Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 6 of 6

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Video 6 in our 6 part series, "Play the Best Golf Of Your Life In 6 Weeks" - this golf lesson and drill will show you how to create increased distance and swing speed with proper release and golf swing extension.

In the final video of our 6 part golf lesson series, we are going to give you golf drills and golf instruction that will address proper golf club release and swing extension in your golf swing. 

With all the basic elements of the golf swing covered in videos 1 -5, we are ready to talk about how to create extension in your golf swing that will result in increased swing speed and more distance.

The key to properly releaseing the golf club and getting extension in your golf swing is to allow the golf club to extend and pull your hands and arms through the impact zone.  This carry over swing momentum, when properly executed using the RotarySwing golf system, will create the extension that tour players achieve in their golf swing. 

A simple golf drill that you can use to perfect your swing extension is to:

1. Keep the buttons on your shirt BEHIND the belt buckle when you impact the golf ball.  If your buttons pass your buckle during the golf swing, it means that you are opening too soon and losing power and extension. 

2. Keeping the golf club on a good path by using the "buttons" drill, will keep even weight transfer and prevent poor weight shift.  The two factors play a big part in whether or not you can acheive maximum golf swing extension. 

In today's video, we're going to be talking about how to get some good extension into your finish position. I know a lot of amateur golfers tend to struggle with getting that dreaded chicken wing look and they tend to have a lot of extra body rotation down in the hitting area which in turn can start to cause erratic ball striking. It can make you release a little bit late.

                So I want to spend a few minutes just kind of recapping some of the stuff that we've already covered over the first five weeks. Video number one we were talking about minimizing that head movement. Trying to get a little bit more centered in your golf swing. That way you start to eliminate a lot of moving parts that are going to affect bad ball striking. Also we've discussed early extension of the spine. We've discussed how to shake out tension with your hands and your arms. So the way this video series is designed is that if you ever start to develop some of these faults in your golf swing, you can always circle back to any of these videos at any particular time, revisit the drills, spend a lot of time going through those repetitions over that next week or so and then you'll start to shake out some of that bad stuff and start playing some of your good golf again.

                So the drill this week to help kind of tie it all together is how we're going to create proper extension. I know in some of the previous weeks we talked about how to control the bottom of the swing arc and getting the club to bottom out in the same spot every single time. Now what we're going to be talking about is what we're going to do after impact here. And a lot of people are like, "Well Chris, why does that even matter? The golf ball's already gone."

                Well things that happen post-impact are ways for us to reverse diagnose things that are going on in the golf swing so if you do see yourself getting that dreaded chicken wing look, why is this happening? Well let's talk about that for a second here. So if you were to have both hands directly out in front of you and you were to push your lead arm across your center, keep pushing, pushing, pushing, what's your trail arm going to eventually do here? Okay, it's going to break. I'm sorry, this would be my actual, my lead arm on my left side pushing my trail arm across my center. You can see that my arm starts to break.

                So we can understand that if you're battling with too much of that right-side dominance down there, we can figure out ways to give you drills so that post-impact you don't have that particular chicken wing look. So what we're going to be doing, we're going to be looking for ... When you shift your weight over to your left side and you get things nice and stacked up ... We've talked about the left shoulder, left hip socket, left knee and left ankle being right stacked on top of each other. Now what I want you to do, when you're releasing the club and your wrists and forearms are extending out in front of you, is ... I want you to keep the buttons on your shirt behind your belt buckle. If you notice that your buttons are getting on top of your belt buckle or in front of your belt buckle, that's when you're going to start to use too much of the trail side of your body.

                So let's show you what looks like here. When I start to push really hard, you can see now my buttons are really stacked up on top of my belt buckle here. So my goal now is what I'm going to do here is after I get my left side stacked up, I'm going to keep my buttons back, keep my head back and I'm going to allow the club to pull me up into a finish. But I want to keep my buttons back as long as humanly possible.

