The GOAT Release

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This is how I believe the GOATs release the golf club to create so much speed with so little effort.

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I am confused… In the video called the "Goat Power Sequence" you talk about how it is imperative for the Goat arm with the right elbow pit facing out to sync up with the rotation of the core through the strike so that there is face stability...but here you are talking about club pivoting in the trail hand so that the wrists snap and how, to do this effectively, the body/core have to "stay quiet" or else the speed of the snap will be hindered. Can you please clarify this for me? It appears to me as if you are discussing to totally different release techniques.
February 2, 2025
I am not saying that they have to stay quiet. They just need to be braced for the wrist to release but that happens late in the swing, but they have to be active before that in order to provide the initial hand speed.
February 2, 2025
I understand the supination and rotation pieces, but not the deviation when you are talking about the right wrist action. Could you please explain what you mean by "deviation"?
January 31, 2025
Ulnar deviation where the wrist extends downward toward the owner bone
February 1, 2025
When I try to pivot the club as you are doing it the top of handle bangs into my right forearm when it kicks there a fix for this? What am I doing wrong?
January 31, 2025
that's a flip, you are way overdoing the release and too overactive with your hands, which means your body isn't moving correctly
January 31, 2025
Should it feel more like a last-second scoop and not your right hand rotating over your left hand at impact?
January 17, 2025
I would never use the word scoop but if you take a look at the J release video, it will help you better understand how the wrist is releasing
January 17, 2025
Is the trail wrist deviating or rotating when the club strikes the ball?
January 17, 2025
Yes, but this all happens very quickly and not something you want to consciously try and do nor control
January 18, 2025
I was asking which one, deviation or rotation. Or it the transition from deviation to rotation?Just curious which motion is happening when the ball is struck.
January 18, 2025
You can’t isolate just one movement as again it is happening much too fast but the sequence is there is supination initially, and then it quickly snaps into deviation and pronation, and that is happening through the strike
January 18, 2025
Chuck, this video by far has had the biggest impact on me. Watching your swing at the end really is helping me put this all together. I just got home from the range (it’s 25° out in Ma) and I was just creaming the ball. The less I “tried” to hit the ball the faster the release goes. At first I thought: whoa what just happened there? Once I felt it, it TOTALLY clicked!!! I had a golf epiphany. Using my posterior muscles to get into my posture completely freed up all the tension. I need to video this swing and send it for a review but it feels so smooth and I’m so on balance as the speed literally feels like it builds so gradually and my glutes and hamstrings feel powerful. Just getting way more out of it than I’m feel like I’m putting in. As long as I keep the right shoulder back on the way down I feel like I can’t miss the center. The season can’t get here fast enough. The membership to your site has been the best money I’ve ever spent (36years) in golf hands down. Beyond that I feel compelled to buy you a drink! Cannot thank you enough and keep up the fantastic work! I’m a huge fan!!!
January 15, 2025
YES!!! The effort to payoff level is like 10:1. It's why Tiger always made it look so easy. Coil around that trail hip and let it rip.
January 16, 2025
I still experience some problem with the proper snap release. As I understand it correctly in order to get a snap release the R-hand makes that specif move at transition. In order not to release to early the L shoulder should be for some time in protraction with the L humerus separated from the thorax. During "post" the left shoulder retracts and the snap occurs. Right? At times I experience a snap hook. At least the snap works well; albeit too early. Is this caused by an early move of my R shoulder instead of holding it back?
November 19, 2024
I'm working on this as my next video to really make it clear as it's really just the core doing all the work. No arms, no shoulders, no hands. They all snap when the core moves correctly and it feels amazing! Focus on your core movements like in the GOAT Drill and keep the arms out of it
November 19, 2024
I’m turning and shifting weight and hitting fat 70%. What a drill to release after impact? My trail hand is too active I guess?
September 13, 2024
Hi Charles, I would highly highly recommend you start working through the new TW goat code to understand what causes these faults rather than trying to fix something happening at full speed. The new program is specifically designed to teach you how to understand how to fix these issues on the spot.
September 13, 2024
I’ve been through it many times but still hit it fat
September 13, 2024
The series is brand new and just released last week
September 13, 2024
I went to the range at hit 200 balls, feeling I was hitting it with my right hand. I used TW set up and grip. I hit it really solidly, but with a over-draw/hook. I hadn't seen this video at that point. If I released the club more under my hands, it felt like a flip but it kept it straighter, is that how it should feel. The distances were still good and the apex was till under 90ft with all clubs so I couldn't have been adding loft.
September 12, 2024
Yep, I highly recommend you start working through the TW GOAT Code drills to get a feel for this.
September 12, 2024
I set up at the impact position drill and still hit it fat and I’m on my lead leg?
August 30, 2024
Got a video? Typically that's because you're firing the arm and not engaging the core
August 30, 2024
Do u mean not turning the hips?
August 30, 2024
You actually don't really "turn" your hips, although that's a common way of expressing it. You turn your core and your hips turn as a result of it
August 30, 2024
I see. When set up in impact drill with hands on lead thigh I still hit it fat.
August 30, 2024
Ya, then it's most likely what I said before.
August 30, 2024
Can you point me exactly to the goat code TW tab? Is that one video under TW goat code or the goat code ‘ simplicity of tigers swing ‘? There seems to be so many videos
August 29, 2024
Sorry, yes it's the TW GOAT Code, those are all brand new videos that we released this week
August 29, 2024
Sorry . Typo . Chuck , not Hick. And question marks at end were emojis thanking you !
August 29, 2024
Thanks. Hick . Will do . Just to say that watching that swing of yours over and over again last night really paid off!! I drove the ball longer and straighter than ever today and my playing partners said it looked effortless !!????????
August 29, 2024
Awesome Mark! I used to have the same experience when I lived in Florida. I taught a tour pro at Isleworth and used to practice over there with him. Every time Tiger was on the range I'd hit balls by him and go out and hit the ball so well just by trying to be as smooth as he looked!
August 29, 2024
Your swing at 40 mins is poetry in motion. Give anything to do this and been playing 48 years! And play off scratch! Still have nowhere near enough this balance and rhythm . When I just try and move hands fast my body lgs behind and my hands flip over shut. How do you sync up body to keep face passive ?
August 29, 2024
Thanks Mark, the key to syncing up the arms and body is the core. The core is literally what connects the lower and upper halves of the body to make them move in sync. There are 4 new core videos that are in the GOAT Code TW tab, check them out and it will help you feel how to finally coordinate the body to all move as one.
August 29, 2024
There's 16 videos on this! which ones specifically please?
