trail side properly with this video above.
July 6, 2016
Will definitely check that one out also, much obliged craig
July 6, 2016
Hello any tips for not letting the right knee rotate out in the backswing? I'm shifting my weight into the right heel then almost immediately when I pull the right shoulder towards my spine my knee wants to rotate?
June 16, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Joshua, How much weight are you feeling in your right leg before you rotate your body? Make sure you get a bulk of the weight shifted into that side before turning. Also, take a look at the right knee laser beam video to see if that helps you out further.
June 16, 2016
Thanks I'm almost done with the intial 300 reps with my arms crossed. Is a slight bit of knee rotation about 1 inch acceptable? I just can't seem to get the motion without any
June 18, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Ideally, you don't want the knee to rotate much because it's not designed to rotate like the hip is. Are you making sure you are getting enough weight over into the heel before rotating your body? The more weight you have over there, the more easy it is to keep the knee from turning out. Also, make sure that the trail foot is perpendicular to the target line and not splayed out at all.
June 18, 2016
Maybe I'm just dense but still really struggling with this. Is it ok to load more weight on the inside of my right foot and turn my right knee in slightly? Is the glut activation the most important for not letting the knee rotate?
June 20, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, that is perfectly fine. Make sure the weight is shifting mostly into the heel/ankle as well. Try and feel as though your right butt is sitting over your right heel when shifting. Glute activation is critical of helping stabilize your pelvis when loading up.
June 20, 2016
I am a right handed golfer and I am blind in my left eye. I really love the game and wanted to know if there is anything I can do or any exercises that can help me to become more consistent at striking the ball consistently.
June 1, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Christopher, We can certainly help you out with that. Have you taken the time to submit your swings for review as part of your membership? We can take a close look at your swing and determine what we need to work on with you in order to become more consistent for sure.
June 1, 2016
In this drill at the start when we lift our right heel up and plant it back down do we move our right hip one inch to the right as we turn our shoulders.
May 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donny. Shifting into the trail glute will require the 1 inch move. However, make sure to not over do it (Weight Shift Video Part 2).
May 24, 2016
Hi. Could someone help me with visualising how the shoulders work relative to the spine in three dimensions. Chris mentions the shoulders should turn perpendicular to the spine. The spine is tilted away from the target at address (ie left shoulder higher than right) but left is lower than right at top of back swing. In order to achieve this I think either a) my left shoulder has to dip and right shoulder raise - ie not stay perpendicular to spine, or B) my spine angle has to change to be tilted towards the ball at completion of backswing. Could someone clarify this or direct me to a video on this as I am getting confused? Any help gratefully received!
May 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edward. You are rotating around a hinged forward spine with a little axis tilt. No need to create a lead should push down to create and upwards trail shoulder position. The trail shoulder won't be very high above the lead shoulder comparatively at the top. You don't need to add any additional components. Take a look at the Golf Body Rotation Drill to master a better feel rotating around the spine. Then, take a look at Fixing Your Setup to realize you don't need too much axis tilt. Blend the two together. Also, take a look at the RST Necktie Drill. You definitely don't want to lose axis tilt back towards the target at the top. If you were standing straight up and down I would see the confusion. But, from the hinged forward position it would be hard (if rotating properly) to not have the trail just above the lead shoulder.
May 20, 2016
Thanks! Will work on those videos.
May 21, 2016
The phrase "pulling your right shoulder blade in toward your spine" confuses me. The "blade guide" described elsewhere does literally pull the shoulder blade down and in toward the spine ... it does not seem to me to develop much rotation ... some, but only a very small range of motion ... the trail obliques seem to primarily generate the rotation back ... can you provide some insight into exactly what is being communicated here?
May 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The blade glide (down and in towards the spine) creates shoulder rotation. The oblique helps with torso rotation and pulling the hip. For example in the takeaway: a 2 inch down and in moves the shoulder 6 to 8 inches, arms 2 to 3 feet and club about 2 and 1/2 yards. Take a look at the Golf Body Rotation Video to feel the blade glide. I believe the "in" part is where you are getting confused. The blade pulls down, but also pulls in towards the spine. Therefore, feeling like it is pulling back towards the intended target to create rotation.
