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4.2 Core Activation - Medicine Ball Throws
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The best and simplest drill to wake up your core and begin to feel the coordination between the arms and body is the medicine ball throw. If you need to buy a medicine ball, here is a link to Amazon to buy the same one I used here: Medicine Ball w/ Handles, 6 pounds
4.1 Core Activation - Chair Drill
4.2 Core Activation - Medicine Ball Throws
4.3 Core Activation - Slam Ball
4.4 Core Activation - Punching Bag Power
4.5 20 Yard Wedge Shot Basics
4.6 Skills Assessment Challenge: 20 Yard Shots
4.7 40 Yard Wedge Shots - The Magic!
4.8 GOAT Power Sequence
4.9 The GOAT Drill
4.10 How to Increase Hand Speed - J Release
4.11 The Importance of the Waggle for Speed
4.12 How the Lead Side Works for Power
4.13 Magic of Supination
4.14 80 Yard Shots - Down the Line
4.15 The GOAT Takeaway
4.16 The GOAT 9 to 3 Drill
Squish the Bug for Effortless Power - Pt 3 of 3
The GOAT Release
The GOAT Release Intro - Endless Conveyor Belt
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