August 29, 2024
The ones titled core activation, but keep in mind this series is designed to be gone through in the order they are listed for the best results.
August 29, 2024
So when you say the pressure needs to shift forward, this needs to happen while your upper center of mass stay back?
July 20, 2024
Your sternum and head will typically shift forward a little bit during the transition in most all players swings, but this move happens very very quickly, and you will want to feel more so that you are staying back because the ground pressure pushing back on your right leg will help move the whole body forward. You shouldn’t have to try and do that.
July 20, 2024
Chuck…I’ve worked a lot on the GOAT wrist release drills and I’m having a continuous struggle squaring the club at IMPACT.. I get maybe three solid hits per round and even that varies day to day.. HELP
June 9, 2024
Need a lot more info than that to help, could be 50 different things. Sounds like you need to get a swing review so we can see what's really happening
June 10, 2024
Chuck, the clearest most articulate description of the right arm/hand and particularly the fulcrum middle finger (who was ever told this?)! Can't wait to start working on this with real balls. Will report back. It just feels amazing hitting whiffle balls in the yard.
June 6, 2024
Thanks Vincent! Let me know how it goes!
June 6, 2024
Hi Chuck - one Q: Do you have a feeling of deliberately (forcefully?) using your right hand wrist through impact, OR are you just letting your the hands 'go' with a loose grip during your unwinding? Thanks! Best Peter
June 3, 2024
I've experimented with both and both work depending on how you move your body. There's not necessarily a wrong or right way as you can hit great shots either way. If your body movement is good, I feel the move is more passive. If your body isn't moving too well, the right hand will be more active but this can lead to inconsistency.
June 3, 2024
This question is interesting to me because I have the same thoughts. Your "passive" explanation is clear which seems to work for me, but to me, it is in conflict with "throwing" the club at the ball unless the instruction is throw from the top and let the club passively release. Thoughts?
July 5, 2024
The throw is with the wrists, not the arm, that's where most get confused.
July 5, 2024
Thanks! Best regards Peter
June 3, 2024
Seems like we'd want a weaker lead hand grip then if we want it more passive right? I can see how having a strong lead hand grip would impede getting that snap at the bottom
May 30, 2024
No. While some do like Rahm, many don't like Tiger. Having a stronger left hand grip makes it easier to square the face requiring less hand rotation
May 30, 2024
So I’ve been seriously a Guinea pig for this GOAT series as I’ve really followed along since the beginning… As I go back through my notes I’m finding that a lot changed Along the way as you dove deeper… I have finally realized that after years of lead side practice, reps, drills, courses and then Axiom power program and now Goat code… I have worked myself in to one hell of a hybrid swing… Right side, Axiom power and Goat code, resonate and feel natural… But I’ve got a lot of lead side ingrained. I seem to have lost what the lead wrist should do as at impact it wants to cup a bit instead of bow. I am trying to only focus on trail hand for everything, but I think it’s fighting the left, resulting in no release… Unless I only focus on the endless conveyor release, then it’s a lot better… Is there something we should be doing with the left? Or is my body just confused? I had instant success with Axiom power program but lost release with the goat code… The Axiom power program is said to be the same as the GOAT code. But I do find a difference in the material as you said to essentially take the right arm to full rotation and to tuck it into the side and allow it to naturally release, but the Goat series is saying to allow the right elbow to go out a bit and focus on the fingers to throw, then actively release like the endless conveyor belt… Should we be feeling the right and the left to release? They truly are fighting each other, like the left is holding off the right…
May 28, 2024
You're talking about two different things. I was discussing how a flying right elbow can be ok at the top as it pertains to a throw, but it still has to get back in the same position on the way down.
May 28, 2024
Ya, I get that… But it really does seem like 2 completely different messages. I have spent a crazy amount of time going back through all of the Goat code material, as well as Axiom power program, I went through lead side videos to compare and see if I was wrong and I should be lead side… I found a lot of material that actually overlaps and I realized that Goat is possibly a hybrid of Lead side and trail side… Correct me if I’m wrong… I wish that wasn’t your main take away from that message! I’m just super frustrated as initially this translated well, but now that I’m back playing my swing is getting worse every time out or at the range… When I compare my swing videos I find all the faults… they are multiplying… When I compare my swing to last years it’s nowhere close! I’ve lost my transition, I’m casting and I just do t have a feel! I really should have waited to dine into the Goat code once it was finished and polished! Don’t get me wrong… I believe in it, I comprehend it and it resonates! I’m genuinely excited for what it is! But I’m frustrated it hasn’t translated and I’ve lost some good work I put in over the years… Is it possible that this stuff translates differently for yourself or low handicap then us 10 hdcp guys? I had just gotten a lot of good aspects to stick the last 2 years but had room for improvement! Now I’m caught in no man’s land… I think I know the answer… either dive fully in, commit and get reviews… Or struggle? I just feel that like with Dead drill and Axiom, there should be the same sort of support for us guinea pigs that are proving Goat Code?
May 28, 2024
The obvious answer to me is to get a review! why struggle? You're simply just not realizing what you're doing which happens to even the greatest players in the world. Without seeing what you're doing, I'm simply guessing and it sounds like you are too confused at this point for me to venture a guess because you don't realize what's actually happening and I can assure you, it's something quite simple that you just need to have your eyes opened to.
May 29, 2024
Hey Chuck, thank you for the reply! Ya, I definitely confused the hell out of myself by trying to blend old with new and I see that now! ! I spent a lot of time with it last night, When I do the reps without hitting a ball and only focus on the throwing, everything happens automatically and naturally! I move correctly, I release, I have speed! I just need to translate it to hitting balls! Perhaps too much muscle memory in there when I’m over the ball? Like I said, everything you’ve put out with Goat code makes so much sense, I truly resonate with it! I just have to spend some time with it! The new “J” video makes a lot of sense as well! I am curious how that looks with HACKMOTION? Could you do a short video with your HACKMOTION data so we could compare? Once I spend a little more time with this and see where it takes me, I will reach out! I was wondering if you might do a Bootcamp for this? I think so many of us would love it and benefit! Could answer a lot of the same questions and address a lot of the same issues at the same time! Build a Goat code community! Thank you again! I apologize for the frustration! You are pouring so much time into this and it truly is amazing! Thank you for your hard work and patience!
May 29, 2024
HI Steve, I'm in the process of doing another hackmotion video as they are launching a new version. I have a LOT on my plate, trying to get to all the request as best I can.