May 14, 2016
Ok. Have continued trying the technique and I am a believer that the pure "blade glide" does generate enough turn to accommodate the takeaway and more ... 900 reps to go ... Yikes. This drill does seem to develop some fatigue in the trail glute and the trail shoulder blade's surrounding muscles?!
May 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Don't stress or pull too hard. Nevertheless, that means you are finally using big muscles to swing now.
May 14, 2016
I have just received my second swing review and have been given an exercise for head moving off the ball. I will of course do this exercise, but, i am only just starting drill 3 from play your best golf in six weeks. do i continue with both?
May 11, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Michael, It is best if you work o the drills in order. If your head is moving too much off the ball, then you need to sort that out, get it ingrained and then move onto the next drills. Take your time, swing changes take time and patience, but the end results will be awesome.
May 11, 2016
OK. So deal with head movement first and then go back to step 3 in play your best golf in 6 weeks. Or whatever comes up in my next swing submission. Is that correct.
May 11, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, that is correct. Minimizing the head movement during the takeaway and backswing is mission critical. I tried to do this series in order of the most common faults that cause erratic ball striking from beginning to end.
May 11, 2016
Thanks. Based on your feedback and reviewing all the information in the videos I am going to continue with lesson 1 of your set of 6 plus do the head moving off the ball video practice by just focussing on pulling back right shoulder. you never mention practice on the range and hitting balls. how should i combine hitting balls with the exercises to improve my golf swing? Will you always be the instructor reviewing my swing or will it change from time to time?
May 12, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
My pleasure. You can go to the range and practice but you need to make sure you are using a mirror or camera or both to know exactly if you are performing the movements correctly so that you can get it ingrained. I will do my best to stay as you instructor in the 2 per month reviews. The only way we can guarantee the instructor is through the unlimited reviews. Keep me posted on how things are going!
May 12, 2016
5/8 STEP 2 100 REPS.
May 8, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Nice Barry!
May 9, 2016
It would have been helpful to see the 2nd and 3rd methods actually demonstrated rather than just verbally described.
May 6, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Sorry that I didn't demonstrate 2 and 3, The hand and arm movements to the top of the swing should be very minimal and less of a focus than the critical movements of load and rotation.
May 9, 2016
Hi Chris, I have another question for you. I notice that when I do part ONE of this drill, it's quite easy to rotate and stay on the right hip line the entire time. However, for part THREE, I start to move away from the right hip line around half-way through the backswing. It seems like my lower-body is trying to counter-balance the weight of my arms and club (now that they're much further away from my center). Should I be staying directly on the right hip line the entire time? And if so, how can I stop this counter-balancing without causing tension in my swing?
May 4, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
You need to stay on the right hip line more towards the top of the swing. If you are coming away from it, then you didn't get enough load into it in the first place.
May 9, 2016
Hi Chris, this video is great! I am really feeling my glutes engage and I feel really loaded at the top. However, I have no idea how you guys can do 100 or more reps at a time!! My glutes are on FIRE after maybe 20 or so and I need to take a break. So, this leads me to my two-part question: 1) After stomping the right heel into the gound, should my heels be pushing away from each other to really feel grounded and engage the glutes (right now they are)? If I don't do this, the right glute sort of shuts off right after I stomp. And 2) During a normal golf swing, should the feet/heels be pushing apart at all to feel more grounded / have more glute engagement?
May 4, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Matt, Glad you enjoyed the video and yes, you will have to take some breaks during your drill sessions as you are working out some muscles that probably haven't been used in the past. Your heel should not be pushing a apart. That is a sign that you have to much weight in your lead leg still. Your lead leg needs to feel more or less relaxed. You need to be focusing on getting more weight over to the trail leg and allow the rotation to feel as though it is driving the right foot into the ground and you should have very little awareness of the left side of the body at the top. Hope that helps.
May 9, 2016
Thank you Chris! Your explanation helps a lot.
May 10, 2016
5/4 100 reps for a total of 300 reps of step one. On to series 2 of step one
May 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Barry. Way to go! Keep up the work.
May 4, 2016
5/3/2016 second set of 100 reps, step 1.
May 3, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Keep working at it Barry!!!!
