4.14 80 Yard Shots - Down the Line

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You're graduating to full swings! So, this one is extremely important to set you up for long term success with the driver, so get these details spot on! If you want to learn how to strengthen these muscles for more power, here is the RSA video I referenced: RSA Explosive Power

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Chuck, just started the 80 yard down the line tonight and while I’m only a few swings in, I wanted to send a video because I’m noticing a couple of things that are obviously incorrect. Side note…WOW…this is truly the most effortless 80 wedge I’ve ever had. I can’t quit thinking about how pure and powerful everything feels and even sounds with hardly any effort. I must say that there is a lot of technique I’m missing because i got instantly addicted and tried a full swing only to find it not break 100 yards when I typically hit my sand wedge 110 or so (though with a lot of struggles and effort). Can’t wait to learn the rest of it. Note - the takeaway is very exaggerated since this has been my biggest issue through every shot back to chipping. The checkpoints you’ve outlined in this video really work well for me to keep the club outside the hands. I’ll get it tamed and the club not so far outside my hands as I get more reps. I mentioned this in another comment but I love the feeling of how inside it gets my arms so I hope it’s the same for every shot. Anyways, back to the issues…first, why is there such a HUGE gap in my knees at the top of my backswing? Even my 40 yard wedge had a decent gap and this just can’t be correct? Any recommendations on how to stop this, or do I even need to stop it? Second, my club is exiting extremely low and left, almost mid torso. And I’d say about 80% of the 80 yard shots I’ve hit are pulls. When I really focus on the GDP with a hard supination from the top I can minimize the pulls but I still seem to be exiting low and left. You seem to exit at about the shoulder or just below…any recommendations? Thanks!

March 6, 2025
Hi Kendall, the gap in the knees, the outside takeaway, these are all you just overdoing things too much. You have the overall right feel, just need to relax and tone it down a bit to get more fluidity in there, then you can start really diving into the details more
March 8, 2025
Thanks. Could you tell me why everything is going left? I spent a couple more hours on it last night with the same left result.
March 8, 2025
See my previous reply
March 8, 2025
Is the takeaway feeling in this the same as the chipping, pitching, and short wedge shots? I rewatched the takeaway video and didn’t notice you mentioning the feeling of keeping the gloved fingers visible and the cupped left wrist. I like those feelings better in the takeaway so I’m hoping it’s the same.
March 6, 2025
Yep same for all shots
March 7, 2025
Chuck, can you post a link to your video so that we can use it with the overlay?
March 5, 2025
Here ya go

March 6, 2025
Hi Chuck, I am wondering if this is the correct sequence and correct way to be shallowing the club and supinating? On video to me it seems like I am getting laid off but that is me trying to feel the supination. In my full swing I try to do this feeling and I get laid off a lot and then want to pull down and steepen it. I want to make sure I can get to the top of the backswing properly to allow supination to come naturally. To me, supinating and getting shallow feels impossible in a full swing but if I can’t do it right in a slower swing than I need to make sure I get this right first.

February 19, 2025
Really good, but you just stalled out your rotation and that’s what will get you to drop the club under the plane. Keep that core rotating and get up onto the right big toe more and you’ll never have to worry about the club dropping under
February 19, 2025
What do you mean by getting up on the big toe more? Are you saying to push more off of the toe in the downswing and be like Justin Thomas?
February 19, 2025
Check out the squish the bug drill. It’s a pivot on the big toe to allow the left hip to clear faster and get more out of the way not that you are pushing up on the big toe that much.
February 20, 2025
This was a full sand wedge. Am I shallowing correctly? I notice that my hands and arms are deeper and behind me more than you Cuck? I am also noticing my hips are thrusting forward through the strike as well. Not sure if this backswing and downswing is good because this swing looks like all of my swings.

February 19, 2025
I’m getting really solid strikes where it feels like I’m hitting nothing and occasional thin strike when I stay back, just want to make sure I’m on the right track.