May 30, 2024
Thanks so much! I completely understand! Golf season is finally here in Canada… I had pulled hamstring issues so couldn’t practice or play to start the year… So I realize I’m anxious! I apologize for that! Like I mentioned, I’ve followed and tried to incorporate everything from the Goat code as you’ve gone along, definitely overloaded myself and got away from the earlier stuff of making the swing super simple! I really believe in this and wanna see it come together! I do also know that you are trying to teach it and there’s no better feedback than from your students! Everyone learns different, especially if we aren’t + handicaps “yet” Thank you again! Keep up the amazing work!!!
May 30, 2024
Hey there! Finding great success and consistency with this pattern, but it’s causing some tennis elbow especially through the muscles and tendons connected through the middle/ring fingers. My wife is a PT so it’s a professional diagnosis. What am I doing too much of here? Lead side causes back pain, trail side causes tennis elbow… I’m an aging mess! Thank you!
May 25, 2024
Too aggressive use of the right arm. the speed is in the wrist, use the right leg to help drive the body through to avoid "running out of right arm"
May 25, 2024
Thanks, Chuck! I think I understand… a little push from the right foot and flick the wrist? To avoid back injuries, I’m trying not to push too fast off the right leg, but I’m not getting much club head speed dropping into gdp and flicking the wrist… probably why I’m bringing in more right arm? Am I on the right track with right side everything? Trying to avoid more issues.
May 25, 2024
Yep, you nailed it. The back issues can be avoided as long as your upper body is more relaxed and being driven by the right leg. When you start to try and power the arms aggressively the shoulders get involved and the upper body starts want to rotate and this puts more stress on the spine.
May 25, 2024
Awesome! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I think I was starting to feel more of a tennis type of forehand “roll/cup” and that’s where I was having more strain on my middle finger/forearm and feeling like I had to strangle the grip with one finger to not lose the club, instead of uncocking the wrist and allowing the hands to “supinate, deviate, rotate”. Appreciate all you do!
May 25, 2024
To get the conveyor belt feeling I feel like I pull down into gdp with my left pinky and then use the right finger to get the release. This feeling helps me to get into gdp and then snap with the right middle finger throw. If I throw from top I release too early. Am I missing something?
May 24, 2024
You're not clearing your hips enough by driving off the back foot. You shouldn't have to feel that you are pulling down with the left unless your hips aren't moving correctly.
May 24, 2024
Hey Chuck. Around the 40 min mark you say you’re not trying to turn your body and it’s just stabilizing. Are you feeling that in the downswing or does that apply to the backswing as well?
May 22, 2024
I was referring to the downswing here
May 23, 2024
Backswing and downswing speeds seem constant and about equal right up to where the whip takes over just before impact. Is that correct? I find that I hit the ball well with a matched back and down speed. I need to add that whip and natural release to get c tge speed higher at the ball, and only at the ball, right?
May 21, 2024
Absolutely. It needs to be fast going back and down, which will make it feel like a constant rate.
May 21, 2024
Chuck Doesn't the takeaway become naturally more vertical or steep so that this rotary motion of the right hand and pressure of tge middle finger get to a starting point at the top and then the supination goes out and down on the downswing?
May 21, 2024
It could but I don't want to lift the arms in any way to steepen the swing, it's more by the setting of the wrists that creates the vertical movement.
May 21, 2024
I accidentally did this swing 5 months ago played amazing golf for 3 weeks and then I lost it. And then I found you on YouTube so hear I am. Today I went on the range hit two large buckets and I can say that I’m 75% back on that same effortless feeling. A lot of the shots though kept fading and from P-4i I was getting the same distance. That was frustrating. But since it was the first day I can’t complain. No divots. Middle of the face. Solid contact. It seemed that I was out to in a little judging by the bruising of the grass. Any tips?
May 20, 2024
Sounds like you are rotating your body too much or sliding out in front. Your body needs to be relatively quiet in order to not over power the release of the wrists.
May 21, 2024
Thank you. I kind of felt that I was pushing my shoulders forward and turning my body manually instead of letting the club’s velocity do it for me.
May 21, 2024
Yep, that is the likely culprit.
May 21, 2024
Hey Chuck, love your content. I am having trouble reconciling the ideas of throwing from the top and maintaining pressure on the middle finger throughout the swing. When I focus on throwing from the top, I find that at the top of my backswing the pressure briefly switches to the pad of my index finger which is helping to sling the club back down. The pressure then returns to the middle fingieron during the downswing. When I focus on maintaining pressure, I tend to let the club shallow out more as that helps it stay against my middle finger. However, when I do the latter, I find that I’m not able to throw as hard from the top and have a hard time squaring up the club face at impact (typically resulting in a slice). Which motion do you suggest I focus on and is there something I’m missing that helps accomplish both? Appreciate any other insights you might have.
May 17, 2024
Hi Blake, you will feel that first finger pressure point as well, the trick is just to make sure you are not pushing the club up and out (like an over the top move) which is what many golfers want to do when they use this point too soon. But if you feel the club falling into those points instead of you pushing them up you're good to go.
May 20, 2024
Hey Chuck, I like your AI assistant. Pretty slick. I've been working on the middle finger feel. I can squeeze the grip with this finger and with the assist of the others in my rt (trail) hand I can swing as fast as i want, with my right arm only, and still be in full control. To me it feels like pressure on that first joint. When I add the lead arm, I just let it go for the ride and allow all control and holding being done by my right hand. This took a bit of effort as the lead hand wanted to take over. I started to feel a blister forming on the middle finger first joint. I guess I need some tape there. Question, is this all I should be focusing on throughout the swing (middle finger pressure)? To me the throw is natural.
May 15, 2024
The two middle fingers is where the bulk of the focus and feel comes from with the middle being the primary. If you're developing a blister there you're on the right track as that happens generally with the proper throw and release of the club as the grip wants to slide down the fingers a bit due to the centrifugal force.
May 15, 2024
Chuck I got to tell you this is the most exciting change to my swing in 25 yrs. This allows me to use the power source I feel most comfortable with. Why was this so allusive? Why was even the thought of right hand dominant swing so taboo? I hit unreal shots now and my playing partners just say wow. TY. Tenacity pays off.
May 15, 2024
That's a great question because the more I study the GOATs the more I see them using their right hand more than the left, yet all of them warned of using it much at all! Maybe they were just trying to throw everyone off the scent lol
May 16, 2024
It could go back to what you said before. They just do it and may not even be aware of it. I remember an interviewer told Rory that his hip speed was super fast. Rory just looked at him, dumbfounded. Clearly, he never thought about that or cared. I can even see that now with my swing. The right hand throw is becoming engrained. I don't even need to think about it. Thanks again Chuck.