May 3, 2016
Hi Chris, thanks for the recent review. Just a few questions on the drill. You mention feeling tension in the core and glutes whilst doing this but the only real tension I'm feeling is just below my right shoulder blade, just want to make sure I'm doing this before going any further. Also is it ok to practice short game shots when not drilling or will it have a negative effect if I drop back to my original routine. Cheers
May 3, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey David, my pleasure. Are you keeping your tush back and maintaining posture when your are working on this drill??? You are starting to feel your lats engage which is good but you need to also make sure you are feeling the load in the trail side and feeling the medial side of your glute load up. If not, then make sure you are focused on where your weight is shifting to in the trail foot and the knee flex as you rotate your body. You need to make sure you are feeling a good bit of weight in your right leg at the completion of the rotation. Hope that helps
May 3, 2016
Step 1 of 6: 5/2/2016 - 100 reps of first part of drill 1.
May 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. Do you have a question? Or, accidentally posted a note to yourself?
May 2, 2016
Wow - New Member yesterday. First set of drills received. just updated my profile page. now off to start the first of 300 reps.
April 27, 2016
200 reps today of the first part. I cannot get a full 90 degree turn due to tight thoracic spine. i am doing TPI drills to increase flexibility. Is getting to 90 degrees essential?
April 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Getting to 90 degrees isn't essential. There are ways to use different items in are swing for power. More emphasis on leverage and width. However, take a look at the Winter Series Backswing Video. You might be surprised with the trail arm off of the club you might reach full 90.
April 27, 2016
This perpendicular shoulder is not backward but depressed and around? How do you create a depressed movement? I just want to know how that is achieved?
April 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. It is the same shoulder blade glide described in all the backswing videos. Take a look at Understanding Shoulder Blade Glide. Also, Push vs Pull.
April 28, 2016
Where is week 3? Hammond Heath
April 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hammond. Week 3 will be posted before the weekend.
April 20, 2016
In a lot of pro slow mo videos I see, the right leg tends to straiten as the player loads up on the backswing. Are you saying there should be no straitening of the right leg or some is allowed. Thanks.
April 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. The trail knee should not move at all in these drills. You might lose a tiny bit when returning to a full swing (flexibility). But, the goal should be to keep as stable as possible.
April 19, 2016
When returning to a full swing, should the right leg still point directly forward throughout the entire backswing? Many times, my right hip seems to rotate to the right (too much?) which makes my right leg point more to the right than straight forward.
May 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. Ideally, you don't want the trail knee to move too much. Take a look at the Weight Shift Video Part 2. You can see how Chuck's knee works.
May 4, 2016
Martin M.
THIS!! Thanks Chris!!! After watching countless videos it finally clicked!! This was GOLD!! Now after trying this, all the other RTS videos make more sense to me! Maybe it was timing, or maybe it was the content, anyhow it made a giant leap in my game! Thanks Greetings from Norway!!
April 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. Great. I happy to hear the video helped you so much!
April 19, 2016
i am unable to turn my shoulders 90 degrees without also tuning my right (trail) hip behind me, approximately 45 degrees. You advocate "minimal" hip turn. What am i doing wrong?
April 17, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry- If I understand you correct you're on the right path. We can roughly turn the shoulders about 45* with minimal amount of hip turn and from there the way we get back to 90* of torso rotation is by allowing the hips to turn 45*. we will have about 90* shoulder turn and 45* hip rotation at the top of the swing. the hips must turn to get to 90* of rotation at the top.
April 17, 2016
The "minimal hip turn" was what was confusing. I need to work on turning my hips enough to get my shoulders to 90* and keeping the bend in the my right (trail) knee, and not letting the weight shift get to the outside of the right foot. thanks.
April 17, 2016
Then, this tilt and rust is not a natural tendency for the body--a movement humans are accustomed to. If I rotate on a perpendicular axis, and shift weight properly, then my head and spine should "fall" into place without any deliberate manipulation of head and shoulders?
April 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. With proper tilt and pulling with your trail side your head will move as of consequence to the proper spot. You don't need to have a deliberate or self manipulation to get it in the correct spot.
