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Straighten and Lengthen Your Tee Shots w/ the Driver
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Hitting it longer is not just a result of swinging faster, you have to be able to hit the driver straighter before you'll ever realize your true speed potential. As you'll learn in this golf instruction video, that starts with fixing your swing path. If your path is too severely in to out or out to in, you'll never have the confidence to swing at full speed because you won't be able to consistently control it. With RotarySwing, I teach you how to fix the underlying culprit instead of just chasing symptoms so you can stop searching for band-aid fixes and start striping it off the tee!
4.1 Core Activation - Chair Drill
4.2 Core Activation - Medicine Ball Throws
4.3 Core Activation - Slam Ball
4.4 Core Activation - Punching Bag Power
4.5 20 Yard Wedge Shot Basics
4.6 Skills Assessment Challenge: 20 Yard Shots
4.7 40 Yard Wedge Shots - The Magic!
4.8 GOAT Power Sequence
4.9 The GOAT Drill
4.10 How to Increase Hand Speed - J Release
4.11 The Importance of the Waggle for Speed
4.12 How the Lead Side Works for Power
4.13 Magic of Supination
4.14 80 Yard Shots - Down the Line
4.15 80 yd Shots - Face On
4.16 Tiger Woods 80 yd Face On Reference Video
4.17 How to Coil Around the Trail Leg
4.18 GOAT Backswing
4.19 Rotation & Footwork
4.20 GOAT Downswing - The Whip Effect
4.21 The GOAT 9 to 3 Drill
Is Tiger Woods Golf Swing a Baseball Swing? Pt. 1 of 3
Throw the Club or Push the Club? Pt 2 of 3
Squish the Bug for Effortless Power - Pt 3 of 3
The GOAT Release
The GOAT Release Intro - Endless Conveyor Belt
GOAT Code Secret to Effortless Power - Pt 1 of 4
GOAT Code Effortless Power - Head Movement - Pt 2 of 4
GOAT Code Effortless Power - Using Your Head - Pt 3 of 4
GOAT Code Effortless Power - Take it to the Course - Pt 4 of 4
Creating Torque in the Swing - Pt 1 of 3
Creating Torque in the Golf Swing - Pt 2
Creating Torque - The Magic Pill for the Feel - Pt 3
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)