May 16, 2024
You're welcome! That is definitely true for all the tour pros I worked with, they don't have a clue what they're really doing.
May 16, 2024
Chuck, I wanted to ask a favor for an additional video using the hat camera. Similar to how you showed how the club sits in the right middle finger and you included the top down video perspective. I would very much appreciate seeing both hands on the club from the same top down view through the hitting area and the release so we can see exactly how the GOATs hands work from the GDP position through impact and of course post impact so we can see how the right trail side wrist moves through those positions. This would also show how the right palm rotates through impact which is the whole point. I hope this can be added to a future video. This would be extremely helpful to see and know that we are practicing the correct moves through the hitting area. Once mastered at slow speed we can pick up the throwing pace and ensure it is being done correctly. Thank you in advance! Sincerely, a mere amateur trying to get better but wanting to be absolutely sure I am practicing the correct hand movements!
May 14, 2024
Hi David, I'm working on a video diving into the grip, hips and release as we speak and have plans to do this very thing
May 14, 2024
Chuck, I am never surprised that you are already 3 steps ahead of us ready to deliver more AWESOME content! This GOAT series is PURE GOLD!!! I can't thank you enough! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
May 14, 2024
You're very welcome, if you liked the release video, this one is even better
May 14, 2024
When will this video be released?
May 28, 2024
I'm working on it!
May 28, 2024
Sorry, lol… really looking forward to the missing piece! Cheers!
May 28, 2024
Throwing the club with a slightly closed club face? Doing the tiger 2000 takeaway and backswing , it is slightly closed vs open. My launch monitor suggests I hit it straighter when I throw the club trying to maintain the same slightly closed face angle for the downswing , just wanting to confirm this is good thinking ? Cheers !
May 13, 2024
Not sure what you're referring to here, can you give some more detail?
May 13, 2024
I think I have been throwing with a slightly open club face causing a push. When I throw with a feeling of slightly closed club face I seem to hit it straighter and get into a better impact position. I was wanting to check that this seems correct from your perspective?
May 13, 2024
I would check your grip
May 14, 2024
Hi Chuck, I assume that for pitching you need to have a different release because you need accuracy. Have you planned to discuss pitching and if not, which changes do you suggest using the GOAT theory when pitching in comparison to a full swing?
May 11, 2024
Completely different animals in most every way
May 13, 2024
Yes, that's what I thought too, but have you planned to discuss pitching as well?
May 13, 2024
there are dozens of short game videos already on the site
May 13, 2024
Hi Chuck, Since the goat swing uses the wrists as the power source, how do you gain additional distance? In other words, how do you effectively and safely throw harder. I can get 102 mph driver speed, but how to I get faster?
May 10, 2024
If you're swinging at only 102 you're not using your body correctly. The body has to support the throw. You're likely getting in front of the ball as well, delaying the release.
May 10, 2024
You may say only 102, but thats 10 mph faster than before. I’m happy with that but always looking for more. Thanks!
May 10, 2024
Ha! Didn't mean it like that! But ya, you should be able to get to 110+ with very basic movements, but the next video is going to cover all this.
May 10, 2024
Chuck I was just at the range and I kept reducing my effort to the point I could get great distance and accuracy by effortlessly snapping the club thru. It felt just like a fast flick of the wrist. Is that what you feel?
May 10, 2024
Yep, pretty much!
May 10, 2024
Hey Chuck, just a quick one here. I’ve been having lots of success as this is getting better and better each time out… I truly stopped releasing the club head through GOAT CODE training… However, this is brining it back! My question is, The video prior to this got me feeling great, load the 3 fingers, throw hard at the ball with those fingers… Now this release is helping me release again. However, I am fining that I can’t seem to marry the two together… Too many swing thoughts! I have been trying to feel the 3 right fingers or just the middle finger from start of swing to top and then feel the throw and then think release at impact… Is this correct? Or can I simplify? I’m close, seeing some great results, but feel I’m missing something to marry the 2 together. Thanks so much as always! Steve
May 10, 2024
You are overthinking all this, there's no time for that kind of thinking.
May 10, 2024
Well yes, that’s definitely the issue lol… But honestly, if I don’t actively think to release the hands, I hold off and have excellent hand position at impact (HACKMOTION data) but no power and a weird, high follow through! Is the idea not to feel the right fingers from start of swing to the top, then throw with them at the ball and the feel the release? Like I totally lost the release I had when lead side swinging… I love trail side, it makes so much more sense but I need to actively think to do it at this point…. I’m super close, I’ll get it! Just trying to save myself unnecessary aggravation in the meantime…
May 10, 2024
The body video I'm working on should help, if not, you need to get a second set of eyes on it
May 10, 2024
I just feel that you are close, you’ve got many of us close! After spending years learning lead side on RST and doing 1000’s of reps, then Axiom and bootcamps I have as close but always felt It wasn’t natural… When I bought the Axiom Power program, that really clicked and made me realize I am trail side dominant… So with the Goat Code being geared that way it resonates with me… But old habits die hard and I should do reps to ingrain these movements! Like I mentioned I’ve been along for the entire Goat Code ride and put a lot of work in but then having to make changes as it comes together. Like I said, I feel you are really close to having this completely come together! Like you mentioned, filtering and revamping the site will be a huge help to limit some conflicting thoughts and ideas along the way… I was just hoping you could clarify if it is two feels or one? I feel like many of us struggle with the same thing… Thanks!
May 10, 2024
Let me get this next video together because it is a very important missing piece to understand what it feels like to properly throw. If your body doesn’t move correctly, which is 99% of all golfers I see then it’s impossible to make this simple but once your body moves correctly, which, like everything else is completely counterintuitive, then the throw becomes one very very basic motion
May 10, 2024
Sounds good Sir! Thank you again for your tireless grind to nailing this! I am seeing some great changes already, only been able to kids start getting out here in Northern Canada for a few weeks… But it is in there for sure! Played last night and had 6 great drives all between 250 and 270, ALL CARRY! I’m confident that once this is polished and I put the work in I will see some incredible results! Thank you Chuck!
May 10, 2024
Awesome man! You're welcome!