                Let's show you again here in slow motion. So shift left, left side of the body stacked up, keep my buttons back. You're going to notice that my shoulder plane is going to start to steepen quite a bit. That's going to help hold the hands and arms out in front of the body.

                So let me show you from this angle here. Shift left. So I keep my buttons back. You can notice that my shoulder plane starts to steepen a little bit. This is a great way to start to develop some good, good extension in your golf swing. It also helps the club stay on a good path that's going to help you start keeping the ball more on target, more often.

                Okay, guys? So that's video number six. I wish you guys all much success with this over the next week or so. Get your thousand reps in of this and you'll start to hit the ball more consistently, more solidly every single ...

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Craig - in my review Saturday you mentioned that “I was getting out ahead of the ball and diving at it with my shoulders” I watched this drill as well and tried to have this feeling which seemed to help tonight at the range but I felt like my lower body was kicking out past NJA as my upper tilted back (secondary axis tilt). My first thought was that I was pushing with my right leg but leg remained soft even though I could get my hip out past NJA. My miss was thin and right or solid
October 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. You might have been. But, you were over doing moving the shoulders in the downswing versus letting them get pulled. The shoulders don't have very far to go into the strike. Quiet shoulders as the lead stays down. If you go back to Dead Drill 2 you will see just how small the movement is in the transition with the shoulders. From there with some hips they will come around. You don't need to do anything with them, or you will get that dive appearance.
October 9, 2019
Any more suggestions for videos or drills to help cure a chicken wing? 5 and 6 help. Working on the reps,but not consistently getting my belt buckle fully around. Should I think of loading the left hip or forward hip in the downswing similar to loading the trail hip in the back swing?
April 16, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Shifting and loading into the lead glute is a necessity in the transition. I can't think of anymore videos. The key is understanding the Chicken Wing comes from over use of the trail side during the release (Cure the Chicken Wing Video). The better you release (Vijay Release and 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release). The more the Chicken Wing will subside.
April 17, 2017
April 17, 2017
I'm confused about secondary axis tilt? Is this to be done on every club or just the driver? Can you walk me through how to get this setup position down ? I've tried it a couple of times on the course and I hit the biggest drive of my life but when I tried it with a 5 iron I shanked it? thanks GWC
May 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Glen. On every shot there will tend to be some secondary axis tilt. You will setup with axis tilt (Fixing Your Setup, Hip bump/Axis Tilt, Importance of Axis Tilt Video) and then on the way down you will have secondary axis tilt. Only with the Driver (Proper Tee Height Video and Driver Launch Angle Video) will you need to increase secondary tilt for max launch and distance. I wouldn't try to increase the secondary tilt with a 5 iron.
May 19, 2016
I know your head is supposed to be behind the ball. I can do it and see it with a driver and my other woods. With the irons? I don't this it's possible with a pitching wedge without hitting it thin. We want the hands ahead of the ball with an iron so how am I supposed to keep my head behind the ball?
May 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey David. The ball position should be proper at setup. This will help keep the head behind the ball at impact. The shorter the club. The less secondary tilt you will want to have due to launch angle. You can still shift and keep the lead shoulder down without the head getting too far forward if you start from the ground up. Use Step 2 and 3 in the RST 5 Step System to get the sequence right. Also, the Face On Impact Alignments and Level Shoulders Drill to see impact and how keeping the lead shoulder down you will still keep the head behind the ball.
May 22, 2016
Is there some lateral shift with the left side on the way down or is it all a turning of the lift hip?
May 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Glen. Solely rotating will not shift the weight. You need to pull the weight over to the lead side. Take a look at Fixing Your Weight Transfer and the Weight Shift Video Part 1.
May 20, 2016
Excellent material.
May 18, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Keith.
May 18, 2016
Outstanding series; drilling hard now and looking forward to playing again this summer! Thanks to all of you at Rotary Swing!
May 17, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Glad you enjoyed the series Roderick and hope you play some awesome golf this summer for sure.
May 18, 2016

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