4.7 40 Yard Wedge Shots - The Magic!

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Tired of getting your grips dirty using your clubs for alignment? Get these alignment sticks from Amazon. This, THIS is where the magic happens. This is where you begin to feel like The GOAT, where you feel like you can become a master over that little white ball. This is where everything you've been working towards comes together into a real golf swing that will carry over all the way to the driver.

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My shots are having decent results but when i watch the video the backswing looks okay but i can tell that i am ever so slightly coming over the top. I think that the error will compound at a faster swing speed. Any suggestions?
March 6, 2025
I'd have to see it, but you're mostly likely turning your shoulders or pushing with the trail arm
March 8, 2025

March 11, 2025
You are turning your body way too aggressively and that is what is causing you to come over the top
March 12, 2025
I am currently trying to engage my core more on the downswing to try and stop my hips from disengaging from my core. Is that the right path?
March 12, 2025
Yes but it’s not just turning your core. Take a look at the goat whip video to get a better understanding
March 13, 2025
I’m to the point now with my makeshift basement setup that I can no longer move the mat back and get a face on angle while hitting longer wedge shots. So here is a quarter angle which may or may not be useful. Angle of attack on this shot was -5.6. A bit steeper but much better than my old swing. Again, I’m feeling more fluidity and I can really feel the sensation of my hips clearing and that goat arm through impact with good compression. Thanks for feedback!

March 5, 2025
Looking good Kendall! Pushing too much off the trail foot but otherwise great.
March 6, 2025
Chuck, should the trail side still be “dead” on a 40 yard shot? Basically play it like a pitch as far as weight transfer? Also, at what point/distance do you begin supinating to throw the club? Is 40 yards too short of a shot to throw? Thanks!
March 6, 2025
The trail side is only involved in the initial lateral shift. We're not doing much on such a short shot so it's not overly involved. The throwing motion starts more at the 80 yd shots
March 6, 2025
So just to clarify for me as I may have missed this, but as part of engaging the core what needs to happen is a smaller version of that downswing whip video where arms and shoulders are pretty quiet and it's using the glute and hamstring of lead side to pull the hip back and behind even on these shorter shots. Just you are not snapping as aggressively?
March 13, 2025
Yes every swing simply builds on the previous one so the mechanics are the same each time from putter to driver just smaller as you go down the set
March 13, 2025
Hi Chuck, I’ve really been working on getting more fluidity in my swing to get my core started first and leading on the way through. I really felt it on the 40 yard wedge shot. Another thing I’ve been tracking while going through this program is the angle of attack. I’ve ALWAYS struggled with an extremely steep AOA hovering around -8 or -9 and I was really hoping to get it into the tour range. On this 40 yard shot (down the line) my angle of attack was -4.5 and contact felt great! I’m sure I’ve got lots of work yet on this shot but for an hour in it feels pretty good. Looking forward to any feedback, thanks!

March 5, 2025
Looking great, just try to maintain more width in your trail arm - that is what will shallow out your AoA.
March 6, 2025
Greetings from another snowy CO day! Appreciate your comments. What’s up with my trail leg during the downswing? Ball carried 44 yds per SkyTrak.

March 4, 2025
Couple things, first, your right thumb and forefinger need to be meshed together and you need to use that hand during the backswing more. The trail leg is doing this because you are pushing off of it. The feeling is more glutes and hamstrings than quads on the front of the leg. The set of downswing videos I'm working on are going to cover this more in depth
March 5, 2025
Hi Chuck, I’ve been getting some really good results with all the steps so far. Ball compression, flight and direction has been great but watching back on camera it looks a bit awkward coming through impact and I feel unsure about my setup. Please let me know what you think, I’m also uploading a chip and pitch video to the relevant lessons if you could take a look. Thank you!

February 18, 2025
You’re taking the club back a little bit too much with the lead hand. Need to focus a little bit more on the right
February 18, 2025

February 18, 2025
Just checking to see how this looks. Really enjoying the GOAT code!