May 10, 2024
May 10, 2024
Chuck, between this and the throw the club head drill... staying on plane, squaring the club face and quieting the body makes striking the ball in the middle of the face automatic... EVERY time! Thank you again for your constant stacking of good nuggets to make it better out there. Now, to be even more greedy, can this be incorporated with the AXIOM Power Program? Would this require too much timing? Asking for a friend. Just kidding. I haven't experimented because I'm scared to introduce something new and ruin this new consistency, but would love to add a few (dozen) yards to my driver . Would I start with the sidearm throw to get my elbow to pocket / into GDP then add the GOAT release? Start the hand and wrist throw to get the club moving then throw the arm for some more? Both seem to be the same movements / underhand feel and right side focused, but I know I'll end up adding shoulder and arm in at some point to add speed... under of course... not over! Thanks again for all you do!
May 9, 2024
Hi Kade, the APP and GOAT Code are really one in the same. The GOAT Code is just a more flushed out, detailed version of the APP. So yes, they will mix just fine and dandy.
May 10, 2024
Thank you so much!
May 10, 2024
Love The Goat Swing Why would the ball go Left on my swing? Not tucking shoulder in ? Pro tracking right shoulder? no keeping head behind ball? M Santoni
May 9, 2024
Could be all of those things and more. Most likely no axis tilt, bad grip, turning shoulders are the most common culprits
May 10, 2024
My driver swing has been around 105 and I’ve had a hard time increasing it…luckily my smash factor has always been high…so Ive maximized my swing as much as possible… It’s a weird concept that less arm swing and more snap of the wrists promotes higher swing speeds? I think my understanding or concept of what generates speed in the golf swing has been gravely wrong. Can’t wait to try this out…seems like I find gold nuggets of info the more times I watch this lesson.
May 9, 2024
For most people it is wrong. They try and overuse their bodies and then end up using them incorrectly. You can clearly see it when you see a pro look like they're not swinging that hard compared to the avg amateur and yet the swing speeds are far apart. The next video is diving deeper into all of them
May 9, 2024
I’m a believer Chuck. This is the only instruction I’ve ever paid for. I’m all-in on your teaching philosophy.
May 9, 2024
I appreciate their could be a thousand answers to this question without looking at a swing, but trust you have seen so many that you can provide a “95%” of the time this is caused by…. working down to GDP and trying to achieve the snap, are weak slaps or start right fall right push fades more generally caused by adding shoulder turn? Pushing from right side? Supinating left wrist? I love the motion and feel, makes total sense, but have difficulty timing squaring the face.
May 9, 2024
Almost always caused by trying to rotate the body rather than allowing the club to release.
May 9, 2024
When this came out I had just seen a video on how slingers generated more power than a warbow. I had just had 2surgeries and would have to wait to practice this but ohh I can whip my wrists around. Not turning your shoulders open really makes sense now.
May 7, 2024
Great, great great instruction! Best ever. Now I need some exercises for strength/flexibility for right wrist. It’s a whole new feeling and usage and I’m getting some soreness in right wrist. Nothing serious yet but I’d like to prepare my wrist for this new use!
May 7, 2024
Chuck, after reviewing the GOAT Release video a couple of times, I went to the range and course to try the use of my wrists for more speed. After too many years of trying desperately to hear the click at impact, today was one of my best ball contact days ever. You were so right saying for us to concentrate on the speed and the rest will fall into place. The more I sped up my swing the straighter the ball direction and the extra distance was outstanding! I can't wait to play tomorrow. Thank you for this GOAT Release video and helping us find the correct middle finger position for the proper release after all these years. Your concise explanation and demonstration was the most informative and helpful instruction for me to target and correct a problem I've had for years. I tell everyone that listens how great Rotary Swing is. Thank you Chuck for all your efforts and persistence to help us improve our game. The evolution of the instruction detail you have given us over the past 3-4 years is very much appreciated! Thank you!
May 6, 2024
That's awesome man! Let me know how it goes on the course and you're very welcome!
May 6, 2024
Yo Chuck, I have shot 3 rounds in a row (4 out of my last 5) in the 70` s by utilizing this counter intuitive approach...after experiencing this feeling now....I wondr why my old move ever felt correct? I literally went from a 20 plus handicap to what i think is going to equate to single digits and i think scratch is obtainable even. I bought some swing reviews t0 help me really hone my golf swing an daction. Do you review those? It would be amazing to get feedback from you! Im even confident enugh that im signing up for tournaments,, Thx bro!
May 6, 2024
That's a huge jump! That's so awesome man! I only do the reviews that are purchased directly with me, Craig and Anthony do all the default reviews.
May 6, 2024
This is by far your best instruction in this series. The GOAT theory release material was very confusing when I tried to relate it to the GOAT code release videos. Is the GOAT theory section still relevant? I hit about three buckets today at the range. My issue now is hitting the fairway woods of the deck. I tend to top it, or if I make contact, it results in a very low ball flight. Do you have any suggestions? I also cannot control the ball's height with my short irons. The ball flight is very high, but I am still getting good distance, sometimes up to 20 yards more. You insight is appreciatedl
May 4, 2024
Hi Earl, I don't know what was confusing, but ya, it's all still relevant. If you're topping it, there's something major going on that you're doing that you're not realizing like standing up, flipping it, etc. and I highly recommend you get a swing review. Since you said you're ball flight is very high, it's likely you are doing both.
May 5, 2024
Hi Chuck...Just looked at a sequence of pictures of Jake Knapp's swing and he is doing the GDP big time.
May 4, 2024
Yep, he's a great example of a "thrower"
May 5, 2024
Hi Chuck - I am now seeing about a 20 yards increase in distant now. I use to be lead arm dominant but had to switch to trail arm due to soreness and pain in my lead arm. In addition I'm really right-handed but play left handed. I really thought it was going to be problem going trail arm dominant and it wasn't. Thanks again for the video!!
May 3, 2024
You're welcome!
May 5, 2024
Chuck, this is maybe my favorite video yet - makes so much sense. Great visuals - particularly on the decelerating of the body and right shoulder - my nemesis. accelerate. I am a short backswing guy - had always tended to get my hands too deep and flying elbow at the top. This makes so much conceptual sense to me. Two questions - (1) some of the earlier videos talk about throwing at the top while this video seems to focus more at throwing at the bottom of the conveyor belt - how do these two concepts work together? Is it the initial throw is subtle and loads the finger and then you really throw at the bottom? (2) Have a real hard time doing this with one hand. May be due in large part that I am a high capper and had trouble getting into GDP and so the muscle memory isn't there. Or is this also why I need to grip much much tighter on the middle finger to gain that control? Thank you
May 3, 2024
Hi Jay, you have to feel that you are throwing at the top in order to get the club to release in time and correctly at the bottom. Just because you start throwing from the top doesn't mean the club instantly releases - it doesnt.