April 17, 2016
I thought this would be beating a dead horse, but after about 300-400 rep's I realized I was over rotating my hips on the way back and would lose a bit of right knee bend. At about 800 rep's I was keeping both knees over my ankles more and could feel some new muscles engaging in my left side and my right knee kept that flex. At the range, my misses were getting closer and closer to the intended target. Now if I can only stop my right arm/hand from pushing on the down swing.
April 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Sounds like you are making some good progress. Thanks for sharing. The reps and work can be a little tedious, but you are starting to be more aware of your swing and what muscles need to fire especially going back. Keep it up.
April 14, 2016
Hi Craig, in my last review, you pointed out I was overdoing the right side load up, but I felt I was doing exactly the same as Chris by stomping the right foot into the ground, which caused my right knee flex to change a bit as a result of the stomping. Are you saying that as I get more proficient, these moves shall be more gentle and natural as opposed to a sort of abrupt "jump start" manner? Thanks.
April 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. Yes. You had too much of a jump start to the move and over working it the trail shoulder pull. I want you to perfect the drill to make it more blended, smoother and a natural motion as seen with Chris.
April 12, 2016
Thanks Craig for the clarification. Also, any video to recommend for properly rotating the shoulder around the spine? I think I practiced too much on rotating shoulder horizontally when I stand straight, and still somehow did the same horizontal rotation after I bent my spine at set up. I feel that's the cause to your comment that my right shoulder was not properly elevated and stayed level during the rotation.
April 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. Take a look at the 5 Minutes to Master Rotation. I know you have watched/drilled before. However, the rotation drills from Namaste and hinged forward should help calm down how much you want to over engage the pull down of the trail blade.
April 12, 2016
Thanks for these drills Chris. No mention of hip bump for axis tilt though. I think Chuck said he would beat anyone who doesn't have axis tilt in his winter training series. Do you recommend these drills without axis tilt? Thanks.
April 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. You missed it. Chris didn't point it out directly. But, wanted you to master the setup before starting the drills. Therefore, yes you will need proper tilt. Chuck, Chris and Myself will beat anyone without tilt .
April 11, 2016
Thanks Craig. I just couldn't see Chris actually demonstrating axis tilt as he showed the drills. I am only an amateur though at swing reviews, sorry. I have become more aware of axis tilt so I guess it is a good sign. Thanks.
April 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. No worries. That is a good sign that you are starting to be more aware of what a good swing needs to be/have. I like that.
April 11, 2016
Losing my spine angle has been my biggest issue. But this past week, I worked on all the drills very slow and filmed myself making corrections along the way. By the end of the week, I have complete about 800 reps. I then went and played on Sat. I decided to not keep score but just go out and fine tune my ball striking. I was amazed at how well I hit the ball. On one par 5, I reached the green in 2 and had a 20 footer for eagle. (Missed it but walked away with a birdie). What was so amazing, is it felt like I didn't even swing? Also, I was hitting my short irons very crisp and flying the green on some of them. It made me realize that I may have to club down now. I walked away from that round with a boost of confidence that I am on the right path. I have been an RST member for 3 years and I am continuing to improve little by little. So, if you are struggling, just stay at it and pull through. Thanks for the videos Chris!!
April 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chan. Thanks for the post. I love hearing some success stories and break throughs when working on the swing. I hope the members take note that with proper work you can start to improve little by little. All the best and keep up the hard work! Appreciate your support over the years.
April 11, 2016
Thanks for the video. When we do the drills with the club, do we set the end of the club on the ground like we are setting up to a ball and then go thru takeaway and backswing to the top?
April 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Larry. You can hover a little bit or ground the club head. Grounding it will probably help make the move bleed over more into your normal swing.
April 8, 2016
Hey this is an outstanding video by Chris. He's a great instructor, and great on camera. This will help me load more on my right side, because in all my reviews by Craig, he really pings on me about posting up on my right side. Craig I promise you'll see improvement. After viewing week 2 video, that release will be fixed also. I've also recommended the website to numerous others and they're really impressed by you guys and the site. Thanks goodness for ROTARY SWING website. Member for life.
April 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hubert. Thanks for the kind words about Chris's video and the site. I was thinking this video would help out a lot of my online review students. Get to work and get the reps in. We should start to see some results. Also, thanks for the recommendations to other compadres.
April 8, 2016
Hello, I am not sure to clearly understand ( new on the site and french!), why it is necessary to do drills so many times? If you are able to do it once, why not able to do it for ever?