February 13, 2025
You’re not using your hips and core on the way down so your feet are pretty flat and your hips aren’t getting rotated
February 13, 2025
Thank you
February 13, 2025
Looking at this video when you have the camera on your head showing your hands position, where you show that you supernate right hand at the top to shallow club after taking club back outside hands from address and then upwards , why cant one just do this from address on the way back which opens the face with more loft and club travels behind hands as it ends up in the same position at the start downswing in one move? and it keeps right elbow in and is what my long term pro always taught. why do the first 2 moves ?
January 9, 2025
Sorry Mark, I don't really understand the question. It sounds like you are asking why not just fan the face open at setup or during the takeaway?
January 9, 2025
exactly. when you showd the pronation part it seems to get to same position as if you fan it open straight away which is what i was aked to do in the past and been trying to do your methosd instead of late
January 9, 2025
if you begin to supinate immediately off the ball you’ll have nowhere to go in the downswing and the fascia will be unloaded actually want to keep the wrist from supinating during the back swing so that you have the ability to snap it quickly when the fascia is loaded in the downswing
January 10, 2025
Chuck, this is the first time that I have ever been able to shallow the club from the top. I was also amazed at that effortless speed created. Love this video. Thanks! I used the visual eyes app and noticed my right elbow is flared compared to yours. I also look bunched up / hunch backed at the top of my downswing. I attached a video. Do you think my right elbow is too flared? Anything else stand out?

January 9, 2025
Hi Eric part of it stems from set up where your little crowded and hunched over and then you were picking the club up with your arms and that’s what’s causing your elbow to flare out. You need to load into your right hip rather than pick up your arms turn the back swing
January 9, 2025
I think that tension in my arms and wrists are an issue for me to make this move a valuable one. Is that an accurate observation about tension being a limiting factor to implementing this move? If so, what comments can you make to remove the tension......it seems to me that I need some tension to move the trail wrist into supination.
January 3, 2025
Watch the video on coiling around the trail leg
January 3, 2025
Chuck, whether you know it or not this is the ABSOLUTE BEST EXPLANATION viewpoint of the ENTIRE GOAT CODE series!!!! The TOP DOWN VIEW and EXPLANATION of SUPINATION is ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR!!! You can just watch the last part of the top down video and GAIN MORE UNDERSTANDING of the GOAT code than any other lesson or video that only shows the Face On (FO) and Down the Line (DTL) views. This is actually like being in your shoes to watch exactly how a professional makes the GOAT CODE Swing all the way through the ball. In my opinion, every video you teach should have that exact same explanation sequence at the end. Now I will know for certain in my own swing if I am doing it correctly as I have a perfect view of the correct pattern. WOW! This is PURE GOLD!!!
January 2, 2025
Thank you! I thought the camera view from my perspective would be helpful and plan to do more like this for sure
January 3, 2025
Hi Chuck , on these 80 yards shots, what launch angle and spin numbers are you looking for? I heard somewhere that for your irons, your launch angle should be half of the loft that is on the club that you are hitting. What are your thoughts on this?
December 23, 2024
I dont use a launch monitor like that. I play these shots solely by feel and have no idea of launch or spin numbers. I hit the shot that i see in my mind that is required to attack the pin
December 23, 2024
Do you play a certain ball flight or do you try to mix it up?
December 23, 2024
If you've been following our instagram acct you'll see I only hit one shot in general - straight. I will vary trajectory but prefer to hit my wedges pretty low with a lot of spin.
December 23, 2024
Thanks for the information. I wasn’t aware of your instagram page, but I will check it out. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
December 23, 2024
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Chuck, you mention the Visual Eyes is a free app, maybe I do something wrong but when I download the app, I can get a free trial for 7 days, after that it is 5,50 euro's p/m. Is it a free app in US? Thanks for helping! Marcel
December 18, 2024
Not sure Marcel i have no affiliation with them I just downloaded the app a while back and it was free
December 18, 2024
Thank you
December 16, 2024
How does one find and import Tiger’s (or your’s) swing into the Visual Eyes app for comparison?
December 16, 2024
I screen record them with my phone from video on YouTube and then there is a button that says import to pull it into the app
December 16, 2024
Are you able to post your video file (and Tiger's) somewhere we can download it? I personally would prefer yours since I am 5'7" and you are much closer to my height than Tiger. Thanks!
December 27, 2024
I have uploaded here and you can play it and do a screen record from your phone

December 27, 2024
Thanks Chuck!
December 27, 2024

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