May 5, 2024
I have the same question about throwing from the top. You stated elsewhere to throw as fast as possible from the top. Has this changed? Please explain. Also, you say elsewhere that the left wrist needs a slight bowing, and in this video, you state you don't think about bowing the wrist.
May 4, 2024
Not sure what you're asking or where the confusion lies here.
May 5, 2024
Great video. Really effective feel. Particularly liked the end of the video as a handy repetitive visual. Immediate impact on creating consistent contact and effortless speed. I found it more challenging to stay patient with longer clubs. I am assuming you’d recommend the same technique for woods and driver?
May 2, 2024
Yes, one swing for every club
May 5, 2024
Hi Chuck, after working on this at home a couple of days ago after watching the video (hitting off a mat into a net), I took this to the range yesterday to try it out. I do believe I was getting more clubhead speed and distance as compared to the lead side dominant swing I have trying to develop for the last several years. However, most shots that went fairly straight (with a high trajectory) landed ~25 yards left of my alignment/target. Also had a few fly nearly 100 yards left, yikes. Thoughts?
May 2, 2024
Sounds like you’re not shallowing out at all which means you’re trying to turn your shoulders to get back to the ball or have an extremely shut club face but my first guess is that you’re very steep coming down
May 2, 2024
Great video and feels faster which is good but am I the only one seeing some shanks and heel shots. Is this because I'm subconsciously still not trusting to properly release?
May 2, 2024
It’s more likely your arm doesn’t have any room because your hips are not getting out of the way and you are standing up and losing your posture. It could be also that your arms are getting too deep and you’re swinging too far from the inside.
May 2, 2024
Hi Chuck...Great stuff and I am gaining yards on all my clubs. The last part of the video was all down the line shots. Any way we can see from the front to see the wrist action? I'm a visual learner and that would help.
May 1, 2024
I will work that into the next video
May 2, 2024
Chuck- thanks so much for all your thought, work and analysis! With this video, combined w/ the GDP VIDEO, I think you truly just handed us the "keys to the castle"! I Have been practicing the last few days and have felt the ball rocketing off the sweetspot as I put less and less effort into it!
May 1, 2024
Yes!!! Thank you so much for the feedback!
May 2, 2024
Chuck I know this deals with the full swings but how does this grip work in the short game say 30-40 yards in?
May 1, 2024
I meant to add the grip and the release for short pitches. I ask because I had S1-l5 fusion end of February . I have been released for short game work but not full swings. I feel like this is just what I need when I get back out there end of May and cant wait.
May 1, 2024
This release is truly for speed which is obviously not the goal in the short game but that doesn’t mean that you can’t use it. One of the biggest things that you can glean for this is feel and sensitivity in touch in your dominant hand for controlling the club face in the short game and with that you can definitely practice it.
May 2, 2024
THE MISSING PIECE! Awesome stuff here Chuck! As you know, I have followed the Goat Code from the start, I have had some epiphanies, light bulb moments, growth, setbacks and failures… However, one thing throughout the entire journey is that all of this resonated with me and made so much sense! I really realized that I have been fighting trail side dominance while trying to be lead side dominant. So I did find myself crossed up, fighting old and new feels etc. All of that being said, I just felt there was a piece missing for it to click with me! Well, I believe this was it! I’ve gotta say, you’ve hit it out of the park here! Everyone is always saying that this or that video is the best you’ve released… I’d put this one right up there and would say the entire Goat Code series as a whole is truly revolutionary in terms of teaching a simple, safe and effective swing! Tiger’s early 2000’s swing! So did it work for me? Well, I took this to the course and had immediate success with this very feel!!! FINALLY ONE FEEL, no other thoughts… Just this feel in the middle finger! I was hitting it straighter than ever and even hit 10 shots on the one par 3, hitting the green, in range with every shot! I did see a drop in distance, but have no doubt that it will come as this gets more ingrained and more natural! Seriously excited! A face on video like the last 10 minutes of this video would be awesome along with some trail hand HackMotion data! Truly grateful for your time, dedication and hard work!!! Many thanks and applauds! Your swing truly looks so damn close to Tiger’s early 2000’s swing it’s crazy!!! Cheers, Steve
May 1, 2024
Thank you Steve that’s awesome to hear! In the next video I will put in a face on video
May 2, 2024
Awesome, if you could detail weight shift, when and how to feel, what initiates it in the face in that would be great! Also, since you get so many questions about driver vs iron setup and swing, maybe you could show both? Just a thought! Thanks again!
May 2, 2024
I watched this video early yesterday morning and went to the course a couple of hours early (for my afternoon tee time) so I could practice this move. I had the basic move down before I went to the tee. I have to say that I was amazed at the results. My tee shots were straight and much longer than usual. My approach shots were spot on with my short irons (sometimes a bit too long). I was amazed at how straight my 5 & 6 irons were. The guys in our foursome were telling me how smooth my swing was on particular shots and also said that it was the best they had seen me play in a long time. I did have 2 shots off the tee with the driver which leaked (faded) any got me close to being OB and one pushed shot on a par three with a 7i, which I think was caused by my right shoulder.??? This has got me excited. I would have posted a really good score if it hadn't been for my putting, which I'll be devoting more practice time in that area. Thanks again for all you do for the golfing community.
May 1, 2024
Awesome! Yep driving around instead of under with the trail shoulder will keep the face from fully releasing
May 1, 2024
This could be the one ! looking forward to more testing , great video !
May 1, 2024
Thanks hope it helps!
May 1, 2024
Dr Michael
Another Great GOAT code video Chuck! These release videos and the power in your swing remind me of an article long ago in 92/93 of a golf digest with Boom Boom on the cover. As a matter a fact it’s still at my folks house on a shelf lol. I was always amazed at how these guys were able to generate so much power swinging so easy. I remember reading the article and they had a frame by frame of couples with a driver down the line and face on. They article mentioned how Couples released the club and hit the “hell” out of it with his right hand. The release has always been most intriguing since there were so many ways to release the club. This is by far the best and most efficient. It’s amazing when you look at couples Tiger Jones and Vijay like you mentioned in older release videos also how the right hand almost comes completely off the club in the proper release. Question - with a Stronger or slightly stronger grip be easier to release the club more easily. I know in your older first videos on the grip you mentioned how that could lead to some other issues in the swing. Keep the GOAT going! Awesome videos !