January 6, 2025
I’m glad you are enjoying it Tom. It’s fun to work through these things and learn and improve the first thing you need to tackle here is know how you’re picking the club up with your hands and your right arm is folding early practice hitting some shots right hand only between 20 and 40 yards and feel as if your right arm does not bend and check your self on video against Myself or tiger
January 7, 2025
Perfect!! Thanks for your help!
January 7, 2025
For 20yd carry wedge shot I feel I do not have to add any elevation to my backswing, only rotation. For the 40yd in this video it appears you add elevation to get the lead arm parallel and your speed is 50%??
December 12, 2024
Yes you will definitely need to get the hands up higher for the 40 yard shot and add more speed
December 13, 2024
I have been working the Goat program. Doing the 40 yard shots using my Flightscope Mevo+ (In Nova Scotia golf is over for the season). I give myself 5 pts if I'm within 1 yard of 40 yards and within 1 yard either side of center, then 1 pt if distance is short or long but within 1 yard of center. I go with 20 minute intervals counting points. Last time I had 48 points in 20 minutes and 43 minutes to get to 100 points. I am not counting balls - just time. It's a challenging but fun little game. I'm using my 60 or 52 wedge. My miss is typically 2-3 degrees (left face to target) but usually corrects when I focus more on holding the face like it's staying open. Anyway - doing this 2-3 times a day and seeing very consistent results now. Super hopeful this will eventually translate to longer irons and eventually driver. I currently play to an 11 HC index.
December 6, 2024
Awesome Tim. The quickest way you can start translating this to full swings is make the same stroke but add ten yards at a time. You are about halfway to a full swing here and it wont take much speed to add ten yards
December 6, 2024
Ok that is great advice. It's tempting to rush, but hey I have 5 months before I can play outside again. I'm just starting to dig into the Goat Power Sequence as well. I feel like it's coming together nicely. Thanks for the excellent program, I really enjoy the process.
December 6, 2024
You’re welcome!
December 8, 2024
I have started working on the 40 yard wedge shot. How does it look? What do I need to concentrate on?

November 30, 2024
Looking real good but hanging back on back foot too much. Get more pressure on your lead side on these short shots
December 2, 2024
Chuck - I have always been a scooper. My problem is in my wrists and hand position at impact. I hit the ball fine when my timing is great. It’s been a long process for me to get my hands in front of the ball at impact and to keep/increase flection in my left wrist. The first four phases of the GOAT Code has been very helpful. I’ve used Hack Motion as a tool for a couple months and it is great as the data helps me get the right feel at the top and impact. At this point, for the 40 yard wedges, should my wrists be quiet? I mean is the goal to have zero to minus 5 at the top and then maintain that through impact. Should I ignore my wrists for now?
November 24, 2024
Yes, wrists should be relatively quiet. You are still in "clubface control" mode on such a short shot so we don't want much happening here.
November 25, 2024
Hi Chuck, when transitioning from C4 system to GOAT system then eliminating clubface rotation from the GOAT system, did you notice any loss in distance? Thanks, as always!
November 18, 2024
Nope, my swing speed yesterday was 126 mph with the driver. I swing just as fast with more clubface stability.
November 19, 2024
That's amazing! Thanks a lot, Chuck.
November 19, 2024
Weird question....where do you look during your golf swing. Back or front of the ball. A few inches in front....Chuck what are you looking at when striking the ball? Thanks!
November 3, 2024
Just at the ball I don’t make it any more specific than that
November 3, 2024
Chuck- Great stuff! At 8:30 in this video, you refer to it as a 60yd shot. A slip of the tongue? p.s. Just watched the Power sequence and Power Pivot vids--it's all coming together!
October 27, 2024
Hi Dennis, it probably was, but I'm working on the 60 yd video today!
October 29, 2024
Hey Chuck, you mentioned that you hit your wedge more than 100 + yds at that attitude. When you make a full swing with the wedge (60), does your setup/swing change back to a normal takeaway (as shown in the Takeaway video)? Or do you just make a bigger turn and rotate core more quickly? Also with these 20/40 wedge shots do you have your lead shoulder back & up as shown in the normal GOAT Setup video? Thanks as always!
October 16, 2024
No, at that distance it moves back to a normal full swing as I would with any iron. Setup is the same for all the shots regarding the shoulder.
October 16, 2024
Hey Chuck, I noticed that in the GOAT program (so far) there is no mention (except in some comments) of throwing the club head. Perhaps, I missed it....... As the swing gets longer will you address throwing the club head?
October 13, 2024
Yes exactly
October 14, 2024
Is the takeaway the same with these small shots (20 & 40 yds) the same as with a normal iron shot? Also, will I have a small amount of wrist hinge & cock towards the end of this swing after the takeaway?
October 10, 2024
The overall movements are very much the same, but of course, there are minor differences because of the lack of speed and load, etc. And yes, your wrists will need some set here.
October 10, 2024
Hey, can you check on the move?

October 5, 2024
Beautiful work. Two small things. One. Be mindful of the lead hip and knee working too much back in the backswing. On a short shot without much time to drive off the trail foot we need to stay a tiny bit more left to ensure crisp contact. Two. You let your head rotate a little early on the downswing and this can lead to slight pulls.
October 6, 2024
Update I see what you are talking about thank you. I also have another question. When you uploaded that video of tigers foot sliding back, is that a result of feeling like your pushing of the left leg with no weight on the right and it’s sliding back? or is there a feel of driving off the right foot? I can do it both ways but it’s completely different feels. Which one is the right way for what we are going for?

October 8, 2024
a better way to think about it is that if you are trying to use your core to rotate your rib cage to the left, your lower body would actually need to rotate to the right in order to create torque and that is the feeling that you’re looking for
October 9, 2024

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