April 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jacques. The issue has to do with redoing a motor pattern. Changing a swing is like breaking a bad habit. Once, you do something enough the brain knows no other way to perform a particular motion. It takes 100 reps before the brain starts to learn a new motor pattern. And, typically after 1000 you will begin to get very proficient at performing the new move. 3000-5000 to master. Take a look at the Truths of Instruction Videos.
April 8, 2016
By the way, there is a cool free app called VC100 that will do all of the audible counting for you. You just set the app to do the number of sets and reps you want and then you can concentrate on doing the drills rather than thinking "How many was that?" Hope that helps
April 6, 2016
Great little app, thanks for recommending. Ideal for the lazier folks like me as it pushes you into finishing all of your reps.
May 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chan. Thanks for the post. I will check it out and I'm sure our members appreciate more helpful tools. Always looking for new and better ways to train.
April 6, 2016
Just to say this routine is absolutely great. It wakes up the trail side to post on and rotate around so much better than anything. The other great thing is that it's got a target set of reps for the week that pressure you to work on it before the next video. I love the way the heel into the ground invites your right side to just engage and rotate around it and I am already seeing my head more still and right legs flexing. These are my 2 big issues at the moment so keep up the good work Chris
April 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Thanks for the compliments of the video. Can't wait to hear about more progress and improvement in the swing with the new series.
April 5, 2016
to chris, very good start of this video series, i can't find the next video. is it available yet as of 4/5 16 ?
April 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. Thanks for the compliments of our video. The next part has yet to be released. We will send out an email notification when available.
April 5, 2016
This is such a great drill for triple digit golfers. After two 100 rep sections I played a round and wow. Nearly every iron and wedge shot was hit with compression! Man you can really hear the ball spin when it's struck with that type of shot. About half of the shots I took from the 150 hit the green! Can't wait for the next one.
April 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. Thanks for the post. We will keep that swing going in the right direction. Get some good repetitions in until the next video.
April 4, 2016
To get 1000 reps done in 7 days needs roughly 140 per day. Is it better to do 140 in one go or spread out over the day for best results?
April 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Cliff. Depends on who you ask . I prefer when a student can get at least a minimum of 100 in one session or go because learning starts to grab hold better.
April 4, 2016
Ok thanks. Will do!
April 4, 2016
Hey Chris or Craig! On the 2nd & 3rd part of the drill (with club flipped and club normal) do we continue to lift the trail heel and push in the ground? Thanks
April 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chan. Yes, continue lifting the trail heel when adding the club back into the mixture. Good catch.
April 4, 2016
Hi, Thanks for a great video! I have noticed my head moves in the wrong way in the swing, but not in a way you mentioned as far I as I understood it. Looking down the line, towards the target, my head moves backwards in the back-swing, away from the target line by a good few inches, although it doesn't raise vertically and when viewed from the front it moves away from the target maybe a couple of inches. I manage to get it back to the right position at impact, but I think this back (towards the heels) and forward towards the toes rocking motion must lead to inconsistency. Any idea how to stop this movement? It is really ingrained in what I do, and really hard to stop! Cheers, Cliff
April 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Cliff. This drill will help with the above described head motion as well. Nevertheless, check the rotation around the spine. Work on the Golf Body Rotation Video. You need to master rotating around the spine versus coming up and out of posture. There is more than likely a little push from the lead side going back.
April 4, 2016
Hi. Is it okay to lift the left heel a bit as you shift the weight to the right?
April 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Ideally, try to keep the lead heel on the ground when drilling to minimize the potential of body sway.
April 4, 2016
Great video. When the hips rotate, are you posting on the forward leg and the back hip rotates back some,, or are you posting on the back leg with the forward hip rotating towards the ball? Thanks.
April 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. You will be positing on the back leg allowing the forward hip to get pulled or follow the motion set forth by trail side pulling.
April 3, 2016
One thing I noticed when doing this exercise in front of a mirror is the shoulder angle can be dramatically changed be the amount of axis tilt. Should the shoulders have any angle forward or reverse after the right leg is fully loaded?
April 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. When the right leg is fully loaded the shoulders should be away from the target and not forward or reversed towards it.