May 1, 2024
Thanks! Ya freddy throws the heck out of the club for sure. The stronger grip will give you more leverage on the sure I play with a relatively neutral grip where the these point to the right side of my head and right shoulder, but stronger can work just as well
May 1, 2024
I have watched all of your GOAT series videos. I loved everyone of them, but this is the one that finally clicked in my mind. I started putting tape on the right middle and ring finger. I still struggle staying behind the ball (stop turning the shoulders too fast). I'm a 15 handicap and shot 85 today with 2 lost balls due to pull hooks (when I didn't stay back). When I stayed behind the ball and didn't turn my shoulders, I was pounding the ball. Thank you for putting out multiple "feel" videos. All the previous ones made sense, but I could never get the "feel" until this one.
April 30, 2024
Awesome! Handicap will be falling soon!
May 1, 2024
Really good stuff Chuck - I love how much more athletic it feels. Quick question - I do find that using this technique results in feeling I'm 'staying back more' as you mention in the video. I also notice on the sim that it results in a lower attack angle (0 to -2) vs the -3 to -4+ that many claim is optimal for ground contact/compression etc. Is this also your experience and is it something to be concerned with? Thanks much and keep up the good work!
April 30, 2024
No, that has not been my experience but the reason that you are coming into shallow is most likely not getting pressure shifted back to the lead side enough. You’re looking for a balance here between staying back enough to get the club released but also getting the pressure shifted enough to have proper shaft lean
May 1, 2024
Thanks Chuck - I really appreciate the timely response.
May 1, 2024
You’re very welcome!
May 1, 2024
Great video. Feels comfortable swing with trail arm but having trouble squaring club face with both hands? Cheers
April 30, 2024
It could be that you are pulling hard with the lead arm if the face is staying open
May 1, 2024
Chuck, I have really added speed and snap to the swing with this. However, I am hitting the ball higher on the face resulting in higher flight. I can get it down by releasing like the 9 to 3 but I lose speed and do not want to do that. Can you steer me in a direction or two? This is fantastic stuff. Thanks.
April 30, 2024
Hey bud!! if you’re hitting it higher on the face, there are a couple possible culprits. The first one is that your head is moving in front of the ball, and then you are too upright with your spine at impact leading to a steeper angle of attack, the second one is that you are thrusting the trail arm to aggressively, and that will also steep in the angle of attack and cause strikes high on the face the more that you create a more underhand with the trail shoulder, going down, the club, will approach the ball on a more shallow angle of attack leading to contact lower on the face where it should be
May 1, 2024
Thoughtful and insightful response. As usual. Ty
May 1, 2024
I just read it and realized it’s almost unintelligible lol damn talk to text. Let me know if it doesn’t make sense.
May 1, 2024
It makes complete sense. I was at the course when I read your reply and put more reps in with that input. It does make a difference and I could see it on the ball marks on my club face as well as ball flight. I can see why you need to start the release early with the driver so the club face squares and not open. What a difference this all makes!
May 1, 2024
I wish i had figured this out 20 years ago which is about how long you've been a member! Thanks for all the support all these years! Means a lot.
May 2, 2024
Yes. Been with you and RST for 20 years. My son attended a dinner at the Masters and Justin Leonard spoke. He said he got tired of golf, burned out, and headed to the broadcast booth. He got the urge to play again, quit broadcasting and started practicing again after being away several years. He said he practices 3-8 hours a day including the gym. He also said he is a different golfer now with new thoughts and he will be a different golfer a year from now. He mentally feels he continues to evolve and learn new things. Sound like someone we know? Over two decades I have seen you evolve and develop new ideas. Honestly, some better than others but always well thought out. Personally, I think the GOAT theory is your best work yet.
May 2, 2024
Thanks Carver! Yep, if we're not learning new things then we're not growing.
May 5, 2024
Chuck, I played the last couple of days and I missed so many greens long. On target but long. I also hit longer drives than I ever have on my home course. I have gained at least 20 yds on all my shots. Amazing. To me the feels i have are; the backswing feels shallow as I get my rt hand in a palm up position and arm externally rotated. From there I skip the stone while keeping pressure on my rt Index finger. Really odd to hit at least one amazing shot per hole. Now I need to adjust my clubbing to stop overshooting the greens. Thats not a issue I thought I would be dealing with. Thank you for solving the puzzle. Chuck has a not so secret secret!
April 30, 2024
That’s a good problem to have! This is why I have focused on ballstriking my whole life and not putting. This is the FUN stuff! Hitting an amazing shot on every whole is what i live for
April 30, 2024
Wow! This looks so amazing and effortless. From a timing and sequencing standpoint, when would you say you start to initiate the supination of the right wrist? I can’t wait to get out and try this!
April 30, 2024
It starts immediately off the ball and gradually increases. You dont need much to start at all but i find it easiest to start with it and keep going with that same movement gradually
April 30, 2024
Wow Chuck, I finally understand what the swing is about & how the pros make it look so easy. I’ve been fanatical about golf for 30 years & managed to get down to a 3 handicap but my lack of distance, pull hooks & heel strikes have stopped me getting any lower. This has literally fixed all this in 1 go. I watched the video twice & without even going down the range I’ve been able to take it out onto the course. It’s also stopped me thinking about backswing positions making the swing so much freer & enjoyable.
April 30, 2024
That’s awesome!! Taking it straight to the course is the goal so it’s great to see someone attempt it and be able to do it.
April 30, 2024
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Good morning Chuck, brilliant information in this video, all 40 minutes! In this whole GOAT serie I found very helpfull information to shape my understanding of what the swing needs to be. One thing you talked about in this video I already found out myself during the last time and that was that when I start my swing from GDP position it is so much easier to get in the right position at end of backswing, so I use this often during practice. Where I hope you will guide us next is, how golfers that are left arm/hand dominant but play righthanded can feel their release but from the lead arm/hand perspective. I notice that, when I make a release lead arm only I can make the same high speed release with the same clockwise motion. In fact lead arm release feels more solide then rear arm release for me. When I use both hands I notice that, for me, it feels like both hands make the same release motion, where lead hand /wrist makes oposite movement in relation to rear hand/wrist in the release. My feel is that I my lead last three fingers pressure points (also important in Homer Kelley's book) are more dominant then the two middle finger pressure points in the rear hand. So I guess my question is: is it a good thing if , for a lead arm dominant golfer, in the release both hands work together and not have the release only from the rear hand and the lead hand is totally passive? Friendly greetings, Marcel
April 30, 2024
Hi Marcel, what you are describing is essentially the DEAD Drill. The right hand was always involved in the lead side pattern, just not nearly as dominant as what I'm describing here. So, if you go back and look at those videos it will be what you are looking for.
