1.8 Add Lead Hand to Putting Stroke

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Once you've got a good feel for putting with the trail hand only, you're probably wondering what you do to get that lead hand to play nicely with your great new putting stroke and how this is going to help you with your full swing. This video will tie those pieces together for you.

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With the new LAB putters, some grips are pre-set in a forward press position. How should someone with such a grip use the “full body” forward press?
February 15, 2025
I have not used one enough to give an answer on this
February 15, 2025
If we are to release the other clubs, like we do with the putter... what if I hinge and hold with my putting stroke through impact? Am I to also feel that same things with the other clubs? In a sense, not much of a release at all?
February 7, 2025
If you do that with all your clubs, you’re going to have no speed
February 8, 2025
Hi Chuck, Happy to hear that it is not a requirement to be able to swing left-handed! Is it correct to say to putt efficiently, that 1. you should tighten the core slightly, 2. initiate the foreword press with the core 3. With the core tightened swing at the ball only with the arms and hands? Best wishes, Jayden
February 1, 2025
Technically all those things are happening, but I wouldn’t get too bogged down in the details of it
February 2, 2025
do you interlock your hands in your putter girp? I can't see it clearly and wondering as I am changing from left hand low to keep consistency etc as also didn't interlock grip on irons etc
January 17, 2025
I do the standard reverse overlap with the putter
January 18, 2025
Is your putter head resting on the ground when you do the forward press? I have the putter head off the ground when I start the back swing, but I find it difficult to keep the putter head still if it is off the ground when doing the forward press.
December 7, 2024
I have it resting on the ground
December 8, 2024
Hi Chuck, thanks for your answer. I am a very good putter and putt with the putter running up my palm. Over the years I changed my grip, to my good. Looking at Tiger’s unique left-hand grip, do you think it would be beneficial to change my grip; so that number one, the putter runs under the butt of the left hand and not threw the palm, number two so I would improve my putting? Best wishes, Jayden
November 17, 2024
Either one can work the same. Experiment with both to find which feels best for you
November 17, 2024
Hello Chuck. I’ve moved to the trail arm approach. My putting, however, is much better cross-handed. The stroke, however, uses the right (trail) side hand to swing the putter. The left (usually) lead is only used to keep the putter head square. The right (trail/high) hand grips the putter with a hinged grip, while the left hand is held in a weak position (think Hogan’s swing). The weak left hand helps keep the putter head square and makes my putting 2-3x better. Is it OK to use this type of putting stroke and remain with the trail side approach? I still hit with the right hand. Thank you in advance. James
November 7, 2024
Yes for sure. The putting bit is a little bit optional but when you get into chipping, you need to follow the program in order to have a great feel for the club face as we add speed.
November 8, 2024
Hello chuck, Here is my putting video after doing 2 days of the 1-7 videos. I have used two balls to act as pin as well. One hands and two hands. Core with curved back help to control more. Starting to feel the leading hand in control. Ball direction has improved 100%

October 19, 2024
Hey Thomas, looking really good but your shoulders and head are rotating toward the target. Let the right hand hit to add power to the stroke rather than trying to rotate your shoulders and your stroke will stop much shorter.
October 20, 2024
Thanks sir I will video more sessions to study my head and shoulders.
October 20, 2024
Hello chuck, here is another video of me controlling my head and shoulders for more leading club head power. Thoughts?