April 3, 2016
I guess what I'm trying to say is should the left shoulder be further from the ground then the right or should they be equally when you have them rotated 45 degree and have the right leg loaded?
April 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. The hinge forward from the hips will create some tilt in the shoulder plane. You don't want to push the lead shoulder down, but the lead will be a little closer to the ground.
April 4, 2016
Craig, Thank you so much for the simple rigor of these exercises. I worked on this first exercise between rounds one night and just with this first video and only a few hundred reps I took 13 strokes off my game. Obviously, if I had room to take 13 strokes off I am not very good to begin with, but now I have some hope to drastically reduce my 24 handicap in the next couple of months.
April 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. Great. Happy to hear progress already being made!
April 3, 2016
Which occurs first? The arms leading to the backswing? Or the hips at its 45 degrees torque?
April 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. You will begin pulling with the trail shoulder blade which will help you reach the 45 degree of separation for torque.
April 1, 2016
Yes, but at the end of the takeaway, what degrees should my right hip be?
April 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. At the end of the takeaway the weight should be shifted into the trail glute and with minimal hip rotation.
April 2, 2016
Hello is this 1,000 reps of each drill or 1,000 total? Also does one balance the amount each day over the 6 days?
April 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. The 1000 reps are total. You can balance the amount each day over the period. The goal would be to get a minimum of at least 100 a day for learning purposes. The higher you go. If you notice things start to go astray. Back down a step in the drill sequence to get back on the horse and smooth the motion out.
April 1, 2016
Just wondering if it is better to let the head move horizontal right up to 2 inches on the backswing OR would it be better to setup with the head already off the ball 2 inches right. I notice some pros keep the head very fixed on the backswing but still get the weight over to the right. Or are both methods OK?
April 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello PJ. I would rather you be neutral at setup and allow for the head to move due to the shift. Both methods are ok. But, you can lose a sense of balance and momentum if you preset the head or weight.
April 1, 2016
Great video Chris!! I am the guy whose head moves vertically. I have been fighting it for awhile. I noticed that it moves about an inch or two but I am able to get back down to the ball but Aaron pointed out that this is unnecessary movement. I also noticed that my head moves back some as well causing me to hit the ball off the toe. I compensate by setting the club up with the ball near the heel. Can't wait to work on this series.!!
March 31, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chan. Thanks. Happy to hear we have a new video/series to tighten up that swing for you.
April 1, 2016
One more question, do you think using the Rotary Connect on the knees during this drill can help one focus to maintain knee flex?
April 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chan. Using the Rotary Connect on this drill wouldn't inhibit your progress with motion. It may also help if you start pushing with the lead knee you will know you aren't pulling back allowing it to follow the motion.
April 2, 2016
Is not another cause of your head coming up, a loss of flexibility and then when swinging your arms past this level, your arms start to pull your body into extension? Also Mike Austin's trail leg does extend somewhat as does Bubba Watson's - what does Rotary Swing say about this? I note there is a video on your site analysing Mike Austin's swing. Thank you
March 31, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Michael - The head moving vertically should not be attributed to loss of flexibility at all. You can rotate your shoulders on a stable lower base and keep the head very quiet. Some people might not have as much range of motion in the upper body rotation but generally if you move from the correct parts you should be good to go. Yes, Mike Austin and Bubba and several other players straighten the trail leg. We steer very clear of teaching what tour pros do in their swings as that ha been the major issue with golf instruction forever. There is a Mike Austin video in the tour pro section.
April 1, 2016
Thank you (I think your weight shift video including the faults is great)
April 1, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
My pleasure Michael and glad you liked the video.
April 1, 2016
Hi Looking forward to trying to improve with this six video series. Can I ask , for a right handed golfer, on the backswing, does the right knee move forward , or can it move slightly towards the ball as you turn your shoulders and hips. Can I ask so ask what other topics you are planning to cover over the next 6 weeks? Can not wait to get my reps in over the next 6 weeks. Enjoying all of your recent videos, keep them coming. Regards Alan
March 31, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Alan, the right knee should not move at all in these drills. In a perfect world, you might lose just a tiny bit of flex in it but it should never move towards the ball. Can't give away the secrets of the videos They will be good though we promise.
April 1, 2016

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