April 30, 2024
Thanks for the in-depth, leave no stone unturned explanation. With such a quiet body and no-effort approach, do you feel this swing offers enough support to keep the club head speed up on a 4-iron that needs to get to a ball that sits down in juicy grass? If not, how would you approach that situation? This looks great for tee shots and clean lies, but I don't know if there is much oomph behind the ball once the clubhead experiences resistance. I think I also prefer a pretty minimal divot, but still. Am I wrong in thinking like this? Is the generated speed enough "support" to keep the clubhead moving through trickier lies? Or do you simply adjust your swing a bit in "special situations"? I know that when I stand over a thick or juicy lie I sometimes "sense in my hands", before swinging, what it will feel like when the clubhead moves through it, and it affects my execution of the swing, for the worse. I think this is a great complement to the Axiom Power Program
April 30, 2024
Hi Andree, I would simply either swing harder or add more body into it - specifically right shoulder to be able to drive the right hand through and hold on to the club more firmly if needed.
April 30, 2024
Love the video. I'm curious though, at 40 minutes into the video, you are hitting your 6 iron. Are you hitting a cut shot? I noticed that the swing path going left. I have noticed Tiger in the past, taking aggressive practice swings to the left and I'm pretty sure he hits a cut. Your thoughts please. Thanks
April 30, 2024
No, I'm hitting it dead straight as you can see the ball flight and my path is not left, I'm setup to the left. Look at my feet.
April 30, 2024
At 32:45, you accidentally hit the hammer on the nail. “…In fact I’m trying to get my whole body to be quiet and just listen…really just listen to my middle finger”
April 29, 2024
April 30, 2024
Chuck…is it safe to say that supinating your right wrist feels like the wildest thing to do in a golf swing ever? No wonder so many people struggle with the swing. It feels so counterintuitive, yet, it’s so simple to get into gdp by doing it. It was always a mystery how pros got their elbows tucked in like that, but by focusing on the middle finger with grip, supinating the right wrist, and by keeping your right shoulder “back”, it seems like you can get into gdp pretty effortlessly. This has to be how pros do it…. It feels pretty wild letting the wright wrist “flatten” out like that, but the proof is in the pudding!
April 29, 2024
Well it sure as hell took me a long time to figure out lol so ya Id say it’s pretty wild! The axiom got me really close to tying it all together and this buttons it up I think.
April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024
Very interesting video. If possible, could you share your HackMotion data for reference to improving?
April 29, 2024
Chuck, the LIGHT BULB (for me) just went ON! Way to connect the dots! I can't wait to try this underhand RELEASE pattern as it allows for that continuous motion of both hands right through the ball. I can't wait to report the results! Incredible detail presented in extremely simple to understand terms along with the demonstrations to teach the correct path and pattern to achieving Effortless Speed!
April 29, 2024
That was the goal! Glad you saw how this ties it all together
April 29, 2024
What's the Hackmotion data (flexion/extension) look like with this approach? My slow-motion videos make it look like a pretty bad flip (the right wrist is doing the right thing and the speed is definitely there).
April 29, 2024
Identical to before but with more rotation compared to what i had posted in the last video
April 29, 2024
Juan Jose
Hi Chuck! Great video; I think this will help me a lot. In the GOAT grip video, you mentioned that the left arm and hand should do the heavy lifting of the club during the backswing. However, in this video, you said that the hand should feel dead. Should we lift with the left arm and deactivate it at the top of the backswing, then start using the right hand? For me, it makes more sense to grip tighter with the right hand from the beginning and swing the club back using the momentum of the weight shift to my right leg. On another note, where can we see a slow-motion video of your new swing from a face-on view?
April 29, 2024
Most all the GOATs talked exclusively about taking it back with the left. I dont think i ever have seen anyone talking about taking it back with the right. However I personally feel all right the further I go down this path. It could just be because of how messed up my left is. I can swing the same way either way but at the moment i feel nothing but right and my left is barely there. I will try and get a good face on soon and post here
April 29, 2024
Chuck great video! I am starting to link this into my old brain. One thing who pick up the balls you hit over the cliff.
April 29, 2024
Me, my wife and my dog. Part of our morning hike
April 29, 2024
Hi Chuck Great videos and concepts! Question about the grip. I thought the right hand thumb sits slightly to the left side of the grip, rather that on top of the grip as you demonstrate? All the grip training aids put the right thumb on the side of the grip. Please clarify. Thanks Greg
April 29, 2024
It does sit to the side
April 29, 2024
Realize after watching this that I wasn’t quite supinating the club enough. Even without this, using the release from the top concept, I zhot my best round ever (3over). I honestly think that after I implement this last piece, I can shoot par or better consistently. The feel vs real thing is…well…real! This helped me realize why my shot seemed a bit steep at times and why my miss was slightly right. I can’t wait to incorporate this into my swing. The Goat Code works! I’ve improved my scores by 10+ strokes and they keep getting better. Thanks Chuck!
April 29, 2024
10 strokes is amazing man! Keep it up!
April 29, 2024
Hi Chuck, love your videos and this one is really seems like the money video that connects the GOAT Code videos to the original Tiger 2000 trail arm release videos. One question about this one in particular - for the “pulley” on the endless conveyor belt, do you think of that pulley as right over the ball, or ahead (target side) of it for irons? Should the pulley always be in the same spot in relation to your own body (e.g., in front of your lead thigh), and that dictates its relationship to the ball, or should you actually alter the position of the pulley for each shot? Thanks!
April 29, 2024
Hey Michael, great question and you're over the target. For iron shots you'll tend to move the "pulley" forward a bit more as you're going to have more shaft lean. With the driver, directly over or even behind will get the most speed and best launch angle. From there, you can alter it for different shot shapes and trajectories.
April 29, 2024
Hi Chuck- Are you able to give a high level with this thought on the pulley to incorporate in the shot shape? I think I would grasp the trajectory part but the shot shape is something i'm curious about with this type of release pattern. Matt
April 29, 2024
Think of shifting the path of the conveyor belt to be more to the right or left and the angle the pulley would be once the path has shifted
April 29, 2024
Thanks Chuck that makes a little sense. I think a good future video would be incorporating these goat code videos and just some quick walk throughs of the specialty shots. Just a suggestion to tie in for the players looking to get more creative on it.
April 30, 2024
The GOAT AI has been updated with these two videos on the release so if you have questions, start by clicking that little red circle in the bottom right hand side of the screen to get instant answers.
April 29, 2024
I like the AI
April 30, 2024
It’s getting crazy good at answering a lot of questions now. Trained on close to 3k questions this month already. Slowly working myself out of a job!
April 30, 2024

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