October 22, 2024
Chuck: A few months ago, I switched to Lefthand Low putting style with a Heavy Belly Putter with Armlock grip. In such case, how should practice one handed putting drill, keeping my left hand is closest to the putter head. Thanks.
October 19, 2024
You would need to put with a conventional grip to get a feel for this or skip it and move to chipping
October 19, 2024
Thank you.
October 19, 2024
Hi Chuck, I came across Brandt Snedeker “pop” putting technique. Is it applicable to TW putting style? If yes, could you explain it? -As you said, top players are not necessarily the best teachers… thanks. Stefano
October 16, 2024
No idea, don't follow him
October 16, 2024
Adding my lead hand it’s like my lead hand fights the release. is it good to try and just use the lead hand by itself for a little bit.
October 3, 2024
Sorry meant my lead wrist.. it wants to pull especially in bigger swings
October 3, 2024
This is very common and just takes a little bit to get used to, but as you add it back in there, you will want to feel like it does nothing if it’s pulling that’s because you’re used to using it and in a trailside pattern it is not needing to pull so you just need to train it to be more submissive to the trail hand
October 6, 2024
Hi Chuck, I have at the moment about 200 reps on this drill. Had Anthony to review my one hand drill too, before stepping on 2 hands one. Well, I have to say that I didn’t feel very much of a problem adding the second hand…the sound of the stroke is also ok, most of the time. Trying to exaggerate the forward press, to get used to it. In any case, I never felt so confident while putting before this drill. Probably need to work more on my hinge, but feeling GREAT so far Still 500 reps required on this drill? Thanks, regards. Stefano
September 25, 2024
That's awesome! It's great to hear how many members are becoming so confident in their putting, that's the one word I keep hearing over and over
September 25, 2024
Finished about 350 trail hand puts and have gained lots of confidence with all my puts including the 25/30 footers. My question is, I have always used the interlocking grip for every club including my putter. I feel lots of confidence with it now using my dominant trail hand. Do you think I should I should change my grip or stay with it?
September 18, 2024
No need to change your grip as long as you feel good with your trail hand on there and have control, you're good to go
September 18, 2024
Hi. Thanks for brilliant instructions and drills! Love the concept of building the moves from putt to drive. To make sure I'm doing this right, could you please state which muscles are initiating the forward press? Obliques, abdominal muscles, or?
September 17, 2024
Thanks Atle, it's a bit of everything, although the body movements are very subtle, but the entire body is involved. As you progress through the program, especially into pitching, I discuss the forward press in more detail but for here, just let your whole body move a little to help press the hands forward.
September 18, 2024
For the putting, is it necessary to do the forward press? If you don't do that as the trigger to start the motion, should you at least lock in that forward press to all the AOA better on the rolls?
September 9, 2024
I was never a fwd press guy - until I started working on Tiger's movements. In a lead side pattern, it tends to get the club behind the hands. But in a trail side pattern it loads the trail wrist into extension early and allows you to focus on the body movement. I wouldn't say it's a requirement and it does take a little getting used to, but it makes the entire movement more fluid and easier to perform once you get some time with. If you don't want to do it still, locking in the wrist can help as well as you suggest for AoA, but it tends to make you feel a bit stiff and rigid.
September 9, 2024
Done around 300 trail hand putts and definitely seeing the positives in fact getting quite excited until I put the lead hand on. Seems to hamper the movement and feels odd. I changed on Rotary’s recommendation to lead arm low and just starting to get results but trail hand does feel more positive. So my issue is what do I do with my lead hand as I’m not too sure what or how to grip. Maybe it’s not important but I guess I need a hand on there somehow.
September 6, 2024
Hey Paul, you're starting to taste the magic! You will see quick positive results that will do wonders for your confidence, and then the moment you put that lead hand on there it will feel like it just fell apart. Happened to me and everyone I've talked to on here who has gone through it - consider it a right of passage! The lead arm coming back on will begin to teach you how to start moving your whole body to move the putter and that's why it feels foreign, but fear not, it's an important and invaluable lesson that will just take a few hundred reps and then you will be ready for chipping where you make even bigger gains that will lead into the full swing.
September 6, 2024
Wondering about the "power source" for longer putts. I have very good accuracy and can swing through the putting gates from within 10' pretty regularly with one or two hands on the club. However, on 15-20' or longer putts with one hand I am pretty accurate, but with two hands I come up well short. My grip pressure on my trail hand feels like a 5-6 while my lead hand is a one or two and breaks down post impact. So my question is, should I focus on releasing the club with more force or do the shoulders put force in the putt and the release force remains the same as the five footers? Hope that makes sense.
September 5, 2024
Everything will move more - weight, shoulders, core, arms - for longer putts, but don't be afraid to use more right hand to give it a confident, firm "rap" with the hand.
September 6, 2024
2 handed DTL. I'm getting about 90% success of missing the gates on the mirror.

September 2, 2024
Stroke is looking great man. One little adjustment that will help is getting a little more "hit" with the right hand. This will shorten up your follow through and give you more positive action through the strike so that you feel more control of the face at the moment of impact.
September 3, 2024
Hey Chuck, here's 2 handed FO. I feel pretty good with this, but still occasionally am brushing the tee gates on the mirror. I still wonder if I'm not getting enough hinge.

September 2, 2024
Yep, exactly as you said, a little more hinge will give you a little more hit and a more compact follow through.
September 3, 2024
I'm comparing myself to Tiger's video and I see a couple differences. 1) he has more hinge at setup. 2) his shoulders look like they have more tilt...mine are more level. Are those accurate? If so, I'm wondering if a small setup change could help. Thoughts?
September 3, 2024
Hinge in his hips or wrists? Can you post a side by side comparison of the two you are looking at?
September 3, 2024
Here' what I'm referring to. His shoulders are steeper. His right wrist is more hinged. His putter shaft looks a little more vertical which could be just the way it comes out of the heel of the putter.
September 3, 2024
Ah yep, the handle should be vertical or slightly forward (definitely fwd after the press) and that will help tilt the shoulders and give you more control with the right hand as it will make it easier to maintain more hinge through the strike.
September 3, 2024
Working on a better setup (left eye over back of the ball). These pictures are after the forward press and right before hitting the putt. Is the shaft lean on today's version too far forward? Video has 4 putts of different length followthrough. I'm still working on holding the hinge and releasing the proper distance. I think the 3rd one is the best. 4th one I even hit the gate a little...just to show it's not always perfect Any thoughts are welcome. I'm now about 350 putts in and hoping to get to 500 before the weekend. I'll be playing a couple times next week so will be interested to see how all this putting training translates on the course.

September 4, 2024
shaft lean at impact looks great and the second stroke in the video is really solid. Only tweak is starting to make your forward press and start of your backstroke all one motion, which will just take a little trust and time, but your stroke looks very, very good.
September 4, 2024
I putt left hand low. Is that something that has to go? Bill
September 1, 2024
Doesn't have to, but there is a lot of magic in learning how to control the face with the trail hand that breeds into the full swing as you'll see.
September 2, 2024
Should you hinge with the right hand in full swing?
August 28, 2024
The same hinge and hold not letting the toe rotate over
August 28, 2024
That is part of the move, yes, but as the swing gets longer there is more movement than just the hinge as you'll see as you work through the series
August 28, 2024
My putter movement has always static, all arms, the problem I realized is that it carried to my iron and driver swings, doing this putter drill has created more fluidity in my other shots. I played in a scramble yesterday and was able to practice this in a relaxed atmosphere, by halfway through the round we were using my drives and having me putt last as the confident stroke if others failed.
August 27, 2024
That's huge Harold! Exactly the goal of working through it in this order, each small piece leads into the bigger swing in a more manageable way to learn it.
August 27, 2024
Chuck might disown me for this one: went to the broomstick putter and it’s elite. You’re doing everything with the right hand, and hitting lines is next to automatic. I’ll get some video of the stroke next time I’m out.

August 26, 2024
That's one nice looking putter, Michael!
September 29, 2024
This will be interesting to see how these drills transfer over from the broomstick to the chipping videos coming out next
August 26, 2024

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