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Uphill Bunker / Sand Shots
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As you learned from the Short Game DVD, hitting shots out of the bunker is very easy once you learn the few basic fundamentals. But what happens when faced with an uphill lie? As you'll see in the video, the same fundamentals apply, you simply need to understand a couple more things that will make this shot much easier. The swing is the same, only the setup is slightly different.
- Uphill bunker shots are handled using the usual sand techniques: Drawing the box, striking the match, acceleration, etc.
- The only difference is in the setup - if you have a clean lie, your shoulder angle should match the slope
- Balance your weight as best you can and make your normal bunker shot
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4.2 Core Activation - Medicine Ball Throws
4.3 Core Activation - Slam Ball
4.4 Core Activation - Punching Bag Power
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4.6 Skills Assessment Challenge: 20 Yard Shots
4.7 40 Yard Wedge Shots - The Magic!
4.8 GOAT Power Sequence
4.9 The GOAT Drill
4.10 How to Increase Hand Speed - J Release
4.11 The Importance of the Waggle for Speed
4.12 How the Lead Side Works for Power
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Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)